by Mario Murillo | Nov 22, 2020 | Christianity Today
What we are really dealing with here, and we are uncovering more by the day, is the massive influence of Communist money through Venezuela, Cuba, and likely, through China and the interference with our elections here in the United States. The Dominion voting systems...
by Mario Murillo | Nov 21, 2020 | Christianity Today
I am taking the rare step of reposting this blog because it is being banned and you should know that. It is not being banned because of fact checking. Everything in this blog is factual. It is being squelched because it exposes the great lie of our generation. The...
by Mario Murillo | Nov 21, 2020 | Christianity Today
I am taking the rare step of reposting this blog because it is being banned and you should know that. It is not being banned because of fact checking. Everything in this blog is factual. It is being squelched because it exposes the great lie of our generation. The...
by Mario Murillo | Apr 14, 2020 | Christianity Today
When there is a national crisis, historically, Americans forget politics and come together as a nation. Human decency tells us to rally around those who are trying to save lives. That is how you and I think, but the leftist media does not. While you and I are fighting...
by Mario Murillo | Feb 24, 2020 | Christianity Today
You’re a Christian who still can’t support Trump? Let me share this fact with you: The people who hate Trump also hate you. They hate your faith. They hate your Bible. They hate your values. They hate Israel. They hate the Constitution and truth be told, they hate...