Powerful First Night in California

by | Oct 28, 2024 | Living Proof Tent Crusades | 146 comments

Living Proof California began with so many challenges we could expect nothing less than for God to show up and do something powerful. There were personal tragedies, physical illness, and active resistance from pastors and churches. The enemy did not want this tent to happen, but we are so grateful our God is more powerful than the enemy.

I didn’t know what to expect when arriving at the tent. When I first walked in I was a bit disappointed because it wasn’t the usual overflow of people we typically see a few hours before the service begins. I was angry and disappointed at pastors and leaders and church goers who would dare to challenge anything who’s goal was to win souls.

But after I had gotten my gear loaded in, made my usual rounds through the property, and prepared for the night ahead, I looked up and suddenly the tent was full of people.

Then Catherine and her band took the stage and the presence of God entered the tent like it always does. And I was reminded, God is bigger than all of us and what He wants accomplished is going to be accomplished. It may not look or behave the way I want or expect, but it will be exactly what He wants.

The time of singing praise was amazing. I love Catherine because she has the exact same heart as Mario. She wants to see the lost saved and the sick healed. And they led us into the presence of God and the atmosphere in the tent shifted in a powerful way.

Mario took the stage and you could hear the strain in his voice as he’s been fighting congestion in his chest the past week. But He was not letting the enemy win even this one round.

He led the people in praying, “Lord Jesus, let this be the night that the great revival of California began. Let signs and wonders be done in the name of Jesus. Let the power of the Holy Spirit flood this tent, in the name of Jesus.”

Mario then began his message, telling the people how it was one of the hardest weeks of his life. That it began with losing his voice. And then receiving a call from his sister-in-law with news his brother had died suddenly.

It left him in stunned shock for days. Barely able to talk, dealing with the loss of his brother, and then knowing he had to still come preach in the tent rather than slip off somewhere to hide, Then on top of that a local group attacked the crusade because of Mario’s political position. And, so, he came into the meeting feeling like, “What else? What else can happen.” But he knew the hand of God was on this outreach. And charged the people to have the best crusade ever.

This led to his message which he titled, “Will You Survive The Storm That Is Coming?”

He said this week was the closest he ever came to asking the question that millions of Americans are asking: “Why did God let this happen to me?” And it is the question nearly everyone in the room has asked themselves. But now in the current climate of America, we are asking it almost every day.

There is a belief in asking that question that somehow God has the capacity to fail. That somehow He can run the full universe but mess up when it comes to you. And it would almost be funny if it wasn’t so painful.

But the real question should be “What would it have been like if it had happened to me and I didn’t have God?”

Mario told the people we read the Bible wrong. He read the passage about building a house on the sand and on the rock. He said we secretly nurse a myth about God, and that is this: if we follow Jesus, we will never face tragedy.

“Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock. But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall” (Matthew 7:24-27 NKJV).

But the interesting fact about that is, if the Christian were to never face a storm Jesus would have said it doesn’t matter where you build your house. You can build it on the sand, on the rock, on a mountain, or in a valley. But in this story Jesus told location was everything and it is because storms are coming.

Mario told a story about a time when he was interviewed on a radio show after a terrible hurricane had devastated a region. The interviewer asked, “Why would a loving God allow Christians to die right alongside people who were not Christians. If He were a God of love why would He do that?”

The Holy Spirit gave him the answer to the question. He responded, “I never became a Christian because it meant the end of storms. I became a Christian because storms are coming. And if you have to go through a storm, it is better with Jesus than without Him.”

The idea God allowed a tragedy is not an argument against Christianity, instead it is one of the strongest arguments for it. If America is so enlightened, why can’t they live one day without self-medicating with drugs or online distractions?

Americans are in pain and we know who to blame. Of course, it’s the devil, but not just him. It’s also how the devil has used the woke philosophy to poison gender, to poison freedom, to poison race, and to poison the well of American life. And its making us miserable.

He said if we read this verse in the style of modern evangelism, it would say “…and the floods did not come, the winds did not blow…” But it doesn’t say that. Instead it tells us the reason we need Christ more than we can imagine, is because those storms and challenges are coming.

Mario went on to ask the people to allow him to pray for them. He said for those who are saying, ‘I need a new life, I need the real power of God, I need to be forgiven of all my sin, and I need to be transformed’, to raise their hands. Then he had them stand and come to the front of the Tent.

I think this might be the fastest I’ve ever seen the people move to the altar area. And they came forward quickly and filled that front altar area and down through the aisles. It was one of the largest responses I’ve ever seen. It was absolutely incredible.

After praying for the people Mario had them go out to our awesome workers for some brief ministry, and they prayed with each of the new converts. As I walked through that crowd, I was struck that just the people who were receiving Christ tonight looked as large a crowd as the entire attendance at some of our previous tent meetings.

When I walked back inside the Tent it appeared at least half the people there were not in their seats. Nearly half the people in attendance had come to Christ, and I thought: this is what it’s about. This is what enduring the storms are for. This is why we follow God in holding these crusades, bringing the Tent to cities all over the United States.

The time of ministry at the end of the night felt a little different than it has in the past. Yes, God identified specific people, had them stand, called out their specific needs as God healed their bodies. But many more of the healings consisted of Mario calling out specific illnesses, cancer, and all manner of disease. People were clearly being touched and healed.

As always I can’t wait to hear about the many stories that come back as people realize over the next couple days they have been made whole. Some will know because their pain is gone, some because the struggles they had they no longer have, and others will go to their doctor who will confirm that their illness or handicap is now gone. I love seeing people touched by the power of God. I never tire of it.

If you were in the Tent last night, you know what I’m talking about. It was a powerful night. If you were not, don’t worry, there are still three more nights! If you are anywhere near the Central California area you really should make every effort to join us.

Monday, October 28 through Wednesday, October 30 at 6:30 PM. Located at the International Agricultural Center in Tulare, California

4500 S Laspina St., Tulare, California


  1. Dr. Peter


  2. Robert Carter

    Greetings from Australia. I expected a great report and wept for joy.
    Please tell Mario that if we lived in America I would visit every crusade.
    We need this in Australia too and I am gearing up for it.
    I believe that the best is yet to come.
    Pastor Robert Carter.
    Bashan Ministries

    • Chris pelak

      Go God Go Mario and team! God always wins. BUT GOD!!!!!!!!Satan and all you pond scum minions get thee behind us ! We pray you scatter in 7 directions. We trample you tread upon your head by and through the blood 🩸 of Jesus. You are defeated and your demise is imminent !!! You can not run you are done!

  3. Jim Gossett

    I marvel at the Pastors who opposed Mario. Just religious Pharisees who have no power and are involved in dead works. Most Pastors don’t give altar calls for the lost anymore or for the baptism in the HG. Why? Because they are asleep and being influenced by devils. Winning the lost isn’t important to them anymore. However there are those Pastors who support Mario and what he’s doing in the tent meetings. We’re not in the good ship lollipop days anymore or Leave it to beaver days. We’re in a serious war and Mario is a General in the Army of the Lord leading the way. I’m not exalting a man but Mario should be prayed for and supported on a regular basis. He’s on the front lines and doing damage to the devil. God Bless Mario Murillo.

  4. Willa Richardson

    Powerful meetings you
    are having!

  5. Gloria Valadez

    It is truly great what God is doing in the tent revival He has Mario Murillo having wherever He sends him!! It brings tears to my eyes then the Holy Spirit starts to have to intercede for Mario & his team and all those who have a hand to help and minister to the people God is bringing in by His Holy Spirit!! Praise God forever more!!

  6. Laura A Lopez


  7. Lorie

    Praise God for showing up despite those who call themselves christian tried to stop it. Praise God for those who received.

  8. Marcus Wheeler

    Amen and Amen!! Praise God!!! California shall be saved!!! 🙏❤️🙌

  9. Pieter Harmse

    What a mighty God we serve. All power and authority belongs to Him.

  10. c

    I was appalled after reading Mario’s email regarding the boycott. I prayed mightily off and on all day that this would be the greatest revival of all. I felt a surge and excitement just like Todd on Fire Power. God has His hand on all of this. That is our only comfort in these horrific times. May He show His mighty hand and grant Mario healing and a peace that surpasses all understanding.

  11. Linda Sue

    Mario and Team
    I and our prayer team pray for you and thankful that you are not stopping with God’s truth for all peoples. The Lord bless you and keep you.
    I and our prayer team that Christian Leaders will shake off religious spirits and traditions so that the Holy Spirit will and lead them into —- No the truth and the truth will set you free—- then Holy Spirit will lead like our Bible says. Not by might nor by power But by His Holy Spirit. (Paraphrased). You are one that the word says
    God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. He hears your effectual fervent prayers
    Thankful for your heart to please God and not a man. Blessings in the name of Jesus!!

  12. Annie

    Bless you mario and team for doing this. It’s in the doing, the obedience that the glory lies.

  13. Wayne Roberts

    Awesome God we serve. We started watching and it got cut as soon as Mario began talking about the woke philosophy and we didn’t see any more if the meeting.
    Thank God the tent was full and the Lord was glorified. Keep up the great work.

  14. Jennie

    Blessings dear friends in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    My prayers for the victories to continue as you press forward in this harvest of souls, and powerful out pouring from The Thrown of The Father. In JesusName. Amen.

  15. Theresa Pacetti

    Praise Jesus, prayers were answered! So blessed to read this and see how God never fails!

  16. Vincent Mack

    God bless you brother 🙏

  17. George Elijah Jacobs

    Hi Mario, sorry for your lose. I Pray your body be healed in the name of jesus. I thank the Lord for you for your message of faith is inspiring. I am 75 years young. I have been from riches to rags in my financial situation. I am wring for a healing prayer for my wife. She has a lump bt her left side and going towards her breast. i pray, you Pray for her to be healed. I have Prayed for her and my Music Ministry wins souls, and people do get healed. I have laid hands on her and rebuked the lump what ever it is.
    I also would like to join forces with you in my music ministry. For music is a universal language, people are getting saved in third world countries, especially Islam. Do consider this. I have written to you many times. The big thing about this ! Is that a hit song can bring millions of dollars in, I am willing to go 50-50 with your ministry, and the great news is no one has to buy anything. Call Me George Jacobs Music Ministries.

  18. Suzanne

    Is ir Monday through Wednesday, or October 29 through 31? They are not the same.

  19. Annie RODENBERG

    All Glory be to God!

  20. Mary Vasser

    Amen. The enemy cannot prevail against the church of God. Blessings to you Mario, well done.🙏🔥

  21. Jeanette Cooper

    Praying for you all.

  22. Kelley Plaster Charles

    Thank You Jesus for always showing up! I pray for the new believers and I can’t say thank You enough for all the healings. Please poor extra love and healing to Mario and family.

  23. Matthew777

    When I walked back inside the tent it appeared at least half the people in the tent were not in the seats. Nearly half the people in attendance coming to Christ – this is what it’s about.

    Yes 💯 It’s all about winning SOULS for Yeshua, Hallelujah!

    Build the tents 🏕️ Fill the stadiums 🏟️.

  24. Judy Page

    BUT GOD!! We always must trust and know He has the last say! He desires his people to hear the gospel message and to be prepared for coming Storms!! We prayed Father answered and His Will overcame the negative tongues and attacks from the enemy!! Be blessed people of California God is moving on your behalf!!

  25. Judy

    Praying for you, Mario. You will pass through this storm. I’m so sorry about your brother.

  26. Tamara Flick

    God is moving across our nation – in tents, on campuses, and in our streets. Thank you for the honest, but good report. I will pray for Mario.

  27. Shirley

    It thrills me to see what God has done. The devil tried everything to stop Mario’s meeting but nothing kept
    Mario from doing God’s mission!!!!

  28. Blair Broadbent

    God bless you Mario and your whole family.
    “As soon as the band started the presence of God entered the tent like it always does”. “I never became a Christian because it meant the end of storms, I became a Christian because storms are coming”. Awesome.

    After a very testing week, “Lord Jesus, let this be the night that the great revival of California begins”. Amen and Amen, come Lord Jesus come.

  29. Tracy and Jim Berrett

    Praise God that God
    showed up at Living
    Proof! The effective
    fervent prayer of a
    righteous man
    availath much. Don’t be discouraged Mario,
    there is more on your side.

  30. Brenda Diehl

    Dear Brother Mario!
    I’m saddened to learn of your brother’s sudden departure from this life. We know where he is. Hallelujah! Still, we mourn with those who mourn.
    Thank you for pushing through in the midst of your darkest hour of physical adversity and great loss. You kept your focus on the “end-game”, Heaven and souls!!! All Praise To The Father, The Lord Jesus and the powerful work of Holy Spirit to raise up Victory from the ashes of this temporal earth!! Amen

  31. Elyce Mouskondis

    I knew God would show up in a powerful way because of all the resistance and tragedy that was happening to Mario. God is absolutely good to meet the people’s needs and show them He is their God and friend. Praying continuously for Mario and the tent meetings. God bless y’all.

  32. Judy Bjorklund


  33. Al & Sarah Schooler

    Mario I love hearing your reports of people being saved and those getting their healings. My wife Sarah and I have been followers of your ministry for years, we appreciate your steadfastness stand for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our prayers are with you.

  34. George Ann Powell

    Such awesome news. Prayed for victory. God always wins. Not our way but His way.
    Thank you Mario for all you do.

  35. Dalond Martin

    You are in my prayer…Thank you for never giving up! Praise God!

  36. Ronda Dewey

    Glory to God sounds like He still has His way Mario I’m deeply and sincerely sry for the loss of your dear brother your in my prayers

  37. Rhonda

    Thank You God for moving by your Holy Spirit in such a powerful way, drawing the lost and healing your people! Thank you for hearing and answering our prayers. We ask you to continue blessing this ministry, We give You all the glory, In Jesus Name

  38. Steve Trent

    I thank God for your ministry and ALL you do for
    His Kingdom.
    May God continue to bless you, your family and your

  39. Ron Rupp

    I’d rather have unbelievers at my meetings that know they have a need than a room full of religious thinking they’re the answer

  40. Karen Sorenson

    We watched this totally amazing outreach online. It did cut out for about a third of the time. But we were able to watch some of the most awesome miracles we had ever seen!!! GOD BE PRAISED!!!

  41. Maxine

    To God be all the glory!!! Man may try but will never be able to stop the plans of God. Blessings and healing to my brother Mario.

  42. Tanai

    I praise and thank God for Pastor Mario and his team for what taking place across I live in the UK and hope and pray that, something similar may take place in the UK.

    Keep up the great work the LORD has entrusted you to do.

  43. Janice Quattlebaum

    I’ve been praying for Mario and the meeting since hearing about the obstacles. Thank you Lord and Holy Spirit for answering our prayers.

  44. Lora Flinn

    I love this blog thank you for sending this. I’m praying for your health Mario. I continue to contribute to you and pray you reach hundreds and hundreds of people.

    I’m also a video editor and if I can help in anyway, let me know. That kind of service can be expensive and I’ve been a volunteer editor for United sovereign Americans leading up to the election. If I can help in anyway, let me know.

  45. Sarah Richardson

    Praise God! nothing takes him by surprise.

  46. June V Alexander

    Powerful Grace to you, especially concerning your brother.
    Thanks for all you do.

  47. Joyce Miller

    God is always waiting for his people to come to him! That was so powerful message! God showed those people that were trying to stop this meeting that he’s in control!!!! Keep preaching the gospel and healing the sick in Jesus precious name! 💕🌹

  48. Betty Neubauer

    Let Everything that has breathe, Praise the Lord!Praise the Lord!

  49. Edwin Davison

    That’s wonderful. I’m sorry about the boycott. I don’t know if you have a small booklet to give to people who come forward for salvation. If not, I suggest that you write a small booklet to give them. It will help them get started in their Christian-walk.

  50. Joan Hoffmann

    Thank you MARIO for being faithful in your ministry to us. I love how you put others first in your life. Keep going .we all need this to help us keep our eyes on JESUS. Please keep praying for us.

  51. Marlene Lasure

    As always God is good. Be

  52. Paul Rosenfeld

    Br Mario delivered a truly profound message, and one I learned the hard way in my 20s. I threw God out of my life for allowing evil in the world. Sadly, that didn’t solve the problem of evil. It still remained. What I had discarded was the only solution to evil. Surrender to Christ and give Glory to the Most High. I will be there tonight. Thank you.

  53. Diana Kline

    Awesome! Thank you for a new perspective on that scripture! It’s life changing! I always look forward to hearing about what God does in these crusades. Always lifts my spirit!

  54. Cindy Lindsey

    Praise the Lord. Yes God is more powerful

  55. ronald l Stiles

    The youtube was unstable; and the podcase did not show the all of the service

  56. Leonard Carroll

    Mario, I have spoken with you before, and I know what a man of God you are. However, I have tears in my eyes as I write this because when the going gets tough, the tough get going. And that is you to a T! Is that the way to say it? I don’t care. God chose you for a reason, Mario. Your brother is looking down, Mario, and he and his LORD must be locked in an embrace. PRAISE GOD!

  57. Paul Rosenfeld

    Just a suggestion, but it would help us out here trying to get our local churches to support you if you published the numbers of salvations at your rallies. I go to a church near Tulare that opted not to support this rally. I’d love to tell them what they missed out on in hard numbers when it’s over. Our pastor has an evangelist’s heart, but is perhaps not receiving the best counsel. Hard numbers are difficult to deny. Thx

  58. Marilou L Libby

    Oh that is awesome. Our God is awesome. Is there anything to difficult for our God.

  59. Mike Dewhirst

    Yay Jesus!! Keep strong Mario. We are praying for you.

  60. Mary

    I am weeping as a read this. So grateful for this message of real and real hope through Jesus.

  61. Celeste

    Jesus come to us in our storms.

  62. Robert B Goode

    Thank you Jesus

  63. Mario rios

    Awesome 🙏🙏

  64. Laurie Painter

    The truth of this beautiful night just confirms to me again, and again that God always answers our prayers. I will continue to pray for this, and for you, Mario. I too lost a brother and it is devastating, but God.

  65. Elizabeth

    What a wonderful testimony of God’s goodness and faithfulness. I live in Perth, Western Australia and when I heard what certain ‘christian’ churches were doing I felt the need to pray more than ever before. To pray for a result like the story in the Bible where many invited guests made excuses not to attend the feast (representing the ‘christian’churches) and so God called in all the ordinary people from the byways and highways. They responded positively to the invitation and were blessed.
    Well done Mario and all your team for persevering. May the Crusade go from strength to strength to the Glory of God. Praise be the Name of Jesus!

  66. Connie Strock

    Thank you God.Mario will continue.even through storms in the mighty name of Jesus.because greater is he that is in Mario.and the tents.then he that is in the world.

  67. Rosemary Wilkerson

    I’m so grateful to Father for blessing this night and bringing hearts to know Him. I’ve been praying so intensely for victory against the attacks of the enemy. Your message brought me to joyful tears of gratitude for His victory. Prayers continue. I love Mario’s ministry! Always a part in my spirit even though I live so far away.

  68. Linda Lopez

    Pray for me, I love Jesus. I am saved. I just need healing in my body.

  69. Diane Jones

    Praise God for the victory!

    Resist the Devil and he has to flee!

    Angels are rejoicing in heaven for the souls saved!

    Lord strengthen, bless and comfort your people on the battle field 🙏🏾

  70. Barb Eckley

    Praise God! So thankful for you pressing through to minister to the lost! Blessings to you 🙏🏻

  71. Vince Cedrone

    I have followed you for decades. Thank you so much for standing against political immorality and not watering down the word of God. I believe you wrote a book many decades ago. Physical warfare compared to spiritual welfare? Some of the examples of world war 2. I lost that book and I greatly would like to have another one. The book was comparing spiritual warfare to physical warfare. They are the same.You just use different weapons.

  72. Denise Gordon

    I was watching on Facebook and then You Tube as the sermon kept getting interrupted, the enemy was hard at work trying to stop this from being broadcasted. But I know in my soul that multitudes of people were saved and healed. I’ve been to Mario’s Crusades before and it’s nothing short of miracles.
    Thank you for your reaching out to the lost and sick.
    Prayers still coming for you for your health and the loss of your brother.
    Denise G. Sonora, CA

  73. Lisa Wright

    So glad to hear that once again God NEVER disappoints and he always looks out for his kid. You are that kid ,Mario. Keep looking up.

  74. roberta laverty

    Thank you for all you do because of Christ, our living Lord.
    our church C-FAN in Colorado Springs CO. talks about the failure of some church’s – God knows!
    we are praying much over this election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I feel sorrow upon sorrow as I read about your beloved brother! The shock, the hurt,
    I CARE!!!
    Love you Mario and your great love in and for our Lord Jesus Christ.
    Roberta Laverty

  75. Vickie

    Thank you for your perseverance in sharing the Gospel through personal pain and loss. I support you monthly and will continue to do so. Yoyr ministry is one of integrity founded on the Rovk Jedus Christ. May God continue to uphold you and fill you with His strength and peace.

  76. Lynne

    Last night was also a sign of what’s about to happen in our upcoming election. God’s will IS going to be accomplished and the gates of hell – all the plots, plans and schemes of the enemy – will not prevail against it.

  77. Pastor John McDaniel

    God answers prayer this revival is being lifted before the altar, the enemy wanted to shut it down but God is bigger.

  78. Danny Ray Cooper

    Let’s do tent revival service in rancho Cucamonga California by rancho Cucamonga Park in rancho Cucamonga California

  79. Barbara James

    PRAISE THE LORD 🙌✝️🙏✝️ABBA FATHER Hears the prayers of HIS Prayer Warriors and Intercessors 🙌I, and those here in Owasso, Oklahoma, will continue to lift up Pastor Mario Murillo for his health and that the HOLY SPIRIT will move mightily in California through this tent crusade 🙌🙏✝️

  80. suzanne

    I’m a senior and I like to know the exact airport and then the location of the meeting because I’m travelling alone.

  81. suzanne

    I have to add I live in Canada EST. Thank you
    I have been to the USA many times and I love Americans!

  82. Paul Stolten

    Our prayers are being answered as I watched the video of the meeting last night and it was wonderful to see the number of souls saved and lives healed in different ways by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is relentless in His pursuit of souls and through the Mario and his Ministry Team He again made Himself seen. I thought of Isaiah 61: 1-4 as I watched and had Mario and the team not come because of the great difficulties these lives would not be different this morning!!! This is what presenting the heart of God is all about!!! The best of God is yet to come!!!

  83. Cindy Golden


    So sorry for the loss of your precious brother. May ABBA Father hold you especially close right now. You are such a bold blessing Mario. Thank you for fighting the good fight no matter what. I am praying for you.

  84. Syd Reeve

    Mario, you are doing a work only God loves to do through people like you. God Bless you. If I lived in California, I’d be there. Just hearing of what God has done through you brings joy to my soul. I know you’re grieving over the loss of your brother, but you also know you will reunite once again, never to part. My thoughts and prayers are with you all the way from Illinois. God Bless you, Mario.

  85. Clyde

    God is faithful to his word and so is Mareo Morrello keep trusting keep obeying.keep standing.

  86. Bill and Carol

    OCT. 28.2024




    The Last Supper.

    Bread and Wine.

    Community of Prayer,

    Thank you for praying!

    With a very heavy heart 2024 is turning out to be a very turbulent year of terrible events(Terrible heat waves, weather extremes,unrest,wars(WW 3??) and other events happening throughout the year.) that is shaking our civilization to the core. Manmade and Natural Disasters?? I am afraid that 2024,2025 and beyond will be even worse with more terrible events both man-made and natural disasters, that will continue to plunge our civilization into the New Dark Ages in the next few years!

    Pray for peace!

    The last 4 years is any indication we are in deep trouble as a civilization from 2024,2025… onward?

    Pray for peace!!

    Updated Prayer Request.

    Community of Prayer,

    Thank you for praying!

    Received sad news today( july 18.2024 that we lost a very close friend of ours.Life is so short!

    PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY with us for God’s Healing and Protecting Peace Now and in the Days ahead…Long Term! Still recovering from events in our personal lives of Family, Friends, Deaths(loss of our only son) and other sorrows and hardships from the past and Now! Pray for God’s healing and protecting peace Now and in the days ahead… 2024,2025…Eternal Rest. Especially in the terrible(New Dark Ages) times(2020’s) in which we are living in with the ongoing events.

    Pray for Peace!!!

    Long Term Prayer Request for God’s Healing and Protecting Peace in the months ahead?? Fall Winter Christmas 2024,2025…??

    Please pass on to others to pray in the Worldwide Community of Prayer. Urgent! Long term!!

    In His Eternal Rest.

    Bill and Carol. oh. usa


  87. Peter Narciso

    Thank You Lord. The Lord continues to use Mario Murillo in bringing lost souls into the kingdom of Jesus Christ! The Lord will protect, strengthen and anoint you powerfully. Let there be thousands of souls come to Jesus Christ

  88. Wayne S Ferrante

    God is Faithful! No weapon against us will flourish!


    God always shows up and brings life and healing regardless of the storms and/or distractions that the enemy uses to discourage and defeat faith.
    God ALWAYS accomplishes what He purposes to do

  90. Jim Curry

    Mario! Well done thou good and faithful servant! Trust in the Lord with all your heart and know He will make it happen! I’m praying that you will be led to come to Redding and Shasta County soon!Love and continued prayers dear sir! Shalom

  91. Monica Pond

    Ooooh my, love you & Thank Jesus for helping you & strengthening you last night GLORY!!! Hallelujah Praise God for who He is.. I knew to 🙏🏼 hard for you, but did know all of the 🎯 you had to dodge from The 👿. Gods got you though & tat I knew.. love you Mario & wish I could hav been there, but know I was there in Spirt 💥. And tats no joke.. Power was upon 🫵🏼& nothing formed against you would hav held tat back😎💜👑✨💯💋💫
    Three more nights to go, I’ll be 🙏🏼 it’s gonna sworn the city💋
    Take care my friend since the 80’s at Calvary Community Church w/Pastor Gerald Fry -I’ve know you were on 🔥 for Jesus & lov where He’s taken you this far..Glory!!!!😘

  92. Patty

    God is our strong tower and always faithful to His Word. The anchor holds.

    Thank you for being faithful in the midst up the storm.

  93. Christopher Fea

    Praise God from NC !!

  94. Jim L Curry

    Well done my good and faithful servant! Keep your confidence in HIM; HE will bring it to pass! We pray for you often and pray the Spirit will soon bring you to Shasta County California!

  95. Thea Loughery

    We watched from Post Falls Idaho, one of us in pain , recovering from a recent surgery .. the Presence of God was with us as we have Him thanks for His healing graces..

  96. John

    Praise God!


    wow folks THANK GOD for such a wonderful response, GOD AS TRULY IN THAT PLACE

  98. Linda Masson

    God never fails. No matter what man tries to do, He does not fail. He is too much in love with His creation to let us get in the way! Jesus Christ was, is, and will always be LORD!

  99. Leonard Gonzalez

    It was an awesome night In God’s tent,the atmosphere was just so wonderful,to be in the presence of Majesty and a Holy priesthood.Thank you Jesus for your being delivered through your Holy instrument Brother Mario Murillo
    To God be the Glory
    Sincerely Lenny A Firm Believer in Christ Jesus Our Lord and Savior
    If you haven’t come down to experience the power of God’s Love and Truth come and join us tonight in Fellowship.Gif is good

  100. Aleathia

    Mario Murillo is the real deal. I am sorry to hear about his loss. Jesus heal his heart as he presses for the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus. My condolences.

  101. teresa thomas

    Thank you for sharing such a beautiful story. It’s wonderful to hear about all those souls being saved.

  102. Jodi Stewart

    God is mighty and greatly to be praised, Amen! I saw Fire Power yesterday morning on YouTube and heard both the sorrow and hope in Mr. Murillo’s heart and words. I am but one person, but I prayed for him and for the first night of the revival in California. What strongholds you are up against when even so-called church leaders try to block the Holy Spirit and the winning of souls! We live in perilous times, but . . . God. I am ecstatic to hear the first night went so well, and more is to come! May God be with Mr. Murillo, the staff, and all the ones being compelled to join this revival in California.

  103. Philbert Martinez

    Hallelujah hallelujah glory glory to Jesus our Lord and Savior praise God our LORD of Lords and KING of Kings and glory glory to you Holy Ghost we give you all glory praise and honor in Jesus mighty mighty name hallelujah

  104. Eleanore Reise

    I heard your message. This month I was afflicted with squamous cell cancer on my hand covid before surgery and more. Finally surgery, God was there and it didn’t spread. Now I’m healing and my oldest son died suddenly. Oh God, I am so grateful to have him in our lives to deal with these storms in life.

  105. George Te Kani

    God never fails

  106. John Harris Kirkley

    Truly wonderful! Mario is bringing First Century Christianity back to America & doing for our USA what Billy Graham and Oral Roberts did in an earlier generation. Mario Murillo is now “America’s Preacher.”

  107. Team Jubilation

    Thank you King Jesus!

    Thank you Father for using these beautiful crusades of Pastor Marios ministry as a demonstration that you are the one true living God. And that Jesus works miracles, he still heals,delivers & saves. I grew up a skeptic as a former confused cafeteria catholic but can attest the same in my own life.

    Thank you for putting so many hearts and lives on a new path.
    Lord you are so amazing.! We love you.

    Thank you for your obedience Pastor Mario, may God continue to bless you and every plow you put your hands to in Jesus’ name. Amen

  108. Patricia L Wenzl

    OH PTL I knew in my heart God was going to move with His Glory and nothing the devil can do will EVERY STOP IT the Devil loves to put FEAR and Doubt in our heart
    but God is Bigger then all the Evil Forces of Hell…. PTL

  109. Rita Stewart

    I love everything about the tent meeting in California, God is really on his throne, as Christians we will see that soon enough, personally I can’t wait. This song, “Come Jesus Come” by CeCe Winans is absolutely fabulous, it addresses the fact that the average Christian is ready to be “ raptured out” I know I am!!

  110. Patricia G Kraft


  111. Evelyn Weber

    This was awesome, God Bless you Brother Mario

  112. Marty Barnhart

    God knows who will and who will not come well before it was even a dream for you. The people who showed up were destined long before the tent was up. Fear not what you see or do not see because God sees all and knows all that should and will happen. Even if only one showed up he/she could well be the last soul to be saved before the rapture of the church. Numbers mean nothing. All that matters is that you complete your assignment. God bless you and all your workers! I’m privileged to be one of your supporters.

  113. Donald P

    Will this be the last Crusade for America? No, I hear other countries have meetings, many of which are outside, people are hungry for something other than living in the current state, they ask God to come in to their hearts.

  114. Kathy Clanton

    Thank you Mario! You die an example of making it through the storms with Jesus in the boat! Praying for your family as you cope with the loss of your brother.

  115. Michelle Whitworth

    Praise the Lord!!!

  116. Tracy Hedlund

    I’m standing with you and the workers and the people who’s life is going to be changed magnificently! I love you my precious brothers and sister in Mashiach Yeshua!

  117. Doreen Tucker

    Wonderful testimony of God’s faithfulness and Grace to all. I Pray for this tent crusade and watching from Pennsylvania.
    Love you Mario you are a true servant and show us all how to continue in the storm.

  118. Glynn Adams

    Blessing to you Mario!!!

  119. Nanette Gemmer

    Wonderful God never fails He wins Praise God.

  120. Linda Baker

    I pray that despite the opposition by “pastors,” there will be true Christians in leadership that will shepherd these new converts to Christ at this most vulnerable time of their conversion. Praise God for this wonderful turnout. Thank you, Mario, and thank you for showing us how to weather the storm.

  121. Joyce F Sloan

    Mario, Let your leaders pray for you this day. God wants you to humble yourself for his healing. He loves and cares for you and has started a powerful revival across the US for such a time a this.

    Be blessed and remember, Jesus is just around the corner.



    Your tent is drawing people who normally would not go to church. Its a great way to receive Jesus Christ – the beginning of a New Life! The Lord has you in the Tent now for this reason! Be blessed!

  123. Leyla Schrunk

    God is good, always good. I have been praying for you Mario! My heart breaks for you. But I know God is sustaining you and will NEVER take His arms from around you.

  124. JoAnna DiPastena

    Yes there will.be a glorious presence of the Holy Spirit. The tent will be glowing for all to see from the outside
    It will look like a giant lantern.not hidden under a bushel basket. But miraculous healing right on the spot be sure video it.

  125. Michelle Lusby

    Thank You Lord Jesus for giving Mario and his team the strength and ability to press forward despite the challenges to minister to those in need of salvation and a touch from You. Please cover them all and their loved ones in the blood of Jesus as they continue each night reaching the lost for Your Glory. Bless them, protect them and thank You for providing all of their needs. Thank You for healing each of them too as they believe for miracles in others. Fill them up with Your dunamis power Holy Spirit in Jesus name I pray, Amen. Thank You Father for each person who is supposed to be there, getting there safely as well as safe travels for MMM🙏 ❤️

  126. Eric Hardin

    Praise God he rewarded your faithfulness to carry on even though your strength was low. But no surprise, that seems to be when He shows up most. Proud to support your ministry and pray for you.

  127. Helen M Cooper

    wonderful first service, enjoy to watch Jesus heal

  128. Sister Monica

    What Satan intended for evil, God has used for good!

  129. Sandra

    Praise GOD! Saving souls should be our first priority. God bless your tent meetings. Tents meetings are the best! I still remember Herb Winegars’ when I was younger, i could not go to sleep early in the morning
    After coming home, drunk in the spirit. Awesome!

  130. Kathleen Donovan

    It’s true the people that attended wanted to know God and He brought them to Himself and healed them. I watched it on YouTube. Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Thank you Jesus for upholding Mario and the workers, and healing all those people.

  131. Kay dorsman

    Our God is awesome
    Thank you for believing and obeying Him regardless of what the enemy throws at you.
    We will continue to lift you all up in 🙏

  132. phil beatty


  133. Billie J Keough

    The live feed was interrupted..could not watch the whole thing,but it did not interrupt God’s message! Thanks for this post!

  134. Thomas

    Praise The Lord all glory to Yeshua our Savior’

  135. Glenda S Daub

    Thank you

  136. Mary Sherpa

    Praise God Mario you overcame by the blood of the, lamb and the word of your testimony. You walked by faith, along with the volunteers and God showed up!!! Because the Holy Spirit drew them. He is always faithful.Thank you Jesus bless Mario,, and his team. The fruit of their efforts is what you saw. I know how hard the pre ministry is throughout the city as you have done in tent meetings in Colorado Springs. The Hudnalls are my Pastors we love you. I loved you since the seventies. Thank you for your faithfulness. I continue to also pray for your loss of your brother and your family. We grieve but not without hope. We will be reunited with our love ones. ❤️🙏❤️

  137. Tony


  138. Kelley Ashton


  139. Dixie Jo Maskell

    I had watched Firepower one evening and Mario was obviously not feeling well. I prayed for him then and there and for each consecutive night until the Tent meeting. I did it for several reasons, first, he asked, second, I was to attend the Awaken America conference, which at 73 would have been the first I had ever been to. I can’t tell you how excited I was to see Mario and Perry Stone. The night before I was to go with some friends, I came down with Covid and was unable to attend. I have wanted to see Mario in person for several years. He really speaks to my heart and I love his delivery! I am the sole caretaker of my 83 year old husband with dementia and when I am down, I watch a Mario video and pray. It works every time! Thank you God for my life and for helping Mario make this Tent meeting a success in spite of his pain! Glory to God!

  140. Velia

    When are you coming to San Antonio Texas? We need miracles in this City. Thank you
    for what you and your team do for our Lord.God Bless you all. 🙏💕

  141. Patsy Worrell

    Praise God Praise Jesus Father Son & Holy Spirit***

  142. Linda Hill

    Glory to God Forevermore! I am praying for you Mario that God will renew your strength and give you rest and heal your body completely! Yhank you for answering the call to win millions to the Lord!

  143. Pastor Larry

    Us Americans have been enslaved for so long that we see our life as normal. It takes Jesus to open our eyes as to how God sees us which IS the norm. Praise God for His norm.

  144. Pastor Larry

    Us Americans have been enslaved for so long that we see our life as normal. It takes Jesus to open our eyes as to how God sees us which IS the norm.




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