Night two got off to a great start. When we pulled in, we saw a charter bus, and many people were getting off and walking into the Tent. There was electricity in the air as we anticipated how God would follow up the first night.
God’s presence was definitely in the Tent. As Catherine and her band began to sing, the people caught hold of it and began praising God. It was clear this would be another amazing night.
I love how the people engage with Catherine and her team. They fill the front altar area, dancing and singing and praising God. The best part is when the children and young people join in.
Mario went right into soul winning. He began by asking the people, “How many want to see a move of God tonight?” and everyone cheered!
He said someone once asked him, “What is the difference between Christianity and every other religion? And he gave an unexpected answer, “Jesus is the only religious leader with the power to stop Satan.”
“I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one” (John 17:15 NKJV).
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8 NKJV).
Mario pointed out that the word “may” in the verse is different from the word “can”, because “may” speaks of permission. Satan has to have permission to destroy someone.
Satan does not care about your money, your looks, or your influence. He is unmoved by the idea of how important you think you are. He doesn’t care if you are the richest in the world, or a homeless person on the street.
The only thing that stops Satan’s access to your emotions, your mind, your future, or your health. There is only one thing he cannot cross: the Blood of Christ.
“Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time” (Revelation 12:12b NKJV).
The evil being unleashed in the world is unlike anything we’ve seen before. Just as evil is being orchestrated in the world, God is orchestrating salvation. Mario stated that he is standing in that pulpit because God has placed him there, the people are in their seat under that Tent because God drew them there.
Mario said people who are not Christians go to church for reasons that are more pure than most of the Christians that are already in there have. Instead of hoping for better coffee, or valet parking, or entertaining programs, non-Christians are wondering, “How am I going to raise my child?” “How am I going to pay my bills?” “How am I going to live?” What they expect in church is the presence of God.
He told them, the greatest miracle of your life is when Jesus gets the devil off your back.
And then Mario had them close their eyes and began to compel them to respond to the need and desire for hope and peace and to live a life without dread or fear. He had them raise their hands, then stand, and finally, asked them to come forward.
And in a moment that matched the first night, nearly half the people in the Tent rushed to the altar. It was such an incredible response to the drawing of the Holy Spirit.
Again, Mario prayed with them and then had them go out to be ministered to by our amazing volunteer workers. Catherine and her band led the people in the song, “Look What the Lord Has Done” as we transitioned to the message for the night.
Mario told the people, if the American church does not wake up, it will not matter who wins the White House. He said that the first ‘remnant’ that needs to wake up in America is the Pentecostal churches.
He then began telling a story. In the year 1990 a man by the name of Warren Rogers was driving a bakery truck at night. He pulled over to go in the back of his truck to prepare the orders, when two men jumped him, knocking him to the ground.
They smashed him into the diamond plate steel flooring of the truck, pointed a gun at his head and pulled the trigger, but it misfired. So they took a knife and cut into a large birthmark. As he was drowning in his own blood they beat him, broke most of his bones, and then left him for dead.
Miraculously, Warren survived, but for the next several years he went through many procedures as doctors tried to put his body back together. He was in a steel body brace from head to toe, and in agony from the broken body and the treatments that weren’t solving the problem. He was in such pain and despair that he began to plan to take his own life.
Then one day someone told Warren to give God one more chance. In 1990, Mario was speaking at a university. While he was waiting to leave for the meeting, God showed Mario a vision of all that Warren had endured. He asked Jesus why He would show him something so horrifying before he was about to preach. God told him that the man would be in the meeting and God was going to heal him that night.
Mario began his sermon that night by recounting the story of the vision he’d seen, saying that the person he had seen in the vision was there, and as he told the story, there was a scream in the back of the room.
While Mario recounted the details, Warren began to disconnect and remove every bolt and connection of the brace he was bound in, and then ran to the front of the auditorium.
Mario said it was what happened next that he is speaking about tonight. He said, “We have perverted the gifts of the Spirit, we have commercialized them, and then we abandoned them. Miracles are not supposed to happen in a safe, or ‘religious’, space.”
He said what happened next was most astonishing. Warren Rogers had a recording of the night and of Mario detailing the healing as it was happening. Additionally, he had been awarded a $350,000 settlement from the courts because of his permanent disability.
After this night in Mario’s meeting, Warren first went to his doctor at Johns Hopkins University. And without any brace or assistance, Warren strutted into the doctor’s office. Before the doctor could say anything, Warren played the recording. The doctor began to weep and on the spot was led to Jesus.
Next, Warren went to his psychiatrist. And once more told the doctor to not say anything and played the recording. This doctor also began to weep and was led to Christ.
Finally, Warren went to his Jewish attorney. And as he walked in said, “Lee, I’m about to introduce you to your Messiah.” And then played the recording for his attorney. And Lee asked, ‘What should I do?” And Warren responded, “First Jesus, then we are going to return the money.” He returned the money so there would be a record of Warren returning all the money because God miraculously healed him.
Paul the apostle wrote, “In mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God, so that from Jerusalem and round about to Illyricum I have fully preached the gospel of Christ” (Romans 15:19 NKJV).
Mario revealed the title of the night’s message, “The Fully Preached Gospel.” He said, the Gospel is not fully preached without miracles.
“And (Jesus) said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover” (Mark 16:15-18 NKJV).
Mario said, “American Pentecostals are guilty of abandoning the Holy Spirit. The fault lies in preachers who abused the gifts, went emotional, led double lives, were privately immoral or perverted, and operated in so-called ‘gifts’ that weren’t real.
The miraculous signs and wonders ministry of the Holy Spirit was contaminated and perverted. A new wave of revival came and raised up churches with established supernatural teaching. The next generation which should have learned from the previous generation, instead learned a perverted and corrupt Gospel.
Mario cried out, “God, please send us preachers that are pure!”
David Wilkerson said, “The tragedy was that leaders who saw the abuse used it as an excuse to stop the gifts of the Spirit from operating in the church.”
Denominations got lazy. They saw one who did it wrong, another who was immoral, and when another preacher went off the rails and these gifts were abused, they threw it all out, instead of pressing into the Word of God to find out how to be truly anointed. He said, we don’t have to redeem the gifts. We have to redeem ourselves to the gifts.
We told the Holy Spirit to get out of our churches in an attempt to be respectable to the world. And in exchange we lost the power of God.
Mario said we need a ‘signs and wonders’ awakening, we need all the gifts of the Spirit to operate, and we need the proper use of the fivefold ministry.
“And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers” (Ephesians 4:11 NKJV).
Cessationism is the false belief that when we had the complete canon of the Bible (all the books), then the power of God stopped. How stupid is it, when you believe that the only miracles that can happen are done by the devil?
“When evening had come, they brought to Him many who were demon-possessed. And He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were sick, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying: ‘He Himself took our infirmities And bore our sicknesses'” (Matthew 8:16-17 NKJV).
“‘But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins’—then He said to the paralytic, ‘Arise, take up your bed, and go to your house.'” (Matthew 9:6 NKJV).
As long as the world needs to know Jesus still forgives sin, signs, miracles and wonders will continue to happen.
Mario then said, signs and wonders are a weapon of mass conversion. He told how the Pentecostals around the world, outside of the United States, has grown to where as many as 50,000 people a day are getting baptized in the Holy Spirit.
But they aren’t ‘organized.’ They don’t have golf carts shuttling people from their cars into church. They don’t own a cappuccino machine. But they are going into the jungles and caves and mountains, and they are raising the dead, and laying hands on the sick and seeing them recover!
“But the chief priests plotted to put Lazarus to death also, because on account of him many of the Jews went away and believed in Jesus” (John 12:10-11 NKJV).
Mario said, “Our problem is we don’t want to pay the price for the anointing to heal the sick.” He then asked, “What do you want—a religious empire? Or for America to be saved?”
Mario said God is raising up an army of believers across America, and there will be signs and wonders in this army. He then asked, “How many of you want to be in this army?”
He talked about the meeting Donald Trump had at Madison Square Garden, and about how many people were there and how exciting it appeared. But Mario added, “What is in that room may save us economically, keep our enemies from destroying us; but it cannot bring America back to God. We need a fresh day of Pentecost in the United States, the Spirit-filled community needs to wake up and return to its roots.”
Mario had the people stand and asked for those who needed to be healed to raise their hand. Of course, hands went up all over the Tent. He then had everyone look for someone near them with their hand up, to lay a hand on them, and begin to pray for them.
I know the one-on-one moments of revelation and miracle power are amazing to witness and I look forward to many more of them. But these moments when Mario has the people in the Tent become the extension of the power of God and minister to each other always excites my spirit. Because it won’t be enough for Mario to pray individually with people only. It will take all of us reaching out to the people in our communities and spheres of influence and connection for this whole world to be transformed and saved.
It was an amazing night, a powerful night. God was with us and I’m excited for the next two nights to see what He will do next.
If you are at all able I encourage you to come to one or both of the remaining nights. You will be changed forever!
Tuesday, October 29 through Wednesday, October 30, at 6:30 PM. Located at the International Agricultural Center, located at 4500 S. Laspina St., Tulare, California.
Dear brother Mario I knew yeshua Jesus adonai would fight for you. Those so called pastors who came against you will answer to the king the Almighty God for their persecutionn against you
You are such a threat to Satan and the kingdom of darkness. Rejoice
Man of God many souls are being saved in your meetings. I pray holy spirit will co.fort you in the passing of your dear brother. Much love ❤️ and prayers to you. Stay strong in the Lord.
I had been saved for 11 years when I heard that Mario was coming to Capital Christian Center in Sacramento. I sat a few rows back on the right side of the stage. An elderly and obviously arthritic woman came in, and sat in front of me. We were the only two people in that area. As Mario preached, he occasionally was led by the Holy Spirit to point someone out and tell them that they were being healed by the Lord. He pointed at the lady in front of me and I heard a noise like popping go throughout her body. She started moving fluidly and praising God! About 3 minutes later, he pointed at me and said two words: “That’s asthma.” I had suffered moderate to severe “hay fever” symptoms all of my 42 years of life and hated to see pollen season arrive each year because of the suffering. I didn’t realize that I had been delivered instantly at that tent meeting until my medications for “hay fever” all started gathering dust and expired. I have never had to depend upon pharmaceuticals for that ugly malady since. I wept this morning after reading about the Warren Rogers who was healed of full body injuries. I know that God uses Mario’s ministry to touch people miraculously, and I know it first hand. Praise be to God for His mercy and grace toward us, and thank you God for this man who stands in the gap against the evil one as a vessel of the outpouring of Your great love.
Absolutely beautiful ❤️❤️❤️thank you for sharing🙏🙏🙏
Jesus is faithful and true, no matter the storm he will uphold you and keep you strong.
This is a taste of what God is about to do.
Yes! And Amen!
Mario I have to tell you, I have gotten a lot of love from you!! You have brought me closer to Jesus!! I can’t tell you how much I see & feel differently thru connecting with you! I wanted so badly to get to your tent. I live in Massachutes Amesbury. Wow I’ll have to get back to you Jesus needs my attention I just had a miracle & you brought it to me! You did great !! Love you my brother! Thank you!!!
Hallelujah! Glorious!! God was glorified! Thrilling testimonies!!
Thank you, thanks be to God that when you wrote this post, it touched my soul. I’m an avid reader, but just reading this my soul, the Holy Spirit was flurrering in the belly of my being. We are blessed that he blessed you with the intellect to teach us of his greatness. Thank you for accepting his gift to you, and passing it on to us. I feel so humbled in how you have brought his presence into my life today.
Amen maybe you could remind pastors who want to know how to preach, they possibly could be ignorant in thinking that’s not for “me” or that’s not who or how I am, which is incorrect I agree!
My tears flowed last night as I watched Jesus heal and save all the people in last night tent meeting! Praise the Lord for what He is doing in Tulare, California.
Praise God, Praise God!! I’ve been praying for the tent revival that God would push back the demons of hell and that the spirit of God would move as mighty as he has in all your other revivals. That testimonial you were telling about Warren Roger’s. PRAISE GOD what a miracle, OUR God is in the healing, saving, delivery, miracle working business. Praise God I was glad when I read your blog to see how the people came out, and this blog about how people showed up and showed out, I’ve been praying that the tent would be filled front to back, side to side and even people sitting outside because there was no room in the tent. So good to see the good news of how God himself showed up and showed out, Glory Hallelujah, Love your ministry brother Mario, I wish that just one time if I could never attend again, that I could attend just one of your tent meetings. God bless you brother on your journey and mission for soul winning for the kingdom of God.
Praise God! Thank you Jesus. I pray for continual work of the Holy Spirit at these tent meetings. Bless Mario and his team Lord as they move forward working out salvation that comes from you Jesus! By you precious blood they be saved and healed. Amen.
Oh, how I wish Mario would come close to where I am in central PA. I had enjoyed him so while he was on Flashpoint years ago on the Go Victory channel. May God continue to bless Mario and his ministry. Currently, my husband Rick needs a touch from God. He will undergo surgery Monday for removal of a GIST tumor in Hershey Med Center. Prayers please for this. Rick and I have communion each day and TRUST God for his healing. Other needs for Rick are a fatty non alcoholic cerosis liver.
Dear Sister in Christ,
I am praying for your husband Rick. I ask You LORD to bring Your heavenly angels into the operating room to guide the surgeons throughout Ricks surgery. I ask You O LORD, to heal him completely and to ease any pain he may have before and after the surgery. I pray this to You Father, in the name of Jesus Christ Your son and our savior who is LORD of Lord’s and KING of King’s.
Prayers that your husband Rick don’t need the surgery that the Holy Spirit will touch him and heal him and for his liver also . Prayers of full restoration in Jesus precious name Amen
Oh, how I wish Mario would come close to where I am in central PA. I had enjoyed him so while he was on Flashpoint years ago on the Go Victory channel. May God continue to bless Mario and his ministry. Currently, my husband Rick needs a touch from God. He will undergo surgery Monday for removal of a GIST tumor in Hershey Med Center. Prayers please for this. Rick and I have communion each day and TRUST God for his healing. Other needs for Rick are a fatty non alcoholic cerosis liver. Thank you!
Praying for your husband🙏🙏🙏
Carole, I am praying the mighty healing power of the Holy Spirit upon your husband, Rick! John 14:1
I too wish Mario would visit us here in central PA!
Thankyou Mario, always good news and direction to fulfill our lives as God has planned for His glory.
Thank you for sharing the good news of what true gospel preaching is doing 🙌 🙏
I completely agree. We need a genuine move of God in this nation. The ministry has been publicly humiliated, maligned and ill-spoken of because of the morally weak leadership in pulpit across America. This ought not be so. God help us.
Sounds like Mario went full-tilt boogie on spkg the gospel outta both sides of his mouth tis time around, (in spite of the obvious aforementioned opposition from local churches), like never b-4.
We love you Evg, and our Church in Modesto, The Rock church in Airport district prayed for your revival in Tulare..
My tears flowed last night as I watched Jesus heal and save all the people in last night tent meeting! Praise the Lord for what He is doing in Tulare, California.
Amen! It was exciting to see people praying for people under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Lord Jesus let there be a revival flowing through the streets saving the Lost healing The sick and raising the Dead all throughout California and the United States!
I come in agreement with you brother in Jesus name Amen
Thank you so much for being strong in the Lord all these years, Mario. I am 74 years old now and remember reading a book or two of yours after I was born again in 1990. I sent you a book about 2 years ago titled The Healthiest Diet on the Planet, because that is the ministry God has me in currently – a book ministry sharing nutritional truth. It is basically a way of eating that embraces God’s first mention of how he wanted his newly created people to eat to be healthy – a diet that did not include any animal products. He wanted us to be at peace with the animals – not eat them!
I was so sorry to hear about your brother, Mario! Grieving with you and praying that our Comforter be with all his family and friends and draw any who do not yet know our Lord to know Him.
Another book with the same dietary message as the one mentioned above that will help those who believe that it is primarily exercise that will keep us healthy is by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. writing about how to both prevent and reverse heart disease.
I live about an hour southeast of Buffalo, and came to Batavia when you were here both times. Thank you!!!! What a blessing to our area.
Praying God will keep you healthy as you continue in the work he has for you. 🙏🏻
This makes me want to continue with a few of us at our largely “rational”church to raise up a prayer ministry and a healing ministry. God is good
This is not the first time I have witnessed what this man of God can do. Rather, what God can do through him! I wish I were there to see it all, but I live thousands of miles away in Melbourne, Australia. May America truly come back to the heart of God and lead its allies to do likewise. In the name of Jesus, I pray.
God Bless you as there are no limits . Receive your healing in Jesus name Amen
Amazing! Our Father is simply incredible and my sister and I are watching our spirit filled pastor grow stronger and bolder every day. We are crying out for this very thing in our church and in us all! Redeem us to the gifts, Lord! Redeem me, Father! Continuing to pray for Mario and his family during this difficult time.
Man of God, what a meeting and what truth. Thank you. What you said resonates with me. It is just as the Lord said to me. I hope my future meetings will reflect what you said. I had a touch of that in the 70’s and am about to embark on a new ministry venture just as you described It’s time the church stopped playing games.
Pastor Robert Carter
Bashan Ministries
I can’t get to California, but I can be an extension of God’s love and power right here in New Hampshire! Thank you, Mario Murillo Ministries, for bringing heaven to earth in every meeting.
I’m in NH too. Praying for the Lord to move mightily. Not just in my old fashioned Pentecostal church, but in every church!
Praise Jesus
I agree with you 100% Pentecostals have abandoned the Holy Spirit because of abuse and do on
I totally agree with you and with what Mario said about the Pentecostal churches (such as the Assembly of God) need revival. Thank God for independents like David Diga Hernandez. He teaches constantly on the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit, in addition to the fruit of the Spirit. Thank God for his large following online. I praise a God for Mario M.s fervor to preach the gospel in the power of the Spirit. May signs and wonders following the proclamation of the gospel follow as the Bible says. Sad that hardly any pastor makes an altar call for those who want to receive Christ as Saviour or for those who want to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The only one I’ve seen so far is Tim Delena of Times Square Church in NYC. Wake up, Assembly of God pastors!
All Glory to God!
Mario your blog has brought me to tears Aman of God the testimony of Warren the truth you speak Praise God Jesus is the only religious leader with the power to stop Satan what a privilege to read this prayers and ♥ love to you in the name of Jesus keep you strong
Praise our Lord in the highest! He is Worthy of all our Praise! Anoint us with Your Holy Spirit so that as Your children we can be Your Heart and Hands.
I have had prayer often to be baptized in the Holy Spirit,
but have not experienced it. Please pray. It’s my hearts desire,
Many people I have prayed for have been healed.
Yes, I want to be in that army.
My hand is up.
I need healing for my eyes especially and neuropathy in my feet.
Surrender it all and receive . Prayers for you in Jesus name Amen
Praying 🙏
Praise God for all that he is doing right now. An amazing story of healing in Warrens life all because of the Love of God. Praise him Praise him!! The presence & the power of the Holy Spirit is on us. I live in Estero Fl & follow Mario. I am amazed at all that the Lord is doing despite the negative circumstances that surrounded this event. God is bigger than all of that negative stuff. This is what we need America. God I pray that this will sweep across this land & around the world & that you wold be glorified in all
Thank you Father for people becoming vessels of healing to take on their frame to be Christ to others. Mario is anointing us to become more than we ever thought we signed up for from the foundations of the earth as future warriors and healers in His kingdom plans for the church, the USA and His kingdom throughout the world.
Thank you Mario for being true. I want to get to one of your revivals. God bless you brother.
Praise YESHUA!!!! I have been praying for you and the tent services. That YESHUA would do exceedingly above all that we could think or ask(Eph. 3:20). I praying today for tonight to be another amazing nigh of healing, salvation and restoration to those would be there tonight. I’m so grateful for your obedience and faithfulness to our Father in Heaven. Reading your reports daily from the crusades has greatly encouraged my own spirit. I only wish that I could be there in person! I love you my precious family in YESHUA! SHALOM! May YHWH bless and keep you. May YHWH cause His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. May YHWH lift His countenance upon you and give you His Shalom!
They cannot boycott JESUS
God bless you Mario for you and your wife to serve Jesus and give your all to try to get the preacher to seek The power of the holy spirt and to preach with the power of Jesus.
Praise God for all you are & do. We need your presence in our nation. I love you Lord & I want those I preach & speak to love you also.
Hallelujah, what a Savior! Across America and the world the kingdom of God is responding to the fervent prayer of the remnant, the believers who rule and reign, who serve and share with our great and powerful LORD!
Let it be that America will be saved and revived by Holy Spirit!
Absolutely truth! Thank you !
God bless you, Mario. May God continue to bless your meetings.. I want the Lord to use me to heal the sick.
Praise God. I knew Satan could not stop what God had ordained. I thank God for you and your ministry. This nation would not be in the condition it is presently in, if the Church had been being the Church. The Lord is waiting for us to obey His Word.
M a r i o keep on keeping on I pray for you it’s often as I think of you. Many of us are doing the best we can to listen to obey God. Be encouraged today brother. Keep giving God all the glory. I thank God you’re not lifted up in pride like so many today even like Elijah. I wrote a book was Elijah a disobedient prideful profit. And he was disobey God many times lifted up in pride saying I’m the only one. Then he killed the prophets who repented and said the Lord is God. Then God’s home anoint two kings and he didn’t do it. 20 years later Elisha prophesied one and send a man to anoint the other. Elijah means the power of God Obadiah means the servant of God. Two different callings.
What bible RE YOU READING?
Don’t simply say you are a Christian, be a FOLLOWER of Jesus Christ. If you have been truly ‘born again’, then believe the words of your Savior where
He said, “greater works than these shall ye do.” And if nothing happens the first time you do that , remember you are doing what He told you to do. His Word will not return unto him void, plant those healing seeds of life, do it again and again. Believe!!! There is power in the spoken Word.
I ask healing to my brain! Tinnitus and my thyroid and eyes
Praise the Lord for Fresh Fire of Holy Sprit. Thank you Bro. Mario for speaking truth.
Beloved, faithful servant of our Lord Jesus and my dear brother! Mario, with tears of Joy and thanksgiving I praise our Father for the anointed message and the many souls who were touched and saved! I have had you continually on my heart in prayer for your loss, your health and stamina. I so appreciate your obedience at great cost, to our Lord. God RICHLY bless and continue to use you for His Glory and the Harvest!
Glory to GOD. Thank you so much MARIO for your deep obedience to serve GOD . IT is such an encouragement for me to keep going forward with Father GOD
That’s wonderful, Mario.
What did you think of Trump having that vulgar comedian “Kill Tony” speak at Madison Sq. Garden? I was disgusted
Please edit my recently submitted comment that contains two errors. Firstly, the meeting at Capital Christian Center in Sacramento was not a “tent” meeting, it was in their sanctuary. Secondly, please remove the word “the” that I accidentally wrote in front of Warren Rogers’ name. I should have proofread my comments more carefully.
you just clarified it. thank you Joe!
What a powerful and timely message! I do, however have one question. What is the price one must pay to receive the anointing for deliverance and healing?
Dear Mario. Thank you for the Holy Boldness to speak God’s word, I pray Holy Fire spreads into the Hearts of Believers who want to experience souls for God’s kingdom. We have been to Lazy.
Amen, Mario! This is what the Lord is stirring up, a return of the Power and Glory.
I have seen that the children of this generation are not stupid enough to be atheists. They know there’s a spirit realm and it’s unacceptable that the devil is the only one expected to do anything supernatural.
May the Lamb that was slain and resurrected in Power receive the reward of his suffering, a Bride fit to rule and reign with Him.
Praying over you, Mario, for your heartache, weariness, and all else that concerns you. Stomping Satan under our feet against his efforts to impede your faithful ministering. Prayers for strength and joy in the Lord. Your legacy of going forth, despite the battle, to spread the Gospel, leaves Jesus footprints throughout the world. May GOD BLESS YOU and keep you. Go in His strength, as you always have. You are beloved.
Happy birthday Mario and many more Live in Christy . Steve and Lorena Munyer
Well said Mario and I agree fully. You spoke about so many things that I have questioned for years. I have been raised in Pentecostal church from Both sides of my mom and dad and have stood proud but have wondered in the past several years what happen to the church that I now don’t recognize as Pentecostal. I have ask God about this and have ask him to lead me where I am to worship that he approves. Thank you for truth. Glad you are feeling better and am praying for you. indeed you are being attacked on several accounts .Just goes to say you must be a real threat to Satan and he is not happy. But. Know that God has to be very proud of your obedience. Keep looking up!!! God has you and Michelle in his safe hands. Best place to be.
Thank you God for working through Mario this man of God . Prayers for Mario’s protection for the work he does through you . Prayers for his health that his lungs are healed thank you Jesus . So important for Mario to bring his tent of healing, miracles and salvation to cities and states . Don’t hesitate if you can make it or not that’s the enemy trying to keep you from your healing and salvation . Took a friend/ sister with me last night and the Emmy kept talking her out of going saying she felt sick and I said than you really need to go for healing . Than she said she didn’t think she’d make it in time from her appt to go with me on the bus and I said you have to be there and she got it as soon as Mario said something like God had this seat for you and she teared up and believed . As much as we need to hear and be in the presence of God , Mario needs the support as well . No matter where you are in the world as you know there are no limits in prayer . God hears your prayers and Jesus is ready to heal and call the Holy Spirit in . God Bless all who read this in Jesus name Amen
I’ve been saying for quite sometime, that we need to see the miracles, signs and wonders that marked the ministry of the early church. The church i attend is a Christian Church denomination body, and all very good people, but never trained or taught about the gifts of THE HOLY SPIRIT. The minister there thinks they are no longer necessary since we have the complete written Word of GOD. I’m a Pentecostal teaching a weekly bible study class , and have the opportunity to promote the whole Gospel. My difficulty comes from not having anyone to mentor me in the proper way to experience what I want to see in these last days. I particularly enjoyed this message, as it struck a chord with my spirit.
Thanks for preaching the whole Word of GOD!
Thank you Lord letting God use you and thank you God for saving our souls. Show us each what our part is in your plan.
Mario may you continue in what you say and do as you listen to the Holy Spirit. He will guide you into ALL the truth of what the Lord wants done. That testimony was awesome of the complete healing of Warren Rogers! Plus his doctors and his attorney came to know Jesus too! You are a prime example of what you preach! What a testimony for your children!
First of all I want to say thank you to ALL the people at MMM for making Tulare possible. If only we could see the carnage done to the kingdom of darkness, we would rejoice all the more. I agree wholeheartedly with what Mario said about the election. But I think our emphasis as the Body should be on how important our connection to Israel is. While they’re fighting a literal war over there, we need to fight for them in the Spirit here! There’s a lunatic regime in Iran that wants to take out both Israel AND The United States. It’s kind of hard to have a revival if there’s no one left to revive.Almighty God has 60 million reasons to pass judgement on America! Abortion has been a scourge on this land long enough, and we’ve got to stop it. If by God’s mercy the election results in a victory. We as the Body of Christ need to make Israel and closing the door on abortion our top priority.! Otherwise we shouldn’t expect God to protect us from the lunatics who want to destroy us.
Please pray a healing spiritual, physical, mentally, and emotionally. Please pray that the holy spirit will come into my hearts an soul and all my children, grand children and great grand children’s along with my family’s and friends. We all need a healing of faith. Please help me and my family get saved. In Jesus name I pray. Amen