Our tent crusades are about to go to a new level. For one big reason.
It will begin in Charlotte, North Carolina. A new level. You will see under the Tent. You will feel it all around you. Big changes.
But some things will not change! Our Gospel will not change. The miracles will not change. What the Holy Spirit does among us will not change. The only difference you will notice there is an increase of power. But other things must change.
The Holy Spirit has ordered these changes. Now is the time.
Why are these changes happening now? These verses will help explain: “Then the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you, and you will prophesy with them and be turned into another man. And let it be, when these signs come to you, that you do as the occasion demands; for God is with you” (1 Samuel 10:6, 7).
The Spirit of the Lord has come upon us! He is transforming us into the weapon that the American occasion demands.
The Holy Spirit has ordered these changes. Now is the time.
The American occasion is a widespread desperation for hope and peace. Americans have rejected Wokeness. They yearn for truth, deliverance, and healing. American souls are ripening toward God.
John 4:35 “Do you think the work of harvesting will not begin until the summer ends four months from now? Look around you! Vast fields of human souls are ripening all around us, and are ready now for reaping.”
We must reach the fields that are ready for reaping. We need a flood of healing to answer the flood of evil.
This flood of evil that threatens us like never before. I cannot even imagine where we would be now if Trump had lost the election.
But Trump cannot save America. How many times have I said that! What he can do is buy us time to become the army of God. Remember what I said at the beginning?
But Trump cannot save America.
I said our tent crusades are about to go to a new level. And there is one big reason. The army of God is that big reason. God told me to raise up a healing army. Yes, we are going to improve our lighting, tent seating, and parking. Yes, we will upgrade our sight, sound, and advertising. But the greatest improvement will be in our volunteer army.
This army will heal the sick and cast out devils. Even if they are helping park cars they will carry the anointing of signs and wonders. We are going to intensify our training!
Beyond their training in God, we must increase their numbers. We must raise up an army of thousands. The occasion demands it because millions are open to the Gospel in America. We must reach them all!
Reaching them is everything to me. I have prayed fervently to the Lord of the harvest.
And there is one big reason. The army of God is that big reason. God told me to raise up a healing army.
Matthew 9: 36 “But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. 37 Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. 38 Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”
I am asking you to come with me into the harvest. I am asking you to understand that we have four years to do everything we can to win the lost in these tent crusades.
These crusades will see masses of souls saved in 2025! I am asking you to join the army of God. We are in a war and war puts special demands on us. This blog will end with a golden opportunity for you to use the link to register as a soldier in our invasion of Charlotte, North Carolina.
But there is even bigger news about Charlotte. On Saturday night March 22 at 5 PM we will turn the Tent into a giant dining hall complete with round tables and white table cloths.
I am asking you to join the army of God.
This sumptuous dinner will honor all of you who have served as a volunteer in the past and it will welcome the new members of our extended family. At this dinner I will show you the big changes we will be doing to improve the experience of our volunteers at every tent crusade.
The Charlotte Crusade will be our greatest. We will need a large army to handle the harvest. Please join me in this incredible mission to America and use the link now to register and become part of our great volunteer army.
Remember, Charlotte will be our next level crusade. Remember that we want to you to be at the amazing dinner in the tent. Use the link below right now to be a part of the army!