by Mario Murillo | Jun 24, 2024 | Mario Murillo Ministries
The first night in New York How can I tell you about what happened last night in New York? Well, to do that I need a new word for ‘breakthrough’. I need a word that describes going from the lowest low to the highest high in just one night. Why do I say the lowest low?...
by Mario Murillo | May 12, 2024 | Mario Murillo Ministries
Why am I waiting until June 1st? Why am I waiting until June 1st to make one of the biggest announcements of my life? There is a clue to the answer to that question in this question: ‘Why do Mothers get only one day, but the LGBTQ agenda gets an entire month?’ That...
by Mario Murillo | May 9, 2024 | Living Proof Tent Crusades
I can’t take it anymore. A word of warning. I can’t take it anymore. Therefore, on June the first, I am forced to make a big announcement. I have no choice. Why? Because the pain and the burden is unbearable. It came to a head the last time I walked out of the Tent....
by Mario Murillo | Apr 2, 2024 | Living Proof Tent Crusades
It is clear that a new breed of weapon is about to emerge. They are the wounded healers. Who are these people? Well, they do not have every hair in place or a clean record. They are not the sanitized, immaculate version of the Body of Christ. They have messed up...
by Mario Murillo | Mar 21, 2024 | Mario Murillo Ministries
25 thieves are posing as Mario Murillo Ministries. I am writing to you because they are stealing your money. They are good at looking like us. They steal our pictures and build entire pages that seem to be us. And here is the kicker: even after we report them and...