by Mario Murillo | Mar 22, 2020 | Christianity Today
The flood of news about the virus makes us all feel like we are getting punched in the stomach. And yet a recent article written by Aaron E. Carroll, Professor of Pediatrics at Indiana University School of Medicine and Ashish Jha, Professor of Global Health at Harvard...
by Mario Murillo | Jan 11, 2020 | Christianity Today
It started again after Trump ordered terrorist Qasem Soleimani killed. Critics are falsely accusing Trump of making the world more dangerous. The truth is, it was Obama—with his foreign policy of weakness and capitulation—that intensified international tensions....
by Mario Murillo | Oct 22, 2019 | Christianity Today
They came to pray—that’s the real story. And it’s a way bigger story than you know. They came even though no headline worship team or celebrity speaker was advertised. They came to pray. Prayer alone was the attraction. They did not gather to be dazzled by a ‘now...
by Mario Murillo | Sep 14, 2019 | Christianity Today
Things are going to get even crazier. Yes, there is little doubt that we are going to see a scorched earth political campaign from the Left. They will be carpet bombing the nation with propaganda. The flood of fake news, character assassination, and criminal...
by Mario Murillo | Aug 3, 2018 | Christianity Today
Critics falsely accuse Trump of making the world more dangerous. The truth is, it was Obama—with his foreign policy of weakness and capitulation—that intensified international tensions. Obama continually gave things away, getting nothing in return but contempt for...