Are you exhausted from the relentless stream of bad news? Do you need to shake off the emotional roller coaster and raging disappointment that is 2020? The devil said, “This will be the worst Christmas of your life.” The evil one said, “You will not have joy, hope, and family warmth this year.”
Are you ready for an industrial strength Christmas—a Christmas of prophetic defiance? Are you ready to understand how God drops the hammer on evil? He does it when evil least expects it.
Let me borrow my prologue from a great narrator: “Submitted for your approval…”
I take you back two thousand and twenty years to the bed chamber of the most powerful man in the world. Listen carefully, Barack Obama, George Soros, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Oprah—this one’s for you.
It was in the bed chamber of the most powerful man in the world that globalism was hatched. A sinister plot that was worldwide and unstoppable. Augustus Caesar decided to make everyone go back to their place of birth and register. This was the first global database. This was the first attempt to harvest everyone’s private information in order to collect their money and control their lives.

All of his plans would have worked, except for one thing: Prophecy. Now I am going to tell you something that might take a little thought. But the thinking it requires will reap a great reward of peace and a deep sense of purpose.
What I want you to see are two words: Policy and Prophecy. I believe that the world is governed by those two forces. Policies are the laws and rules made up by men. Prophecies are the promises of the purposes of God that are assigned to specific generations.
Now, here is the big point: When policy and prophecy collide, prophecy always wins. A better way to say it is that when man makes a plan, God’s word for that time will exploit and overrule that plan.
Listen to Psalm 76, beginning at verse 7: “You, Yourself, are to be feared; and who may stand in Your presence when once You are angry? 8 You caused judgment to be heard from heaven; the earth feared and was still, 9 when God arose to judgment, to deliver all the oppressed of the earth. Selah. 10 Surely the wrath of man shall praise You; with the remainder of wrath, You shall gird Yourself.”
In the early stages of a collision between policy and prophecy, the righteous can look utterly helpless and their hope can look totally futile. On the other hand, tyrants can look omnipotent. The perfect example is Mary and Joseph on one side, and Augustus Caesar on the other.
The young couple are at the mercy of Rome. The edict couldn’t have been handed down at a worse time. She is with child, and the law is cruel and indifferent to their plight. It looks as if all the wrong people are winning.
But the seed of final victory in this story was sown seven centuries before. It happened when a so-called ‘minor’ prophet said this: “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you shall come forth to Me the One to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth are from of old, from everlasting” (Micah 5:2).
Augustus signed the order that sent Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem, but prophecy swallowed policy.
So, before you let Christmas slide past you, stop and get an attitude. Before you let your guard down and give in to despair about a stolen election and the seemingly inevitable banishment of the rightful President, consider this: One more time the wrath of man will praise God. Yet again, prophecy will swallow policy.
All you villains and your voting machines, T.V. Networks and colossal tech companies have conspired to bring down America. You are just like Caesar as you lounge on your beds, oblivious to the God Who punches evil in the face.
Wake up villains! Donald Trump and the nearly 80 million Americans who voted for him are not just going to vanish. And you are painfully ignorant of something else: You don’t know what America is. You just see a nation of quaint traditions that you despise.

America is a miracle. God loves America. Warts and all, God still loves America. If you knew what He was about to do, you would be quaking in your boots.
If you could walk alongside Mary and Joseph, knowing what you know now, on that long and disheartening journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem―and we are talking 90 miles of bad road—a road that mocked their poverty and her pregnancy, what would you say to them? What would you tell them?
You would undoubtedly tell them to hang in there, because something glorious—something beyond their comprehension is going to come out of this misery. And that is precisely what God is telling you right now. Hang on! Because every violent and cruel plan of man will be swallowed up by the Word of God!
“The Lord knows the days of the upright, and their heritage will abide forever. They shall not be put to shame in the time of evil…but the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the Lord shall be as the fat of lambs [that is consumed in smoke]. They shall vanish; like smoke shall they be consumed!” (Psalm 37:18-20)
P.S. We do not want to blunt the message you just read. This part is for anyone who wants to help Mario Murillo’s ministry to America. We are in the process of invading Bakersfield California. The tent crusade starts on Monday night January 11th at 6:30 PM.
We have a win-win offer. You can help support miracle soul winning in Bakersfield and get the following offer:

That is why we must make this stunning book offer to you. Now in its fourth printing, Vessels of Fire and Glory keeps reaching the top of its category on Amazon. Critical Mass has now sold over 150,000 copies and remains an international classic on awakening. Both books are still in high demand. So why are we making this amazing offer to you? California is the reason why.
We need to act fast in California for two big reasons. First, Fresno was a shocking breakthrough. Fresno is a sign that tens of thousands of Californians hunger for the Gospel. Second, the battle for America will be won or lost in California.
You get both books for just $20. Not only that—Mario will autograph your copy of Vessels of Fire and Glory. On top of that…you get free shipping.
This is a double win for you. You get these choice books at an excellent price and the proceeds go to win lost souls in California.
And there is still more. If you order 10 or more sets of the Dynamic Duo, your cost is $18 a set. Plus you will get free 2-3 day priority shipping. Click on link below to order now!
Wow what a word. I needed to hear that. Amen.
I believe the words that God speaks though his prophets. Iam not giving up God said Trump would win after some struggles and I believe that.
May God bless you abundantly, man of God. Have a great Christmas, Mario; you deserve it. America and its genuine allies will see a victory for God and a destruction of Roe v Wade within Trump’s second term. Alleluia, praise the Lord.
There are many devices in the heart of man. NEVERTHELESS the prophetic promises and purposes of God in perplexing problems shall stand, and powerfully prosper and accomplish what pleases God!!! What a TREMENDOUS blog from Mario! PURE, POWERFUL, PENETRATING! CUTS THROUGH THE GORDIAN KNOT OF EVIL WITH THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT!
Bless God for anointing you and appointing you to send forth these messages of encouragement. We love you and cherish the good will that each email brings forth with it. Merry Christmas dear Brother to you and your family. We love you and appreciate you and your ministry!
On Tue, Dec 22, 2020 at 4:08 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Are you exhausted from the relentless > stream of bad news? Do you need to shake off the emotional roller coaster > and raging disappointment that is 2020? The devil said, “This will be the > worst Christmas of your life.” The evil one said, “You will not have” >
Hallelujah, Mario – beautifully conceived and beautifully written, and praise God who inspired you. “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness.” We serve a mighty God, and this is His season: right now, His planets are putting on a special show for this year of 2020. If we will stand still and see the salvation of the LORD, He will work His will in this whole election drama, and we will come out with joy and thanksgiving. Blessings to you and your family!
As I read prophecy trumps policy I saw a chess board with pieces on it. Suddenly a gavel hit the board on a corner on the board the force sent all the pieces spinning and falling over in all directions! Praise God
Very encouraging. I needed that. Thank you.
Thank you Mario!! Your words strengthen my heart! Blessings to you and your family!
Wow Mario.Thankyou for your faithfulness and steadfast commitment to to seeing God’s truth and hope in front of us.Have a great Christmas.from Marcus Robinson in the UK.Marcus Robinson Mobile 07956 329493
The best message of hope I have heard all year. Thank you
Beautiful message and so inspiring. Thank you for leading the charge and standing fast in your faith.
I have been praying everyday for months now over this election and I know God will deliver this nation by His mighty hand.
Merry Christmas and many blessings to you and your family!
Wow!! Very uplifting and so exciting to be alive at this time! Thank you for always keeping it real and true!
God Bless You, Mario, for this BRILLIANT Christmas message!!! May it be just as you have said! And ALL for the GLORY of His Name!!! In Yeshua’s Mighty Name we pray!
You are so encouraging Mario. I read your blog first thing in the morning.
And the devil will NOT take away my peace , joy and being with family and friends. God is still on His throne.
Merry Christmas!!
Reblogged this on nuggets4u.
Thank you, Mario. What a wonderful insightful and hopeful message today. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR CONSISTENTLY LIVING MESSAGES.!
Have a blessed Christmas with new insight and joy.
Really encouraging!
First thing every morning, I look to see if I have a message from Mario. You are keeping God’s people in this fight, encouraging us with insightful words and scripture. I was told by the Spirit over 4 years ago that Trump would win and that God had a plan of repent, revive, and restore for America. I believe I was called to go to “the war room in prayer” over this election about 4 months ago. I have continued and will until this victory is won. I too, believe God is going to take over this battle and His plan is a good plan for America. I communicate and pass on your messages to my family and friends that want to believe this but are having trouble hanging in there. Thank you for being so careful, yet firm in your words. They are an inspiraton to thousands!!
Amen Mario Amen!!! Praise and Thank You Lord!
Thank you for your words of encouragement. I like look forward to receiving your insightful messages. God bless you and Merry Christmas!
I like this article. It’s a knockout; Just what God is about to deliver to unsuspecting oligarchs sprawling around laughing at us. Was just for the first time feeling some real battle fatigue, and this really helped. I’m going to start by plugging in to Psalm 76, and get recharged. Thanks. The best is yet to come!
Same here, Fromanislandinnewhampshire!
Wasn’t Mario’s message on target!?
Whew! Thank God that we who know Him, can run to the Word for our “breakfast of champions”. But concern for the President and what he’s been hearing really got to me.
The fire is lit, the defiant take the kingdom of God violently. It is given to us. We’ll not let go, like Esau did.
We WILL & DO celebrate the Christ child’s arrival on earth and in our hearts forever. Happy birthday, dear LORD JESUS! ?
Blessings to you.
And to MMM, your followers everywhere, a real and blessed joyful Christmas!
Thank You, MARIO, FOR THIS WORD……I receive it with great reverence and humility.
Marsha Carol Watson Gandy
Extraordinarily encouraging! Bravo! Thank you – Mario and Lord!
From 2010…Twas just days before Christmas, when all through the land… hardly a person was working, by presidential command. The stores were so empty, making even more people pause, with hopes that the government, would play Santa Claus. (CLICK LINK)MERRY CHRISTMAS, BROTHER!!!HUSTUSA
Had such joy in seeing the Christmas Star last night.
This morning taunting voices came from all different directions, I “hadn’t done enough, fasted enough, prayed enough, sowed enough, repented enough, yada enough!” Heavy hearted, almost bewildered, searched for direction, began to pray for President Trump, & received revelation: HE’S being taunted by voices to concede the election! The voices I heard were “only” a spirit assault, but many. President might not know this kind of warfare, so I emailed him, warned him that all the enemy needed was for him to say that one legal term that would strip him of all legal recourse!
Mario’s post is SO timely, for myself, & for our President! Thank God for those encouragers around us!
Email the President, in case the staff doesn’t get my email to him. ?
Yes, I felt that way too, and very grouchy! Had to repent. I will email the President to encourage; he needs to know we are all with him. Thanks!
Praise God. He is the beginning and the end. His love will overcome all evil. The names of all names Jesus. He is the savior of the world. Thank you for standing up for the saints of God. May the angels of the Lord stand with Americans and the world. God’s world. Merry Christmas
Reblogged this on Covenant Chronicles with Chris Lovett.
I cannot explain to you how badly I needed to hear this word! I believe and agree with you! You are without a doubt a general in the army of the Lord! You have ministered deeply to me my family and our friends that I have shared your blogs with! God bless you and your family as we celebrate the birth of our Savior!
However it does seem hopeless. It seems like we are heading into a 100 years of darkness. If the adversary can keep the body of the messiah from growing then it is never complete and he can continue to rule.
It is hard to be positive. Even in prayer.
You have to look at the little things, n0nwo, and realize that God is using each small victory to steadily build up to a grand slammer the enemy never sees coming. He won’t give the game away; that’s not good tactics! But he encourages us to keep mobilized and forward marching; otherwise we’ll miss the big win. Surprise! Imagine the looks on all their faces. This really is boot camp for flabby warriors, you know, and we won’t recognize ourselves when we graduate!
Two words: BUT GOD!!!! 🙂
Proverbs 21:28 -30 (AMP) “A false witness will perish, but the word of a man who hears attentively will endure and go unchallenged.
29 A wicked man puts on the bold, unfeeling face [of guilt], but as for the upright, he considers, directs, and establishes his way [with the confidence of integrity].
30 There is no [human] wisdom or understanding or counsel [that can prevail] against the Lord.”
Enough said. God always has the last Word.
We will not wait 4 years for Psalm 119:126 says: ” it is Time for you to act, O Lord for they have regarded your law as void.” They have no idea who the True God is. He is about to display the greatest fireworks ever for 2021. HE is not done with America and neither is the remnant. Go God go!!!@
Last night I heard a news anchor say that President Trump has almost exhausted all his options to oppose the election results.
At that moment the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and said, “When he exhausts all his options and can do no more then I will move on his behalf and rescue him!” I believe God will move quickly and in an unexpected way.
Thank you, Bro. Mario, and each of you, for your wonderful posts on this blog. Many times I have felt discouraged so I’d read the day’s postings and come away strengthened in faith and perseverance by your encouraging words. Merry Christmas to all of you and your families!
“When he exhausts all his options and can do no more then I will move on his behalf and rescue him!”
Hallelujah and AMEN!!! So be it! God will get the glory! 🙂
I concur with you!! 🙂 Reading Mario’s blogs and most people’s comments have been encouraging including yours. This morning I woke up feeling led by God to “sing”. ❤️ Merry CHRISTmas to you and yours!!?
What a Christmas gift! Thank you!
I never saw that arduous journey to Bethlehem as plan to abort the Christ, the promised hope of the world. But prophecy called that He would be born in the city of David, and so it demanded a sure delivery of the Word!
What a God we serve!
Merry Christmas, Body of Christ!
I never saw that before either. Jesus has the Victory!!! ?
Merry CHRISTmas to you and yours.
God bless us everyone
Thank you for this encouraging word! I was even more encouraged because I had read Psalm 37 in my quiet time this morning and then I saw Mario had referenced Psalm 37:18-20…it was like a confirmation!
Psalm 37:1-9 was so calming to my soul as David writes…”Don’t worry about the wicked…Trust in the LORD…Take delight in the LORD…Commit everything to the LORD…Trust Him…Be still…Don’t worry or fret…and finally verse 9…”For the wicked will be destroyed…”
Enjoy the LORD and enjoy your life for He has it all under control!
What a Christmas message Mario!! Just what SO many need right now!! Praise the Lord for HIS WORD, for it is mighty and powerful to the bringing down of strongholds! It’s sharper than a two edged sword able to divide the soul and spirit and bone and marrow! The truth truly does set us free from all that is dark, oppressive and rules the spirit of this present age!!
Thank you for posting such an uplifting, encouraging blessed Christmas message for those who have lost hope!! Jesus is LORD and HE is delivering us!!
Merry Christmas to you and Mechelle!!?????????????
Thank you for continuing to stand in faith and encourage others to do so as well. It is a disappointment that others with strong ministerial voices are utterly silent during this. Many blessings on you and your ministry as together we stand strong and behold the breakthrough!
Dear Mario: Thank you for your post, which confirmed what the Lord brought me to see a few weeks ago. Jesus’ death on the cross appeared to be a gruesome, evil end to Jesus Christ’s ministry on earth. No one but God foresaw the eternal and glorious results of His (temporary) death, which was salvation made available for all peoples.
Whatever happens with the control of this nation’s government, God can and will manifest His eternal purposes and HE WILL BE GLORIFIED. The only thing that cannot be shaken is God’s Kingdom and that is Whom and what I can confidently depend upon.
On Tue, Dec 22, 2020 at 5:02 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Are you exhausted from the relentless > stream of bad news? Do you need to shake off the emotional roller coaster > and raging disappointment that is 2020? The devil said, “This will be the > worst Christmas of your life.” The evil one said, “You will not have” >
Very encouraging, keep our eyes on the goal God has set before us. Not on the circumstances where our feet are.
Really like your comment. Sometimes I say the problem is we look at our circumstances not at what God can do with our circumstances. ?
It is always darkest right before the dawn, and God always prepares His people before He executes justice. The gates of hell will not stand against Christ’s church. It is time to put on the full armor of God, Eph 11-18. Have faith brothers and sisters, God will not fail His people. All praise, honor, and glory to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ ✝️
Yes, I have Ephesians 6:10-18 highlighted on the Bible on my iPhone.
Thank you for the reminder that God’s prophecy prevails even while man conspires to do evil. The miracle of the Christmas Star tells us that God is working for us, his love is enduring, and his purpose will be done. Strangely, my husband and I just finished reading that exact Psalm in morning devotions before reading this message! God will bring the victory to America.
Why are so many Christians gravitating to those words of prophecy of Trump being a two term president and of him triumphing over this election fraud? I’ll tell you.
Many millions of Christians have been experientially trained to contend for the promises of God that are written. It’s a war. Some battles in a war are lost in a war but many are won. The Bible is full of promises of the nations coming to the light of Christ. They are contending for the faith based on those promises.
“And the nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.”
Isaiah 60:3
“And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it.”
Revelation 21:24
So when prophets are agreeing with scripture. It is quite natural for Christians used to contending for the faith based on what is written to contend for that faith strengthend by those prophetic words.
You see prophecies and visions about the end of the world as we know it supposedly based in end time teachings; that are by the way fake teachings. Not based in a proper understanding of scripture, take absolutely nothing to be fulfilled. All everyone has to do is a big fat nothing and evil will overtake and subdue a nation. Even if it was established in righteousness.
Saving nations from judgement is just like saving souls. People have to contend for the faith to see souls saved. The promises of God are clear in the matter. In Timothy it says: It is the will of God for everyone to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. So we contend for the faith based on the promise of God to save souls. If we do nothing then those souls will come under judgement and end up in hell. And, just like their are Christians who are fatalists and believe some souls are “unelected” and doomed to judgement. So too many believe the world and its nations are doomed to judgement and destruction. All anyone has to do is nothing for that to come to pass. Easiest thing in the world.
But we are not among those who do nothing and watch a world and its people, and their or nations fall into judgement. We are the people through whom the living waters flow out of their bellies. Waters that save an heal souls and those nations, wherever the waters go.
And even if the prophecy turns out to be unfulfilled. A mere battle lost in a war that the scripture declares will be won. We fight on, contending for the faith having learned a few things for the next battle to come.
So, those who believe that the Bible means what it says as far as Bible Prophecy and End Times are just sitting and doing nothing then, and watching the world and souls go to Hell? Where did you get this idea?
You might want to look up what the Book of Revelation has to say about taking away from the prophecies of that book. The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
Nations will come to the Light, yes, at the same time that deep darkness covers the earth. Deep darkness is the end time. Good and bad will be happening at the same time. Nations are the gentiles, nationalities. Entire nations are not going to be saved. We’d love it to happen, but there will be those who will never bow their knee to the Savior, until it is too late and they are cast into Eternal darkness. Sad to think about of course, but no where are we promised that all will be saved. That’s Universalism, a truly false teaching.
There will be a Rapture, a Tribulation, and a Millennium. Those are some of the clearest prophecies in Scripture.
So you think. Then why do all these prophecies in the Bible say this?
By the way. Your not doing very well at discerning what o am saying. I think you need to work at it a little harder.
It is going to be a great Christmas because He lives in my heart.
Merry Christmas Mario!!!
Thank you for this very important message, Pastor. My prayer daily is that not one stone would be left unturned. I read and repost your messages for all to read your prophetic truths. May God continue to place His great army of angels to protect you so you continue to reveal His heart of love, hope and joy to all of His people, especially at this crucial moment in time.
Blessings to you and your staff for the peace of the true miracle – the birth of our Savior Jesus.
Merry Christmas and may 2021 be a great year of winning souls to Jesus Christ … before He returns.
Angela Marie
On Tue, Dec 22, 2020, 2:00 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Are you exhausted from the relentless > stream of bad news? Do you need to shake off the emotional roller coaster > and raging disappointment that is 2020? The devil said, “This will be the > worst Christmas of your life.” The evil one said, “You will not have” >
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Thank you, Pastor Mario, for the encouraging and uplifting word. I needed that this morning. I am not budging in my support of President Trump.
I guess we found out this morning who one of the high profile Christians is who went back on his word about Trump being re-elected.
Pat Robertson said that Biden won the election, Trump needs to accept it and get out of politics and not try to re-run in 2024.
So, I guess, Almighty God is leaving it up to Pat Robertson to plan who our President is, and to direct President Trump’s businesses, life, and affairs for the rest of his life? How can someone like Pat Robertson be so devoid of wisdom and discernment, and be so horribly uninformed as to the danger we are in as a country, and how corrupt the democrat party is? He’s saying we need to cave in to someone who stole the election, favors China over the US because of the millions he and his family have milked out of their relationship with China, and wants to abort babies at any stage?
I am so outraged at Pat. IMO, he has some nerve. It is time for him to retire before he does further damage to the Cause of Christ.
Someone needs to send Pat the current issue of Imprimis, which I will post here if I can get my computer to stop glitching. It’s a must-read for sure. He is going to be shocked when God brings us the miracle that He is going to do, and he will owe the Body of Christ, and the Lord, an apology.
Pat Robertson is an absolute clown. He predicted that Trump would win, and that there would be at least *two* attempts on his life during his second term. 😛 So, if he believes that his prophecy was wrong, has he apologized to the entire Christian community yet??
Years ago, Pat told someone whose wife had Alzheimer’s that it was okay for him to divorce her. You can read about that here:
Pat Robertson has about as much credibility as the Psychic Friends Network. 😉 Time to put him out to pasture. In the meantime, just completely ignore him. I also won’t ever be reading any “news” on the CBN Web site.
I seldom watch CBN but I have nothing against it. I saw the report on Newsmax. I just think Pat might be getting a little senile. But then, he’s stuck his foot in his mouth several times over the past years. The remark about Alzheimer’s is horrendous, IMO. Anyone who leaves their spouse because they are ill is among the lowest creatures on earth, as far as I’m concerned. I’ve heard such sad stories about that happening.
He accused Trump of living in an alternate universe. Sometimes I wonder if he might be doing that himself. His mouth seems to get in gear before his brain is working. But no, he’s not a fraud.
It depends what you mean by “fraud.” 😉 Do I think he’s saved and tries to love God? Yes. Do I think he has any credibility as a Christian role model? Nope. 😛 I think he’s an opportunist, as his latest remarks about Biden reveal.
Let’s see, besides his completely ungodly advice to the husband whose wife had Alzheimer’s:
1) In 2008, even though pro-life Mike Huckabee still was in the presidential race, guess who Robertson endorsed for President? Pro-abortion Giuliani!!
2) He’s always had loose lips, making lots of stupid remarks (or “idle words,” which the Bible warns about).
3) In 2012, he prophesied that Romney would win. Well, we all know that turned out. 😉 In fact, I think he has a long history of failed prophecies.
4) As far as I know, no matter how many times he delivers bogus prophecies, he never apologizes or asks for forgiveness.
5) Now he wants all us Christians to become “useful idiots” by throwing Trump under the bus and giving Satan a nice, warm embrace. 😛
As James 3:1 tells us, teachers will be judged a lot more strictly than the rest of us. At best, Robertson is supremely incompetent, and I can’t think of any reason why anyone would give this so-called leader the time of day. 😉
Not surprised at this news – but very much saddened. Those who have placed themselves in a position to cause others who rely on them to stumble have to be so very humble in the Lord. Obviously, this man is not.
WELL SAID and AMEN! Thank you
This is a must-read. This is what we are coming to. The process will be accelerated under Biden, if God allows him to take office. He won’t.–M8YOWh005StM69Ccrj9hJsMUL-ORZYKH8UcDS3uGtbf9CGycFgQWOWz1VBmIAmgjgsDwf24WGwjUZ2Hd-RC0RtpmGPQ&utm_content=103982981&utm_source=hs_email
KingsKid48: This is where we all didn’t research everyone’s fruit who founded and funded and where ALL the money went. “Salvation for Sale” Gerard Thomas Straub; always look at year a book written. Google: “Pat Robertson paying off the attorney general for diamond mine’s”; do all those reads; Read “Battle Hymn” by John Scura/Dane Phillips for corruption and in “Marketing of Evil; How Evil Works” by David Kupelian. Read the good and the scandals, applies to all:
Wish people would take all their money and quit following what my friend calls “mouth pieces for satan” and they put their relationship with God/Word in order and their families and take their time and money and quit giving it to these false 501c3 Corpse’s, Corporations that were total self-serving and truly live James 1:27 and Matthew 25:31-end; Great Commission. Would like to see a Ministry where 100% of the money goes to James 1:27 as “nothing gives it away more than lifestyle”. If, we had all read Matthew and applied instead of building all these dead edifices, serving up man’s carnal, dead, flesh witchcraft Galatians 3: and oppressing the people never bringing out gifts, callings, blessing, providing “as the church goes so goes the world”; here we are. Condition of hearts are revealed. Wouldn’t it be great; if, all these Church Buildings/Ministries were turned into Homes for Fatherless, Widow, Orphan, Poor, Homeless, single parents come together Worship and serve those instead of being empty all week and no one can live in or eat the building. Never stop praying and repenting.
A few days ago, Gunnar provided a list of some alternative e-mail sites that we can move to so that we can dump Yahoo Mail, Gmail, etc.
Well, about ten minutes ago, I signed up for my free ProtonMail account. Based in Switzerland, apparently this service has NO ADS 🙂 —and is highly secure. If you want to pay, you can get additional features.
ProtonMail looks very promising, and I eventually hope to completely dump Yahoo. Since you can get a free account, I see no reason why anybody wouldn’t want to sign up:
Thanks for the helpful advice, Gunnar!!! 🙂
I would love to get away from Gmail. Thanks for the info.
No problem—all credit goes to Gunnar. Before he posted, I had never really heard of ProtonMail before.
Sam, they were giving a great Black Friday deal. Someone told me about so thought would pass on, always find young people as they really know; as explained to me and it was impressive. If, you find the free mail site someone told me about held in Netherlands. Some grandfather told me his five year old grandchild was educating him on how to use electronics. Someone had listed sites like Banned, Parler, MeWe, Bitchute, New Tube, Breighton, etc., vs. Fake Book and U-Tube.
Wanted to share this excellent article about the Great Reset.
The message is that peaceful civil disobedience is the only path forward, which includes doing everything we can to stand up for Trump and protest the fraudulent election. If we don’t do that now, then eventually dissent may no longer be possible! ?
Incidentally, even though the stores that I frequent want you to wear masks, I never do. And nobody ever says anything to me either. 🙂
“In my interview with financial analyst Patrick Wood, he provides compelling evidence that this has been a carefully crafted technocratic strategy that has been in place for the last 50 years or so. By submitting to unconstitutional orders such as mask wearing, self-isolation and lockdowns, we are likely setting the stage for mandatory vaccinations, tracking and tracing. It’s all part of the Great Reset plan.
With COVID-19 fatality rates as low as they are, mandatory mask wearing, social distancing, lockdowns and business shut-downs are not only ineffective and unnecessary, but these measures are also causing a global economic collapse. It appears the only justification for this strategy is to increase fear, tyranny and transfer of wealth to the technocratic elite. . . .
Now, so-called “health passports” are being rolled out, and it’s only a matter of time before COVID-19 vaccination will be required for travel. For months, many have been saying “It’s just a mask. What’s the big deal? Wear it so we can end this pandemic.” Soon, that will be replaced with “It’s just a vaccine. What’s the big deal? Take it so we can all go back to normal.”
Alas, there will be no going back to normal unless we make a fuss. . . . What they’re trying to get us to accept is a dystopian nightmare of an existence where there is neither privacy nor freedom to speak of.
Getting us to don our masks is nothing more than a soft indoctrination. . . .
Overall, it seems the best way to avoid a much more harrowing fight down the road is to engage in civil disobedience now, because once the Great Reset has been fully implemented, dissent will no longer be possible.”
Amen and Amen!
Please make it Available to Australia ??.Some how I got the book on Fire and Glory .But not the other one.It is being shared to all my friends .We pray for for you guys .as what happens to America happens to The World even Australia .Grace and Peace .Colleen Toon .
Sent from my iPad
Your steadfast faith, perseverance and encouragement are greatly appreciated Mario.
God bless you for all of your hard work. Have a joyous Christmas and New Year.
I am still smiling that on the darkest day of the year (Dec. 21st = shortest day), God put on a light show for us with the “Christmas star”. 🙂 This entire year He has been calling to us and encouraging us to seek His face. He longs to be gracious to us! Thank you for your wonderful messages Mario. Glorious days are ahead! All praise and glory to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!!!!!!
This “Christmas star” should still be visible the next few evenings right after sunset too:
Mario, I cannot THANK YOU ENOUGH for your words that daily encourage, strengthen and re-kindle the fire in the Soldiers of Christ, the ones who are MARCHING ON in FAITH for the victory that we truly believe is coming!!! Yesterday we were utterly shocked and angered at Pat Robertson’s words (on his Dec. 21 show), completely reversing his former support on a Trump victory and reversal of this election and TOTALLY CAVING IN. I sent him your blog about Not Abandoning Trump. I pray he and MANY OTHERS read it and are convicted.
God bless you brother, we LOVE your daily blogs, which keep us in an attitude of faith, prayer, hope and joy!!! And THIS one was thrilling!
Stay strong and stay safe, Kelly Mills Doorkeeper Ministries
On Tue, Dec 22, 2020 at 3:05 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Are you exhausted from the relentless > stream of bad news? Do you need to shake off the emotional roller coaster > and raging disappointment that is 2020? The devil said, “This will be the > worst Christmas of your life.” The evil one said, “You will not have” >
Amen! Yes we are hanging in there.
God is going to have His time, His show & His way and soon! It’s Big and it’s going to get Bigger.
Our heavenly Father set our Lord Jesus Christ at His own Right Hand in the heavenly places,
Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion (dominion machines), and every
name that is named, – – – Ephesians 1: 20, 21. KJV.
Joy to the World, the Lord has come! Let earth reveal her King!
Amen, Mario. Love your righteous blogs! We will not stop fighting for the truth! God is revealing, exposing and about to break the adversary’s evil plan!
Trust in the Lord your God, and you shall be established; trust in your Prophets and you shall prosper! (2 Chronicles 20:20) The Battle is His and the Victory 2020 – WON is ours! Hallelujah to the Lamb of God!
He is laughing at the nations and He is about to ridicule them (Psal 59 8 – 10)!
Thank you for continuing to uphold the Light of Liberty and speaking the Truth! No man or woman in the Willof God can ever be harmed (Psalm 91) America IS SAVED we decree and declare!
Merry Christmas, Caroline
On Tue, 22 Dec 2020, 11:01 Mario Murillo Ministries, wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Are you exhausted from the relentless > stream of bad news? Do you need to shake off the emotional roller coaster > and raging disappointment that is 2020? The devil said, “This will be the > worst Christmas of your life.” The evil one said, “You will not have” >
I agree 100%!
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
Thank you for the reminder of how prophecy completes God’s plan even while man conspires to do evil. The miracle of the Christmas Star tells us God is working for us, his love is enduring, and he never fails. Strangely, my husband and I read the exact Psalm a few minutes before reading this message! God will bring the victory to America.