by | May 9, 2017 | Christianity Today

On September 11, 2014 Mechelle and I moved to Reno.   We’ve often been asked why we moved here.  We never could answer that question.  We came in raw obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Now it is has become clear why we are here.  The answer is something unique.  I am going to preach about it as part of a message I believe God has ordered me to share on Sunday night May 21st.
My message encompasses far more than just Reno, or even Nevada.  We need a word from God.   I can tell you this in advance:  A big part of my message is that it is time.  It is time!  Everything in me tells me so.  David said, “It is time for you to act, O Lord, for they have regarded Your Word as void.”-Psalm 119:126.
I am inviting you to join me Sunday night May 21st at 6 PM to hear this urgent message.  However, this will not only be a night of preaching—but living proof.   Way more than a regular meeting—this is a night of signs and wonders—a time of deliverance over the power of Satan—a night for lost souls to be saved by the power of the Gospel, and for fire to fall on the people of God.
No one needs to tell you how desperately we need this!  America’s morals are crumbling fast.  We are almost hopelessly divided.  It has been so long since revival that an entire generation has grown up without a Christian foundation.
The weight of this coming event has driven me to prayer.  I want to pray for your healing and for those you love who also need healing.  I have a way to do that.
All I need is your first name and the miracle you need—or the first name of someone you are bringing and their need for healing, deliverance, or to be born again.
All you do is call or text me at 1775 238 3473.  You can also email it to me at info@mariomurillo.org.   Every name and need will be prayed over.   All I ask is that you agree to come and bring those who are being prayed for.
Matthew 18:19 says, “If any two of you shall agree as touching anything on earth, it will be done.”  Let’s agree for miracles and salvations.
You can imagine how many services I have seen in my lifetime.  I know when a night will be extra powerful. That is exactly how I feel about this night.

When:  Sunday May 21st at 6PM

Where:  Spirit Filled Church 3175 Goldy Way, Sparks, NV 89434.

Call: 1 775 238 3473 





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