by Mario Murillo | May 18, 2021 | Christianity Today
‘Wokeness’ begins with platitudes about race, justice, and equality. Going from that to hard facts, fairness, and a workable plan seems to elude the ‘woke folk’. When pinned down to practical solutions, their brain drain is often instant and they begin to ramble and...
by Mario Murillo | Apr 16, 2021 | Christianity Today
‘Wokeness’ begins with platitudes about race, justice, and equality. Going from that to hard facts, fairness, and a workable plan seems to elude the ‘woke folk’. When pinned down to practical solutions, their brain drain is often instant and they begin to ramble and...
by Mario Murillo | Sep 15, 2019 | Christianity Today
 The Bible is under attack from the strangest source and it is a disaster. Spirit-filled Christians are having a lot of ‘out of Bible’ experiences. Not only are people claiming that God has exempted them from following scripture, but there are others who are greatly...
by Mario Murillo | Aug 21, 2019 | Christianity Today
Satan has seduced many believers into separating the Holy Spirit and the Bible—by pitting them against each other. The Bible not only predicted this deception, it exposed the motive behind it. 2 Timothy 4:3 says “For the time will come when they will not endure sound...
by Mario Murillo | May 22, 2018 | Christianity Today
In a private dialogue, the Pope is understood to have said to Juan Carlos Cruz—a victim of sexual abuse at the hands of Catholic priests— “Juan Carlos, that you are gay does not matter. God made you like this and loves you like this and I don’t care. The pope loves...