A year later the world is pressuring Israel. Most of the pressure is ignorant noise. Some are calling for Israel to use restraint. Rights groups try to pin war crimes on
Israel.They are glaringly silent about the unspeakable horrors of last October7 th —including babies being beheaded in front of their parents.
Israel’s right course of action is crystal clear because of two things:
-The goal of Hamas and Hezbollah.
-They must prevent this horror from ever happening again.
Anything besides these two points is irrelevant. Many cannot see this because they are overcome by ignorance, hate, and blatant dishonesty.
What do Hamas and Hezbollah want? They seek to eradicate Israel and all Jews. The Hamas Covenant, the organization’s founding document, claims that there will be a day of judgment in which all Jews will be killed. Religious leaders within Hamas have repeatedly called on Muslims worldwide to “totally exterminate” the Jewish people.
The only reason for the existence of Hamas and Hezbollah is to destroy Israel.
The only reason for the existence of Hamas and Hezbollah is to destroy Israel. And shockingly, these elected officials in the United States support Hamas and Hezbollah. Think of that!!
I am talking about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib.
When you support Hamas and Hezbollah, you support the annihilation of Israel. Period.
So much of the world community is behaving like stoned hippies. They chant “why can’t we all get along?” Now you know why they cannot get along. And why a two-state solution is a joke.
The world community is not asking the right question. The question should be: why do Palestinians continue to support terrorists who are destroying them? Here is the bottom line: The only hope for peace is for Palestinians to renounce the idea of Jewish genocide.
Any other course of action for Palestinians is suicidal denial.
So, what should Israel do about Hamas and Hezbollah? There is no room for negotiation or mediation. There is only room for an unwavering resolve for the nation of Israel to eradicate the threat.
2. What should Israel do to prevent this horror from ever happening again? At the entrance to the Holocaust Museum in Israel you see these two words prominently displayed: “NEVER AGAIN.”
Those are the watchwords now. As long as Hamas and Hezbollah have the weapons and the power to use them, Israel will face these kinds of atrocities again.
The bottom line is this: Israel must utterly wipe out Hamas’ and Hezbollah’s ability to function. That means the eradication of their infrastructure and network of tunnels. Israel must ignore the world community and finish the job.
America should support Israel and provide them with whatever they need to finish Hamas.
Second of all: What should America do in this crisis? Here is where I am going to lose some of you. America should support Israel and provide them with whatever they need to finish Hamas and Hezbollah.
We should not be rattling swords and spoiling for a fight with other nations.
The fingers that run the Biden hand-puppet want war. They want world war. Because, they make money when there are wars.
We live in a world that is so dark that globalist villains manipulate money. They give it to Iran to buy weapons to attack Israel. Then they turn around and provoke us to attack Iran. They make bank either way.
America has already been manipulated by the war in Ukraine. We have sent billions without having any idea where that money is going or what it is being used for.
This is precisely what made Donald Trump such an effective world leader. He put America first and kept us out of wars.
This is precisely what made Donald Trump such an effective world leader. He put America first and kept us out of wars.
America must get its own house in order. War with Iran may be inevitable. But to do it prematurely would be disastrous. Sun Tzu said, “The warriors of old first placed themselves beyond the possibility of defeat and then waited for an opportunity to attack.”
Close our southern border! Thousands of Hamas-style terrorists are pouring into our country. And probably forming sleeper cells. Get “Wokeness” out of our military, because we are not ready for our enemies.
We are also crippled by domestic crises. Fentanyl is killing our citizens by the hundreds of thousands. Democrats are doing a better job of reducing our cities to rubble than any foreign enemy.
Israel must have our help. What has happened to them is purely and simply evil. It is wrong and must be punished. We must support them. But we must finish this job without starting World War Three.
You make it so simple…as it is. People need to wake up.
Actually read the bible – all the answers are there and in a way that everyone can understand them.
There is nothing more to say than what you have just said! God give your very own people eyes to see You, hearts to love You, wisdom to do Your will, and victory for Your Glory!
Of course! Gaza was the home of the Philistines, the ancestors of Hamas. Their Biblical goal–to destroy Israel–continues today!
Isiah 17 Verse 1 sounds like a nuclear strike!
Asqher Ginzberg (1856-1927)” denied that the majority of the Jewish people could be settled in Palestine: “the smallness of the country and the fact it was inhabited by a large native population seemed to him to be insurmountable obstacles”.
“Moses Hess (1812-75) insisted that a moral and spiritual regeneration must precede the settlement of Jewish People in their own historic homeland.”
Was Moses Hess aware that the promise given to Abraham was contingent on conditions being meet as mention in the OT & NT?
The west ignored this fact, and for political security of assets, allowed the land to be settled. Thus we have problems now, because the settlement was not built on scriptural basis.
Amen and Amen! The Holy Bible says, the Truth will set you free. No one wants to take the time, yes I said TIME to READ Open your EYES America!!!
Amen this is why I follow you Mario you speak the truth I’m reminded of a scripture for America
If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin
We must turn back to God churches must allow the Holy Spirit once again to have His way!
We have no other choice but to stand with Israel Lord wake up your people let us stand up and speak loud and stand for good not evil!!!
You are an example of being led by the Spirit….praying for you and your ministry God bless you for standing up!!!
AMEN & AMEN!!!!!!p
This is phenomenal
Have you all so quickly forgotten about hat Israel is an anti-Christ country?
Do we think there will not be events to draw them to God?
Let us pray for salvation in Israel!
I agree hundred percent. Bless Israel.
Thank you, Mario, for this timely piece. If the cancer cells are not removed and completely destroyed, it will come back and generally be nastier than the first go round. Israel needs to continue moving forward and achieve complete victory over Hamas and Hezbollah. God will not allow Israel to be defeated at this time. His Hand is over the Israel. But, He wants us to partner with Him by praying and by supporting financially however we can as a nation and as a people. Keep praying, people. God is still in control!
Cancer cells are a great metaphor. If cancer is not eradicated it comes back to totally kill. They were given every kind of chance …especially since 2004…. so Game Over now.
yes yes yes
What is the matter with the minds of decent people
Are there none left ,Please Remove the veil of deception from our evil leaders
Expose their evil intent .the puppet master behind K Harris and Wall and old man Biden and our evil Canadian Gov . J T PM is so corrupt
Oh God reign and rain down your judgement on evil leaders
AMEN 🙏🙏🏻🙏🏼🙏🏽🙏🏾🙏🏿 Hallelujah 🎶
Amen. Amen
Our NZ Foreign Minister voted against Israel at UN.
The stupidity is catching.
Spot on!
Amen Brother!!! Amen
Mario I totally agree with you. When you have enemies that want to eradicate you from existence you don’t negotiate with them you destroy them.
I pray for Israel that God will be their victory and protect them until it is finished and the hostages are home.
Isiah ch.17
This will be their portion of them that spoil us..
Who is spoiling Gods chosen as we speak?
With God’s leading continue your great work in informing the people world wide. Thank You 🙏🏼 in Jesus name Amen 🙏🏼.
Excellent and anointed words Brother Mario !
Thank you!
Blessings Always
As just posted on FB, by me RonaldJoseph-
“Brother Marillo serves it up- no chaser. Straight and Narrow. In Joshua chapter 11 we read how Joshua, by GOD”S ORDERS, faced down a whole “lot of kings! Initially 13. After all was said and done- 30 kings.
It will be Good for us Believer’s to read Chapter 11:8-11.
My opinion, or commentary doesn’t mean squat. All the Jews and all the Gentiles may be “Saved.” All the sons of Isaac and all the sons of Ishmael may be saved. Because after all the smoke clears- Israel will be the only Nation standing! Which side do you want to be standing with?
Amen to all you said. God Bless Israel and your ministry.
Absolutely agree with you Mario. Praying 2 Chronicles 7:14 without ceasing.
God Bless you and your ministry. God Bless America!
Bravo, Mario.
Lord, help the Ecclesia see the truth.
“…If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32
Couldn’t say it any better than what you have said. God bless you. God bless America. God bless Israel.
As a group of us were praying for Israel.
I saw a canopy of Angels over Isreal.
The next day Israel was attacked.
My friend had a dream that there were two domes over Israel.
The Iron dome is the arm of man, which is needed.
The canopy of angels is the prayer of the saint’s.which is the hand of God over Israel.
We need to continue to pray and not loose heart.
Well put, Mario! I stand behind everything you are saying, because it is the Truth.And TRUTH will indeed win in the end: You know that. My prayers are with you, brother!
Totaly agree Mario Itan cannor be permitted Nucleur weapon. I hope nothing drastic happens intil Trump i back.
Amen Mario! With Trump, Israel wouldn’t be in this situation. Now if Trump were in, he’d already given them at the start what Israel needed to finish this job! It’s a Sad Shame, this evil in office! But God……….HE WINS!
You won’t lose me because you Mario speak the Living Word of GOD. The Great I AM! Continuing to fast and pray for the peace of Jerusa!em, and our beloved nation! Rebuking the enemy and those plans! And even so , Come Lord Jesus!
Senator Fulchar ( ID) gave a talk to a room full of veterans about why the USA supports Ukraine. Years ago Ukraine had nuclear warheads and our President said give up the warheads and we will take care of your invasion needs.
I don’t have the era or the name of the administration but that is why we send all this support to that country.
There’s an old secular song that goes, “WAR…what is it good for? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.”; but it is written, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Hosea 4:6 Everything you wrote is very true. I pray that people wake up before its too late. God bless you, Brother Mario.
Thank you Mario for always standing in the right place and saying what needs be said.
Israel cannot compromise. Attacks would come again at another time. Praying for the Squad to be silenced. Praying for America to wake up. Praying for more Christian leaders to take a stand like Mario and Todd and Didio. Praying for the Million Women and groups across the nation to reach our God on Oct. 12th.
China has worse violations of human rights than Israel.
I’m so thankful for your Ministry Brother Mario. You are absolutely right about all that is happening in our nation and with Israel. They should finish the job. I have a righteous anger because our government will not help Israel. They are a bunch of liars. Especially the daughter of Lies. Israel are our Brothers and Sisters. The Church must support Israel anyway we can.
I pray God’s protection over Israel God’s people in the name that is above every name Jesus Christ the Son of the living God.
I recognize the quote from Sun Tzu from your book “I’m the Christian the devil warned you about”. Israel needs our help and we need to help Israel. October 7th never should have happened. Hamas and Hezbollah need to be defeated once and for all.
Amen Brother Mario. Thank you for being a voice for Israel and telling the truth. Use the breadth our Creator gives us daily to Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces.
It’s time to admit that true Islam is satan worship. It is uncompromising evil and will be eradicated by Jesus Himself upon His return. To ignore this reality is to miss the entire point of what is going on in the Mideast. Anyone who supports “palestine”,whatever that is, is what Lenin insightfully called a useful idiot. Israel will win in the end because God has ordained it. Trump will handle things correctly in the meantime. I like Mario but these decisions are not made by commentators.
People ask why doesn’t everyone see this? Because there is a great veil of deception upon half the US population. Our prayers need to be that the veil of demonic deception be removed and second, that people would want to choose the Lord and righteousness after they see truth.
I agree completely! The Luciferians at the helm of our country will not do right in this situation, just as they have not done right for Maui, Ohio, TN, GA, NC, and FL. Christians must stand up and take our Jesus-bought authority. “We cast the wicked mountain of government in our nation down. Fall, in Jesus’ name!”
Hi Mario, thank you for keeping us informed. I am from Australia and our weak government has joined forces to stop supply of weapons to Israel. It makes me so angry when I see them supporting the pro Palestinian demonstrations. What does it take to make us see that the Jewish people are God’s and that by Gos’ grace and mercy we got grafted in. I pray that DJT wins this election even though I am here in Australia, for as America goes so does the rest of the nations.
You didn’t lose me. I wholeheartedly agree that the U.S. should be supporting ISRAEL only!!! The evil regimes will not stop with Israel – Christians, anyone that will not receive their “religion” will be killed. ❤️🙏🇺🇸🇮🇱
Thank you Mario Murillo.
We need more voices of truth going forth!
Appreciate your boldness!
Thank you for providing moral clarity about the Real Issues that Israel is facing.
Any enemy that seeks our annihilation can not and must not be negotiated with.
Did Yeshua Ha Meshiach negotiate with the Satan? No! He dealt him a lethal blow so now he is on borrowed time.
The Persian people who love their country long for the end of the current Tyrants who run the international terrorist regime. May ADONAI bring Freedom to Persia as well as Israel. Selah.
Thank you Mario for you stance
on Israel ! As a Christian I stand
with Israel as it is the Lords
covenant nation! I pray the Lord goes before you to your
tent meetings and I pray for
Israel and you always ❤️
I am totally for all you said not because you said it but because my GOD has said it If we are saved we should hear HIS voice and do what is i. hIS word. I read HIS word daily and I read it over and over again. HIS word says we would know HIS voice and another we would not follow. So many say they are Christian and believers but if they are they will not vote for satans side!!!!!
Brothers & Sisters im Christ we must continue to pray for Israel ! We must cry out to our Lord in these times !! Myprayer for this nation is that they may have ears to hear ,& hearts to receive the gospel of our Lord … I pray for their reatoration,healing & salvation.. In Jehova Rapha name
I agree completely that Israel must keep on fighting to destroy Hamas and Hezbollah because if they stop you can be sure that they will attack Israel again. They are God chosen people and God made a covenant with the Jewish people so accept this. When the Almighty God made a covenant with Israel no terrorists can break that covenant. I see all those young people that are against Israel because they are accusing them of killing people well what about Hamas who started this war and killing many people Jewish and Palestinians were killed. They are killing they own people.
Excellent analysis. This is why we need Trump back in the White House.
Yes, amen!
I wish you would get back on Flashpoint and speak like this. You are sorely missed brother
Agreed, but Father’s will not ours. I wish more people to hear you as well.
Amen Mario,
Israel must finish the war on these terrorist who don’t fight fair and are lead by satan.
Amen to everything you said!
Praying here brother Mario
Yes, amen and amen brother!
In Islam, antisemitism is a doctrine, and genocide is a spiritual practice.
Yes, Mario
America and all the Victory listeners absolutely need to hear from you and what the Lord our God is sharing with you!
Please pray about making an appearance soon!
God Bless you, your family and volunteers and their families!
If all guns are taken from Hamas and Hezbollah, the war ends and there is peace between Israel and Lebanon. If all guns were taken away from Israel, it would disappear from the face of the earth. That should be enough information to choose a side…
Amen!! The USA better back Israel or we as a nation will be in more trouble than what we are already in. Thank You for stating it so plainly.
I am ready to go back to my real home so Come, Lord Jesus Christ, I’m ready and know thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Let us be caught up with you and let the book of life be opened. For Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world”.
God showed me that Isaiah 47 is about Kamala Harris in this age!!!
You guys, read it keeping her in mind!!! Amazing! Lance Wallnau was not wrong, God calls her a sorcerer! Lance said witch, not how we may think of a witch, but rather as a selfish manipulator, and a seducer!!! READ what God says about Kamala in Isaiah 47!!! Mind blowing!!! Our God is JUST!!!
This is why democrats will loose the White House in November like in 2016 for their funding of terrorist still this week sending $157 Million to Lebanon when FEMA is broke and Americans are dying in NC and another Hurricane on the way unless God stops it
Thank you, Mario, I so appreciate and respect your bold stance for righteousness. The only ones we can blame for this whole mess is a complacent church. God open the eyes of the body of Christ to repent and turn back to God that our land will be healed and then to be biblical citizens and vote accordingly. God bless you.
Amen brother Mario, you are right on, with everything you’ve written in this blog. Hamas and Hezbollah must go ASAP. Israel must wipe these evil and demonic groups off the face of the planet, once and for all. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord and Savior Yeshua HaMashiach.
To the USA residents that support support and love Hamas and Hezbolla should be deported from the USA- with only what they are wearing and nothing else.
There are to many USA citizens that live in substandard settings, esp veterans who have given time and often their lives for the USA.
The Hamas and Hezbolla supporters since they are so enamered with evil would be happier living with them.
Many have worked hard in making America great. I pray that our God will support the past and present believers in the USA.
We all must pray for Israel, and for America as well. America, thank God for touching the heart s of men like you, Mareo, and those who Minister with you. My health is not the best. The Lord just keep on keeping me going, Praise His holy name. Amen. My prayers, and my spirit are with you as you move from place to place, and God may have mercy, and not allow the Democratic party to “Fix” this election. If God permits them to “fix” the election. Know this; “As America has been under God’s judgment for over 20 years now, if Harris wins, we will see: Stores closing; food supplies stopping, gas prices out the roof; NO CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, AND IF YOU ARE A SUPPORT OF TRUMP, YOU MAY END UP IN PRISON SOMEWHERE. I am having the hardest year of my life financially. Really! But I am a man of God, and have been for over 40 years. I have not always been faithful, but God cannot deny Himself, He is Always-FAITHFUL! AMEN. Mareo, love you in Christ, and I pray you do all the Lord has you to do. The Courage Tour is Great! God,, as you see and know is pouring out His Spirit upon all flesh and changing the hearts and minds of Gods people, who have been overcome by the evil one, with all the Lies and propaganda. Hollywood is the Queen of Propaganda, and Obama is NO GOOD FOR OUR REPUBLIC… HE has a Production company and is making Documentaries laced with lies. He has a contract with Netflix for over a Billion dollars to produce; “Educational” lies, and hypocrisies. HE is Soros’ Runner, paying off people for Democrats in local races to win. Senate, Mayors, Council men, Judges, etc. We, as God’s children need to pray and vote for Righteousness.
Very well said and spot on!
Yes, my wife & I thoroughly agree! There must be a stop to all
of the non-sense!
Bless you brother Mario!
I am an Australian, and I hear your voice here, Mario. May God watch over you and bless you. We need a strong America and you, Trump, and Musk to seal the deal. My prayers are with you always.
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