by Mario Murillo | Aug 4, 2021 | Christianity Today, The American Church
It is the eve of our next tent crusade and I hear God speaking. Not sermons for the tent. And not even prayer for miracles. He is saying, “Tell the American Church it is time to get back on the offensive.” God is commanding the church to ignore every outward sign of...
by Mario Murillo | Jun 13, 2021 | Political Issues, Political Leadership
Can we get bitter? Upon reflection, there are things that can make us bitter: -It wasn’t just extremists on the right who attacked the Capital building. Antifa and BLM thugs also posed as Trump supporters. The heinous crimes of all who broke the law provided the...
by Mario Murillo | Feb 13, 2021 | Christianity Today
The Democrats have just declared that in the recall of California Governor, Gavin Newsom (D), they want to verify every signature in the petition. They will not allow illegals to sign. They will not allow double-counts. Every signature must be from a registered voter...
by Mario Murillo | Feb 8, 2021 | Christianity Today
Upon reflection, there are things that can make us bitter: -It wasn’t just extremists on the right who attacked the Capital building. Antifa and BLM thugs also posed as Trump supporters. The heinous crimes of all who broke the law provided the excuse for...
by Mario Murillo | Jan 27, 2021 | Christianity Today
Berkeley was on fire. It was a night of terror. Rioters were smashing cars, windows, throwing homemade fire bombs into buildings. The night sky was lit up in flames. And I watched it, as I sat on the hood of my car with a garden hose running. It was 1969, and, even...