Private hell

Vast swathes of the church still bring up his past.  A few who are wearing tinfoil hats call him a devil. Clueless preachers still won’t take a stand. He goes through hell every day protecting the American church and they repay him with indifference. I am sure that he...

Making America Like California

Even though California is an unambiguous disaster, Democrats are fighting to make us all surrender to California’s agenda. That is what the 2020 Election is all about: making America like California: a godless, anti-Christian, socialist hellhole. Michael...

What Every Christian Must Understand

What you are watching unfold in the House of Representatives is not simple hatred, it is something deeper. It is total desperation. The Democrat elite are feverishly conducting a sham trial because they don’t know what else to do. However, this impeachment is simply...


Today you find yourself facing threats that were unimaginable just 10 years ago.  Changes are dizzying. Political and moral evil is on the march. The child of God navigates a world that is explosive. Do you have children and grandchildren who depend on you?  That...

What Every Christian Must Understand

What you are watching unfold in the House of Representatives is not simple hatred, it is something deeper. It is total desperation. The Democrat elite are feverishly conducting a sham trial because they don’t know what else to do. However, this impeachment is simply...


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