They Have Seen a Great Light

by | Oct 30, 2024 | Living Proof Tent Crusades | 66 comments

If you were under the Tent for night three, you know it was a powerful night. This crusade has not felt like any previous meeting I’ve been a part of, it has not gone the way I expected, but it’s clear that it has gone the way God expected.

Over time it can become easy to anticipate how each night will go, and almost move through the nights on cruise control. I love that God has changed all my expectations and caused me to lean into what He is doing.

When Catherine and her band began, we were instantly in the presence of God. Not because they brought it, but because they revealed Him to us. The shift in the atmosphere each night the moment the music begins is always incredible. It’s like God has been patiently waiting for us to realize He’s there.

As we transitioned from the wonderful time of praise, we had an opportunity to celebrate Mario on his birthday. They presented him with a beautiful bouquet of balloons as Catherine led the entire Tent in singing Happy Birthday. It was an important moment to celebrate Mario, who has dedicated his life to being obedient in giving everything to reach the lost and restore them to their Savior.

Mario began his message by telling the people that he really fought the devil to be in the Tent this week. And that he knew it was supposed to be the most important crusade of his life. And then told them we have not yet seen why the Tent was put up in Tulare. Then had the people raise a shout of praise to God, giving Him all the glory.

He said he was going to tell a story from the Bible of a people who were oppressed, and who made a mistake which caused them to live through centuries of judgment.

King David’s grandson, Rehoboam, decided to run a government by raising taxes and lowering the quality of service to the people. Mario said it was a prophetic vision of California.

Ten of the tribes abandoned the house of David. Two of the tribes that left were Naphtali and Zebulun. And for the next several centuries they were invaded repeatedly, which resulted in them losing their language, laws, and culture.

When Jesus arrived, they were no longer called Naphtali and Zebulun. They were despised and not allowed to partake in the education or festivals of Jerusalem. They were considered second class citizens.
Mario asked if the people knew why the Jews missed recognizing that Jesus was the Messiah? He said it was because after He became of age, He began His ministry by going to the northern part of Israel. Instead of beginning His ministry where the money and prestige was, He instead went to where they were despised.

“Nevertheless the gloom will not be upon her who is distressed, as when at first He lightly esteemed the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, and afterward more heavily oppressed her, by the way of the sea, beyond the Jordan, in Galilee of the Gentiles. The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined” (Isaiah 9:1-2 NKJV).

Mario said that in less than a week the greatest shift in American life in our lifetime is going to occur. It will usher in the greatest harvest of souls in American history. It won’t be because of who wins or loses, but because of the body of Christ being revived, unified, and freshly anointed by God.

He said the revival coming will not begin in the rich neighborhoods. It will eventually affect them, but it will not begin with them. He said the Spirit of God will be poured out first in the inner city.

When Jesus began His ministry, instead of turning south to Jerusalem He went north to Capernaum.

“And leaving Nazareth, He came and dwelt in Capernaum, which is by the sea, in the regions of Zebulun and Naphtali” (Matthew 4:13 NKJV).

It had not been known by those names in hundreds of years. At that time it was called Galilee of the Gentiles. It was where the demons went into the pigs. They had lost their culture and were oppressed. But Jesus went there and began His ministry, fulfilling the prophecy that said, “the people that walked in darkness have seen a great light.”

God is hearing the cry of single mothers, forgotten homeless people, the addicted and broken, those controlled by gangs, living in rotted out neighborhoods full of violence. Mario said the Spirit of God is going to fall there.

Mario then began to speak about the central California region. That it feeds much of the world. That it is one of the most under-appreciated miracles of the United States.

He then told the people this region is the modern day Zebulun and Naphtali. The state of California has treated this region shamefully. They ripped the people off by depriving farmers of water. By considering them the servants of the elite class on the coast. By considering the children as not being equal in the viability of their higher education or economic opportunities.

But God has remembered the people of the Central Valley. And He is saying that the people that walked in darkness have seen a great light.

Mario then shared what he believes is going to be restored. He talked about a time past when there was a great alliance between the nation of Mexico and the United States. In the early part of the twentieth century there was a great war, Mexico was fighting for her independence. The American soldiers were told if they opted to go help Mexico fight they could do so in their US Military uniform. And many did.

In December 1941, when Pearl Harbor was bombed, 26,000 Mexican men crossed into the US to fight in the Army, because they remembered when we helped them. Mario said this division has got to end. And he believes revival is going to end it. There will be a reunion of Mexico and California.

Mario said there are so many problems that can be solved. And the church is so busy thinking about the Rapture. He said the reason we can’t fight effectively is because we have a sword in one hand and luggage in the other.

Mario said there is a prophetic word for the Central Valley, and that word is, “A miracle of God is coming! It will be economic, it will be spiritual, it will be educational, and it will be cultural.”

A dead church makes no sense, it’s useless. Mario said God is looking at the churches of California. Some led by men and women of God, others by hirelings. Some have been built by the Spirit of God and it fools you because they are under attack, while others are prospering without any trouble.

The pastor who is about to close their doors because they can’t compete with the New Age church down the street that has left the Blood, the Cross, Hell, and repentance out of their sermons. This pastor asks himself, “Have I held onto my integrity for no reason?” And Mario charged them to hold on because the river is coming!

Mario talked about the anticipation of this crusade because he knew what God had said about Naphtali and Zebulon. But leading up to it, he got extremely sick, then received the awful news about his brother dying unexpectedly, and finally he learned about the pastors and churches who were boycotting the Tent.

And he knew two dynamics: one, our attendance would be off, and two, this area is marked for revival. And as he prepared, God said to tell the people, those who walked in darkness have seen a great light.

He said if he ever knew there were going to be miracles, that God was going to heal the sick, that alcoholism would be broken, that power was going to flow and instantly dissolve tumors, it was now, under this Tent.

He then had the people begin to pray in the language of the Holy Spirit. The presence of God flowed in mightily as the voices of the people rose in volume. It was like a roar going through the Tent.

And then he revealed that the first healing had already begun. He pointed out a woman midway back. He said she was being healed in seven different places in her body. He revealed that God had told her that this revival was coming, but that she had then been attacked with mysterious pain in her body.

Her fingers, wrists, elbow, shoulder and her lungs were all being healed. She was shouting and dancing and waving her arms as she prayed loudly in the language of the Holy Spirit.

Then a man was called out and was told he was being healed of something in the center of his body, and it was being removed.

Then he called out a man and his wife and revealed that they were both being healed. First she was healed of pain she has been suffering over 15 years in her neck, back, and her legs. Something was being healed in her abdomen, as well as her eyes. And the man was healed in his chest.

Mario started to call out someone in the audience, but then came down off the platform to approach them, stopping at various people all along the way.

First Mario spoke with the mother of a young boy near the front of the Tent. Speaking in Spanish, he laid hands on the young boy and prayed over him. The boy was overcome with the power of the Holy Spirit and began to shake as God touched his body.

Then he had two women stand. He told the one woman she was not going to die and she instantly began to weep. He said the growth inside her was being burned out. He said her dizziness would leave and her strength would return.

Then he pointed to a man and asked if he was ready. He said in order for the man to receive his healing, he had to first pray for his wife. Mario had them stand and revealed that the man’s wife was thinking about someone else who wasn’t present in the Tent. Mario told her to focus on herself, and that Jesus would take care of the other person. He had the man put his hand on her back and told them that the pain she’s suffered for over seven years was leaving and would not return.

Then he had another woman come out into the aisle. Before he spoke to her he returned to the crowd and said there were three persons suffering with sciatica pain. They stood and then one of the men was highlighted, and the man next to him was asked to stand to pray for him because his ministry was to include signs and wonders, and that ministry would begin with the healing of this man. The first man was being healed in his knees, his ears, and his back.

He then returned to the woman in the aisle and said, “People like to use the phrase, ‘you are at a fork in the road’, but that it was too easy to say that. Mario said that that phrase is what you say when you have no anointing. He then revealed she was making a choice between something that is safe and something that is faith. And told her the safe choice would bring immediate relief but come with an association with questionable people. But the faith choice will look hard at first, but it will bring the greater end result.

Mario then revealed that the enemy had attacked her body and her sleep, causing anxiety and pain the doctors can’t identify. He said both her arms, both her legs, her back, and her neck were all being healed. He had her move her arms and legs and she confirmed she had no pain.

Then he had another woman join her in the aisle. There was a deterioration in a disc in the base of her spine and all the therapy was ineffective, but God was healing her disc.

He then went to a man and had him lay his hand on another man’s back. Mario told the second man his future was not going to include a wheelchair. That his arms and legs were being restored and gaining strength. He told him he had to stand up and walk and he would have no pain or weakness.

The man stood, slowly at first, then began to move out to the aisle and began to walk. You could see strength and stability enter him with each step.

Then he went to another section and said there were ten people being healed. He highlighted one woman and revealed the enemy had tried to bankrupt her with prescription and medical bills, none of which had helped the pain. But now Jesus was healing her body. Her stomach, her back, her neck, and her legs.

He pointed to several people and told them they were being healed. Then he said diverticulitis was being healed, and there were three all being healed simultaneously.

Two others had migraine headaches. Mario laid a hand on one of their heads, then had the woman next to her stand to help. As soon as she stood, he told her she was healed and she began to weep because she could feel it in her body. She was also being healed in her liver. He told her God was giving her a powerful second chance, healing her liver and a disease in her blood.

He then had her lay her hand on the other woman and Mario gently revealed that she had been attacked. That the incident had been horrific. She had been left with both a physical scar as well as psychological. He told her she was going to be fulfilled and have a happy life. That God was healing her, and that her dream which she had been told was impossible was no longer impossible because of God.

Mario returned to the platform. The power was so strong in the Tent, and you could hear people crying out to God. Mario stepped back onto the stage and said, “Happy Birthday to me Devil!” and the place erupted with cheers.

After handling some business for the evening, Mario called for those who wanted to surrender their lives to Christ, to raise their hand, stand, and then come to the front altar area.

It was another great response to the call. And what has astonished me every night this crusade is how quickly the people have responded. There is zero hesitation as he calls for them to come forward for salvation. Usually it takes time, but not now. The people rush forward immediately.

Because it was a different kind of night Mario asked the workers not to go outside the Tent to meet the new converts, but to come forward and pray over them and then be ministered to directly.

It was another powerful night. If you have not been to any yet, you are really missing out. But it is not too late! There is still one night left! If there is any way possible, you really need to find your way out to the Tent for the final night.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024, at 6:30 PM. Located at the International Agricultural Center, at 4500 S. Laspina St., Tulare, California.



  1. Robert Carter

    Powerful and absolutely true. I could not wait to see it and be part of it from here in Australia.

    • suzanne

      Hi Robert Carter
      Were you physically in California from Australia? I would like to know because I don’t live in the USA and can never attend the meeting. I must find some people who do not live in the USA who attend Mario’s meetings.

    • Debbie Gladen

      I get your blogs Mario and I follow you on several YouTube channels. When I saw you the night you were battering a respiratory illness all the while morning g the death of your brother then telling us about the so called Christian’s for Kamala and the protest I right awY went into prayer for you. I am so pleased to hear how God worked through this tent revival. Today is 10/31 what a perfect time to raise a huge victory for Jesus while Satan’s worshippers celebrate their high unholy night of all hallows eve. I believe God is going to magnify the revival of CA by these tent celebrations. I currently live in Vallejo CA. Homelessness is EVERYWHERE so is crime. I am awaiting my son returning from Knoxville TN to move me back there in a few months. I do believe God has a plan for me out there. But I’m stoked to know that within a week change is coming to CA! I can’t wait to see how God will reform our cities and restore us. Please update us through your blogs on this revival. Thank you for your ministry!

  2. Ria G J DAVIDS

    Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

  3. Meg

    Wow, I just love reading what the Lord is doing with California. How great is our God. Even though it looks sometimes hopeless there is our Lord strengthening our hearts and faith.
    I live here in Australia and this gives me grateful hope that God can turn around any dilemma and give hope to the faint hearted. Praise our Great God. Praying that God will raise a Mario here for Australia.

  4. Reija Kuparinen

    I prayed here in Finland for your tent meating yesterday, and I feel like Heaven will blow Hell out of your way. Sand I rejoice that wery much

  5. Dona Schmidt

    Praise You Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit, Almighty God! Thank You for healing the sick, saving souls, bringing deliverance! May those who surrendered their lives to You, be firmly established, grow in You! Happy birthday, Mario!

  6. Susan Reardon

    What a Huge Blessing to read these miracles occurring, esp for Mario’s Birthday present!
    Please pray for my two adult sons who have severe needs, especially my youngest Matthew. Matthew cannot talk due to seizures and neuro issues. He has day surgery tomorrow to replace a VNS device. May it be a safe surgery and begin his healing from Jesus!

  7. LeNora Bryant

    Praying for these meetings. Cannot afford to travel.

  8. Gary Kirkbride

    MyBest friend’s wife has liver cancer and 6 months to live. How should I pray for her to be healed?

    • D

      James 5:15

    • Terri Branham

      This is the second crusade I have attended, and my first time to
      volunteer. What a wonderful organized team of people, all using their talents to glorify God and bear fruit for His Name! IF YOU WANT A REAL BLESSING, BE A VOLUNTEER! I greeted people and helped hand out water before the service. Afterward, I had the privilege of praying with some people who just came to Christ and some who wanted to rededicate their lives. They were also supplied with free bibles. Yes!! 👍🏼Mario and his team do excellent follow-up work in trying to connect new Christians with good local churches so they can grow. Working together for our Father’s desires is Awesome! So thankful to have a part, and still praying for you all. 🙏🏼Praise God! 😄🙌🏼💕

  9. Barb F

    Thank you for being a true man of God , telling us what God is about to do or is doing ! May your year ahead be strongly blessed with health love laughter and God working in and through you . May God bless and protect your family and you. !

  10. Pieter Harmse

    God is great. I’m reading through the bible. Just finished reading 1 Samuel 2. Please, read about how God blessed Hannah after her prayer in 1 Samuel 1 ; 1
    She prayed, only her lips were moving and no sound. Please read it. It gets better. In chapter 3 : 19 God says His words won’t fall to the ground. I’m,21 God reveals Himself three His words. People how blessed you are to be at the meeting. How you people are being so blessed to be at the meetings. God bless Mario for greater things and the team and volunteers. I Thankyou Father God in heaven that we can still be there via the internet.

  11. Alex

    Just wonderful God happenings Mario.
    Praise Him!

  12. Judy Page

    Love this Ministry!! The anointing and fire of God are on every meeting!! Loved, “HAPPY Birthday to me devil!” Perfect!! Mario you are a gift to the body of Christ!! I had a birthday last week too! Thank you for be an obedient Jesus loving gift to us!! Happy birthday man of God!!

  13. Linda

    Happy Birthday, Mario. God lavish His Presence upon you this new year.

  14. Marilyn Knebel

    This read like my own life..I’ve been needing a creative miracle..every person touched described my own condition. Car accidents by the enemy have attacked my head to my feet. Muscularskeletal Tinnitus, head pressure and dizziness. Neck, mid back, s1 dysfunction and excruciating leg pain, ear nose and throat issues, chroic fatigue with no strength, and yes dysfunctional family relationships. I live in Mn, cannot get there..I’ve been dealing with this decline since 2013, and they can’t do anything. Just want to do drug therapy with opiates..which I refuse. Including firk in the road of decision. I’ve been doing self deliverance with God’s help using Derek Perice teachings over the past 7 years. Please pray for me. I know you have the anointing..and like the centurion just say the word and I will be healed. I have none here to go to.I have been following Flashpoint, you Lance and Hank, and Dutch etc. since 2019. I’ve confessed and repented and believe.

  15. Kay Keddy

    Praise God. Please come to Canada Mario.

  16. Linda Cross

    Happy birthday to you Brother Mario!
    thank you for your great service to our Father God
    thank you for your meetings with the miracles signs and wonders that are breaking out throughout the world
    Nothing is impossible with God!🔥🔥🔥🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️

  17. Dianne Eure

    Praying for continued blessings for you, Mario.

  18. Cheryl

    I have watched all three services of Mario Murillo tent revival. It is such a blessing to see the move of God like it was in the 70s to see the presence of the Holy Spirit manifest, healing and deliverance and salvation. I stand with Mario and his team, I pray, and I fast for the move of God, and I can’t wait for Wednesday night glory to God 🙏🙏

  19. Don Krause

    Praise God!

  20. Gretchen Carter

    Hallelujah! Glory to God!

  21. Betty Joyce

    Can’t attend, recent widow, but praying that GOD continue to bless all your efforts. Please say a special prayer for all the caregiver of loved ones. After taking care of my husband during eight years of illness I know personally the toil it is upon a person🙏🏻🇺🇸🙏🏻🥰

  22. Catherine Murray

    Prayers for Mario and Family for the loss of his Brother. And prayers for his Brothers family for the sudden loss . God has them in the palm of his hand.

  23. JoAnna DiPastena

    Yes yes I believe. What a wonderful opportunity to celebrate your birthday. You were called from the womb for a time such as this be totally headed from head to toe
    More More light. Electric. We celebrate a huge wave of faith to invade the tent. Multitudes of miracles. Great blessings on you and your whole family and supernatural healing that your sorrow will turn to joy.

  24. Connie Strock

    Thank you receive.all Glory.honer and praise!! Thank you Mario.for being obedient even though you didn’t feel good.

  25. Leonard Carroll

    Mario, man of God, you and those closest to you, are going to bring revival to America and you will do that in a period of renewed government. However, although Trump has been spared and blessed by God, He needs a greater presence of God in his life also. No compromises can be made! In Jewish time, we still have 215 years before the Seventh Millennium, God’s Millennium. I believe that any decadence before that time will come out of Europe. May God continue to bless you and work with and through you.

  26. Gary Colligan

    Praise God! Of all places, California. God is moving, touching hearts, restoring lives, healing bodies. May we all, in our spirit, experience God and His workings regardless as to where we reside. God, continue to give Mario the strength and energy to continue your work, and of course the wisdom to know the time to rest to prevent burnout. Gary

  27. Fred Horne

    Mr. Murillo, the work God is doing through you is very inspiring. Happy Birthday to you as well and may you have a blessed year.

  28. Janette L Rivera

    God is so so good ! Love you Brother !

  29. Joan Hoffmann

    All I can say is thank you .LORD THANK YOU JESUS

  30. Karen Sorenson

    Wonderful meetings!!!
    Wonderful miracles and salvattions!!! God is at work!!!

  31. Linda Craft

    Happy belated Birthday!
    God bless you

  32. Mary Vasser

    HALLELUJAH!!!! Yes God🙌
    God did it His way. Amen.
    Father is forever faithful and Is who He said He Is. Glory to our God.
    Happy Blessed Birthday Mario🙏❤️

  33. Wesley Merrell

    Praise the Lord this revival has been successful….The Lord is doing a mighty work!!! I’m sorry I can’t be there ….. pleas pray for healing for people like me that can’t be there….. in the name of Jesus….. the name above all names…Hallelujah

  34. Beverly

    Happy Birthday Mario! Thank you so much for your faithfulness. You are such a blessing too so many. Reading the blessings God poured out to so many people is incredible. We need more warriors for Christ like you, that are willing to come out from the comfort of four walls, titles, and waiting on people to come to them and go out like Jesus did to the people. I pray for your ministry daily. I am looking forward to volunteering with your ministry again when you return to Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

  35. Colleen MacPherson

    Wow!!! This has all been so exciting!! I love to see how God is working in this crusade. I know the devil tried to stop this, but I also knew at the time, that he couldn’t stop what God has planned and prayed and declared accordingly. I praise God for the miracle of revival taking place in His Church. I continue to pray His blessing and protection on you and your family. BTW… have a most blessed birthday and years ahead of working to bring His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

  36. Gary Horstman

    Oh, how I love these emails of praise reports and healing testimonies!! They inspire and affirm my faith. The Lord told me 7 1/2 years ago my back would be healed of degenerative disc disease. I’m still waiting and standing on that promise! Some days it’s difficult but these emails help. All praise to God!!

  37. Marie Groves

    Thank you Mr Larry for helping Mr Mario.
    Happy Birthday Mario.
    Mr Larry, your updates have been critical for me in order to pray. But last night I claimed the healing of sleep. This morning I realized that and claimed I AM HEALED.💖 I slept like I had crawled up into AbaFather’s lap. I slept in SHALOM. Each night the Holy Spirit reached me all the way across to NC. I grew up each weekend going up and down Hwy 99 to Porterville. Tulare area is close to my heart.I am 65 and this year I found out I have a birth defect and had cancer. The L-rd healed me of the cancer 9/25/2024. But Mr Mario’s teaching has given me an arsenal of weapons to fight the fight of faith. Even though I interceed each meeting for Mr Mario and staff and meeting.I Thank you for being my harvesters and my teacher. Always sending love and prayers from Eden NC 🌻💖 Marie Groves

  38. Colleen Gromek

    Happy Birthday. Glory to GOD.

  39. Viviane Smith

    I prayed for your ministry when I read what the enemy was trying to do in California. I am Canadian 🇨🇦 but i love and pray for this ministry. I would love ❤️ to someday attend a meeting. I also need healing. I have an eye condition which needs a miraculous touch. Macular degeneration. Would you pray for me.

  40. Karen Graff

    Happy Birthday , Mario

  41. Janice

    Praise you King Jesus!
    Praise you Holy Father!
    Thank you Holy Spirit!

    We glorify you! You are worthy of all praise!
    Thank you for coming and touching us and healing us!
    Touch many more tonight and in the following days!

    Thank you Lord!💜🙏🩷😁

  42. Patricia G Kraft

    Happy birthday and to God be the Glory! Yep the enemy was defeated. You go Mario and be blessed with an abundance beyond y our wildest dreams.

  43. Bill and Carol


    OCT. 28.2024




    The Last Supper.

    Bread and Wine.

    Community of Prayer,

    Thank you for praying!

    With a very heavy heart 2024 is turning out to be a very turbulent year of terrible events(Terrible heat waves, weather extremes,unrest,wars(WW 3??) and other events happening throughout the year.) that is shaking our civilization to the core. Manmade and Natural Disasters?? I am afraid that 2024,2025 and beyond will be even worse with more terrible events both man-made and natural disasters, that will continue to plunge our civilization into the New Dark Ages in the next few years!

    Pray for peace!

    The last 4 years is any indication we are in deep trouble as a civilization from 2024,2025… onward?

    Pray for peace!!

    Updated Prayer Request.

    Community of Prayer,

    Thank you for praying!

    Received sad news today( july 18.2024 that we lost a very close friend of ours.Life is so short!

    PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY with us for God’s Healing and Protecting Peace Now and in the Days ahead…Long Term! Still recovering from events in our personal lives of Family, Friends, Deaths(loss of our only son) and other sorrows and hardships from the past and Now! Pray for God’s healing and protecting peace Now and in the days ahead… 2024,2025…Eternal Rest. Especially in the terrible(New Dark Ages) times(2020’s) in which we are living in with the ongoing events.

    Pray for Peace!!!

    Long Term Prayer Request for God’s Healing and Protecting Peace in the months ahead?? Fall Winter Christmas 2024,2025…??

    Please pass on to others to pray in the Worldwide Community of Prayer. Urgent! Long term!!

    In His Eternal Rest.

    Bill and Carol. oh. usa


  44. Carrie Younce

    Happy birthday indeed! God be glorified!

  45. Corey Lovers

    Wow thank you Pastor Mario!
    Well done!!!!

    Pastor Corey Lovers
    River of Life Church
    Acton California
    Los Angeles County


  46. Nancy

    Dear Mario, I thank God for you!! Blessings, all Blessings over you and your family and team in this outpouring power of God, especially under the weight of your brother’s passing and physically sick. Not giving up but showing up. I am at the foot of the Cross now with a broken heart having my sister die who was my ‘life’. Such a shock!! But now she is with Jesus and that thought alone keeps me from the deepest grief and missing her. I need to know how to love God more and I just ask Him and He definitely shows up!!

  47. Perry D Richerson

    I shared on Facebook.

  48. Jane

    This is incredible! I have been asking Father for this outpouring for years!

  49. William Lanning

    Praise the Lord for all that He is doing in California through Mario and the tent meetings.

  50. Timothy P Dunn

    People are hurting, you can see it on their faces. This ministry is so important, God bless you Mario.

  51. Marjorie

    Breathtaking anticipation over the prophetic words. Thankful for your faithfulness. Prayer for tonight’s service.
    And Hapoy Birthday

  52. Paula Hodgkins

    This was a great joy to read. I wept reading it sitting in my own home alone except for four animals. I am so glad for the people of California. I am going to call others and read this to them. God bless you Mario and your annointed workers and staff.

  53. David Phelps ❤️

    Praise the Lord for his Lord and his goodness! Hallelujah to Jesus! ❤️ ❤️🙏🙏🌸🌸

  54. John Donohue

    I believe it is true, God is reaching out to the lost and broken. I live in San Francisco and God saved me from depression, homosexuality and homelessness. I was literally kicked to the curb but Jesus showed up for me. I am so grateful.

  55. Cathy Brennan

    Thankful to see such an outpouring of God’s power, mercy and grace.
    May we all stand firm and strong in His Righteousness.

  56. Kate

    All Praise and Glory to the LORD God Almighty Jesus Christ! There is a spiritual energy in this blog that gripped me hard as I was reading it, I had to hold back the tears. I could feel their joy come through me like a fire as I read about each of their healings. God is working a mighty deed at this crusade. I pray for all the folks in this area of California because yes, they are the backbone of the United States. I command that the powers of darkness flee from this area forever in the name of Jesus.
    And Happy Birthday Pastor Mario! I loved your comment to the devil. I love you, you are the most authentic pastor I have ever come across along with Pastor Todd. He is how I found out about you. And now I never miss and episode of Firepower. I know it is hard to have a happy birthday given that your beloved brother passed away so recently but I am sure he is in heaven celebrating it with you. God Bless you always. You are truly a man of God.

  57. Jana Meyerstein

    We have written, sung, created music in the background and recorded…

    REVIVAL IN THE USA. We want to share it with you for the tent meetings.

    Contact me so that we can send it to you. You will not be disappointed.
    Daniel Rose (actual name Daniel Meyerstein) is an international performer and he wrote it last week. We also wrote another one called
    GOD IN ON THE LINE. (559) 901-7741 We just gave up Visalia Music School and Daniel and I want to share this with you. GOD WANTS YOU TO HEAR IT!

  58. Lisa

    God Bless this Man of God and his ministry . Holy Spirit presence .
    Thank you for what you do for the people through God in Jesus name Amen

  59. Wendy

    Wonderful blog and our mighty God reaching out to His children. O Lord use Mario in a much greater way healing delivering and strengthening you people with more boldness then ever before, Revive us more Lord!

  60. Gail Segars Rainey

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BROTHER MARIO. It is so wonderful how I feel that I know people through this kind of internet connection whether or not I have had the opportunity to meet you in person. It is the same with the Brim family whom I have been praying with since 2018. I just recently joined a local church in Eatonton, GA, after attending and participating and worshiping with them for almost a year before joining. I am fully committed to help there. I have shared your information with the pastor and much, much more. Today also is birthday of one of Dr. Billye Brim’s daughters, Brenda. I keep a birthday calendar, so I will know your birthday in advance of next year. Thank you for sharing all these wonderful details of miracles. This has been a great day!

  61. Lisa

    God Bless MMM

  62. Sandra Gunter

    It was wonderful. I was able to watch on my TV
    Thrilling! Deeply moving to see the many healings.
    Happy Birthday Mario!




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