by Mario Murillo | Dec 23, 2022 | Mario Murillo Ministries
Christmas is trying to tell you something. Because America is exalting evil, America also feels it must shame Christmas. This year, celebrating Christmas feels forced. Many believers find themselves defensive as they celebrate this joyous and miraculous holiday....
by Mario Murillo | Dec 24, 2020 | Christianity Today
It is the darkest time in American History. We yearn for peace, wisdom and safety. We wonder about our children’s and grandchildren’s future. Our bodies succumb to weakness and pain from the raging stress of this age. We cannot find the words for what we...
by Mario Murillo | Dec 23, 2020 | Christianity Today
Jerusalem was in an uproar. Heads of state arrived with their entourage, giving no advance warning. King Herod and the people wondered what it could mean. More to the point, what does it mean to us right now? The actions of the Wise Men tell us what we should do in...
by Mario Murillo | Dec 22, 2020 | Christianity Today
Are you exhausted from the relentless stream of bad news? Do you need to shake off the emotional roller coaster and raging disappointment that is 2020? The devil said, “This will be the worst Christmas of your life.” The evil one said, “You will not have joy, hope,...
by Mario Murillo | Dec 23, 2019 | Christianity Today
The shepherds to whom the angels appeared that night near Bethlehem were carrying the same weight of misery that we as modern Americans are carrying. Did you ever wonder who they were and why they were gifted with the greatest angelic light show the world had ever...