by Larry Rutledge | Jul 20, 2023 | Colorado, Fire and Glory Tour, Living Proof Tent Crusades, Mario Murillo Ministries
What a way to end out the Fire & Glory Tour in Colorado Springs! It might be the greatest night I’ve ever been a part of under the Tent. As they’ve done each night Catherine Mullins and her team kicked off the meeting with an incredible time of...
by Larry Rutledge | Jul 19, 2023 | Colorado, Fire and Glory Tour, Living Proof Tent Crusades, Mario Murillo Ministries
If you thought the first two nights were incredible, they were just a taste of what was to come tonight! Catherine and her team took the stage and the youth packed out the altar area. Together they ushered in God’s presence. I especially loved it when they...
by Larry Rutledge | Jul 18, 2023 | Colorado, Fire and Glory Tour, Living Proof Tent Crusades, Mario Murillo Ministries
Just as I anticipated, tonight was on a whole other level from last night. God showed up in a powerful way, and He had a lot to say. Again, arriving at the Tent I found it nearly full and again we started the service early. It is becoming a normal thing. The people...
by Larry Rutledge | Jul 17, 2023 | Colorado, Fire and Glory Tour, Living Proof Tent Crusades, Mario Murillo Ministries
‘Night one’ under the Tent in Colorado Springs was no simple meeting. It was the beginning of the next level of what God is doing in America. But, before I tell of all that happened tonight I must tell you about this incredible new tent, which we’ve been...
by Larry Rutledge | Mar 21, 2023 | Fire and Glory Tour, Florida, Mario Murillo Ministries
The final night in Ocala, FL was as powerful as the previous nights. The power and glory of the Lord was present right up until the last moment! Once more Catherine and her band took the stage and instantly brought down heaven. The people crowded the stage and joined...