What happened last night

by | May 29, 2019 | Christianity Today | 23 comments

 Tonight, in the tent at Weber Point Event Center, the Holy Spirit had me do something I had never done before. The event center union required us to hire security guards. One of these guards happened to be standing next to a woman that I knew Jesus was healing. I looked at the guard knowing he was not a believer and asked him—by the Spirit’s direction—to place his hand on her shoulder.
His eyes began to water as he felt the power of God flowing through his hand. She was healed and he experienced living proof of miracles. It was such a touching and beautiful moment! The kind that only Jesus can create!
This was the very beginning of a river of healing that filled the tent. The next miracle was for a young man who was devastated. He had been healed of diabetes sometime ago, but the disease had come back.  The Holy Spirit granted me a word of knowledge about his story, an explanation, and faith to declare a total miracle.
I told him to remember the fervent commitment he had made to be used of God right after his healing, to win lost and dying souls. He burst into tears as he realized how true this was. The forceful healing power of Jesus came upon him−and then something else overtook him−he received a mighty prayer language as God gave him a fresh baptism!
This was followed by one healing after another, and of course, Satan had to chime in. Suddenly, hecklers began disrupting and saying vile things against the meeting. For some, this was very disturbing, but to the veteran soldiers of the cross in the tent, it was cause for rejoicing, because they knew that demons were being stirred up by the moving of the Holy Spirit. It proved we were on the frontline and it meant that the devil knew something big and threatening was starting to happen.
One might think that such heckling would have caused confusion, but instead, the enemy was defeated. I gave a clear appeal for lost souls to come to Jesus, and apparently, none of the disturbance had fazed them. They stood all the way across the front of the tent and surrendered their lives to Christ and received the gift of eternal life. Glory to God!
Tomorrow night promises to be one of the most explosive nights of miracles. If you can, come and experience the healing power of the Holy Spirit. If you know someone who needs a miracle or proof of the power of God, do what you can to bring them to the tent!
“Let anyone who is thirsty come. Let anyone who desires, drink freely from the water of life!” −Rev. 22:17





  1. Roger Culwell

    amen wonderful

    • thomaseliakim

      I remember when you set up a tent in the Mission District in San Francisco back in 1989 the end of July and August 2019 would be a good time to set up another tent in San Francisco.

      Thomas and Kathy Thompson

  2. Rain

    Thank you Lord! :’)

  3. Ann

    No words to adequately praise the Lord for the salvations and healings! I pray the Lord will fan the flames of this revival to spread across our nation!!

    • Reo

      AMEN & AMEN!! ??

    • Reo

      AMEN & AMEN!! ??

      • thomaseliakim

        I remember when you set up a tent in the Mission District in San Francisco back in 1989 the end of July and August 2019 would be a good time to set up another tent in San Francisco.

        Thomas and Kathy Thompson

  4. Pamela Munteanu

    Bless you Mario – so thankful for you coming to Battle for Canada ??

    Cheering you on from here

    This is such good News – Yahweh ???

  5. Carolina

    Back in 2010, The Holy Spirit imparted to me this critical word from The Lord’s Spirit…”POCKETS OF FIRE”…Allowing me the privilege of knowing that HE was coming to the American landscape with HIS Spirit calling it “POCKETS OF FIRE”.
    HE then helped me understand that there would be pockets of Holy Spirit driven fire bringing miracle healings, salvations and revivals all over the nation to The Glory of God in Christ.
    I believe this that you were called to do Mario, is the beginning of that prophetic Grace that was given to me at a time in American history when ‘all seemed lost.’

  6. Sandy David

    Go get them! You are in His Will, you are safe!

    On Wed, May 29, 2019 at 4:56 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:

    > mariomurilloministries posted: “This blog will possibly have some typos > and grammatical errors which some will doubtless dutifully point out. But, > it can’t be helped if I want to get this to you in time. Tonight, in the > tent at Weber Point Event Center, the Holy Spirit had me do someth” >

  7. Tim Lukens

    The Devil doesn’t attack folks that aren’t a threat to him. Press on! Attack the gates of hell. Tear them down! Psalm 95:6-11.. your target audience is the millennial generation. They are ready for the call.

  8. Sheila Scarbro

    Praise to our GOD. He is so awesome. The miracles of healing and salvation filled my heart with praise. He is absolutely doing what he promised to cleanse and heal California. Thank you for being on the frontlines. God bless you.

  9. Ron Giovanetti

    Glory to GOD ✝️??. We here in Madera are with you in prayer and agreement ????????

    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

  10. Sandra Pooley

    Thank God you are being faithful to His calling on your life and bringing His life into many new hearts. May the Holy Spirit FIRE burn brightly in their hearts, minds, and actions so that fire spreads in CA, our nation, and around the world. PTL. I wish it were possible to bring my son and myself for healing. I also wish it were possible to be there via the internet. God knows our hearts and yours. Thank you Father, thank you Jesus, thank you Holy Spirit for the amazing works you are doing through Mario and his team in Stockton. Jesus, may YOUR LIFE AND TRUTH spread fast and furiously like a wildfire bringing great blessings and leaving hearts burning for YOU.

  11. cactusflower18

    Wonderful!!! Thank you Jesus!!!

  12. kingskid48

    This is so wonderful. I am praying that a young man who was in a terrible car crash several years back, and is still unresponsive, unable to speak, and just barely aware of his surroundings, will be taken to your tent when you are in our area, and that he will be healed and the entire family will be saved, to the Glory of Almighty God.

  13. Mark Stripling

    Prayers for your meetings!

  14. Lindy

    Oh wow! Thank You Jesus!
    Thank you brother Murillo for sharing these wonderful reports!
    I am so thrilled that the heckling did not deter people from coming forward to give their lives to the Lord. Isn’t it wonderful!
    Look what the Lord has done! Saving souls! Healing bodies! And a healing through an unsaved man! Praise God!
    Thank You Jesus!
    God bless you dear brother Murillo, servant of the Living God!

  15. Diane Zeller

    Praise God! We continue to stand in prayer for this mission! We love you!

  16. brenda castillo

    Praise THE LORD, oh how I wish I lived close enough to be there, we r So hungry for a move of GOD over here in North Georgia, were praying an have been for some time. I moved here 25 yrs ago from Calif. My husband was a native there ( long beach). I’m so excited about what the Lord’s doing there. Continuing to pray the Lord move mightily in your meetings. That lives will be forever changed healed an saved.

    • Kim Barrett

      Miracle of baptismal water, the Lord told pastor to fill baptismal pool, that people would be healed. 96 weeks of revival. Baptism every sun night at 6:00pm. Even people from other countries are going. They got 2 swimming pools to baptise to handle overflow. They come up out of water with fire of holy ghost. They’re calling it fire on the water. Christ Fellowship Dawsonville, GA. Also miracle of God’s oil flowing from bible. River of Life at Wink Theater (across from Grace book store), Dalton, GA. They fill 3,000 files of oil every Mon at Grace book store in back room where prayer meeting began 2 years ago. They pass out the oil on Tue. Reports the oil in viles are multiplying as well.

  17. Kim Barrett

    Hallelujah!! Thank you Jesus!! Lifting you up in prayer Mario, team, & all helping with revival! This is awesome news!!

  18. thomaseliakim

    I remember when you set up a tent in the Mission District in San Francisco back in 1989 the end of July and August 2019 would be a good time to set up another tent in San Francisco.




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