by | Dec 30, 2024 | 2025 | 86 comments


Trump’s re-election is a merciful miracle. That is why 2025 oozes with promise. But 2025 is a two-edged sword.

One edge is unmatched opportunity. The other edge is soul crushing adversity. It will be a mixture of breakthrough and bitter disappointment. You must be ready to face both.

Do you want to be ready for 2025? Here is your starting verse: Matthew 10:16, “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”

There will be a visitation of God in 2025.

But there are also going to be shocking events.

Let me list them.

-There is a smear campaign coming against Trump and Christians worse than anything you saw during the campaign.

-Reputations will be assaulted in record numbers. The Deep State Left will do this as a smoke screen to cover the disastrous failure of Wokeness.

Blue states are going to rebel. They will double down on their opposition to Trump.

They will try to manufacture another health crisis in order to seize power and shut down churches. These blue states will align themselves with China. Violent crime and perversion will intensify in sanctuary cities. But this will all collapse. It will be the final hurrah of Wokeness. 

Meanwhile in the church:

You will see an increase of pastors remaining silent on the things God hates: Abortion, the LGBTQ agenda, and they will openly teach that the Bible is not inerrant. You  will see preachers condoning brazen immorality. The activity in some attraction churches will be even more bizarre than ever.

On the other hand, many great churches who have remained faithful, plus new churches, will rise up and have a powerful influence on America.

Violent crime and perversion will intensify in sanctuary cities for a short season.

But God will do awesome things in 2025.

-God will release a great prosperity to the righteous who care for the poor. You will see inventions and strategies revealed to vessels who can be trusted not to give in to materialism.

-The greatest harvest of souls in our lifetime will come in 2025.

-The fastest growing churches in America will feature the presence of God, true worship, deep repentance, signs and wonders, and a focus on preaching the doctrines of the Bible. For the first time, they will grow faster than the attraction churches.

Here now are the five things you must do to be ready for 2025:

1. Be as wise as a serpent.

Do you want to be ready for 2025? As I stated above, here is your starting verse: Matthew 10:16, “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” What does it mean to be as wise as a serpent?

It means you know what is coming. It means you see through lies. You are going to be tested.

People you trust are going to turn against you. The Devil is going to put false symptoms on your body. He is going to try to divide your family. Things that some are hoping for will fall through, and they will be broken by disappointment.

Prepare for storms—man made storms. Storms can make you bitter, cynical, depressed, and paralyzed by unbelief. Satan wants to attack your faith so that you miss your assignment.

Defeat unbelief with wisdom. Let wisdom give you the eyes to see through the evil, the traps, and the betrayal. Rejection and disappointment will not wound your spirit.

The wise will understand that some of the changes we want in America will come slower that we expected.  Jesus said “By Your patience possess your soul.” Luke 21:19

2. Be as harmless as a dove.

Do not let evil times harden your heart. 2 Peter 2: 7 says “and delivered righteous Lot, who was oppressed by the filthy conduct of the wicked 8 (for that righteous man, dwelling among them, tormented his righteous soul from day to day by seeing and hearing their lawless deeds)— 9 then the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust under punishment for the day of judgment,”

Keep a firm grip on your joy and expectation. Unbelief will rob you of miracles. An effectual door will open but you can miss it. You can be so jaded by the vileness of our age that you miss the time of your visitation.

Prepare for the worst and plan for the best. Don’t just recognize approaching storms—recognize God sent blessings and opportunities.

Think big. Listen for inventions and ideas that will prosper you. Be bold in your faith. Stay away from negative believers. Reject heresy hunters. Do not dwell on church scandals.

Stay harmless unto God and you will be incredibly harmful to Satan.

3. Discern the purpose of Trump.

Trump cannot save America. He can only buy time for the church to repent and rise up to reform America. Here is the catch: the majority of the church has not repented. That means they do not know or care what it means that Trump is president.

They are not with us in the war for the soul of America. But here is the good news: a remnant is enough to turn the tide. 1 Samuel 14:6, “Then Jonathan said to the young man who bore his armor, “Come, let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised; it may be that the Lord will work for us. For nothing restrains the Lord from saving by many or by few.”

We may be few but we are more than enough. Let the miracle of Trump make you bold. The central victory of this last election was for free speech. You must keep talking about the issues. You must keep bringing passion to schoolboard meetings. We must understand that the culture war is just beginning.

4. Find a church that is speaking out.

Gathering ourselves together with like-minded, spirit-filled patriots is more important than ever.

If you are lingering in a dead, compromised church hoping to change it, wake up! You are on a suicide mission. You cannot change them. Meanwhile, you are wasting valuable time.

Isn’t it bad enough if your job, your child’s school, and life in general is draining you? Why should your church also drain you? Why are you financing institutions that are as damaging to America as the Democrats?

You need to be in a service where you can hear from God, be trained for spiritual warfare, and leave refreshed.

5. Pray the Lord of the Harvest and bring in the harvest.

Matthew 9:37-38, “The harvest is so great, and the workers are so few,” He told His disciples. “So pray to the One in charge of the harvesting and ask Him to recruit more workers for His harvest fields.”

I am preparing for the largest crusades of my life. In Tulare, California, we saw something we had never seen before: It was easier to get the unsaved into the Tent than it was to get Christians.

All of my pastor friends tell me that souls are getting saved in their services like never before.

America is a great contradiction. Our culture opposes Jesus. It ridicules those who seek God. And yet, at the same time, more are coming to Jesus than ever before.

The misery of Wokeness has ripened souls toward God.

John 4:35, “Do you think the work of harvesting will not begin until the summer ends four months from now? Look around you! Vast fields of human souls are ripening all around us and are ready now for reaping.”

Let Jesus use you to win souls in 2025!

If you do these five things you will thrive—you will be mightily used of God—your loved ones will be blessed and redeemed, and we will get our country back!


  1. Tim Dunn

    Do…….As the occasion demands.

    ~ Mario Murillo~

    • Georganna

      I pray and commit to be prayerful and eagerly awaiting for His return! Being diligent to share the gospel to the lost! Praying for the harvest!

    • phil beatty

      YES! AMEN! & AMEN!!!!

    • Miriam Coakley

      Amen, It is an Awesome Revelation and on time Word. I Thank God for the Souls that will Come to Know Jesus. Miriam from Bahamas.God Bless You Pastor Murillo for the Great Work you are doing.

    • Derek Aspinwall

      This Dude is spot on, kinda like my spirit animal. Resonated with me for sure. Always a remnant that hasn’t bowed the knee to Baal. About to observe our 1 Kings 18 moment.

  2. Joan Goodman

    Wonderful Word Brother Mario! Thank you and Happy New Year to you and your familyy!🙏

  3. Pamela Wheeler

    Yes and AMEN 🙌🙏🏻✝️ We must be ready and prepared to stand together in one mind and one body and lead by the Spirit of God in the name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!!

  4. Carolyn

    Amen! We must be prepared to what’s coming for such a time as this. God is and has been my everything, my life has been very hard these past years but God always is with us, and gets us to the other side. God go with you Mario I’ll pray for you and yours. Your sister in Christ.

  5. Jeanette Reynolds

    Awesome advice.

    • Dianne Lloyd

      I agree with everything in this article. However why under violence and perversity is a picture of a black man? My husband is black my children are black they are neither violent nor perverse.
      This is how prejudice against people of color continues to propagate.
      There should be a diverse picture of all colors and ethnicities who are violent and perverse! Please change the picture.

      • Mario Murillo

        The picture stays. Far more of pictues of white people doing wrong are on my blog than any other race. The diversity is already there.

    • Jim Gossett

      Right on Mario as usual. I listened to a prophetic man of God recently and he said 2025 is the year for many of you to find your tribe and you won’t have to strive anymore for to be understood because your tribe will understand you and see you as God sees you.

  6. Giselda Velasquez

    Giselda Velasquez

  7. Pedro

    Everything said is spot on! Experiencing right now. WAS THERE NOT THREE!
    There is a forth one who likes a GOD!
    Praise GOD for this ministry, for such a time as this!

  8. Pedro

    Everything said is spot on! Experiencing right now. WAS THERE NOT THREE!
    There is a fourth one who likes a GOD!
    Praise GOD for this ministry, for such a time as this!

  9. Judy Tarrant

    I will read this daily…things are already getting crazy

  10. Leonor Gileslava

    We need to stay alert, vigilant, prayerful, full of His Word, and spend quality time worshiping the Lord with all our hearts. May the remnant stay strong & faithful to Him, in Jesus’ name!

  11. Gary Bowyer

    Encouraging brother.been following you for years.

  12. Leonard Carroll

    May God continue to use you and guide you, Mario. Jesus said, “Depart from me, you who practice lawlessness.”

  13. Michael Druckenmiller Sr

    We have an opportunity for a national Revival. We’ve got a TEMPORARY reprieve.

    I believe that it will last two years before President Trump is completely co-opted.

    I see two scenarios. We do not have a National Revival, Trump is co-opted and American is finally overcome by its sins hidden and overt.

    Or, we do have a National revival and God grants four or more full years to labor in God’s Vineyard.

    I see the church age as a non-prophetically defined parenthetical clause of length determined solely (or mostly) by the health of the church. Only The Father knows for sure, and He ain’t say’in.

  14. Ed Sather

    Well said, Mario…
    A blessing is coming and is here even now. It’s on the door steps to coinside with leaders like you.
    The End of Days are coming sooner than we expected.
    God bless

  15. Meg Leary

    Well Mario, I must admit that I wasn’t expecting this warning.
    Even though I live in Australia, I was believing for a better year for all.
    I didn’t realise that the democrats could still cause so much damage and it goes without saying that what happens in America the rest of the nations seem to follow, though our leaders here seem to be digging a greater grave for all of us.Very worried they are about Trump becoming President.
    Thank you for this warning and May the world wide remnant hold fast to the Word of the Lord. Forewarned makes us forearmed.
    I will continue to pray for your ministry, for protection and safety for you and family and all involved in the tent crusades.
    Many Blessings to you and may we all stand shoulder to shoulder in this battle. Meg

    • Teresa Thomas

      Meg, I’ll be praying with you.

  16. Shirley Webb

    Wonderful message. Thank you for sharing your message with us and we as born again believers need to be on guard against the evil we have seen in this world. May God Bless your meetings and I just want you to know that I watch you and pray with you while you’re holding your meetings on TV. I enjoy watching you and wishing that I could be at your services. God Bless you and your ministry. My name is Shirley Webb and watch you on YouTube. Thank you for your ministry.

  17. Laurie Tralmer

    Yes & Amen,
    I’m moving and joining the church your tent was at this year.
    Thank you & Blessings to you Mario.

    • Bruce William gilson

      That is awesome . Is this Laurie Tralmer from Wisconsin

  18. Kay Keddy

    Mario, you are correct. Keep up your great work. Will you visit Canada? Canada needs prayer.

  19. Bryan s

    Or we could have just been fooled by the anti-Christ Trump is pro Bitcoin and Crypto coin aka “The Mark of the Beast, Trump tweeted support to put us more debt for War and Congress raises. Elon’s X formally Twitter X is a sign of the devil his rockets are all called “Dragon” Jack Parson’s sold his soul for space tech and all NASA space shuttles were named after satan. I would keep your eye’s on Jesus cause Trump is selling Bibles for $1000 who is he now Ken Copland?

    I hope President Trump is still Trump and not who is starting to act like this storm may just be starting

    • Diane M Brink

      Pray and do not bring down a man God has his hand on.
      Praise God for a once in a lifetime builder and negotiator, who fears God and speaks about Jesus. Be grateful not fear mongering Bryan,
      Bless You!

  20. Deb

    Thank you for confirming what God has been showing me for 2025. I had the very same scripture in Matthew 10:16 and just shared this with our prayer group. Thank you for laying out what this means so well. Let’s be ready for what God will do. Blessings

  21. Pearl Dalton

    Dear Mario, I have not attended a church for one year.Because sin remained in the pulpit and worship team. The other that I attended was not into politics nor tithing. I praying 🙏 for my footsteps to be guided by the Holy Spirit for 2025.I want to be involved in God’s kingdom work

    • Ernest Castillo

      Our prayers are for God’s grace and protection and blessings to be with you and the ministry. As pastor and God’s servant I will continue to share with the Body of Christ the words given by Mario Murillo, God’s voice to america and the church. Hebrews 12:26,27 a shaking is coming and only those things that cannot be shaken will remain.

  22. Richard Seawell

    It is harvest time. It is time to double down in prayer. It is time to double down on reasing and studying the Word.
    It is time to ask for great boldness. It is time for the Church to rise up as the army of God.

  23. Diane MacDougall

    Thank you Dear Mario , for these strong words of encouragement. I appreciate the wisdom they have in great measure,

  24. Doloris Sheldon

    I hear you!! Holy Spirit. Help me to repent and obey your wisdom and counsel for the harvest. Your kingdom come!!! King Jesus.

  25. Ron Rupp

    Amen, what scares and therefore limits christians is the thinking they have to save the lost, which creates timidity, and Paul told Timothy, not to be that, allowing a call and anointing be quenched because of fear….faith doesn’t have fear…

  26. Linda Robertson

    AMEN!!! I have said this for months now. What I see is that people feel that the fight is over and the we can lay back and bask in the victory but in reality, it has only just began……….we have to remember that satan never expected what happened in this election and is still licking his wounds but he is plotting and planning his retaliation and revenge. We must stand in the full armor of GOD in HIS Love and pray asking for HIS Wisdom, HIS Discernment, HIS Knowledge and HIS Understanding in this battle ahead of us. Hold us fast, LORD, and fill us with the Joy of our first love of YOU. Let the thoughts of our minds, the words of our mouths, the work of our hands and the paths that we walk be utterly and completely at YOUR Direction. We seek only to be in YOUR perfect will. YOU are our healer, our provision, our joy, our peace, our hope, our king, our redeemer, our love……….. teach us LORD and use us to YOUR Glory……none of us LORD and all GLORY and HONOR to YESHUA JESUS our KING!!!!!!!!! In the Holy Name of YESHUA JESUS we pray and we bow………AMEN!!!!!
    We shout HALLELUJAH in the presence of the enemy!!!!!!! Let us tell you about out JESUS!!!!

  27. Belle Woods

    Thank you for sharing these 5 points. May you continue to share these truths with great success, and power of Hoky Spirit!

  28. James Welch

    What a encouraging word, I pray for your ministry and against the enemy to step aside cause as God’s word is spoken all tongues will confess that Jesus is the only king of Kings and Lord of Lords!!

    Souls will race to drop to thier knees and cry out in repentance!

    Yes in these last days are such little time. I pray ever christan be alert!

    Speedy to fast and pray about all things!

    God bless you as you go forward following the Holy Spirits Lead!

    Love you guys!!

  29. Oghale

    Thank you for your constant edification

  30. Kary Reinerio

    AMEN!!! I will share this with my young Pastor Jacob who try needs to read and hear this!!!!

  31. Pat Dikeman

    This blog is a confirmation that I, our church, & our friends are “ right on track”.

  32. Judy Pyles

    We shall overcome ,As Jesus did overcome . There is so much evil happening in the world now and the people are not being told the whole truth ,what I have heard so horrible that I can’t hardly believe it is happening in America,it’s a lot more than just “woke” going on.

  33. Denise Myers

    Amen! I agree with every word of this. I will say, I’m praying God will destroy the enemy’s plans to come against Trump and Christians. I believe we have the power and authority to hold back their attacks and to pray for God to bring righteous judgment against them, now! I do not accept that they will be able to attack us like they have in the past. We need to pray so fervently that they CANNOT attack us. We are the ones with the power of God inside us. We need to start realizing we can destroy the enemy, instead of dealing with his constant attacks. We need to send him running! Let’s pray and fast and be the powerful church God made us to be!

    • Elaine

      Yes, amen! For greater is he that’s within us than he that’s within the world!!

  34. Delores Ann Harshaw

    Thanks Mario for the inspiration and CALL to make a stand in FAITH for our Lord and nation.

  35. Dave Brown

    I do not know what church my wife and I should attend. We are old and I am not healthy. We are bad Catholics and the Church is led by pure evil. We were not rich enough for the Episcopal minister to be of worth. The Methodists shut their churches or wore slave masks during Covid. The Baptist have stages, electronics, talent and put on shows for Sunday service. Where should we go to attend church?

    • E Heath

      Same question here. I’m in Canada, now retired. Praying for guidance.

      • Mario Murillo

        Psalm 68:6 “God sets the lonely in families,
        he leads out the prisoners with singing;
        but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.” This verse shows the promise of God to set you in a family of believers. Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” Here Jesus tells us that just 2 or 3 is a church. Pray. Believe and expect God to set you in a family despite all the obstacles.

    • Mario Murillo

      Psalm 68:6 “God sets the lonely in families,
      he leads out the prisoners with singing;
      but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.” This verse shows the promise of God to set you in a family of believers. Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” Here Jesus tells us that just 2 or 3 is a church. Pray. Believe and expect God to set you in a family despite all the obstacles.

    • Susan P.

      My Baptist pastor is amazing! I left my church to come there. It’s a simple country church. Just keep praying about it!

  36. Mario Rios

    Thank you 🙏 GOD bless America 🇺🇸

  37. Anthony B 3rd

    I have seen this coming since 2006. Thank you for announcing it from the harvest fields of Americza and the air waves of truth. The embers of my fears have been kindled by the fire of your passion to save the lost in our churches. GOD SPEED .

  38. Bonnie

    Thank you …good info to be aware of satan at work
    Esp w/trusted people

    “People you trust are going to turn against you. The Devil is going to put false symptoms on your body. He is going to try to divide your family. Things that some are hoping for will fall through, and they will be broken by disappointment”.

  39. Paul Rosenfeld

    God bless you, Br, Mario. Have a Happy New Year!

  40. Christal-Ray Mustapha

    That is great and the minimum each christian should fight for.

    But the Lord wants us to multiply house churches around us. Every mature Christian Spirit filled should start a litle church activity or fellowship at hoom or even in MeetUp group anywhere possible around Wallmart or …

    Christainty must become again a personal and family matter!

    Because the Ennemy is about family destruction and children corruption ! …

    Please read my personal and confidential Message beloved Genral Mario of Power and Love supreme.

  41. John De Young and Karen

    Sounds like a plan Mario, I will forward this message to my pastor, we plan on volunteering more than once this year hope to see the schedule for 2025 for the tent. We are ready for Chicago and Northwest Indiana revival. Have your team members contact me, would be happy to be a point person for this area for the event in all your planning needs .We have served in Colorado springs Winston-Salem and Wisconsin. Wishing all a prosperous New Year

  42. Ed lewis

    You are absolutely right.

  43. Gerald Deaton

    So good, brother Mario! Thank you for your leadership in these times. I pray the Lord continually blesses you with all of His best!

  44. Theresa Mccartney

    Good message

  45. Suzanne

    I’m Canadian and have been to the USA for many winters with my late husband who is now in heaven. I love Americans and all born again Christians are my sisters and brothers. I was so happy that Pres. Trump has been reelected because he’s strong mentally and will bless Israel and get rid of all those organizations that is not pleasing to God plus all the illegal immigrants who are depending on tax payers to live and many are criminals too. He will make America good again. I never heard of a President to be so attacked like him and he will still be attacked so we must cover him with our prayers. He should have been elected in 2020 also but we know what happened. We are having an election here in Canada too in 2025 and I hope the people have opened their eyes concerning Prime Minister Trudeau that he has to go and resigned asap like many of his Ministers are asking him to do. I’m not afraid to say that I never voted for him either. Always united in prayers.

  46. Tony


  47. Muriel Attwood

    After the death of my husband September 21.
    I have certainly been in the fire.
    I will save this post and pray it for myself, my family (most of whom are in dead churches. And the body of Christ. Thank you.

  48. Joyce Miller

    This is awesome!! Thanks for sharing!! God bless you and keep you safe!! 💕💕

  49. Robert B Goode

    Amen and Amen! Thank you Mario. Have a marvelous day, filled with much joy! We join you in prayer and sending a seed, and we have and will continue to go forward fighting the good fight. Blessings and Shalom

    • Dorothy Patrick

      Amen Amen

  50. Diana

    Thank you from Stockton ca watched Tulare was so amazing

  51. Viviane Smith

    So grateful to receive this email as you speak to your fellow Americans ( the Christians) I as a Canadian 🇨🇦read your blog and know you are speaking to fellow Christians around the world. Thank you and I do forward your blog to my prayer partners

    God bless your ministry 🙏🇺🇸

  52. Steven O. Henderson

    In Jesus name Heavenly Father I lift my prayer of support and in agreement to the ability and unleashed power of the Holy Spirit indwelling in faith filled believers to stand strong with penetrating love focused impact to the earth dwellers living in or bound by the shadows of darkness and dread absent hope.

  53. Lisa Wright

    This is so true what you say. I just finished reading “Vessels of Fire &Glory. Great book ! I felt every word and it hit home so much. I enjoyed the presence of God and how he was answering many questions and feelings I have been feeling for sometime now but couldn’t put my finger on where I fit in it all. I will wait on God to reveal that to me. You have a real gift from God Mario of penning words to together to make better sense and truth, May God continue to show you his path and direction. I just bought the last book that they had of Vessels of Fire and Glory at the Christian book store here and I would love to purchase more for others to read and enjoy as soon as I can find where that is. More people need this message of truth and encouragement. Thank you for your obedience.

  54. Denise Hughes

    This is very important Watchers information I Thank our Heavenly Father Elohim this message shalom

  55. Karen

    Best Monday morning sermon I’ve had in years and years. Thanks. May u be Blessed beyond measure also

  56. Deborah Kametz

    Mario, I need a long distance healing multiple health issues. I can not travel I know of many peoples like me who can not travel. My prayer is for all of us to be healed.

    Thank you
    Deborah Kametz

  57. Virginia Perry (Gin)

    Mario, this was very beneficial to me and my husband. Especially #4! We have been in a dead church. We are changing churches due your blog. Since we have already checked out Mercy Culture in Fort Worth, TX, WE WILL BE ATTENDING THERE NOW.

  58. Stephen Cutberth

    Unable to get your system to accept my wife’s email for newsletter

  59. Janice Seaver

    I believe you are hearing clearly from God. 2025 will be a powerful time for God’s church to catch His fire and be cleansed and inspired to live godly lives and win souls for Jesus! We must do our part. Follow all five steps Mario has shown us. Revival is coming!

  60. Ronald Puckett

    Yolanda and I knew you at Church on the Way in the 80’s . we were blessed to serve under Pastor Jack for 25 years and reading your text is like listing to him again. You’re always true to Gods Spirit leading and speaking through you.. You are in our prayers.. Ron & Yolanda Puckett

  61. Lynn Watson

    Thank you for your usual forthrightness. Always enjoy your candidness Also helpful in discerning what God is asking me to adjust in this coming year

  62. Marleen

    Thank you, Mario.
    This blog is the direction I’ve been praying for as we begin the new year.
    God bless!


    Thank you for encouraging all of us in the Faith. We find many of us are not attending a church, but listening to Pastors on-line keeping our faith. Thank you for listening to the Holy Spirit and preaching & doing what the Spirit of the Lord is saying.
    Be blessed in this New Year – may you & your family be safe and healthy!!!!

  64. Lisa, SF Bay Area

    Thank you for sharing this honest clear message to help us best prepare for the year ahead. To God be the Glory.

    As a widow, my prayer is that I will be more and more like the widow Jesus refers to in Mark 12. To be generous with the money–and with my time. To give all that I can in hand to heart service. (In football terminology– the remaining time on the clock of my last quarter of life. Amen!

  65. mike cerrato

    Praise God the best is yet to come.

  66. NickT

    May his kingdom come and his will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
    Believing for God’s presence to be manifested in the US and all over the world! May the Lord bring a great harvest of souls along with signs, wonders, and miracles this new year!


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