by | Dec 24, 2020 | Christianity Today | 47 comments

Who were those shepherds? They are us. Their story is our story.  Their situation is our situation. We share a common theme.  We share a common enemy.  The terror that stalked their night is the very one that preys on the hopes of believers today.  They are so much like us!  Their future was sold to pay a debt to a foreign empire.  For them, it was Rome, for us it is China. 

Their leaders forged an unholy alliance with Augustus Caesar.  Some of our Democrat leaders take bribes, appease our enemies, attack Christian values, and apologize to the world for our greatness. The faith of the shepherds’ forefathers was diluted by false ministers and mocked by pagans. Our faith suffers the same fate! Their weak economy created a crime wave that forced them to stay out in the fields watching their sheep.

We have watched governors and mayors go crazy, destroying small businesses and jobs.  Can Americans relate to getting through a day by choking down emotions and doing their jobs on cruise control?

What do we want most for Christmas?  Let me propose an answer.  What we want most in all of this mess is good news.  We could sure use some good news!  It would be so wonderful to see the unrelenting torrent of scary headlines, dire predictions, and disappointing reports swallowed up by good news! But what would be good news to you right now?  What message do you need from God right now?

What we want most is a visitation of God.  It is easy to think that we want something else, but nothing would help us more, nothing would do the job better, nothing can compare to it.  In 1982 I watched as San Jose was enveloped by the Glory of God.  It was a time when the economy was as bad as it is now.  The prime rate soared to 22% and unemployment was even worse than today.  Yet thousands crowded into the meeting every night for 22 weeks!  The presence of God that filled the building evaporated fear and worries.

Yes, the people needed jobs desperately, but somehow, it was overruled by the Glory of the Lord.  Each night they sang their hearts out, each night tears of joy washed away the cares of their life.  Things other than material things became important.  Something priceless had come to them and they were not about to let human concerns rob them of that precious moment in their life.

I am a Pentecostal. It is that simple.  I know what it means to have the Holy Spirit drench me. I know that when the Spirit of God is upon me, fear, worry and anxiety all vanish.

What the Angels did was to turn those shepherds’ priorities upside down.  We know the Bible says, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all of these things will be added unto you,” but in the daily grind, it can seem to be an impossible task.  Moments ago, these men were taut with tension and defensive of their herd, to the point that they would have gladly fought to the death to protect their flock.  But after the announcement made by the angels, they were ready to run to a manger, oblivious of the sheep they were leaving behind.

Yes, we need jobs, healing, and many other things, but what we need most is the Glory.  Glory will make our soul gaze at God, and as we gaze, distracted by His splendor, God will fix the issues of our life.  Modern pulpits have done us a great disservice by focusing on “how-to-Christianity.”  It seems so right to get practical teaching on relationships, money, and handling emotions.  And that is the very problem! We have been taught that we need to “handle our lives” and “fix” ourselves.

This is the bait of Satan: to get us to strive and fret and battle by our own wits, and not by the anointing of the Holy Spirit.  What leaders are failing to do is to seek and obtain a move of God among their people.

Why did God skip the theologians, the priests and the king, and send those angels to the shepherds?   This is the question of the ages! How embarrassing to all of those in power and to all of those who made a life out of studying the prophets, reading the times, and being “in the know,” who were overlooked in favor of these lowly shepherds!

We are constantly trying to qualify for a career, a credit card, a club, or some kind of status, but are we qualified for a visitation of God?

What if these are not the bad times?  Maybe the bad times were back when you had money and toys.  Maybe in these hard times you are holding your loved ones closer, praying a little more deeply, and trying a little harder to be humble and grateful.  Maybe instead of suffering, you are merely getting into a position to be visited by God.

So, thank God for your circumstances. You have been born for these very times. They have come from His nail-pierced hands, and the very trials you are going through are preparing you for your destiny!


  1. Darlene W

    In the waiting our faith is further developed and strengthened and that pleases God. Justice will come and it will sweep across our nation swiftly by the arm of the Lord.

    • Elizabeth STEPHENS

      Read the full chapter of Psalm 37:1-40 Verse 4 “ Delight thyself, also, in the The LORD; and He will bring you the desires of thy ❤️ heart p: and the l

    • Elizabeth Woerner-STEPHENS

      Psalm 37:1-40 (Read and SEE God’s way that will be done on Earth) HE loves us just as He loves Jesus. Verse 4:
      “Delight thyself, also, in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” Verse 17: For the arms of the wicked shall be broken: but the LORD upholdeth the righteous. Verse – 18: “The LORD knoweth the days of the upright: and their inheritance shall be forever.” Read each verse of chapter 37 and pray , Heavenly FatherThy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven , In Jesus Name. AMEN ❤️??????????????

  2. Beverly Campbell

    Come Down Oh Love Divine in all Your Firey Splendour to the people of Your pasture..Heal our land .. our Families & our Nations ..USA..UK..RSA..Emmanuel!

  3. Zorica Angelkovich

    3:30 am in N Y ,wet, windy,sad night…suddenly amazing post from brother Mario! Light ,peace,truth show up on my old iPad and hope that God will bless us and our country,that He is always with us…THANK YOU,brother Mario, I am so grateful ?????❣️zorica

  4. Matthew Strahan

    So, thank God for your circumstances. You have been born for these very times. They have come from His nail-pierced hands, and the very trials you are going through are preparing you for your destiny!
    This ain’t no big screens, skinny jeans, and fog machines message.
    Merry Christmas ? and be blessed Brother Mario, keep preaching the truth.
    God is about to bring the ?????????????

  5. Ken Mc Ninch

    Merry Christmas my friend. God bless you and yours.

  6. John R.

    Glory to God in the highest!

    • prayinginok

      And on earth peace, good will toward men. God bless you John!

      • John R.

        And the same to you and your family.

  7. Susan Paul

    My favorite! Thank you! GOoD Word!! Positioning and preparing to receive His destiny for us!! From: Mario Murillo Ministries Reply-To: Mario Murillo Ministries Date: Friday, December 25, 2020 at 1:27 AM To: “” Subject: [New post] THEIR STORY IS OUR STORY. SO WHO WERE THOSE SHEPHERDS THAT NIGHT?
    mariomurilloministries posted: ” Who were those shepherds? They are us. Their story is our story. Their situation is our situation. We share a common theme. We share a common enemy. The terror that stalked their night is the very one that preys on the hopes of believer”

  8. Sue

    Your posts are very encouraging! Thank you & Merry Christmas!

  9. Peter Cawthon

    Merry Christmas greetings Mario from Oaxaca, ?? Mexico. I read your blog first thing every morning and it sets the tone for the day. My wife and I have been missionaries here for 28 years; but our hearts and prayers are focused on America. Thanks for standing strong for the Lord’s cause.

  10. fredsheltonministries

    Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.
    The shepherds were starving for God and His righteousness to come and heal their land. Then came the angels and they received the news from heaven that changed the world.

  11. winterberry

    Just wanted to say thank you for these inspirational messages and for the books you’ve written. I’m standing on a Rock regarding Trump but I have the same gratitude and steadfastness for you also.
    Sent from Outlook

  12. Roger Culwell

    Big amen sir, Rev 3:20 Jesus is still standing at the door of the church and knocking, but they still will not open the door so he can come in and sup with them, man and devils had rather play Church when the most wonderful place to ever be is in his presence where you established a one on one relationship with Jesus Christ, a lot of people even in the Church just know about Jesus, they don’t really know Jesus, he came so we could know him instead of just knowing about God, we could know Jesus and get to the father, but so many just don’t want to go to hell, they don’t really want to know him, and in order to go to heaven we must know him, just meeting in a building doesn’t bring the presence of God down it takes true praise and worship, and a relationship with the Holy Spirit, its like getting married but never going in with your wife to know her intimately, or never talking to her, you may know a little about her, but you have never become intimate with her, and most never become intimate with Jesus, they never go in with him, time we got to know the real Jesus and his precious Holy Spirit. Merry Christmas sir and God Bless, you and your family.

    • bdk11

      Amen Roger

    • Clark

      THIS is eternal life, that the saints might KNOW the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. O how satan hates the truth of the Trinity in Oneness with His own people! This is where the Glory of God abides and where God commands the blessing, even life forevermore! See John 17

  13. DWhite

    Mario, God Bless you for this blog. Several times over the last few weeks my faith has weakened and after I read your blog each morning my faith is reenergized and built up. I have determined to not listen to any words that do not line up with the prophets and the ministers of the Gospel like you who continue to speak life faith into my life. I know we are created to live in this time. We must stay in faith to keep our country free from this corruption that has invaded our government. Thank you again for allowing God to speak so clearly and precisely to us in this time.

  14. Steve Terry

    “…..what we need most is the Glory”……..YES…..and AMEN…..??????????….Thanks again Mario and all who surround you …..I am sooooo grateful for you…
    Sent from my iPhone

  15. Wordforworld

    Wonderful, welcome blog, Mario!
    The shepherds were told BREAKING NEWS TO ALL PEOPLE:
    Unto you born this day
    The SAVIOR
    The CHRIST
    In a manger, the baby in swaddling clothes.
    Did the shepherds (the faithful) run to town looking in all the…inns & hotels??? NO! They found the Savior in a manger, as they were told.
    Religion would have checked all the hotels, inns, B & Bs; and missed Him!
    Their story IS ours. We believed and finally received the Good News, for ourselves & for our families LIKE THE SHEPHERDS, the faithful! Glorifying & praising God for all that was told to us, too!
    In our spheres of influence, we are shepherds. What an empowering revelation.
    “Gathering” souls into His Kingdom by sharing the Good News of eternal life in Christ Jesus.
    We know how to “share!”
    That we shall do!
    Merry joyful CHRISTmas to Mario, Mechelle, MMM, commenters, visitors
    and to all, in Jesus’ Name!

    • Clark

      What is a shepherd? Someone who cares, shares, and declares the Great Good News of the Gospel of the kingdom of God! OUR GOD REIGNS FOREVER!

  16. n9nwo

    look for the new year, 2021. The adversary believes he has won. What has happened is that woke a sleeping giant. Our G-D has moved and will move. There is a spiritual revolution that will shake our nation.

    • Clark

      The Kingdom of G-O-D keeps on coming no matter what! When the Kingdom of G-O-D breaks in, it brings forth salvation and judgment with an inexorable Victory! Permanent Total Victory! G-O-D is forever on His throne and His Kingdom rules over all.

  17. Mike Davis

    Every time something happens to lessen the chance of turning the election around it reminds me of Elijah and the 450 prophets of Baal. Elijah poured so much water on the altar that only the God Who answers by fire could burn up the sacrifice. So when you see something that quirks you just know God is allowing another bucket of water on the situation so that when He answers by fire the whole world will know it was Him.

    • Kevan

      That’s a good word, Mike. Thanks for sharing.

    • Annette

      Excellent analogy Mike. The modern day prophets of Baal will be stunned at the work of our Great God.
      Praise God, our Savior is born and He is coming back as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

    • Clark

      Watered down dead religion can not stop the fire of God from falling! It destroys all the works of satan! The God who answers by fire, he is the Lord God!

    • kingskid48

      Amen, Mike.

    • Vanya Were

      Yes and Amen to that post

  18. Mark Pollish

    How true. Thank you Mario.

  19. T2020

    Amen! Merry Christmas!???

  20. hayates24gmailcom

    On Fri, Dec 25, 2020 at 1:26 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Who were those shepherds? They are us. > Their story is our story. Their situation is our situation. We share a > common theme. We share a common enemy. The terror that stalked their > night is the very one that preys on the hopes of believer” >

  21. Joyce Kirk

    Yes,got it and read it Excellent!!!! ?Joyce
    On Fri, Dec 25, 2020, 1:36 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Who were those shepherds? They are us. > Their story is our story. Their situation is our situation. We share a > common theme. We share a common enemy. The terror that stalked their > night is the very one that preys on the hopes of believer” >

  22. NewHeavenOnEarth

    thank you! I love what you said, “I know what it means to have the Holy Spirit drench me. I know that when the Spirit of God is upon me, fear, worry and anxiety all vanish.” yes and amen! so true! everything vanishes but the holiness, righteousness, perfection (NOTHING lacking) of union with the Father and Son in the Holy Spirit, in the glory!
    With the Spirit of the Lord upon us, proclaiming the year of the Lord’s favor for believers and the day of vengeance for evil; comforting all who mourn (Isaiah 61:2)
    Merry Christmas!

  23. diane linn

    Praise to YHWH. Thank you MMM for continued encouraging words and truth. I have been encouraged by your faith and instruction since 1970 at Saturday Night of Miracles celebrations. Now I am an old woman, 70, and alone in a strange land. Your instruction to seek God in His Holy Spirit keeps the life I have through Jesus empowering me to surrender to faith and not fear.

    • Clark

      Diane, such beautiful comments! God bless you in a special way for your faithfulness to Jesus your Messiah.

  24. yesua7

    thanks brotherman……Merry Christmas

  25. Arline Reed Trowbridge

    Thank you, Jesus.
    What a blessing you are to me, Mario Murillo, by sharing your gifts of The Holy Spirit.
    May Our Lord, Jesus Christ, be manifested in us, as He is truly in you.

  26. bernidynet

    God bless you, Mario, now and always.
    Leonard Carroll
    Sent from Mail for Windows 10

  27. kingskid48

    Once again, a beautiful and uplifting perspective on the Christmas Story in the light of today’s world.
    Thank you again, Pastor Mario, Merry Christmas to all your family and to all you faithful warriors here.


    SO BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN, BROTHER…MAY GODS’ BLESSINGS, BE UPON YOU…ALWAYS!!!HUSTUSAFROM 2012…Now we all know why they chose to BLOW SMOKE…it was because they are all guilty of TREASON!!! (CLICK LINK)

  29. John Browning

    I was watching “The Chosen” the other night. The shepherd with a limp brings a lamb to the “lamb broker” who was apparently the procurer for temple sacrifice. His lamb was rejected in some way for a small blemish. I thought of how businessmen are often misunderstood by ministry leaders. However his limp was healed when he heard the announcement of Christ and ran to the manger.

  30. Barbara Anderson
    On Fri., Dec. 25, 2020, 2:38 a.m. Mario Murillo Ministries, wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Who were those shepherds? They are us. > Their story is our story. Their situation is our situation. We share a > common theme. We share a common enemy. The terror that stalked their > night is the very one that preys on the hopes of believer” >



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