by | Jun 24, 2024 | Mario Murillo Ministries | 190 comments

The first night in New York

How can I tell you about what happened last night in New York? Well, to do that I need a new word for ‘breakthrough’. I need a word that describes going from the lowest low to the highest high in just one night.

Why do I say the lowest low? Because it was. I thought Phoenix was our lowest low. In the heat of the warfare there I remember saying, “It can’t get any worse than this!”

Welcome to New York…

On every level New York was more brutal than Phoenix. The lead up to this tent crusade was a kick in the teeth. Every kind of attack that could happen did happen. Satan began to mock me!

Satan told me this crusade was going to fall apart. He reminded me that I said the Blue States—and the cities the American church has written off—will be epicenters of revival. He told me I would be shamed in New York. Then this happened!

The atmosphere inside the Tent was charged with faith. The air was crackling with expectancy. They came from everywhere to be saved and healed— and then Jesus crushed the lies of the enemy!

I preached the Gospel. I attacked the insanity of our culture and commanded them to be saved! Then it happened. An effortless altar call. The hunger for Jesus was so intense that instantly the front filled with lost souls. No wonder Satan fought so hard!

So many faces weeping. A mass of hurting lives being redeemed. There is no other way to describe the glorious collision between Jesus and these desperate souls.

Why do I need another word for breakthrough? Because this was not just an impossible situation—it was a stronghold of demons. Satanists threatened us. The religious spirit in many of the churches was stronger than any we had ever faced.

New York is a prize for the devil and he will not let it go without a vicious fight. But what God did next was emphatic! It helped clarify this Bible verse I have known all my life:

Isaiah 61:1-2, “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, because the Lord has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound;
to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God…”

It was the word vengeance that I had been looking for. God began to heal bodies with a vengeance!

I saw a man in the back of the Tent. By His mercy, God had me describe in detail a litany of ailments in this man’s body. The details even went as far as to describe mass calcium deposits in the base of his spine. The man waved his arms in the air in vehement agreement.

Then, no longer hunched over, he ran to the front demonstrating his total healing.

It was vengeance, alright. God was not just healing, He was attacking sickness. They burst forth from one end of the Tent to the other. Miracle after miracle.

One lady was slow to respond to the list of things I described in her body. Her husband kept relaying the words to her. Then she abruptly pulled both hearing aids out and waved them frantically in the air! Total healing in her spine, legs, arms, heart and ears!

It would fill a book to tell you all the healings. It is enough to say that the greatest setback boomeranged violently into victory.

It is shocking to see how some of the churches here fought the meeting. Not just shocking but baffling since they would benefit by getting the new converts. Some even staged competing events to discourage our attendance.

Imagine a crusade that is being attacked by the secular media, lukewarm churches, and devil worshippers all at the same time. Yet, for all that resistance the hand of God is strong and continues to astound us.

There is no doubt this is the greatest breakthrough we have seen in New York. But this move of God is not out of the woods. It is still in jeopardy. We need your urgent prayers.

Last night was more than a breakthrough. But tonight, will make or break this crusade. Please pray fervently for pastors to come under conviction. Pray that masses of lost souls will be supernaturally drawn to the Tent. It is now or never. Please, please join us, and pray!



  1. Ed Walchuk

    Praying in agreement. Glory Hallelujah. 🙏🙏🙏🔥🔥🔥✝️

  2. Sandra Gunter

    What wonderful testimonies!!

    Will be 🙏🙏🙏

  3. David

    Been praying daily for you…mighty work of the Lord. Keep up the good work, proud of you

  4. Brenda Diehl

    Reading this blog at 3:12 a.m. Praise GOD for the Victories. Continuing to pray for tonight’s meeting through Wednesday night. To GOD be All Glory. Pastors, church leaderships, whole congregations, government officials, etc., all need Jesus Christ. He Is Faithful. We will watch Him move! Amen

  5. Jeff Stouffer

    Wow! God Bless You and your Team. God is truly moving in Power and Glory.


  6. Duane

    Hallelujah praise Jesus Christ and for your ministry in Jesus name Amen 🙏🏼.

  7. Carol

    Praying for you Mario !! Also for your volunteers, your worship team, and all of those traveling with you!!
    The power of God can not be stopped!
    God’s will shall be done!

  8. Stan

    Praise God

  9. Judi Schloss

    Oh praise Jesus He will continue to show up and His glory will be demonstrated with signs ,wonders and massive salvations!!!!!!

  10. Joe and Lori Pileggi

    We raised our family in a small town a half hour East of Batavia from 1984-2000. We ministered there and I can say from that experience, there is no harder ground to break up than Western NY! Bro. Mario, I see your ministry planting a spiritual stick of dynamite in the mountain of resistance and Holy Spirit is “breaking up the fallow ground” and bringing revival to a truly parched and thirsty land. Our prayers are with you and your team as God uses you to “blast” through the resistance and bring the greatest revival Western NY has ever known!

  11. Andrea Duncan

    With clean hands and pure heart God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob we go into courts of Heaven with Praisevand worship and Honor and command people to be drained by thousands supernatural to come to tent in Batavia New York to Mario murillo Ministry and except Jesus as Lord Now! Hallelujah So be it Amen and Amen!🙏🤗✝️😇🇮🇱🇺🇸👪🙌🪖⛪️🏫♥️

  12. Susan Postmus

    Day of Vengeance of Our God

  13. Helen

    I’m praying for lost souls to be saved in the name of Jesus Christ.🙏🙌 I
    Father God bless this ministry bringing your word your promises your truth and to honor you and praise you for what you did yesterday and today and what you are doing. Amen

  14. Stephen Allen

    Whatever you do, do it heartily as unto the Lord and not men. Col.3:23

  15. Dorry coffee

    So overwhelmingly wonderful indeed
    I believe The Holy Spirit gave me
    Isaiah 9:2,4,6 yesterday…
    All Glory to Christ Jesus.
    Thank you Mario for being obedient to HIS word

  16. Eva

    Hallelujah! How wonderful. We are at the airport to fly to the meeting! Excited and praying for you.

  17. Elaine Heistad

    Prayer is the key. Conviction of the Holy Spirit needed in every church, in every family. Faith will unlock the door. God is moving, only BY HIS SPIRIT.He’s wildly after all of His creation, that All will be saved, healed, delivered from the powers of darkness.He died for All. NY represents All.

  18. Pamela Weber

    Thank you for your dedication to our Lord we will rise above the evil and God will prevail. Love and strength to you and your mission.

  19. Sister Sybil Nadine Gordon


  20. Janice Andreyka

    My prayers continue daily for success for MMM !!
    And my support financially will be stronger as the days
    go by… blessings on all your work to get the lost souls saved.
    Amen and Praise the Lord !!

  21. Stella Murray

    Awesome Father God for using your humble servant to show and prove your Glory to New York No demonic powers no matter how strong they think they are can compete with You Lord God to You be All the glory for ever Amen 🙏🙏🙏

  22. Pat Rowland

    May the Lord continue to show His mighty arm against the enemy. NOTHING is impossible for Him! Even in NY!

  23. Bev

    Wow! !!!!!’
    What a privilege to be a child of our amazing , loving, kind , faithful God.
    Thank you Jesus . We pray from a place of Victory.

  24. Wes Smith

    Prayer for the church leaders to be convicted by the Holy Spirit of all that is not of God.
    When it’s time for Houston anointing oil have been poured on the fence line oh the Satanic Astroworld demonic murder site. Relient Arena also. Oil a mixture of Dr. Erica Shepherd, North Georgia Revival and Dalton Bible before it was counterfeited.

  25. Patti & Michael Navarro

    Praise Yeshua. We will be praying.

  26. France Bruce

    Wow yes I pray now in Christ Jesus for total victory in that devil state of New York in Christ Jesus the king amen pray for my hernia to be healed going to surgeon this morning and my kidney count to be healed and knees to remove all arthritis so I can walk better amen

  27. Carol Ann

    I pray, in the name of Jesus for this revival turn from darkness, to light and from the power satan to God that the pastors will come under Holy Spirit conviction that they would repent to be drawn to the true living God and have the true heart of Jesus to save the lost Convict these people that are coming against Mario’s revival that they would know the truth, and the truth sent them free open, their eyes bind the lying spirits in the name of Jesus, touch their hearts bring everyone to the tent draw them and cancel rebuke every evil plan of the enemy soften their heart and let them hear the holy word of God and come to know our lord Jesus as their savior. in Jesus, holy name I pray amen amen.

  28. Deborah Potts

    Every time I read your blog I hear God say… I love Mario.

  29. Elizabeth Halton

    I didn’t know you were here in NY!!
    I live here Praise God!!!’n
    I will be praying for you and the crusade
    Where are you

  30. Richard A Honorof

    Dear Mario Murillo,

    Please come and do a Tent Crusade in Jerusalem, Israel, in the worst historical location in all of Israel, in the ben Hinnom (the son of hell) Valley located just below Mount Zion hotel near Jaffa Gate. We have been holding revival meetings here since 2000. This city park area will hold about 5000 people.

    This is the Place which God had cursed three times in the book of Jeremiah Jeremiah 7:30-33; 19:3-13; and Jeremiah 32:34-42 . But God had also prophesied and said that this place would one day become Holy to the LORD forever, in Jeremiah 31:40.
    On June 16, 1999, God gave me two back to back visions of this place one day becoming the location for the beginning of the world’s great End Time Revival.

    Around 2010 the curse was finally lifted off the Valley by God, for prior no birds would ever go down into this Valley except for the crows. And then the doves returned.

    On my website look at my book that I have been writing for over 25 years called, The Coming Great World Revival, the Ben Hinnom Valley Story!


    I am an American Israel Jewish Messianic believer who was saved at age 29 and began full time ministry in 1982. I have been based in Jerusalem since 1999.
    I am now age 80.

    Richard Aaron Honorof
    Feed My Sheep Jerusalem
    m phone 011-972- 54-713-1636
    cell phone in Israel 054-713-1636

    Mario, please take this request very seriously!

  31. Belle Woods

    Thankful our God is the one that no foe can withstand! Hallelujah!

  32. Colleen Holland

    Praises to our mighty, powerful God!

  33. Jeanne Seals

    “Oh Lord, it is time for You to act..” Psalm 119:126. The only words that come to me is the words, His Majesty.

  34. Dee Stiles

    As I read this good report, I initially began to weep. Then the Spirit fell upon me and I jumped up out of bed and matched around my house loudly praising in a heavenly language! Finally the Spirit whispered, “New York may be Satan’s stronghold, but I reign supreme over all”! Will be praying for you today, Bro. Mario. And for the mighty works of God to be manifested to get thru salvation, deliverance and healing! Thank you for your faithful obedience! YOU challenge me to believe that the Book of Acts is for the here and now…2024!

  35. Carol Miller

    Praise the Lord!!!Great things are happening I was at your meetings in Michigan. They were awesome. I believe with all my heart God is doing something new that’s really old! Years ago God lead me to have tent meetings in early 80s. There is just something about being outside thst just charges the atmosphere. I pray for you and Lance what a great team you all have. What a privilege to carry the Word. As One the body of Christ working together for His Glory!!!!

  36. Nancy Myers

    6-24-24 Luke 18:27 in context 18:1-43 Amp. Bible Pg.117 But He said, What is impossible with men is possible with God. Gen.18:14 pg. 20 Is anything too hard or too wonderful for the Lord. More than 5,000 times the LORD is written in Scripture. Nothing is “too hard or too wonderful” for Him when He is truly made Lord.

  37. Pearl Dalton

    Thank you for the update on all that God us doing 🙏
    Prayers avail much 🙏 ❤️

  38. Birdie D Stringfellow

    I believe in miracles. I am one. You are, too. The best kind of miracle. I belong to Jesus Christ.

  39. Cynthia Hoskins

    Awesome brother,
    Could you pray for total healing for
    Christopher cornett
    He has.
    Cerebral palsy

  40. Lori

    Praise be to God!

  41. Carol Henry

    Praying for an even greater outpouring of God’s glory in the crusade tonight. Greater is our God.

  42. Dianne DuPree

    Praise The Lord! That’s so encouraging to hear!

  43. Margaret Siciliano

    Praise God ! Yes will pray! Thank you Mario and team!
    God Bless and keep you strong in the Power of His Might!
    See you tonight! 🙏👍💖

  44. Patti-Jo Smith

    It was an awesome night, seeing the hand of God move throughout the tent!! Praying, praying, praying!

  45. Gale Livelsberger

    Mason and Interviewed Francine from Winston Salem NC and did she get so much healing. I believe she said 9 problems. I am so happy being a part of God’s teàm in NY

  46. Barb Morin

    I’m praying for God to show up and show off His awesomeness!! His beauty of grace and forgiveness and to heal body soul and mind of all who has come to receive him!

  47. Douglas Krause

    Praise God, praying for New York. Heaven sent angels are gathering, to clear the way, and rain healing, in these portals of Holy Spirit Pentecost. Tim Sheets had a good message on Sunday.

  48. Liz Brasher

    Thank you Mario and team for all you are doing.?We all must fight this spiritual battle. God is calling out his Army for battle.

  49. victoria

    I live on the eastern end of Long Island and it is about as liberal as it gets. Further up island closer to the city is more red and populated so please feel free to come to Long Island to help out here.

  50. Linda Mize

    I’m praying Mario this reminds me
    Romans 5:20 says, “Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound”. This verse is part of Romans 5–8, which describes the results of salvation through Jesus Christ. In this verse, Paul explains that God’s grace is greater than sin and that it can reign through righteousness to lead to eternal life.
    Gods Grace shall abound in Jesus Name!! So be it come Lord Jesus Come!!

  51. Charles Dickinson

    Bro Mario, Thank you for being a role model for the last 35yrs, and your obedience to the calling of God on your life.

  52. Dorothy

    Mario,I will pray for you and New York. God is using you in a mighty way. Souls will be saved and lives will be changed. All the Glory be to Jesus Christ

  53. Robert B Goode

    Praying Mario…praying! Stay strong. Blessings and Shalom

  54. Tricia Sims

    Thank you, thank, thank you, Mario, for coming here to New York State again! My husband and I have been spiritually starving here! I have been fervently praying for revival and breakthrough for so long. I’m praying God’s kingdom come, His will be done for your tent revival and that strongholds will be broken in the name of Jesus as you minister in the tent. Pleading the blood of Christ over you, and all involved in this assignment from God. All God’s blessings on you!🙏✝️🩸

  55. Betty Joyce

    Awesome to hear!!! Our GOD is so good!!

  56. Ed Taylor

    I was born in New York. There is a strong attack waged against the power of God throughout the northeast. But now through your labor OUR LORD is fighting back against all those who want His saints to remain captive to the cares of this world.

  57. Name *donna


  58. Samuel Burns

    Glory to God Mario, this is truly a breakthrough and a Supernatural Miracle from God. We praise God for the salvation of the soul in New York. We praise God for the miraculous healings that took place. May God continue to use you in New York to invade the darkness over that region.
    Blessing for your obedience to the Spirit of God.

  59. Mark Garner

    Praise God, more super breakthroughs!!!

  60. Jenny M Adams

    I was in the tent as a volunteer on alter team Sunday night! The power of God was so strong during the entire service from anointed worship, powerful preaching and the spontaneous response of the hungry hearts for salvation and healing! It was undeniably true that the people wanted more of the Holy Spirit!! Praying & fasting for Tonight’s service to be the most life changing event in everyone’s life! Under the tent! Tonight! Batavia NY🔥

  61. LaurieAnn Goetz

    I am with you. I am from a New Jersey suburb, originally, so I know what you are talking about! Somehow, the rich people who commute to NY from the suburbs, it would be helpful for them to see the glory of God there to be supportive like for instance, some of them are changing their alliance for Trump. Some need to strengthen their relationship with God and get serious about it instead of hanging out at the golf club, etc on their spare time, but really put God first, doing what it takes to have God as first love so they don’t see their families sucked down just as much by drugs or alcohol, bad relationships, and being stressed out!!! I lived this as one of those from a family where this was all typical and damaging. They need to see how much they need Jesus!

  62. Barb Doyle

    If you do a word study on vengeance, Hebrew meaning,what I found meaning that I think best describes what God is doing in New York is vindicate the vengeance. Below is what I found.

    The word vengeance in Hebrew is naqam which comes from an Akkadian word which means vengeance but not in the sense that we think of revenge, getting satisfaction over a wrong done to us. It is a vengeance of vindication, an act to bring out the truth.

    I have forward prayer request to prayer group for you and team and Gods vengeance. Than you for your work. God bless!!

  63. Hilda

    Wow!!! Praise the Lord!

  64. Diana Herrin

    Praise GOD, praying tonight is even better and puts Satan and his demons on the run.

  65. Judith Lowe

    Praying for people to Get Ready for the Lords Coming!!!! Praise Jesus!!!

  66. David Taylor

    God Bless this HIS Ministry

  67. Lucy

    Mario, thank you for your witness to God’s strength, promises and goodness. We are in Austin, Texas. Would you please pray for a beautiful man here who, upon graduation from high school was a passenger in a friend’s car that was wrecked. Only Jaime was injured He is paralyzed from the waist down. He is a believer. He continues to trust God for healing. I trust that God is using you mightily and bow in gratitude to Him. Thank you for your commitment to Him. Maybe you are this generation’s Julio Rubial. Praise be to God✝️

  68. Tony Perone

    Fervent prayers for the Righteous One to appear to these lukewarm pastors and church goers that need an encounter with the living Lord! May the God of our salvation move in New York and stir the souls that hunger and thirst for righteousness!
    And no weapon of the enemy will prevail against the King of Glory, Mario, dear brother in Christ.

  69. Julie Bloom

    My Husband needs salvation , and a healing from cancer

  70. Marilyn Kneeland

    Thank you, Mario (and your team) for coming to Batavia to spread the good news of Jesus Christ and the truth of what’s happening to our country to my fellows New Yorkers! They desperately need Jesus and I thank you for not giving up on New York! Thank you for fighting the good fight especially since arise, churches and pastors in this area. I’m trying to keep you from coming back (shame on them!) I will pray that even more people will show up tonight, tomorrow night and Wednesday night, and that there will be a tremendous outpouring of revival will ignite here New York and the devil will flee!!

  71. Marilyn Kneeland

    Oops, moderators delete my comment, along with this one because Siri changed some of the words, and I didn’t even notice it before hitting the submit button!! I will create a new comment and make sure I edit it first before submitting it. Thank you and God bless you.

  72. Darrell

    Mark 3:5 He looked around at them angrily and was deeply saddened by their hard hearts. Then he said to the man, “Hold out your hand.” So the man held out his hand, and it was restored! 

  73. Barbara J Wildner

    Yes I will pray against the devil that has captured New York

  74. Jeannine Landells

    I am with all of you in prayer. The enemy is defeated! Salvation is reborn in our Nation!

  75. LaReena

    The Lord is showing Himself Almighty. He is the Lion, and the Lamb.
    The Lion when confronting opposition, and The Lamb in gentle healing.
    Praying for you Brother Mario, and your team, to continue steadfast and unmovable in this victory!!
    Jesus is on His way, and He is expecting that the body is actively proving Who He is!

  76. Nina

    Hello Mario,
    I always like to watch your meetings, but last night it was not on YouTube or Facebook. I was wondering why? Nina

  77. Leyla Schrunk

    All Glory and Honor and Praise to Our Lord who is WORTHY. Show Your Ultimate Power tonite! Explode the minds of evil and turn them to Good! The Joy of the Lord is our strenght!

  78. Cheryl Varricchione

    Thank you for sharing the mighty works of God at your New
    York crusade. You are in my prayers daily, along with your
    family and your ministry.
    I know God is a miracle-working “I AM”in this evil world we
    live in and am anticipating my personal healing, along with my
    family in GOD’S PERFECT TIMING!
    May God continue to bless you & your ministry as you step
    out in faith each and every day.

  79. Vickie Becker

    Bless you and your team Mario for the faithfulness of your ministry! Prayers are with you faithful servant! of the Almighty God!

  80. Richard Vega

    Praying for double portion tonight Mario and team! Since the days of John the Baptist the Kingdom of Heaven has suffered violence and the violence are taking it by force! The devil is a liar in every way size shape or form he takes. May the purity of God’s word unfailing prevail and cut down the devil!

  81. darryl redwood

    I pray that hearts would be changed and that the churches would stand together, So that the Lord would be glorified

  82. Jean

    Praying for you and the new brothers and sisters in Christ. It’s bad enough that we know our enemy Satan, but the church too. Yes Holy Spirit. convict the churches who are fighting the tent crusade. Open blind eyes.

  83. Linda Howard

    So encouraging to our soul! God is on the move always. Hearing the good news makes the heart sing. God bless you and your teams of God’s warriors for His glory and salvation and healing of His people.

  84. Nancy Holland

    Sending warm wishes and positively Godly thoughts from
    Georgia. The devil will be rebuked in Jesus’s name.

  85. Paula Brickhouse

    It was so powerful and such a blessing to be there. We came from Amherst, suburb of Buffalo, and can’t believe how pastors can stay uninvolved from this outpouring. Standing in faith and believing for even greater anointing tonight.

  86. Janet Scarbrough


  87. Carol Pritchard


  88. Victoria

    I LOVE to read of these BREAKTHROUGHS Mario! Hallelujah 🙌. God is SO GOOD !! Not only the amazing smile on this healed man, but every other face is LIT UP! OUR GOD REIGNS!!!

  89. Margaret Karakas

    Lord in the Name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, I profess my faith boldly in the power of Your supernatural healing over all of those who will be attending tonights alter call in New York with Mario and his team and to those beyond. The power against confession for wayward ways, not Christ centered will fall and be replaced with your unwavering love and redemption for those lost and are now found. Lord we thank you for the gift and sacrifice of Your one and only Son Jesus, who was crucified for us. The power of Your salvation for life eternal and for forgiveness of sin to transform our lives is manifest NOW.

    I command that the angel of death be lifted and removed from the lives of your sons and daughter who live in New York and elsewhere, so that they may walk in the freedom and glory of Your light, with only Your lamp upon their feet and with the guidance and wisdom only imparted from the Holy Spirit. All other distractions by the enemy, idols and gods are banished NOW.

    We pray for a tall, wide fortifide hedge of protection surrounding the city of New York and New York State that becomes impenetrable by the enemy of dark evil forces. Chains are breaking and falling down NOW. People are awakening from years of depression, pain, delusion and mental illness NOW. Eyes are opening with clarity being restored right NOW in Your mighty Name. No weapon of evil forces will take root and prosper. The devil is commanded into the lake of fire RIGHT NOW. People are walking free from bondage to the darkness NOW. Set the State of New York free from oppression and give conviction to those children who are lost right NOW so that they may be granted eternal life and salvation. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

  90. Garry Cook

    Praise our Farther! Keep up the good Work Mario!

  91. mike cerrato

    Good morning Mr Murillo

    I am praying with you for this breakthrough in New York and asking the Lord to help all the pastors embrace what the great I Am is now doing in their midst. Rather than doubt or resist this long overdue moment in time here in NYC we pray they will come along side you and all those new belivers,to welcome and disciple them for the great harvest of which the Lord promised in the latter days. Praying for these lost souls to be led immediatley to your tent as a breadth of fresh air, and ushered into the Glory of God presence.

    God bless you& staff.

  92. Joan Hoffmann


  93. Lori Greeninger

    Praise the Lord. Will be passing on this message and praying! 🙏🙏🙏

  94. Roseanne

    God bless you!

  95. Bertha Paden

    Praying with you and your team that the Lord of the breakthrough will overflow and His Zoe breath of life will fill not only those in the tent but those in other parts of the state including every Pastor in the state. God will be glorified!!

  96. Joan Hoffmann

    Praise the LORD. GOD IS A GOOD GOD I am praying that everyone who needs healing gets what they need . PLEASE LORD EVERYONE WHO WILL RECEIVE IT

  97. Chrystal Otterstedt

    Psalm 103 in action!!! Praise God from whom all blessings flow🔥🔥🔥

  98. Christine Parker

    Two timelines clarify over the next few months–the Armageddon timeline or God’s timeline. This is the time to choose to follow God. Thanks be to God for Mario Murillo preaching into God’s timeline and aligning with God’s frequency of healing, wholeness and kingdom living.

  99. MB

    God is currently judging various lukewarm churches and pastors throughout America. I am praying that your tent crusades will help to usher in Revival throughout America. We need Revival now much more than ever before.

  100. Melani P Beavers

    Yes and Amen! Thank you Lord for Your faithfulness. May Mario, his team and Your people continue to humble themselves before You Lord. May we all shed our old clothes and accept your Robes of Righteousness! Thank You Lord that You love each and every one of us and that You want NO ONE to perish. I pray Your hedge of protection over this revival, over each participant and the lives of those who will be forever changed because of Your love for them and ultimately their love for You in their lives. We praise Your Holy Name and ask this in the Mighty and Matchless Name of Jesus Christ! Amen, Amen & Amen.

  101. Liz Southard

    I’m praying and will continue to pray for New York, for you and your staff.we serve an awesome GOD.

  102. Denise Bochman

    Praying for God’s mighty hand and power to touch the people and release them from the hand of the enemy. May He, the mighty King, move in this state like never before. May His kingdom come!
    Thank you brother Mario for your obedience to come and be an instrument of God.

  103. keith webb

    Yay yay yay Yeshua !!!
    Do it here in Ohio! Do it all over America! Do it all over the world! Lord Jesus have your way on the Earth in Jesus name!

  104. Kathy Eby

    I stand in prayer for you and your ministry Mario. God be with you !!

  105. Cathy Turner

    What a blessing to read this!!! Love the verse you quoted: Is. 61:1-2. The photos made me smile and even brought tears. I’m on the other side of the country but my prayers are with you!
    Come Lord Jesus!!!

  106. Ann Harper

    Praise our Heavenly Father for such a move of God. To God be the Glory for the things He has done and will continue to do. Praying for such a move again tonight. A multitude of souls and pastors repenting.

  107. Jeff Savage

    with you in prayer for souls & conviction

  108. Steve Wells

    My prayers are for God to continue blessing your ministry and provide covering over you and the entire family who work and support each event.

  109. John Mattison Jr

    Oh God! COME! Show us YOUR GLORY! All across America!!!

  110. Jan White

    Praise God for this testimony!!! Standing with you as God continues to move in extraordinary ways with salvations, healings, deliverances and spiritual renewals throughout this crusade!!!

  111. Janis

    Brought me to tears…


    THANK YOU, LORD, for what you are doing in and through Mario and the ministry!

  112. Joan Hoffmann

    Praise the LORD GOD IS A GOOD GOD THANK YOU LORD FOR ALL THE PEOPLE That you ministered to. Awesome healing and deliverances

  113. Kathie FitzPatrick

    Wow, I am so happy this is happening To God be the glory! Let the powers of Satan and the Luke warm chutches be conquered and let there be a great victory, in Jesus’ name amen111-Kathie FitzPatrick

  114. Carolyn Spencer

    This is my second time in the tent In Batavia, the hunger that I have seen and heard from talking as I was ushering was amazing. An elderly woman who walked with a cane drove over two hours alone to be at the revival when you have people who live in Batavia who won’t drive 10 minutes to be there. We are the body of Christ and we need to act like it!

  115. Sharon

    Praise God!!

  116. Sue Allen

    We are holding you up in prayer from Washington state!

  117. Dori Woodburn

    You have our fervent prayers, Mario. Double outpouring of Holy Spirit anointing and power! Blessings from Minnesota.

  118. Jacque Ostby

    Yes was/will be praying people that need Jesus and healing are drawn to the tent, each time there are people speaking and praying. God convict the Pastors and people standing against You, draw them and pour out on them Your truth and mercy, turn their hearts and minds back to You Amen

  119. Betty Neubauer

    Prayers lifted up to the Father. May the Holy Spirit convict & convert, astound the needy hearts & draw them to the Tent.

  120. Carl Etheridge

    Of course I will pray!!

  121. Joan Hoffmann


  122. Belinda Hill

    Would love to volunteer when is the next crusade on the East coast? Can’t seem to find a list of upcoming meetings!

  123. Lisa McDaniel



    LISA M.

  124. Karen Sorenson

    Praying from Idaho, Mario!!!

  125. Debrajean Griffo

    Seeing my Brother
    (Steve Rutherford) in Christs healing made me cry in joy ❤️
    Thank you Lord for healing this man. He has suffered so much and still continued to be a beacon of light to others and for others
    Truly a Blessing 🙏🏼❤️

  126. Steven Rutherford

    I will be forever grateful to God our father, Mario, and all who prayed for me!!! I had been able to run since 1998 and was in chronic pain since June, 28, 1998. I had several surgeries since then with no relief. As I started into my ministry things got worse as satin tried to stop me. I’ve been pray for by hundreds of people. But it took this revival meeting to break the satanic stronghold satin had over my life.. I can’t thank everyone enough for their love and support for the freedom I now get to enjoy!! Thank you Mario for not giving up on New York!! I’ll go to battle with you anytime!! Love you Steve

  127. Ronald R Blasius

    Praise and glory belong to Jesus

  128. Cheryl Disheroon

    I am filled with rejoicing! I will continue to pray for the magnificent power of God to be displayed through the rest of this meeting. Jesus, Son of God, to you be all power and glory! Amen!

  129. Diana Gomez

    Praise the living and all mighty God! He is able to deliver us and subdue our enemies, in Jesus name.

  130. Glynn Adams


  131. M J Joyce

    Mario, I want to thank you for keeping us all posted on what is really going on. It is really appreciated. We, too, have been persecuted on a local level. It is happening everywhere to those of us who are a real threat to the enemy. We may not be there with you, but our hearts are surely with you. Carry on!

  132. Cheryll

    I was in the tent service last night in Batavia New York and I heard and saw the power of God move in a miraculous way this is what the church needs the people need to be free and anyone who really wants this will stand behind it

  133. Esther Gibbs

    I join with u and all the workers in this tent revival. Know a lot of how the enemy works as just went they a week long time with my ground on a cruise. Got caught in a strong tropical storm and a lot of us were praying for hours they the nite. Then got caught in hours and hours of delays from the ship till we got back home. BUT our god is so very good and His plans are beyond amazing!!!

  134. Brian Dash

    Thank you for not giving up. The victory is the Lords. His ruling stands, and you shall prevail!

  135. Lawrence G Ebaugh

    Wow,God is amazing,Jesus is king and Holy Spirit is powerfully moving!

  136. Barbara

    I’m praying and believing with you for Victory in the Name of Jesus. Thank you Father for Jesus, Thank you Father for Jesus.

  137. Armstrong Darwin

    I love it “the vengeance of God” against the devil and all his demon imps!! The gates of hell shall not prevail against the power of Jesus blood!!

  138. Tony

    All Glory To GOD ALMIGHTY! Praised Be YOU KING JESUS… HALLELUJAH!!! Brother Mario, may this “Breakthrough” lead all of New York to Flee from the Wrath of GOD, and into The Loving Salvation of KING JESUS… YESHUA HAMASHIACH! HALLELUJAH!!!

  139. Veronica Telaro

    We were there and very Blessed! Thank you Jesus!

  140. betty Darrow

    a few weeks ago God had me studding Jonah and Ezra. I started praying an urgency to come to the tent crusade be released over all the area. That warier angels surround the church, parking and tent area. That angels surround the inside of the tent ministering and praising God. That the Holy Spirit would come in power and signs and wonders. That people would run to be saved and miracles of healing would happen .all over the tent. I pray Psalm 91over all volunteers, musicians workers , equipment, and over Mario and family. I pray pastors , assistant , church musicians are convicted of changing Gods word to agree with society . I pray God presence fills the tent in Jesus name.

  141. betty Darrow

    I started praying an urgency to come to the tent crusade be released over all the area. That warier angels surround the church, parking and tent area. That angels surround the inside of the tent ministering and praising God. That the Holy Spirit would come in power and signs and wonders. That people would run to be saved and miracles of healing would happen .all over the tent. I pray Psalm 91over all volunteers, musicians workers , equipment, and over Mario and family. I pray pastors , assistant , church musicians are convicted of changing Gods word to agree with society . I pray God presence fills the tent in Jesus name.

  142. Bryan Lucenta

    I agree with you in Jesus NAME for total victory in mass salvations and healings AMEN.

  143. Terry Bardeen

    Thank you Mario for obeying God and coming to New York. We have prayed for this. I believe God will do abundantly, beyond what we can imagine. Blessings to you and your family.

  144. Laurie Machamer

    So blessed to have been there last night! Fasting and praying for more souls to he saved and for local pastors to come under conviction! In the battle with you, Mario! Almost in the front line – me and my fellow warrior were in the second row, middle! To God be all the glory! 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️

  145. Emiko Sugita Esquibel

    The Glory is falling on the anointing that the Holy Spirit is speaking thru you and the congregation is being healed.Thank you for your obedience to go where the Lord is instructing you to go. The Harvest is ripe and the Spirit knows where to go.

  146. Teresa Thomas

    Prayers for many more healings and people saved in New York! The enemy is vanquished! God is good all of the time! Praise his holy name!

  147. Giselda V Velasquez

    The Lord bless you Brother Mario, as well as your family and Ministry. I’m shouting for joy about your update of the Glorious break troughs The Lord did in N.Y. We thank God for His Mighty Power moving in the hearts and souls of the people that were saved and healed, and we also thank God for you and your obedience to His Voice. To Him be all The Glory!! The Word of The Lord that comes to my spirit for you is this: ” See, I have created the smith that blows the coals in the fire
    and who brings forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the destroyer in order to cause ruin. NO WEAPON THAY IS FORMED AGAINST YOU SHALL PROSPER, AND EVERY TONGUE THAT SHALL RISE AGAINST YOU IN JUDGEMENT, YOU SHALL COMDEMN. THIS IS THE HERITAGE OF THE SERVANTS OF THE LORD, AND THEIR VINDICATION IS FROM ME, SAYS THE LORD!! (Isaiah 54: 16- 17 ) I’m praying for a mighty move of God that thousands will be born again and healed by the power of God!! May The Shalom peace of God surround you today and always.

  148. Vicki Phillips

    Start a fire in me poem I just wrote in response to your message

  149. Don Morley

    Praying with you brother Mario!🙏🙏

  150. Sandra Stewart-Delli

    Praying for this as requested. May God break every stronghold, in Jesus’ name.

  151. David Reaume

    GOD bless you brother Mario

  152. Jerry Geiger

    Praise the Lord! He is All Mighty God, He is Sovergn, Holy, Faithful, and True. I give Him praises for the blessed news of the miracles He is doing through the Ministry He anointed you to do. I am and have been praying for you, the team , and the Spirit of God to move and He has and He will. Amen.

  153. Sherrie Lee

    Heavenly Father I agree with brother murillo & expect to see YOUR KINGDOM COME in NEW York!!!

  154. Gene Lucas

    To Mario Murillo Ministry and the wonderful volunteers that are in New York at this time doing battle with the enemy of the Gospel, and to see the wonderful fruit taking place. I am so thankful to see this wonderful move of God through this ministry. I have been serving Jesus since 1973 was saved in the Jesus people movement and in my opinion this is so more far greater. Just want to say thank you from the spirit of Christ that is in me and say yay and Amen for this wonderful work you all are involved in. Will be in much prayer. All glory to Jesus our precious Lord and Savior and the mighty Holy Spirit.

  155. Carole

    Praying in agreement with your prayers & standing with those who are praying with & for you Mario! God is almighty, all powerful ! God will cut through those evil strongholds like a knife through warm butter.

  156. Brian Little

    Lord Jesus
    Be with Mario amen

  157. Saundra Forbes

    Yes praying from Auburn Indiana

  158. Todd Ward


  159. Trish Stanton

    Praise God ! Praise God!!
    Praise God !!!
    Wish l was there ! Have your Way Father ! Oh the Loving Mercy of God !

  160. Connie Strock

    Praying. No weapon formed against you shall prosper.Greater is Jesus that is in you then he that is in the world.and if God is for you who can be against you.Amen.

  161. Laurie

    Wow! In the absence of righteousness, truth and love, the people have become spiritually hungry. Also, since we are being fed poisons at every turn, I know the country is seeking physical healings. Enter Holy Spirit! Thanks for all you do, Mario!

  162. Glenn Hudgins

    All you can say is wow! Just as Rich Mullins sang in his great song, “Our God is an awesome God!” To God be the glory, amen!

  163. Grace


    God is good, all the time! Amen

  164. Jacque Brandau


  165. Thomas winter

    In the precious name of my redeemer I pray a shield around you of favor resolve and awesome lives being set free

  166. Carl Bruun

    Marrio, the results you described were the very things the Spirit of God had us praying for last night. Again this morning, awoke at four to pray for just such results. Oh, dear God, continue with an outpouring, bold and clear preaching, with the deep convincing that only the Holy Ghost can bring to the flondering.

  167. Margaret Gail Segars Rainey

    Praying for all during this tent crusade in New York! I didn’t have money to send before you left but I shall sow a seed to your ministry on your return. TO GOD BE THE GLORY! RADICAL OBEDIENCE PRODUCES RADICAL RESULTS. THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!

  168. Kinga

    Amen ! Praying .God will not be stopped .Souls won & hell plundered .

  169. phil beatty

    PRAISE GOD!!!!!!

  170. Barbara

    Yes. praying. What a mighty move of God. And there is more coming.It is such good news you share with us.i pray for your supernatural safety.And blessings to no end. Time is so short. May you be richly blessed. In Jesus name Amen

  171. Alma

    Do you have plans to come to the Toronto, Canada area? I am praying for God, my Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour and God the Holy Spirit to end the violence in my life. I am a life long Christian who went into a multi-faith book stores where equipped demons heard me pray to God to help me find an inspiring book. I had been seeking God’s directions for serving Him next for 2 years by then. Demonic spirits immediately took me captive and led me to crystals which I knew absolutely nothing about. Believing God the Father for the assurance of pardon and the forgiveness of my sins by faith in Jesus Christ, I wondered why I was under such condemnation! I take Holy Communion regularly, have had many Christian counselling sessions renouncing all others save God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit and have never prayed so much asking for forgiveness of my sins, now understanding how everything about me is known. Graciously pray with me for Because of experiencing violence from the spirit world that has tried to kill me, condemn me, destroy my marriage and my ability to work I am alive because of the intercession of My Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. However I am asking you to pray with me that Jesus reveal the reason I am still be held. Because of the saving violence, I am completely surrendered to The Lord knowing that I had come to the end of my own abilities and understand that I am completely dependence upon God to deliver me from evil and live. He has interceded and I live ‘in Christ’ and for Christ, standing firm against such evil as I have experienced. Why Jesus Christ is not letting me know what the Accuser has taken into the Courts of Heaven is concerning me. What Is stalling my freedom in Christ, my spiritual and physical healing as well as my passion for the gift of a prayer language and cleansing of His holy Temple, my body and the Holy Spirit coming and living in me. In Jesus Christ’s precious name, I write asking for your prayers. P.S. I do honour God and give thanks for calling me to Jesus Christ and responding in Church. After this I experience the Fruits of the Holy Spirit and long to hear from my Lord and He knows it!

  172. Robert Young

    Praise Yahweh for His mighty works. May He come as the latter rain as Hosea 6:3 says. We must break up the fallow ground, “for it is time to seek Yahweh, till he come and rain righteousness upon” us, as Hosea 10:12 says 

  173. Deanna smith

    I came to the tent on Monday. My husband feels like his bones are (as he put it a caffeine high). I told him the spirit is moving inside you. He has been through so much with the catholic church…. so getting him back in his Christian faith is a miracle all on its own. He keeps saying I don’t know what happened…. but something happened.
    We will b back tomorrow evening. I need to see how the spirit moves him tomorrow. Thank you for fighting everyday. And for coming to this devil infested state that is new york.

  174. Sheila Turney

    Praise God! I stand with your prayers Mario! How wonderful! Yes, Lord send more of the lost to the tent and do marvelous healings and saving of their souls. To God be the glory! Open the eyes of the Pastors and more and more people! Father I plead the blood of Jesus over Mario’s tent meetings! Your will be done Father God in the name of Jesus!

  175. Jeri Can

    Oh man of God, Pastor Murillo, you should have volunteers lining up, what a blessing you are, all those hurting people meeting Jesus, what a witness to the greatness of our savior, messiah, JESUS CHRIST!

  176. Pauline

    God bless him and his team immensely!!

  177. Audrey Simpson

    I will be praying for victory over all the devils strongholðs and complete protection over you,your family and staff.

  178. Pastor Bill

    Those churches attacking you are not of God, but Satan. They’ve signed onto his false teaching. Whole denominations like the Methodists, have jumped ship from the truth to lies. Amen

  179. Laura Krahn

    Praise God for revealing His passionate love for the lost, the hurting, and lonely! Keep on being faithful to your calling, Mario! I will pray for you.

  180. Judi

    God bless you and your work. We and I need this more than ever.

  181. Stephanie Nodine

    Praying with all I have in me.

  182. Sue Crook

    Praise our Most High God!! Satan is crushed!!

  183. Sherry Brown

    Praise God! All glory to Jesus! Thank you
    Mario and your team. I agree in prayer for pasters to repent and lost souls to be drawn in

  184. David Dunak

    Dear God, Now is the hour, This is the place. Keep pouring-out your Spirit upon all men. Have the old men “Dream Dreams” and the young men “See Visions”. Let healing and repentance fill the entire place. Anoint Mario Murillo with your power as never before. Show us all of what only YOU CAN DO. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

  185. Patricia A Williams

    I will be praying, in JESUS MIGHTY NAME ✝️🩸🙏🏾🙌🏾

  186. Kathie FitzPatrick

    Wow, I am so happy this is happening! To God be the Glory! Let the powers of Satan and the lukewarm churches be conquered and let there be a great victory, in Jesus’ name, amen!!!–Kathie FitzPatrick, Yakima, WA


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