by | Mar 22, 2021 | Christianity Today | 66 comments

At least 74 million Americans voted for Trump. They are not ‘loons’, despite what Bill Maher or Katie Couric thinks. Neither are they ‘brainwashed.’ Nor do they have a ‘cult-like adoration’ for Trump. Of course, every movement has its fringe, but the millions who comprise the Make America Great Again movement are, in no way, a passing parade of wackos.

You may believe they are going away. You may be convinced that CNN and ABC are right when they talk about ‘deprogramming and cleansing Trump supporters.’ If you want to follow the leftist Hollywood stars who today vilified Trump voters, go ahead, but you can never say you were not warned.

74 million people is an enormous group to insult and threaten. To question their sanity is, in itself, insanity. Labeling them as extremists only shows your extreme ignorance.

Above all, consider this: there will be a backlash, and I will explain why, in a moment. What you must understand is that the very first victims of this backlash will be Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. For obvious reasons, I should not even be letting this out of the bag…but railing against Trump supporters will make it impossible for Biden to succeed.

Joe: you will be hampered every step of the way if you keep attacking Trump people.

At first there will be a lull. Trump will go golfing and folks will hang up their MAGA hats. For the moment, corporations and banks will give in to woke threats and ban products and try to cancel folks like Mike Lindell, the My Pillow man, for supporting Trump. And, at first, that will work.  But then, look out.

Remember when the LGBTQ people tried to put Chick-fil-A out of business, and soon the opposite happened, as folks lined up for hours to buy their food? The same will happen to Bed Bath and Beyond and Kohl’s—but in reverse, for banning My Pillow products. And, it will happen to any corporation that tries to cancel Trump voters.

Here’s why:

By attacking them, Democrats are in reality galvanizing an intelligent group of people to act as a single unit. These are not hayseed, backwater buffoons. These are educated business owners. These are middleclass families with deeply held beliefs. They are black and brown people who were faithful Democrats, but who saw the light and left the plantation.

All these people have one thing in common: they came by their convictions slowly and deliberately. That means you will only motivate them when you insult them for being racists, cultists and Nazis. Because they, more than anyone else, know how big a lie those insults are. 

74 million people is a lot of influence and buying power. 74 million people who believe something fishy happened on November 3rd represent a lot of investigative power. Somewhere, someone who knows something is going to crack, and then, it is game-on.

74 million people who will not let an issue go is a Congressman’s worst nightmare. They can run, but they cannot hide. And if they want to be reelected, they had better listen.

74 million people remember who closed all those small businesses, and why.

Go ahead and enjoy the lull. Repeat this mantra over and over to yourself, until you believe it: “It was a fair and free election, and everyone believes it.” Everyone, that is, except the 100 million Americans whom the polls show don’t believe it.

Go ahead and keep lying about millions of citizens who are not brainwashed, stupid or fickle.

Go ahead and underestimate us. That will be remarkably interesting…


  1. yesua7


    • Darla Botset

      Yes! So be it! In the mighty name of Jesus!!!

  2. Elaine Heistad

    Right! We are NOT going away and as the Bible says: be not afraid of their faces. We are not bothered by their low insults. They are making themselves low. We pray they will see the light, otherwise they are doomed: on the losing side. WE ARE ON THE LORD’S SIDE!

  3. C. Jones

    These democrats make Beavis and Butthead look brilliant! Democrats bring a new meaning to stupid…really stoopid!

  4. Jim and Minnie Lou Long

    This blog tonight is EXACTLY why I keep coming back to Mario; why I keep praying for his success as an evangelist, a teacher, and a leader in our culture. This is why I imagine him as a replay of Joshua, son of Nun: a bold man of God who never gives in to doubt, to intimidation, to surrender to evil. Thank you, Lord, for Mario and his crew! Hallelujah!! Maranatha!! Press on!!

    • C. Jones

      Precisely! I agree 1000%

      • Jo Dean

        Exactly. I agree also. I read him every day. Thank God for Mario, our voice in the wilderness!!

    • Myrtle Edwards

      Well said. I love it.

    • matkabob

      Your comment is spot on!!! I don’t have a voice like Mario, and I pray that people will hear his words, especially those who do feel marginalized!!

  5. DD

    The day Flashpoint told about Amazon, I cancelled my account and will never use it again. How many people had the guts to commit to that? The fastest way to shut down the enemy is to take away their money. Social media isn’t free. They are making money from your information.

    • mackcent1958

      That’s exactly why I got off all social media,except jump the less people that follow them the less money they can make

    • Lauri

      We did too! Cancelled Amazon, Netflix after Cuties documentary, we boycott Kohl’s JC Penney’s, Chewy’s, Bed, Bath and Beyond. Buy Local help our small businesses succeed that were shut down through the planneddemic . Totally support Mario, we need more like him leading our Churches. God bless you Mario!

    • Greg Strom

      Absolutely! This is what the Lord is calling us to in the next few years. This is his battle plan. but it will take sacrifice and a change in the way we think. No more addiction to entertainment!
      In this household we have lived without cable TV for over 15 years!
      Defund the liberal MSM. Defund the big tech corporations. Defund Amazon!
      Without money they are dead in the water

  6. mrsbmp

    Excellent article Mario. You speak for the millions of us who know the Truth and the Truth already has set us free. Turn the channel people. Refuse to listen to their mindless, deprived ‘roar’. For the mighty Lion of Judah is roaring loud and clear. We hear His voice and this is the only voice that truly matters.

  7. bkwebster

    Thanks for keeping the people aware
    Of the real purpose behind the scene
    Is to attack Christian values and our liberty. You are right we must quit
    Giving our money to support these stores. Change your shopping.
    Thank you Mario for meeting the needs
    Of the people in your state and bringing them the Gospel. Praying for

  8. Audrey

    Amen Mario, the devil Always overplays his hand! Surely Oppression maketh a Wise man Mad. Ecclesiastical 7:7. This nation has had enough Oppression arrayed against us through this Modern day Pharaoh and his army.The Remnant is rising with Divine Strategy.The Remnant is rising to release a Holy Roar in One Accord saying “Thus Sayeth The Lord, Let My People Go”. For our Lord is Good and His Mercy Endures Forever! We have graciously released this Word of warning, Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. For by wise counsel we will wage war.A man of knowledge increases strength. We will rise up and contend for Your Nation,Your Beloved America. We take authority over the spirit of Python that is attempting to squeeze the life out of this nation. You must come down and Bow the knee to the Name Above All Names Jesus. Every knee must bow and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God our Father.

    • mrsbmp

      Agree, in Jesus’ name. I LOVE this prayer!

  9. Linda

    Thank you Mario! You have your finger on the pulse of God’s people!

  10. Michael A Druckenmiller Sr

    [Go ahead and enjoy the lull. Repeat this mantra over and over to yourself, until you believe it: “It was a fair and free election, and everyone believes it.” Everyone, that is, except the 100 million Americans whom the polls show don’t believe it.]

    • Clint

      Absolutely right and on target! The wave is only drawing back to draw strength and then crash upon darkness with a move of God that will leave them stunned and helpless. Stay the course, we are winning!

      • C. Jones

        Excellent comments! A HUGE Amen to that!

  11. Hank Barr

    Thank you Brother Mario! Carry On! PTL
    On Mon, Mar 22, 2021 at 10:25 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” At least 74 million Americans voted for > Trump. They are not ‘loons’, despite what Bill Maher or Katie Couric > thinks. Neither are they ‘brainwashed.’ Nor do they have a ‘cult-like > adoration’ for Trump. Of course, every movement has its fringe, but the > mil” >

  12. Deidre

    So true. There are 4000 in my group of praying women who are sending letters to the retailers who dropped Mike Lindell’s products. We are boycotting them, thanking Mike and buying his products! We will not forget the theft of 2020!

  13. llong1020attnet

    Thank you for your daily “truthful” blogs.  We pray daily that the “true church” will stand up and take there rightful place in fighting to take our America back. We are also praying for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit at the tent revivals in California and that the Holy Spirit will fan the “revival fires” acrossed this great land of ours. Pray that God will close the gate to illegal immigrants coming acrossed our borders and taking young childrend into sex trafficking. Thank you and God bless all you do.Linda

  14. sharonsoldo2013

    Thank you for being a Christian leader who will speak to these issues! Most won’t and in the meantime the cancel culture, Leftist ideology is tearing up our nation and is even being adopted into many of our Churches. As it says in Psa 11:3 “When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Of course, we know our hope is in God but when we the “salt” fails to be “salt” we have lost our purpose.
    I’m thankful for your wise insight and your blog!

  15. Freda Crump

    Yes – so true!!
    Sent from my iPhone

  16. Heather

    Isn’t this an old post.? Hmmm

    • C. Jones

      Heather, Truth is not old, it is eternal! Hmmm

  17. kmjstrong

    And, YES … “they” do underestimate us. Thank you for giving the examples of Chick-fil-A and My Pillow. I had been a faithful shopper at Kohl’s for well over 20 years. I loved that store. But when they came out against our wonderful, godly Mike Lindell, I didn’t hesitate to immediately go online and CANCEL MY ACCOUNT ! And it felt good to do it — with no regrets. (I surprised myself, all things considered.)
    Thank you, Mario, for your obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ … for all you’re doing to wake people up … for your tent meetings where you are seeing thousands surrender their lives to our precious Jesus. Thank you! (My daughter, who has chosen to live as a lesbian most of her adult life, lives in San Diego. She was raised in a Christian home but several years ago she turned her back on God.) Maybe the Lord will continue to lead you to Southern California and she just might find herself in one of your tent meetings !! 🙂
    We join you in praying for America’s pastors to grow a backbone and speak from their pulpits against all of the evil that is happening in our country.
    We love you and your team, Mario. God bless you and protect you!
    Kathy & Herb Strong Fort Myers, FL

  18. Grace A McLeod

    Yes, just yesterday a lady drove next to my truck with her middle finger in the air saluting me for over a mile. I have a huge Trump train flag flying on the back of my truck. Another man a month or so ago screamed at me several times Trump lost.
    Although, I got a note posted under my windshield wiper yesterday from a Trump supporter encouraging me to keep flying the flag. People honk at me everyday and wave in support of Trump. MANY more Trump supporters than haters.

    • C. Jones

      Grace, that’s all the Biden Bozos have to offer. They can’t help themselves. They have to show off their empty heads and hardened hearts! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

  19. malj309yahoocom

    Amen!  Thank you.  Many of the 74 million have accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior.  More and more are coming home to Christ.  We will to battle against evil thru Christ.

  20. Paul Whittier

    Sent from my iPhone

  21. Claudia MacPhee

    YES, Brother!! AMEN! Thank you for continuing to remind us of WHO we serve! As the shepherd boy David said, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied!”

  22. SAM

    And we are not done fighting this injustice. We will fight on our knees, in the voting booths, and in every arena until the Truth is revealed and justice is served.

    • C. Jones

      Sam, YES YES YES

  23. Vicky Valand Ministries

    Right on, my brother!! Thank you for being our voice crying out in what seems to be the wilderness at this time in our nation. But….God has a plan!
    Thank you and please keep on speaking the truth.

  24. Jane Zelinsky

    So TRUE…..Thank You and GOD RICHLY BLESS YOU ✝️
    On Tue, Mar 23, 2021, 12:31 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” At least 74 million Americans voted for > Trump. They are not ‘loons’, despite what Bill Maher or Katie Couric > thinks. Neither are they ‘brainwashed.’ Nor do they have a ‘cult-like > adoration’ for Trump. Of course, every movement has its fringe, but the > mil” >

  25. kay

    Truth and AMEN!

  26. addedperspective2020

    Interesting word from Mario, now that Biden has come out saying he wants divide the land of Israel he may run into a problem with God. Genesis 12:3 “I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you;”

    • C. Jones

      Biden is in for a massive rude awakening with reality!

  27. eaglepbm

    True word Brother Mario, all we need to do is stand still and watch God do His thing. And expose and remove ALL the wickedness sitting in those seats in Washington. And it will happen and is happening behind the scenes.

  28. Beth Madigan

    Mario, you are godly, honest, articulate, and fearless. Carry on Warrior! We’re listening and getting on board.

  29. Elizabeth Quirk

    Awesome message as always and you have a remanent of Canadians who are standing with you and praying for America. Thank you all you do.

  30. Marissa leongmarissa0@gmail.com

    Trump has the Hand of the Lord upon him. No force can stop His plan. We are His hands and feet. The Justice of the Lord will come through the Law. The US Constitution itself will over turn the election. No violence but obedience to the Bible and prayer. The USA is a covenant nation with God and Trump supporters are praying for justice. We will not bow down to Baal but stand for God.

  31. Sandra

    So very true and GOD is in control so those liars better beware! They are the very reason I dislike politicians and would have voted for anyone who was not one! I have repented for not going to city meetings and voicing my opinion and letting the leaders know what the people want, my state has been a disappointment to me for years because of poor leadership and no recycling which is an enormous waste of money when the adjoining states recycle! I tried working for the state for 15 months and never got a raise and was not appreciated! But GOD will repay these evil leaders who do look to HIM for direction. And pelosi and those puppets following her around will be sorry when GOD shows up and gives them their due! And the fake news media! Anyone who listens to their trash deserves what they get! Jesus is soon calling us home out of this evil generation of vile Corruption! If our eyes were opened to their awful evil we would be as sick as Bill Wiese was after his short visit to hell!!!

  32. Marsha Carol Watson Gandy

    Tell them, MARIO,——they need to hear this.


    I hear yah. Amen! You speak so profoundly about the truth. They are so going to regret their hate filled actions, we will overcome them with the help of God, his followers, his profits and the millions of Christian Americans who will not back down to them. Millions of Americans are coming for them.
    Thank you and keep up the good work. You are bringing so many to the Lord.
    Bless you always!

  34. Linda

    Mario, you are the voice of us who want to be the church, attend etc. But… I hate to say it.. no church locally is addressing this, and so we have become churchless or Christians without a church. I know God will use us as he sees fit and we trust his wisdom and timing.
    Thank you for your honesty and courage for speaking the truth when other pastors are silent.

  35. sharonsoldo2013

    Thank you for being a Christian leader who will speak to these issues! Most won’t and in the meantime the cancel culture, Leftist ideology is tearing up our nation and is even being adopted into many of our Churches. As it says in Psa 11:3 “When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Of course, we know our hope is in God but when we the “salt” fails to be “salt” we have lost our purpose.
    I’m thankful for your wise insight and your blog!

  36. Georganna Ritch

    Love every word Pastor Murillo! Praying for and purchased all your books you offer on your blog!

  37. Nancy Davis

    So agree with every word. Praise the Lord and thank you Mario!!

  38. NickT

    Lying Joe and and Camel Harris are fake and false leaders. We are trying to be lead by people who were not even elected by we they people. They can’t possibly succeed. Also the United Methodist Church is now demonizing we Trump supporters because of the lie of Jan. 6th. Their are other denominations also that have gone to far left, shame on them the need to stick to the Bible and not wokeness.

  39. Barbara

    I absolutely love Mario Murillo, truly a man of God and a true American! God bless you Mario! I totally agree with you! We the American people are not stupid and neither are we blind to what’s going on!

  40. Janie Jewell

    Amen! Amen!! Amen!!! Brother Mario………..tell em for me!
    Hope to meet you in Nashville at Regeneration Nashville and tell you how much I have enjoyed your books. Your Mom has a big smile on her face up in Heaven!

  41. genie153

    Right on, brother Mario! You are a straight shooter and that’s what we all need….a good kick in the pants to focus on what’s right and true and do what we can about it. Pray, call our representatives, pray, vote, pray, run for local office if you have the aptitude for it, and eventually work your way up in your state and country. We need solid believers in the political arena……LOTS of them! But most of all do spiritual warfare which is what is really the bottom line. Jesus wins, but He expects us to agree with what He says and proclaim and decree it. Go Mario and all believers. We can do this because we have the Most High backing us up.


    The Truth is coming out online with Regent University and what they have uncovered about the election. People are not going to forget or give up because they know what the truth is and we are all tired of the lies and manipulation going on. Thank you for the article.

  43. Charlotte McIlnay

    Go Ahead!!!
    On Tue, Mar 23, 2021, 12:28 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” At least 74 million Americans voted for > Trump. They are not ‘loons’, despite what Bill Maher or Katie Couric > thinks. Neither are they ‘brainwashed.’ Nor do they have a ‘cult-like > adoration’ for Trump. Of course, every movement has its fringe, but the > mil” >

  44. Rhona Temple

    Mario. You had me laughing and cheering you are so right on. Everything they do will backfire & turn against them. They are the stupid and deceived ones. They don’t know how to play the game and they don’t have the power. We do and so does our God. They have No! idea how bad it will turn out for them.
    I know we have to love them but I am taking one minute to rejoice in their downfall!! Their own plans fail. Reaping what they sow!

  45. Rhona Temple

    Mario I just commented but I have to tell you our church is opening with no restrictions or limits in numbers for Easter. Here in Calgary Alberta. Against the Government. Our Alberta Gov’t did not lift the 15% capacity and restrictions yesterday with their Covid update. The churches, 11 so far have been working as a group for a year exactly to be open for Easter. To no avail.
    Another pastor, Pastor James Coates from Edmonton, was charged and jailed for almost 2 months. He has just gotten out of jail with no charges except one. For not complying to the 15% limit of people at his services. I think this will be a $1500 fine. But the good thing about that is now his lawyer can go after the government as it was unconstitutional!!! The lawyer wanted that to happen so he could go after the government. God wins. OurGod Reigns

  46. penwright1029

    I forgot to mention, homosexuals have put a young couple’s business, in jeopardy, who refused to make a cake for their wedding as it didn’t go with their Christian beliefs. They were charged with a hefty fee. Another, well known, cake designer has been battling with them for over two years now. He has been fined, taken to court and his life made almost unbearable. This was because he didn’t have the time to make a homosexual couple’s cake. They called discrimination on him. Because he is a Christian, they thought he didn’t want to. He, specifically, stated he just was too busy to make one for them.
    I don’t care to be in their category of, mind seared with a hot iron, thinking. I would like to believe I’m better than that plus I don’t see where it says in God’s Word to do so. If He, specifically, showed me this is what I am to do, then I would in a heart beat.
    By the way, I’m 74 years old and have seen a lot in my days. I would like to think I’ve gotten some wisdom regarding humankind along the way. I’m not saying bend over backwards, I’m saying, we have to be the examples. Jesus was. So should we be.

  47. Vicki Ammons


  48. Glen H. Kippel

    Right again, Mario! We’re not a bunch of ignorant hayseeds out here!
    I put together an Excel spreadsheet to compare the results of the last four presidential elections and the results confirmed my suspicions. Biden could not possibly have received 81 million votes. The average vote totals for the previous three years were 128,378,160. In 2020, the total is supposed to have been 155,485,078. That’s more than 27 million votes more than the average of the previous three elections! Where did all those extra votes come from? When you consider the hundreds of thousands of people who came to Trump rallies and compare that to the few pitiful handfuls of people who showed up to see Biden – when he came out of his basement – that seems incomprehensible. I recently turned 81 years old, and I have NEVER seen the enthusiasm for any president than I have for President Trump. Even if we generously assume a record voter turnout of 140 million, Biden could not possibly have received more than 66 million votes, compared to President Trump’s total of 74,216,154. It is statistically impossible for Biden to have been legitimately elected!

  49. Annette Ruston

    He’s right They haven’t seen nothing yet.
    GOD is about to bring His vengeance
    On Tue, Mar 23, 2021, 12:22 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” At least 74 million Americans voted for > Trump. They are not ‘loons’, despite what Bill Maher or Katie Couric > thinks. Neither are they ‘brainwashed.’ Nor do they have a ‘cult-like > adoration’ for Trump. Of course, every movement has its fringe, but the > mil” >

  50. Marcella Rich

    Amen Mario! You are so correct.

  51. Terri Floyd

    Amen Mario Murillo. That was fantastic. God bless you and God loves you. I am ready to have OUR President Trump back In the Light house… Did I say light house??? Let there be light. PRAISE THE LORD OUR GOD. THANK YOU MARRIO … Millions love you I’m one of them..




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