by Mario Murillo | Nov 9, 2024 | Donald Trump, Mario Murillo Ministries
No weapon formed against him prospered. No American in the modern era has faced the kind of hatred President Trump faced. There is no politician in our lifetime who has been attacked like this man. As Richard Porter said today, “It’s a comeback story for the...
by Mario Murillo | Apr 3, 2024 | Defeating the woke agenda
A few days ago, I received an email from, of all people, CNN. They wanted to know if I was still holding on to my ‘conspiracy theories.’ I thought, “Who are the real conspiracy theory nut jobs?” Remember how the left ridiculed us for predicting disaster once...
by Mario Murillo | Nov 8, 2022 | Democrat Party, Mario Murillo Ministries
Dear Democrats, do not mess with this election. This time, a false victory will be much worse for you than an honest defeat. Allow me to lay out the reasons why. But first, I want to reinforce my conviction that the church is in a spiritual battle for the souls of men...
by Mario Murillo | Mar 19, 2022 | Christianity Today
We can all agree that what Putin is doing is inhuman and barbaric. Nevertheless, the war in the Ukraine is not our war. It is a globalist war. A war without heroes on either side. And, it is a war we must avoid. Our sons and daughters should not be sent to die in this...
by Mario Murillo | Jan 8, 2022 | Christianity Today, Saving America
Ted Cruz is a vital leader in our cause. He is an articulate, lightning-fast debater. And I believe in his stated core values. However, I also believe the enemy is tempting him to make a devastating mistake. The damage from this mistake cannot be overstated. Please:...