by Mario Murillo | Dec 24, 2024 | Mario Murillo Ministries
They were invited. Something strange, wonderful and unexplainable is happening to people around the world. Birth pangs of anticipation grip them. They are in an upheaval. A centrifugal force spins away all clutter, lesser purposes and pursuits. They are being pulled...
by Larry Rutledge | Jul 5, 2024
Get ready for a night of miracles! 💥 Join us for a powerful evening of healing and supernatural power at the Night of Miracles on Sunday, August 18th at 6:30 PM. Join Mario at the Wilson Theatre, home of Cornerstone Church, located at 1445 Fulton St, Fresno, CA 93721....
by Mario Murillo | Dec 26, 2021 | Christianity Today, Prayer and Healing
America faces the greatest threat she has ever faced. Now it is you who are the vessels of God who must die to self in order to get out of God’s way and confront this threat head on. Not with words alone but with undeniable signs and wonders so notable as to invoke...
by Mario Murillo | May 18, 2020 | Christianity Today
While leftists are saying, “Christianity is done in America,” I say, “At the end of this lockdown, an amazing ingathering of young souls will begin.” To try to prove me wrong, the Left drags out the usual suspects—trends and statistics (including the coronavirus) —...
by Mario Murillo | Apr 24, 2020 | Christianity Today
While leftists are saying, “Christianity is done in America,” I say, “At the end of this lockdown, an amazing ingathering of young souls will begin.” To try to prove me wrong, the Left drags out the usual suspects—trends and statistics (including the coronavirus) —...