by Larry Rutledge | Aug 10, 2024
This is your moment to BREAKTHROUGH! 💥 Don’t let another night slip by without experiencing the life-changing power of God. Catherine Mullins and band with a Night of Praise, 6:00 PM. A FREE concert at Radiant Church, 4020 Maizeland Rd, Colorado Springs, CO...
by Larry Rutledge | Jul 20, 2023 | Colorado, Fire and Glory Tour, Living Proof Tent Crusades, Mario Murillo Ministries
What a way to end out the Fire & Glory Tour in Colorado Springs! It might be the greatest night I’ve ever been a part of under the Tent. As they’ve done each night Catherine Mullins and her team kicked off the meeting with an incredible time of...
by Larry Rutledge | Jul 19, 2023 | Colorado, Fire and Glory Tour, Living Proof Tent Crusades, Mario Murillo Ministries
If you thought the first two nights were incredible, they were just a taste of what was to come tonight! Catherine and her team took the stage and the youth packed out the altar area. Together they ushered in God’s presence. I especially loved it when they...