This is a deeply frustrating moment for me. The Reason? It is because I see two forces in the process of colliding. One is wonderful beyond words, and the other is inexplicably tragic.
The American church is being handed the opportunity of a lifetime, but she has not seized it. Right now, a great number of Americans want to be born again. I have never seen so many—not even during the Jesus Movement.
I know what the media wants you to believe about Americans. They want you to believe that the message of the Gospel is grossly unpopular—but that is a lie! And the paradox is that the only way to prove that it is a lie, is by shaking the church out of the very tragedy I am trying to explain.
What is holding us back? It seems we are drained from taking out the trash. What in the world do I mean by that?
Nehemiah 4:10, “Then Judah said, ‘The strength of the laborers is failing, and there is so much rubbish that we are not able to build the wall.’”
Think of that! One of the most glorious and urgent projects in history was held up for the strangest of reasons. Nehemiah’s workers faced ridicule from their enemies. They faced terrorism from surrounding tribes. But it was taking out the garbage and removing all the rubble from the past that sapped their will to build.
Do you realize what Democrat leaders have done? They have made Americans utterly miserable. Even Biden’s avid fans (if there are any) are in agony because of his leadership. Democrat Governors like Newsom and Cuomo are being assailed for destroying lives. Millions are groping in darkness, in a despair that has been created by the Democrat Party, which is why they are ripe for the Gospel.
That is why our tent overflows with unchurched people who are yearning for the preaching of the Word of God. They want to know Jesus.
Here is what I mean by the American church taking out the trash. You have been sidetracked into taking out the garbage if you are attacking prophets who predicted a Trump victory, and cannot let it go to win souls. You are taking out the garbage if you are attacking those who attack the prophets, if it has caused you to have stopped winning souls. You are taking out the trash if you attack Trump supporters continually, so that you cannot win souls. You are taking out the trash if you are speculating about conspiracy theories, and have nothing left over for lost souls. You are taking out the garbage if you are a prophet and are over-apologizing, instead of winning the lost.
God wants the American church to rebuild our message to America about Christ. What is slowing us down is all of the trash we keep carrying out.
Let me make some things very clear. I believe that the Democrat Party agenda is anti-Christian and destructive to America. I will keep writing and exposing that. I believe that the election was stolen and I am prepared to fight, in blogs and in pulpits, for that to be exposed. I believe in, and stand with Donald Trump’s destiny in our nation. I still expect a Trump miracle.
But I believe God is calling for us to counterbalance the fixation to use social media to analyze, divide, constantly speculate, debate, and attack, by being the miracles we are, in God’s hand. And yes, we should speak loudly against political evil, when God orders it, but not at the expense of winning the lost.
Anything that would keep us from seizing the greatest harvest in our lifetime is of Satan, no matter how compelling it seems.
To the everyday believer I say, relive and rewrite your testimony, because friends, family, neighbors and acquaintances are open to your witness. Believe me, the misery Democrats have created transcends politics. Even those who may disagree with you about Trump will be open to prayer and to your witness.
To pastors I say, reopen your church now! Prepare Gospel sermons. Give altar calls. You will find that outsiders are returning to church. A vast blanket of conviction has settled on our weary nation.
To all I say this: Mario Murillo Ministries is about to launch the largest and deepest soul winning campaigns we have ever done—and I believe they will also be the greatest California has seen in decades.
Yes, there will always be trash that should be taken out. I will blog against false doctrine. I will blog against the lie that the church should stay out of politics. I will continue to tell the truth as God gives me strength. But something has come that I cannot neglect . Millions are ready to surrender to Jesus.
Matthew 9:36-38, “But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.””
A special message to Pastors in California—especially those in the Central Valley. Please join me for a strategic luncheon on Thursday March 4th at noon. We will March Forth on March the 4th! The lunch is in the main sanctuary of CWC LIFE. CWC LIFE is located at 786 Button Ave Manteca CA 95336
I will be bringing a message that the Holy Spirit is burning in my heart. I believe that God is calling us to take back California in a true awakening of repentance, soul winning, signs, wonders and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. I am convinced that God wants to lead us into multiple victories in our cities and local churches.
I will also be announcing our next tent crusade on Highway 99. I have never been this excited about a luncheon in my life! It is free but you must register. Please use the link to register and print out your ticket. Do it right away so you will not be disappointed. See you there!
The fields are white and ready for harvest but the labors are few, we must be about our fathers business, many are hurting some are killing them selves, needing help for what has happened to them and we are the help the ones to bring Jesus to them, for we carry the hope of a lost and dying world, Jesus Christ our Lord is the hope for the world, and we have to take the Gospel to them, Jesus is the only answer for the world, and they are ready, time to work the fields.
Thank you for your up lifting words. I had just finished reading 1Samuel 30:1-6 and 18-19! Wow
We must lift one another and not tear down. God’s timing is beautiful and perfect. I am praying for your ministry!
God bless
Thank you
This is great. I think I found you at the right time. Thank you Lance Wallnau.
Hallelujah Mario – absolutely spot-on post! I keep shaking my head in disbelief at what I see – and I don’t scroll around comments much. But the million and one ways people find to divert themselves from doing something useful totally baffles me. It’s a complete lack of mental and emotional discipline and it’s high time these folk got over their ‘personality problems’ and got themselves into REAL service for the Lord. What do they think we are here for? Well – I guess their pastors have never told them the answer to that – sadly! Bless you for your faithfulness….
Amen brother Mario ,thank you,you and MMM are so important and real inspiration ❣️?
Build the ? ⛺️ Tents and God wants the American??church to rebuild our message to America ?? about Christ.?
Pastor Mario this video took me back to winning souls for Jesus with Christian Rap. Back when the church had this to debate was Good or Evil.
?Nehemiah 19-20⚡️
19 Then I said to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people, “The work is extensive and spread out, and we are widely separated from each other along the wall. 20 Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, join us there. Our God will fight for us!”??⚡️?
Keep Preaching the truth.
Pastor Mario this video took me back to winning souls for Jesus with Christian Rap. Back when the church had this to debate was Good or Evil. ??⚡️⚡️
Love it! Was actually thinking about T- bon-e- bone Just the other day, And I haven’t thought about him for years.
Then this came up! Did not know this was a event that happened in the past. May God use T-bone again in a mighty way to win the lost! Hallelujah
Remnant rise UP
Praying for AMERICA
Remnant rise UP
Excellent Word! Fortunately they don;t have to attend a dead at heart church to get saved…
To The American Church:
They will raise up new churches without you unless you get your acts together and Revive at your core levels!
(It is Mario’s Calling to call the lost. Unfortunately, mine is to call the church to repentance.)
Dear Michael, I am concerned too.
The LORD Himself tells us what to say/speak. DO we say/speak it?? It’s Father in us that does the work.
Continually!! Even when things might seem to start “looking up”, we must not be ensnared/lured into a trap. The LORD explained in Luke 21:34,35,36.
IT IS WRITTEN. (Don’t forget 1 Thess 4:14-18)
Saints, start now praying this, share these verses. It WILL help us to stay on the eternal focus of life: looking up, and gathering in as many souls as we can! (Supporting those like MMM!)
Pray this Continually!
Druckenmiller Sr., How to get a hold of you?
I am on Facebook and there are emails on the web site.
It’s actually Fortunate that JESUS calls HIS church to Repent in Revelation 2 and 3!
Glory to God for the outpouring of His Holy Spirit, thank you Mario as you continue to follow God’s call to evangelize. I’m praying for you as you obey the call on the west coast and for the evangelist who’s meeting on the east coast. May God arise and His enemies be scattered! Glory to God for victory in Jesus name! Hallejah our God Reigns!!
Thank you Mario, praying God’s will continues to direct your path and open doors. Time is short and people need to be Saved and Ready for the Rapture.
Very well said! Thank you for your ministry!
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Brother, I am far from California, but I am excited to see God working mightily there. If revival can sweep such a place, then God will certainly send revival here to Georgia as well.
IT’S ABOUT SOULS! My husband played the guitar and sang regularly in our little country church…..When he would sing: ‘OLE’ BRUSH ARBOR BY THE SIDE OF THE ROAD”— HOLY SPIRIT WOULD FILL OUR LITTLE CHURCH, and souls would be touched. Some would run to the altar.
Allow me to give you the words to this anointed song:
“Many times I have departed—from the way of life I started—in brush arbors by the side of the road….
but each time the devil caught me—I remembered what they taught me—in brush arbors by the side of the road….Ole’ brush arbor by the side of the road—-where a sinner could lay down his heavy load…..there was praying, shouting, singing—while the countryside was ringing in brush arbors by the side of the road.
Ole’ brush arbors by the side of the road—-where the mighty light of GOD’s Great Mercy flowed—it was in those ole’ brush arbors troubled souls found peaceful harbors—-in BRUSH ARBORS BY THE SIDE OF THE ROAD.”
(In Loving Memory of my Beloved husband: Rufus Edward Gandy)
Marsha Carol Watson Gandy
thank you for sharing the words of inspiration
Great insight, great advice. Keep talking as the church is just beginning to waken up, the first early morning yawn. The prophetic voice is so loud and clear in this season. We must seize the moment, lay aside agendas and save souls. The harvest is great and the laborers are few.
Thank you so much for these words of exhortation!
Sandra Z.
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Praying from Canada that the Great Awakening spills over into Canada. Thank you for what you are doing and for speaking truth.
I have been very very ready for the soul winning and new fire from the Holy Spirit to pour down on our churches. I have sent emails to three churches here in Atlanta about meeting in arenas or tents or revival at the church and No Response!!! Do you know any churches here in Atlanta on fire for the Lord because I sure am????????????
thank you Mario for all you do. Truly, are one of the few that has been called to harvest lost souls tarrying along the highway of discontent.
I believe you ate right!! I believe God is using the evilness of this current captivity to root out the cancer in the church.
A healthy economy would only camouflage it.
When the lost sees the true power of the Living Redeemer, they will be drawn and fall on their knees.
Until the pain of where you are at exceeds the pain of getting where you need to be, nothing will happen.
AMEN! Absolutely great word and exhortation!
Amen. Standing with you and praying for you Mario!!
On Sun, Feb 7, 2021, 3:23 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” This is a deeply frustrating moment for > me. The Reason? It is because I see two forces in the process of colliding. > One is wonderful beyond words, and the other is inexplicably tragic. The > American church is being handed the opportunity of a lifetime,” >
As always, God has blessed me this morning with your post. My godly, gracious and loving wife Anne & I look forward to seeing you on our tv here in Tempe Arizona. We are both 71 and have started using a portion ogle our tithe to support the work you and your fellow servants are called to do. In my life right now, one theme comes to mind repeatedly…( I should probably say comes to the Spirit inside of me..)…It is the subject I heard you talk about recently: ‘ having a life of prayer interrupted by life’…This theme is impacting my life more than I realize. Thanks to all of your TEAM, Mario… FAR MORE than I know it is ALL of them working together that makes possible what God is doing through you…??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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Many of our churches are filled with Pharisees.
Once again Mario knocks it out of the park with a colossal hit of true gospel truth. To speak truth unashamed and in love is paramount in the day we are experiencing here in America. If one is subscribed to division of this truth then it is really time for a gut check. It is time we seek after and walk in the wisdom of God clothed in His righteousness and walk it out in His love, humbled under the mighty hand of God and live in the Power of the almighty God!
Good Morning, Brother!!!It is always a please to see your freshest, political thoughts, in my email!!!I’ll remind you I’m a photo-shopper and just created this image a few days ago…these are words God showed me to use one day on another zombie!!!HUSTUSA
I am an Australian follower and never cease to be inspired by you, Mario. May God continue to work with you and through you in Jesus’ mighty name.
Leonard Carroll ________________________________
Luke 6:26-28
English Standard Version
In Doctor Luke’s Gospel, he records a moment when Jesus BOLDLY addresses a people saying this loud and CLEAR “WOE!!“Woe to you, when all people speak well of you, for so their fathers did the same to the False Prophets.
Love Your Enemies
“But I say unto you who can “HEAR” hear this, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.
Moses wrote about this Man Jesus saying this ‘The Lord God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your brothers. You shall listen to him in whatever he tells you. And it shall be that every “SOUL” (Including mine and yours) who does not listen to that prophet shall be destroyed from the people.’ “WE HAVE BEEN WARNED HAVE WE NOT!! Amen
Well said – one of my favorite quotes of Jesus that many Christians appear not to know, or have forgotten. It seems to run right counter to most of the Beatitudes, but it is a KEY word! Blessings to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit for giving us the wisdom of this passage (Luke 6:26)! A great wake-up – and a warning – for the apostate Church!
Amen. Excellent message. Thank you.
Thank you Mario!! I agree with every word! I will do as God leads me and I will allow Him to lead me!! Amen! Your words are the greatest encouragement!! Emmie in Arizona
On Sun, Feb 7, 2021 at 1:28 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” This is a deeply frustrating moment for > me. The Reason? It is because I see two forces in the process of colliding. > One is wonderful beyond words, and the other is inexplicably tragic. The > American church is being handed the opportunity of a lifetime,” >
Amen Mario, we refer to this fixation as Majoring on the Minors. It is a distraction, an intentional distraction. In the military we call this a Flanking Maneuver, something done to draw attention away from the main objective. We need to recognize the works of the enemy and get on with our Father’s work. Blessings,
Harry Leonard
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On Sun, Feb 7, 2021 at 3:27 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” This is a deeply frustrating moment for > me. The Reason? It is because I see two forces in the process of colliding. > One is wonderful beyond words, and the other is inexplicably tragic. The > American church is being handed the opportunity of a lifetime,” >
Dear Brother , I pray that pastors in California will open their eyes to what God is doing through your ministry. I live in Washington state and it is also so ungodly here , wish you were here I would step up to the plate and help. We are a very little group but we are having powerful prayer meetings. I hunger to see souls saved and brought into the kingdom. The harvest fields are ripe for harvest. We go among the homeless to feed, and minister Jesus to them . They want prayer and need healing . So keep going brother don’t look back we will win if we don’t faint. And we still stand with Trump and freedom. I call you blessed.
On Sun, Feb 7, 2021 at 12:23 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” This is a deeply frustrating moment for > me. The Reason? It is because I see two forces in the process of colliding. > One is wonderful beyond words, and the other is inexplicably tragic. The > American church is being handed the opportunity of a lifetime,” >
Yes, we are with you Mario! These are absolutely the marching orders of our king for today!
And this is the only way we will win. We are in the third great awakening of our nation and our world. A time to change the hearts of the majority to return to the Lord.
The time to cut off the media and big tech ($) that’s so violently hates God so that it comes crashing to its knees. A time of the praises of the Lord being heard in every town, every village, every city.
A time of turning this great ship called America around
Mario you should watch this video it will shed light on what is going on in our country and that GOD is the only one who could bring forth this plan and that he has been working on it for over a hundred years and that he never looses and he is setting the captives free. GOD is so amazing and so much more than we realize.–c
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The harvest is surely there..go for it Mario
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the left have created a climate where G-D can move in ways we have not seen in generations. At this point it is not men who are leading but G-D.
We need to be humble before the lord so that he can lead us.
GOD is leading the church through men like Mario! GOD uses people to lead His church, and this requires humility to follow their lead and example. “ Remember them that have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the WORD OF GOD: whose FAITH FOLLOW, considering the outcome (spiritual fruit) of the way they lived.” The “super” spiritual refuse to obey this verse. See Hebrews 13:7
I continue to pray for God to grant repentance, 2 Timothy 2:25, to those in the left camp. But Yehovah knows all from beginning to end, therefore He knows who WILL ever lay down their pride and their will and receive Jesus as Savior AND LORD of their lives. He also knows the ones who will never. Perhaps it is time for us to pray for Him to remove some trash. Perhaps it is them being removed that might cause them to change their mind and repent… I don’t know, but God does.
On Sun, Feb 7, 2021, 3:24 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” This is a deeply frustrating moment for > me. The Reason? It is because I see two forces in the process of colliding. > One is wonderful beyond words, and the other is inexplicably tragic. The > American church is being handed the opportunity of a lifetime,” >
What a blessing, Mario!!!
Looking thru the comments I found the link to some of your messages from years back. WOW!! Ya don’t HEAR it preached much that way anymore!! God bless you, I see it still in your heart! It lights the fire down in my soul!!!
Hello All,
Time magazine article on how the Left “saved” the election- an inside scoop.
Also a take of what the article really said.
Here’s the info.
The article: The Left give you the inside scoop in their own words.
The take on Rumble
Thank you, Mario, for your continued exhortation to Christians and the church of American. You speak Godly wisdom and truth. I stand with you!
As Believers and new members of the Body of Christ repent in total surrender to God’s will and way, hungering for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit then we will be “one” in the Spirit, seeing the same thing. When Holy Spirit is given full control, Christ is never divided; carnality goes, compromise goes, and FAITH takes over and the knowledge of what God’s glory looks and sounds like will be manifested……Resurrection from the dead. ” Wild Holy Glorious Children of God.”
God bless you and thank you!!! ?❤??
On Sun, Feb 7, 2021, 3:27 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” This is a deeply frustrating moment for > me. The Reason? It is because I see two forces in the process of colliding. > One is wonderful beyond words, and the other is inexplicably tragic. The > American church is being handed the opportunity of a lifetime,” >
I believe the early church 2000 yrs. ago was born with a manifestation of POWER to win the known world back then. Not with silver oratory but with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The endtime church a special remnant of God fearing, Holy Spirit filled believers that will know that this is not the work of a man but the work of the Holy Spirit of the living God. Be prepared and expectant of what God is about to do, and what God is already doing trough Apostles and Prophets like Mario Murillo. Thank you Bro. Murillo for your obedience and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. God bless and prayers always.
This is God’s wisdom if I ever heard it! Today I asked some people to join me in praying for revival and a Holy Spirit outpouring in our church. Revival is breaking out all over America and I want to be in on it! Your blogs have helped build a fire in me that wasn’t there before.
It truly hurts me to see churches that don’t give alter calls and can’t be bothered to come outside beyond the walls of their churches to win the lost at any cost.
Yes and amen Mario,
We must not get side tracked. Praise God in advance for what he is going to do in California and the rest of world! Lord save, save, save the lost and help us Christian’s to unite as one in you Lord! “As One” as Lance Wallnau stated in his latest book!
“As One” Christian unite and stop taking out the trash.
March on bro
“taking out the trash”. responds to all those who are offended at the false, DON’T GET DISTRACTED and when your personally offended it’s about you. I’m NOTHING special here’s my 2 cents for those who are offended: We have no one to blame but ourselves period; why are we following after man/woman when we have OUR BIBLES and the Bible talks about like example the people wanted King Saul replacing God with man, why? We didn’t do what it said to do in the entire Book of Matthew. Plus, we weren’t judging FRUIT as the Bible throughout talks about Wolves, Hirelings, False Teachers/Shepherds etc.
I Corinthians 14:5 KJV – I would that ye all spake with tongues, but rather that ye prophesied: for greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues, except he interpret, that the church may receive edifying.
Matthew 20: 16 KJV – So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.
Galatians 3:28 KJV – There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Matthew 16:4 A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed. Matthew 12:39, Luke 11:29
I can’t throw stones (none of us can), i sat in church buildings that didn’t learn anything celebrating and tithing to liars as not one ever lived James 1:27 or Matthew 25:31-end it was individual servants who lived God of the Bible and Christ likeness. Pastors are sheep/sheeple like everyone else! We are wrong to make idols out of them and the building and not to research their early years and who founded and funded and groomed them, as people built denominational bank accounts and real estate empires;”to see a sick church in a dying world”. Recently friend went to conference, told them NOT to go, looked at the Roster of Diviner’s, no fruit, they are on the conference junkies, glory hogs and fire bugs circuit with NO fruit, i’m not following “after doctrine of demons and devils of men”; as pastor used to say! Wait till 70, 80, 90’s and in a nursing home and where are those pastors now, where are they? Note: Leonard Ravenhill and Arthur Katz Books best on true vs. false and the Bible. Have a P.S.
The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing! “Published on Feb 6, 2021 This dream includes the following: God hears the cries of all people, The Washington Post declares that Trump won with 101,978,000 votes, 7 countries involved in voter interference, whistleblowers everywhere, chariots of fire, great church revival fires, Two attorneys – one man from Georgia and one woman, a man on a glass chair, Trump returns to office.”
Be sure to give Bro. Timothy Dixon’s channel some love.…
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Such a good word! So needed! Laurel from ND
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Mario, l want to tell you what happened to me in September 2020. As l was praying in tongues for America and the body of Christ the word DICHOTOMY came out of my mouth! I had never heard that word before and l looked up the meaning and it’s exactly what is happening right now. The very next day as l was listening to Dr. Brian Cutshall from International School Of The Word he preached that we were in a DICHOTOMY season! What a confirmation that was to me. In essence it means when two forces collide at the same time. Evil and Good. Earth shaking in and Heaven shaking! I believe that we are going to have the Great Awakening because of the Rude Awakening that’s happened because of the Great Shaking ! Please be encouraged my dear brother in Christ Jesus our Lord. I lead people to the Lord everywhere because the harvest is ripe and there are laborers like me on a smaller scale with the heart of an evangelist and l pray everyday for you and your Mechelle and ministry staff ! God bless and keep you ✝️?? l read your daily blogs and give your books away whenever l can! Sincerely, DIANNE DOONAN ?
On Sun, Feb 7, 2021, 2:23 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” This is a deeply frustrating moment for > me. The Reason? It is because I see two forces in the process of colliding. > One is wonderful beyond words, and the other is inexplicably tragic. The > American church is being handed the opportunity of a lifetime,” >
I couldn’t get but part on FB, so happy to read it here.
You’re an inspiration, Mario
Keep up the good work for the Kingdom, Mario. Thank God for all you do.
The key to revival is to allow the Holy Spirit to have His way. Now, in this day, when evil is running rampant and America is in danger of no longer being the Shining Light on a Hill, when world leaders are even wondering what is going on here and if we will lose our freedoms-I hope I’m wrong, but the last I was aware- the Spirit was being squelched, even in formerly Spirit-filled churches, and altar calls were-well, milquetoast.
If they would allow Him to have His way and stop apologizing to new members when He tries to move, their churches would not be able to hold the crowds.
I pray that day is coming and is bigger than anything our minds can imagine.
As far as giving our witness/testimony-what God has done for you is what you should be telling others. He invaded my family room one evening in a Supernatural manner. It would take three pages to tell all that He did. It happened after several days of my verbally telling the Holy Spirit that I needed Him, over and over again.
Do it. Start today, if you have never received the Baptism or had a Supernatural visitation. Tell Him how much you need Him. You will never be the same.
I found this very interesting. I hope this comment gets posted and doesn’t disappear like some of them have recently that had links in them.
The video is by Perry Stone.
If a thief steals my wallet it is still my wallet, legally speaking. Trump won the election. As far as prophecies regarding President Trump go, I heard that someone in 2015 prophesied that Trump was “God’s wrecking ball”. Something along the lines of exposing the Deep State, the shadow government, the criminals that have been running the central government for years. Wow !! That one sure was fulfilled ! From John Roberts to Chinese spies and about a thousand other facts that would have been laughed off as conspiracy theories just 4 short years ago. Truly amazing ! The awakening that was taking decades went into warp speed under President Donald J. Trump ! Glory !!
I don’t have a testimony. I was saved as a child, although I never really came to KNOW Jesus individually until recent years. I don’t have a history of abuse, addiction, or criminal activity – I’m just a regular wife, mother, daughter, grandmother, sister, etc. My question then, is how to share the yoke destroying, bondage breaking power of the resurrected Christ without any “glitzy” testimony to go with it. Please help.
Good afternoon. Your tent revivals are exciting to watch via videos. I would love to see one come my way and pray that the Los Angeles are will be embrace the Holy Spirit. Are there any plans for MM Ministries to extend a tent revival to Southern California? Would love to spread the news and lend a hand if so.
Would love to hear back from you as well. Thank you and God Bless you.
Best Regards,
Monique Soto
Reblogged this on nuggets4u.
I need to pray more for our Church and Revival thank you for this wonderful post.
Hi Can you tell me when Mario Murillo will be in Modesto Ca??
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Sun-Fri April 18-23th 6:30 PM John Thurman Field 601 Neece Dr, Modesto, CA 95351
I used to go see you preach in Berkeley back in the 70s Mario. You preached the Gospel and gave a passionate defense of it in the face of so many New Age cults.
Now you’re just a political hack, a shill for one political party in the United States and the most craven one at that by far. The Democrats are not anti-Christian, they’re pro freedom of religion. They have thousands of churches in their party. You’re just consumed by paranoia and a faux persecution complex.
Myself I’ve tried to keep up with the only two great mandates Jesus Christ ever gave His Church–preach the Gospel where it’s never been heard, and once it’s established somewhere, seek to be the best witness for Christ and the Kingdom you can be.
Like a multitude of other dominionists, truly one of the worst heresies to arise the last 40 years, you think your job is to depth charge the fish instead of catch them. Your idea that multitudes of Americans are yearning to be born again is delusional. They despise us and rightly so. I know. I still hang out with them like Jesus did.
I don’t know what to do for you Mario. When I heard you were caught up in all this political self-righteousness, I thought to myself, even Mario. What next?
Here’s my doctrinal education website if you want to even attempt to start moving back in the right direction. It’s not infallible but I’m always trying to learn.
Brother Mario, Thank you for your devotion to God and the truth. I believe you are the clarion call to the church in America. My husband and I support you in your fight for souls. We also have our own ministry (itinerant) and are expecting direction from the Lord as to our way to take part in this harvest. We pray that God protects you as continue your mission. We really enjoy you on Flashpoint!
Praise God, thank you for this message. You have answered questions that I have had for a very long time about our submission to evil governments. You gave great Holy Spirit insight to these questions and now I fully understand!! Jesus Himself said that blessed are they that are persecuted for righteousness sake; therefore to be persecuted for righteousness one must not be following the evil flow of socieity or the laws of an evil government!! God bless to you brother Mario for speaking truth!!