by Mario Murillo | Feb 12, 2024 | Politics in the Pulpit
Important update. After asking for an audio of the event where John Maxwell spoke, I was finally told it was not recorded. After saying I was lying they are unable to back up their claim. I vehemently stand by my blog. Until they present me with the unedited audio...
by Mario Murillo | Apr 5, 2022 | Mario Murillo Ministries, Political Issues
Something has happened. An invisible line has been crossed. A very tired and obsolete excuse has expired. What excuse, you ask? The one that goes like this: “As a Christian, I don’t believe that we should be involved in politics.” As incredible as it may seem, people...
by Mario Murillo | Oct 12, 2021 | Politics in the Pulpit
“I keep politics out of the pulpit.” I believe that there are 5 devastating things that excuse will likely do to your ministry. We have spent so much time talking about the hazards of speaking out that we have not realized the disasters of...
by Mario Murillo | Feb 25, 2018 | Christianity Today
When the healing properties of sleep is most precious to me, I am awakened by the Lord to pen a warning. Search what I have written over the years. You will see that I rarely, if ever, write this way. Something has happened in the heavens. A grace period has ended...