It is the darkest time in American History. We yearn for peace, wisdom and safety. We wonder about our children’s and grandchildren’s future. Our bodies succumb to weakness and pain from the raging stress of this age.
We cannot find the words for what we yearn for. What is the miracle we all long for? It is a work of unshakable emotional well-being. We want an uninterrupted flow of God’s power, grace and love. But, how do we get this?
I want you to see three things God did, and one thing you must do. We begin with the meaning of Christmas.
This year, defining Christmas is an emergency! I do not fear for Christmas. Quite the contrary, only the Gospel has more power than Christmas. Christmas will endure and impose its wonder on an angry world. All of the rocks thrown at Christmas, all of the railing against it, and all of the intellectual assaults on it, will bounce off and only reinforce its supernatural nature.
Christmas must be defined, for our sake. As I surveyed the Word of God, three verses captured me, and told me the clear meaning of Christmas.
Isaiah 9:6, For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given.
John 3:16, For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Romans 8:32, He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not, with Him, also freely give us all things?
These verses should weaken our knees beneath a weight of eternal gratitude.
Christmas means this: God the Father gave His Son.
The human race was beyond helpless; cursed with an unlimited tendency toward evil. Human history horrifies. Our story is one unending night of agony. Ages of nothing but darkness.
There was only One who pierced the blackness. His words came, and they came to stay. Jesus kicked Satan’s teeth in, and chained him to a twilight existence. Left with only partial use of his powers, the Devil awaits the certain doom sealed by the Cross and the Resurrection.
How do I make the miracle of Christmas my daily strength? The three verses quoted above tell us something of unimaginable wonder: Christmas is, first and last, God the Father giving His Son. He is the ultimate Giver. Eternity can calculate neither the depth, width, nor the height of His supreme sacrifice.
Let me repeat what I said before. There are three things God did, and one thing you must do.
1. Jesus is a gift to you from the Father. “For unto us a Son is given.” Isaiah 9:6 begins not by telling us what was given, but to whom it was given. Jesus is a gift to you from the Father. You must personalize the miracle of this gift.
Religion says God only rewards those who always do right. That leaves us out. But Christmas says, “He is a gift to you in all of your failings and the gift is given without condition. You need never be without Him.”
My friend, Lionel Rodriguera, once sold a house in Southern California to a working-class family. He helped them find a loan, closed escrow, and gave them the keys. A few days later he went to check on them and found them living in the garage. They told him that they did not believe the house was theirs and huddled in the garage out of fear that the real owner would show up. The hardness of the life they had experienced had given them a permanent sense of unworthiness.
How many of us are living in the garage, emotionally, because we do not accept that we are the owners of a great salvation? You are free to roam in all of the rooms of the Kingdom of God.
Jesus is a permanent gift to you. In a world where things are constantly being taken away, how amazing it is to know Jesus will always be there!

2. You were worth the sacrifice. “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.” Jesus said this about the value of a soul, “What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his own soul?”
At an auction in New York City, a Giacometti sculpture sold for $101 million. To me, it is ugly. I wouldn’t have given a hundred bucks for it. The point is that no one knew its value until the auction. The value was disclosed by what someone was willing to pay for it…
Likewise, the angels did not know the price of a single human soul, until the Father gave His Son. The darling of the universe, crucified? Heaven bankrupted for humanity? The value that God placed on the human soul stunned and baffled the angels.
Psychiatrists tell us that we need to feel valuable to someone. It is one of the deepest needs of mankind. Christmas booms out to you in a loud voice, “Look at how valuable you are to the Father!”
3. How will He not? Once there was a millionaire widower who only had one son. With all of his wealth and power, he still could not prevent his son from going to war in Korea.
When his son was killed, that father could not be comforted. He began a downward spiral, until he lived in the shadows. A year later a package arrived at his mansion. It contained a perfect portrait of his son in uniform. With it was this note: “I am a young painter from Korea who befriended your son. I painted this so that it might bring you some degree of comfort. Thank you for your sacrifice for my country.”
That portrait hung over the mantle of the great hall of his estate until the day he died.
Soon the massive home was the site of a great auction. Art treasures, antiques, and vintage cars drew collectors from everywhere. Two items were auctioned off. The third item was the painting of his son. No one bid on the painting because the painter and subject were unknown.
The silence was broken by the long-time gardener of the estate, who happened to be there as a bystander. “I only have a hundred dollars to my name, but that boy was like my own son.”
With that the auctioneer began to pound the podium with his gavel. “This auction is over!” The stunned audience demanded to know why. The auctioneer announced, “The Will states that whoever buys this painting gets the entire estate.”

Likewise, whoever gets the Son of God gets the entire estate. Romans 8:32, “He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not, with Him, also freely give us all things?” How will God withhold anything you need?
So, what do you do for your miracle? Psalm 116:12-14 says. “What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me? I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord. I will pay my vows unto the Lord now in the presence of all His people.”
Drink deeply from the well of salvation and call on God from a heart that is full of confidence―because of the mighty Christmas Gift.
Make this the Christmas where the miracle of what God the Father gave us, and gives us every day, sinks into our soul so deeply that it neutralizes the power of fear and dread completely.
Mechelle and I want to wish you and those you love the merriest of all Christmases, from our family to yours!

Thankyou for your wish`s
Thankyou for your support in these our time of need,
Thankyou for asking God to believe in us and not forsake us.
Thankyou God for giving us Mario.
O Mario that is just wonderful. We all SO need to “come up higher” and see as God sees and live from heaven to earth instead of being so earthbound. I need to know my full inheritance which Jesus purchased at incomprehensible, unspeakable cost. I’m sick of living in the garage! I love the song by The Binions “I can’t stay here any More”. May the beautiful Spirit rest tangibly on all this lovely community of believers this Christmas and forevermore.
Joy, your comments are just flat out wonderful! We live in the Godhead. This is our eternal home. “For we are dead, and our life is hid with Christ in God.” Mario’s message was so potent I thought my phone was going to explode! See Colossians 3:3
I am also one who needs to come up higher, I’m 74 and brought up in religion,do good to be blessed,I also lived in the garage . Thank you very much for this message I just the Father to remove that religious spirit and the in forgiving spirit from me, I look at my husband and say I forgive you I release you in Jesus name.I thought I for gave him, I left him God’s hands. I’ll keep saying I forgive him and until God heals me. I’ll know , because I woke up one morning and I knew I didn’t have a hated feeling for my dad. I need prayers, Thank you GOD BLESS❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️
What a beautiful and wonderful message Mario.
Merry Christmas to both of you!
Thank you brother, Merry Christmas
Sent from my iPad
What a beautiful Christmas present. Thank You for this inspiring timely message. Merry Christmas!
and a Very Merry Christmas to you and Mechelle and all your loved ones Mario. God Bless the Murillo Family.
One of the most interesting, comforting and encouraging Christmas sermons I’ve ever read or heard. Thank you. Merry Christmas.
And the Merriest of Christmases to you and your loved ones.
Thank you so much ?? Your ministry has been a great blessing for me now daily. I love how you smack evil in the face daily.
MURILLLO is to satan what
TRUMP is to corrupt politicians….
Straight forward no BS defiance , by exposing the truths to the church and American people. Through PRAYER & TOGETHERNESS with JESUS at the helm we will overcome.
Dear Mario,
Thank you for bringing to attention what should be most important about Christmas. While so many traditions have to be changed this year, this truth and God’s love remains strong and unchanged ?❤️ Merry Christmas to you and Mechelle. Can hardly wait to see what God does in 2021. Thy Kingdom come!
Humbled and blessed, Michelle (Shelly) DiGilarmo
Sent from my iPhone
Thank you Mario.
God bless you so much Mario and family. Merry Christmas from my family to yours. Thank you for who you are and your the ministry God has placed into your hands.
Alleluia! I thank God for you and pray for you daily as I read your messages. You are the only one that I know of who is still standing for the truth of our nation’s elections and for our real President Trump. May God do all and more than He has already revealed in His word.
Thank you, Brother Evangelist Murillo and Mechelle,
I didn’t even realize how much I really needed that.
I pray God’s favorite blessings on you and your house in Jesus.
Merry Christmas, Mario and family. Thank you for this beautiful post. I appreciate you and your ministry. We need more men of God like you.
Thank you so much Mario.
Happy Birthday to my Lord and Savior Jesus.
Merry Christmas to All.
I love your blog. This brought me to tears!
Thank you Mario for this beautiful word. For reminding me how loving and gracious our Father is and how wholly beautiful is our Jesus.
His Blessings to you and your family.
Theresa Kane Realtor Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Preferred Properties 570-499-0600
A very powerful Christmas message…thank you Mario and Merry Christmas to you and Mechelle as well.
Thank you for this awesome message that is perfect for this day and this time in our history.
Merry Christmas ?
On Thu, Dec 24, 2020, 3:20 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” It is the darkest time in American > History. We yearn for peace, wisdom and safety. We wonder about our > children’s and grandchildren’s future. Our bodies succumb to weakness and > pain from the raging stress of this age. We cannot find the wo” >
I love you blob, love you Flashpoint and especially your preaching, you don’t pull punches, you preach the truth and that is what sets us free, I am praying for Bakersfield, I pray it goes longer than 3 days. We need a move of God in our state and in our government. Keep it coming Lord God Almighty send another Pentecost upon nation and our world, only You Lord can save us, only You Lord can Change us Lord in Jesus name. Amen and Amen.
that was supposed to read I love your blog, and love you on Flashpoint, guess that’s what happens when I don’t have my coffee.
Merry Christmas to your family. Thanks for your daily word of encouragement. Our house stands against evil and we will win. Blessings Bob
Sent from my iPad
You are just about the only clear voice during this dark election. I don’t have to weigh thru weird prophecies with you, I get a tough, sincere, hopeful word. Thank you, Mario. Have a Christmas filled with peace, beauty, and love.
Whether Trump won or lost, our battle is still defined. We have to do a massive outreach to America. Politics is just the manifestation of the spiritual. Our youth are empty and lost, seeking meaning in extremism. The Baby Boomers have never really came back to faith. They need to be cramming for their “finals”.
We have so much work to do. And two years to do it.
I don’t remember where I read this: “You can never be humble until you know how much you are loved.” Doesn’t that hit it? We’re so valuable to God that He gave us what He loves most. Thank you, Mario, for this, and for all the loving care you have poured into these blogs for us, the starving and scattered church. Merry Christmas to you and to everybody reading here!
Merry Christmas to you and yours Mario.
Thank you for your timely words of life and truth.
God Bless!
Most appreciated. Thank you. Merry Christmas to ALL of your earthly family!!!
A touching story, a powerful message, a lasered focus on the meaning of our past, PRESENT, future with Christ Jesus. Thank you for your tireless efforts to share, encourage, lead, speak up, BE as you were called to BE. Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family.
Mario true words of comfort and encouragement and thank you for all your posts this entire year with the goal to lifting us up in our walk with the Lord. You have personified what Paul wrote below:
2 Corinthians 1:3,4
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
Let us all be mindful this holiday time, as our family and friends may be disheartened in these days, to remind them of the Love of our Father and how valuable we are by Him giving us His only begotten son Jesus Christ.
I agree!
Merry Christmas Mario and all your family! Words cannot express my thankfulness for your sacrifice of these daily post. They help keep me on track. Love the Lord Jesus and how exciting to live in this country and see what God is doing. Keeping my eyes on Jesus standing and praying for the nation. Blessings.
On Thu, Dec 24, 2020, 2:22 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” It is the darkest time in American > History. We yearn for peace, wisdom and safety. We wonder about our > children’s and grandchildren’s future. Our bodies succumb to weakness and > pain from the raging stress of this age. We cannot find the wo” >
The words that you post mean so much to me. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
God Richly Bless You Mario and Michell! Love you both my beloved brother and sister in Christ Jesus ❤️??
Sent from my iPhone
Mario, God bless you and Mechelle for all you do!
Did you see the story overnight about the “exploding white light” over China? They think it might have been a meteor, but I thought of the bright light (prayers) zapping the Asian carp. LOL!!!!
Merry Christmas Prayinginok, to you and all commenters
Where could I find news abt that “exploding white light” over China, that occurred last night? Thanks!
Thank you Wordforworld, you too! The first place I saw it was when I checked our temperature this morning on The are now calling it a ‘mysterious flash of light’, but the video is cool!
Reblogged this on Covenant Chronicles with Chris Lovett.
That flash of light over China is really something. Probably is zapping the carp! Merry Christmas, Prayinginok.
You too! I hope you’re not too cold. 🙂
Thank you…. I received my books and I am trying to read and reread âVessels of Fire And Glory.Please pray with me …. my ex husband and I went to Melodyland in the day…. went on to pastor and went to Honduras as Missionarys 1983 with our 3 children… we adopted 2 baby boys while there… we can back to the states to finish their adoptions and began going to Africa on Mission trips…. in 2005 I fell away from God and ended up divorcing my Husband.I know this sounds bizarre but if I hadnât gone through this I know I never could have found JESUS THE LOVER IF MY SOUL.Iâm in a place now that is so magnificent spiritually … but I live in a dog kennel with my 3 dogs…. I haul water and sewer. I have âDiscovered TRUTHâ but my children are so messed up. God is restoring relationship but my 2 girls are involved in this  Sheâs coming into her power⦠She spent years not realizing who she was.She doubted her beauty, her intelligence and her power.She was one who always felt that she didnât quite belong because when she came into this life, her ties to the world of spirit remained far too strong..She was confused and lost throughout her youth, unable to see herself much less accept and appreciate herself. As a result she was like a ship bobbing in the ocean without a rudder and without the sails of confidence to direct her towards her own promised land.She was one who bereft of her own acceptance, hungered for it and searched for it through relationships with others.She was a people pleaser as a result, she would not risk confrontation in order to support herself,she succumbed to being influenced by the opinions of others even though she had already received her instruction from within. She allowed her truth to be sublimated, she allowed herself to be controlled…Her need to be accepted and loved was such that she wasn’t prepared to step on or over any toes.It took her years of being taken for granted,ruled and overlooked before she put two and two together,had enough and got the message. Her suffering forced her to step out of the status quo that had always been too tight for her in the first place…she became an avid seeker, searching for answersâ¦She needed to know who she was, she needed to know why she was here.She needed to find a way to free herself from fearShe travelled far and wide,She sat at the feet of a master,She became a Yogini of an ancient lineageand applied the teachings to her life, She grew strong,She awakened her heartShe awakened her shakti, Her third eye opened as a result⦠Her potentials started to be unearthed rapidly because the veils had parted and she recognized who she was,She also recognized who everyone else was behind their socialized facadeand because she had seen through the myth of idealized perfection,she could appreciate the actual perfection of the imperfections in herself and in others that she had once resisted and rejected. Today she walks with conscious awareness..she no longer labels people as good or bad,She interprets everything as fluctuating energy without a fixed assignment.She holds space for the confusion of others because sheâs been there and she still visits that place herselfshe understands their hunger for love misappropriated as selfishness, jealousy and competition…She feels their vulnerability as she feels her ownâ¦She knows the fear reflected in their eyes through her own past terror⦠But underneath all of it she can see the obscured light, the presence of God/dess despite all the protective armor…Sheâs aware of this same divine presence vibrating in her body and in her heart… She’s not so quick to cast judgment anymore because she knows that she is not above those that she is tempted to judgeâ¦she knows that she is not separateAnd because she gives herself permission to be herself as she is,she can accept others as they are with appreciation and compassion ⦠Sheâs not invested in changing anyone either, she respects everyoneâs chosen path because she understands that every soul is doing exactly what they need to do in order to evolveSo it is not her place to save anyone from their own lessons…She reveals, heals, inspires and encourages instead,she reminds others of their forgotten divinityâ¦She holds up a mirror so that they can see God/dess reflected back⦠She has become a midwife for the re-emergence of the Divine Feminine soul.The shy, timid maiden has transformed into the courageous, outspoken mother of allâ¦She says it as she sees it confidently without shrinking back,Sheâs fiercely protective of the helpless,Sheâs A torch for those lost in darkness,and sheâs not afraid to take a stand for peace and love to flourish in this world… if someone tries to persuade her against her own knowing she simply and graciously responds, âThank you for sharing.âand she walks away…Because she trusts her âselfâ,She knows that she is Divine Mother embodied.. She is Artemis of the wild merged withâ¦compassionate Tara and warrior Durgaâ¦She has traversed the journey of Inanna into the dark underworld and emerged in possession of her kingdomShe knows why she is here and sheâs fulfilling her purpose..Sheâs not alone, sheâs among manywho have chosen to return bearing love as their message,their path and their gift of healing.~ ~Caroline de Lisser Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
Please agree with me in prayer…. my grandson is graduating from UNM and starting law school …. he is how you describe in your book. A good young man but all 11 of my grandkids are influenced by this stuff…. I took and take responsibility for it but I gave it and give it each day to Jesus.One of these daughters a nurse is growing mescaline and treating her clients. Even her pastor father my ex husband is taking her cough syrup…. itâs a far cry from 1972 …. receiving the bapt of the Holy Spirit to the deluted other gospel.Sincerely. Sandra Davis
Your daughter needs Jesus.
No one is God embodied except Him.
He died for all that He may be in us, otherwise we are deceived.
We want to likewise wish you and Mechelle, Mario a most blessed Christmas. We are praying for Bakersfield. Thank you for writing your blog. It provides us with great encouragement, inspiration and Godly wisdom in these difficult times.
Steve Lance and Melissa Kimbrough
Amen Brother Mario! Great message.
Dearest faithful brother!
I cannot thank our Heavenly Father enough for the gift you are to me!!! With tears I write how much your words have encouraged, inspired, comforted and strengthened my heart! I look for your emails first thing EVERY DAY! God RICHLY bless you and your family this Christmas season and coming year.
Much love, prayers and affection, Henrietta Reed
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Thank you Mario. What a deep and penetrating message of hope and love.
It amazes me that God the Son stepped into time and space in the person of Jesus Christ and died for the sins of every person who ever lived or will walk the earth. Not because we deserved it but because He loved us. What a gift and what amazing grace it is!
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
God bless everyone!
God bless you and yours Pastor. God bless you for the encouragement and strength He has brought to me and my life through you. In the past month and a half… I have eagerly inhaled everything you write. My hope is sure in such a great promise-keeping God. With much gratitude and warm wishes for a blessed Christmas…JanSent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
Merry Christmas
| | CHRISTMAS: 3 THINGS GOD DID. ONE THING YOU MUST DO. by mariomurilloministries |
It is the darkest time in American History. We yearn for peace, wisdom and safety. We wonder about our children’s and grandchildren’s future. Our bodies succumb to weakness and pain from the raging stress of this age.We cannot find the words for what we yearn for. What is the miracle we all long for? It is a work of unshakable emotional well-being. We want an uninterrupted flow of God’s power, grace and love. But, how do we get this?I want you to see three things God did, and one thing you must do. We begin with the meaning of Christmas.This year, defining Christmas is an emergency! I do not fear for Christmas. Quite the contrary, only the Gospel has more power than Christmas. Christmas will endure and impose its wonder on an angry world. All of the rocks thrown at Christmas, all of the railing against it, and all of the intellectual assaults on it, will bounce off and only reinforce its supernatural nature. Christmas must be defined, for our sake. As I surveyed the Word of God, three verses captured me, and told me the clear meaning of Christmas.Isaiah 9:6, For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given. John 3:16, For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.Romans 8:32, He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not, with Him, also freely give us all things?These verses should weaken our knees beneath a weight of eternal gratitude.Christmas means this: God the Father gave His Son.The human race was beyond helpless; cursed with an unlimited tendency toward evil. Human history horrifies. Our story is one unending night of agony. Ages of nothing but darkness.There was only One who pierced the blackness. His words came, and they came to stay. Jesus kicked Satan’s teeth in, and chained him to a twilight existence. Left with only partial use of his powers, the Devil awaits the certain doom sealed by the Cross and the Resurrection. How do I make the miracle of Christmas my daily strength? The three verses quoted above tell us something of unimaginable wonder: Christmas is, first and last, God the Father giving His Son. He is the ultimate Giver. Eternity can calculate neither the depth, width, nor the height of His supreme sacrifice.Let me repeat what I said before. There are three things God did, and one thing you must do.1. Jesus is a gift to you from the Father. “For unto us a Son is given.” Isaiah 9:6 begins not by telling us what was given, but to whom it was given. Jesus is a gift to you from the Father. You must personalize the miracle of this gift.Religion says God only rewards those who always do right. That leaves us out. But Christmas says, “He is a gift to you in all of your failings and the gift is given without condition. You need never be without Him.”My friend, Lionel Rodriguera, once sold a house in Southern California to a working-class family. He helped them find a loan, closed escrow, and gave them the keys. A few days later he went to check on them and found them living in the garage. They told him that they did not believe the house was theirs and huddled in the garage out of fear that the real owner would show up. The hardness of the life they had experienced had given them a permanent sense of unworthiness.How many of us are living in the garage, emotionally, because we do not accept that we are the owners of a great salvation? You are free to roam in all of the rooms of the Kingdom of God.Jesus is a permanent gift to you. In a world where things are constantly being taken away, how amazing it is to know Jesus will always be there!2. You were worth the sacrifice. “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.” Jesus said this about the value of a soul, “What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his own soul?” At an auction in New York City, a Giacometti sculpture sold for $101 million. To me, it is ugly. I wouldn’t have given a hundred bucks for it. The point is that no one knew its value until the auction. The value was disclosed by what someone was willing to pay for it…Likewise, the angels did not know the price of a single human soul, until the Father gave His Son. The darling of the universe, crucified? Heaven bankrupted for humanity? The value that God placed on the human soul stunned and baffled the angels.Psychiatrists tell us that we need to feel valuable to someone. It is one of the deepest needs of mankind. Christmas booms out to you in a loud voice, “Look at how valuable you are to the Father!”3. How will He not? Once there was a millionaire widower who only had one son. With all of his wealth and power, he still could not prevent his son from going to war in Korea.When his son was killed, that father could not be comforted. He began a downward spiral, until he lived in the shadows. A year later a package arrived at his mansion. It contained a perfect portrait of his son in uniform. With it was this note: “I am a young painter from Korea who befriended your son. I painted this so that it might bring you some degree of comfort. Thank you for your sacrifice for my country.”That portrait hung over the mantle of the great hall of his estate until the day he died.Soon the massive home was the site of a great auction. Art treasures, antiques, and vintage cars drew collectors from everywhere. Two items were auctioned off. The third item was the painting of his son. No one bid on the painting because the painter and subject were unknown.The silence was broken by the long-time gardener of the estate, who happened to be there as a bystander. “I only have a hundred dollars to my name, but that boy was like my own son.”With that the auctioneer began to pound the podium with his gavel. “This auction is over!” The stunned audience demanded to know why. The auctioneer announced, “The Will states that whoever buys this painting gets the entire estate.”Likewise, whoever gets the Son of God gets the entire estate. Romans 8:32, “He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not, with Him, also freely give us all things?” How will God withhold anything you need?So, what do you do for your miracle? Psalm 116:12-14 says. “What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me? I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord. I will pay my vows unto the Lord now in the presence of all His people.”Drink deeply from the well of salvation and call on God from a heart that is full of confidence―because of the mighty Christmas Gift.Make this the Christmas where the miracle of what God the Father gave us, and gives us every day, sinks into our soul so deeply that it neutralizes the power of fear and dread completely.Mechelle and I want to wish you and those you love the merriest of all Christmases, from our family to yours!
Merry Christmas Mario and family! Thank you for all you do!
On Thu, Dec 24, 2020 at 2:30 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” It is the darkest time in American > History. We yearn for peace, wisdom and safety. We wonder about our > children’s and grandchildren’s future. Our bodies succumb to weakness and > pain from the raging stress of this age. We cannot find the wo” >
Thank you sir for a MAGNIFICENT article. Thank you for allowing God to use you so powerully.
Thanks Mario and Mechelle!
Blessings Joy and have a powerful Christmas!
Thanks Mario for sooooo blessing Anne & I with this HEARTFELT email……WOWIE ZOWIE ??????…?
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Thank you for all the posts you send me through E-mail. I read each one and how they bless me. Please don’t stop writing them. I stand with you for President Trump and I believe like you God will step in and help us to will this election. God bless your ministry. Praying for your tent revival coming in January that many souls will be saved.
Powerful message. Badly needed. Thank you!
Merry Christmas! This deeply touched my heart, Mario. I look forward to your blogs EVERY single day!
your words are so important to me every morning
Reblogged this on Rivers Of Living Water.
A beautiful and hopeful Christmas message. Thank you, Pastor Mario. You are a gift to the Body of Christ. Badly needed wisdom in this difficult age.
We still have some great teachers out there..Perry Stone, Jeremiah Johnson, Dale Black, and some others.
God’s blessings upon you all. Merry Christmas to everyone here.
You too!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, from Albany, Georgia. Praying for true repentance and revival for America, and brighter days ahead. God Bless You.
Brother Tim this article by Mario about Christmas is wonderful donât miss it
Merry Christmas my precious brother!!
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Gabriel Torres
New Day Sales Associates
Reblogged this on Sound Of Heaven.
Reblogged this on WAYMAKER.
What do you think is happening in 2 yesrs?
Excellent question. I need to pray on that! Merry Christmas
Clark, you said it: “WE HAVE SO MUCH TO BE THANKFUL FOR.”
Marsha Carol Watson Gandy
Merry Christmas to you and your family. May the Lord continue to bless you and use you to further His kingdom.
I live in BC Canada and have been following you regarding the United States of America. I am standing with you and for the Victory in America. I so appreciate you and your trust in the Lord and your Love for Him. Thank you for the awesome Blog today of our Lord’s love for us. It brought tears to my eyes of how Wonderful He is to all of us. Merry Christmas to you and your family and am praying for the meeting in Bakersfield. You are so true to our Lord and the people. Love in Jesus.. Renata in BC Canada.
Have a Blessed Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Your blog always have an impact in my life. May God richly bless your ministry and may you continue to uplift souls that need to hear the
Merry Christmas to you, Nora. Had a dear friend by same last name, first name is Dave. He is w/the LORD in 2014, from Kearns, Utah.
Thanks for bringing up sweet memories.
Blessings to you.
Thank you for this wonderful email. Merry Christmas to you. God has filled most of my needs. My son doesn’t know Christ and all I can do is pray. Would you consider praying for someone to come into his life that will lead him to our beloved Lord. His name is Jason and he needs our Lord so desperately. Merry Christmas and many blessings over the coming years and thank you for your prayers.
Hi Mario thank for sending this beautiful message , hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year. ???
Sent from my iPhone
Thank you Mario for sharing this beautiful and meaningful Christmas message to encourage us with the Real Gift of Christmas, Jesus!
Merry Christmas
A beautiful Christmas message on our First Lady’s twitter account:
Click on the link just above her name.
Thank you Mario, for always finding a away to put everything into proper perspective.. Have a Merry Christmas!!
Wishing you and Michelle a blessed, warm, and wonder-filled Christmas! Thank you for your continued encouragement and enlightenment.
I have tried to call Mario Murillo Ministries three times on the number that l always contact you with no answer. I need to withdraw my monthly pledge of $ 30 because my financial situation has drastically changed. I am going to be living by myself in a senior housing development for low income and unfortunately and regretfully can’t contribute as l did. I have bought and give away many of Mario’s book and will faithfully continue to pray for your ministry. I am so excited about your next tent revival and love your daily blogs and repost them whenever l can. Please remember me in your prayers as this move is life changing for me and I’m apprehensive about living alone. My new phone number is ( 331 ) 385 – 4222 and my email is . I see that there will be an automatic withdrawal on December 23 of this year. Please make sure that it is the last one. I will try and call again next week. Thank you. Sincerely yours, DIANNE DOONAN
On Thu, Dec 24, 2020, 3:24 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” It is the darkest time in American > History. We yearn for peace, wisdom and safety. We wonder about our > children’s and grandchildren’s future. Our bodies succumb to weakness and > pain from the raging stress of this age. We cannot find the wo” >
What beautiful and encouraging words!Thank you Mario for your diligence and tireless work in bringing His body so much encouragement. Merry Christmas ? and a blessed New Year to you and Mechelle and staff. ?
Praise God……..praying for you all
Thank you Mario! God Bless you and your loved ones this Christmas!
On Thu, Dec 24, 2020, 1:38 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” It is the darkest time in American > History. We yearn for peace, wisdom and safety. We wonder about our > children’s and grandchildren’s future. Our bodies succumb to weakness and > pain from the raging stress of this age. We cannot find the wo” >
Mario — thank you for reminding us of the one gift that truly matters: the Son and the Salvation he brings. To you and your family, a Merry and Blessed Christmas, and a New Year of saved souls and defeated scolds.
Thank you for this life-changing message.
On Thu, Dec 24, 2020, 12:22 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” It is the darkest time in American > History. We yearn for peace, wisdom and safety. We wonder about our > children’s and grandchildren’s future. Our bodies succumb to weakness and > pain from the raging stress of this age. We cannot find the wo” >
Thank you so very much. That was a huge blessing. I’d like to extend a loving Merry Christmas to you both. Also, thanks for your stand for truth and liberty for mankind.
Merry Christmas, my brother, to you and yours.
Thankyou so much Mario for that wonderful talk . God Bless you and your family this Christmas. You truly are a servant of The Most High, our father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. May He reward you greatly.
Thank you so much for your letter. What a beautiful message. Blessings to you and your lovely wife for your work!
Hi Mario
Thank you for this wonderful article plus many others.
I am writing in search of a strong prayer partner and miracle believer.
My reason for this is as follows:
I have met a man and we have grown in love in Christ. He is at war now in Instanbul Turkey where terrorists are evil happy and triggered taking young kids from homes to make them war for them as well.
Hospitals are filled with our soldiers but the funds arent there cause apparently since covid, hospital workers were sent back. So a miracle is needed in some form for the mission to be complete and get the wounded back on their feet. It is complete when there is a handle and clearing of the terrorism for the citizens in that area yet the soldiers are really fighting against odds and it is the survival of the fittest where if they dont return back after and die there which many have already done and do daily, those in charge receive some sort of compensation – so that is the scenario.
We are engaged even only in word now, and he is in service to many under Christ and looked up to. This is his last assignemnt before retirement which was actually slated to end last month but has not.
I am looking for a prayer warrior to stand with me and pray with in regards to this situation there and I see such a heavy principality hold there that needs to break.
If no one comes to mind to suggest as a prayer partner,
would you pray with me Mario? I would be so honored for you to take the time to do such a thing.
If you can, and want to call, my number is 315 751 3284.
Thank you for everything you do for our Lord. I am really honored to know you.
Karen Van Wyk
Thank you so much…I read almost everything you send and am so encouraged in these dark and difficult times. Yes, Jesus is still on the throne and despite the onslaught of evil God is in control. Love and blessings from New Zealand Shalom. Jos
Sent from Samsung tablet
Awesome story of GOD’s love, we are highly treasured as a child of GOD! You will be highly rewarded for your stand for the Father! HE will be worth it all!!!!!!!!
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
I have been a believer for 50 years, and love the Lord so much! But this word touched me deeply in a fresh way. It brought new eyes and vision to see the reality of what the Lord has given us . Thank you so much, Mario!
I’m sorry to say that here it is January 6 2021, and I just read this email from Mario. It so happened to be a perfect time. God knew how badly I needed it. I was weary, with a heavy heart, most of God’s children seem to experience the same. The story about the Father who gave his son for his country, opened my eyes and lifted my heavy heart to our Heavenly Father, Who gave His only Son, so that we, one day soon, will go to our glorious home and spend eternity with Him and Beautiful Son Who left all, and gave His life for redemption.