by Mario Murillo | Oct 26, 2024 | Mario Murillo Ministries
“Christian” leaders are boycotting our tent in Tulare, California. You can imagine what a hard week this has been for my family. But what makes it even harder is the fact that I am just a day away from our tent crusade in California. But what makes it the hardest is...
by Mario Murillo | Sep 27, 2024 | California, Mario Murillo Ministries
I find myself in an embarrassing situation. Heartbreaking is more like it. I used the word embarrassing just to get your attention. We must have a breakthrough right away! No, we don’t need money. We need something else. And we need it badly. Without this...
by Mario Murillo | Aug 25, 2024 | California
I must talk to you about California. California is now the greatest threat America has ever seen. To answer that threat we are sponsoring the most urgent gathering we have ever organized. The scope of this gathering is stunning. We have no choice, We know what is at...