I have a Plan

by | Feb 16, 2017 | Christianity Today | 2 comments


I want to explain a coming disaster and the plan God has given me to face it and reverse its damage for the glory of Christ.

I have a plan

By Mario Murillo

Many people have a dream.  I have a plan.   A plan is more powerful than a dream because a plan turns a dream into reality.  You cannot overstate the importance of planning.  If you do not have a plan, someone else’s plan will control you.

Planning pulls the future into the present.  It gives you advance power over trouble that is heading your way.

The hardest part of planning is to let go of things that worked 5 years ago—no matter how nostalgic a method may be, you better know when the Holy Spirit says to let it go.


Maintaining intimacy with God is life and death to a ministry.  You can put your ministry on cruise control and drift out of range of God’s voice.  Churches have folded and ministries have closed because they were caught without a plan and failed to adapt.

A God plan is a weapon against approaching danger.  Noah did not build the ark while it was raining.  Only God can give us the right plan.  I believe He has.  God gave me an eye to see past the camouflage and warned me of impending danger.

I want to explain a coming disaster and the plan God has given me to face it and reverse its damage for the glory of Christ.

The coming disaster:  Obama did many bad things to America.  He stagnated our economy.  His style of leading from behind fomented war and instability in the world.  His sympathy for Islam created barriers to fighting terrorism.  But the worst thing he did was to our children.

-The number of youth who claim to be atheists doubled in the 8 years he was in office.

-The entire social justice warrior snowflake agenda came on his watch.  Colleges and universities declared war on free speech and opposing views.  They saw racism and sexism in everything (even peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were called racist).  Students began to feel micro-aggressions from anything that challenged their beliefs.

-He framed Islam—which executes women and gays—as less oppressive than the teachings of Jesus and millions of our youth bought the lie.  He created a mindset of hypocrisy and contradiction.

-He made government god.  He grew government with a stolen credit card and laid a $20 trillion debt on the backs of our children.

He took away their hope and cut them off from the source of life.  Check out what our children are saying now:

42% said they will never own a house or have a meaningful job.

34% said they will have a lower standard of living than their parents

58% say that asking for help will not solve their problems.

44% do not know what to believe.

Young America’s Foundation released its annual Youth Misery Index and found it at a record high. “Over the course of Obama’s presidency, the YMI has spiked an alarming 29.9 points, an increase of 36 percent.”


This heart-wrenching disaster embodies the cry of a whole generation:  12-year-old Katelyn Nicole Davis from Cedartown, Georgia used Facebook Live on December 30th to live stream her suicide.  As she hanged herself in her front yard, the video played for an entire 20 minutes.

I have a plan to prevent these tragedies.  It is a plan that deserves a chance because it will work. 

Here’s the plan: 

Appoint regional directors who will oversee ongoing soul-winning and follow-up.  This will multiply our outreach tenfold.  They will sustain relationships with local pastors and leaders, not only to retain our results, but to prepare for our return to these cities.

-Train and release an army to the front lines: We need workers who can pray for the sick in the streets—not just in auditoriums.  These workers are beyond essential because they will bring in lost souls to our events.  The great mistake today is to assume if you advertise, people will show up.  Imagine 10,000 young people trained to go out and bring back the harvest!

Take our internet media platform to the next level.  Millions have read our blog and looked at our videos.  This is not nearly enough.  We must enhance our skills, technology and content for a new generation.

-Choose strategic sites for our events.  We must be near the problem.  We must be in a venue that is large enough to make an impact outside church walls.  We must face reality: most Christian events draw only Christians.  If we want the unchurched to come to our meetings we must be in halls that will attract them.  Even though this triples our cost, it must be done or we will only preach to ourselves.


-Open a college in Reno for the next generation of American Evangelists.  We dare not hoard 50 years of front line experience.  Too many of our Christian colleges are teaching theories untested in true warfare.  We must help shape the soul winners of tomorrow.

How do we know this plan will work?  The most important way to judge if a plan will work is to look at the track record of the planner.  Since our earliest breakthroughs in the radical campus at Berkeley, we have known how to invade the impossible.  We know how to hire the best—give people the best training—adapt to current trends of the youth culture—use a fresh approach to share a timeless message—and release signs and wonders in the mainstream of the youth culture.

God said, “Choose 10 cities. Invest $1 million and you will start a movement—a national movement.”  Where will I get a million dollars?  The good news is that it is in the pockets and the bank accounts of those who receive this letter.  The miracle is in releasing it.  The miracle is in the Holy Spirit’s power to turn your good intentions into action.

This blog has never been about fundraising.  It has been offered freely as a tool to inform and ignite action for the cause of Christ in America.  Most of all, I ask for your prayers in this epic outreach that Jesus is forging through us.  Nevertheless, your gifts of love are the reason this mission is possible.  Thank you for being a part of this harvest.


Here is the one thing that will make all the difference in the world: First time givers!  I am calling on you to donate to MMM if you have never done it before.   No matter what, your gift will make a difference—it will make all the difference!

Of course, we need our loyal supporters to give and I am profoundly grateful to all of you.  But the fact is thousands read this letter are on the sidelines…but if they get in the battle it will turn the tide of the war.  I am not asking you for a million dollars (although, it would be wonderful to receive such a gift). I am asking for you to listen to your heart and invest in our children and grandchildren.

Many of you have seen revivals or had the honor of growing up in a powerful church.  Shouldn’t the next generation get to see revival?  I am not begging for money… I am begging for souls.  This is all about your children and your grandchildren.  Satan has pulled out all the stops to destroy them.  Shouldn’t we open our hearts and our pocketbooks to save them?  I have a plan—it will work—it deserves a chance—help me put it into action.

Thank you for clicking of the donation link to help me win souls



P.S.  Registration is filling up fast for our Living Proof World Convention in Houston.  However, we can guarantee space for you and your group if you act now by clicking on this reservation link.  Click here to register now!   http://igfn.us/f/12w0/n




  1. John Dooley

    Have you thought of posting this on Christian crowd-funding sites?

  2. Aaron jackson

    This is awsome!!



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