The greatest man I have ever known has gone to heaven.
Diane Murillo, Roger’s beloved wife, broke the news to me that my brother died. She was feeling an immeasurable loss. Yet she was standing strong.
After she finished telling me, I headed straight to my prayer room. I was shocked and angry. This was the last thing I expected. It was devastating.
It took a few days for me to pray and compose myself. I am finally able to write about him. Only those who have lost someone they loved can understand how hard this is for me.
To say that I knew him all my life is an understatement. Roger Murillo was born only 11 months before me. We were what they call ‘Irish twins’.
My earliest story about him was when we were in opposite cribs. My mother told me how one night he stood up in his crib and cried, “Mom, will you please tell Mario to shut up!”
Since then, many have told me the same thing…but, Roger started it.
Only those who have lost someone they loved can understand how hard this is for me.
Growing up in the inner-city, Roger faced a lot of cruelty. Bob Pagent was a bully who was much bigger than my brother. Bob constantly targeted Roger. The surprise attacks were brutal. But things took a strange turn one summer.
It was the summer Roger announced he was going to play football. This coincided with a growth spurt of almost 3 inches. He lifted weights religiously. He ran sprints. He became scary strong.
Writers love to use the phrase, “as fate would have it.” Let me put it this way: The odds of what I am about to tell you happening are incalculable.
The Big Game against Sacred Heart High School arrived. I am the nervous little brother pacing the sidelines. Why? Because my brother is starting at defensive guard.
Right before he went in the game, he walked over to me with a wild grin on his face. “Watch who I am lined up against.” Sure enough, it was Bob Pagent. Yes, that Bob. Bob, who is now staring down the barrel of the new improved version of Roger Murillo.
Let me put it this way: The odds of what I am about to tell you happening are incalculable.
When the ball was snapped Roger laid him out. Bobby saw a lot of sky that day…and a lot of stars. Wherever Bob lined up, Roger lined up against him. Until Bob had to be helped off the field and did not return to the game.
Yes, I love Jesus. And do not believe in revenge. But this was satisfying.
Speaking of Jesus, this is how Roger met Him. One morning in October of 1964, Roger said to me, “I heard that you became a Christian.” I said, “Yes.” And Roger replied, “I am going to do the same thing.”
He surrendered to Jesus on his own. It was an irrevocable surrender. The impact was immediate. In fact, it was a miracle. The first evidence of that came in school.
Roger was struggling in high school. He was falling behind academically. But when he met Jesus it lit the pilot light.
“I heard that you became a Christian.” I said, “Yes.” And Roger replied, “I am going to do the same thing.”
He wanted to go to Seattle Pacific University, so he knew what he had to do.
The hand of God was on him to excel. He went from falling behind to graduating early.
He landed in a prestigious Christian university surrounded by students from well-to-do families. They had no idea that he often had no money for food and just a few changes of clothes.
Every year it took everything within him to stay in college. And he almost made it. Then he just ran out of money.
Soon he was called to the administration office. He knew that they were going to tell him there was nothing more they could do. He would have to leave.
Instead, a miracle happened. Hollywood would have turned down any script if it had this in it. They didn’t call him to notify him that he had to leave the school. It was just the opposite.
They told him that a woman from San Francisco had died and left an endowment for college students from our neighborhood. And so Roger graduated from Seattle Pacific University.
His courage was different from mine in many ways. In some ways it was greater. I was traveling and ministering in the public eye. He was privately conquering fear and holding on to a dream, facing the impossible again and again.
They told him that a woman from San Francisco had died and left an endowment for college students from our neighborhood.
His capacity for gentleness and forgiveness constantly put me under conviction. Then there was that smile. Yes, it could just light up a room. He probably smiled more in a month than I have in my entire life, and believe me, he smiled through some brutal times.
That is a lesson I am still trying to learn.
For years he served as a teacher in the kind of neighborhoods we grew up in. He even reversed the misfortunes of a Christian school. Making him the principal was the wisest thing they ever did.
He kept track of how my ministry advanced without a shred of envy. I, on the other hand, always envied his character. The authentic Christian man, living a genuine life. Always seeking knowledge. Smarter than me—that’s for sure.
It is said that when a great person dies, the measure of their life is the stories people tell about them. If everyone who was friends with Roger could speak now, the stream of stories would be endless.
I know they will complain about how much I left out.
The authentic Christian man, living a genuine life.
This is where people trot out the clichés like, ‘He was a devoted Father.’ I am not qualified to speak to that. That is for Adam and Michelle to say—as well as TJ and Bryant Friend.
What I can tell you is this: My brother is gone and I am broken hearted. He is now in the presence of the One he loved the most—beholding glory for which there are no words.
God has allowed me to know great Christian men like David Wilkerson and Oral Roberts. I have travelled the world only to find out after some years that the greatest man I ever knew was the one who grew up right next to me.
I miss you Roger. My trust is in God. He will help me understand why you are gone so soon.
Praying for you and all your family that the peace that passes all understanding surround you.
Oh dear Mario. My heart breaks for you at the sudden loss of your precious brother, Roger. I can feel your pain and know it well. I lost my son suddenly and tragically. I know how brokenhearted you are, but even in the midst of your immeasurable pain, Jesus is there with you, holding you in every moment. May the God of all comfort hold you in the palm of His hands and bring comfort and peace to your hurting heart. May Roger forever rest in eternal peace with our loving Savior. My love and prayers are with you today and in the days ahead. God bless you dear man of God.
Praying for you & family. To be with our Savior is all joy & peace.. I grieved the loss of my 27 year old granddaughter. We love you pastor
God bless you Mario! May God, Himself comfort you during this time! ❤️
So sorry to hear this. May God comfort you and watch over you.
I’m sorry. I’m praying that you have strength during this time of greiving. At least you know he’s going.
My condolences, losing my oldest brother a few years I can understand the hurt your heart is feeling. He was my hero also.
I pray for God peace that surpasses all understanding for you and his family.
What a beautiful tribute. This is the heart of God for family admiration. Rarely the case these days! So sorry for your loss!! 🙏
So sorry for your loss dear brother.
God bless you with the many fond memories you have held near to your heart. May your days be enriched at their every remembrance – just as your beloved brother would have you.
My prayers are with you, Mario. God bless you and comfort you as you miss your brother who was such a a great friend and inspiration.
Love u Mario, our hearts are with you!
What an absolutely wonderful account of his life. Mr Murillo was my daughter Maralise’s math teacher. He was sent by the Lord to Valley Christian for sure. He had a tremendous impact on our daughter, and we will never forget him. We just saw him at her high school graduation party this July and it was such a blessing. Our prayers for strength and peace are with you and the entire family and with Diane, whom we also love and adore.
Mario, God’s had been poured out through you for His son and your brother. What a beautiful capture! Personally, it touched very cord and brought his life and existence to bear a great loss even for me who only just learned of him. What an amazing brother, friend and even so now, though he has left us and is now resting awaiting the Lord’’s return, the Lord himself says this about those whom He takes before their time: in Isaiah: “Good people pass away; the godly often die before their time. But no one seems to care or wonder why. No one seems to understand that God is protecting them from the evil to come. For those who follow godly paths will rest in peace when they die.”
Isaiah 57:1-2 NLT
May the Holy Spirit wrap Himself around you and comfort you during this time of grief. The peace that surpasses all understanding be released over you and your loved ones.
Dear Brother Mario and family, my deepest sympathy for your loss of your Brother Roger ❤️.
Thank you for sharing him with us . My prayers for you and your family 🙏🏻 for peace, rest, and strength in your time of grief.
Very nice tribute to your brother there are a lot of men who like to have that said about them
Bro. Mario, I’m so sorry for the loss of your brother. My prayers are with you and your family. Love you and your family.
I am so sorry to hear about your brother passing.
I remember Roger, and you as well, from Resurrection City days.
Bless you, and may you be comforted by his memory, and trust in the day you will be reunited.
Dear Mario, following you from Cape Town, South Africa. I pray Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit may show you a split second of Roger in heaven. HE showed me my brother in law, without me asking, years later I Plead that HE would show my mother of 92….. HE DID. My husband of 81 accepted JESUS aloud on 9 July 2024 and went to heaven on 13 July 2024. Yet no vision.
May God comfortv as only He Can. Very sorry to hear of brother’s passing. God is near to thosecof a broken heart.
Dear Mario, I’m so sorry for the loss of your precious brother! He sounds like the best brother and friend ever and I’m sure you will miss him everyday! Praise God that Roger is with Jesus now…safe and sound! Praying for you Man of God! 🩷🙏
Amen. Our deepest condolences.
Mario, love hurts!! But what a gift it is. God gave you a beautiful brother to share your life with and to love. I pray for your comfort and memories that bring you joy.
This is a wonderful tribute and I thank you for being so real and genuine even in your sorrow. Honesty and openness bring people closer to Jesus through your life. It brings me comfort to know that you are able to be open about your pain. I am praying 🙏 for you and your family.
Wept for you as you shared this news with Todd can understand the real greif you are experiencing as my precious husband of 64yrs married passed recently and noone can understand the pain unless they have experienced it l have wept and prayed for you dear brother
l know you will be comforted by Holy Spirit as well as understanding the pain of being separated from a loved one
Always blessed by your God given ministry
Stella Melbourne Australia
A beautiful tribute to your brother.My sincere condolences to you and your family.Praying for you to be comforted by the Comforter during your time of sorrow.
I am so very sorry for this huge loss in your life. Grief is so difficult. Your brother sounds like he left a powerful, godly legacy and someday, you will never have to say goodbye to him again. I will pray for you & your loved ones. May Jesus comfort you in this time.
Dear Mario. Even as you grieve the loss of your beloved brother Roger, there is such joy in heaven. God walks beside you, holding your hand and filling your heart with His Love and “Peace which surpasses all understanding.”(Phil. 4:7) Shalom
We are praying for you and your family.
God bless and protect you, Mario!
Oh dear brother, I am so sorry. As one who loves you and one you probably will not meet til Heaven, I ask the Lord to let me hold your heart together for an instant right now. Holy Spirit will take it strongly and not let it break completely. I know. Because I thank you for unknowingly holding my heart in Colo. Spgs, in summer of 2023, after my sweet husband died suddenly. I’m praying for your heart now, knowing I’m really doing something in return for my brother.
A beautiful tribute to your brother Mario Murillo. I know the pain you are feeling I lost my dad my best friend 9 months ago yesterday when I was there at the tent crusade and you talked about your brothers passing that brought tears to my eyes as I also lost a dad that I truly loved and now I sit hear heart broken without my dad my condolences to you and your family sending prayers.
I feel so much the same as you about my beloved sweet amazing little sister 3 years my junior. Her smile…her sharing Christ…her warmth her loving and teaching children. Her love and care of family. Gone to soon unexpectedly. I don’t understand. One day we will see clearly. Now we see dimly. I miss her with all my heart.
So sorry for your loss, Brother Murillo! You two were like twins almost: I have 3 children born that close and they were best buddies through the good and bad! May the Prince of Peace grant you His Peace, not as the World gives, but as He alone can give; that Peace that passes our understanding! God Bless and Keep you and your loved ones in His tender, loving care always!
Father God
Bring comfort and peace to this precious man and family in Jesus name
Oh my! My heart is breaking too and I don’t know either one of you. You have a way with words Pastor Murillo. God bless you Roger and Mario Murillo.
Im So Sorry to hear about your Brother May he Rest in Peace GOD BLESS Your Family in JESUS✝️❤Name Amen
I am so sorry to hear of your brother’s passing…praying for comfort of Holy Spirit upon you and your family…🙏🙏
My heart goes out to you and your family. My sister and I are 12 months apart. I was born in her first birthday. She used to tell everyone I was her first real babydoll. She died June 7, 2024. The depth of loss is indescribable but I know I am going to see her again. The heartache doesn’t go away. We just compartmentalize it differently. My prayers are with you.
May his memory be a blessing and inspiration to you and all who knew him.
Oh my gosh! I am so sorry for your loss! Heaven has gained a treasure but I know your heart hurts. The Lord ministered this to me when my daughter died, our goal is to go to heaven, whether we’re 9 or 90, that is the goal, and she reached her goal. 😊 Love you, brother, and I’m praying for you.
Prayers.I know how you feel i lost my Sister in August A bro.this feb.God will give you the keep ministering the gospel.
So sorry for what you are going through. I am so blessed by your ministry and will be praying for you as you go through this journey of loss! The greater they are, the harder it is! God has you!
I am sorry for your loss, Mario. I am praying for you and your family.
I pray God’s peace, love, and mercy carries you through, and through, and through. Like only he can.
Oh Mario – I am so very sorry for the loss of your dear brother. I know this horrible pain first hand. It can be crushing & suck the breath right out of you – but God. I lost my baby sister to covid in 2021. It was brutal. But – she was a believer so I know she is now safe with Jesus! My only consolation. I pray that Abba Father will wrap His loving arms around you as only He can. Thank you for sharing just a tid bit of your brother. Sounds like a good man! Prayers for you & all who loved him!
A beautiful tribute you have given to your brother! It beautifully depicts the generosity of spirit you both gave each other over a lifetime. The evangelist and the educator each fought the Fight singly and ltogether as brothers–brothers twice over! May the Lord sweetly comfort you, Mario, as only He can. Heaven is real. Youll see Roger again!
Mario, I am so sad for your loss. I have lost both my parent and my only sister and my oldest dearest brother. He was like a second father to me. Thank you so much fir telling your brother Rogers’ story. May God heal your heart. I chill pray for you. Love Bill
I so understand Mario. I lost my husband last January snd felt like my heart was breaking His death was sudden as well. I just couldn’t understand but God in his great mercy has worked tirelessly with me to not only bring me back but to make me so much better than before. You’re a strong and determined man of God sweet brother and I believe healing for you will come fast. My prayers are with you and your family
Mario, what a beautiful eulogy. What a wonderful man of God your brother was. I am so sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and Roger’s wife and family.
By the way Destiny Christian Church of Rocklin is my home church. When are you coming back to see us?
So sorry Mario and I love the story of His football moves sounds like a wonderful man and because of u came to know Jesus.
Sorry for your loss so soon
I am so sorry Mario to hear of Your loss of Your Brother.
Thank You for sharing Your heart with us About Him.
I am praying for the comfort of the Lord for You and Your Family until You see your Brother again in heaven forever.
Dear Mario, It’s 1:28am as I finished reading about your Beloved Brother. Thank you for sharing about his Life!
I too have felt the sting of death by the loss of my husband April 18,2024. He had cancer and we were believing for complete healing. He fell and died of blunt trauma to his head. My husband Al is with our three year old son in heaven. To top it off my beloved pet died recently from a mysterious wound on his leg and we believe he had a heart attack out of fear.. I was out of town when this happened and I had hired people to watch Big Boy the cat day and night…
It is the Biggest of Gods Love, and His Character that holds me steady. God Allowed this, but Satan came in and stole these loved ones…
I’m limited in my understanding …but I Choose to Believe that what Satan has meant for evil, God will turn these lossses and all the other losses I’ve experienced for good. Life is short for all of us…We are just passing through …
Let’s go out giving The Lord Jesus a Sacrifice of Praise for Who He is and what He’s done for All of us.. You Brother is Safe in the arms of Jesus and we will see our loved ones soon…. 🙏💕Leona
Mario, that was the loveliest obituary I’ve ever read.
I know the pain of the loss you feel, having lost my mama when I was 5 years old and losing my youngest of four sons.
It’s the most unwelcome separation, to say the least.
The ONLY silver lining to death is the hope and/or belief that we will be reunited in glory one day. All thanks to Jesus.
I extend my sincere condolences to you and your brother’s loved ones.
Your brother, Roger, is now experiencing the most ultimate of peace and unfathomable love.
So sorry for your loss Mario. Our love and deepest condolences to you and your family. You will be together again. This is the hope we have. In Christ 🙏
So sorry for your deep loss, Mario. May the Holy Spirit comfort you abundantly at this difficult time… as only He can. Blessings. ✨🕊️
I extend to you and your family my deepest condolences & praying for you all. Thank you for sharing your story. God promoted my Mom to heaven some months ago & I wonder if she has gotten to meet your brother who you have spoken so highly of.
I’m sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry for the loss of your brother . I know the feeling of loosing a brother mine too was a good man he was only 38 . I pray Gods peace and comfort to you as only the Lord can do .
Our hearts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.
I am heartbroken for you Mario. Please know that you have my deepest sympathy. I’m sure that Roger would also call you the greatest man he ever knew. Praying for peace for you brother, be still and know …
Beautiful tribute to your brother, I would have loved to know him.
Such a compassionate story of life in its entirety entwined with poignant reminders of who we were and who we became it is a classical charactization of innocence growing up as a child to becoming an adult.
Most importantly and sadly there are not much references or real life stories attributed to siblings let alone brothers.
Thank you Mario for sharing I’m blessed in such a way as I’m already through the grace and mercy of our father in heaven rekindling our brotherly relationship with my one and only younger brother glory to God.
Only the hand of God can bring healing restoration and peace.
May God give you strength through this difficult time.
Your brother is in Paradise now surrounded in Love and Peace that surpasses all understanding.
God bless you Mario.
I am Thankful that Holy Spirit is with you and for you M.M. I am asking how to pray for you. May Jehovah Shalom show Himself within the confines of your wonderful soul be-loved brother…..
I am so sorry. Mario.
My brother went to be with the Lord last year. There are giants and then there are giants. Tom was one of them like Roger and I know they’re worshiping endlessly together even as I write. All glory goes to God. Thank you, Mario for sharing.
My condolences on the loss of your brother Mario, I too was devastated on 20th October 2024 to learn of my own brothers unexpected passing. My brother was living in another country but was due to visit family together with his wife. We were preparing for their arrival soon. A humble, unassuming loving man, gone in a flash. Our hearts broken – I will never know if he was a Christian and this breaks my heart.
May the God of all comfort pull you into His arms right now.
May the Holy Spirit comfort you Mario and your family
God bless
Love from Angela
Handsome Smart Major + Brother Roger Knew What The Holy Spirit Wanted Him To Do To Excel: Therein And Thereof ….
An R.W. Schambach Testimony OF A Loved One. At The Funeral OF RW’s Relative, He Was Rejoicing As Only RW Could Be And Do. He Spoke He Was Happy And Rejoicing As He Stated, His Relative IS Rejoicing In Heaven And I’m REJOICING With His Relative And Others: In Heaven.!
Condolences ~ Reyna
I’m so sorry for your loss bro. Mario, I’m sure he was a great a man as you are. You are not in this alone. You have many friends and loved ones, but most of all you have God. The giver of life. Prayers for you and the family.🙏🙏🙏🙏 God bless your upcoming revival.
Mario, I am so sorry for your loss. Losing people that we love is never easy, I pray that you the find comfort that only Jesus can bring and hope that you will be with him one day worshiping the savior that you both love For all eternity! God bless you my brother! Keep fighting the good fight!
Mario, I am so sorry for your loss. You painted a beautiful picture of your brother’s spirit for us. He was one of God’s masterpieces. Thank you for sharing him with us. Praying for God’s peace & joy for you and your family in the midst of mourning.
What beautiful words if live for your brother.,My heartfelt condolences for your loss of this Christian Icon and brother. May the memories support you at this time. He had a great family and legacy. Sending love and hugs.
I’m so sorry for an off your loss. True prays for comfort and peace.
I’m sorry, Mario. This is a beautiful tribute to your beloved brother.
May our Lord and Saviour comfort you, strengthen you and console you Mario. You inspire so many to boldly persevere in our walk of faith. Praying for you.
Oh, Mario, I’m truly sorry to read of your dear brother’s passing. I lost my mother and a sister and brother within months of each other, so my heart understands your heart ache and pain. I pray that you and all of your family will feel the tender care and love of our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS. You are in my prayers.🙏💔🙏
I am sorry for your loss. True prayers for comfort and peace.
Yes indeed sir Mario. I lost my brother to Parkinson’s disease because of doctor’s incompetence. That was in 2019 and I still have not gotten over it. I will tell you that time will heal your hurts for sure. Jesus has given me forgiveness for the doctors involved. Yet, when I go to a doctor, I have my antennas up and one eye closed. God bless you sir.
I am sorry for your loss. I have a brother in Heaven I never met. Richard died when he was a baby my parents first child. I sometimes ache for someone I haven’t met yet but I will when I get there. I am 58 so I only have about 58 to go. Roger seems like a wonderful man. The Lord is near you Mario. Like you I need to smile more. Ty for sharing about your brother. It is a loss but I don’t believe we can get lost in Heaven. God bless you and your family in Jesus name. Peace.
Brother Mario Murillo I am so sorry for your loss I am praying
for you and your family to receive the strength and comfort that is needed in these difficult times, I have been there many times and I know how painful it is only God can give you peace but the memory will be there forever, I finally did learn that we are in this world but not of it and we know our birthday
date but God is the only one that knows the date that he calls us home and that is the
date that we have to leave just like now with the rapture, it’s coming for sure but no one knows the date and the time
his only concern is to tell us to
be ready. Brother Mario I preach this to my children because I will be 82 Nov, 25th
and I want them to expect the unexpected.. God bless you and your obedience to God’s
calling in your life, you have been one of the biggest blessings of my life, Amen and Amen.
My sister went to be with Jesus 3 yrs ago. I feel your sorrow. Praying for you. Thank you for sharing.
I am so sorry to hear that your brother has passed on. When our loved ones pass on, we have to remember the great family reunion /celebration that they walked into on the side. They are more alive in Heaven than they ever were here in this realm. Every time when I think about missing my loved one, I hear God say, “Trust Me….” I’m praying for Peace and Comfort for you and your family as you navigate through the difficult months ahead. God has not called you home yet, you have unfinished assignments. ♥️
That is precious Mario and such a testimony. God heal your wounds that a loss makes. So thankful we have the hope in Jesus of seeing our siblings again that loved Jesus. ❤️
God , thank you that Roger was placed in Mario’s life in such a powerful way. Hold all the people that are grieving over Roger in your loving arms. In the name of Jesus
What a wonderful relationship to have had. A true brother in Christ. May God give you and your brother’s family much strength in the days ahead.
As I read you blog this morning I began to weap. I am so sorry for your loss and so happy at the same time for Roger who is in the presence of our Lord. I pray the Holy Ghost will minister healing to you and your family and help you understand God’s love in a new way.
Our most sincere condolences to you and all his family. May our Lord comfort you as only He can. Our Lord is King!
Mario, I am a senior Canadian who marvels at your life & path with Jesus, aren’t we all blessed to love Jesus,! Roger, your dear brother is at his destination praying from heaven May HIS holy comfort surround your whole family
No matter our faith, it hurts to lose someone you love. God understands that. I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s OK to be angry. Just don’t stay there and become bitter. We know only a fraction of the joy they have up there, so we can rejoice in that! God bless and comfort you Mario.
I am so sorry l am weeping for you
He looks like a lovely man. I will always follow your ministry. Keep telling the truth in his honor.
Well I am sorry for your loss I lost my brother which I was so close to I loved him so very much he came to know the Lord after me I was so happy so he is in heaven as your brother is but it is still hard
My sincere condolences on the loss of your brother, your best friend. The shock of sudden death of a beloved family member can’t be described, it’s hard to grasp. I, too, understand the pain of sudden, unexpected loss of a brother.
May the Lord of love, grace, and comfort continue to envelope your heart during these coming weeks & months as only a loving Father can.
My heart is sad, I am with you in the moment and lifting you up in pray.
My heart goes out for you at this time Mario, the pain you feel I am sure I have never felt so fully, even though I have felt many times, I am sure never as fully as you. I pray for you me and all of us standing strong in our faith in God and Jesus Christ our Lord. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Mario, that was a beautiful story of your love one. It made me think of my sister who is in memory care and how vital it is for me to get to her so I can read the Holy Scriptures to her, whether she knows who I am or not. Love you Mario Murillo and your ministry.
Very sorry Mario for your loss!
You were blessed to have such a wonderful inspiring brother.
Thank you for sharing I know your heart is broken ! 💔
Let his life inspire you in the days ahead 🙏
Sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and your family. May he RIP. I know that our Lord will grant you HIS PEACE AND COMFORT. God bless all of you. 🙏🙏🙏💜💟✝️
Mario we send our deepest condolences to you and your family. I too lost someone nearest to me and I can relate. I pray for peace and understanding for you and yours! God Bless and comfort you Man of God.
I have lost two brothers and know your pain. How wonderful to know we will see them again in glory!
Prayers for you and your family. I am so incredibly sorry for your loss 🙏 thank you so much for letting us know Roger through this post. God be with you.
I am sorry for your loss. Mario. We can take comfort in the one who floods us with the perfect peace that passes understanding.
My deepest condolences to you and your family Brother Mario
Thank you Mario for sharing your family pain. Your brother will be having a Grand Time and with our world going the way it is hopefully because of the Rapture we will all be seeing loved ones soon. God Bless you in all your travels and revivals you are going to be doing in this season, keep safe and well and think often of your brother, you write wonderful blogs about things we should know about – Blessings Sharon
So very sorry for your loss Mario. Roger was an amazing man, brother, and devoted lover of Christ. Your love for him and what he means to you is captivating and precious. My prayers go out to you and your family
Condolences to you and your family
I am truly sorry for your loss (and Diane’s) but now God will carry you all the rest of the way home.
Oh Mario I am so so sorry…
As one. We are with you in your loss, Mario.
Dear Mario….
Nothing I can say will be adequate to address the grief and loss of your wonderful brother, dear Roger.
Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful stories
about this beautiful man of God.
Many ranges of emotions as I read about Roger…..crying, laughing and privileged in having just a glimpse of (as you say) “the authentic Christian, living the authentic
Christian life”. Maybe, the title
of a book (one day). 😊
This is very inadequate at such a time for you, but know that you are greatly loved by many
and from personal experience,
It does get better. Nothing is ever wasted with God.
Sandra 🙏
I am sorry for your loss. I see it and can experience it in your writing. May Jesus Christ comfort your heart and your family in only a way he can. 😒💝
God says 70 or 80 or until you’re satisfied. Your big brother is now face to face, and we will all soon be there. Forever with the Lord.
What a beautiful memory . I am sorry for your loss, but when you know your love one is in Heaven with Jesus the pain is lessened. I pray daily Mario for you, your protection, your health. I’m glad to have found you and your ministry. God bless you.
So very sorry for your loss. May God bless you and keep you strong.
May God comfort your grieving soul Mario. Praying for you. We grieve with you.
My heart breaks with you. Those stories of Roger brought him to life for me. What a guy. No other words.
I am sure he will enjoy hearing Jesus brag on you. He will enjoy seeing Jesus live as He is so proud of what you are doing.
What a love! What a brother! I know how you felt when you heard the news. I have felt that way but when you get old like me hearing they are with the one who gave His all for them there can only be rejoicing. I on the other hand ask the Lord why them and me.!
Prayers for you and your family. You are so loved by us. Mario. We are so sorry for your loss and praise God for the life of your brother
“Deepest condolences to you and your family”. Covering you in prayer Mario.
Father in the name of Jesus, you are the mender of broken hearts. Engulf Mario and his family with your unfailing love; give them your peace that passes all understanding in the mighty name of Jesus Amen.
So sorry for your loss.
So very sorry for your loos of brother & great friend.
Wont say much ,for words just won’t handle it.
Sometimes all we have is that God is good all the time and He ALWAYS knows what is best. As you begin to celebrate the life of your brother, please know there are so many of your brothers and sisters standing with you and your family in prayer.
I lost my brother 7 years ago at age 65. Unlike you and your brother, we were not super close. I’m not even sure that I grieved him properly. But just yesterday a song came on the “radio” and one line in that song hit me so hard that I was finally able to really grieve over him. The line was, “and I always thought that I’d see you again”. Reading your blog today makes me think that God allowed that to happen to me just so I could share it with you. What a blessing for you to have had the close relationship that the two of you had. My prayers are truly with you as you grieve the loss of your brother. And thank you for your ministry. One that I remember way back as a teen and now again so many years later.
May God grant you immeasurable peace.
Dear Mario:
I am so very sorry for your lost
I can feel the love you had for your brother through the words you wrote. I pray our Father gives you that peace that only He can give, that which surpasses all understanding
I’m very sorry for your loss Mario. I was so blessed to have been able to know Roger even if it was for just a little while. He came out of retirement to help our little Christian school last year. His class room was next to mine. I miss our conversations and the encouragement and wisdom he gave so richly. I’m very grateful for all he did. He was wonderful to work with. May Jesus give Diane, you and your family peace. God bless you all.
I am so sorry for your loss. I know the pain of that loss. May you find the peace and comfort that our Lord Jesus brings when we call on Him. Be strong and of good courage Mario. You are not now and never will be alone!
Thank you, Mario, for sharing your heart and your hurt. You and your family are in our prayers. Blessings brother.
Thank you for sharing his beautiful life with us. My prayers are with his wife and children and your entire family. God bless you.
My sincere condolences to you Mario,and your entire family, for the loss of your brother 🙏 😢 💔 Prayers of Comfort for you all
So sweet. So thoughtful & loving. Thanks for sharing.
Oh please God , I pray you comfort Mario the way you have me. Mario, I am so sorry for your loss. My Irish twin , my beautiful prayer partner ,my sister Sally was brutally murdered a few months ago by someone she met and tried to help. Except for the HOLY SPIRIT kindly showing me that she and Jesus are together I honestly could not bear it. The stream of love and stories about her came from those in her industry, natural health. The suddenness and the violence of this crime , this thievery by the enemy has caused me to go deeper into His word, to trust HIM even more and to declare ,’oh death where is your sting?’ Mario, we continue in the land of the living knowing that we will be reunited one day. You are so valuable to the body of CHRIST. PEACE OF GOD for you brother……He will keep you in perfect peace…..let’s go forward in Him for kingdom purposes . Much love and admiration, Hove
Our prayers are with you during this time, we are sad as well. Blessings today! So great to know he’s with the Lord, it still hurts beyond explanation. We continue to stand on the promises of God! Lamentations 3:21-25.
My condolences to Mario and your family as you grieve the lost of your amazing brother. May our Lord comfort you as only He can
during this very difficult time.
Rest in The Lord’s Peace knowing you (and all believers) will join
Roger in our forever home with our precious Lord Jesus at any time soon!
So sorry for your loss praying for you❤️
As your sister in Jesus, my heart aches for your great loss. He sounded like an amazing man, a precious brother to you. I pray for comfort, an healing in your broken heart .
So beautifully written. I’m so sorry for your loss! Let your grief and pain be your focus for as long as it takes. Your soul will thank you. Praying for your family. ❤️
What a BEAUTIFUL tribute to your brother! Thank you for sharing this and may the Lord strengthen you to continue reaching many for Him! May your thoughts be filled with His thoughts of peace and may you feel His presence and His GREAT LOVE wrapping you completely! I’m so sorry you had to say goodbye for now to your wonderful brother! Thank you for your BEAUTIFUL ministry, you are a tremendous inspiration and gift to the body of Christ!
What a beautiful story of you and your brother. Thank you for sharing.
So sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and your family. Sending prayers.
Brother Mario we are heartbroken with you! We want to thank you for sharing your heart, love and life with so many. We pray for your broken heart and also your family who are processing your loss. We love you and thank you for being a light even in this difficult time. Blessings over you our brother!
I am so sorry for your loss Mario! What a beautiful tribute..thank you for sharing your heart. Praying for you and your family
Love and blessings
Tonia King
Brother Mario, thank you for sharing this very private moment with so many people who care about you and your family! I felt like I knew Roger as you recounted your lives. Share in your loss. I am the youngest child of seven. My only and Big Brother went to heaven. It seems that no matter what we felt when they were here on Earth, all we can remember is they knew and loved wonderful they were, and that is absolutely all that matters! THEY LIVED WELL FOR THE GLORY OF GOD! I am praying for you and your family. God is with you. And I know how desperately you are holding on to Him. Rest in HIS strength! Your Sister in Christ, Dee
I am saddened for you and Roger’s families. I feel the hurt and devastation through your beautiful words. What Roger sowed will be reaped for generations to come. Roger’s life is a life and testimony well lived. What a blessing you have had each other as brothers. What a beautiful, impactful, heartfelt tribute to your brother, Mario. I’ve had 3 very close family members that have gone to Heaven in 2 years recently. Praise ABBA Father for the Hope we have to be reunited one day in Heaven! Praise His Precious Name Forever!
Praying for your family and your heart, Mario. You were truly given a special gift.
I am thankful to the LORD for giving you such a brother. May you meet again in heaven.
My sincere condolences to The Murrillo
family for the passing of Mario’s brother Roger Murrillo.
1 Thessalonians 4:14 KJV 14 For If we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them who sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
2 Corinthians 5:8 KJV 8. We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.
Psalm 23:4 KJV 4 “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”
Isaiah 46:4 KJV 4. And even to your old age I am he; And even to hoar hairs will I carry you: I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you.
I leave you with these verses which I take with me to my grave and the grave of our family, in The Love of Christ our Lord.
The Daniel O Peverini family.
So beautiful! Thank you for sharing this, Mario ❤️
I am so sorry that you have to go through this right now!!! I pray that HOLY SPIRIT would bumrush into this time and love you so perfectly that the pain would melt into miraculous feats for JESUS 🙏🙏🙏
Oh precious man that you are my heart goes out to you. Your brother certainly was a special man of God.
There will be joy in the morning. And a comfort in knowing that you will see your brother again.
Sorry for your loss, Mario. May Jehovah Shalom be near to you.
Dear, Dear Mario! So sorry to hear of the loss of your brother. He will be waiting to greet you one day with that beautiful smile. God bless.
I too have lost some great people in my life. More than I wish. But praise God I will see them again at the throne room! And so shall you! Praying for you Sir!
Dear Brother Mario,
I’m praying for you. I have three brothers in heaven. We just have to wait. They are all with the great cloud of witnesses. We will all sing together again!!!
I Love you, Brother! God is with you and He will never leave you!
We will be with our brothers eternally!
Holy Ghost comfort this brother as only you can.
I am sorry to hear about your brother’s death. May God be with your
and bless you with his supernatural peace. Love you Brother!!!!
Mario, I am sorry at your loss. May God really comfort you in the days ahead. Remember we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses. Be strong in the Lord and power of His might. Continue onward, be strong and very courageous, your God is with you. He sees every tear, every sorrow, but rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, because you will see him again. Wow, what a reunion that will be, Jesus and your brother.
The Lord is near to the broken hearted. May He comfort you Mario and all of the Murillo family.
I am sorry for your loss. I am rejoicing with Roger’s gain. What a beautiful tribute to your brother! May the Holy Spirit be even closer to you and your broken heart.
No words, or maybe one – beautiful.
Dear, Mario, you are in my prayers. I am so sorry for your tremendous loss. What a wonderful tribute you have written for your brother. May the God of all comfort strengthen and encourage you and your family, in Jesus’ name.
I’m so very sorry for your loss Mario. I will keep you, Roger, and your family in my prayers today. Please accept my condolences.
Fear not, Mario!
Roger is waiting for you ..
But you have much to do before you meet in Glory!
May God continue to bless & prosper your multi-faceted ministry.
YOU are now America’s Preacher .. as were Billy Graham & Oral Roberts in an earlier generation.
And Jonathan Cahn is America’s Rabbi.
I hope & pray you two have met and are best buddies.
Sincerely yours,
I am so sorry for your loss! Praying God’s comfort surround you in your grief.
Praying for you in your time of tremendous loss. May the God of all comfort be your daily portion.
He is whatever we need. Thanks for sharing as I sent your blog to a friend in Austrailia.who just lost her only brother
My husband and I are so very sorry for the loss of your brother. You and your family and his precious wife and children will be in our prayers. While we rejoice that our loved ones are in the presence of our precious Jesus, our hearts hurt for the temporary separation we face from them. May the Lord comfort each of you and cover you with His peace in the days ahead.
So sorry for your loss. Prayers that God’s presence will be overwhelming in your life at this time as He pours strength and comfort into your life that you never knew existed.
Dear brother Murillo,
Thank you for sharing your love in your heart for your brother and for the Lord. May God richly bless you with his peace that surpasses all understanding.
So very sorry, Mario, but what a wonderful, Godly man! His legacy will live on and truthfully, it won’t be that long before we are all reunited with those loved ones who have gone on before us to live in God’s direct presence. We’ll be praying for you and the upcoming Tulare event. We prayed over Catherine on Wednesday night. Praying that she and the team will be a big blessing to you this next week.
I am so sorry for your loss. Sounds good like Roger was the kind of brother everyone wishes for. Sometimes we question God as to why out love ones are taken so soon but it’s all in God’s plan.
Longing for Home
My dear child, I know your pain,
you feel the loss, but it will wane.
As you look into My eyes,
you’ll see your loved one by My side.
With him here I do rejoice,
I long to hear that from your voice.
It’s not goodbye, but see you soon,
In My house there is no gloom.
A time of grieving, you will need,
then get busy planting seeds.
I call many, “Come to Me.”
More like him I long to see.
In My house we celebrate,
For that day, you must wait.
Run your race, then come to Me,
Show the world, they can be free.
You’re in a race that you can win,
Won by those forsaking sin.
The finish line you just can’t see,
When you cross, you’ll be with Me.
Let your mouth be filled with praise,
As you finish out your days.
Heaven on earth should be your prayer,
Until you’re here, know, I am there!
David Bridgman
May the comfort of the Holy Spirit surround you and your family, brother Mario.
So sorry for your loss. Your brother sounded like a wonderful man of God who I’m sure was an inspiration to anyone who knew him. I sensed that not only by what you wrote, but also when I saw his picture. He is lucky to be in heaven now. May you find peace and comfort in your faith.
Mario, I lost my brother, and we were close in age also. He left too early, but is safe with Jesus. I understand this kind of pain. I will pray for you.
Prayers for your family, Losing a big brother full of God and integrity is so hard, You honored him well. We love you Mario your zeal for Jesus never giving up, blazing a trail always since the early days of seeing you come to New Covenant Ministries in Jacksonville, FL . I always loved that I would be mad after you preached because I wanted more fire and I
was settling for a more mundane church experience, I was saved in the Jesus movement in Cali came home to Fl and tried to lead my 7 catholic brothers to Jesus being the only girl who had become a Jesus Freak because of one trip to Cali. May our Father continue to rain on all you do, break out! break out! Holy Spirit confirm with signs following.
My heart hurts for you as I understand the loss. I lost both my younger brothers 3 months about this year. My hearts is broken.
I as well as you know that because they knew Jesus they met him immediately and we are blessed to know that, and yet we miss them!
His bless you and your family as you lean on Holy Spirit daily.
The beauty of Jesus in someone calls us to a higher place. Sorrow for your loss. Rejoicing at the beauty of your relationship that will last forever!
I’m so sorry for your loss. God is good greatly to be praised. It sounds like you were incredibly blessed to have this special relationship. God Bless you Mario
We are so very sorry for your deep loss Mario! May the love of our Savior Jesus Christ envelop you in a whole new way, and may He give you comfort, joy, and peace knowing that Roger is in His presence!
Dearest Mario, my heartfelt condolences to you. The loss of a loved one only God can carry us through the pain. A beautiful writing about your precious brother Roger. You will always miss him but you have beautiful, loving, amazing, fun, and many more memories of Roger that will be forever in your heart. With love and prayers to help carry you through this, A sister in Him, Linda
I am so sorry. Today you will experience the Comforter and Prince of Peace in a new way. What a blessing to have a brother like Roger.
I feel you , brother. Live in Christ.
I’m so sorry for your loss. I will look forward to meeting your brother in heaven 🕊️🕊️🕊️
My deepest condolences to you and your family. I pray God’s comfort and love be with you all through this difficult time.
I am so sorry for the loss of your brother. He is with Jesus and you will be with him again.
Psalm 34:18
Matt 5:4
The hardest part of loving is losing! My heart goes out to you!
Our greatest comfort is in the Holy Spirit and the eternal perspective that we have in Christ.
My prayers are for God’s comfort to be strong and constant
So sorry for your lost I will pray to the God of comfort for you and your family.
What a beautiful picture of God in a man who gave His all to God.
May his story of overcoming adversity stir others who have not had the blessings many are born with, encourage them that they too can overcome
Shalom my brother in Christ
So sorry for your loss, Mario. May Holy Spirit comfort you and give you strength daily. What a beautiful tribute. Your brother knew that you loved him.
I am praying that God’s comfort and peace be much, much greater than the pain of losing him in this earth, I thank God because we have this hope in Christ Jesus we will be reunited with our loved ones. We can only imagine what it is like to be in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ surrounded by His Glory…
Please pray that my children will surrendered their souls to Jesus soon.
I’m sorry for your loss. Praying comfort and peace of the Holy Spirit over you and your family in this difficult time. Amen.
What a beautiful tribute to your brother, Mario. He’s smiling down upon you now, and may that be comforting.🙏🙏
My Dear Brother in Christ,
I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved brother. I know your Comforter will carry you through this season of grief.
Mario, I follow your ministry with joy and I look forward to every blog. You have made an amazing impact on my faith by sharing the truth of God’s word, encouraging me to be bold and courageous in these time.
Love and prayers 🙏♥️
You were surely blessed with a wonderful brother. The scripture that comes provers 27: 17 17Iron sharpens iron So one man sharpens another..
It sounds like almighty GOD used both of you to sharpen each other for HIS GLORY. We never know why GOD takes someone we love and are so close to at a young age. Especially when God uses them the sharpest. I really understand your heart, my shoes may not be the same color, but I’m walking the same path. I remember daily the one that sharpened me. I will pray, for you are the peace passes all understanding for the comforter to come and comfort you Jesus to come in his arms around you to hold you see you can lean on his breast and his heartbeat. God bless you.
Numbers. 6:24-26
I could feel the pain of your loss through this beautiful tribute. I pray that God grant you the time and space to grieve and then to celebrate your brother’s life. Thank you for being so transparent with us. May our Comforter Holy Spirit hold you and your family close right now.
We pray for comfort and peace in your heart and mind, as you walk through this time of sorrow. What wonderful stories! Your tribute to your brother gave us a glimpse of what a great man he was, and how very much you love him. God bless and keep you!
Your brother is still with you, some day you two will be together again and you will. see that bug, wonderful smile. Continue what you are doing! Make big brother proud!
Dear Mario,
I understand your loss.
I too lost my brother last December 19, 2023.
My prayers are that you find peace and understanding in the “why”. I can tell you, I have come to a point where I am finally understanding that and am so thankful my brother is now truly home with the Lord.
God bless you and our condolences to you and yours.
Brother Mario
Please accept our sincere condolences. Losing a loved one, especially one that you are especially close to is painful. Many Blessings
I am so sorry for your loss. May the presence of the One Who Loves You Best, hang heavy and sweet over you, bringing peace, and the comfort that only He can provide.
I am sorry for your loss, I too have lost two sisters this last year. We were very close and I love them dearly. There was six of us girls for gone home to be with Jesus. It’s just me and my sister Nelda now I know God has kept me here for a time as this, may I behalf of the woman that they were. I know they’re in the kingdom of God right now.
God bless you sir! Thankful for the promise of seeing one another again M….❤️🇺🇸
Mario – I am so sorry you have lost your brother. Thank you for sharing some stories that help us to know what a wonderful man he was. Praise the Lord Jesus that Roger is this moment in His glorious presence and he is happy beyond measure! Hopefully, the Lord Jesus is coming for us soon and you will be reunited quickly with your beloved brother in the air. Maranatha!
God bless you, Brother. I’m so glad we have hope to meet our loved ones again.
Praying for you and your family! Such an awesome testimony! Praying for God’s comfort!
The greatest gift is Love, you love well Mario. Thankyou for sharing your heart. We grieve with you for a time, then celebrate with you in the Lord’s glory.
Thank You, Heavenly Father, for blessing Mario with a wonderful brother, Roger. Thank You that not only were they biological brothers, but brothers in Christ. Thank You for the wonderful legacy of Roger, which lives on in the countless lives he impacted. Thank You for giving Mario the courage to share this legacy with all of us. Bless Mario and Roger’s family, with many memories and stories of the life of this godly man who was his brother and his friend. What sweet consolation, in the midst of sorrow, knowing that Roger is celebrating each day now with You. In the precious name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.
God Bless you and give you peace. I lost my son one year ago. I know the heartbroken feeling of the losing a loved one
*They* day the good die young and so it was for my dad at 56. A gentle giant! So loved by students and staff they didn’t have enough teachers the day of his funeral as they were all at his funeral That was back in 984 way before Boise, ID was discovered and bombarded by states all over this world. This one tore me up greatly as a daddy’s girl. I’m sending prayers for peace not the world’s peace but the peace only He can give! So very sorry my friend!
Hi Mario, this is
Tracy and Jim Berrett, a supporter
of your ministry. You
have our deepest
sympathy in the
loss of your brother
Roger. That was a
wonderful tribute
you gave him in your blog. That picture you have in
your blog is a handsome picture
of him with that
beautiful smile.
We will be praying
for you and your family.
Lo siento mucho Mario, la historia de ambos es hermosa. Mis hijos también se llevan 11 meses.
Thank you for sharing what God can do in the heart of a Godly man and his brother.
I too lost my brother this week, he was “the baby” of the family. I’m in utter shock as well. Praying for you, as we mourn together for are brothers.
My condolences for your loss. How blessed you were to have each other.
My deepest condolences to you, Roger’s wife and the entire family. I understand the feeling of losing someone too soon but God was faithful to carry me through. May you experience the comfort and strength that only He can give.
What a wonderful relationship you had with your brother. The photo exudes his pleasant a gentle spirit. Both of your lives shows how God has favored both of you. May God’s peace come to you as He and Roger are both looking down on you. God has richly blessed both of you as his servants on earth!
Brother Mario, I am so very sorry for the loss of your brother. I feel pain for you and Roger’s family. The loss is the greatest when it catches you off guard as his passing did. I’m glad you shared your story and the picture of your brother. Your message is a great tribute to your beloved brother and I know Father God is pleased with you and will comfort you in the days ahead.
Oh Mario. I am reading this on the morning of my mother’s funeral in San Francisco. I am so sorry for your loss and the pain. The Lord is holding, cradling and stroking you like a mother does her hurting child. Receive His comfort and like a healing balm, His grace is poured out over you! In Jesus’ name. Amen and Amen. I love you, brother! You’re not alone.
Beautiful tribute to your brother. So, sorry for your loss. Hold on to all those special memories.
Praying for you and your family.
God bless you for all that you do for the kingdom.
Brother Mario~
Yes…it is so very difficult to lose one you love so much and why at their age. Knowing Father is with you will be your comfort. The grief is real and different for each if us. It’s like peeling an onion as they say, layer after layer. I don’t know if the onion ever gets completely peeled…
I pray Holy Spirit reaches inside and holds your heart…only the inner place where he can reach and gives you peace. Our great joy is in knowing Roger is with the Lod Jesus and you will see him again.
Peace, Comfort and Joy be yours.
Thank you for sharing your story about Roger.
I do understand how you feel my Mom went home to be with the Lord in Sep of this year. My prayers for you and the entire family, comfort and strength.
That’s brotherly love! I’m so sorry you’re hurting right now. Thank you for sharing your heart. I love the football story!
Smile when you think of him, pass on his gentle joy. ❤️🙏🏻❤️
Mario, I am so very sorry for this tremendous loss in your family. I pray God strengthens and comforts each one as only He can. I pray for much grace for you all.
Mario thanks so much for sharing a very touching story about your brother who overcame many obstacles in his life. My deepest sympathy goes out to you and your family as you grieve the loss of your brother. May God’s grace and love comfort you and your family at this time.
Dear Mario,
Deepest Sympathies for your loss. You know you will meet again in Our Lord’s Everlasting Kingdom.
I lost my only sister, only sibling, a short while ago.
I miss her very much.
I pray we will meet again in heaven.
But on this earth – no one can can fill that place in your heart.
May God bless you and your family, always.
Kind regards,
Vyvette Moldrich.
My heart goes out to you, and I am so sorry for your loss. I too know the sadness of losing a sibling, I’ve lost two sisters and a brother, and each time God gave me strength to carry on. I pray that Our God of Peace and all Understanding give you comfort at this most difficult time.
Mario, our deepest sympathies to you and your family in the loss of your beloved brother. May your sweet memories of your brother and all of the life you shared together be an ever burning light in your heart and may the immeasurable peace of Jesus carry you through this most difficult time. Your brother has left a beautiful legacy to all who knew him and I can see, just by looking at his picture, he was a very special man. You are in our thoughts and in our prayers❤️ Much love, Amber Sgro and Family
Mario, I am so sorry for your loss. I totally understand your grief. I’ve loss two siblings. It’s painful. As Christians we know we will see them again but loss on this earth is painful. Praying for you during this difficult time.
I understand how you are feeling Mario. My husband died it will be three years ago January 15/25. My heart was broken and I too did not understand why? I leaned into my sweet Jesus as I poured out my heart, my grief and pain. My only consolation is that my sweet Jim-man is resting in the arms of Jesus his first love. I know one day soon we will be reunited in heaven living our best life worshipping and working for our Heavenly Father again. I am praying for you and your family. God richly bless you, comfort you as you continue on your journey until God calls you home. Brenda Tuxford.
My heart breaks for you. I pray for you and your family. I think there are some things we will never understand even though we know God holds all things in his hands. I pray for the peace and comfort of that to come soon.
You are very blessed to have had a brother like Roger, and he, you. I’m sad for your loss; just imagine heaven’s gain. Be comforted dear Mario.
Condolences. It is always hard to lose someone you love and have a friendship with. What will we do without the rock?
All I can say is the it is my prayer that you grieve well, and that The Holy Spirit consoles you.
Because my husband just died, I know your pain more intensely. I am so sorry to hear of this event in your life, but rejoice in the life story you shared.
So sorry – praying for you and family/friends
Sorry for your loss. Words can’t help the pain. I’m 74 and lost my 38 year old father to a car accident. I was 15 .Only people who have lost loved ones understand the pain I eventually healed but it was a long process for a 15 year old boy. You will continue to be one of the greatest preachers on the planet and you will continue to hurt the devil like your brother hurt Bob the bully. You will keep the devil out of the game.
Praying for you Brother Murillo may the Lord carry you through this time of sorrow! I’m so sorry for your loss!
My heart breaks for you. As one who has lost all of my siblings, there is no one I can reminisce about our childhood, our parents, grandparents with. I am praying for you.
Truly sorry for your loss
I am so very sorry Mario.
God bless and comfort your heart during this time of loss. Separation hurts now, but we have the promise of eternally being together in heaven.
I pray for God’s peace to help your grief to subside quickly. I am so sorry for your loss .I have lost all of my immediate family but I still cannot say “I know how you feel because no one knows the amount and intensity of another person’s grief. Our God is walking you through this. You have heard it said, What God won’t keep you from, He will take you through. I am one of your supporters and I love the ministry God has assigned you to.
Dear brother Mario, I am so sorry you and your family have to suffer this temporary separation at this “too soon” time with Roger. May memory and The Word comfort you until that glorious reunion all believers anticipate. Praying strength and health and continued passion be your portion as you fulfill your divine assignment. Thank you for making a difference in my life during The Courage Tour.
I am so sorry Mario.
Praying for you that the peace of God that passes all understanding will be in you. He will let you know in His time why He called your brother home.
Until then, you know that you have a work to do reaching out to the next generation.
Prayers for the rest of his family who are left behind 🙏🏽❤️
Yes understand losing a loved one is not easy. Lost my sister . Lost my nephew. They are in heaven which is the best.
Mario God’s blessings and goodness keeps you.
This is the most beautiful tribute to your Brother your Hero is what I am hearing I pray for you and your family Holy Spirit bring comfort and Shalom upon Brother Mario and continue to shine on in Him
I send my love and compassion! There truly are no words to express that kind of loss! The God of all comfort comfort you!!❤️
We are praying for you and your family.
My deepest condolences to you and your family. I pray the Lord’s strength and peace over you and everyone of your family and friends in Jesus name 🙏🕊️
There are no words I can say that would be better than what Jesus has already said to Roger: We’ll done thou good and faithful servant!
My sympathies to you , Brother Mario.💔
I’m so sorry you lost your brother and will be praying for you knowing how sad it is! May God give you His perfect peace as you look to Jesus for all that lies ahead!
Very well spoken and hits every aspect of my being to. So sorry Pastor Mario. Your brother gained and his testimony will reign for generations to come. The Lord Blessings on you and family.
Thank you so much for sharing this part of your life. As Paul stated, “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord”. I stand on that verse in times of the loss of family members and dear friends who have graduated to heaven. Blessing to your family
Mario,, I have lost 3 brothers, and Jerry one…. The loss of a sibling is so different from losing parents. Growing up side by side and the little events of life as you tell about yours are deep rooted memories, part of our lives
My brothers all older died within 3 1/2 years a lot of heartbreak and Jerry’s was the youngest. We stand with you, embrace you, cry with you and rejoice David is with Father
Much love
I’m so sorry you had to lose him, brother Mario. May God’s special grace, comfort, strength and peace be with you and all of your family as you go through this. We love you and are greatful for your guidance and leadership through this chapter.
Love, Gerald Deaton
Oklahoma City
I’m so very sorry for your loss Mario. I’ve had five deaths from May last year to October and in the last four months 3very dear spiritual mentors and friends have died.
I will pray for you as you grieve. It’s so hard. BUT our God is faithful to stay close and hold us tight. He knows…..
In Christ…
Deb Samson
My heartfelt condolences to you Mario. In this life death is never easy but we have faith that one day it will be conquer ed. I pray the Holy Spirit comfort you and family with His loving arms.
I am so sorry for your loss , but so glad you will see him again! So many out here will not know that because of satans tricks. Yes he will be missed but will be remembered by you all. Praying for comfort of the Holy Spirit. Just buried my son-laws mother and few ago after Milton my cousin in central Georgia and was blown away at the destruction I saw in that area and still praying for those in North Carolina and Tennessee! Never seen a hurricane like this before! But thank God for all the people’s help and support but not government! I have heard horror stories from there about Fema workers and the locals don’t want them back! They want to help their people themselves! Saw people buying supplies at Costco to send there from Tallahassee. Please keep them in your prayers as I also pray against the fires in California. You painted a beautiful picture of your brother and he would be proud of that as I’m sure his wife and children are.
Mario, I am so so sorry for your great loss. Yes, I have experienced it with two adult children and a prison chaplain husband. He died in my arms, he did not know he was dying. But later the Lord impressed on me it was a merciful blessing because he was facing a horrible death if God didn’t intervene. I don’t know why this happens sometimes to the best of God’s works, that He takes them home to spare us also of watching them die in a horrible other manner. God’s MERCIES never fail.
God bless you for your gifts of evangelical blessings to all of us!…The power God has given you, and your faithfulness to HIM is immince to us who it falls on… ❤️
My heartfelt sympathies are with you. Thank you for sharing these heartfelt words with all of us. You, and your entire family are in my prayers at this difficult time. I know Roger is incredibly proud of you.
Dear Mario, I am very sorry to hear this. I will keep you and your family in prayer for peace and comfort. Yah is good all the time even when we are grieving. Praise Yah he is just been granted a gift, no better place then the precence of the Almighty! LouAnne
Awesomely awesome awesomeness. The words speak volumes of a great man of God the words also speak volumes of the great man of God he left behind.
I pray for peace and comfort in Jesus name for all who love him blessings and hugs
So sorry for your loss! I understand it my brother Kenny went to be with Jesus a year ago and I miss him so much , he called me and my sister every week or we called him I had the best brother in the world…🙏 He was the best brother to me and my sister . I do pray for the lord Jesus to comfort you and hold you all through this pain …
Blessed are the saints who die in the Lord, Mario. I sense your pain and pray that the God of all comfort will comfort and heal your broken heart in Jesus’ name. I also pray the same for Roger’s wife and family.
May the God of all peace and comfort grant you His peace, and comfort you Mario, as only He can. I have a sister, 12 months older than me who is being healed of cancer. My Irish twin. Asking our Heavenly Father to bless and strengthen you through each day to come.
This is so precious.. it brings me to tears.
What a awesome big brother you have!
I’m so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful tribute to a life well-lived.
Mario, my heart goes out to you. I too am an “Irish twin”, and I understand the closeness of your relationship with your brother. I am lifting you and family in prayer for God’s Shalom; that He would bless you with the warmest memories to help you through this time of sorrow. I pray that God’s peace would flood your heart and that He will strengthen you, as you run to Him in your sorrow.
I’m so sorry for your loss Mario. What a beautiful brother. Holy Spitit comfort Mario.
I am deeply sorry for your loss. Yes we will see our loved ones again but that doesn’t really make the hurt better. Beautiful because we will, but hurt is hurt. Love and prayers for you and your entire family.
To God be the glory
Mario, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. What a beautiful story. Your brother is still with you and watching over you. Be blessed and know, their is no greater love than the love of Jesus and now your brother is with Him and sending his love down to you while standing along side Jesus.
Precious in the sight of the Lord, is the death of his faithful servants.
Psalms 116:15
Thank you for allowing us to share in your grief and memories of Rodger.
Praying for you and your family,
John and Patty
A beautiful testimony of a brother’s love!! I am sad for your loss brother Mario!
You first came to the church we were attending many years ago. Thank you for your faithfulness!!
MM: we pray for God to comfort you. All the right things to say, you already know. Your sorrow touches us to intercede for you now when you have given so much to help us know the heart of God. We love you so much, Mario. May God bring you peace .
Dear Mario, I am truly sorry about the loss of your brother )Danny)
I know firsthand about loss and grief
I lost my Mother 6 years ago and didn’t know how to go on living and loving without her.
It has taken much time to realize that I couldn’t do it without Jesus
Jesus bore our grief and sorrow so we can lean on Him.
Praying that The Lord will give you Peace that passes all understanding 🙏
Thank you for all the work you have done for The Kingdom of God, many jewels will be in your crown.
Love and prayers ❤️🙏
Praying for PEACE 🙏 during this difficult time in your life.
Never easy trying to comprehend why such a GODLY man or woman are taken Home to Heaven so early
This is a mystery 😇
Blessings to the Murillo’s
Yes Mario I know the heartbreak. My younger brother went to heaven in 2012 and it doesn’t seem that long ago. I miss him but have peace knowing he is with Jesus. One day we will see our loved ones again. I’m sorry hearing about the loss of your brother. May our loving Heavenly Father wrap his arms around you and cover you with his love and peace.
Brother Mario
A heartfelt tribute for your beloved brother Roger now in the arms of Our Lord Jesus being comforted witnessing His Glory. Looking forward to the many souls added to the Kingdom in California this coming week as Roger can testify because of your ministry.
God Bless and Love from Perth Western Australia
what a beautiful, heart-felt tribute! There’s no greater place to be than where Roger is right now. What a life well lived! I appreciate how you said he watched your ministry without envy!!! That is the true mark of a real Christian! I am praying for you, Mario.
Your brother is cheering you on! We all who have loved ones in heaven empathize with you. We feel your pain and share your questions. May the comfort of the Holy Spirit hug you tightly!
Dear Brother Mario, I am so sorry for your loss. I too lost my only sibling, Thomas, when he was just 60 years old.
I pray for your grieving heart to heal and to know that when you get to heaven and see the Lord Jesus, you will also see your smiling, beaming brother, Roger.
He is waiting for you, and you two will have a joyous reunion someday soon.
Barbara Coyle
God bless you and family. May you continue walking in the love and peace of Christ…the One Roger loved so much.
Your work on this earth is not done brother. There are souls who need saving.
So sorry for your loss, I Lost my oldest sister last Year and I still miss her and think about her. But the greatest gift that God gave me was allowing me and my husband to pray with her to accept Christ.
Dear Mario,
I am so incredibly sorry for the loss of your brother. Every word you’ve written is a testament to your love for him. He sounds like he was the perfect brother too.
The words you’ve written have expressed the kind of love and heart break I’ve had for 14 years at the loss of my. Baby sister. She was only 40 years old. No history of illness no health problems at all. Just here one moment and gone 2 hours later. I was so broken, so devastated, so depressed.. I could not even pray. I just sat in grief for weeks. Months. Years.
Finally when I could talk to God He spoke to me … an audible voice I heard say” Look at
John 5:6. Not having any idea what the verse was other than it was from God Himself it had to be good! It sure was a word! He hit me over the head with it in the living way only He can do!
I pray that your heart heals… you won’t ever stop feeling the sting of loss but you will find comfort knowing he’s with Jesus. That’s the only way I’ve made it 14!years. I still cry when I think of her and how much we didn’t get to do together here on earth but rejoice knowing we’ll see each other again at the appointed time. God bless you as you go through the journey of grit. Even as Christians we grieve… it’s just a little different knowing what we know .
I’m so sorry for your loss Mario. Praying God’s comfort and love over you. Your brother sounded like a wonderful person. You are blessed to have had such a nice brother. The great thing is that when you see him again, it will be a sweet reunion!🙏✝️
Dear Mario
Those are great and powerful words you have shared. I am sorry for your loss. At the same time I know your brother is being embraced by the glory and love of the Lord our God! He is not in your pasted but in your future!
I love you Bro. Mario Blessings to you. Rev. Vincent Gulino
Mario, we will hold up you, Diane, Michelle and Adam. The picture of your brother presents everything you wrote— all in his smile. Lord, wrap Your precious arms of love and peace and even joy around and inside of this precious family. Carry them. We release Your shalom into and upon them in measures they have never known and do so desperately need right now. Thank You that You are faithful and took the sting of death — even in this. In Jesus’ Holy Name, amen.
Heartfelt sorrow for you Mario, and family, in the homegoing of your brother, Roger. Thank you for sharing. Thanks be to our Lord Jesus that you will see him again.
Sincerely, Lynette Ledder
My heart breaks for your heart. Knowing your brother is a Christian is comforting. I too recently lost my brother (in Sept). He was not a Christian and refused it but he always told me how proud he was of me. I wish I had tried harder to win him for Christ.
My God comfort you!
U are a wonderful testimony for your brother….. may the Lord continue to bless U & watch over U. Thank U for sharing this .
Oh Mario… I’m so very sorry for your loss. I know that emptiness, I know that broken-heartedness also. And I feel so deeply for you. My husband died October 5, 2024 just a short while ago. We all have our separate experiences of grief and must feel them completely. Then we take that new strength and boldly proclaim Christ to the nations because that is what our loved one would have desired for us. I give glory for your Roger and for my John to go to God alone. God be with you, Mario..
God bless you Mario! What a wonderful tribute to your brother. My precious dad’s death was very difficult for me. He was only 65 and had retired at 62 diagnosed with ALS. He spent his retirement dying. I’m glad you have the assurance of your brothers forever home in heaven with our mighty Savior. God told me when I asked why this happened to my dad that it was the only way to hold him still enough to work some things out with him. I believe my father gave what was left of his life to Christ. Again… God bless you and big hugs.
May the knowledge of where he is now comfort you, that’s how I cope with the loss of my husband for many years, God Bless & help you as you help so many everyday.Big hugs from GrannyXX
God has blessed the Body of Christ with gifted leaders, Mario truly is one of them. Your passion for Jesus has been an inspiration to many. What a difference you have made in our lives. Our prayers are with you and your family. We thank God for you.
I hear you brother…there’s no hurt like that.
Recently I experienced losing my sister and it is very difficult to process. We were so close.
My heart goes out to you at this sad time. 😔
But through it all, knowing that our loved one is with Jesus now and is experiencing the FULLNESS of God’s joy is comforting.
God bless
“This is our story, this is our song, praising our Savior all the day long…” To tell the old, old story, that is what we can do as witnesses for God’s glory.
The stories we tell of our experiences with our loved ones, and these stories are testimonies of Our Lord’s work, His love in our lives.
Thank you, Mario for sharing the story of your beloved brother.
Beautiful! Touched me so deeply as I came from those tough streets too and battled poverty until I was able to work at 16 and join the Army at 18… Sorry for your loss but the only way to get to the kingdom is death and we all will take our turns eventually. We are born alone and we will always have to battle the world alone. The time you spent with your brother was a beautiful time and his spirit lives on in you. God Bless you Mario!
I am truly soryy for your loss and prayed for comfort for you. I have one sister and I would feel like an orphan if she goes before me. You will be reunited with your brother in Heaven. Hold onto that.
My sister is in Scientology I have hope in Jesus that will change. Our parents are in Heaven.
My deepest, heartfelt sympathies are with his family and you.My baby brother transitioned to heaven 2 1/2 weeks after I lost my husband to ALS. I know people mean well with saying you will see him again, He’s in a better place, etc. of course but I miss his physical presence and so do the kids and grandkids. I am praying for all🙏🏻✝️
I feel very deeply for you! Not many people love their brother so much! I have 2 that I love deeply…. One thing you know for sure is you will be with him again, I do not have the same assurance yet! I live in Perth Australia but I watch all your meetings interviews etc.. I love you just from the love I see in your eyes for people… he must have been beyond proud of you!
I’m so sorry, Mario.. That loss is horrendous but with time and all the good memories, peace will come. Big hugs to you and your family in this hour of need for comfort!
My heart is also full of pain for you but like when I hurt he said to me I’m the God of the living and. It the dead you will see your loved one again they are with me and you will see them again God strengthen you comfort you and keep your focus on the prize and allow you to send a fatal blow into the enemies camp and see a greater glory of Gods power that will bring Joy into this moment of pain within and heal you and all your entire family in Jesus precious Holy Name I’m grateful to know your still here with us most have been taken home but God has given us you to help us know and focus on what he is saying in this last hour Thank you for your courage to continue to fight and display his Love for this world as we march on into victory Brother Mario Thank you for the example and sense of humor you share with us in Christ Jesus I’ll continue to pray you’ll come down to Ohio soon God Bless you and keep you safe
Lifting you up in prayer for comfort through your loss. How blessed you have been to have a brother like Roger! One day, you will see him again, Praise God!!
Mario….Thank you for your vulnerability as you share this beautiful tribute to your brother. The way that you honor him is deeply moving. May God’s grace carry you and your family through this time of loss.🙏🏻
So sorry for your loss! May the LORD who called him home at this time give you fortitude to bear this great loss. Praying for his wife and children and grandchildren he left behind. Precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of His saints.
What a beautiful tribute to your brother and to the Glory of the Faithful Lord Jesus Christ.
Praying for the Lord to comfort you and your family.
What a beautiful loving tribute to your brother.
God bless you and your family.
Mario I am so sorry for your loss. It is clear your heart is broken. What you have shared about your brother allows me to feel some of the heartbreak, for men that live this kind of life are rare. I pray the Lord comfort you all.
I am saddened by the loss of your brother, Mario. I, too, lost my oldest brother, then my dad 6 months later, and finally my 2nd oldest brother due to suicide many years later. None of these were easy, and I was angry and struggled to find the grace and love you have shared so eloquently in this blog. There is no doubt Roger is in the presence of our Jesus, and I thank you for sharing your heart. God bless and keep you – His mighty hand is strong in you! Love in Christ, Terri 🙏✝️💕🔥
Oh Mario, I was the only girl in a family of 6 boys and I have lost 2 of them, a husband and my parents. My heart breaks for you. I know the pain full well. My prayers are with you today and always. You have been an amazing spiritual leader that I listen to and praise God for. May he carry you through the valley of the shadow of death that we too walk thru. May the Son shine his warmth and love on you in this difficult time. Beautiful blog, full of love. The Lord bless and keep you Mario, your sister in Christ, Sally
Beautiful story and tribute to a wonderful person.
I understand some of your pain as when my oldest brother, Ken graduated to heaven it hit me so hard even though my beloved husband Don had gone on almost 5 years before.
Couldn’t understand that until a friend reminded me that I grew up with my brother and the ties there were different from my 43 years with my husband.
God help u and your family as you navigate through this time. Someone reminded me years ago that each day was bringing me closer to my loved ones and my Savior!!
Thank you for sharing about your brother! So sorry for your loss…but so jealous that he is with our Lord!
So sorry for your loss. Will be prayig for you all.
I pray for you Mario and your family. This is one of the Best testimonies I have ever heard. Thank you for sharing 🙏🏻🤣🔥
Mario, I am so sorry for your loss! You wrote a beautiful tribute to your brother that makes me wish that I could have met and known him. I am glad you had the privilege of growing up with him in your life. I am sure he felt privileged to have you as his brother also.
You are in my prayers as well as all of your brother’s family and friends. It is a huge blessing that there is no doubt that your brother is rejoicing in Heaven, yet your feeling of great loss is certainly understandable. Jesus is acquainted with our griefs, so I know He will be with you to comfort you and give you His peace that passes understanding during this time.
With love and prayers,
Patricia Styers
I am so very sorry for your loss. I can understand how you feel. I lost both a brother and a sister unexpectedly growing up and the pain is real. I pray the your heart finds peace, it took me some time for me. Now so many years later I still miss both of them so much.
When I was 16 I lost my sister, Laura. I carried that loss all my life. She was my best friend. I dedicated my life helping women and children.
Dear Mario, my husband and I love and respect you very much. We look forward to seeing your services on Youtube or FB. So sorry that your brother slipped into glory sooner than expected. I look forward to when we all can ser Jesus face to face. Meanwhile, all of us are your distant family. We are here with hugs and prayers. God bless you, brother Mario.
I’m so sorry to hear of your loss but rejoice with you to know you will see him again. Thanks be to God for the comfort of the Holy Spirir.
I’m herein Visalia to bring my brother to the Tulare crusade, believing for a miracle. He is exhibiting symptoms of dementia (plus other health issues.). I lost my 2 older brothers and my father to Alzheimer’s.
I’ve been awake at night praying in the Holy Ghost that thousands will respond to your invitation to receive Christ and multiple others healed in Jesus name. 💙
May Holy Spirit blanket you with His Comfort🙏🏻
So sorry for your loss! I will be praying for you and your family through this time. Thank-you for sharing some memories- the memories are precious gems in the treasure of your heart. 💙
Oh Brother Mario, my heart goes out to you. When my first husband died, I could burst out weeping at odd times for 18 months. But, for him it was different. He rejected the Lord over and over again. I pray the peace of knowing he’s in heaven and the joy he now has every single moment fills you to the brim. I pray that the joy he had is transferred to you so that your ministry has a new dimension. Stay strong in your fire and brimstone teaching, we NEED that! But add the story of your brother’s joy and compassion after he got saved. I try to balance the two when I write my daily devotions. I don’t make false promises about what life will be like when you’re saved. I tell them that family turned against me, I was abused for my faith, my 2nd husband’s family hated me because he turned to God, I lost jobs because of my faith, but I have such peace in me that I would never trade that or go back to my former life.
I’ve been writing on Col 3 this week, all the “give up” and “put on” characteristics. And I write about that peace, like Paul did. Paul writes about looking at and living for eternity, not this life. That’s what I try to communicate. When we focus on the heater, we have more peace and joy.
I’m praying that God’s joy and peace fills you full. And that you can turn from mourning to dancing because you know that you’re brother is enjoying his eternal reward. Shalom
Our hearts and prayers are with you Mario.
We understand ….
May you find continued comfort knowing he is home with Jesus, rejoicing ..
God Bless you and your family..
With love and prayers,
Pastor John and Lisa
Yuba City, California
Our condolences and our thanksgiving to read such of the real meaning of a Christian man, Enoch pleased GOD and then he was not….Shalom Shalom SAR Shalom
I have thoroughly enjoyed this blog. I’m so sorry about your brother. I only have one sibling and I KNOW I would feel exactly the same
I listen to as many of your videos as I can possibly find I have followed you as much as I could since you were at Melody land however I have since come back to Mississippi where I grew up glad to know you’re in Tennessee. God bless you. We all love you.
So sorry for your loss. I lost my husband of 44 years after a years long battle with dementia and Parkinson’s. We were a team and I am a little lost without him. I am glad you had such a great friend and brother.
So sorry for your loss. I pray that our Father of mercies and compassion comfort you with His peace that passes all understanding, and that you will be blessed with the fond memories of your brother.
I am so very sorry.
Believe me I Understand your pain… I also understand your remark God will show you why he had to go so soon. We just had the celebration of life service for my 49-year-old son, who had brain cancer. I keep my eyes on the cross. The one who died there for me and my son can be trusted. Carry on, dear brother, our time will come and we will see them again!
I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my brother two years ago to suicide and I am so sad still. I am praying for your healing and peace
Mario what an incredible loss . We are so sorry. May the LORD Supernaturally increase your annointing to meet these days ahead to comfort others and yourself to be able to continue to bring the Kingdom to earth as in heaven. To expose wickedness and that the Glory of God would touch hearts and heal body, soul and Spirit. My husband lost his brother in 2005, they were 15 months apart. He knew the LORD. Amen
My prayers and thoughts are with you. I know exactly how you feel as both of my parents and one of my brothers are with Jesus! I can verify that the Lord is faithful and healing comes because our faith and Hope are in Christ alone! Thank You for everything you do and how you are fighting for the cause of Christ!
I am so very sorry brother Mario! When a loved one dies suddenly, whom you are so close to, it’s always much more difficult. He sounds like someone I would have loved to counsel with, converse with, and just sit and listen to him talk. Please remember that Roger would NOT want you to miss one step or even spend much time grieving for him. He’d probably say something like, “Mario, don’t you ever slow down or miss a beat in what God is about to do with you and through you! Your greatest days of ministry are just ahead!” Keep moving forward brother Mario and don’t you ever look back! Your church family NEEDS you like never before! And so do millions of lost people everywhere. The harvest is waiting for you…….
Beautiful! Prayers for the family!
Mario, please accept my sincere condolences. Your tribute about your brother brought tears to my eyes. When one member of the body mourns, all of us mourn with that person. Know how many are sharing your grief today.
I am so very sorry to hear about the loss of your brother; however, our Lord is right beside us comforting us. Thank you for all you do, Mario, for the Kingdom.
So sorry for your loss. Praying for you.
I am sorry for your loss, brother Mario, I grieve with you. My prayers are with you and your family 🙏💗
My hubby and I send our sincere condolences. Loosing a loved one like Roger is always a shock and a hard pill to swallow. Our brother in law, Al Grebel was a true lover of. Mankind as your brother was. I know Father Will get you through this and you will even be stronger in every way. Thank yo for your ministry work. We always read it. I think you know our Pastor, Jairo Daza….he was with you in California way back when.
Mario. I’m so sad to hear of the loss of your brother, Roger. Yes. It is hard to lose a loved one and I know you find comfort in the fact that he was a believer.
May God give you comfort and peace during this trying time.
I’m sorry to hear of your loss. My condolences go out to you. 🙏🏻🕊🔥
Praying for you Mario and Family. He sounds like a wonderful man….
I will be praying for you as you lead the Tulare Revival.
Where you are weak the Holy Spirit is stronger than ever before!
I’m so sorry for your loss and that of Roger’s family. I’m thankful you can now talk of the memories and pray they comfort you. Thanks be to God that Jesus conquered death. God bless you as you continue to minister to lost souls.
I’m so sorry, Mario. I have a sister that I love dearly and we’re just 22 months apart. I can imagine how you feel and I feel for you. God bless you.
Thank you Mario for sharing this tribute to your brother Rodger. I too share in your grief, as my brother Jerry passed away during the china virus pandemic. I am the first born of six children, Jerry was#2. I could never have imagined what Jesus has done in our lives,and I know he is worshipping the God of creation with Rodger. My heart still hurts
Mario, You have written a beautiful tribute to your beloved brother Roger. It brought tears. My heart goes out to you! A loss as this is very difficult. The Greater One will help you; we know for sure. I thank God for all you are doing for the Kingdom. Abundant blessings of God fall on you, your family, and your ministry. My deepest condolences. Much love, Diana
Good bless you, MRio. So sorry for your loss!
I write this comment through many tears. Thank you Mario for sharing such a heartfelt story. I can’t tell you how this has ministered to my heart. Praise our great Father God that Roger is home!
Mario, I’m so sorry for the loss of your precious brother. May the wonderful memories you have and his life’s character hold you firm. Committed to finish the race in even better form, knowing he’s rooting for you like never before! You have more reasons than ever to accomplish & trust in, hope against hope even more.
Love and Prayer,
I feel your pain and love for your brother, God gave us two courageous men to fight for the Kingdom. May God be with you and your family.
Mario I am truly sorry for your loss. As you said we all who have loss love ones do know how you feel. It is not easy but we know we will all see each other again in the Kingdom. To God be all the Glory!
I’m so very sorry for your loss. I pray your great memories outweigh your sorrow.
Beautifully written. Heartfelt words Pastor Mario for your brother. My heart hurts for you. I am praying for you during this difficult time.
Oh Mario, I am so sorry for your loss, what a treasure of a man. May our God and Father of all comfort hold you and your family in the way that he does best.
Mario, Mario, Mario…the anguish of your soul reaches me and evokes a sense of compassion not normal for me. Having lost a dear brother in the Lord I can only begin to understand your grief. I offer my sympathies and prayers for you and your family. Thank you for your ministry and your transparency. In Christ, Brian.
Mario, My heart aches with you . What a beautiful relationship you and he had. Oh, wouldn’t it be wonderful if we all could speak the same in our families. But God in His awsome love and patience helps us in all our needs , in your sorrow, you reflect , in your grief the Lord’s hand is upon you to share your brother with us all. Father in the Mighty NAME OF jesus, wrap your arms around this family and comfort them as only YOU CAN , AND FOR THIS lORD i THANK YOU .
So sorry for you and your families loss! May God bring peace beyond understanding to you.
I heard Bill Johnson [can not quote him directly ] when his Father passed say you have to be willing to give up your understanding [of why the loss happened] in order to have that peace! But then go forward so I pray a 7 fold return upon your ministry because of this enemies plot against you and your family!!!
I’m so sorry for your loss. It is sad to lose a sibling. But happy to know your brother is in glory with the Lord.
Praying for you and your family that God’ strength is perfect. May his grace rest upon you all during this time of great loss. I loss my brother in July. It hurt, but you know what, our brothers are in our future.
I understand the pain of losing a loved one. It’s coming up on 3 years that my precious husband was murdered by the hospital covid 19 protocols. The pain is something words can’t even express. He was the kindest most Godly husband, father, grandfather and friend you could ever ask for. My prayers are with you and your family. Hugs and my love. ✝️💔
I’m so sorry for your loss. I will be praying for you and your family.
I am so sorry for your loss. Grieve well. Remember…. His life. And what’s so wonderful is the hope we have of heaven and a eternal future together with Jesus!
Beautifully written.
Condolences Sir.
I am truly sorry for the loss of your brother. May memories of him bring some measure of comfort. May God comfort you in your grief.
My heart hurts for you Mario ‘ with this sad news. we are kindred spirits in Christ by the Holy Spirit . I am praying for your peace and comfort as only the Holy Ghost can provide, and that the precious anointing that rests on you will increase exponentially as we see the day approaching. God bless you and uphold you in Jesus precious name
My condolences to you on you your great loss. I pray the Holy Spirit will bring you much comfort during this time. Stay strong you will meet again.
My heart goes out to you. As do my prayers.
I am sorry for your loss. God holds you in the palm of His hand. I pray Roger’s life inspires you to do even greater things for Him. My husband and I love you.
I am so very sorry for your loss, Dear Mario.
Sending Love to your broken heart. May the Presence of our Father comfort you.
This post broke my heart, made me laugh and cry and really picture what a great man your brother is. I am so sorry for your loss, I am also comforted knowing your brother is with our Lord. I pray for comfort and peace for you 💕
Thank you Mario for sharing such a personal loss. My prayer for you is that the Father of tender mercy and endless comfort will sorround you in this painful time and give you understanding.
I’m so sorry for your loss, only God can tell you why He needed him in heaven! We’ll find out some day soon.
My condolences!
What a beautiful and poignant tribute to your brother, Mario. It’s hard to lose a sibling. So hard. But like you regarding your brother I picture my sister’s amazement when her vision cleared on Heaven’s glorious plains.
What a beautiful tribute to your brother. I am so sorry for your loss. May God comfort you as only He can.
Hi Mario,
What a beautiful brother you have. He’s still alive. I love your earliest memory of him. I have 3 older sisters and 3 younger brothers after me. Our little brother David went home 4 years ago April’.2019. Talk about memories. When he was a little boy, he’d say this every time he had to go to the bathroom, “I HAVE TO GO TO THE BLAST ROOM!” So fitting. We’ve used that to this day. David had cancer and Drs had to remove his tongue and vocals cords. He was a believer. His life had been completely transformed. He lived with unbelievable pain, cancer in his bones. That never stopped him from praising Jesus even though he was unable to utter one word from his mouth. He was 59 yrs old. The last time I spent with him was at the hospital a few days before he passed away. God spoke to me and said to play worship music and start video taping him. So I did. His wife Sandra never left his side, she was his voice and protector. In the Marriage vows it says through “sickness and in health.” She was the perfect definition of that commitment. I began to video tape David as the song played. He began to lip sing and slowly lift his arms up in praise. This was a God thing because he was unable to move any part of his body due to the cancer that had taken over his body. It was a true miracle. Our last words to each other were I LOVE YOU. I thank God that David lived Jesus. Yes, lived. He’s home and is now dancing and singing with our Lord. So is your brother Roger. I plan on living to 120yrs. Yes that has been my prayer for years. I know He called me to share the Gospel and lead those He puts in my path to His Son. Jesus. On Oct 7, my Dr called and told me that the mass on my rt kidney was gone, Jesus healed me of kidney cancer. Another God thing He’s done that before in my life. I thank you Mario for helping me grow and understand my purpose here on earth. You are a blessing and such an encouragement to all who take the time to hear what God is saying to us through you.. I just turned 69 yrs last week. Thank You Jesus! It’s all about Jesus. I will continue trusting Him and keep keep focused on Holy Spirit daily to help me get it right. FRESH FIRE 🔥 OF FAITH! Laura 🙏🏼♥️
Sending condolences Mario. It is not easy to loose our loved ones, but God brings us through. Your brother is still alive with Jesus, he just changed addresses 🙌🏼
So sad for your loss. It’s such a hard cross to bear, but what a testimony to Gods faithfulness to give you each other (even if for only a while) until you meet again. God bless you!
Oh Mario I am also devastated by your loss. I am praying for the Comforter to surround you and your family. Words cannot express my condolences…but I encourage you to press on…you and your ministry is beacon of light in this dark world. I’m so grateful for you speaking out in truth at a time it is frowned upon. Thank you so much!
May memories with wings of love lift you high above the grief, in due time, by the power of the Holy Spirit as a dove.
I am so sorry for your loss, Mario.
One possibility:
“Good people pass away;
the godly often die before their time.
But no one seems to care or wonder why.
No one seems to understand
that God is protecting them from the evil to come.”
Isaiah 57:1 NLT
So sorry for your loss of your brother, Roger in this world! May we all know we will be reunited very soon! Until then we occupy and conquer and bring the kingdom of God near to all needing transformation and revival now! Until we see Him face to face and He returns for His spotless bride, His Ekklesia! Much love and prayers for your heart to be filled with love and tender mercy to continue the race and finish well! Blessings, Sir! Sister Tricia
So sorry for your loss; may God almighty give you strength and peace that surpasses Al understanding!
Mario, how hard it is to lose someone you love I have lost many in my lifetime and that is in more ways than one, but God who is faithful God who comforts and strengthen us guides and directs us knows all about this all too well may bless Rogers family Encourage them and minister to them and raise them up to be the men and women of God that you and that Roger had always planned for them to be made. Diane be strengthened for the times ahead may father God made all our needs physically spiritually mentally emotionally financially, and encourage her in the days ahead , as she sees Roger, and as you see, Roger and rejoicing in heaven, with all the family members that have gone on before with meeting and loving and learning from Jesus, may you be encouraged to be the man of God that God has called you to be and may bless you, double and all the ways that you had envied Your brother and encourage your family as you love your God and love all those that you reach out to and minister to in the name of Jesus Gods Blessings
Dear Mario, thank you for sharing this news about your brother with all of us. He sounds like a wonderful person. I’m sure his love for you was equally shared. Cherish all your good memories and remember you will see him again! Prayers for you and all of his family.
Prayers for you and Roger’s family! May God surround you all with his comfort, peace & love! You have been blessed living with a brother that has been a blessing to so many others!!
Thank you for sharing some of your special memories of your brother. I am very sorry for your loss. I know you will miss your Irish twin.
You and your family are in my prayers.
A beautiful tribute to your brother, and to our God. When I first saw
your brother’s photo, his smile was what I noticed first! He had a great smile! From what I read he has planted many seeds in people’s lives. This has touched my life reading about him. My prayers are with all the family and you. May God wrap His arms around you give you comfort, peace, and strength! Mario Murillo your ministry is one I try to follow and pray for. I love Fire Power with Todd Coconato, another man of God I follow. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️
Condolences 🙏
Precious tribute. Condolences and love. “T’il we meet at Jesus’ feet!”
Beautiful brother.
My deepest sympathy, love, and prayers.
Your tribute like your brother glorified Jesus! ❤️
God bless you as your grieve and begin to find peace in Gods will for Roger. My brothers name is Roger, he passed 5 yrs ago.
God bless you and Rogers family as well.
Praying for you Mario. I know your sadness. My sister was promoted to Heaven May 15th. I miss her sooo much but so happy she is with Jesus.
Allow yourself to cry and also to rejoice.
What a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing this Mario. I pray for your broken hearts to be comforted
Great tribute to your brother. Our prayers are for you and your family. God rejoices when another saint is brought home but it is difficult on those left behind. Gus and Judy
I lost my sister 4 years ago and I still miss her My heart and my prayers and love go out to you for the comfort of the Holy Spirit is only he can do! God bless you Mario
My heart breaks for you with such a deep loss even knowing he is with Jesus still leaves the truth that you won’t see him again until your home going (but your will). Praying for grief to be brief as life is short and still work to be done. Much love.
Heartfelt condolences to you and all your family. My baby sister died when she was 10. God’s ways are not our ways. May you feel the peace and comfort that only God can give.
Mario May God comfort and give you peace . My condolences and prayers go your way. Now you will see your ministry explode in such a way not expected. See you have an advocate in the courts of the thrown of heaven. God bless you Brother . Love in Christ Jesus.
What an incredible eulogy. To say that you found out your brother was in hour eyes, on a greater scale than Wilkerson and Roberts is amazing. Oh what you grew up with! May God make his death a seed in the ground (John 12:24) and produce a hundred fold more Rogers! I am sorry for your loss brother Mario! May God give you grace, comfort and heal your heart in this time!
Mario, thank you for sharing your heart with us! I am so sorry you had to say goodbye to your brother way before you ever thought you would have to. I will look him up in Heaven and ask to hear his side of the stories. He is (not was, because Jesus is Lord of the living) a wonderful man and I pray you and your family will be filled with peace and the comfort of the Lord in your grief.
I am so sad for your loss.
Heavenly Father hold Murillo tightly as he goes through this time in his life. Give him comfort and heal his heart. Reasure him that someday to he will be with his brother again for eternity!! Love you Murillo
So sorry for your loss! I lost my sister earlier this year so I know exactly what you are saying
I was devastated by her passing and miss her so much!!
Mario, my heart hurts for you. May your brother Rogers’ memories (one day) bring nothing but smiles to your face and your heart. And may we all Rejoice together, for those who know Jesus as their savior, because Roger stands, sits, dances, lives in the Presence of our Creator!
I wish you Peace.
So sorry.. for your loss no words of comfort can Ease the pain of a loved one, especially when it’s not expected I pray that God will comfort you and your family and Roger’s wife at this time. May God bless you immensely.Cheryl
Mario, I am so sorry for your loss. May the God of all comfort hold you up in His loving arms. Praying for you. Thank you for your service to the Lord and His Church.
Condolences for your loss Mario. Keep up your good work. As an ex Californian now in Missouri I follow you, Lance, Hank, Joseph z, and pray we get our Country back.
What a beautiful tribute to a man I know now. Thank you Mario for sharing him with us. Shalom brother. Shalom
What a legacy he left behind! Prayers and hugs to your family at this time. We are sure his legacy will continue through you, Mario. God bless you!
God’s blessings on you Mario. I ask for His peace that passes understanding. I know about being broken hearted. It’s an awful experience. After my husband died I felt like I had. Spirit of sadness on me. It lasted a couple of years until I found a wonderful Assembly of God church. I no longer have that spirit, but a spirit of joy. I pray you will get your joy back and walk in peace. Love and prayers.
So sorry Mario for your loss. Thank you Jesus Roger is with you!
Thank you for sharing the story of this man of Christ.
My dearest Mario, I’m so sorry for your loss! I’m 78 years old and certainly understand how you are feeling!! I’ve lost so many family members, my husband of 53 years went home to Heaven in 2017. I miss him everyday but I have that Blessed Assurance I will be joining him when God calls me home! Until then I thank God for the memories! I’m praying for you and his family! Love in Christ, Sheryl.
Mario, we mourn with you for the loss of your brother, Roger. Glory to God that we will be reunited with our loved ones who have gone before us! Be comforted by that promise. We’re excited to see you in Tulare next week. We’re praying for you.
I am sorry for your loss seems like a cliche’ but I truly understand what you are feeling. I lost my sister, she was a year younger than me, and two weeks later I lost my sister-in-law. Then a few weeks after her death I lost my nephew, my sister’s son. He died of a drug overdose. I didn’t write this to tell you my sorrow but to say I hear you. I feel your pain. I wish I could take it all away but we can’t do that only God can help you with that. Your brother sounds like a person I would have loved to have met. I’m sure I’ll met him in heaven . God bless you Mario.
My prayers are with you Mario.Be blessed man of God!I appreciate you greatly and you’re faith.I would have loved to seen the look on you’re face at the football game where you’re brother floored the adversary.than you for what you do for the lord almighty.
I have tears from reading this heartfelt letter.
Thank you for sharing about your brother’s life and the love you both shared for each other and for our Jesus!
Because we know our lives are like a vapor, can make the loss of loved ones just a little easier.
The earthly loss of people who have been part of the anchor for our souls can change us and our perspectives.
God is your comforter and this is the time to allow that , whatever it looks like for you fiery, Mario Murillo.
I am so sorry for your loss, Mario. I, too, lost a brother who was a great man far too early. Praying God’s comfort over you and your family.
There is no pain like the pain of losing a loved one who didn’t get to live the long life we expected. I know God will do something supernatural concerning your brother. I know because He has done it for me when I lost my first born son, whom I was sure I would outlive. His plans we don’t understand, but He always brings peace and comfort to our hearts we think will never heal. Praying for you always.
Dear Brother Mario, your testimony about your dear brother, made me cry! Thank you sir, I know the loss is painful, but what a great testimony! I’m 83 yrs young, and have known of u many years. You stay true to your call, Praise God! I remember a statement u made, like, do not pay attention to praise or criticism! It was a powerful seed for me! Thank you and continued Grace for your mission in this time!
My Deepest condolences.
I understand how it feels to lose a loved one.
My heart is with you Mario. Every soul now to Roger’s account. And they will be multiplied millions. A few hours in God time, and you will be back beside him forever.
Dear brother Mario I am so sorry for your loss. What a wonderful man your brother was.
He sounds stellar. I am crying too
Mario, I pray that the Holy Spirit will minister to your heart and your family in this time of grieving. However we do not grieve as the world. For one day we will be joined together with those who have gone on ahead, to praise our Lord and King forever 🙏
I’m so sorry for your great loss…
My prayers are with you and your family. I can only imagine the pain you’re feeling as I haven’t lost a sibling. But I understood loss. So I am asking God to ease your suffering. I’ve been told all my life that our days are numbered, I don’t know if this is true,but, maybe your dear brother had accomplished all God needed him to do .He had completed his task and it was just time. I don’t know if that makes it any easier. What I do k ow without a doubt is Roger is HOME, with his Savior and that gives me comfort. My prayer is that you’ll find comfort and even The Joy of THE LORD. Let it be your strength in the days to come. You are a much loved and respected man of God and I pray only for many more years of hearing you continue on your God given mission for him and the lost. Blessings to you.
Of course you are heartbroken, but what a privilege and blessing to have had loved and been loved by your brother. May our Father gives you a special glimpse and peace that passes all understanding. Until you are reunited again. Love and Hugs Mario.
Mourning your deeply impactful brother’s life with you, Mario. You are a hero to me, and now I can add your brother to that list. Yes, the quiet ones who live out their lives faithfully and faith-filled will get a great reward. May our Lord console you in your great loss.
Thank you Mario for Sharing! God Bless You and All Your Family!
Love reading about your beloved brother, Roger. Thank you for sharing your heart and love for him. May the Holy Spirit comfort you and the family in this time of loss. Memories are such a gift in these moments and may they inspire you to carry on his legacy. Praying for you today 🙏🏼‼️
What a privilege it is to hear about your brother. I grieve with you and words don’t mean enough. I know Comforter is with your family as I lift you all up.
Thank you for sharing your heart. You also are a gifted writer. I have followed you for almost 40 years. You shine now.
Dear Pastor Mario I feel you pain and heartbreak. Your brother sounds like an awesome guy and you were blessed to have him in your life. I just want to reach out and hug you. I did not know the term Irish twins, but I am one of them as well with a sister 11 months younger than me. I will pray for you and am asking the LORD God Almighty to send angels to comfort you in this time of devastating loss. My heart goes out to you. This is the last thing you need while you are preparing for the event in Tulare, Ca. I pray for your strength to get through this and I know it will be very hard, but you are a fighter for the LORD and I have all the faith and trust in Him, that He will watch over you and give you that strength. God Bless you. We can all take comfort in knowing that he is with our LORD and savior Jesus Christ now. How wonderful is that!
Oh Mario,
As I finished reading this memorial to your brother I am in tears for your loss. Praying for you to sense the loving arms of Jesus holding you🙏
I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my beloved husband 11 months ago and I understand your loss. Prayers for you and all of his family especially his wife. A loss like no other
I am so sorry Mario! I feel your pain! It’s a huge loss ! & you were so close! I didn’t know you had a brother… how did he pass?? Can’t help but wonder…too soon….I lost my oldest brother in the 60s when he was only 14 – a liver disease & I was only 10…affected my whole family forever but I know he’s in heaven & we will be reunited soon…along with my mom & dad & other relatives &friends. It will be the Greatest Reunion ever!! Can’t wait! All we can do now is hang onto our precious memories & pray & occupy till He comes… the Lord draws near to the broken hearted & He will for you too…Rita Cummings 231-373-4664
My sincerest sympathy. You do so much for so many, but I am sure that your brother touched just as many in his own way. God bless you and your family for sharing you with this messed up world. You are most definitely a true warrior for Christ.
Sorry for your loss but Heaven’s gain.
Whenever I hear of the righteous taken early I always think of Isaiah 57:1-2 The righteous perishes, And no man takes it to heart; Merciful men are taken away, While no one considers, That the righteous is taken away from evil(the face of evil). 2. He shall enter into peace; They shall rest in their beds, Each one walking in his uprightness.
I am so sorry for your loss.
However, your brother has just reached his final graduation!
Congratulations Roger!
Brother Mario, I share in your sorrow, and in the Joy of Roger’s smile. May The Peace of The LORD Be With You Always…. HALLELUJAH!!!
My deepest condolences Brother Mario. May The Lord Himself comfort and strengthen your heart. Thank you for sharing your story.
I’m so sorry for your loss, Mario. I understand your grief. My father died early and left my mom with 8 of us kids to raise in Oakland CA. I have since lost 2 brothers and our son, Bobby. My comfort is this: I will be reunited with them for eternity and the God of all comfort is with me. God will be your strength through this difficult time, and many will be praying for you.
I’m so sorry Mario, I know exactly how you feel. I lost my mom and my brother 2 months apart, then my baby brother from Covid 7 months later. I admire your honesty about your grief. Sometimes as Christians I think we think it’s wrong to feel overwhelming grief. I will be praying for you man of Gid.
Sorry for your great loss. Praying that God will fill that void with His overpowering love. 2 Cor. 13:14
Dearest beloved brother, Mario! I do know the pain of loss and my heart hurts for you! Praying for Father’s Comfort to your heart and a double anointing and abundance of laborers for the harvest in California. Your sister in Christ, our Precious Lord and Savior! One day all tears and sorrow will flee away as we behold the Lover of our soul’s together with those we love who have gone before!
Deepest sympathy!!
Praise God he is in glory!!✝️
Mario, what a beautiful, loving, sincere tribute to your brother. It is clear how much your heart is hurting and you will miss him, but what a legacy he left you. The Lord gave you a brother who displayed the character of an overcomer and one who was blessed and enjoyed the provision of his Creator. The Lord will sustain you and heal your heart in time but nothing can take from you the example Roger gifted to you and the love you both have for one another. What a fellowship, what a joy divine, leaning on the Everlasting Arms, knowing we will all be reunited for Eternity.
Straight from the heart of a brother…
Sorry , Mario Murrillo for the early departure of your brother.
So beautiful how you described his life and accomplishments! May God give you peace and his wife and kids,
Future reunion in the HEAVENS how great day that will be .
Praying for you !
Rebecca Acevedo
I am so very sorry for your loss and I understand and feel your pain. My prayers are with you and your family. I lost my beloved sister unexpectedly in February. I am still grieving but knowing without a doubt that she is walking, singing, praising, and loving our Lord face to face eases the pain. Actually, sometimes I’m jealous, yes jealous, that she has been called home. And I know we will meet again in the presence of our Lord and savior. Oh what a glorious promise!!
Mario, the moment AJ mentioned the loss of your brother yesterday morning in our prayer meeting in Tulare, I began praying that the Lord would embrace you with His loving arms and sustain you with His strength and surround you with His peace. I mentioned it to mom when I got home last night and we understood sudden loss (my father) and we pray for both an extraordinary comfort and anointing as you prepare for the upcoming tent crusade. We pray for traveling mercies for you and Michele. Blessings.
I’m so sorry for your loss, brother Mario. The Lord understands and He will help you through this. I promise. He loves you. He gets you.
Love in Christ,
My heart broke for you reading this blog post. His eyes and smile tell us a lot about him. I am a 74 year old Irish twin as well. My wife and I were with you in Tulsa for the Flash Point meeting. We are huge fans of you and Lance. We pray for both for the health, and protection of your families. I just wanted to let you know we are out here supporting you, like millions of others. May God continue to bless and sustain you in every way.
Bob & Ruthan Miller
I am so sorry to hear about your brother passing on. He is with the Lord and we will soon be with him and your brother as well. Please continue with your faithfulness and your love for the Lord preaching his gospel. We love you.
Oh Mario, I am crying with you…sobbing!! After losing a beloved brother and my youngest son, this is what I KNOW: JESUS said HE would never leave us….and HE will keep body, soul, and spirit together and get you through this!!!
Thank you, Mario. That was a beautiful and heart-felt tribute to your precious brother…your “Irish Twin”.
So sorry for this great loss, Mario! Praying God’s peace and comfort over you!
Thank you I lost my husband of over 50 years in March 2022 my heart has been so broken he to was a great Christian and former Youth Pastor and Associate Pastor even if they knew God we still feel the tremendous loss I will be praying for you and his family.
What a beautiful and very passionate living tribute to your brother, Roger. Anyone, having lost someone, who has left the kind of lasting impression in their life as your brother Roger did in your life; there are no words in the English language that could begin to describe, the impression and loss felt in one’s heart. How blessed to have a man you refer to as “the greatest man I have ever known”, as your brother. I can relate to this. As “the greatest and most loving woman I have ever known, was my mother, Florence Lopez.” I lost my mother and my best friend, too. Everyone loved her. She always thought about other’s over herself, the most selfless woman, and human being I have known.
My heartfelt prayers, are with you, Mario. For Roger’s wife, Diana; children, Michelle and Adam; and extended family.
Greatly missed in your life and hearts; one day, will be joined together with Jesus,
in eternity. ❤️
I feel your hurt, Mario and I’m sorry for your loss. You truly had a big brother in more ways than one. May your grief be sweetened by knowing you’ll be together again in heaven. And as the Jews say, “May his memory be a blessing.”
God bless you and comfort you and your family. Thank you for sharing your feelings. What a beautiful tribute❤️
God bless you Mario as you carry on in this life leading people salvation Jesus brought. Such a beautiful tribute to your brother
Mario I am truly sorry for your loss. I have followed you for many many years. I coming close to 80 next year and can honestly say your God given gifts have blessed my life, and my sons. I watch you when I can and truly pray your heart rest in the arms of our savior as you navigate through this time of your life. Comfort to you and Roger’s family Blessings Always
Thank you for sharing such a heartfelt story!
God bless you praying your strength in the Lord!
I am so sorry for your loss, Mario. You have shared your brother and your pain. Thank you for both. I will be praying for you and the family.
God bless.
Hi Mario, knowing you only through the net. Only truth would come from your heart.
Yes, my heart was broken when my wife past away+-5 years ago. I thought if I got a lady friend it would help me
It was not God’s plan for me
I have since clung to the word like never before. What is my point? I understand your loss and feelings from deep down in my spirit. God bless you and may your brother’s mantle of strength and trust in God be upon you for greater things. God bless you and his family
God needed another angel God bless you and your family in this difficult time.You will see each other soon in heaven.
Thank you Mario for sharing your heart. You touched me deeply, remembering loved ones who have gone before me – often too early by my way of thinking.
So sorry for your loss, Mr Murillo! It’s hard to loose a sib! Praying for you & yours IJNA!
God be with you as you walk with Him. Bless you.
Dear Mario I am so sorry to hear about the death of your brother! You must have been very close, praying you will find peace in Jesus. I also lost a brother in 2000, he was older than me and always watched out for my safety. When my mom died when I was 7 years old he was always there for me making sure I was doing alright. He helped through the years if I ever had any problems. I still really miss him!
Mario I will keep you in my thoughts and Prayers!
God Bless you for all you do for the Lord to many souls to him for salvation!
I am so very sorry for your loss, Mario. Thank you for sharing a bit of Roger with us.
Thank you Mario for this message. Just like your brother’s passing, my wife also lost her sister last week. As part of the grief process, keep writing and talking and crying. I am watching my wife do this as it helps in the healing process. I was a Hospice Chaplain and know how important it is to grieve.
Our prayers are with you as you begin this Tent Revival in CA soon. Thank you for, “Firepower” with Pastor Tom C.
Press on dear brother!!
David Ziegler
Pearl River, LA
Beautiful testimony of your brother. Praying for you and the family.
You are so transparent and say it even though its so close to home-your brother.My wish in prayer to God for You,Mario.The grace of God abound even more for You in days ahead.That You will be able as an act of kindness to show great kindness and compassion to the Ones Roger left behind.Also adding to them by the abiility of God’s grace something substancial to their lives in your brother Rogers’memory for the glory of God!
So inspiring and beautiful… beyond words knowing he is face to face.
Mr. Murríllo,
My Wife & I….Have been Blessed in Our Lives by “Our Heavenly Father” because of Truth you bring from Heart!
We ask and pray that, that same Heavenly Father, COMFORT You and your entire family in this time.
We have been Honored to Watch, Hear & Read what God has told Your Ministry to Do for HIM first & Americans & The World!
We are Encouraged & Blessed by Your Life of Truth & Courage, when others couldn’t “Stand!”
Prayers Q & Lyndsay
Sorry for your current heartache and loss. We know he’s rejoicing in victory, and from the looks of things, soon and very soon, we, the church, will join him and our Lord. I enjoyed that bully Bob got pummeled. That humbling may have spared him from doing worse. God bless you.
I am in tears reading this. I completely understand. My youngest son Sean a critical care nurse fell ill last September and died. I am still heartbroken. And his older brother (14 months) is now facing a trial of great tribulation. Satan’s attacks don’t stop. We as Believers truly do “have to put on the whole Armour of God” that you may be able to stand against the the wiles of the Devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. I really do feel your pain Mario!
Dear Mario and family, so very sorry for the loss of your brother. He is in the presence of the Great I AM! We all will be there soon, keeping all of you in prayer.
Your story was a very gentle reminder of my own, almost identical situation. Hoping you also find peace amid your grieving. Looking forward to our reunion.
Dear Mario : I am very sorry for your loss. I know the feeling, like an arm is missing. I’m praying for you, your family, and for Roger to be enjoying the light of Jesus’ face.
Thank you for sharing this, Mario.
Our God is an awesome God.
He reigns from heaven above with wisdom power and love.
Our God is an awesome God.
Mario, que bellas palabras. Me emocioné muchísimo de sólo leer tu blog. Me desafió, al mismo tiempo, a ser un hombre de la altura de la que fue tu hermano. Que bueno es Dios, verdad? Que pone a nuestro alrededor a hombres que marcan el camino y nos enseñan con sus vidas apasionadas que sí se puede, y se puede hacer bien. Te abrazo. Conozco ese dolor, porque mi padre partió hace algunos años, y mi sentir (hasta hoy) sigue ese mismo camino, sin embargo es un dolor extraño, duele, pero al mismo tiempo hay un cierto privilegio de haber podido disfrutar de él y continuar con su legado.
I do know how you feel. My sister passed away 2 yrs ago and she and I were 11 months apart. For 8 days we were same age. We both heard the gospel and came to Jesus. So yes I know how hard it is for you. We miss them but oh how we know they are with the King of Kings. Praying for all the family. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story….
Mario, I am so sorry for your loss. I will be praying for you and your family. Thank you for sharing your heart with us today.
Mario, I am so sorry! Your story about Roger touched my heart..Thank you for sharing!
Prayers for comfort and strength in Jesus Mighty Name!
So sorry to hear of your loss Mario this is never easy but you know as well as I that someday we will meet again no more death nor tears only joy. In the meantime, I will pray for your healing. I know that is said often by individuals but I mean it. God Bless we will be home and reunited with our loved ones very soon Mario. Praise Jesus.
Condolences to you Mario. We in 🇨🇦keep praying for you and your ministry. 🙏
He llorado con este mensaje. Oro a Dios para que refrigerio del cielo llegue a ti y a su familia.
I’m so sorry to hear about your brother is gone from this earth. But, I’m so happy to hear of a life lived so faithfully for Jesus. I pray for God’s strength to see you through this very difficult time. My the Lord bless you and your family, especially Diane.
So sorry for your loss Mario. May the Lord comfort you as only HE can.
Blessings and comfort to you from God, our Father. I, too, have experienced unexpected deaths of loved ones. It is hard.
Your story reminds me of Corrie Ten Boom and her sister Betsie. They were so close too. God took Betsie in the Nazi concentration camp right before Corrie was suddenly released from the camp through a clerical error. Why did He choose that for them?
God knows all the answers and He will redeem your pain of loss. A seed has fallen in the ground… growth is coming… Trust Him. Much love and respect.
I understand your loss.
I have two great husbands in heaven to greet your brother. There is comfort in knowing that they are in our future but the hole they leave in our hearts never quite heals.
beautiful tribute to your amazing brother- may God be your Comforter until you are reunited in Heaven
I am so so sorry Mario. Sounds like you were a very blessed man to have a brother so close. I know that loss but My brother died at 19 years of age , this year made it 41 years ago and I still miss him today. He loved the lord and his young life still speaks but the loss of a sibling is hard. I am so grateful that you were able to accumulate so many memories and believe me they will mean more to you now. God is good and yes it leaves us with questions why so young but I’m grateful I had him in my life. Your brother ran his race and now you must continue yours because we want as many others to come to know Jesus more than ever. Be ready ….Gods assignment for you is to continue on but I’m sure your Roger is still smiling alot more than ever .Thanks for sharing about him . Praying for you.
I’m so very sorry to hear of your loss. My heart hurts for you. But just knowing he is with our King Jesus I hope helps.
Mathew 5:4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Sending heartfelt prayers and condolences Mario.
“Safe in the Arms of Jesus” written by Fanny Crosby and is what she sang when she lost a child to illness. I hope it brings you comfort.
Mario, my heart hurts so much for you! I read this story through my tears. I know your kind of pain so well. I lost my daddy when I was 13. Then, without him to protect me, my life went steadily downhill with more abuses than I had ever thought possible. But awhile before his death he had a radical spiritual awakening! My mother and brother turned away from church, but he took me every Sunday, and he spent so much time with me. He basically turned me over to Jesus all my life, and I have always stayed there. I will be 80 in December, but not on the inside.
I couldn’t understand why I have had such an agonizing life…not until I read your book “Vessels of Fire and Glory’. I had to keep putting it down because it is exactly what I have been through, and I kept going into overjoy as it revealed to me WHY.
I have so very much wanted to tell you this… Back in 1993 I saw you at the Valley Cathedral. I came out of the prayer room in tears, and you said to your 2 friends, “This one has been delivered”. Then you hugged me! I now believe that the Lord put an anointing on me through you via that hug! I truly am a “Vessel of Fire and Glory”!
There is something that I want to tell you which the Lord told me long ago. We have lost so many great ones of the Lord, and it just didn’t make sense to me until I felt Him speak to my spirit that these ones are on the other side being trained up for His greatest move ever that is coming soon. What better boot camp for them than in the heavenly realm!!! I am believing that your brother is among the ones who will return with that Army!
I am having to wait a literal lifetime to be with my God-ordained mate. We have known each other in the Spirit, but we have had to walk without one another in our trials and training for God’s calling on us. God promised the restoration of the youth of those of us who are of His Army. So many call me “crazy” because of what I share about all of this. But very soon I will stand next to my God-ordained husband in front them, and they will have to eat their unkind words. The Lord told me that my true mate and I will have a baby girl, and we are to “call her name Joy”. My story about my true mate and me is a real-life fairytale! We have not been allowed to meet in this realm. He is from Cardiff, Wales. I am 1/2 Welsh on my daddy’s side. My true love’s name is Sion…pronounced Shawn.
I have so many incredible stories to tell. I will have to write a book. I have already written many spiritual Spirit led poems. …also, romantic poems, and love songs, etc. I am also an artist and a creative genius. But God had me turn over much of my talent back in the 80s, “so that I could not buy myself or others out of many trials”.
I have longed for so many years to be able to write to you, and have you read my letter. I have recommended you to many people. You and Rabbi Jonathan Cahn are the ones whom I follow the most.
God bless you and yours. And may our Precious Lord comfort you all during this time of great loss.
In His Love and mine,
Lynn Diane Ball…soon to be Lynn Reese
Beautiful, touching tribute for your your brother Roger. The part that touch me most was when Roger meant our precious Savior, Jesus. It reminds me of how important it is to live a life in the presence of God, and to be an open book that others can read. 🙏
Crying with you, Mario. What a beautiful tribute. Jesus holds you close.
I’m so, so sorry for your loss, Mario. I can only say how grateful I am to God for putting Roger in your life to help mold you into the man of God that we so desperately need in these turbulent times. May God’s grace shine upon you and your family and help heal your broken hearts.
Mario, I lost my younger brother 10 years ago on Nov 1, 2014, so I understand and can sympathize with this pain. I know you will miss him until you meet again. Praying for your peace and comfort during this difficult time of transition.
What a great moment it will be when God calls you and you see your brother again. As Jesus told us “Let not your heart be troubled, I go to prepare a place for you”.
We are so sorry to hear of your loss and pray Father God’s love surrounds you and his family
God bless you, Mario! I pray that God will help you understand. I understand your heartache. I had it when I lost my brother. And I still miss him. They are now in Jesus’ loving arms. Praise the Lord!
Praying for you and your family…the greater the love the greater the 34:18
This gripped my heart. I am terribly sorry for your loss. Sounds like he truly lived his life well before an audience of One.
Much grace, peace and comfort to you and yours through this difficult time.
My deepest sympathy is with you Mario. It is so immensely good to know that Roger is dancing with Jesus.
My sincere condolances Mario. I pray that God will sustain and strengthen you.
Dear Mario. I’m sorry you are left behind, but your brother knows the Lord and is with him now! I have brother who is 83 and doesn’t know the lord. No matter what I do he is stubborn about Jesus. I pray he doesn’t die, your brother is with the lord. I’m sorry for your grief, but you will see Roger again soon. Be about your Fathers business and remember, he’s still playing football and having a ball right now. Pray for my brother who is in jealousy. I’m so happy he followed you into the kingdom. I love you Mario, fight on!
Mario, my sincerest condolences. Losing a dear loved one is never easy. Life will be very different, going forward. As His Word says, who can know the mind of God? His ways are higher than ours. But you are more blessed than most, for having had such an exceptional brother your whole life. Dwell on that immense blessing, and rejoice for Roger. He’s in the Lord’s glorious presence now.
Bless you Mario and your family. So sorry about the loss of your brother. He sounded like such a humble and lovely man. Your testimony convicts me to be a better sister, wife, mother and friend. Praying for comfort for you all. God is good and he is on the throne!
Thank you for sharing your heart with all of us. My sister went to be with our Lord 2 years ago. The Lord told me she was in my past but now in my future. May our Lord continue to surround you and your family with love and comfort. Praying for you all
My prayers and condolences to you and your family.
A beautiful testimony, Mario. Thanks so much for sharing this with your readers. And God bless you and all of Roger’s family as you process through the grief and look forward to that great and soon coming reunion day. 🙏🙏🙏
So sorry Mario. What a beautiful write up about your wonderful brother. May God sooth your soul and keep you going strong in the kingdom for Him. He is our only hope in this messed up world. May the whole family feel the comfort and love of God. I too have lost family members but God is faithful and as He told me when I questioned Him. Some day you will understand all things. Just follow ME!!
You are in our prayers during this time of great loss. We know what great loss is when we lost our only son several years ago. Some day all this pain and suffering will be over as we enter His Eternal Rest. Meanwhile, we cling to the cross in silence….
Fall, Christmas Winter 2025\4,2025….Et. Rest. All that matters now is God’s perfect will in these times.
Prayers of comfort to you Bill and Carol in Jesus name Amen
This is a beautiful and loving tribute to Roger. I am so sorry for your loss. God be with you! Your follower, Leanne
My prayer for you and your family. God Bless.
What a beautiful tribute. What a nice looking man he was. You were fortunate to have a strong bond with your sibling, not everyone does. Just like he entered this world before you, he entered the next in the same order. Condolences to you and your family. The truth is time is short and it won’t be long before you are reunited.
I love the picture of your brother. Thank you for sharing.
Prayers are with you Man of God Mario in this time . Thank you for sharing . God Bless you and your family in Jesus name Amen
Mario, please accept our deepest condolences for your loss. What a wonderful tribute to your brother, Roger.I hope those memories give you some comfort in such a difficult time. God bless!
Mario, I am so sorry for your loss. Roger sounds like a great man indeed!! I am looking forward to meeting him in heaven one day. I’m praying for you as you go through this heart wrenching time and for the crusade in Tulare beginning this weekend. Sending love and intercession from PA.
My most sincere condolences. I lost a favorite brother a few years back, I had 5.
I pray your grief might be replaced with wonderful memories of your lives together. We will get to see them again!😊❤️
A lovely tribute – and now comes Peace to Mario from the God of all comfort Who does all things well. He’ll turn your mourning into dancing, brother Mario! He did the same for me.
My deepest condolences for Roger’s family. I know family loss, it hurts. God will comfort you and your family. The Lord will be your strength during this time and beyond.
Mario, my sincere condolences to you and your family for the loss of your brother.
What a wonderful testimony!
Brother Mario … your tribute to your brother is precious. He awaits you in heaven.
Dear Mario,
25 years ago you were in the Atlanta area preaching when you suddenly stopped and said God says ” You don’t deserve her but I’m going to give her to you anyways” word for word that confirmed what the Lord had told me that week. Three months ago my Precious Dorothea went home to be with the Lord. I am so sad for you and with you. The deeper the Love the deeper the loss.
My Deepest Sympathy. Thank You for being so real
Dear Mario , Brother in Christ,
I am sorry for your loss of your brother. I hold you and your family in my prayers. God Bless you today and always. Amen.
Dear Mario: I look forward to your emails and read them all. I even save some to refer to later. I also forward them when it fits someone I know needing your words. Today I eagerly went to read your letter….started crying immediately. My heart breaks with yours because I KNOW THAT PAIN!! I too lost my brother and the pain is still there. Only Jesus can comfort me, so I continue to go to Him when the tears come. I love you and what you do for The Lord. Prayers and spiritual “hugs”
I’m so sorry for your loss, but you have been so incredibly blessed to have Roger as a brother. In reading your words, I felt as if I knew him. You have been in my prayers, and I will continue to hold you and your family in my heart during this time. I do understand your grief, as I revisit my own. We are called to trust…so…we do.
Shalom, my friend,
Brother Mario so sorry to hear of your loss. I too have lost five siblings and can share in what you are going through. My prayers, condolences, and love is extended to you and your family at this difficult time. Regardless of our relationship with the Lord, it’s hard to lose a love one to the grave, but thanks be to God for that glorious reunion when we meet again! Stay strong my brother as I know you will.
Sorry for your loss brother Mario, but thanks for sharing your story so openly!
Wow! I am deeply moved and at the same time, provoked to emulate Roger’s life. Holy Spirit, do as only You can do and comfort Mario and the entire family.
Mario, I am so sorry for your loss. Your brother sounds like an incredible man. Just wait until you meet again. Oh, the rejoicing that will go on in the presence of our Lord & Saviour.
May the Holy Spirit pour out his comfort on you and your family.
May God continue to bless you Mario. Praise Him for his loving kindness.
Dear Mario – I am so very sorry for the loss of your brother. What a beautiful testimony of your life together. I know that you will treasure in your heart the many wonderful memories that you have of him. I pray that the Lord Jesus will heal the hurt that is in your heart.
I know the heartache that you are experiencing, my precious husband passed away last year. We were married for 63 wonderful years. I have many precious memories of our life together, which I treasure in my heart.
I could not have asked for a better husband. I met him at a high school dance, I was fifteen. years old. My husband told his friend Ralph that I was the girl he was going to marry. He had not even spoken to me. It was love at first sight.
Please know that my prayers are with you.
Dottie Kane, Director
Healing Rooms Ministries
That was a beautiful tribute about your brother, Mario. He sounds like someone we all would love to have known. Thank you, Jesus, we will be reunited with our loved ones in heaven!
We will get to know Roger and spend time in eternity with the family of God!
Thank you for sharing your heart with us.
Dear Mario,
I have experienced that heartfelt brokenness you are going through now. It is so hard, but The Lord will comfort and sustain you, I know.
Give yourself some time to grieve before heading back into battle.
I do appreciate the honesty and integrity you bring to your ministry.
With love
Christine (England)
I am so sorry for your loss Mario. That is heartbreaking. You can look forward to seeing your brother’s wonderful smile again when you reunite in glory. God bless you and your family.
It breaks my heart to read your heartfelt tribute to your brother, your “Irish twin.” I’m so sorry for your loss Mario. May the Lord bless you, keep you in His care and give His peace.
Mario, my heart is heavy with grief and love for you and your family. My eyes are tearing, and yet I know that Christ is wonderful. I am glad that he was an amazing light for Jesus and that he may have been your first convert to our King of Kings. KayD
That’s a great tribute. Thank you my brother. I have 3 brothers myself and if I know anything I know I’ll be asking the Lord for similar help one day.
What a beautiful tribute to your “Irish twin” and a great brother/friend. I am so sorry for your loss. May God wrap His arms around you and your family.
Very anointed, loving words about your precious brother. Praying extra strength & grace to you & your family. Please keep preaching the truth! You are desperately needed and appreciated.
May the Peace of Yeshua’s love be with you and your family!
Truly sorry for your loss. You will see him again. Blessings
Mario, I feel your pain, as I too, just lost my brother (age 86). The Holy Spirit directed my husband that we should visit him on Aug.20, and on Aug 28, he walked with Jesus. His goal was to play his Trombone in church on his 100th. Birthday. He played his instruments and sang in many churches, but toward the end, did not attend church cause he didn’t like the music, so he listened to some of his favorite church services online. He did not discuss his faith but lived it faithfully. My sister who is nearly 94, told him he was “out of line” as she was first and for him to “get in line” (I’m the youngest) so I reminded him what she said, he just smiled. Yes, we miss him, but we look forward to that great reunion day.
I’ll never forget when you came to Calvary Church Naperville (in the ’80’s) and preached under our Pastor Bob Schmidgall. I loved you then and continue to listen to your great messages full of Jesus’ redemptive love followed by miracles and wonders. I continue to pray for your ministry and health and grieving heart.
Thank you for sharing your heart
Made me cry – so very touching. Such love between truly great men of God.
Oh Mario, Your love and respect for your precious brother touched my heart too! Thank you for sharing some of your stories of him with us! A very special man with a beautiful smile!! ☦️🕊🙏🥰
Mario, lamento mucho tu perdida. Es sorprendente como Dios nos usa de diferente maneras, pero con el mismo proposito. Dios lo bendiga en todo lo que hace para el reino de Dios. Gracias por su obidencia al Todo Poderoso. Pronto viene Jesus y estaremos todos juntos. toda gloria a Dios
God rest Roger’s soul that he Rest In Peace.
I’m sorry for the loss of your brother Mario.
I am so sorry for your loss. Loss cannot be put away with words when a heart shredding loss happens…. only time can heal that. Again, I am so sorry
How beautiful a story he lived! I’m so very proud for him, too. He lived what many of us aspire to. Quite an example to follow. Glory to God! I lost a brother before, too, and I know it’ll be years before you can visit his home and not expect him to walk in any moment. It’s ok. It’ll take a while, but look where he is and what he left planted in you for you to cherish as well as share. Tha
Nk you for showing a little of him to us.
Sorry about your loss. What a privilege to have Roger.
I am so sorry for your lost Mario.😔 But he is waiting for you one day when you complete your earthly mission! Keep going and stand strong. People need to hear the truth of the gospel. God Bless!
Thank you for the story of your brother. We lost our son a few years ago to depression, one he inherited from me. I praised God for my son for time we had together. I learned from the Baptist Seminary they told me its like the depression takes over the brain. I know that to be true. He loved the Lord and tried to be a really good person, but he was afraid to tell his doctor how depressed he was for fear of losing his job knowing that had happened to others. He also struggled with severe back pain from an accident.
When he died God said “do you trust me?” Absolutely I answered.
God is good and loving and I trust all His decisions. May not like them, but trust Him
Thank you Mario
I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful story.
My heart goes out to you and your family. I’m praying for your comfort through the day to day of living with grief.
My older brother died suddenly almost a year ago at age 63 … losing a sibling is devastating.
I am sorry. God be with you.
Heavenly Father, I ask in Jesus’s name that your peace and joy will flow over Mario and the family and you enclose them in your arms of mercy as they are grieving the loss of a brother, husband, and father.
Beautiful blog, thanks for sharing brother Mario and blessings and comfort to you and your family, in the Mighty Name of Yeshua HaMashiach.
Christian Greetings Mario;
So sorry for your loss.I have been praying for you often.I lost my husband less than a year ago but I can tell you that the Holy Spirit at times would come with His awesome Glorious Presence and heal my broken heart.The bible says “when you pass through the fire you will not be burned …”. At times I felt like I was standing on the very threshold of Hell watching my husband suffer but God was there!!! Your Brother has been promoted to Glory. Only His presence can carry you through this and He will. praying for your wife and family. You have a good Father God .Blessings and strength.
What a beautiful story. It touched my heart and I had to read it through tears. God Bless you and his family. Rest in Peace.
Thank you, Mario, for such an intimate testimony about your beloved brother.
(Yes, you do need to smile more. I recall your buddy Lance said something like “you look like an Italian rebel.” Are you laughing? I hope so, humor will be a helpful tonic, as time goes by.)
Your grief is ours, too. Many here have lost loved ones so recently. My own lil brother passed almost 2 yrs ago and it still is painful. It boosts my emotions up when I choose to remember Jesus is my Brother. Not only my God, my Savior, my friend; but now also my brother.
Whenever a hole is created in our hearts, by such loss as this, the ONLY ONE Who can fill that huge gap is JESUS. I pray His Presence so fill you up, that He helps you to “see” the two of them walking and talking and goofing off. Really.
Holy Ghost hugs to you and your whole family in this time. And to all your commenters for their tenderness to you. Love.
Great story about your brother mario. your brother was a special man to you, he just relocated. i know how it feels to lose someone special like my grandson 22years of age shot in the back by a thug while was on a two week leave from the airforce base in omaha. it took me a long time to get back almost to normal he also was a special young man. hard to understand. he also relocated to his true home. GOD bless you Mario what great job you are doing.
Thoughts and prayers, Mario!! You are blessed to have had him as a brother as long as you did. I’m so sorry for your loss. May God comfort your heart and strengthen your resolve to continue living in complete obedience to your first love-JESUS!! Your impact is making a HUGE difference in the Kingdom! We are grateful for you!
What an awesome tribute to your brother! It sounds like he was such a great man, countless words could be written about him. But, you did a beautiful job in capturing the essence of his character for us. And I am so very sorry for your loss.
Praying for Holy Spirit strength, comfort, peace, and power as you minister at the upcoming event in Tulare, CA.
Mario, I m so very sorry for your loss. Take comfort in knowing he is before The Lord. Praying peace and strength to you and yours 🙏
We are deeply sorry for your loss. There are no words to speak that will erase the pain of the loss of your brother. Holy Spirit will bring you comfort as you “adjust” to being without your brother, bringing you to acceptance. We never know why someone is taken, but God is always merciful.
We send you love and prayers for comfort, knowing that you will be together again in heaven someday.
Mom, my wife of 47 years graduated to Heavenly Places a few years back, unimaginable pain, I am praying for you and family
God Bless you my Brother
I am sorry for your loss of your brother, Roger. I too, lost my brother who grew up next to me – I believe my brother is with Jesus! For the remaining brother & sister I try to interact with them more often – life is too short!
I’m so sorry for your loss!
The picture you shared of him is just wonderful and all you wrote about him is reflected in that picture. His soul (breath of God) will be waiting the resurrection as you know. But we miss them. Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted, Jesus said.
Dear. Aril, what a testimony of your love and respect for your brother. I know our Comforter will fill your heart.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Your brother sounds like an exceptional man and your love and respect for him is very touching. So glad you will be reunited with him one glorious day.
Thank you Mario, I truly understand , my niece called me on the 13 of Oct . to tell me my brother had died. He as my parents were Missionaries in Africa, It was a surprise, but I am glad when God was ready for him he went quickly . you and I were blessed to have such great men for brothers. May God comfort and strengthen you .
So sorry Bro. Mario! Prayers for you and your family!
I am so sorry to hear about your brother, thank you for sharing your story with him , I pray healing to your heart I know he’s going to be missed, he’s with Jesus
Mario I am very sorry for the death of your brother, Roger.
May God comfort you with His love and the wonderful memories you have about him. Roger does have a wonderful smile.
Thank you, Mario, for sharing stories of your brother with us, with love and humor, in the hour of your grief. May the Lord draw close to you as His word promises He will for the broken-hearted (Psalm 34:18).
My daughter is awaiting the birth of the second baby of her set of Irish twins and I will share your post with her, so that she can see how a pair of Irish twins grew in faith alongside one another, throughout their lives.
Father God, wrap Your arms of peace and comfort around Roberts wife. I know the grief of the loss of a good husband.
Wrap Your arms of peace and comfort around Mario as he grieves his brother.
I understand anger in grief.
Only You and time can heal. Help these two and the rest of the family turn to you for comfort and healing.
In Jesus name. Yes and Amen.
So sorry to hear about your loss. I lost my brother who I ministered with on Thanksgiving Day. I said Jesus you are my elder brother ..we will hang together til I meet David on the other side
This is a beautiful tribute. I’m
very sorry for your loss. I pray the Prince of Peace would carry you during this incredibly difficult time.
Such a loving and wonderful testimony of your brother’s love, courage, and tenacity to strive to be the best. A difficult act to follow, but you both reflect the love of Heavenly Father and our Lord. Comfort and peace for you and your family.
Beautiful tribute of your brother Bro Mario! Thank you for sharing.
May the glory of the Lord comfort you and all that knew him.
Keep fighting the GOoD fight my man! <
My prayers & condolences on the loss of your brother, Roger. No one can fill his place but may the Lord supply who & what you need in this time & in the days ahead. I too lost a brother with a significant role in my life a year ago. He brought the Gospel to me! Thank You God for the outstanding & faithful brothers you gave us! Blessings to Your Great Name!!!
I am very sorry for the loss of your brother. Praying that our Lord will wrap you and your family in His supernatural peace, a peace that goes beyond our understanding to help you during this sad time. May God comfort you and give you His peace.
I am very sorry for the loss of your brother. Praying that our Lord will wrap you and your family with His supernatural peace, a peace that goes beyond our understanding to help you during this sad time. May God comfort you in a manner that only our God can do for you. You are so blessed to have such a wonderful and Godly brother in your life. What a blessing he has been to you and your sweet family. But even more so, he answered God’s call to work in the school environment to make an impact in the lives of so many children. Just think about how many kids he ministered to as a teacher and as a principal to expand God’s kingdom. For all that your brother has done and accomplished, your brother is now hearing “Well done, good and faithful servant”. For he has certainly served his God fully to change the so many lives for the better since chose Christ and shown to others he served how to follow the ways of Christ.
As I sat here reading this, tears were flowing down my face. My heart hurts for you and the loss that you’re having to experience. Yes, we is believers know that we will see our loved ones again someday however, that Roger shaped hole in your heart will not go away until you see him again in heaven. I I am praying for you and your family that the peace above all understanding encase you and calm you. God bless you, brother in Christ. I’m praying that no weapon formed against you shall prosper that every dart that the enemy tries to throw at you going to be totally eradicated in Jesus name.
Mario I am so sorry for your loss. I feel your pain and grieve with you and your family. I know it’s never easy, but your God and mine is greater than death., He conquered it. I pray that all demonic forces trying to take us down be bound in the name of Jesus! I love you brother!
Dearest Mario,
All that I can say is something that Chuck Swindoll once said that really stuck with me in times of grief. He spoke of something that happened that was so bad that he asked the Lord, “How are You going to get glory out of this. If you would just tell me.”
And the response that he heard was, “Chuck, even if I told you, you wouldn’t understand!”
I believe that there are some things that standing on this side of the veil, we will never understand. But on the day that we come face to face with Him, we will get a glimpse of what only He feels for each one of His children as the perfect loving Father.
Now is just the time to grieve unashamedly before our Father and our King.
Amen and amen! Selah!
I am so sorry for your loss. May God console you and your family.
I am broken hearted for you Mario and your family. I know the pain of loss. I lost my mom 20 years ago and lost my oldest son last year. Lean completely on the Lord, even more so than you ever have. Many times we feel that we are so very close to the Lord, especially you being in the ministry, you have to hold fast to the Lord. Then something like this happens. These unexpected things throw us for a loop. But God! He is bigger than unexpected things and has arms to carry you through this. May you be comforted by the Comforter. Amen!
Good people pass away; the godly often die before their time. But no one seems to care or wonder why. No one seems to understand that God is protecting them from the evil to come. Isaiah 57:1 NLT
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I lost my younger sister last year–I send you my prayers and deepest sympathy. God’s blessings on you and your family.
I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved brother! I am lifting you, and all loved ones of Roger, up to the great comforter Jesus Christ! May the Lord give you comfort, the strength to get through this very difficult time and may He give you a peace that surpasses all understanding. I loved hearing about your brother and what wonderful memories you have to treasure, hold tight to those. God bless you in all you do Mario, you’re truly an awesome soldier for Christ!
The origin of the name RODGER is from the Old High German Hrodger or Hrotger. It is composed of two elements, hrōþiz (hruod), meaning praise, fame, glory, renown, honor and gaizaz (ger), meaning spear, pike, javelin.
RODGER means Famous Spear, Famous Warrior.
Famous Warrior went home to be with our Lord Jesus Christ. Famous Warrior is cocooned in comfort in the presence of his Lord, Who Is Jesus Christ. Rodger is in wholeness and peace forevermore.
Father God held Rodger ever so gently and wiped away All, All, All tears from his eyes. He gently kissed Rodger’s face.
It is written in Rodger’s innermost self, “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”°
Rodger, Famous Warrior, lives in joy, in laughter, in Truest Love, forevermore.
°(The Revelation of Jesus Christ 21:4)