by | Oct 26, 2024 | Mario Murillo Ministries | 240 comments

“Christian” leaders are boycotting our tent in Tulare, California.

You can imagine what a hard week this has been for my family. But what makes it even harder is the fact that I am just a day away from our tent crusade in California.

But what makes it the hardest is that I have just discovered something horrible.

Certain “Christian” leaders are conducting a secret boycott campaign against us. I hate to admit it, but they have damaged our outreach.

They are boycotting us because I support Donald Trump.

Here are some of the things they are doing:

-Refusing to announce the crusade.

-Lying to the public saying these will be political rallies.

-Telling people to stay away.

– Banning their people from volunteering for the Crusade.

-Receiving money from leftist groups to carry on their boycott.


Christian leaders are doing this? It sounds insane, but it is real. Satan is using this to pile sorrow on top of sorrow on me.  I am physically drained. Some are concerned that by going to California I will be dangerously overdoing it.

But there’s the rub. My brother Roger would never let me give in to these people. “Go anyway!” I can hear him say it.  And that is exactly what I am going to do!

Now here is what I want you to do.

-Understand what is at stake here. This is about the future of soul winning. If they can do this to me then they can do it to your church. If they can make soul winning crusades fail—there will be no more crusades in California, and then in America.

-Help me to get the word out in California. If you are in California, I am appealing to you to come Sunday night to the Tent. Let’s break this curse! God has instructed me to hit this attack head on in a message you will never forget!

-If you are in another state but know someone in a church in California—especially in the Central Valley—please contact them and get them to the Sunday Night meeting.


We must have a show of strength on the opening night. As I said before, they have damaged the outreach. Some are worried that there are going to be empty seats in the Tent.

As it stands now, I expect empty seats. Not because of doubt, but because I know the metrics of attendance. But I am appealing to you to help defeat this threat.

Think of it! These people are hindering lost souls from coming to Jesus. And they call themselves Christians!

The bottom line is that tomorrow night is the most important Sunday night in the history of our crusades.

If there is any way for you to be there—be there! If there is any way for you to get someone there—get them there!

These people are hindering lost souls from coming to Jesus. And they call themselves Christians!

My faith is strong that we can defeat this assault on our ministry. I want you to be with me when we have a victory dance like we have never seen before. I know that Catherine Mullins is ready to lead the victory song!

P.S. I thank God for the many brave pastors and leaders who are standing with us in this crusade. I thank you with all my heart! MM

Breaking News! In a special episode of FIREPOWER tonight at 8PM Eastern/7PM Central/ 5PM Pacific We will give you the latest about this boycott

Use this link     https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3vvl0Js221OhGpsi97D6Ew




  1. Shirley Laster

    Publish the name of the professional Christian leaders that are boycotting you bring the truth out let them be known. God will bless you if they are hindering a good genuine work of God. God is pleased with them, and he will take vengeance upon them, but to share their names, I don’t think is wrong if they’re bold enough to boycott you, then you should be dedicated enough to the Lord to expose them. It’s just like calling out evil. God bless you. I will keep you in earnest prayer and that tent is going to be filled, and Worker will be there in the mighty name of our triumphant and savior. Jesus Christ the king God give you strength in his mighty name.

    • Sam

      Exactly what I was going to write: Please name names, Mario. These people need to be exposed.

      • Kathy Clanton


    • Gloria Lee

      Amen.. As I read Mario’s concerns, Holy Spirit said,”NO they have NOT damaged ANYTHING” !!!
      People of Hod WILL rise up and support you. Because of Gods word. Psalm 68:1-3 !!!!🙏🙏

      • Laura poynter

        Amen and amen. Sending love and prayers that your crusade outreach will reach everyone that it supposed to reach in the name of Jesus AMEN 💗 🙏 🕊 ⚘️ ♥️

      • Elizabeth

        @Gloria Lee: RIGHT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!! IN JESUS’ NAME!!!!!!!!!

      • Ron Brouhard

        Little do they know, that God is winnowing the people to separate the TRUE from the Fake. Gold from the dross. Last words are important: Jesus said just before He left earth,”These Signs SHALL follow them that believe” & those signs DO follow people of God like Mario, Benny Hinn, & the Late Morris Cerullo, who won’t bow their knee to the altered gospel bunch who have NO POWER over snake-lips.

    • JT

      This is an egregious violation of the scripture on many levels and against the Kingdom of God. We understand people have no earthly idea they are being deceived by both wicked spirits and the people who are intentionally causing division thru (essentially) political and ideological brainwashing, and social formation.

      Regarding “ Banning their people from volunteering for the Crusade” who is “their” referring to? Are the sheep “owned” by a leader or pastor? Do the people have the free will to pray and exercise their God given free will to vote as they choose? The misguided thinking and sheer boldness to ban people from doing the Lords work of preaching the Gospel is not a small thing to consider. we pray those who feel censorship is the answer to differences in political opinions repent and turn from division and embrace Gods love and truth and that their eyes will be opened!

      • Gloria V

        Mario, those so called pastors or heads of churches that are trying to stop the work of God, if they don’t repent will one day hear the most horrific words told them, “Away I never knew you.” They are to be pitied like all who will face the wrath of Almighty God. God is greater and nothing, & no one will ever stop our God!!! I’m praying for you brother & all the ones who have helped and are helping in God’s tent revivals. I will hold up this ministry in prayer and other ministries too because God’s work must go on!

    • Daniel Peterson

      Sounds like Pharisees and Saducis. Sanhedrin and High priests. Aligning with Rome instead of God. Lukewarm and about to be spewed out. May God have mercy and bring them to true repentance and become faithful shepherds.

    • January Silva

      Name names. If they’re going to openly slander, then they will be openly confronted.

    • Paul Stolten

      I just read about CA situation and this morning I had read from Joel Chapter 3: verse 13 and 14 but I read this as ” Put your hand and your heart to the great harvest that is in CA because the harvest is ripe for the picking. The communities are ready for the heart of God to be revealed in such a time as this. Get your feet and hands covered with your sweat and the messiness of harvesting for that is a blessing of God and the meetings will overflow with great signs and wonders that you have not seen. Wickedness abounds but the power of God triumphs over what the enemy would bring to oppose. Multitudes, multitudes are in the valley of decision for their “God encounters” is here!!! Let this tent crusade be our statement to God saying ” We will fight on the beaches, we will fight on the hills, we will fight in the towns and cities, we will fight and never surrender !!! We will never surrender!! In such a disposition Joel 2: 28/29 needs to be stated as well. I quoted from Winston Churchill in his address to Parliament after the fall of France in 1940. We shall stand and with stand!!! I am fasting and praying for these meetings. Thank you Mario and your team for all you do. It is a privelege to partner with you all!!!

      • Joanne E Carley

        I am from Michigan, I will not be at the crusade but will be praying for the crusade. Send God’s word forth. Jesus if I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me. God’s word will not returned void but bring forth a great harvest. Grace and peace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be with you brother in Jesus name I pray.

      • Evangelist Son of God


    • MaryRuth Drescher

      I totally agree. They are not only hurting Mario and his crusade, but they are hurting the flock they serve. God told us He needs to clean out the churches first this is a great example. These pastors need prayers more than anyone

    • Sue Corona

      Absolutely share their names we’ve been silent too long. Not ugly just saying these people are boycotting my soul winning and healing crusade and I would like to know why! That’s why we’re in this mess of a country because we don’t speak up and say oh God will prevail, no He uses people to speak against evil!

    • TC Gotcher

      In Fairfield California men are praying for the event! The opposition is evidence that the enemy is nervous because it is a valid threat to his failing kingdom and his eminent destruction. Don’t stop Mario! Blessings

    • Susan S

      Don’t worry. Just keep doing God’s work. The people that God wants to be there will be there. As for these so called pastors, don’t they want to see people saved, delivered, healed and set free? Don’t they have love for these people? Do they do any ministry for these people? I think that they are just jealous. They probably don’t or can’t do ministry that sets people free and don’t want anyone else to do it either. Everyone that is doing God’s will and has the call of God on their lives will have opposition. Abel, Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, David and all the prophets of God. Jesus, Peter, John and the apostles, Stephen, Paul, Barnabas, Timothy and Titus among others. If it is from God like your ministry, then not even the gates of hades will be able to stand against it.

    • Glenda S Daub

      Will be praying.



      • Carole Phelps

        Amen, Don! Mario, you are the Good Samaritan who has gone out of his way to obey the calling of God to save the lost and dying, heal the sick and cast out devils. It’s a messy business, abhorrent to so many who call themselves Christian, but exactly what Jesus is asking of us all. As a 5th generation Californian who remembers that the Fresno Bee was once called the Republican Voice of the San Joaquin Valley, I’ve often wondered how California has become the Leftist swamp of the West Coast. Now I know: The Church has been swamped with Leftist, ungodly leadership and those afraid to take a stance for God and Truth! God bless you with abundant health and strength to finish the course with joy! Jesus is Lord!

    • Victoria

      I totally agree with you. Expose those who are working with the enemy!

    • Pieter Harmse

      Exodus 15 ; 12
      Who is like unto thee, O LORD, among the gods? who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?
      Verse 14
      The nations will hear and tremble anguish will grip those who attempt to rise up against the living God.
      Verse 16
      Terror and dread will fall upon them. By the power of God’s army they will be as still as a stone until your people pass by.
      May God arise and His enemies be scattered

    • Arlene Bersentes

      This is where the word speaks of those straddling the fence. Call their names out and let the KING OF GLORY deal with them. EVIL will not win!!!!!! GOD is in CHARGE!!!!

    • Rev Jim Simpson Jr

      Amen and Amen 🙏 💯

    • Virgil Chizek

      My question is, why are they called Christians. People who persecute Christians Are part of the antichrist.

      • Cindy Lindsey

        Thank you Mariofor your stand and your ministry. I’m praying now for the tent revival and for many many souls to be saved. The tent will be full because people want the truth. God Bless you.

      • Cathy Rice

        Virgil there are many that call themselves Christians. They think that they are. The Bible says that the very elect will be deceived. That is what Satan is doing, deceiving them. They fully believe that they are fully right. We must break this off of them and trust that God will open their eyes.

    • Patricia rose Lopez

      God bless you Mario Murillo, be prayer for this event. i am so sorry for your lost of dear brother. prayers going up Mario Murillo.

    • Bob Harris

      Spirit of the Lord is moving inside of those democratic churches wooing souls to be drawn into the Kingdom of God through the doorway of these tent services, His Tents shall be full to overflowing Lord remove the valve of mind blinding spirits from these pastors forgive them Lord, great rushing winds blow through their churches today in jesus name, Go Forth and stand for jesus and see the mightyHand of god move in your stead Mario, new york state stands with you in jesus name

    • Pamela Thomas

      WHEN SATAN COMES IN LIKE A FLOOD THE LORD RAISES UP A STANDARD and you can watch and see Him do it.
      When I saw that person tell you how they were opposing you I looked at their face and thy certainly are of another spirit.
      bless you and the work of your hands.

    • Joanne Mackirdy

      The harvest is ripe and no man can stop it as well as the signs and wonders. May the LORD strenghten your heart and body . Best tent meeting ever

    • Elizabeth

      Yes, publish their names so that we can pray against them and all of there evil deeds, that God will come down upon them with such guilt in trying to prohibit the Gospel.

    • Jo Ann Taylor

      Does anyone have the names of these pastors? Not only all Christians should be outrage about this, but we also need to pray for these pastors who are boycotting this tent revival, but we need to write or call them. I personally want to call each one of them and talk to them

    • Elaine Gavrilis

      Stand up and fight back. There are still many Trump supporters in the San Joaquin Valley. We will stand with you. Reveal who they are so we can contact them and pray specifically for them by name.

  2. Maureen Delaney

    The so called Pastors that are boycotting this event are only interested in building their own kingdom and not the Lord’s. This is just one example of the great falling away.

    • Sybrinia Michel

      I live in Vacaville California about 3 hours from Tulare. I want to come but don’t have transportation, if someone from my area lives close and is going please email me at
      Thank you

    • Jacqueline Magnuson

      Wolves in Sheeps clothing! No understanding of Our Creators
      message or plan; false/fake, JUDGEMENT IS COMING

    • phil beatty

      Those so called ‘leaders’ are not true christians! Go in Jesus name! I stand with you as well as other true christians! Oh and by the way, TRUMP VANCE 2024! MAGA! AMERICA 1ST! COMMON SENSE! SANITY!

      • marge


    • Heather

      I’m surprised that you are surprised! Of course there would be opposition- FOCUS! Do what you are called to do and let GOD do the rest!!! Empty seats and “Christians” that vote for Democrats- give them to God and LET IT GO!!! If one person is saved, HEAVEN WILL BE REJOICING!!!!! Praying for you to be at peace and not put so much pressure on Yourself…YOU are Not GOD. YOU weren’t intended to be. Know HIM and make HIM known! You are a faithful servant and I’m in AR and very proud of you and your ministry!

    • Judy Bjorklund

      The Bible says if I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me…said Jesus

    • Kate

      LORD let your word be preached with Fire!. I release the Fire of God to burn up the wicked spirits and the works of darkness that would interfere with the success of Mario’s crusade in the name of Jesus. LORD release your glorious power against the enemy in the name of Jesus. LORD you have a mighty arm and Your hand is strong. I ask You to crush the enemy and to allow dread to fall upon the enemy so that it flees. LORD let Your strength be given to Mario as he brings forth Your message to the lost and hungry souls of Tulare.

      LORD cause Your glorious voice to be heard. Show lightening down Your arm with a Flame of devouring Fire, with scattering, tempest and hail stones. LORD let all flesh see Your Fire released through Mario Murillo. Let your flame burn up wicked spirits and let Your Grace and Mercy fall upon the souls seeking to know You in the tent. LORD let Mario be a light for Your Fire. Let the Holy Spirit release the sword of truth and righteousness upon the crowd through Mario. Let his voice be as Yours. Give him courage and strength and let him be Your bow that shoots Your arrows at the enemy. Cause the powers of darkness to submit to Your power LORD! We will not be burned by the fire of the enemy in Jesus name.

      We ask you LORD to bring a great harvest of souls in Tulare. We are believing for a great Harvest and a Revival in California! We bind and cast out the spirit of Apollyon in the name of Jesus. We rebuke the destroyer in Jesus name. We cast out and bind any evil spirits that would attempt to come into the tent in Tulare, CA. I am strong in the LORD and in the power of His might!

      Let the Fire of God surround and protect Mario Murilo and his wife during this tent crusade. LORD, Mario has a Covenant with You through the Blood of Jesus Christ and he is one Spirit with You. Protect him. Let the power of Your anger be released against the power of darkness that make any attempt to thwart Your message. Release the spirit of confusion from the people so that your Word can be heard and understood. We sprinkle the Blood of Jesus on all those who attend the crusade in Tulare, Ca and we ask that they receive deliverance through the Blood of Jesus.

      We humbly come to You Oh LORD in prayer, and Command all these things in the name of Jesus who has given us the power to tread on serpents. Jesus Christ our savior, who is the LORD of Lord’s and KING of Kings and Every knee shall bow to Him. We give You all the praise and Glory LORD now and forever more.
      We Praise you LORD and thank you for being our light and encouragement.

      • Joyce Edwards

        Praise almighty God!! My family and I are in total agreement with your prayer….Let God arise and His enemies be SCATTERED!!

  3. Cyndi Gamez

    Mario, I am standing with you and your team! Our Ebenezer Bible Study group have been volunteering this past week and we have been very happy to do so! We have been fasting and praying 🙏🇺🇸

    • TJ Owen

      It is so shameful what so called Christians are doing especially those in the pulpit. They have lost their first lost love. It is time for the true worshippers and lovers of Christ to stand up and be in UNITY. We will be praying as always. May God have mercy on our soul. God Bless You Mario and your team warriors!

    • Curtis Cabezut

      The Lord Bless you this day and weekend in Jesus Name

    • Carol Maness

      That “Religious Spirit” is at work once again to try and defeat the Truth. Yes, I personally would like to know who these false churches “Religious Leaders” are. The true Believers in Jesus Christ will stand with you and your team. Thank you Mario for coming back to California and in particular the Central Valley. We love you and your Team. Galatians Ch. 2: 4-5 And that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bandage. To whom we gave place by subjection, no, not for an hour; that the Truth of the Gospel might continue with you.

    • Mary Cassle

      My friends and I are en route to Fresno from Spokane. We are so excited to finally be able to attend your crusade. Praying against this demonic, deceptive wile of the enemy!

  4. Thelma Ford

    Please known my prayers r for you that God would anoint you with the power of God’s Word n move in a mighty way. To God be the Glory. It is just attack of the evil one to get you distracted stay focus n push back even harder God’s got this. Jesus will move powerfully He will go after that one sheep to rescue them. In the name of Jesus go forth in the power of our Lord may God cover you his Blood n keep you.

  5. Jeanette Freeman

    Go preach the gospel in all the earth and then the end will come . Don’t stop.

  6. Lee

    There are Christians and then there are christians in name only.

    • Bernadette Pickles

      But GOD is with you Brother Murillo. It doesn’t matter what man is doing against you. Be brave and courageous. They LORD God HIMSELF is with you. GOD is going to win this battle for you and with you!
      Your brother is cheering you on with the other cloud of witnesses. Amen

      • Charles Pruitt

        Amen and amen! We are standing with you, Mario, and your team in this work of God. Our prayers go with you. Thank you for your faithfulness and may God increase the harvest in Tulare and all of CA, and bring revival!

    • Judy Berry

      I’m praying and rebuking those who call themselves Christians to fall at the feet of Jesus and be woke up from their sleep! Those who don’t I pray will be found to be in the wrong and these churches doing this will be shut down!
      I’m praying that even Angels come down and hand out flyers to all for nothing is impossible to our God! And by with and through Jesus this crusade will be one of the most powerful ever! What the devil means for harm CANNOT happen! If one can chase a thousand and two 10,000 it we can do it!
      Judy Berry maberry 7jb@hotmail.com

    • Judith Motta

      We will be there from Yuma, AZ!!!

    • Cheryl Turnbull Vincent

      Deut 31:6 (NLT)
      Do not be afraid or panic before them.
      For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.

    • Cheryl Turnbull Vincent

      Deut 31:6 (NLT)
      Do not be afraid or panic before them.
      For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you

    • Deborah Thiessen

      We are standing in prayer with Mario in spirit.As we are in Canada we cannot come but as the Bible says” GO into all the world and preach the gospel”

  7. Mary

    In Jesus name Heavenly Father we ask for supernatural intervention and we pray that this crusade will be the biggest Matio has seen yet in Jesus name. Thank you God for hearing and making it so in Jesus name. Thank you God.. Amen

    • Jerry Richmond

      I agree with Mary FATHER, YOU said in your word that if two or more agree on anything it shall be done for them. Thank you FATHER. this zi spray in the name of JESUS!!!!!!!!

      • Roy D. Salander

        What can I say almighty God is in charge,not the so called christen leaders.Its a shame that they call themselves Christian leaders. Who are they listening too God or satan?I have no doubt that God is going to bless this revival in a HUGH way.GOD BLESS!

  8. Lisa Vigliotta

    The devil in not victorious. Jesus Christ is VICTORIOUS!

  9. Jana Clark

    We will pray. God will do it!
    I’m sorry for your loss and now this. The enemy is threatened.
    Mario, take the arrows shoot, and strike the ground! (2 Kings)
    North, South, East, West, Above, Below and all around.
    The Victory is yours, they will come!

  10. Jan Brantley

    This is unreal! I would never have thought this would happen in the United States of America. I live in Georgia and can not attend, but I am praying for you and for this revival and I know all Janof Heaven will be cheering you on!

  11. Laura

    No te rindas Mario, tu voz necesita ser escuchada allí

  12. Anne Kellar

    Dear Mario, so sorry to hear this especially on top of loosing your brother. Satan doesn’t play fair.
    Praying that the tent will be full of folk ready to hear Jesus’s voice. Those religious ones are not guided by the Lord – how wicked.
    We live in England or we would be there to support. We will be praying.

  13. Diane Zekoll

    I am praying for a heavy spirit of conviction to come upon the boycotting Pastors and their congregations and, to unveil their hearts and minds so they will clearly see what’s at stake here – the very souls of people that need Christ Jesus! May God provide the workers needed for each night of the Crusade. God bless you Mario!

    • Vicki

      Praying in Ohio.

      • AT

        Sadly to many are unaware of the wiles of the devil (Spiritual battle) while he is feeding lies to all who will listen even in ignorance. Jesus knew this all to well with his understanding of evil influencers when he walked with man and cried it from the cross: “Luke 23:34 KJV – “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do”.
        Solomon cornered this well: Proverbs 16:1-12 KJV
        The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the LORD. [2] All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the LORD weigheth the spirits. [3] Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established. [4] The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil. [5] Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished. [6] By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil. [7] When a man’s ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him. [8] Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right. [9] A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps. [10] A divine sentence is in the lips of the king: his mouth transgresseth not in judgment. [11] A just weight and balance are the LORD’S: all the weights of the bag are his work. [12] It is an abomination to kings to commit wickedness: for the throne is established by righteousness.
        We are as believers need to walk in the Spirit and not the flesh (found in Romans 7&8)
        Discermenment of good and evil comes from the Word of God. Read Hebrews 5:12-14. (14-But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.) The battle plan is clear: Hebrews 4:12-13 KJV
        For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. [13] Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do. Also Ephesians 6:12-13 KJV
        For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. [13] Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
        Included in this strategy is not of fleshly ways but: 2 Corinthians 10:3-7 KJV
        For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: [4] (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) [5] Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; [6] And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled. [7] Do ye look on things after the outward appearance? If any man trust to himself that he is Christ’s, let him of himself think this again, that, as he is Christ’s, even so are we Christ’s. We need to come together as the body of Christ and quit doing what we think God wants but to seek Him first allowing Him to function His ways through us. Lord bless you Mario and teams and the Lord rebuke the evil operating and bring light into the darkness to expose it while allowing Jesus’ Grace and Mercy and Power to prevail

  14. Brenda Diehl

    Dear Brother Mario,
    I’ve been praying for you, your family and your ministry team for many weeks prior to this crusade. We know that all of this opposition is purely demonic. I plead the Blood of Jesus over this entire situation, breaking the powers of darkness, cancelling the assignment of the enemy, in Jesus Name. I call forth GOD’s Will in this crusade, over you, your wife, your family, your ministry team and that GOD will dispatch the angelic warriors of heaven’s armies to do battle against the principalities of darkness, defeating them completely!
    Be renewed and refreshed by the power of GOD’s Holy Spirit who raised up Jesus from the dead. I’m continuing to keep the Tulare Crusade in prayer. Expect great things, dear brother, in Jesus Mighty Name!!! Hallelujah! Amen.

    • Gisele Cox

      Praying for you and the crusade. I know you just recently lost your brother unexpectantly. I’m so sorry for for your loss. With the election coming up the stakes are higher and the spiritual warfare will be more intense. Praise the Lord that He is greater than the enemy.

      • Judy Bjorklund

        Jesus said if I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me….

      • Julie Atwood

        I don’t know if you will ever read this but this morning I read Rick Renner’s devotion, “Challenges in town, out of town and in the sea,”. The scripture was 2 Corinthians 11:26. Rick had been rejected in a Russian town by religious leaders but God worked a miracle for him just as he did for Paul in the Bible. I believe God will work a miracle for you and many souls will be saved. The devil does not win. Praise God and thank you for all you do for His Kingdom.

    • Cynthia Sampson

      In the mighty name of Jesus our Lord and Savior, I stand and agree with you Brenda Diehl! GOD will be glorified in this tent crusade!

    • EdnaVerona Latta

      Going to continue prayers for God’s power to overcome the evil one!

  15. Inge

    Dear Mario,

    Greetings from The Netherlands, where christians eat each other alive for decades already.
    Don’t worry about the numbers or about empty seats. They will be filled by angel armies. It may be that God decided that the ones needing salvation may need these angel armies, because of the wickedness of this ‘christian generation.
    Be at peace brother, it is the Lord who will have it His way, not what humans expect. I’ll be praying for you.

  16. Michael Wood

    Some are afraid that a real encounter, with a real Jesus, will cause a real drop in membership at their congregations. Persevere brother – our prayers from across the sea are with you and this meeting.

    • Rochelle

      Well said‼️ “a real encounter with a real Jesus will cause a real drop in membership”

  17. Michael A Druckenmiller Sr

    Mario, I am on the East Coast. The nest I can do, and did, was to post to my limited Facebook and “X” followers/friends.

    I am astounded that these wolves in sheep’s clothing are so blatant in their fear of discovery of their true hearts.

    But, it is California and it has been satan’s stronghold for many decades.

    What happened to Christian Spiritual Militancy, “The Lord is a Warrior”, “Mighty Warrior”, “Let’s Go Take this City”.

    What happened to the Jesus Revival? There was no fear of those authorities so minor compared to Christ.

    Now most churches cower in self-satisfied comfort in a sanctuary made of hands.

  18. Victoria Ferris

    I am PRAYING Mario! I am fasting and praying all in since few days ago until Elections over and Trump is in! But I will ask all those here in Virginia I know who follow and love your ministry!

    • Jerry Call

      I am standing with you and upholding you in prayer. In Jesus name, I declare that these hindering forces of Satan will be rendered helpless and will be defeated by the Angel of the Lord. In Jesus name, I declare that many souls will be saved at this tent meeting and many healing will be manifested.
      Job 22:28 “Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.”

  19. Donna Lumpkin

    Mario, I can Pray and Believe that God our Father will come through. As for the so called Christian leader are not Christians. We are to Believe in our Savior the Blood of the Lamb. The People should not walk in Fear of man. Remember Mario God Sees.

  20. Verl Hochstedler

    We will be praying in Indiana.

  21. Jim McKinley

    1 John 2:19 “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.”

  22. Veronica Belfort

    Praying against the enemy’s hand. No weapon formed against this victory shall prosper

    The Lord is Faithful he will establish you and guard you from evil one. 2 Thessalonians 3:3

  23. Lisa Grove

    Very sad. But god! He will redeem this. I am sorry for the loss of your brother. He is cheering you on Mario.

  24. Marlene

    Dear Bro. Mario,
    Never give in to the ” enemy’s tactics ( as I don’t believe you will).Stay strong
    & follow thru, the Lord will bring the victory.

    My prayers are with you & all involved in this crusade!

    Thank you 🙏 for your service to our King!


  25. Steve Spinnett

    Mr Murillo, while this is bad news. It’s not new news. I remember reading the book authored by Dietrich Bonnhoffer in Germany. He described two churches. One church was the conforming church and the other church were the Confessing church.
    Mr Murillo, this is a battle that needs to happen. Did Martin Luther do the right thing? Of course he did, but it seemed like an attach from hell at the time.
    You see yourself as an evangelist, I see you as a reformer.
    I listen to you because you are a reformer. A reformer! Why did the conforming church fail in Germany. Because the conforming church was and still is dead and not so well.

    • Fred Horne

      Be of good faith. God has not abandoned us to the wilderness. That fate is reserved for the demonic.

  26. Connie Peterson

    Thank you Jesus that by your power you can move the mountain of this problem and do a reversal so that Christian leaders become totally remorseful for their actions and come with tears to help out. Thank you Jesus!

  27. Angela Robotham

    Mario, you are a “MAN OF GOD”. I have benefitted greatly from watching your videos and reading your blogs. Three weeks ago I had major surgery to replace a heart valve.
    How i wish i could attend your tent meeting in California. But, as I live in England, that is impossible. However, I do believe things will turn around for you, and that meeting will be well attended. I think what is happening now is a good example of what is written in Ch4 of Hosea: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”. In other words: by sheer ignorance.
    I , too, have lost many loved ones. It takes time, Mario, to come to terms with such loss. But, you will! It is a question of gradual readjustment. I hope that helps. I send you all my good wishes, and a big THANK YOU for your inspirational ministry.

  28. William L Hardway

    Hang in there Mario. Keep fighting the good fight of faith. TDS is infecting the church. A vote for Harris is a vote against the church and what it stands for.

  29. Pieter Harmse

    You can bet your bottom dollar that Rome/Catholics are behind this using
    liberals / democrats their faithful parish to destroy Christianity period.. those allegedly church leaders are running satanic covens. their underlying goals is to mislead their members. Paul says be not deceived by these imposters and leave those church and ask God as to which churches they should attend. Who the son sets free is free indeed. To stay with those imposters is bondage, sorrow and then hell for eternity. Nevermind the curses on your blood line and deep sorrow whilst on earth. Get to Mario’s: meetings. There are trillions of us throughout the world who wish we could attend Mario’s meetings
    Father God on heaven, thankyou for a turn around

    • Van Dickson

      They can’t stop what God ordered. When we have been with Jesus and go out “with Him”, He is responsible for the final results. He is the one who gives us the want to and the means for and He is the only one who can.

      Matthew 543 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 [o]But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, 45 that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47 And if you greet your [p]brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the [q]tax collectors do so? 48 Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.

  30. Grady Weiszbrod

    I’m coming! I’ll be bringing my brother who is exhibiting symptoms of the beginnings of Alzheimer’s. I lost my 2 older brothers and my A/G minister father. I am believing for miracles of salvation and healing for hundreds or thousands.
    I pray that God will give you an unusual anointing, especially since you are grieving the loss of your beloved brother 💙

  31. John zablocki

    People being used to come against you are nothing – I pray the Lord makes up more than the difference

  32. Alvaro Zertuche

    I’m already praying against this attack from the enemy against your powerful crusade event in California. Unfortunately, I’m not surprised because this is happening in California, one of the most liberal, if not the most liberal state in the union. You and I know that the apostasy spoken of in the Scriptures will come against, and is coming against the True Church of God and Christ in these last days. But we come against that in the Powerful and Mighty Name of Yeshua Christ. I volunteered for the crusade you had in Arizona this year, and it was awesome and powerful and all true believers in Cali need to come out and support this powerful and spirit-filled outpouring of God Almighty.

  33. Leonard Carroll

    Mario, DON’T GIVE IN! I am praying the blood of Jesus over you. You, Lance Wallnau, and Todd are the most dynamic soldiers for Christ that I know. Obama and Gates are two behind this assault. Obama will stop at nothing to win, no matter how heinous the Democrat representative. He stole the last election, and he will attempt to do so again. He is the sycophant among sycophants. Fight, fight, fight! I pray for protection over you and that people will see you for the man of God you are.

  34. Cathy Beck

    1 JOHN 5:4

  35. Denise

    Stand firm and strong to complete the work the Lord has assigned to you, Mario!
    We stand with you and believe in the soul winning anointing upon your life and ministry! What a marvelous team you have! Praying for you all from Florida!

  36. Daniel Dommer

    Brother Mario I’m in the North Bay. I’m already packed, I’ve already made motel reservations. I will be there! And, even if it’s only you and I, in Jesus name we will stand against the hypocrisy, the devil and the present evil of our culture!!!

  37. Steve Spinnett

    Man of God, you are the one who Jesus has chosen for this battle. I know it’s rough, but if you need a cup bearer, I can come and be a support to you, I’ve listened to you for a couple of years. I can come and defend you if you need this.
    I remember when I was leading an abortion rescue someone driving by yelled out and said you should be evangelizing. Well I was, but I caught a lot of hell because of it.

    -A business man who gave the operations to my children, We homeschooled our children, and they love the business today. My three children are in love with the business and they have taken it beyond what I’ve been able to do. This is a fantastic story. For me this is the dream come true. I’ve had several prophetic dreams, there will be certain things that will come to America that will really wake us up. I don’t want to tell too much but there’s a lot. But Mr. Murillo I know this can will happen.
    -Saved in 1973 in the middle of the Jesus p movement.
    – left my wife about five years ago
    – I’ll be 70 next month.
    – in The Ukraine looking for a wife, but I’ll put this first.
    – I’m a rugged man who knows how to discern the situations.
    – I will do all this for free, I’m a man who can perform my tasks without needing compensation. Perhaps from time to time I’ll need a travel stipend.
    -Former mayor of my city with two terms in Oregon, I was popular with the people and could have ran for several terms. But I chose not to.

  38. Kim

    These so called “Christian leaders” are not Christians at all. They are of their father the devil. Keep up the good fight of faith. If God is for you who can be against you, the gates of hell can not prevail against your assault on them! Fight with all your might!! My husband and I can’t be there but we’ll send money and be standing in prayer with you for a great harvest and a major spiritual breakthrough!!!!

  39. Daniel Dommer

    The Founder of our movement will be there! Hallelujah!!!!

  40. Jim Gossett

    As you know these so called Christian leaders opposing you are modern day Pharisees bound by a religious spirit and they are a part of dead works that have no power.The persecution against you might hinder somethings but you’re going to see a great demonstration of God’s power in Tulare. You’ve got those religious spirits all worked up and in fear. You’re going to hurt the devil

  41. Linda Osborne

    We are standing with you
    Praying for you 🙏🙏🔥🔥..meetings…Alive with power of God , HIS PRESENCE….saving souls…lives turned around…delivered…healed…Set free…all to the GLORY OF GOD! 🔥⚒️🔥⚒️

  42. Kurt Reinke


  43. Vicki Ammons

    In the Name of Jesus, our Savior and Messiah, I decree and declare that this crusade will be Packed out and overflowing with people who are hungry for the living God. NO WEAPONS FORMED AGAINST THIS SHALL PROSPER! What the enemy is meaning for evil, GOD WILL TURN IT AROUND FOR HIS GOOD THAT THERE WILL BE EVEN MORE SOULS COME TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS CHRIST IN CALIFORNIA!! I pray that these particular leaders will come under a HOLY CONVICTION from HOLY SPIRIT AND REPENT AND NOW ENCOURAGE PEOPLE TO ATTEND THIS CRUSADE. I pray for strength, peace and comfort for Mario and his team and God will be Victorious in all of this!!!! OH, LORD, I SPEAK THE BLOOD OF JESUS OVER THIS SITUATION! GOD WILL RULE AND REIGN IN CALIFORNIA!!!!

    • Shirley Bonard

      Amen! Vicki 100% total agreement with this prayer. Praying and believing for the greatest outcome for the glory of God!

    • Tamars

      Almighty God is in control. He is victorious! Thank you for your ministry Brother Mario. I’m praying for you and for those confused by Satan to see the truth. God bless all in attendance, and let God speak to your hearts. God goes before you!

  44. Ed

    My thoughts to those that oppose the tent crusade are in the speech of Gamaliel especially at the end……

    “But if it is from God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You may even find yourselves fighting against God!””
    ‭‭Acts of the Apostles‬ ‭5‬:‭39‬ ‭NLT‬‬

  45. Maria

    I was praying in The Spirit for the election this morning when I was about to finish I saw the notification of your email, I read a little bit and I immediately started to pray for you and I laughed at the enemy for trying to stop this crusade and I declared this is going to be the best crusade until now. Mario I already danced that dance of VICTORY!!!

  46. David Tarr

    Praying that the crusade will be so successful that what happened there will be impossible for the results of it not to be shared person to person and it spreads like a California wildfire out of control

  47. Patrick

    I want the names of every pastor, preacher and the churches they represent that you say are against your meetings. This tells us what churches to avoid and tells us what churches to flood with social media respectful protests. If the proof is valid it will stand in the courts and help in specific prayers. This is not unchristian this is warfare so know your enemies in the natural and spiritual.

  48. Teri

    They are not Christians. They have sold their souls for money. Jesus will have the victory!

  49. Cathy Beck

    devil you just messed up. I just sent a double seed for this tent meeting and got in my PRAYER WARRIOR mode and asked HOLY GHOST for recompense and double blessing SPIRITUALLY, PHYSICALLY & EMOTIONALLY for MARIO and all those involved. THE ANOINTING and PRESENCE OF THE LORD to be so OVERWHELMING WITH SIGNS & WONDERS FOLLOWING! YES LORD…….THANK YOU HOLY SPIRIT!!!!

  50. Bobbie Rasmussen

    I’m not from California, can’t make it to the tent. But there is no distance in the spirit. My heart sunk for a moment. Then the message was; Boycott the Boycott. Pray and decree that the pastors in these churches are convicted of their wrong mind sets. That the Christians from their flock not be weak sheep and step out of the box. They boldly follow the leading of Holy Spirit and are lead to attend despite the consequences from their weak hireling pastors. Lord your hand is not short, you provide for those who diligently seek you. You Lord are in charge. Comfort and peace will abide in your tent. Thank you Lord for bringing in the masses for salvation and healing. We will stand, boycott the boycott. Jesus you have already set the course. Praise and Glory to you Lord. Amen

  51. Bob Turek

    To my Christian brothers and sisters: We MUST pray like never before for Mario and his ministry, Mario Murillo Ministries.
    satan is throwing his whole efforts of destroying the Christian faith against the one whom I declair to be Billy Graham’s replacement in America to declare the Gospel to those in our great land and across the whole world by way of Mario’s tent crusades and the world wide web. Just let this sink in—————– Mario and his ministry are being attacked by those who call themselves Christians , head of Christian churches. This is the final straw and I want to remind every single Christian that is opposing Mario and his ministry and his Tent Crusade in California that Almighty God is looking down on us all and may God helpyou on YOUR Judgment Day when you will stand before Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior. I pray Mario may your tent be filled and Overflowing and may God’s Blessing be upon this Crusade.

  52. Bruce

    Go get them Mario, God is with you.

  53. Dorothy

    This is really a shame that Christians can be against a man of God . They will reap what they sow

  54. Dale Sipple

    I will be praying I live in Massachusetts, but I will be praying. God bless you. God bless you, and God will be glorified in the name of Jesus and Maddie will come to him.

  55. Frances Hamilton

    There is no way these “Christian” leaders are born again!! God will show these followers of Satan!!! May the tent be filled to overflowing! 🙏🕊🥰☦️🇺🇸🇮🇱

  56. Linda Lannen

    Stay strong in the power of His might. It is very hurtful to have people who say they love the Lord to act this way. Jesus is all that matters. He is bigger than this. This did not catch him off guard. Praying for the salvation of many souls. Praying for strength and peace for you.

  57. Gail Segars Rainey

    Brother Mario, I am taking my believer’s authority against Satan and all his cronies who are coming up against God’s anointed tent meeting in Tulare. He SHALL BE DEFEATED in the name of Yeshua. I just got an email message from Dr. Billye Brim last night as I read your heartbreaking message of losing your brother, and starting this morning between Oct. 26 and Nov. 5 we are having emergency prayer calls every morning 9:00 a.m. EST. I shall be praying for your ministry as well on these prayer calls. You have many, many prayer warriors behind you so there will be no empty seats!!! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! We are overcomers!

  58. Juanita

    Stay strong and vigilant what God has ordained man can’t stop I speak Jesus to you I speak strength to you I speak help to you by the hundreds. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. I speak financial blessing on the ministry debt free crusade. In Jesus name

  59. Bob

    You are strong Mario and overcoming all the Pharisees and goats, just like Jesus did!

  60. Charlotte M Stanford

    This is very sad but the devil is a loser. I can’t be there but I support you fully, with my prayer and offerings and will share this message.

  61. Eileen Murray

    Romans 8:28
    As long as we maintain our dependence on God, He is able to take all evils that befall us & weave them into His master plan. He can take any evil or calamity & make it “work together for good to those who love God.”

  62. Glenn Fox

    Sometimes it is good for the wolves in sheep clothing to identify themselves. There are no actual Christians opposing your meetings. And there are no Christians voting for Kamala Harris. Those who support her agenda of “kill, steal, and destroy” are of their father the devil and need to repent and receive Jesus. They, above all others, are the ones who need to be in your meetings. We will pray for them and you.

  63. Linda Lopez

    Iam Very sorry to hear about the boycott will be praying against the devil and God will see you through and keep you safe ‘No one can stand against God. love to all

  64. Joseph Wallace

    Remember GOD will separate the sheep from the goats. Even if it means churches.

  65. David Maddox

    I’m believing GOD for record attendance, and thousands of souls saved. Unfortunately, satan uses pastors and so-called “people of faith” to do this kind of outrageous thing. But our GOD will have the final say.

  66. Kim Safonov

    I am hearing, ” The show must go on!” And “the more they afflicted them, the more they prospered and grew”! Praying these things for you, our brother. Stay strong and keep going!! MANY are with you!

  67. Michael

    I am praying that THE LORD JESUS CHRIST saves thousands and thousands of souls at the crusade and that thousands and thousands are healed in their body, soul and mind. I pray that many are delivered from addictions, physical affirmities and sexual perversions. God Bless your ministry!!’✝️🙏❤️

  68. Larry Lavallee

    Praying for a Turn Around & such a heavy conviction on the pastor’s that are interfering with The Move Of GOD. 🤺🔥
    Rise up people!! Stop being lead by these “false preachers”
    Now is the Greatest Time in Church History to a SOUL WINNER 😇 Time is running out for anyone “Luke Warm”
    Expose the enemy & DEFEAT him by the Power of JESUS shed blood & The Holy Spirit!!
    Revival Is Here Now
    America will be SAVED 🇺🇲

  69. Judy Page

    Heartbreaking! These are not Christians. They are servants of Satan and by their actions risk the wrath of God. Father the enemy has been uncovered, deal w them as you see fit. I ask that the people of California who need salvation and healing will be drawn to this place to receive from you. I declare no weapon formed against this tent crusade will prosper!! Send mighty angels to bring in the harvest anoint and protect Mario and all members involved. Show yourself strong Father and Make this truly a night of awesome miracles!! Thank you!! Keep pressing your right in the middle of GODS WILL!!

  70. Goforth Judy

    Praying for your outreach. And healing your hearts over this disappointment and the loss of Roger.

  71. Norma Judd

    In the name of Jesus Christ Satan be bound from this curse on Mario
    Lord we pray protection over this crusade
    Lord we ask you to fill the tent let there be standing room only

  72. Brenda

    Shame on these leaders and churches truly not Christians
    And the Lord would say
    ‘Depart from me you heathens for I never knew you ‘
    Yep seems to fit
    Bless u with strength.

  73. Muriel Attwood

    Praying Isaiah 61:3
    I prayed this for myself for months after my husband passed,
    One day without thinking, I said., “ God flip the switch”.
    Beauty for ashes
    Oil of Joy instead of mounting
    Spirit of Praise instead of heaviness.
    That God may be glorified.
    It was like night and day.

  74. Tony

    It is truly Biblical…… All Glory To GOD ALMIGHTY! Praised Be YOU KING JESUS… HALLELUJAH!!!

  75. Willene McCall

    Praying 🙏 for you for strength and guidance and protection. Thanking God for your ministry.

  76. Esther Gibbs

    My dear brother in Christ, my heart and prayers go out to u and all ur family and team at this hurtful but also glorious time! The Lord, I believe, will show Himself very strong there and that tent will b filled more gloriously with His Presence than u have seen it and people will think for themselves, stop fearing men and come. Blessed be the glorious name of our Lord and King, Jesus Christ!!

  77. Gerald Deaton

    Press on, brother Mario! May your family experience God’s special love and presence as you all go through this. We’re praying.

    Uncertainty is okay!

    Certainty is the mark of the common-sense life: gracious uncertainty is the mark of the spiritual life. To be certain of God means that we are uncertain in all our ways, we do not know what a day may bring forth… We are uncertain of the next step, but we are certain of God!
    -Oswald Chambers

  78. Jane Lewis

    Jesus said that Satan will sift us but not to worry, He intercedes for us. There will always be Judas in the camp. Praying from Canada 🇨🇦

  79. Jayne B

    God have mercy on everyone involved! May the full armor of God be placed upon your people Jesus. Angels help, Holy Spirit create boldness as only you can!

  80. Bev

    Mario! I am so sorry you are up against this! We pray for you and your ministry consistently. We pray rest, peace and comfort for you as you go into this battleground! The Lord will win this battle and these ministers accepting $ from the left will answer for it. The sad thing souls and lives are at risk. No shepherd will be able to stand before our mighty God after these actions. I pray for their souls too! You are amazing! Sourced by God; encouraged by the army with you and behind you. Bless you and your team and ministry 🙏

  81. Dale

    Believing these backsliders are at this moment feeling GOD’S wrath of fire and will turn toward FAITH in JESUS CHRISt with THE FEAR of the LORD turning them into FAITH FILLED Believers, Once more so they will not GO TO HELL! They that are fearful of Satan’s devices – SHAKE them, Holy Spirit, for the Fear OF turning away WILL endanger their lives! Transform these into an ARMY like Gideon’S! It shall be done, my prayers are mighty to the pulling of stronghol

  82. Tony Perone

    “He was despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.” He is the Son of God and the son of man, yet He was reviled and cursed by sinful humanity.
    But He loves us, and God so loved even the sinful humanity enough to send Him, Our Lord, our Savior Jesus.
    We are here in Frazier Park California and praying in faith that there be no weapon of man or satan that can work against the mighty power of our Almighty and loving God of Salvation.

  83. Robert Wade

    Ephesians 3: 14 For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, 15 from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name, 16 that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God. Amen

  84. Kolleen Miller

    Prayers for God’s wisdom and strength Ephesians 3:16 that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in your inner man. His Kingdom come and will be done through your ministry in Jesus Name 🙏🏽

  85. Pauline Buckingham

    Go anyway!!!!! God’s Word will NOT return to Him VOID! It will accomplish what it is set out to do. Sometimes small numbers are so much more involved in what He is doing. We live in Redding and are old, But God is not limited. God Bless you and Israel.

  86. Wanda Carpenter

    I am asking our Lord to cause this crusade to be the largest one you have ever had and that true Christians will hear from God and do His will and not the will of another. I pray that every seat will be filled and standing room only and the largest number of souls come to Jesus than what you have ever had before, in the holy name of Jesus. Amen, Amen!

  87. Mary Belschner

    I am forwarding this, I’m praying and I will watch tonight.

  88. Lila

    Brother Mario we will be praying for you and for this tent revival to go forth in Jesus’ name without any issue! No weapon formed against you or the crusade or the people there will prosper! Thank you for all you do! I am looking forward to the day my family and I are able to attend one of your crusades. I’m so thankful for your ministry and you’re in our prayers.

  89. Belle Woods

    Praying and believing that Christians who truly love the LORD will get behind this crusade. That it will be very fruitful! Praying also for you brother for strength and peace in Jesus name.v

  90. Ron Rupp

    I keep hearing ” but GOD “, “but GOD “, I heard it twice, is our reliance on fake christians, tares, or the wind of HOLY SPIRIT blowing in a revival that has never been experienced…it’s exposure time, one of the reasons of the reset shaking…pick up your Sword after you’ve donned the full armor of GOD and win souls…Shalom Shalom

    • Pauline Browne

      Stay strong Mario. Declaring victory to you and the whole tent meetings in California. I plead the blood of Jesus over you, your family and all of your team. Love from NZ.

  91. Shelley Ensley

    I traveled all the way from Idaho to be here to volunteer and to attend Sunday nights gathering. I know that Satan has tried attacking me too for wanting to be there, so I know that God has something very special lined up Mario. Thank you for never giving into the lies of the enemy. That’s why you inspire me so!

  92. Wesley Merrell

    There will be NO empty seats in that tent !!!! “If God be for U who can be against U”?
    Praying praying for U!! “He who is in U is greater than he who is in this world!”
    God is good …Hallelujah!!

    • Mario Murillo


  93. Maria Wainui

    Our condolences for the lost of your brother..be strong Mario
    1 Timothy 6:12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life,
    whereunto thou art also called, and has professed a good profession before many witnesses.
    1 Timothy 6:20 O Timothy keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called.
    We support you Mario, in the name of Jesus…from New Zealand

  94. John Johnston

    You are Strong in the Lord Mario, and in the Power if His Might ( Ephesians 6:10 )!! Also, please be encouraged by Isaiah 40:28-31 !! Especially, verse 38: “He gives Power to the faint; and to them that have no might He increases Strength!!” Be encouraged Sir!! Just like He did with Moses ! Thank You for All you are doing!!

  95. Jean

    I’m praying these pastors will be convicted and lose their Trump Derangement Syndrome and repent. Greed and money from the left has corrupted them—they are Christians in NAME only!! They abandoned Jesus Christ and chose Satan’s side. You were correct when you said THEY CALL THEMSELVES CHRISTIANS. They are just like RINOs.

  96. Dena Forrer

    It’s a demonic stronghold that can be broken with prayer. I’ll be praying. When it seems unnatural — its because it is.

  97. Helen Lavoie

    I Have been praying for you this morning and asking Jesus to apply His Healing Balm over your Body soul and spirit.Praying for strength ,comfort of the Holy Spirit.That God would Hide you under His wings. Praying for SUPERNATURAL power from God to Protect you. They that KNOW their God will carry out exploits-You KNOW Him.

  98. Gracie F Singleton

    Thank you Mario,for standing against the attacks of the enemies. God always has your back!!!! We’re praying for you and your teams! May this be God’s glorious Victory! The largest tent revival ever!
    God Bless and God speed

  99. Janice Chaquica

    The enemy is trying to stop not only the election of Gods choice for president, but the harvest of souls . The Church must rise up against the very gates of hell. We will have victory. My prays are with you and your family in this hard time of your brother’s home going.

  100. Mary Vasser

    We are praying for your crusade and for the lost souls that will come each night. Those so called Christian leaders are coming against God, and shall meet their consequences. Stay strong God bless you and your ministry 🙏

  101. David Townsend

    I am going to help with the only weapons that I have that can reach you: faith, intercession and money. I live in East TN and I don’t know anyone in CA, but I’ll contribute what I have.

    It’s because I Kings 20:28 has gripped me. They say that the swing states are in contention, but CA is already lost to the Democrats. They say it is too leftist. Christians say it is too dark. All I can hear is “God is not the god of CA.”

    YES, HE IS! God is the God of CA, and OR, and WA and New York and all the other “dark states”. There will come a day where we will see “sheep” states and “goat” states, but it is not a settled matter yet! And this insult to Him will not go unanswered!

    Bless you and your ministry Mario!

  102. Maxine


    This army of true believers is praying for you and believing for the greatest supernatural move of God’s Spirit that you have ever experienced. The enemies, disguised as Christians, will not prevail. God is more than able to make your way prosperous and give you good success. Blessings my brother.

  103. Arnold

    What is worse, the people who claim to be believers and are not… or the believers who are anti-charismatic, anti-gifts of the Spirit who refuse to participate from a theological difference?

  104. Linda Lewis

    My husband and I are praying for you. We are song writers/ musicians/ vocalists/ video producers. We love Jesus., and know we are in a spiritual battle.Please watch this video we made. THE WARNING ,WHAT HAPPENED TO AMERICA

  105. Peter M. Shoares Jr.

    Hey Mario… Check out the KJV of 1 Corinthians 15: 52, this may be a 2 foŕ 1 sign of the not to distant future…You got this in Jesus Name… Luv Ya Pete

  106. Eddie Deyoe

    Mark 12:12 seems relevant “the religious leaders wanted to arrest Jesus because they realized He was telling the story against them- they were the wicked farmers. But they were afraid of the crowd, so they left Him and went away.” So we declare those leaders will be afraid of the crowd of witnesses of the truth and the crowds at the tent and repent or just simply go away in silence. We’ve been to the tent, wish we could this time too, but can’t. Will continue to intercede, though. We declare the persecution will bring more people to the crusade. God is ABLE.

    • Dennis Doud


  107. Phillip Hanna

    We have the power to bind and loose and I have taken that authority to bind all demonic activity against this great awakening! Will continue to pray and watch God show up and show out

  108. Dan

    Yes, church come to the meetings but be sure to bring a lost soul with you!

  109. Daniel Wheaton

    I will be praying for you and your team for a hedge of protection. I pray people will come to the LORD and that these religious fakes, frauds, imposters, and phonies will be exposed and stopped and that some or all of them get right with God.

  110. Doug Seacat

    Thank you for all you do and being faithful to our Father. I am praying for you, California and the body of Christ.

    “So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.”
    ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭15‬:‭58‬ ‭NLT‬‬

  111. Susan Seldomridge

    This reminds me of Matthew 22:1-10, the parable of the Wedding Feast. There were those who should have come but wouldn’t and even attacked the messengers. But God called those unexpected and they came and heard and feasted. Remember the Lord is mightier than our attempts and He will bring those who are meant to come. The volume of people is not as important as are the hearts of those who come who will be ready to give their lives to Jesus. After you and your staff have done what you are called to do, leave it in the Lord’s hand. He will act and move.

  112. John McDaniel

    Praying for you my brother, the enemy has gotten to the church and has poisoned the truth in them, these leaders will be held accountable, my prayer for them is that they wake up to what the enemy has clouded the truth with a lie. This tent meeting will be such a success simply because the enemy doesn’t want it to happen “ greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.

  113. Marilyn

    I will be praying for you and the suffering souls you seek to release into God’s eternal care. As a Catholic, I feel the same treachery from many in the Church hierarchy.

  114. Gary Horstman

    I pray, in Jesus’ name, that the Holy Spirit’s annointing will have such convicting and drawing power that people will be compelled to come to the tent anyway!! I rebuke these attacks and boycotts, in Jesus’ name! I pray that God will send a firey conviction on these so-called Christians to open their eyes to see their sin. May God touch Mario and his team with annointing, strength and refreshing, in Jesus’ name!!

  115. Mary

    Whether many or a few come each is precious to God. He will be pleased if just one were to come to Him for salvation, healing, comfort, deliverence, peace. Keep your eyes on Jesus and keep walking. Love and appreciate all that you do Mario. ♡

  116. Karen Graff

    Mario, I have been praying for you about your loss of your brother , Roger. May his memory be alive in you as you serve our Lord, Jesus.
    As for evil leaders trying to stop God’s work- well we know they can’t be successful 😉. I am praying for this campaign from WA state. We need you to continue your work for the Lord – praying for Holy Spirit to keep you strong and for the right people to attend the meeting in Tulare.

  117. Theresa

    No weapon formed against you shall prosper
    Isaiah 54:17

  118. Brenda Hanson

    Praying now. These modern day Pharisees will not triumph. Our God’s plans will not be thwarted. God bless and sustain you and the team, Mario!

  119. Patty

    The Word has gone out and will not return void! Praying eyes will be opened to the Pharisees of our time. Praying new godly leaders will arise to disciple the flock. Holy Spirit have your way. Nothing can stop what God has set in motion as along as we stand and belive. His word will not return void.

    Getting out the call….

  120. Marleen

    Brother Mario, praying against this assault and believing the Holy Spirit is working all things out. I am praying for your physical and emotional strength as well.

  121. sherry Cutter

    Bro keep up the Good Work, Salvation Glory and Honor belong to Our God,He knows what the people need 😊

  122. Christine Lake

    This is disgraceful. Bro Mario, do not be discouraged. I don’t live in CA but will alert our prayer group to intercede for a full house despite the attempts of the enemy.

  123. John Labriola

    I saw a comment asking for a list of the “Christian leaders” boycotting the event and I would like that list as well. If they are publicly opposing you, I want a published list of their names. Is that available?

  124. Cindy

    Praying that this will be the best crusade you’ve had yet! May this be the crusade of the most souls saved! Praying up in northern ME! God bless!!

  125. Mary Thompson

    I will be praying and interceding that this is ineffective and that people come.

  126. Bill and Wife

    When my wife and I back in 1989 were about to lose our home and everything because of a uncaring church in our lives and hardness of heart God allowed the great sf bay area Earthquake. Sadly it took lives but it was also deliverance. We will be praying about this situation??

    OCT. 26.2024




    The Last Supper.

    Bread and Wine.

    Community of Prayer,

    Thank you for praying!

    With a very heavy heart 2024 is turning out to be a very turbulent year of terrible events(Terrible heat waves, weather extremes,unrest,wars(WW 3??) and other events happening throughout the year.) that is shaking our civilization to the core. Manmade and Natural Disasters?? I am afraid that 2024,2025 and beyond will be even worse with more terrible events both man-made and natural disasters, that will continue to plunge our civilization into the New Dark Ages in the next few years!

    Pray for peace!

    The last 4 years is any indication we are in deep trouble as a civilization from 2024,2025… onward?

    Pray for peace!!

    Updated Prayer Request.

    Community of Prayer,

    Thank you for praying!

    Received sad news today( july 18.2024 that we lost a very close friend of ours.Life is so short!

    PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY with us for God’s Healing and Protecting Peace Now and in the Days ahead…Long Term! Still recovering from events in our personal lives of Family, Friends, Deaths(loss of our only son) and other sorrows and hardships from the past and Now! Pray for God’s healing and protecting peace Now and in the days ahead… 2024,2025…Eternal Rest. Especially in the terrible(New Dark Ages) times(2020’s) in which we are living in with the ongoing events.

    Pray for Peace!!!

    Long Term Prayer Request for God’s Healing and Protecting Peace in the months ahead?? Fall Winter Christmas 2024,2025…??

    Please pass on to others to pray in the Worldwide Community of Prayer. Urgent! Long term!!

    In His Eternal Rest.

    Bill and Carol. oh. usa


  127. Dennis Doud

    Tares is what they are, and God is separating the tares from the wheat. I am sorry I live so far away (Northeast Texas near Tyler, about 100 miles from Louisiana) but there is NO distance in prayer, I am praying. All I know is, this is the last hour we are in, and we MUST draw CLOSE to Christ because if we are spiritually lazy, I doubt we will make it. Brother, this is so shocking to me that those who say they are of the Body of Christ would really do something so atrocious. I am so sorry to hear this, and again, please know that I am praying that God will turn this around for we know God ALWAYS takes bad circumstances and makes something great/beautiful from it! God Bless!

  128. Sylvia Alvarez Goupil

    I’m praying for an overflow to attend the crusade and that every seat will be filled to capacity. May the mouths of your detractors be silenced in the name of Jesus. I pray many would come to accept Jesus and not be hindered by the words of the enemy.

  129. Karen Barber

    I have placed on my calendar the nights you will be ministering in California. I will be praying for you then and I am praying for you now 🙏🙏🙏

  130. Chris

    Standing with your ministry!

  131. Kathy Broussard

    Nothing is too difficult for God!! I am standing in agreement with you, Brother Mario!! God is faithful!! Praying for you and your team!! Praying for lost souls, miracles!!

  132. Cynthia Sampson

    2 Kings 6:16-18– Fear not, for they that be with us are more than they that be with them. This verse was brought to my mind when I read this blog today. Unseen armies of GOD’s warrior angels are surrounding you, Mario! They will fill the tent to overflowing. Unseen by we humans but sent there by GOD. FEAR NOT

  133. joanna avila

    Brother Mario, Isaiah 54:17 No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
    And every tongue which rises against you in judgment
    You shall condemn.
    This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
    And their righteousness is from Me,”
    Says the Lord.

  134. Sally

    Why aren’t they for President Trump!? Are they for the abortionist? Praying for you Mario 🙏

  135. Erin

    In your brokenness, I know that God has something MIGHTY planned! I am going to be praying for you this week. You are the one true mouthpiece of God in this chaotic times. I don’t know anyone personally in California, but I will be sharing this and challenging others to share it! I am praying for HIS STRENGTH to fill you, for His will and voice and heart to be spoken loudly over the hate and boycott! Keep going brother, we are supporting you!!! We will hold up your arms when you can’t. Thank you Mario for all you do!

  136. Patricia Jeter

    I have a problem calling these Christian leaders “Christian”. They sound like the ones Paul warned the churches about ( false teachers). If they are abortion pushers or support abortion pushers they need to go back to Jesus and repent. Jeremiah ch 1 tells of God forming him in the womb. God knew him before he was formed. Don’t believe that was just Jeremiah but all people formed in the womb. God has a plan and they miss the plan.

  137. Jeffrey Meyer

    I am praying for you and for a great move of God at the tent crusade.

  138. Renata Childs

    Dear Mario, have been praying for comfort and peace regarding the going home of your precious brother. I live in Canada and am unable to be there but will be praying. The gates of hell will not prevail against the church nor these upcoming meetings. Praying for many many souls to come to Jesus and for healings etc. to be manifest abundantly. You are doing an amazing work and I think of Paul when he said “Your Grace is sufficient for you”. The Lord is with you in a mighty way with His Power and Anointing. Appreciate all that you are doing…Blessings and Love….

  139. Walter Guy

    You are dealing with the Institutionlised Religious System (IRS) that is only interested in building itself. Jesus and Paul warned that we would face such. This is exposed in my last book THE OTHER CHURCH.

  140. Trish Lucilla

    My thoughts and prayers are with you, just last night at our Online Healing Summit with Pastor Tim Sheets, Oasis Church in Ohio there was a powerful words for the West Coast (Ca) I do not recall the Pastor who spoke the word
    But be encourage, The Lord has a plan and purpose for this coming Sunday Night, HE will bring those who need to be there, The Lord see your sorrow and he will use in such a powerful way, Stand Firm and believe for those miracle of souls coming to Jesus, and His healing power set the Tent on FIRE in the Holy Spirit, and His Glory fill the Tent with His Glory Clouds Let us all pray these Christian Leaders will repent before its to late

  141. Annette Conwell

    As Solomon said, “There is nothing new under the sun”. This is just more tactics of Satan to try and stop the mighty move of God for California. Mario, may the God of all comfort comfort you with His tender love and peace. So thankful your brother was saved and that you will spending eternity together. Am praying God will expose the “false leaders” for what they are so others won’t be deceived. They have been enticed by the enemy, but they still have a choice. They can choose to repent and turn back to God or not. It will be very bad for them if they don’t repent – “Depart from Me I never knew you” would be a terrible thing to hear from Almighty God. We’re praying for a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit, that many lost souls will be saved and for healing as well as comfort for you and yours during this time of grieving. “No weapon formed against you shall prosper!”

  142. Carol

    Deuteronomy 31:6

    I’m praying and believing that God will show Himself MIGHTY in the midst of the devil’s attempt to hinder the work of God.

  143. Sarah

    Holy Spirit, I ask that you cover Pastor Mario with the full armor of God
    The girdle of truth that you words goes forth and that many will be touched and turn to you
    The breastplate of righteousness that you guard his heart and fill it with your encouragement,
    The shoes of peace that your words given by Pastor Mario speak your desires for the people and that many will be drawn to your love and mercy.
    The shield of faith that in your strength he goes forth and brings the truth of your love to the lost and needy. Build up his faith in the time of sorrow.
    The helmet of Salvation surrounds his mind as you place Warring angels around him to protect him and direct his thoughts and words.
    The Sword of the Spirit, Lord. let his words be a light in that dark area and the leaders of the churches there will be convicted and turn to you,
    In Jesus mighty name AMEN and AMEN

  144. Debra

    Well then they will vote for the very evil Kamala who hates them. We now see the counterfeit church who has no discernment by the Holy Ghost. Judgement awaits for them also. They will be partnered with all the human crimes from this mob government. So sad. But the tares are being exposed.

  145. Cynthia Alexander-Williams

    I’m praying for you and the Tent Revival from Maryland. As the word says ” we are not fighting against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places”. We have prayed and fasted for a long time for God’s will to be done. He will not allow the Devil to destroy the work being done for His Kingdom. ” His mischief shall return upon his own head, and his violent dealing shall come down upon his own pate” (Psalm 7:16, KJV), In Jesus Name. Be of good courage-God’s got this!!!!

  146. Joy & Dan Copenhaver

    Deár Brother Mario, we in Arizona are praying with you for a mighty harvest of souls .We were blessed by your meetings in Phoenix. God willl visit Tullare too despite the persecutors! We bind the power of the evil one in Jesus Name. May these ones be convicted. Dan & I were saddened & send our condolences on the ‘graduation’ of your dear Brother. Our loss is Heaven’s gain and we will all meet someday in a great reunion. God bless you & may the meeting be miraculous!
    In the mighty Name of Jesus, Dan & Joy Copenhaver

  147. Linn Kelly

    I have to admit The first thing I thought was, I believe it was Peter. I could be wrong and fire down from heaven and burn them. I had to laugh and knew God wouldn’t do that. I know there will not be one empty chair in that tent tomorrow night. What I sense in my heart and spirit may be a moment like Gideon’s army. The moment when God does the most miraculous miracle, angels will sit in those chairs. They will see people. God is not going to leave one chair empty. We serve an awesome God. They think that they have won. They believe that they have destroyed the crusade. GOD’s army on this earth for such a time as this, US, WE, have come together, knowing the authority Christ has given us to pull down the strongholds, principalities, and powers. We are not fighting flesh and blood here. Satan is using people, but that’s not who we’re fighting. Not the left. The principalities and powers control them, and we know we must rise; we had enough. We’re not going to take it anymore. We’re standing our ground. We’re moving forward. We’re taking that ground. Our feet are shod with preparation of the gospel of peace. We are like Joshua every place. Our foot touches is for the kingdom of God, no matter where we live; when I put on my armor, I live in the state of Washington; everywhere I step is for the kingdom of God. When I drive my car, I ask the Lord to anoint the wheels on my car, and they become my feet shot with the preparation and the gospel peace; if I can’t walk it, I drive it wherever I go in the state of Washington is for the cut where the kingdom of God I’ve been doing this for years. We are known as the most pagan state in the United States.
    I want to see that I want to see it have gone to churches and I’ve asked h
    the pastor I want to see the book of ACTS and they just look at me and smile. Though the years I am have became a Pentecostal. Only God has done that I’ve never gone to a Pentecostal church but I am Pentecostal. I have seen healings. To God be the glory. God has healed me of cancer just by praying and asking him to , To God be the glory HE healed my thyroid three times of cancer. I have documentation. He healed my kidneys from one step away from being on dialysis to God be the glory. The word of GOD says ,You have faith of a mustard seed. You can move mountains when my children and grandchildren had to take that vaccine just to keep their jobs , I asked the Lord how do I pray? The Holy Spirit told me exactly how to warfare over them exactly the words to say I went to my son-in-law‘s home because it was his home. I asked to have authority in his home. He said yes and I did warfare over them , and took care of all that crap that was put in that vaccine because the devil was not going to have my family. I knew in my heart, my spirit that was a depopulation vaccine I went off subject now I’m sorry but like you’re telling the masses you gotta know your authority , it’s time to use your authority. It’s time to pray different. You put on your armor you draw your sword, which is the word of God and you don’t just stand anymore. You do like David did you going to Ziklag, which is the enemies camp one thing I’ve learned about your shield , which is faith I asked the Holy Spirit to anoint my shield with his oil. Then I tilt into the SON of God and it blind the enemy when I go into his camp and you could be anywhere that God sends YOU and they’re blinded by the anointing of the Holy Spirit that you in your faith , and you’ll be told by the HOLY SPIRT WHAT the principal and demon hell you’re gonna fight who you’re gonna take out who you’re gonna take down the army of God and God goes before you you don’t have to be afraid. The only one you have to. Fear is the fear of the Lord.

  148. Valerie Raymond

    I am here to volunteer waiting and have already encountered the Holy Spirit begin to move and heal and break chains in my own life and in the room. Satan is the accuser or the brethren. Jesus is alive, here and now.

  149. LouAnne Klitzke

    I am also praying for this! As the word says the battle belongs to the Lord! Go in the power of his might as Todd always says. Praying for extra abundant strength especially of the personal circumstances. I believe in Yah and he has not called you to this to fail you or let you down now. The devil is a liar and I pray for the release of these people that he has swayed to his side they will be lost! I can not believe we lead people to the very one and later they turn and work against him. This world is spiraling down into crazy and it just keeps blowing our minds. But we must take heart and know if Yah before us who can be against us! Keep fighting the fight of faith and know you have an army of all of us holding you up in prayer and standing with you. We love you brother! LouAnne

  150. Diane

    We lift our shields of faith, and swords the Holy Spirit wields over this event and everyone involved. We declare victory in every area of finance, attendance, and agree the glory I’d the Lord will be seen. We pray conviction on these pastors for operating in their flesh. We stand with you, and having done all, stand. The glory of the Lord shall be seen.

  151. Valerie Mott

    “ Receiving money from leftist groups to carry on their boycott.”

    My GOD.

    We are witnessing such separation… May His True Bride arise.

    May the grace of God astound you with His great strength as you move forward in this. Much peace and comfort upon you and yours, MM!

  152. Christina Britt

    Let them Boycott. God will move in a mighty way when it is about lifting Him up and not numbers. Think of the upper room. People will be drawn to the Fire that will fall when we focus on Him and not the storm. God deserves the attention and glory. You don’t need Christian Leaders you need the One and Only Leader. Every knee will bow and every younger will confess.

  153. Therese schmuck

    Praying for Jesus to be glorified and people who need salvation and healing will come! Lord send your helpers ! Father God be exalted!!!

  154. Susan Seifert

    First, I pray God bless Mario’s ministry and outreach, and also may God comfort him with the loss of his brother. I pray that God will cause the plans of the Enemy of our souls to backfire. In spite of the attempt to prevent people from attending this event, I pray many will come out there! May there be eternal fruit out there!
    Now, I am very saddened by what is happening in the body of Christ, nationwide. Back in 2016, groups of Christians formed who were opposed to Donald Trump being president. Rumors went out and people in the church bought into them.
    There also were many notable Christians who are in the spotlight who vehemently oppose Donald Trump, and sadly, they have had a great influence in the church today. I would even go as far as to say that these supposed Christians are also suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.
    There is a book out by Megan Basham called, ‘Shepherds for Sale’ telling about notable Christians who have bought into the lies of the woke ideology and social justice. These Christians also will tell you that no Christian should ever vote for Donald Trump and many of them will be voting for Kamala.
    If anyone can figure out this logic, let me know. I will never understand how true believers in Jesus Christ can have such hatred in their hearts for someone, and how they can believe the lies that are being told by untrustworthy people in authority. Where is the discernment? It’s like a virus affecting the church and it is harming to the cause of Christ and to the future of our country.

  155. James Chupp

    God Bless You Mario…. THIS WILL BE YOUR GREATEST VICTORY!!!!!!

  156. Jean

    I read the link above, on a comment, about perils in ministry. With others, May I encourage you!? Also, I imagine people that care about you are also saying “rest!” I agree with them. Rest in the Lord in the darkest hours! The Mighty God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the Father of the Lord Jesus is Mightier than Metrics! While your closest workers on the team are doing/have done their part, Jesus wants loads to be cast on Him. Worry weakens. God bless you as others pray for this tent meeting season! May His name be lifted up! Whatever the number, God knows each one who will be there. He blesses through a few or many.

  157. Jodi Porter

    I am praying! Our God is a God much greater and more powerful than these pastors who lead their flock astray. If the sheep are being scattered by these shepherds, then GOD will gather the sheep to Himself!

  158. Billy Wilkinson

    Have a mandate to Pray for pastors.

  159. Scott Robson

    My heart aches with you, my brother! And at the same time, I too, am stirred to stand and fight! Fight! Fight! Jesus will be glorified. Jesus will get the victory. As is said, the greater, the resistance, the greater, the breakthrough! Continuing to pray for you, your family, and your team and for laborers.

  160. Mills

    Thank you so much! All of us are with you holding up your hands of obedience, worship, and prayer to our precious Savior, Jesus Christ, our Abba Father, God Almighty and our precious Holy Spirit. Blind eyes will open, the deaf with hear, the lame shall walk, digestive systems, nervous systems, endocrine…. will be healed by the Stripes of Jesus. “be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might.”

  161. Kari

    Praying from Norway.
    Stay strong in this storm.
    The Lord is preparing a table before you in the presence of your enemies;
    He anoints your head with oil and your cup runs over. The victory will be great.
    God bless you all.🙏❤️

  162. Robin Seaton

    The scripture came to mind that when Jesus gave the parable about the wedding banquet invitations being declined, the head of the banquet said, “Fine, go and bring in the lame, the broken, the blind… invite them to my banquet.”

    So Lord if many are giving excuses not to accept your invitation to meet you, bring those outcasts who long to be invited. Fill the stadium with the broken and lame, the addicts and the suicidal. You decide who comes and show your glory and grant your life to them. Please. In Jesus’s name, amen.

  163. Willett Amie

    “Only with mine eyes shall I Behold and See the Reward of the Wicked” ⚖️✝️
    First, we hope that these that have chosen to Fight Against Christ, will ask for this Ministry’s forgiveness and ask the Lord to forgive their trespass.
    Christians being a stumbling block against other Christians; can there be a more perverse action against the Body of Christ?
    There will be a Great Shaking‼️
    There will be Falls in the 🍂 Fall‼️

  164. John Adams

    I agree with naming names. Didn’t you even say this when you showed how Paul told Timothy in 1 Timothy the 2 names that were opposing him. And again in 2 Timothy 4 Paul says Alexander did him much harm. I believe this a further splitting and exposing of the body of Christ in America of who really belongs to him and who are leftists masking as sheep.

  165. Lisa wright

    Good morning Mario, As I read about this The Words of God came to mind… Isaiah 53: 1 Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed. ? ( the rest of that chapter is good too) Romans 10:14. How then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believes in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?10:15 and how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news! Jeremiah 17: 14. Heal me, Lord, and I Will be healed; save me and I will be saved for you are the one I praise. God called you and you must answer. God gives you what you need when you need it . Satan is afraid and knows he must try and stop what ever he can or he will lose ground. Well News Flash Satan has no ground to stand on because the earth is the Lords and everything in it. That ground is Holy. God knew what you were up against and what you are feeling right now. But Gods Got this and Satan knows it. Get ready for NO weapon formed against you shall prosper and EVERY tongue that rises up against you in judgement YOU shall refute it. So who’s report will you believe?

  166. Bob Blair

    Acts 13:44-45 This sounds like a similar situation. “And the next sabbath day came almost the whole city together to hear the word of God.”
    “But when the Jews saw the multitudes, they were filled with envy, and spake against those things which were spoken by Paul, contradicting and blaspheming.”

  167. Dawn

    The Apostle Paul was stoned, whipped, shipwrecked, beaten, imprisoned, sick, and martyred for preaching the gospel of Christ. Man up Mario. All you had was your wittle pride hurt.



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