by | Nov 27, 2024 | Democrat Party | 132 comments


Did you hear about the woman in Seattle who bit, stabbed and then hacked her father to death with an ice ax because Trump won? Here’s what the New York Post reported:

“A space rocket program manager butchered her father with an ice ax on election night after a breakdown following President-elect Donald Trump’s victory — and was found smiling and clapping, covered in her loved one’s blood, cops said.

“Corey Burke considered the bloody rampage — in which she allegedly strangled, bit and hacked her 67-year-old father in the $800,000 Seattle home they shared — an “act of liberation,” charging documents allege.

Well, did you hear about this? Probably not. We both know that if it had been a Trump supporter, it would have been plastered on all the news shows.

“Burke, 33, is a training program manager at Blue Origin, Jeff Bezos’ spacecraft company, according to her LinkedIn, and is married to prominent transgender writer Samantha Leigh Allen, public records show.

“Burke sat down next to her father and watched him die, then smashed all the windows in the house in what she described as “an act of liberation,” officers reported.

“When cops arrived, they found Burke “clapping … because she was so happy.”

Well, did you hear about this? Probably not. We both know that if it had been a Trump supporter, it would have been plastered on all the news shows.

Another reason for the news blackout is that she is married to a famous transgender writer.

Did Biden, Harris, and Walz feed the violence?  You decide. Every chance they got, they said “Trump is Hitler”, and repeatedly screamed that Trump would destroy democracy.

Even some of their own warned them to stop inciting violence. They did not care. And the silence over this grisly murder proves they still do not care. But it gets worse.

Afterwards, Biden was all smiles when he sat with Trump at the White House. Suddenly, Trump is not Hitler. The bonfire of rage was just for show—just to try to win an election. They don’t care about the human carnage that they left behind.

Consider the colossal tsunami of propaganda that voters had to endure.

Speaking of the election, Trump’s victory is a bigger miracle than we realize. Consider the colossal tsunami of propaganda that voters had to endure.

Harris burned through $1.6 billion to manipulate Americans. That does not even include billions in free advertising. Over 90% of the media was a direct mouthpiece for the Harris-Walz campaign. And that was after the years-long multiple legal wars they declared on Trump.

And it will be more vicious and evil than anything they have ever done.

As Casey Chalk said, “He endured criminal cases galore: a federal election interference case, a Georgia election interference case, a classified documents case, and a hush-money case. His political opponents labeled him a fascist, a rapist, a misogynist, a racist, and an “extinction-level threat to democracy.” There is no man more viscerally hated in the United States than Donald J. Trump. In spite of it all, he persuaded enough voters to be elected the 47th president.”

Why am I telling you all of this? Because we are about to be treated to Act II of the Democrats. And it will be more vicious and evil than anything they have ever done. And there is no mystery that the hatred came from the heart of Obama.

The Democrat smear machine has been slowed down, but not defeated. It is alive and well and it is coming after you. Trump is no longer their prime target—average Americans like you and me are.

Quoting once again from Casey Chalk: “Though the members of the establishment direct their biggest guns at the most powerful targets, they have proved time and again that they are not afraid to attack ordinary American citizens in order to send a message: They are the ones wielding and accumulating power, and anyone bold enough to try and stop them will suffer the consequences.


This Democrat machine smeared us and our team members in California. Democrat operatives scared pastors and Christian leaders.

“All Americans, regardless of political affiliation, should be alarmed by this, because every tool used against Trump — targeted media investigations, public cancellation, state-run prosecutions — they will use against you.”

This Democrat machine smeared us and our team members in California. Democrat operatives scared pastors and Christian leaders. It was the first time people stayed away from our Tent because Democrats intimidated them. By the time we figured it out, it was too late.

But I have figured it out, and now I want to warn you. I understand the need to celebrate. We have won a great victory. But we must remain alert and aware of the threat.


NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO MAKE NICE WITH DEMOCRATS. Now is not the time to let down our guard.

Do not be seduced by a counterfeit Christian ‘love’—what I call sloppy-agape. We cannot swoon, and hope for reconciliation with the Left. They are still monsters.

Democrats learned nothing from their defeat. They still believe they are our rightful masters. They deem themselves a superior race. Their delusional mindset is the reason for their defeat. They believe they lost because we are stupid. Not because Wokeness is an epic disaster. They are doubling down on their insane policies.

The Democrats of today are not your grandfather’s Democrats. They are now a cult whose mind has been entirely sucked into a depraved ideology. In their current state they must be totally avoided.

There is nothing sadder than the wispy insecure Christian thinker who still yearns for the approval of the intellectual community. Especially since that community no longer exists.


There are three big reasons why we must eschew all connections to Democrats.

1. Any association with Democrats will ruin our Christian witness to America. In the minds of Americans, to be identified with Democrats is like being found on P. Diddy’s guest list. America has rightfully branded Democrats evildoers. Americans—especially working class Americans—have repudiated them.

I realize that there are some Christians who still hate Trump. For example, how can there be a group called ‘Evangelicals For Harris’? It is the Christian equivalent of ‘Chickens For KFC’. You cannot reason with them.

A brain freeze has happened to the Woke. It has allowed them to support Harris—a heartless politician with unbridled hatred for Christianity. It is very sad.

There is nothing sadder than the wispy insecure Christian thinker who still yearns for the approval of the intellectual community. Especially since that community no longer exists.

Christians who befriend Democrats will be seen as hypocrites to a breathtaking degree.

Their goal is the destruction of America, and you, if you get in their way.

2. The only reason they want a relationship with you is to use you to destroy America. They will act nice but keep in mind that they despise you. They are only being friendly to insinuate their way back into the Church. The goal is to regain power.

Jesus said, “Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces” (Matthew 7:6).

The same Jesus who said to love your enemies made this dramatic exception: If they only want to tear you to pieces, stay away from them!

The mutation that used to be the Democratic Party is now a death cult. Their goal is the destruction of America, and you, if you get in their way.

We are watching the greatest pilgrimage back to God that America has seen in over one hundred and fifty years.

3. You will be opposing an act of God. When Donald Trump moved his head a quarter of an inch—at the exact right moment to avoid a bullet—it was a miracle. The whole world saw that God saved him so that he could save America.

What happened in November was not just an election. It was an intervention.

The seventy-seven million Americans who voted for Trump did it for a deeper reason than the media will ever admit.

We are watching the greatest pilgrimage back to God that America has seen in over one hundred and fifty years.

Americans are on the road back to common sense, traditional values, and faith. But how long will it last?  The elite Left, with their billions of dollars, hate this. They will do everything in their power to end it.

Face it! Christianity was always the target. Your duty as a Christian is to support the miracle and do what you can to protect it against its natural enemy: Democrats. They want a godless America.

My final point is that this is no time to make nice with Democrats. This is a time to learn from our mistake in 2016 when the American Church did not fully back Trump. This is a time to rejoice and take our place in the unfolding miracle God is doing in America!


  1. Janet

    Thank you for calling it out Pastor Mario. Very few people can see this deep and clear. The fake unity song has been played continuously. Now Trump won , let’s unite. I have always said : are we to unite with Devil? Why many Christians have been praying for Devil to repent and become a Christian?! Sadly the teachings in our churches are so misleading and God’s people have been led astray!

    • Bette Bond

      Mario, I agree so much with what you said. We need to speak the truth in love to others! An acquaintance had someone incorrectly preach a water-downed “gospel” to her. Someone lead her in a water-downed sinners’ prayer without preaching and calling for repentance. She now thinks she is a “Christian” because she said a prayer! But, she believes in and verbally promotes abortion, gay marriage, transgenderism, sex before marriage so as to try out a partner, etc. She believes: God is love and as long as you love everyone, all is okay. Please readers tell Christians to teach and call people to repentance. I know Mario is doing it. This acqaintance protested in a church’s prayer meeting when they prayed against abortion! Why? Some Christian taught a water downed gospel message and had her pray a watered-down sinner’s prayer.

    • Gerald

      Amen yes amen hallelujah

    • Phil Beatty


    • Kenneth Yurkovich

      There is no such thing as the ‘democratic’ party! democratic implies that they love democracy. the are the “democrat party! They couldn’t care less about democracy. They are all about ‘power’ in their hands so that they can rule us peons.

    • Saundra Forbes

      Thank God for mem like you who will stand for Truth. God bless America. Thank you Jesus

  2. Lance Wallnau

    Timely and on target! They just met in DC and raised donor dollars to fund their next stage of resistance- sabotage and slow down from within and amplify stories of the destructive nature of every policy change. Watch for a stumble on the world stage and jump!

  3. Randy Verarde

    1000%! We must protect our families, strengthen our marriages, purge our churches. A tsunami of opposition is coming.

    • Kelly Blyth

      I agree. The church needs to be united and family protected.America needs a moral awakening.Thank God for His mercy! Amen.

  4. Carolyn Miller

    This is not the time to quit praying. Only God can save us from this evil. Prayers for Mr. Trump ‘s safety and wisdom for following God’s leading as he walks out the anointing on his life!!

    • Donna Kinsley

      Your words are announced and right on with what is happening. Praise God for you, Mario!!

      • Kelly Blyth

        I thank God for Mario murillo! I found him on u-tube and I never stopped watching.God has blessed me with his ministry.Amen!Praise God!

  5. Cynthia Gamez

    Totally in agreement! Excellent discernment Mario!

    • Joan Kradlak

      Mario, you are doing the will of God! The Bible warns about deception in the end times. People will follow those teachers that make them feel good. It says great deception will happen. Prayer and fasting is our defense against these evil days. I pray blessings on you and your ministry!! I praise God for His anointing on you! Thank you!!

  6. Debbie

    I believe this is 💯 accurate. However, as crazy as this sounds….. for some reason I think Elon Musk is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

    • Laura

      That doesn’t sound crazy at all, Debbie. Even if the person doesn’t intend evil, the enemy plans to cozy up to those in power if they can for the purpose of influencing their decisions.

      Let the watchmen stay in their positions. No going back to sleep because the land appears at ease. Recall the soldiers to their battle stations. Prepare. Equip. Watch and pray with all manner of prayer.

      God bless you all.

      • Brook

        Good word, Mario!
        Thank you for taking your place as an appointed, anointed leader in this crazy battle we find ourselves in. We need more men of God like you!

    • LibertyLiza

      Because he likely is. These demons have infiltrated so much for so long, they’re embedded everywhere. This requires continuing, constant vigilance, even with Trump. He’s not the Savior; he’s an actor, politician, and businessman (and a flawed human being, like everyone), who hails from the depths of where evil has flourished for generations. Discernment is still required, despite what happened at the ballot box. No blind trust. C0vid taught everyone to question everything. That’s a lesson that better not be forgotten.

      • Kat

        That’s right as Psalm 91 says trust in God. Not man.

    • Penny

      I don’t think Musk is a fake person. He is a business man like Trump and everything he has done in his leaving CA shows his rejection of their anti business commie values. I think he is on the level.

      • Glenda Johnson

        I agree

      • Mary Hudson


        • Susan Jones

          Mario, I am equally as sad this weekend to learn of your brother’s death, as I was this past week to learn of Hal Lindsey going HOME. Tonight, I was watching a video called: “Something HUGE is About to Happen Tonight – Mario Murillo Prophetic Word; WHY GOD CHOSE TRUMP? The Shocking Reason…… (1:10:21) 50K Views m.
          It is of you and Todd on a channel called “Prophetic Word” w/104K Subscribers. Yet the owner appears to be a male Chemistry Teacher who joined Apr 2, 2020. It may be worth your time to peruse the lists of videos presented on the channel. He posted one four months ago, holding the neck of a wide-eyed live black cat for a photo op. The title: “MashaAllah small boy and cycle.” (1:05 minutes) I didn’t care to watch any of the videos as I decided to close out the channel, and had no desire to Subscribe.
          I decided to pull out of it as the discussion between you and Todd Re: “Evangelicals for Harris” was drawing to a close, and I wanted to tell you of another devilish situation that may influence church-going Californians.
          As a Monthly Supporter of MMM, I think it important to share with you an item that may also prove to be a real hindrance in CA with your Tent Crusades. It has to do with the power struggle currently going on with the President of DAYSTAR and the manner in which she has flat-out told her Son and his wife that they must Submit or leave Daystar. While DAYSTAR is not a church, it appears to be operating under a 501(c)3 as an International HUB for the BROADCASTING of many Christian Ministries, and Churches. I do not want to go off into the weeds on the sordid details. But if CA has 15 MILLION CHRISTIANS across the State, then what is going on with Joni, Jimmy Evans, and a deceit-riddled situation her Son, Daughter-in-law, and Joni’s little Granddaughter are going through, may sour and color the attitudes of Pastors affiliated with DAYSTAR, the lives of many who sit at their feet to learn of the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST, and your Tent Crusades as all will be “feeling the financial pinch.”
          I know your body needs rest and healing so I encourage you to “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.”
          Prov. 3:5-6 (KJV)…
          And as the Late Dr. Charles F. Stanley, Senior Pastor of Atlanta First Baptist in GA, loved to say that GOD told Him:
          “Leave all the consequences to GOD.”
          Surely, the LORD is with you and Todd, Mario. I will be praying for MMM.
          Your Sister-in-CHRIST,
          Susan in Sheridan
          M-12/02/2024 @12:25 AM PT USA

      • M. Morgan

        Yes, the devil’s emissaries are more subtle, less obvious, cunning, more deceitful. They would more likely be sitting next to you in church, in your Bible study, in your life group. “Watch, therefore… be on the alert!”

    • Valeta Miller

      I hope you are wrong. But it is always good to keep praying and ask God for discernment. If Elon is a wolf I pray truth will be revealed.

    • Susan S

      I think that it is personal with Musk. With his son is trying to become a girl, he blames the woke culture and the democrats. He needs the peace and love that only Jesus can bring.

  7. Donna Roberts

    Amen. God intervened, we cannot take it for granted.

  8. Ruben Rodriguez

    Amen and Amen 🙏 our group of intercessory prayer continues to pray for evangelist, Mario Morillo, and all those involved in this ministry as we pray for our new president, his cabinet, and also the house of representatives and senators to back him up all the way

    • Jedidah sambo

      💯% spot on. We pray God to continually paralyze and thwart all their evil devices /plots against the will of the American voters, the Ecclesia, and the God’s elected candidate, president DJ Trump.🇳🇬

  9. Verl Hochstedler

    Amen and Amen!!

  10. C williams

    Mario speaks truth regarding Democrats. I have lost 3 “Christian friend’s “in bible study who did not agree with my stance on Trump, abortion, Covid… all of it. I am still saddened by it all but better off not in that study. They never take a stand on right and wrong issues and it became too frustrating that Christians could defend darkness.

    • Cheryl Campbell

      Excellent article and points raised which could only have been articulated in the manner, style diction and tone that are uniquely Mario’s!!

    • Jody P

      I lost my whole family in 2020 all far left and I seeing the cliff turned away to follow the path Jesus gave to me. I was devastated and still in sporadic communications with them.

      • Kat

        That’s right as Psalm 91 says trust in God. Not man.

  11. Bruce Wakefield


  12. Mark Regalmuto

    I totally agree with you, these
    so called Americans are nothing but sheep in wolf’s clothing. They are deranged, full of evil, John 10:10! There only goal is money and power.
    The root of money is all they
    seek, they want all the control!
    I just don’t understand how they can live with themselves.
    It’s like they have no conscience, no morals, no love,,no empathy towards humanity! God help them, and believer’s as well. I pray for you also that God will continue to give you boldness to overcome every trial that comes your way! Keep giving the devil 😈 a black eye!
    Love you brother, in the mighty name above all names, Jesus Christ!!!

  13. Teena Richardson

    You are exactly right! Thank you for telling the truth! We can’t let up on this fight! Prayer & fasting must continue for God to complete what He is doing for America! To God Be The Glory!!!!

    • Laura

      The Adversary has definite plans for the new presidential administration. And for the emerging Church administration that has so soundly routed them.

      I heard them say, Not a David, but a Saul.

      So we are in for some crafty attempts at subverting the plans of God through people we trust. We’re going to need some next level weaponry to deal with this.

      Intercessors, it’s time to raid the arsenals of Heaven. For the Father is pleased to give us the Kingdom.

  14. Andrew Willard

    Mario, Jesus spoke to me that the Trump/Vance Administration is going a different path to lead tribulations to antichrist/false prophet/two witnesses/144,000 Jewish evangelists/build Third Temple. Everything is Matthew 24/Books of Daniel/Second Thessalonians/Revelation. He says that we will go through the Great Tribulation until the third year of the seventh year which will take us to meet Him in heaven. I agree that your article is correct that Democrats are angry with us because we voted for Trump/ Vance to win the presidential election and they will do something nasty to us as we are truly Christians. You pray to Jesus, see if Jesus says the same thing to you then you understand what He has been saying to us about Trump/Vance being on a different path to Jesus and His coming Kingdom.

  15. Jim Gossett

    The Demonrat party of criminals and cheaters and liars have given themselves over to Satan to kill, steal and destroy. They are demonized foolish morons. Americans recently gave the Democrat party of criminals the middle finger. Trump crushed the laughing hyena Harris exposing what a lying Jack ass she is. There was some voter fraud going on again in the blue states but they were caught. Lots of illegals voted for Kalama the witch. After the horrific beating the Demonrat party took they are still shooting their mouths off and threatening to find a pathway back. These demonic idiots hate America and we the people. They just want their agenda to be carried out. Thank God Obama the gay Muslim illegal traitor lost his 4th term in the recent election. All the millions of people that gave Trump the popular vote and over 300 electoral college votes overrode all the cheating voter fraud going on. A dog is a dog and a cat is a cat and a Democrat is a demon. Mario’s blog was right on as usual. Personally speaking Mario Murillo is my favorite preacher on the planet. I’ve been accused of some Christians that I worship Mario. How stupid of some religious Christians. I don’t worship any man but I thank Jesus for Mario. It’s like some of these knucklehead Christians saying we worship Trump. We don’t worship Trump. We acknowledge Trump is God’s choice to help preserve America. God raised up Moses and Joseph to deliver a nation. I get tired of the spirit of stupid operating through so called Christian’s. Anyway God Bless America and anointed men of God like Mario Murillo.

  16. Craig Close

    Hello Mario
    all happening is because of the closeness on the return of Christ our King
    What concerns me is all these heretic hunters there is no place for them
    It is for elders a leaders who are recognised for their call as a elder leader
    not some self-appointed heretic hunter

  17. john

    Thank you again for your great wisdom

    • Rochelle

      I am praying Thank You, God, for giving President Trump and the Republican Party control of all three branches of government. Help them be disciplined and not squander this opportunity You have given to set America on the right path.
      I pray for Your perfect wisdom, knowledge, understanding, insight , clarity, revelation and discernment concerning who is the person You have prepared to do each job.
      Guide President Trump every minute of every day during this crucial time. Surround him with people who speak the truth and are loyal to our Constitution and the vision You have given President Trump to make America great again.

      Expose everyone who has devious motives or is too weak to stand for what is right, or could be blackmailed or seduced to become a traitor.
      I pray Your blessings of wisdom and protection over J.D. Vance and his family.
      Father God, protect President Trump and his family from harm. Help him not grow weary. Fill him with Your supernatural strength and shalom in soul, spirit and body.

      In the mighty name of Jesus I declare all the enemy’s schemes, plots , strategies, attacks and trials must fail, be dismantled, destroyed and obliterated. He has no power over this new administration being formed because we are pleading the blood of Jesus to cover every sin that has been committed.
      We speak and declare the favor, blessings and anointing of Almighty God over this administration that is being formed. We declare it will serve the LORD our God with humility and wisdom that will bring much honor and glory to the LORD JESUS CHRIST in whose name we pray.
      So be it and Amen.

  18. Janette F Tallant

    It’s so true brother Mario thank you for sharing such insight. God, who is the same yesterday day and forever does care about each person, but there are many who have given into the so-called Democrats and their faults cult. Shui not all I’ve done so but there are many and just like you shared about that one young lady in Washington, who was supposed to be intelligent clearheaded, but was just the opposite filled with such hatred and anger that she didn’t even notice that it was her father she was killing the eyes of their understanding be open to the truth and the truth of God set them free from this angry, angry enemy of God Help us Lord not to give in and cast our pearls before swine, opus to just keep in prayer and alert steadfast in you in Jesus name

  19. Robert Turek

    Thank you Mario, you are spot on with this blog. I thank God for giving the Church another chance and more time to Repent. Jesus is the only way!

  20. Kary Reinerio

    Thank you Mario for the Warning! I Agree Totally!!!

  21. Jody Gautreau

    Appreciate you brother Mario for reminding us to stay vigilant. The Left will not stop so we cannot either. This is truly a battle of good vs. evil.

  22. Nancy Luetchens

    Wow! Preach it Mario!
    You are so right
    Because God is right and righteous!
    This is our time to stand up and reach souls.
    However much time there is left, we need leaders like you
    To tell the truth to set the captives free!

  23. Ninamarie P. Shinta

    Standing with you, Mario! You are exactly right! Thank you for standing up for Jesus.
    You are a true soldier of the cross! God Bless You!

  24. Rita Elswick

    I truly believe as you have written. I watch a brother of mine get so upset because the rest of our family cannot think as he does about Democrats’ actions today. I also think it would be wrong NOT to prosecute the leaders in this administration and the heads of all agencies for treasonous acts regarding the border, vaccines, lawfare, riots, inaction on the responses in manmade unnatural disasters, continuation of war efforts, sending tax dollars to foreign countries for laundering back to themselves…now is not the time to feel sorry for thrm, but to fully expose and stop them from being able to continue any of these activities! Those in charge today need prayer for their very souls.

  25. Linda Fischer

    I can see this turning back to God in my own church. We’ve had to enlarge our sanctuary because of the numbers of new people coming in. They are not transplants from other churches, they are new believers and giving their lives to the Lord. It’s amazing to see the people coming forward at each service. Glory to God!! May it continue.

  26. Su

    I have long suspected that Obama has been behind this radical ideology of the left but have no substantive proof other than he supposedly had weekly lunches with President Biden. Please expand on this statement, “And there is no mystery that the hatred came from the heart of Obama.”

  27. Leyla Schrunk

    Thank you for your Godly wisdom

  28. Meg Leary

    You know Mario, I think this hatred is world wide. We can only trust the Word of the Lord to keep us from falling for their lies and deceitfullness.
    The anger of people here in Australia is so hard to fully comprehend just like the hateful way that people are reacting to Pres. Trump.
    I guess the real remnant of God will truly see the truth for what is happening and may we all stand strong together and stop finding fault with each other and support and love each other as Our precious Lord commanded.
    I get scared sometimes to see the hatred that is consuming people and they don’t really know why.
    Thank you so much for the truth you share it is something I really look forward to reading as you give insight to the real cause of the chaos.
    Many blessings to you and your team and family, may God keep and protect you all. Blessings Meg

  29. Dorothy Patrick


    • Susan S

      The gruesome murder of her father is satanic and straight from the bowels of hades. I have many family members that are still democrats but they are not violent.
      The evils of your grandfather’s democratic party were the evils of machine politics and voter fraud and all corruption. The media hasn’t treated a Republican presidential candidate fairly since Eisenhower.
      You must be spiritually strong to make it in democrat controlled California especially with the voter fraud. I pray that you would come to the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia or nearby. We need a move of the Lord here. I pray for wisdom as I have to make important decisions and need the Lord’s guidance.

  30. Alyson Baker

    You have the amazing talent to put into words exactly how I’ve been feeling, for a very long time time. Thank you for your insight!

  31. Howard Thomas

    Good article and right on the money. God is in control and Christians need to listen and follow the leading of The Holy Spirit.

  32. Ron

    From a preacher who stays on the front lines.


  33. Bill Durr

    You are exactly correct. We stand stronger and more determined to work harder, pray harder (even when the Lord wakes us up to intercede) the battle isn’t over just because a major victory has been won. Thank you for your courage and speaking the truth. You are making a difference, powerfully impacting Believers and unbelievers alike.

  34. Richard Best

    I agree 100% in the SPIRIT movement encased in this election cycle. It’s time to get busy and reclaim the territory we’ve ceded to Satan for the last 50+ years! GOD said we would have a last day revival, and it has been given to us. We can’t afford to blow it off again.
    Praise THE LORD for this monumental victory in the natural realm so we can strongly pursue victory in the spiritual realm!

  35. Mimi

    Very well said! You are exactly right on all points you made here. This fight with evil is not over. We must take our positions as watchmen.

  36. Ron Rupp

    When hitler was defeated and some say dead, even then and 20 years later, there were still strong supporters,,,still today,,a strong demonic possession literally as scripture says, blinding their eyes…a possession of power which they feel connected to wealth…that’s why they want wars…

  37. Pastor Billy Ferg

    AMEN !!!!!!!!

  38. Shelley Ensley

    💯 Pastor Mario! The truth hurts, but is liberating to those of us who recognize that this is spot on. We must stand and recognize the true miracle God has demonstrated right before our eyes!

  39. Mitch Spence

    Right on, Mario. Not unlike the way people viewed Germany after WWI. They were myopic at least, naive at best.

  40. Mary Vasser

    Amen! We must keep our focus and bring heaven to earth, saving souls, and being Light and salt. Let’s not listen to wolves in sheep’s clothing, we have work to do. Mario, this message was spot on. Bless you 🙏

  41. Patricia Barnes

    Thank you, Mario for this information. Finally, somebody got the right. Thought. I have been feeling that the Democrats are led by evil spirits the snake Satan. God bless you

  42. Paula Greenfield

    This was very enlightening. My eyes have been opened for quite sometime with the evilness in America. I have been very outspoken against the wickedness of the democrats and have upset several of my own family but when you see how they have been turned to deaf ears and a hardened heart to God that is when I choose not to be around them

  43. Ben Rhodes

    Thanks Mario,for always speaking the truth. Praying angles of God surround you and your people. God will use you mighty in these last of the last days. Harvest time is here ,what we do ,do quickly for Jesus is coming!

  44. Lisa wright

    The devil is NEVER nice. Deceptive but NEVER nice. Like the pandemic he puts on a mask so we can’t see his entire face. He made us believe it was for our safety but all the while using it to hopefully suffocate us and trying his best to blackout every sane thought we had but that too backfired on him. I just never could Satan was after our freedoms and our lives because he hated God. The devil knew he had messed up when he was thrown out of heaven by God and he was after God to pay back. He knows that Gods children are redemptive and HE is not and never can be. The devil hates us and knows that attacking Gods kids hurts God so he attacks any way he can to get back at God. The pandemic was the biggest farce to blind people and Christians were targeted and many bought the ticket. We all have sinned but Jesus blood has redeemed the ones who repent and choose to follow Jesus example. I am so grateful that Jesus loved me enough to redeem me from myself. Gods mercy is indescribable and I must march on in his Kingdom. Mario Thank you for your obedience to Gods call. Many are waiting to be released from the imprisonment that the devil is determined to keep them. Jesus blood has covered every stain of sin and the devil knows he CAN NOT cross the bloodline of JESUS. March on in Jesus name. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!

  45. Dr. Laurette Willis

    TIME TO BE WISE. “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves” (Mark 10:16).

  46. Jerry Colter


  47. Gail Segars Rainey

    Yes! Yes! Yes! Brother Mario, you say it so well. You always get to the bottom line of TRUTH!!!! Praising our LORD for your voicing TRUTH!

  48. Diane M Roney


  49. Judith Powell

    Thank you Mario for your Biblical clarity. You are soeaking truth.
    Blessings, Judith

  50. Kathy DeLuca

    Wow. Thank you Mario for your clear assessment of the Democrats and the evils in plain sight across America. We definitely need to roll up our sleeves now and follow Jesus without turning to the left or the right. Very few Christian leaders are ready for this spiritual fight. A fight with love, for love and for standing strong in what is right. No matter what.

  51. Maxine


  52. Karen G

    Thank you, Mario, for speaking out about unspeakable topics. I believe that anyone, who truly has the Holy Spirit within them, who reads and understands God Word, who is resting in His secret place, can never believe all the propaganda. I testify this as a 75 yr old woman who was saved at the age of 28. I began reading the living Bible and read through it twice. My heart grabbed ahold of all of Gods precepts and laws in a powerful way. I look to God and my Savior for all my beliefs in this world and I thank Him for guiding me safely through the darkness during the Covid lies and calling me to be an Intercessor for the saving of America. I support everything God is calling you to do and I stand in awe of Gods glory and all he is doing for us as we watch him intercede for his people here and throughout the world. Thank you , Mario, for standing strong.

  53. Valerie Gottschalk

    Praise God for His enormous blessings, but we HAVE to keep asking and Thanking Him for victory over every wile of the enemy!

  54. Leonard Carroll

    Australian Leonard here again, Mario. Forge ahead and see them eventually grovel. You have God on your side, and He reigns supreme. He allowed the 2020 election to be stolen so that the Democrats would show how depraved they are. Trump also knows now that he is on a mission from God. With your help, America will enter a new era of devotion to God. And I pray that Australia will follow your lead. I sent some material to Alisa for you to read a short time ago, but you take your time, Mario. I admire you as the man of God who never buckles, and you have ahead of you what will be a struggle until so many have seen the Light that the battle will be a fait accompli. God bless America, and God bless Terra Australis del Espiritu Santo.

  55. Marvin Rose

    Well said and ty for standing up for Jesus

  56. Nancy Tipton

    I with you in agreement and will keep vigilant and praying



  58. Dave Brown

    The Democratic Party are terrorists. Their actions fit the definition. They are for the destruction of the United States of America and replacing it with a third world hell. They need to be declared a terrorist organization and then appropriately dealt with. They need charged, tried and then jailed forever. I’m serious and you should be too. They want us dead!

  59. Gregg and Mary Meens

    Wow! Thanks Mario. I had not heard anything about this woman murdering her father! How many demons she must have!
    We will stay vigilant!

  60. Kevin Kraemer

    Right on Mario! We must remain vigilant in the fight being mindful that the enemy seeks to devore those in his path. We know he does 3 primary things, steal, kill and destroy. We must remind ourselves of the great commission we have been given and fulfill it.

  61. Nicola Crumb

    Amen and Thaank you

  62. Fran Fredell

    Amen, brother Mario!! We believers need boots on the ground taking back our country!! No stopping now! Now more than ever, we have to step out to help recover the spoils from the enemy and see that people see the love of God in us!! Love will win the hearts back to the Lord!! Hallelujah

  63. Jean Storckman

    I am only feeling the hate and bullying from the maga side. I am hurt and upset looking for peace and healing from both sides. Not all democrats are bad people. I keep asking what the other side is so angry about and how they feel the country is being destroyed. But I get no answers. I am trying to hear and understand but I am always met with hate spew. Things won’t change unless we can talk and forgive. I do care about the country and I am not a bad person.

  64. Jacque B.

    AMEN to every word, Mario. Thank you so much for this post. Looking forward to FIRE POWER every week. I am 80 but I can pray & stand strong in the Holy Spirit.

  65. Gary Reynolds

    BY DECLARATION OF THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, WE GOD’s PEOPLE of the Kingdom of the Son of God’s Love and of the Uniterd States of America, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general weldfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this covenant, TO DO 2 Chronicles 7:14 – if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

    With a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other and to God our Savior Jesus Christ firstborn from ther dead, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.

    So Signed as a commitment and a covenant before and with God and man:

    Gary D Reynolds

  66. Geraldine Parris

    I will continue to pray a hedge around you Mario.I thank God for you, and all you do to bring God back to our country..God bless you Mr.Murillo. I will pray I will be able to attend one of your tent miracles. Love to you and your family.. I would like to volunteer, when you do come to California…

  67. Michele Wallace

    I agree! We must keep praying and being alert…listening for God’s instructions!

  68. Karen Barber

    Amen and Amen. I totally and whole heartly agree with EVERYTHING you said. God Bless you, your family and your ministry

  69. Syd Reeve

    You are so right Mario the Demorats can not be trusted. And again you hit the nail on the head how can anyone who calls themselves a Christian stand with Harris they murder babies, steal kill and destroy? As Jesus told the leaders in his day I say the same to those so-called Christian phonies” You are of your father the Devil he was a liar from the start and they too are liars just like their father Satan and will always be like him. You can’t change stupid and that’s why they are stupid.

  70. Derricee Newton

    I am in agreement with this article.
    Remember, we make our petition known and the Lord will bring the plans of the enemy to nothing!
    Stand still and see! We don’t have to fight in this battle. Hallelujah!
    He has got this!!!

  71. Ron Blasius

    Your blog is right on. God has given Christians a four year chance to get our act (focus on Jesus) together. To God be the glory.

  72. Bettye Stanley

    Mario, I think you are somewhat deceived. You are a full on Trumper. While I voted for him, he is still a man with feet of clay.  Most people voted for Trump NOT because this nation is on “the greatest pilgrimage back to God” – I beg to differ- they voted for Trump because they wanted the economy fixed which equals money and their comfort! And those Judas traitors in California who let so called Christian leaders intimidate them are cowards.. and God hates cowards.  Why didn’t you call them out on that?!  I think you need to drop the Trump rhetoric and focus totally on Jesus. Your call to avoid democrats will cause possible violence from people on both sides of the fence. What a mess we have even with the few I believed had their heart in the right place.
    You can only be deceived by those you think can be trusted. Test all things by Holy Spirit’s leading. The Lord warned that “even the elect” could possibly be deceived.
    I pray for you, and all who claim to be Christians, myself included, that we NOT be deceived and persevere to the end.
    God bless you as you go forward.

  73. Hugh Howard

    Well said, Mario. It is a sad commentary that so few church leaders will agree with you. People who don’t learn from mistakes repeat them. People who don’t learn from history repeat it. The spirit controlling the radical left is the same one that has controlled tyrants throughout the history of the earth. We must stand in unity against the plans of this evil spirit in fervent prayer

  74. Sam

    Mario, please do not forget to include the RINOs along with the Democrats; they are essentially one and the same.

    • Sharon Sartell

      Yes, Sam! The Rhino’s are ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing’!!

      Agree with your assessment 100%, Mario. Please continue to speak boldly the Word of Truth, and teach church goers how relevant it is for today! The devil is still active, but MUST retreat at the name of Jesus!!

  75. John Harris Kirkley

    Mario should be in Trump’s Cabinet as advisor.

  76. Evelyn Turer

    Disgusting she/her/he/it/they/ whatever pronoun. She is filled with hate which of course, is Satan and his demons.

    God bless you and increase your ministry, and don’t be concerned with routine. People so hungry for GOD, nothing necessary but the Gospel. Come to Jesus, Repent, Confess, receive His forgiveness. Have more outside events. Just need a stage, a PA system…..people bring their own chairs, or sit on the ground… at Stone Mountain events.

  77. Gloria

    I agree… Last year in my prayer time. The Holy Spirit spoke,
    “Psalm 68:1-4. To speak a over situations. And pray over situations.. When you posted the horrible attack against you coming to California….Psalm 68:1-4🙏🥰👍

  78. Jeffrey Wiegand

    God, we need a tongue of fire 🔥

  79. Jean

    Yes, I wholeheartedly agree with everything you wrote. The demonic woman who killed her father is a great example of their lunacy. She killed her own father and was clapping. Thank God for you and your blog and Fire Power.

  80. Tony

    These things happening, just a forewarning of things to come….. as is written in Revelation 12:12 “Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.”

  81. Max Van Dyke

    Mario, my friend, thank you for your stance for America. You have been right on. We had 100% voter registration at our church as well as voter participation! It was good to be with you in Tulare and I look forward to your return. We will continue to do what we can to promote the tent meetings. Blessings to you and Michelle.
    Love Max Van Dyke

  82. Laura

    Yes, Mario, we must not forget the prophecies and warnings from this past year. They are still in effect.

    And just like Lance has pointed out, the former move of God has historically persecuted the next move of God. Sadly, the attacks against your tent meetings are just that. Same thing happened to Mother Etter in her revival camps. Many who were with God in the past don’t want what He’s doing next.

    But we now have the David anointing for the present season as we received the Elijah mantle in the former season. We see the giants coming at us, but by our God we have already defeated the lion and the bear. This uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them.

  83. Barb Morin

    Thank you for speaking truth and for giving us hope ! May God continue to bless and protect you!

  84. Gregory

    Wow! Thank you for your boldness to speak the truth and remind us to fight the good fight of faith. 1 Tim 6:12.

  85. Steven A. Myers

    The following verse has to be enacted sometime, so why not now?!

    Hebrews 12:27 (KJV)
    27 And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.

  86. Sue Olson

    Great message, Mario, I completely agree.

  87. Susan Moon

    I deeply respect your Mario.
    I understand why you are saying what you are saying. I would also add that there are evil Republicans. I am reminded of the scripture in Ephesians 6 that says that we do not fight against flesh and blood, but against rulers, against authorities and powers of this dark world. I know that we can agree to pray for ALL people who oppose the Lord.
    We must be as wise as serpents, but as gentle as doves. Those that follow the antichrist agenda are terribly deceived and a spirit of offense creates much division. Praying that the body of Christ would be of one mind and one accord following God’s ways.

  88. Janis Cope

    Thank you Mario. I extend my heartfelt sympathy at the loss of your brother. He visited our church and is a cousin to our Pastor Ken Brown. We have 23 acres. You should come to the hills and valleys of PA!!

  89. Bryan S

    Time for Christians to subdue the Earth like we were commanded and cast out demons, lay hands on the sick and they will recover. Put the LGBT’s back in the Closet Pride flags and CRT banned day #1 we will have a President who has our back time to shut down every strip club, porn site, drug dealer, prostitute online and in person and liberal out there over the next 4 years and take Earth back for Jesus

  90. Mitch Culp

    God won a great victory and we need to continue to pray for the opposition to be confused. They are doing a good job of exposing themselves for what they are. The Denocrats loss the election simply because they mocked God and God arose and His enemies were scattered. You don’t take on God in battle and win, you will lose every time.
    God never lets a battle be wasted. It is now time for the “church” to step forward and become the the true church it was ordained to be. Let’s lay aside some of the denominational barriers and become an influence in the world by turning the world upside down. All glory be unto God!

  91. Emiko S Esquibel

    I have been a Christian for many years, but when I found out all the atrocities that were being done by the deep state and cabal – I had to ask the Lord to forgive me for not paying more attention to spiritual things. How did we allow all the children to be sacrificed and trafficked? Did we not see the pictures of the children’s faces on the milk cartons anymore? I believe the Lord has placed Pres Trump at the forfront of the USA to bring us back to Him. Pres Trump has the Military behind him to clean up all aspects of America plus the other Nations. We all need to hear where the Holy Spirit is leading us to help clean up America and do it !!!

  92. Peter Yang

    you are always on the ball, keep speaking truth mario, you are like ef hutton…..

  93. Darrel

    I have always been for secession and I mean peaceful secession. We should have been 2 countries a long time ago, try 160 years ago.
    We do not belong together, Christians with the leftist goons. Let them have their own country to destroy.

  94. Sharon J Palmer

    David had the answer millennia ago in the fields of Bethlehem – it should be our mindset and answer to the enemy and his tactics and thugs today: “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me.” Ps. 23:4
    It does not matter what the enemy or his Democrat henchmen are planning – “their protection has departed from them, and the Lord is with us!” We’re staying prepared, but we will NOT lose confidence in the truth that our God is GREATER than anything the enemy or his thugs have up their sleeves. The Lord sees and knows all about it, and has pronounced the Victory upon us, His people. Period.

  95. Karl

    I am a retired teacher and unequivocally proclaim that there is no hope for America if Christians and conservatives allow their children to be indoctrinated in the public schools. We must rescue our children!
    Please see the Exodus Mandate’s “Call to Dunkirk” on YouTube.

  96. steve wood

    Be wise as serpents. Stay ahead and wise to what the devil will likely do. We have seen over the past 25 years, words that had legal and dictionary meanings for hundreds of years, have been attacked by the Marxist woke mob and “redefined”. For instance: marriage, democracy, woman, man, etc. Expect the woke mob to go after the word, “Christian” and attempt to create a new definition that fits their globalist agenda. It won’t be Biblical. Expect the devil to also attempt to create a woke mob bible. He did it before in Nazi Germany. Communist China already has their Marxist anti-Christ rewrite of the “bible.” Thank you Mario for your bold courage. May GOD multiply you and your ministry.

  97. Tim

    It has been like watching a four year long movie that seemed like it would never end.

    Having Discernment and listening to what the Holy Spirit is saying has brought us this far.

    We have seen the hand of God move, we should never underestimate the power of an almighty God.

    We must stay vigilant, the deep state actors are too quiet right now, it’s a bit unnerving, but we know that God is with us and he clearly has stated that we need to keep our eyes on him and to not be fooled by all of the noise.

    As Mario says, rest and when the time comes, do as the occasion demands.

  98. Paul Rosenfeld

    All the woke weirdos have that black, empty, serpent-like stare. It’s chilling.

  99. Elyce Mouskondis

    We all know the quietness we are feeling now is just before the storm. Thank God there are many of us who listen to the Holy Spirit and come against this evilness. God raised up a standard and always will as long as we stand with and for Him.

  100. Paul Rosenfeld

    Jesus told us that tares would grow along with the wheat, until harvest time. Yes, it’s an End-Times reference, but there are smaller harvests throughout history also. If God truly is going to pluck this country out of the muck and restore it to greatness, and it looks like He will, then He can’t have a large population of Woke degenerates poisoning it. They will have to be removed. Fortunately, God is having them remove themselves, which is why we see these desperate, self-destructive acts. More is coming. Like the armies of old who fought against God’s people, they have been thrown into confusion, and are destroying themselves. The harvest will be horrific, and hard to watch. Fix your gaze instead on the beauty of what God is doing for His children.

  101. Tommy Holohan





  102. Stel Pontikes


    No kumbaya with the Democrats!!

  103. Richard lmus

    So many of your posts point out to the world with their obviously wicked agendas. Meanwhile, Christian ministries are building audiences instead of armies. Moreover, people mascaraed as apostles in name only are actually building cults. Paul was right when he called out false apostles as he was bent on building churches that he pushed to build armies. We must be aware there are false apostles making statements like, “I’m not a church guy.” It’s time to call out false apostles not just false prophets.


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