What happened in November was not just an election. It was an intervention.
The seventy-seven million Americans who voted for Trump did it for a deeper reason than the media will ever admit.
What triggered this national tidal wave of support for Trump? The final straw was our children.
Jennifer Sey said this, “Democrats did the bidding of the teachers unions to the detriment of the nation’s most vulnerable children and then, when they did let our children back in school, made them sit on buckets outside in the rain to eat and forbade talking and socializing.
“They told us men can be women if they say they are. They said we were bigots if we disagreed. They said young women needed to let these often fetishistic men into their locker rooms. And if women refused, they’d be the ones who couldn’t ever get jobs.”
What triggered this national tidal wave of support for Trump? The final straw was our children.
But this election is a sign of something deeper.
We are watching the greatest pilgrimage back to God that America has seen in over one hundred and fifty years.
Americans are on the road back to common sense, traditional values, and faith. But how long will it last? The elite Left, with their billions of dollars, hate this. They will do everything in their power to end it.
Before they can, we must win all the souls we can. How will we be able to live with ourselves if we miss the greatest harvest we will ever see?
I knew a vast hunger for God had broken out among Americans last January. That is how we got ahead of the curve. We told our workers to be extra bold on the streets. Then the unheard of happened, we saw people on the streets patiently waiting to be prayed for and be saved. Businesses were eager to put our posters in their windows. For the first time ever, it was easier to get unchurched people to the Tent than church people.
Americans are on the road back to common sense, traditional values, and faith. But how long will it last? The elite Left, with their billions of dollars, hate this. They will do everything in their power to end it.
But it was what lost souls experienced in the Tent that made all the difference!
-Relevant, uncompromising worship.
-Direct, soul winning preaching, that hits them in the heart.
-A presence of God that floods them with conviction and faith.
-Medically verified miracles.
This year, the harvest of souls—which you can see in the pictures—was so great that we were forced to invest millions.
Two million dollars for our twenty thousand square foot warehouse and studio building. Eight thousand chairs, three crusade tents, mobile bathroom suites, an arena stage and sound system, tower lights, forty thousand square feet of astro-turf, miles of wires, four LED walls, tractors, fork lift, video trailer, and a hundred other kinds of equipment I am forgetting.
It now takes five semi-trucks to transport everything we use for a crusade.
This year, the harvest of souls—which you can see in the pictures—was so great that we were forced to invest millions.
We invested five hundred thousand dollars for a video trailer. Then our livestream audience exploded. In 2023, we averaged one hundred thousand viewers per crusade. Now it is over one million viewers per crusade. In Tulare, the viewership reached one million two hundred thousand.
Only God knows how many were saved and healed watching the crusades online.
Not only that, but we also produced a full length motion picture! It will be in theaters in 2025. It is called, “I AM LIVING PROOF”. It is three stories about people who were dramatically healed in the Tent. Imagine this: our movie will be in over 400 theaters March 9 and 10.
In the beginning of 2024 I warned churches that a record number of Americans were ready to be saved. Most did not believe me. We ended up with a massive shortage of workers.
Now I am begging you to believe my new warning: THE HARVEST IN 2025 WILL BE DOUBLE WHAT IT WAS THIS YEAR.
Now I have a plan to prevent those shortages and to retain the harvest. But I need your help.
It has been six months since I mailed you an appeal letter. That is because I never ask unless the Holy Spirit leads. Now I must ask. I need all of the resources I can get, in order to go after millions of Americans.
Thirty cities have asked for tent crusades. There is no way we can get to all of them. But we must go to as many as possible with a bigger impact than ever before.
It has been six months since I mailed you an appeal letter. That is because I never ask unless the Holy Spirit leads. Now I must ask. I need all of the resources I can get, in order to go after millions of Americans.
Remember, Trump won because parents were angry about their children. Now we must think of our children and grandchildren. Winning the lost is the greatest investment we will ever make for them.
We have never faced anything like this before. That is why we must give like never before. It is what we must do and do it now.
I thank you in advance—with all my heart—for your bold gift of love for lost souls!
Here are the easy ways for you to give.
Text MMM to 77977
Use this link to give right now: https://pushpay.com/g/mariomurillo
Or scan this QR code
Finally, you can mail a check made out to MMM to our mailing address P.O. Box 408 Lafayette TN 37083
Thank you for helping me win lost souls! MM
Will you attend the Inauguration after Charlottesville?
Trying to work that out.
I pray that the churches will take full advantage of this temporary reprieve to draw nigh unto God and seek His Face for deep lasting true Revival.
If you think satan is going to let this go unchallenged you are most deceived. He and his minions are redoubling their efforts to destroy America and the True Church within her.
Oh I agree, Satan is not letting it go unchallenged. At age 73 I am in the trial of my life after having intimacy with the Lord since age 24. Is anyone else having fiery trials like never before? This is what hurts, I see other Christians not going thru it. I don’t see this as a time of winning souls like never before. I am just not seeing it.
Laura, I am sorry for your trial. You say you do not see the harvest. The diciples did not see it either. That is why He had to tell them “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. 38 Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”
Dear Mario,
Thank you for your hard work and prayers. Please keep praying that President Trump will be safe, so too his family, his staff and his followers. Pray he will pardon all the innocent J6 trespassers – rotting in jail. Pray that his cabinet will be confirmed. Pray that God will help him to wipe out the Deep State and all those evil pedophiles. Pray that God will work through Trump – to save America, save Israel and Save the World. Thank you so much.
May God continue to help you – saving souls.
Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy New year 2025 to you and your family and your team. May God bless you all. Vyvette.
Thank you for sharing this update ❤️ I have been giving my monthly pledge plus Xtra for the courage tour to you and Lance. I will do my best to you one more time towards the courage tour
I love and appreciate your winning souls for The Kingdom
I never received a letter. I am not very good using technology.
You can mail us at P.O. Box 408 Lafayette TN God bess you Charlene.
What is the zip?
Is it PO Box 408 or 406?
God Bless You!
you are right It is Box 408
Wow that is exiting to read ank Thank you & your team for all the work you and your team have accomplished. Garry A Fugitt Cookeville TN
Praying and Believing that GOD will make a way for my wife and I to get a motorhome and team up as the Crusade’s are launched. We are available all summer to volunteer. The Lord has placed me in the School System as a Substitute Teacher K-5 after I left my corporate job at The Holy Spirits instructions. Who would have imagined that 🔥 We have been Blessed to attend 2 Crusades in Batavia NY & The Crusade Rally at The World Equestrian Center in Florida. Next stop, visit Headquarters in TN. See you soon, IN JESUS NAME !! 2025 HARVEST TIME
We need an address to send a check. We don’t use those other methods.
Thank you Richard our amiling address is P.O. Box 408 Lafayette TN 37083
Here on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, parents are wanting their children to know Jesus. In 2022, we started the first ever Good News club on the Eastern Shore, a very rural and high poverty area. We now have two GNC, one for each of the two elementary schools. At Kiptopeke elementary, where I am team leader, we had 19 children in GNC last year, meeting in the school cafeteria. This year, we have 35 children, grades k-6, and have been given our own classroom, which we have decorated with scripture verses, posters of the books of the Bible and maps of the Holy Land, and currently, a Nativity bulletin board. At our last meeting, we invited families to come, and the children presented the Nativity story, using the Scripture, each child in a costume…we had 16 angels! Children learn Bible verses, sing songs, play games, do crafts, and have a Bible lesson every week. We know that Mario can’t bring his crusade to every corner of our nation, but there are schools and kids everywhere. If someone has a heart for the salvation of children, pray for God to bring a like-minded person into your life, then the two of you start praying for God to provide the volunteers you will need for your team, and for God to send the children who need to know Jesus. We already know that it is God’s will that none of these children perish. Satan hates GNC so be prepared for him to try to discourage you. But this is why you don’t try to do this alone. We have seen God provide abundantly in extremely discouraging circumstances. Start an email list of people who will pray for GNC, then be faithful to share what God is doing in the lives of these children, their families, their school, and in the lives of your GNC team. Our GNC consists of 9 men and women, ranging in age from 60 to 80 years old. We get tired, we have physical ailments, most have never interacted with high poverty, predominantly minority children before, most from single parent homes. But oh, how we have come to love these children. We are standing in the gap, telling Satan he will not steal a single one of them. Good News Clubs exist in 140+ countries, and have been around for nearly 100 years. Maybe you are able to help with Mario’s tent meetings, or maybe God is showing you a need right where you live. Pray. Don’t sit on the sidelines. People are hungry for the Good News of Jesus, even if they don’t know it yet. Don’t just write a check. Get up and connect with those who need the love and hope of Jesus.
I voted for Trump 3 times he just turned his back on us pushing this bill through it’s all War money and get this $50 Million for his inauguration and storm victims of the whole Country ready $25 million half of Trumps party is what storm victims got and a War ship got 13 Billion? Only Jesus can save America everyone and I mean everyone in DC is Freemason aka satanist
Mario, you are a legend and will be known as such. I am Australian and woke culture is also rearing its ugly head here. I am heartened by the victories you achieve in the name of the LORD and pray that such will become the case in my land.
Amen & amen Mario – what a beautiful message this day as I have received a blessing & healing from the Lord! I believe the next tent meeting will be even larger! I love your preaching &
Will do what I can to help financially! God Bless! Lillian
Awesome! Thanks for listening to and obeying the Holy Spirit! Let’s usher in the next awakening!
Do you have a Canadian charitable status number if so I could give to you through my donor directed trust. I have given personally before in smaller ways. You may want to apply for a Canadian number and consider working up her occasionally we need this ministry too! Blessings to you and all your staff at Christmas!
Thank you Mario.. I first saw you at a Lance Wallnau convention at the Trump hotel in Washington DC. A few years ago. Yes, you’re the most amazing gift to America that she barely recognizes.
2 Kings 2:9
“And it came to pass, when they were gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha, Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away from thee. And Elisha said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me.”
Peace and Blessings Brother Mario.
Mario I agree the fields are ripe for the Harvest I send you a gift at the beginning of every month I’m a retired police officer in Illinois Trump only lost by 6% of the vote in Illinois unheard of for this State. I’m retired now but implore you to come to our state and preach the gospel to the lost hurting souls that this government in our state refuses to listen to. Instead, they’d rather rap their arms around millions of illegal immigrants that have descended upon us and feed them rather than our people. God Bless your effort Mario keep up Goods calling through Christ on your mission to save the lost.
Praise God for what He is doing through your obedience! I will continue to pray for His Kingdom to grow through the salvation of lost souls during the tent crusades! I will give as I can with God’s blessing. Thank you, Jesus for loving through Mario! Lord Jesus you are our solid Rock and Fortress! Continue to glorify your name Jesus, through the tent crusades!
I am in tears with thankfulness to The Lord for the harvest of souls coming in, so precious.
Thank you Mario and your team for all that you are doing, may God bless you richly at this time.
In Christ, Opal
Brother Mario-
The urgency for the harvest of souls is upon us. The time is now. The need for God’s commission is still greater than ever before!
Thank you for doing the work of the church which abandoned and pushed out its parishioner’s when they closed the doors due to a little COVID. The Church is carnal. Go direct to connect with God’s purpose for your life. Do it now.
Margaret, you are absolutely right. Carnal, not spiritual. We must walk in the Spirit so we don’t fulfill the desires of the flesh/body. God be praised!
Good morning Brother Mario.
Amen. I notice two thing 1. both New York and California opposed your ministry this year. 2. California Leadership is doubling down. We still need to pray and seek God to give us leaders in CA. I am not satisfied with Nov 5th election alone.
The Last Supper.
Bread and Wine.
Community of Prayer,
Thank you for praying!
With a very heavy heart 2024 is turning out to be a very turbulent year of terrible events(Terrible heat waves, weather extremes,unrest,wars(WW 3??) and other events happening throughout the year.) that is shaking our civilization to the core. Manmade and Natural Disasters?? I am afraid that 2025 and beyond will be even worse with more terrible events both man-made and natural disasters, that will continue to plunge our civilization into the New Dark Ages in the next few years!
Pray for peace!
The last 4 years is any indication we are in deep trouble as a civilization from 2025… onward?
Pray for peace!!
Updated Prayer Request.
Community of Prayer,
Thank you for praying!
Received sad news today( july 18.2024 that we lost a very close friend of ours.Life is so short!
PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY with us for God’s Healing and Protecting Peace Now and in the Days ahead…Long Term! Still recovering from events in our personal lives of Family, Friends, Deaths(loss of our only son) and other sorrows and hardships from the past and Now! Pray for God’s healing and protecting peace Now and in the days ahead… ,2025…Eternal Rest. Especially in the terrible(New Dark Ages) times(2020’s) in which we are living in with the ongoing events.
Pray for Peace!!!
Long Term Prayer Request for God’s Healing and Protecting Peace in the months ahead?? Fall Winter Christmas 2024,2025…??
Please pass on to others to pray in the Worldwide Community of Prayer. Urgent! Long term!!
In His Eternal Rest.
Bill and Carol. oh. usa
Ask in prayer( the revelation)
Seek ( the pathway of prayer)
Knock( the target of prayer)
Our household stands in prayer everyday @ 3:33 pm. I ask all to join us, 7 days a week.. set your devices for a ring, a vibration, whatever you use as a reminder. It’ll be the right time, right place, doing the right thing.. pray for Israel, America, Mario.. as the Holy Spirit leads you.
See you at the Throne🙏🙏🙏
I don’t like giving online. I like giving by check. Can you send me your mailing address. Thank you.
I am very interested to know what you think about the great deception with the supernatural UFO and men’s drones working together to deceive the people. Very interested in your view. It’s intended to deceive and distract people from something very important and create confusion
I am very interested to know what you think about the great deception with the supernatural UFO and men’s drones working together to deceive the people. Very interested in your view. It’s intended to deceive and distract people from something very important and create confusion
Thank you for having me on your mailing list. I am in Canada 🇨🇦 but I Pray for your ministry. 🙏
I think all the comments were completely right.I thank God for all the work you and your team do in the name of Jesus Christ 🙏 You are a great man of God,Mario,and my heart is blessed by your ministry.
What’s your p.o.mailing address for us who still rather give by u.s. mail – duh! What a concept!
P.O. Box 408 Lafayette TN 37083