by Mario Murillo | Sep 29, 2023 | Living Proof Tent Crusades, Mario Murillo Ministries
A major announcement about children, from Mario Murillo For those who are coming to our next event in the Tent, we have a major announcement. WE are going to have our very first Children’s crusade in Winston-Salem, NC. You heard right. Right next to our big top...
by Mario Murillo | Jun 6, 2023 | The war on wokeness
It is not because Woke is dangerous that we are silent. It is because we are silent that Woke is dangerous. No one denies that America is declining. Inflation is at a 50-year high. Crime is beyond rampant in our streets. Our military superiority and our children’s...
by Mario Murillo | Apr 6, 2022 | Faith In Action, Mario Murillo Ministries
Disney parks are never, ever again going to refer to your children as boys or girls. Disney is not going to bow to moral pressure, no matter how intense it gets. No matter how far their stock price drops and regardless of how much business they lose. The die is cast...
by Mario Murillo | Apr 5, 2022 | Mario Murillo Ministries, Political Issues
Something has happened. An invisible line has been crossed. A very tired and obsolete excuse has expired. What excuse, you ask? The one that goes like this: “As a Christian, I don’t believe that we should be involved in politics.” As incredible as it may seem, people...
by Mario Murillo | Jul 14, 2021 | Our Children
Intellectual pedophiles want to expose your child to all kinds of perversion and to their vile sex acts. And they are banking on the church to just look the other way. There is no doubt the next phase of the LGBTQ agenda is to sexualize children. Now, they claim...