by | Oct 15, 2024 | Deception among Christians | 115 comments

Modern Pastor, why do you let deceived Christians silence you?

Pastor, you need to tell your people—from the pulpit—to vote for Trump.

If that horrifies you, I’ll bet it is because of deceived Christians.

A choice between good and evil.

Elections used to be a choice between liberals and conservatives. This election is a choice between good and evil. And who is evil?

Democrats embody everything that is anti-God, anti-Christian, and anti-family. Democrats have sold themselves to do evil. That is clear.

How clear? So clear that I can categorically say that any Christian who votes for Kamala Harris is deceived. Many would call them a false Christian.

It is the natural extension of your calling.

To take a stand against this evil does not make you political. Not anymore. It is the natural extension of your calling.

Democrats fight against everything we stand for. We did not pick this fight. They did.

They brought the fight to us. We did not wander into their yard. They jumped the fence into our yard.

For pastors to be silent now is beyond shocking. The very people who should be leading the charge against evil are missing in action. Out of 500,000 Protestant ministers in America, only a tiny percentage are speaking out.

Paul declared the first duty of a shepherd in Acts 20:28, “Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.”

What if the shepherd ignores the threat?

Preaching should take the sheep to safety. How can it do that if the shepherd ignores the threat?

Then Paul ordered the elders to be on the lookout for two villains: Savage wolves and perverse Christians.

Savage wolves

Acts 20:29, “For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock.”

There is no question who the savage wolves are today. Democrats are responsible for the invasion of murderers and rapists into our nation and they don’t just want to save abortion, they want to celebrate it. It is their religion. Child sacrifice will be a national sacrament. They want to erase Christianity and Israel.

Then Paul warned us about the greater threat—the one inside the church: perverse Christians!

Perverse Christians.

Acts 20:30-31, “Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after themselves. Therefore watch and remember that for three years I did not cease to warn everyone night and day with tears.”

How can perverse Christians be worse than wolves? Because they silence pastors. Ministers stand before the largest voting bloc in America. If they were speaking about Harris from a Biblical perspective, this election would not even be close.

It is the most deafening silence in American history. We face the most obvious choice between good and evil. The nation stands on the brink of disaster. Pastors are the most effective weapon against that disaster.

God will replace anyone you lose.

Questions flood your heart. Will I lose members? Yes, you will. But because you are speaking truth, God will more than replace anyone you lose.

Will it ruin my reputation? Only at first. After the initial wave of criticism you will emerge with a reputation for telling the truth.

How can I tell my congregation? Search social media. You will hear the powerful words that pastors are using right now to effectively inform and lead their congregation in this matter. You will be stunned by your people’s awareness of these things.

Will I be violating the Johnson Amendment by speaking out? Will I lose my non-profit status? The Johnson Amendment is dead. Bishop John Drew Sheard who leads the Church of God in Christ endorsed Kamala Harris and the IRS continues to ignore it.

How would the government dare to come after you if they did not come after them?

Don’t let deceived Christians destroy America! Understand where they came from.

Believers “saying perverse things” began for us when the church adopted discipleship by osmosis. Instead of instilling Biblical literacy, we thought we could just, “let God speak to them.”

This created a “wide onramp” for membership growth. It also created members who cannot tell right from wrong. Worst of all, they are ignorant of what their duty to the Lord is as a Christian.

Paul took the opposite approach to discipleship. He warned Timothy to hold the line when sound doctrine became more than audiences could bear.

We do have our fables!

2Timothy 4: 2-4, “Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all long-suffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth and be turned aside to fables.” And we do have our fables!

It is a fable to think God wants His own children to vote for Harris. It is a fable to think God condones a mother killing her own child, even after they are born. In this, no one can be neutral.

But the biggest fable is to believe that we can be silent and there will be no consequence.

God is watching. Imagine what He will think of us. Especially when it was within our power to stop so great an evil by so simple an act.

Tell your people to vote for Trump.


  1. Angela Williams

    Spot on and very well said. Praying that the veil from their eyes is removed, hearts turned back to Righteousness and ears unstopped.

  2. Steve Spinnett

    Absolutely, I’ve never been to a church where they spoke about one candidate over the other. Except for the very first church that I went to back in the Jesus people movement. I was 18 years old, going to a church and the pastor found out that I voted for Jimmy Carter, he let me have it in public, absolutely laid into me. But we knew we loved each other, but still, and no un Certain terms. Today he’s with the Lord, but I respect him so much for rattling my cage. I have never voted Democrat since. I had no idea who to vote for to be honest, but in no uncertain terms, he directed me to the right way and since then I paid close attention to the political arena. I didn’t like what was going on in my city so I ran for mayor and one actually I want every time.
    Today I go to a church that doesn’t talk about it actually since the church that I used to go to where the Pastor spanked me publicly over politics, no other church I went to which is 23 others would even speak about such a thing as one candidate over the other. That comes down to one thing of pastors they’re fearful I would not want to follow them in difficult times. I simply would not listen to them because they don’t know what they’re talking about. It’s really sad that we don’t trust our church leadership. It’s very unfortunate, but I am not going to follow a fearful person. The last several years of gone to two churches all of them with much younger pastors, and they just had a real problem with the political thing and I think it’s just fear. I do command a church that I went to for keeping the doors open during Covid, they didn’t shut their doors at all. But let me tell you what it’s about. It’s about The institutional church, it’s not the safety of the parishioners, but it’s the safety of the institution of the church and that is so wrong the church is people. That have come to honor the Lord, according to scripture.
    I will tell you there’s two things that Pastor’s won’t talk about his work, the subject of work during a church service, and the political. I’m a businessman. I worked hard, now I don’t have to work and I make a good income. I also raised up my children, and they all work for me, let’s state that it’s like I work for them, but they pay me well to stay away.

  3. Mark and Susan Dubois

    You are so right on brother Mario!
    May God wake up the Pastors & congregations!

  4. Diana Kline

    You are 200% right!! It’s so sad that Christians have forgotten that when you know the truth it will make you free. The easy road leads to slavery. I choose freedom!

  5. Cindy Lindsey

    Mario thank you for getting the truth out there. I have listened to you and read your books and have watched you since you were on Flashpoint. (miss seeing you on there) but understand God had a different direction for you. I had a discernment about certain prophets and had stopped watching and listening to them before you brought it up. My husband and I go to a large church I guess you could call it a Mega Church but our minister speaks truth. Some of his staff tell him oh if you say that you will lose people and he tells them that he has to stand before God and be accountable. Instead our church keeps growing. I’m so thankful for ministers like you that no matter what keep speaking truth.

  6. phil beatty


  7. Meg

    Yes brother Mario, I totally agree with your writings.
    I live here in Australia and Sky news is the only place we hear the truth. Our Pastors here tell us that all the things going on is God ordained to line up with scripture as we approach the end times.
    My husband and I now are too afraid to attend church as we have been told that we are not ministers and so the back lash is we either be quiet about political things or leave.
    And yes you guessed it right we left.

  8. Celeste

    Love, “ the Johnson amendment is dead.”

  9. Howard

    Seems you are right on target, pastors seem to be afraid of losing members. Are they interested in saving souls or keeping tithe paying members.

  10. Marie Angela Howe

    I stand beside you and for you to the glory of God. I will be at you Tulare tent revival and bring others with me. As many as I can. I’m one of the grandmothers that you have talked about. I believe that you are a vessel of God that helps us to see , know and do as God wants. Thank you from the heart you have helped me stay focused through all that has been thrown in my path as I continue to worship God the Father, Jesus his son and the Holy Spirit. Lead us to His glory . No greater gift can be given or received. He is our treasure our All in All.

  11. Michael A Druckenmiller Sr

    This has been my stance for decades. Usually it’s on the premise of being called Salt and Light.

    Salt, a preservative, has to be “rubbed” into what it is trying to preserve and ‘our’ fear of causing offense has negated any attempts to be God’s Preservative of this uniquely America Culture.

    Light, an illuminating and exposing entity (for lack of a better term), Again we keep silent for fear of offense.

    Paul wrote, “Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear”. John the Baptist publicly rebuked Herod. Yes it cost him his head but he remained righteous before God.

    Lastly, that’s all I had for decades until Charlie Kirk shared Jeremiah 29:7 “Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.”

    To me this means Voting as righteously as possible because America cannot Prosper, and neither can we, if America flounders before God in a sewer of filth.

  12. Patricia Miller

    Yes yes and. amen

  13. Don and Carol Nelson


  14. Kim Ferrero

    Thank God I heard this message on Sunday, at church, in “blue” Connecticut of all places. It has not been easy to find a church like this, to put it mildly. But they do exist, praise God!

  15. Donna Lumpkin

    Thank you Brother Mario. It’s important to PRAY for Donald J Trump and JDVance as well as Vote for them. Again, we MUST Pray effective, ferverent prayers. Push for Victory. I have had Christian friends tell me they are not voting and I ask why. They just don’t like Trump. What a poor excuse. Bottom line is they don’t know what the Bible says!

  16. Tony Perone

    Yes, Mario! Just as God raised up Cyrus to bring Israel back into their land, God has raised up President Trump to lead America back to its covenant roots established by early settlers and believers. God called Cyrus His shepherd because He prophesied that this man was picked to stand in the gap for His people. Do we doubt God has President Trump under His wing? No assassin’s bullet can take down what God has raised up, and Trump testified to that by saying it was “the grace of God that saved his life!

  17. Tony Campo

    Amen Mario, thank you for being the voice of truth. Yes God is watching (2 Chron 16:9) and I believe He has already drawn “the line of demarcation”. Many pulpits across this nation have just been so weak, compromising and full of mixture. Pastors are filled with fear. They are afraid to take a stand for righteousness. They have failed miserably when it comes to instructing their congregations of the importance of Godly involvement in the governmental arena. (Just one of the 7 mountains) Therefore Christians have been deceived, are very confused and uninvolved, getting most of their knowledge from the fake news media. We have got to come together in one mind and one accord for the purpose of saving this nation. If not us, then who, if not now then when? We have all come into the Kingdom “for such a time as this”, it’s time we, as the Body of Christ take a stand!! Thx again Mario for always being the voice of TRUTH. And yes, I wholeheartedly agree, the Christian has only one choice and one way to vote…..and that’s for TRUMP.

  18. Ann

    I heard about one pastor of a Mega church in TX, that said he was undecided who he would vote for. How can this be???
    I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes when he stands before God.

  19. Ron Rupp

    Sounds similar to Exodus 5:18-23 when they were told that salvation had come and FATHER had heard their prayers, not discipled, not understanding promises chose slavery…

  20. David

    Mario, this is your most hard-hitting blog yet. But now is not the time to soft-pedal. Every word you speak is true. My wife & I left our former church because of it’s silence on these matters. It also would be wise to stay away from the mainstream media, and search out alternative Christian news media, where you WILL get the truth.

  21. Charlie Baburchak

    Right on Mario. Keep preaching the word and don’t hold back.
    God bless you my brother

  22. Paul Doyle

    Amen, Mario!

  23. Jesse Berthold

    Amen! Thank you Mario for this very truthful and powerful word. We ministers need this challenge put before us. Thank you for being bold and saying what needs to be said.

  24. Shannon Grove

    ❤️👏👏🙌🙌. A man of courage ! A man of God ! A man speaking truth !!

    Thank you

  25. Dale Ritter


  26. Billy ferg

    Amen ! As a pastor for over 36 years I have exposed the evil works of politicians to my congregation. Starting with the Clinton’s & Obama then Biden & now Harris. I lost a few people over the years .but I have gained the most Godly & faithful people in our church ! I have a reputation of not fearing the left & always speaking the truth. I am highly loved by the righteous & hated by the ungodly! Who do you want to be loved by ?

  27. Esther Gibbs

    Wow!!! Agree with u completely on this. Have been praying for years for Holy Spirit to cleanse all the pulpits of this nation (and throughout the world) of the wolves in sheep’s clothing!! To fire up the true leaders in the 5-fold ministry who will only speak His truth and let Him do the rest. We true “church” are so hungry for true God fearing leaders to LEAD instead of following all the half-truths we hear/see all the time.
    Thanks for letting me rant and rave over all the trash that’s coming over the “news”!!

  28. Jim Ballinger

    Thanks, Mario, for speaking the clear truth with boldness!

  29. Travis Campbell


    Deuteronomy 30:19 (NKJV) I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live;

  30. Danny Raymond Lake

    Thank you Pastor.
    This past sunday, Oct 13, our pastor taught on this very thing.
    Even the Johnson Amendment. I am forwarding this link.
    Thank you

  31. Patty McPhillips

    Definetely a good word Mario! God bless you!

  32. Renee

    Thank you Pastor Murillo for boldly speaking the truth. We need Godly voices to serve as the mouthpiece for the Father.
    Our children suffer in the current culture. We MUST save them. It is a dire time for our nation.

  33. Barbara E Burt

    Amen and Amen!!!

  34. Karen Flood

    Thank you, it’s about time the church speaks out about what is happening in this country. Maybe they’re the wolves in sheep’s clothing? They are leading their flocks astray. I pray that God will open their eyes.

  35. Kelly Hudnall

    Another great blog! Amen

  36. Paula Dorko

    Wow this is so powerful! Thank you for always speaking the truth ❤️God bless you🙏

  37. Laura

    And so it begins. I thank God that He has heard our cries and will do this great work of sanctification and purification. Thank you, Mario, for your unwavering stand for righteousness and justice. May the Lord our God increase you more and more.

  38. David Martin

    Thanks for the Bold Truth. I wish you would have mentioned all the other evil the Democrats promote. Mario you are completely right. The average so called Christian is completely ignorant and uneducated on the truth pertaining to these issues. Pastors that don’t stand up for gospel truths are mere hirelings.

  39. Eric D. Turzai III


  40. Gwen Barr

    A men and Amen Mario

  41. Jane Kathleen Showalter


  42. Jeffrey Wiegand

    Wow the silent silence is deafening! As for me and my family we are voting for TRUMP! FIGHT

  43. Barbara Wright

    Amen Mario. Lord give our pastors your discernment that we are in a war between good and evil. Good and evil has become so obvious for the world to see so I have to believe this is the Holy Spirit exposing the deception thats blinded the world .. Vote for truth, Vote your convictions. We are in the battlefield saints of God. fight! FIGHT .. FIGHT 🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸

  44. Anita

    Please stop blaming the people, for a lack of strong leadership!

  45. Wayne

    Brave churches (pastors and church officials) should IMMEDIATELY refuse to participate in the 501(c)3 tax program! Although this may benefit members who itemize deductions, it is a stranglehold on churches preventing them from speaking out against evil in our midst.

    Some members will leave… many more will be sent in by God to support brave ministries! A fear of lack of finances (i.e. unbelief in God’s ability to provide) will keep many ministries from taking this essential step. Ministers… have FAITH in God!

  46. Jeanne Isdale

    Thank you, Pastor, for speaking Truth! That is so deeply appreciated!🙏✝️❤️

  47. William Addison

    Thank You Mario for speaking up and speaking out. William Addison

  48. Karen Sorenson

    Totally on target, Mario!
    We will be judged by Almighty God for everything we do and don’t do, whether good or evil.
    God bless you!

    • Julie Collins

      right on!! absolutely speak it out!! I agree with your words and i am speaking out as a Christian, a citizen who has the right to speak out.

    • Cheryl Turner

      I would never vote democrat under any circumstance but to call out Christians before you call out all the alters men have built and erected in church is worse. Man’s ways are not my ways and that it is God who raises leaders up and leaders to fall. Our churches are wicked Mario, the million women march was the perfect time to repent for all those who have been exposed even pedophilia in our ranks with no one standing with those victims. Who cares that sheep are bleeding in the streets, lets make sure Trump is in office.

  49. Joanne Schulte

    Thank you Mario. The Lord spoke to me in prayer and said “The fall out will cause a fallout” he said the first fall out is like the military term “fallout” when your dismissed from duty to relax. He said complacency left them in fallout, they did not come back to the Holy attention they were called to. He said the second fall out is like the atomic fallout, (debris). The leaders fallout will cause the body’s fallout. Within minutes of hearing this my cell phone rang, it was a private number. When I answered it a woman began weeping and wailing on the other end, when she stopped I tried to speak and I couldn’t. She then proceeded to weep again. I heard Rachel weeping for her children. It then ended. There was no record of a number on my phone. My prayer for almost 3 years now has been “Lord call your leaders back to attention!” Thank you Mario

  50. Karen Barber

    Thank you for delivering the truth to many people. My prayer is that people will open their ears and hearts to the truth of where true Christians should make a stand.

  51. Susan Seifert

    There is a lot to unpack in this article. It is excellent. One thing I have found that is interesting is that Christians, so many times, do not want to get involved in this and they say that they don’t want to ‘judge’ anyone. They would say that the Bible says we have to submit to the higher authorities and we are not to judge. The reason they don’t want to judge is simple; they are simply uninformed. They don’t want to take the time to learn what is happening out there, and they resolve themselves to be ignorant and non-judgmental. They haven’t been taught how to discern and they are afraid of getting it wrong.

    • Donna Roberts

      Amen our pastor preached on this last Sunday.
      I am amazed at the people who say they are Christian and do not vote or vote for candidates that do not uphold moral or Christian values.

    • Candyce Scott

      Submit to higher authority — highest authority in America is the people. We are America’s Caesar! Christ said “render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s”. What is our highest responsibility to render unto Caesar? Our VOTE. I, for one, do not take Christ’s dictum lightly. I will vote!

  52. Amber Sgro

    I agree with you Mario and I strongly support your stance on this as it should be all of our stance as Christians. Any side promoting the killing of the most innocent has no place in our government or anywhere in our country. Americans have forgotten our foundation. THIS is GOD’S NATION founded by men and women who sought the Lord in the very foundation of this country. They endured horrific conditions to seek a land where they could freely worship, love, and serve God. What have we done to our country is disastrous for all of us. No one is a saint as we have ALL fallen short of His glory but these folks on the left are seeking evil and seeking a nation without our God and we can clearly see the result of that. If anything, no Christian should ever vote for a candidate whose only policy is defending abortion. THAT ALONE IS NOT OF GOD! We serve a GOD if LIFE❤️Pastors who mislead their flock with be held accountable. FEAR THE LORD not man! It is time to STEP UP and speak TRUTH!

    • Enid Hamby

      Keep speaking the truth Mario. Such a shame that many conservative politicians, out of fear, have compromised their position on abortion.

  53. Deborah Jones

    Great article. We need to speak Gods truth. His character, His beliefs. God have mercy on those who don’t and are destroying the sheep.

  54. Manuel Lozano

    PS: I showed this video to the congregation on Sunday. Other pastors should do the same.

    Mario, Jonathan Cahn has a very important video you can share with your subscribers. He deals with not voting for Kamala.

  55. Jan Klarich

    Agree 100%

  56. Daniel T Conlon

    Amén, amén and amen! A Christian who would vote for abortion, trans gender must be on “spiritual” marijuana or never reads their Bible. I thank the Lord that our pastor makes it very clear how a Christian needs to vote. He makes it so clear that anyone who still holds to the anti God agenda of the democrats would get up and leave. This is the most spiritual election in the history of our country. The democrats even stated during the last election that it was “a battle for the soul of the nation”. It makes me wonder who the Christian Harris supporters want to win that battle for the nation’s soul. I just heard a couple of days ago a prominent pro life person endorse Harris. Figure that one out?
    Thank you Mario for speaking truth and life in the face of darkness and death.

  57. Leanne

    Amen. A bold, true, needed word for today. Thank you.

  58. Connie Strock

    I’m praying that .even though Christians,pastors ect.dont want to vote for
    Donald Trump.That God will put .D,j T in anyway.because its too stressful.hoping they will vote for him depending on them to vote for him ,I’m Just asking God to have anyway.but to deal with those stubborn ones that .voted Kamala.

  59. Vyvette

    Dear Mario,
    You are part of the small remnant that is needed to overthrow evil.
    A few devout preachers/pastors – can take the message of good verses evil., al over. Vote Trump/reject Kamala – will resonate through millions of sheep – returning to the flock.
    Your tent crusades,/blog are reaching, your tent crusades, lash point, Fire Power and a few good prophets on podcasts – are reaching – millions of voters – through U tube, Rumble, X, Facebook – etc. The internet is a great weapon against evil.
    If you and your preacher friends – will pray for Trump and explain to your crowds – why they must vote for Trump and forward your message – I think your message will reach far and wide.
    You are now well recognized – people search for your message.
    Heaps of people are listening to you. Bring the USA back home to God – by praying and sending your message everywhere.
    So little time now left! People all over the world are praying for Donald Trump – but you must persuade them to vote – for God, Family and Country.
    May God bless you.

  60. Diane Klein

    Thank you, Mario! I’ve been telling my friends the same as what you are instructing. Please preach it far and wide!!!

  61. Vyvette

    Dear Mario,
    You are part of the small remnant that is needed to overthrow evil.
    A few devout preachers/pastors – can take the message of good verses evil, all over – Vote Trump/reject Kamala – will resonate through millions of ‘sheep’ – returning to the flock.
    Your tent crusades,/blog are Flash point, Fire Power and a few good prophets on podcasts – are reaching – millions of voters – through U tube, Rumble, X, Facebook – etc. The internet is a great weapon against evil.
    If you and your preacher friends – will pray for Trump and explain to your crowds – why they must vote for Trump and forward your message – I think your message will reach far and wide.
    You are now well recognized – people are searching for your message.
    Heaps of people are listening to you. Bring the USA back home to God – by praying and sending your message – everywhere.
    So little time now left! People all over the world are praying for Donald Trump – but you must persuade everyone to vote – for God, Family and Country. (America First)
    May God bless you.

    • Stephen Grover

      I believe you and this message that is for a time such as this!
      The events of these days have
      helped me return to my first love Jesus and hope and pray
      People called by God’s name would turn.from lukewarmness and vote for Trump!

  62. Marcia Hilborn

    Totally agree! We can not be silent and have to expose the evil in our country.

  63. Leanora Cicconetti

    Schedule of tent meetings are requested by me as I would like to volunteer to share the Gospel. Chaplain Leanora Cicconetti

  64. Karla Ingolio


  65. Elena Sanchez

    I am full of righteous anger! After 30 + years of living as a prostitute drug addict having OD in 1990 and experience a NDE, only to come back and do time and then want to kill myself again, then on 11/2006 Jesus Christ entered my room in motel 6 and I was radically saved and instantly healed of drugs and prostitution.. On 8/8/8 Fire fell on me for one hour as I fell to the floor face down .like a feather Then i heard the voice of God, and my spiritual eyes were open . After that I was kept home alone with Jesus until being sent to my first church in SF in 2012.( I was born and raised in the city) . I walked into a large church and I saw dancing to loud music like a disco . I asked the lord is this ok with you ? I thought I was going yo enter a church that was holy . The lord replied; I receive their worship , for they don’t know any better..He showed me their hearts were right… Since this time I been raised up by the Holy Spirjt and sent to a Liberal Mega Church in Sj to a famous Pastor … The Lord showed me poo on the walls and said; my mega church’s are like the titanic heading for an iceberg.. I sit on the front row listening every Sunday to messages that Father says are not from Him. My Shepard’s are no longer instructed by Me… He has since given me a Ministry which He named Bethisrael -bet-This-Is-Real Healing Ministry and said Bethisrael is a National Example of Repair…uneducated past the 3 rd grade , had 12 devils in me and lost in a world of sin that was impossible to get out from & I was heading for hellHopeless and forgotten.., I didn’t know what right from wrong was or what sin was to a Holy God ..Today I KNOW MY GOD, AND HE HAS A PLAN THAT WILL SHOCK AND DISMAY THE CHURCH INTO REFORMATION AND REVIVAL ! He said , Its not that you’re not ready , America 🇺🇸 is not ready for you ! So I pray , Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered… And as I pray I hear, “ i HAVE CALLED TRUMP, the Incumbent will fail, the Incumbent will fail, it has been predetermined!! God has a plan and Mario Murillo Ministry is part of that plan !!!!

  66. Nita Brady

    Mario, I agree 100%! Well said!
    “The best way for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing…” This quote definitely applies to our current situation. Christians who support Kamala are either TOTALLY uninformed or deceived—or both. No excuse in either case. Abortion, mutilation of our children (gender surgeries), removing parental rights, Socialist/Marxist policies, an open border allowing 20 million illegals—many of whom are trafficking children and drugs (fact not opinion).
    Christians, fall on your face before God and let Him speak to you! No, we don’t put all our hope in politics or political leaders—but the Bible has MUCH to say about leaders and politics. Vote for God-honoring policies!

  67. neil willis


  68. Phyllis Riddle

    Thank you Mario it’s the truth!

    • NickT

      Amen Mario,

      Kamala and the Dems are extremely evil and are puppets for satan. Last chance we have to vote for Trump and no Dems. Because of what they stand for. EVIL. If Christians vote for Kamala and the Dems they are not true Christians.

  69. Christopher Hutchinson

    Good exhortation sir! 💪🏼

  70. Dalporto Tito

    I attend many churches lately to see if the enemy is or has entered the churches. No. But the gospel is being preached. But the evil that is in the present government is not mentioned at all. Politics is a dirty word. Yet the evil of the current administration is rampant and the pastors for being silent will answer to God. We the church are to be salt and light to the world. And we should call out evil and hate evil. Evil comes from the father of evil, Satan.
    Satan is actually at this time running our government along with the media. Pastors are responsible for warning the sheep where evil is found.
    They should warn of anything that is against God’s Word and teachings. When the church is silent then God will chastise his sons and daughters with discipline. Pray for God’s people the Church, to wake up and vote against the evil Democratic Party. In Jesus Name Amen!

  71. Shanda Donahue

    God Bless you brother for speaking the truth. God help these preachers that are letting evil take place. Praying for our Nation.

  72. Janeal Wilson

    Hard message but so needed. Jesus said if you are not for me you are against me. I will stand for Him with my whole heart. The dividing of the sheep and goats is so required today. Even if I stand alone I will not bow my knee to a false god. I have 3 adopted children who I pray love God for saving them from abortion. I walked (sometimes in the rain) outside an abortion clinic hoping for a chance to talk to a confused girl who thought murdering her child would make her life better. By being obedient then some babies were saved. Mario, keep on being obedient and strong with your hard message. All need to hear it and make a choice for God’s amazing tiny creations now. Adoption should be made easier.

  73. Donna Shields

    How do I approach this subject with my pastor? How do I get an open door without him thinking I am too pushy?

    • Kevan Prati

      Donna, you can print a copy of Mario’s blog, or text your pastor a copy of it, and tell him you would like him to consider what your evangelist has to say about the November election.
      A copy of Jonathan Cahn’s appeal for Christians and pastors to vote for Trump is been included in this comment, so please watch it and consider sending it to your pastor as well:
      Based on his reaction to your request, you might ask the pastor what he makes of this verse, Exodus 34:12, where the LORD tells Moses –

      “Take heed to yourself, lest you make a treaty with the inhabitants of the land where you are going, lest it be a snare in your midst.”

      Ask pastor if the 12 men sent out to spy out the land in Numbers 13 conducted themselves correctly in light of that Exodus warning. And aren’t we, the church, in a similar situation? Will we make a covenant with an ungodly administration by voting for all of the evil that the Democratic party will foist upon our nation for another 4 years?

  74. Diane Coon

    Always the truth here. Thank you. The Remnant loves your voice.

  75. Janette LoBianco

    God bless you, Mario for speaking the truth!!

  76. Len Generoso

    Thank you Mario for telling the truth

  77. Michael John Maynard


  78. Brenda

    Yes oh our silence is not golden
    Canada has an evil deceptive gov also
    He is pro communistic and pro China thinking .
    Like your Harris and walls
    Im a pro D J Trump and yes GOD wants him in USA gov
    But people will get what they choose
    Us here also
    Thank you for speaking truth
    There is a wonderful on fire catholic priest in England speaking out too

  79. Jeanie R.

    Thank you, Brother Mario,

    I am very heartbroken over what I’ve witnessed in the church, as our brothers are no longer being led of the Spirit, but simply their own knowledge of the Word being tantamount to the Jewish leaders only understanding the law, but not the spirit of the law. The law is spiritual, and they did not understand this. This is precisely why they would not listen to Jesus. He explained the deeper depths of it, but the pharisees, teachers of the law, etc had no understanding of what it was HE was telling them.

    Please encourage your readers and listeners to call on prayer meetings in their homes. This what we have been doing for YEARS. Do not rely on the church pastors to create every single little initiative in your church. Most churches do not meet regularly for prayer meetings.

    Do what God is leading you to do.

    He has led my husband and I to have prayer meetings in our home.

    “Where two or more are gathered, I am there in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20

    “The weapons are our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds…” 2 Corinthians 10:4

    Thank you brother and the Lord bless you always.

  80. Barbara James

    I am so proud of you, Pastor Mario, for posting this. I notice there are no comments. It tells me people are not taking a stand for the truth and that saddens me. Just like in Daniel 5, when King Belshazzar, refused to humble himself, the handwriting came to the wall. This election is the handwriting on the wall if Harris gets in 😢

  81. Mary J.


  82. Ellie Pitts

    Praise God for your direct talk, boldness, and truth, Mario.
    You’re right: This silence is most deafening, like the silence of Germany in the 20th century. The disciples prayed fir boldness in Acts; may God grant boldness to willing pastors and sheep in the name of Yeshua.

  83. Don

    No one who supports the democrats can be a true Christian. But most people are not true Christians, including many in the churches. But most churches are earth-bound organizations with budgets, buildings and staff with salaries, benefits and retirement plans and it is difficult for a pastor to rock the boat and put the system under threat. That is why the “health and wealth” gospel flourishes, why revival is opposed and why pure evil goes unchallenged from the pulpit. Many pastors tell the people what they are comfortable with and don’t want any problems. Evil thrives in such an atmosphere. Teachers will, we know from James, be held to a higher accountability. This should be made clear early to anyone who wants to be a leader in
    the Body of Christ.

  84. John E Bergman

    Before I became a Born Again Christian, I was a fence walker when it came to voting… claiming to be an Independent voter, jumping to the left or right or sometimes both, depending on what I thought was correct… always failing to get the results I wanted! Then I prayed for God’s guidance on the 2016 elections…. I was in my daily Bible reading and as I was reading, I prayed for decrements on how I should vote in the upcoming election… Holy Spirit answered my question by highlighting the very verse I was reading.. Ecc. 10: 2 A wise man’s heart is at his right hand; but a fool’s heart at his left….PBTGOD 🙌✝️🙏

  85. Aurelie

    I appreciate it so much that Pastor Murillo is speaking out against the evil in our culture. It seems that with each subsequent generation, the Gospel is being polluted. I suggest people read the book, Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda, by Megan Basham. The Church is being infiltrated by leftist organizations, even George Soros, with the lure of monetary gifts, corrupting the true Gospel message. Unfortunately, besides those pastors who fail to admonish their congregations about cultural and political affairs, we have a Christian population who refuse to vote–30 to 40 million who are planning to sit out this election, who naively believe that Christians should not be involved in the political process. When I think of the inroads the Biden/Harris administration has made in corrupting our youth through critical race theory, transgenderism, and the promotion of the homosexual agenda, I am appalled at the silence of Christians. We are to be soldiers for Christ. When we see a whole generation of children perverted by these sick beliefs, we need to pray and act: take a stand, call out these perversions in the public sphere, and vote this demonic regime out of power. If we fail to be the salt and light of our times, then darkness will descend, and we will lose the freedom to spread the Gospel to our country.

  86. Tincy

    I’ve not gone to church in serval year’s because I’m tried of the soft people pleasing messages. When the Pastor take the Regins of evil and beat him with it. Let truth come alive in the Church for Jesus is coming and with the Prophets and Pastor we have we won’t make it. I have more I can say however I feel you get my drift.

  87. Michael MEDNICK

    Brother Mario thank you for standing up and speaking the Truth directly into the hearts of Pastors here. I’m boldly believing everything that you’ve stated here to be alive and true. Keep fighting the GOoD fight Brother! <

  88. ruth kolker

    Mario, What a Gift to the the church you have been for decades. Showing us the way if eyes,ears,and inner man could only receive. I remember God told you you could not remain silent and you have you Walked in obedience of Paul himself. No one, no leader can ever say they were not warned. I clearly remember the article with photos in Charisma Magazine of the meeting Pres. Trump called inviting a hundred or so pastors and asking them “WHY ARE YOU SILENT?”. I thank God for you, for your profound faithfulness to God.( AND THE SIGNS and WONDERS that Follow because of your FAITH and FAITHFULNESS to God !!!)

  89. Louis S. Brgant

    Thank you mario for telling the truth.

  90. Frances Hamilton

    Thank you Mario for speaking against the evil party of death and destruction! It is so shameful and sad to me how many I am realizing in our church think Godly values do not matter!! This is a demonic party vs. a party based on Judea Christian principles our country was founded upon. 🥰🙏🕊

  91. betty Darrow

    Thank you Mario., We need to go back and teach the Bible. That Jesus said cast out demons, heal the sick, raise the dead and preach FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVITH ON HIM SHOULD NOT PERISH BUT HAVE ETERNAL LIFE.. i am amazed that churches do not teach spiritual warfare. We can speak to the hurricanes. and the evil in Jesus name.


  92. Rosalie Gilliland

    I may be wrong, but I believe humans are the only species of mammals on earth whose mothers kill their own babies.

  93. Joel Johnston

    Thank you for always speaking the truth. I hope that this message reaches the ears and eyes that it is intended to. I am thankful that more and more Christians and pastors are having the scales removed from their eyes.

  94. Kathryn E Williams

    Thank you so much for sharing this to help me more understanding who we stand for our country. We stand for Donald Trump all the way.

  95. Margaret

    I have been praying for the Church to wake up since 2012!

  96. Jacque Brandau

    Who can declare that they are of God and vote for leaders who celebrate the death of the unborn. Read Proverbs 24:ll-12

  97. Abby Boeke

    Thank you for your bold podcast Mario. I have to disagree with you about the Johnson amendment, however, We have seen the government continually exercising a double standard, why should this be any different? It is easy to understand why they would ignore an endorsement for Kamala Harris, and not Ignore an endorsement for Donald Trump.

    Apparently, Lyndon, Baines Johnson, an ungodly US President, implemented the 501(C)3 and offered it to churches as a way of preventing them from endorsing certain candidates. It enables churches to offer a tax exemption to donors. The love of money, however, is the root of all evil.

    The Foundation Group, an organization that teaches on and facilitates the obtaining of a 501(c)3, states the following 501 (C)3 requirement:

    “Intervention in political campaigns or the endorsement/anti-endorsement of candidates for public office is strictly prohibited.”

    Preaching biblical values is construed as endorsing a candidate. Mega churches are most visible and at-risk.

    We, the Church, have made an ungodly alliance with the government, and now we are paying the price.

  98. Gwen Brymer

    Thank you Mario for standing up and speaking the truth!!

  99. Barbara Ronne

    You are right on target!!! Have been praying the Pastors would speak forth the truth on this election!!! Oh Lord God Wake them up!!!!

  100. Kathleen M. Clanton

    Yes and AMEN Mario! Keep speaking TRUTH! We are God’s hands and feet and He calls us to”Occupy” until He returns.

  101. Susan Sessions

    What you have not addressed here, is the 21 million Christians in our country, who choose NOT to vote. Why is that? What is the rationale for that other than sticking your head in the sand and pretending nothing to see here. To not vote IS to vote!

  102. Mary Jane Baxter

    I thank you for your persistence in preaching this. Coming from a person who had been in a cult where we weren’t to think for ourselves, I struggle telling people what to do. I don’t want to control. But I sent this to all the men I call pastor in my life. I know the truth and it is a vote of good vs evil

  103. Lisa wright

    Well said Mario!


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