by | Sep 17, 2024 | Mario Murillo Ministries | 121 comments


This is a prophetic warning. It is the first time the Holy Spirit has ever compelled me to prophesy over an election.

The first words I heard were, “Daughter of Lies.” The second words I heard were, “There is no coming back from this.”

The Lord took me to 1 Samuel 8. Israel wanted a king. God told Samuel to solemnly warn the people that they were choosing disaster.

1 Samuel 8:7-9, And the Lord said to Samuel, “Heed the voice of the people in all that they say to you; for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them. According to all the works which they have done since the day that I brought them up out of Egypt, even to this day—with which they have forsaken Me and served other gods—so they are doing to you also. Now therefore, heed their voice. However, you shall solemnly forewarn them and show them the behavior of the king who will reign over them.”


Why was the term “Daughter of lies” spoken to me? This allegory explains it:

“We have an employee that we hired 3 1/2 years ago. She was given tasks but did not complete a single one of them. She had a performance review and failed it, so she backstabbed her elderly supervisor.

“Now she is demanding a promotion in November, but she refuses to interview for the new position. She promises that if she gets the promotion, she will do all of the tasks she had failed to do before. But she won’t do them now in order to force us to give her the promotion.

“What should we do?”

Sincerely, the USA.

Here is what Samuel told Israel that choosing an evil leader was going to cost them:

It will cost them their sons and daughters.

1 Samuel 8:10-11, So Samuel told all the words of the Lord to the people who asked him for a king. And he said, “This will be the behavior of the king who will reign over you: he will take your sons and appoint them for his own chariots and to be his horsemen, and some will run before his chariots.”

It will bring wars.

1 Samuel 8:12-13, “He will appoint captains over his thousands and captains over his fifties, he will set some to plow his ground and reap his harvest, and some to make his weapons of war and equipment for his chariots. He will take your daughters to be perfumers, cooks, and bakers.”

He will take the best.

14-15, “And he will take the best of your fields, your vineyards, and your olive groves, and give them to his servants. He will take a tenth of your grain and your vintage and give it to his officers and servants.”

He will steal the productivity of the workers for his own enrichment.

16-17, “And he will take your male servants, your female servants, your finest young men, and your donkeys, and put them to his work. He will take a tenth of your sheep. And you will be his bondservants.”

You will lose the voice of God.

18-19, “And you will cry out in that day because of your king whom you have chosen for yourselves, and the Lord will not hear you in that day.” Nevertheless the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel; and they said, “No, but we will have a king over us,”

It is all about globalism: They will lose their unique identity.

20 “that we also may be like all the nations, and that our king may judge us and go out before us and fight our battles.”

The same list of woes applies to us if we elect Harris.

The Holy Spirit is warning you that Kamala will cost you your children’s future.

God is warning you that she will take us into wars.

The government will take the best. Her socialism will impoverish American workers to enrich the ruling elite.

But here is the heart of the matter:

Disaster was embedded in the utterly insane desire of the Israel to “be like other nations.” Likewise for Harris—it is all about globalism.

Satan knew that Israel’s uniqueness was the Law of God and the presence of God. To be like other nations spelled doom.

In the same way, Christianity causes American exceptionalism. That is why the Left fights so bitterly to destroy our Christian roots.

20,000,000 illegal immigrants were brought here by design. The plan is to destroy our freedom and our identity as a Christian nation. The plan is to herd us into obscurity.

But here is the ultimate question: What does it mean for a Christian to vote for Harris?

That is the most chilling part of this prophetic warning. After Samuel took great pains to show them the calamity their choice would bring, He gave them the ultimate warning:

18, “And you will cry out in that day because of your king whom you have chosen for yourselves, and the Lord will not hear you in that day.”

God is asking you a question. How can you possibly believe you will emerge unscathed knowing you are violating everything the Word of God teaches, and then vote for her anyway?


Living Proof California

  October 27-30 

International Agricultural Center Tulare CA

This will be not only the largest but the most strategic crusade. It happens right before the election. You will never be the same. Use the link to volunteer now. 



This Wednesday at 8PM Eastern/7PM Central/ 5PM Pacific  Fire Power! Mario Murillo has received a prophetic

message about the election. What does it mean? What should we do? 




  1. Mike

    Strategic oil reserve needs to be filled up — it is down to 45%

    pray for election

    USA needs factories to compete with China

    • phil beatty

      trump Vance 2024! MAGA! America 1st! common sence! sanity!

      • Anne-Marie Khoury

        General Petraeus & the US Democrats pumped Afghanistan government full of ammunition & money in which they withhold all resources from civilian people. USA imposter president Joe Biden & his cohorts have now given the Taliban Totalitarian control. The same article from the US New Yorker has stated America has funded its own enemy. Our enemies such as Russia seek to influence global & regional policy through arms sales,the use of private military contractors, political interventions,social media & disinformation campaigns,& military force. Russia’s 2014 military invasion of Crimea Ukraine,its interference in the USA 2016 presidential election,poisoning abroad of regime opponents & shielding the Syrian government from international criticism for its use of chemical agents against the Syrian people are just some of the ways Russia has exerted its influence in the international system. Currently we are looking at a repeat of what the Soviet Union has done to Europe’s economy since the cold war times. Russia has cut off all-natural gas supply to Europe for supporting Ukraine. Right now, 700,000 people are homeless in Europe & that is a 70 % increase in a 10- year period. The USA has also supported Ukraine & given Ukraine more than 113 billion dollars. Biden has sent more than 3000 US troops to Europe to support NATO. Tensions are up due to the fact Vladmir Putin has cut diplomatic relations with Germany & Europe which were major trade partners with Russia,primarily Russia would sell oil to those countries & now that they are opposed to Rosh which is another name for Russia in the last days prophecies of the Bible. NOW China can buy oil a lot less expensive from Russia which has made China the biggest paying client of Russia. China & Russia are playing on the same side, the side of atheism & communism. China is taking a stand in opposition to America & preparing to strengthen Russia by combining their militaries to equal a standing army of 200 million & also have gained support of other dictator nations such as Iran,Syria,North Korea,India, Afghanistan, & Saudia Arabia to name a few. Kamala Harris a figure head of the democrats & globalist party who will continue the agenda of Obama which is to cause mass genocide on Conservatives & anyone opposing an agenda of atheism which is their Marxist ideation, their belief system. To know more & to gain cited details of this information email me at annemariekhoury28@gmail.com



      • Wayne Barber

        They are globalists, their goal is a one world government. The only thing preventing that is the US Constitution. They must destroy America

    • Aoife J D'Apollo

      Who would Jesus have voted for?

  2. Cyndi Gamez

    Mario, how you explained the message from the Lord was very clear and also chilling! So many Christians I’ve read on facebook are voting for Kamala regardless of their radical evil policies, abortion on demand, LBGTQ+, transgender, CRT indoctrination, distribution of wealth etc. which they would implement just because they feel self righteous and don’t like Trump! What is sad is they have followers who look up to them! I’m posting many articles including your’s, Lance, Jack Hibbs, & others. on my fb group daily while they (leadership) are silent! I pray & weep because it’s hard to see their blindness and that’s among some Christians! Thank you for sharing! I will repost your message. Most people on my fb group are ministers, Christians, with a few Catholics.

    • Renee

      They cannot be true believers and vote for Kamala. They are false converts

      • Frank Acosta


      • Genét Chenier

        False converts? Beyond audacious and fully inappropriate. SOY!

    • Toniann

      Yessss keep praying!!! Don’t let those Christians discourage u keep praying!!!!!!!!

      • John Monks

        She grew up in Westmount Quebec Canada 🇨🇦, the richest neighborhood in all of Canada, million dollar homes, manicured lawns! Middle Class she claims!? Not even! Kamala Harris is a fraud!

    • Susan Seifert

      Many Christians have been deceived by ‘Christian’ journalists, teachers, pastors, and others in the limelight. These people are influencing the church by using a tactic that says, for example, if you love your neighbor, you will keep the borders open. Or, if you love your neighbor, you will get the vaccine. Everything is based on the idea of love, and in particular, loving your neighbor. And yes, many of these ‘Christian’ leaders are voting for Kamala. They have a vitriol hatred against Donald Trump. Did you know that David French, a ‘Christian’ journalist works for the New York Times? He has embraced every falsehood about Donald Trump and would say that no true Christian can vote for such an evil man. He has embraced the lies of the Left and for that very reason, a lot of his followers are deceived. A book by Megan Basham called, ‘Shepherds for Sale’ talks about this very thing. It is a very sad day when those who are in the church cannot discern, nor can they tell when they are being deceived.

      • Linda Vassallo

        I agree I’m so disappointed in the silence from our church? Not even mentioning that the former president has almost been assassinated again? Why. Are they being silent . It disturbs me so much I do t want to go to this church. I feel they are hurting us and our children and grandchildren. 3 people asked me what woke was? We are 44 days away from the election and our church members don’t realize how important the sinful , lying nature of the enemy. That me a simple woman of God , I have sent a message to the 2 pastors and they just ignore me. They continue to teach us like we we just learning beginners. We are far more than that. I gave sat here eighteen years and they just won’t do it? I’m scared for them and i feel like I gave it my best chance and yet my pastor lost his wife a few days over a year and is now focusing on a new relationship with a woman of the congregation. He used to speak of Sin, premarital affairs, drunkenness, etc but it’s been a long time and it obvious why? I’m scared to say anything again. I feel led to go somewhere I know they are teaching about praying against the enemies of this world. Thank you Mario or I would feel lost. Thank you for your courage! God bless you and your wife & family . Your my pastor who feeds my soul and not a fuzzy bunny tail sermon in this season! Thank you

      • Wanda

        Very well said I agree with you totally

  3. Melinda Moudy

    I feel the urgency in this for us Christians to pray without ceasing. Take a stand for righteousness, pray and fast for our nation and our children.

    • madeline linville

      Melinda, Please obey what God has put on your heart. And, pray for the church that they would obey.

      God Bless

  4. Paul Mikoll

    The truly sad part is that most “christians” do not vote thinking they do not belong in politics when the whole Bible is about His Children and Son who intervened in the politics of their day. If every Believer voted His Word, We, His Children, could take back this country and live under His rule and Glory! There is a difference between what someone who calls themself a christian and a true Believer. I have walked in Holy Spirit fire and cast out demons and healed people by my complete Belief that He Is. Until His Children Walk in absolute Belief, we will not walk in His power or manifest His love and truth. We must be completely sold out to the Truth of Him who gave us eternal life! It is a narrow road, stay on it. He will always be with us if we give Him all of us. Blessings, in Him, always. You are in our prayers.
    Paul Mikoll, Prayer Leader of Brave Church Colorado Springs and Soldier in The Army of The Living God

    • Rosalie Gilliland

      Paul, I completely agree with everything you wrote. The Church has abdicated its responsibility to govern, and the whole world will pay a massive price. I’ve recently written a small book discussing this very danger. If you’d like, I would happily send you a few copies for your brethren with whom the message might resonate. You can review the book first online: Blessed Journey, Fellow Traveler. I’m not as good a writer as Mario, but the Lord gave me this message to share. God bless you!

      • Paul Mikoll

        Rosalie, thank you for the offer of your book. Yes, you can find Brave Church Colorado Spring address online. Keep up the good fight Sister, He is searching for His children who are ready to fight against the enemy of our soul. I am a “Watchtower” Prayer Warrior praying against the enemy and his forces to protect my neighborhood, my city, my State, our Country and World Leaders who are evil. I am often up at 3 or 4am praying against the “powers of darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places” Eph 6:12. Be careful fighting in this way. The enemy hates it and will try to stop you. You must be girded in His presence and Word to stand firm.
        Blessings Rosalie
        Your Brother in Christ,

    • Rosalie Gilliland

      Sorry, I forgot to mention that if you would like to receive a few copies of the book, I would certainly send them to your Church’s mailing address.

      • Brenda Shrader

        Brenda’s Shrader 6056 N Topping Ave KC Mo 64119 I would love ❤️ a copy

        • Rosalie Gilliland

          Hi Brenda, thank you for your response. I will happily get a copy in the mail to you this week. God bless you!
          Rosalie Gilliland

    • Joan

      Lord, we humbly seek you in our time of need. Guide in your ways.

    • Diana Emlet

      Awesome comment Paul. You said it perfectly. Thank you.

      • Paul Mikoll

        Blessings to you Diane! Keep up the good fight. Stand firm in His foundation and He will be with you always. Never forget to give Him all the Glory.
        My His peace and wisdom abound in you.
        Your Brother in Christ,

    • Davi Needham

      Most of the prophets in the Old Testament directly confronted Kings who were the political powers of their day! And Jesus confronted the leaders of the synagogue who were the political powers over the Jewish people. If they threw you out of the synagogue you could not buy or sell. The Roman government ruled over the Jewish government.

  5. Elaine Heistad

    The WORD is true. The warning is real. The Future is at stake. BUT if we will listen and obey, deliverance is promised. Can we be so blind to not see, or feel the pain of the past 3 years. We pray, the eyes be opened and we make a u turn and Make America GODLY again.

  6. Scott Murison

    Dear Americans of the United States. “Today, if you hear His voice ….” Trump is God’s man! When you pray, do not pray out of anxiety or fear. Confess unbelief and repent from it – don’t give it a voice. Pray with confidence in your God. Pray with His authority. Don’t be concerned about the thrashing about of all your media. Be at rest, at peace in your King. Keep praying dear ones until you break through, until you reach a settled position. Walk in it taking every thought captive to the victory of Jesus, Messiah. Again, Trump is God’s man!
    Scott M from Australia

  7. John Galovich

    Why would any Christian vote against Almighty God’s righteousness ? If you vote for a candidate that violates the principles of God, you’ll get what satan desires for you, and that’s evil and destruction…. No one is perfect, but God uses people for His purposes……. I’m voting for President Trump… if you don’t like how he speaks or something other then that, remember this, he stands up for Christian values, freedom
    Of speech, he loves America…. And there is so many other positives about him… and I truly believe God is using Him for what God wants to take place in this country…. There’s more to say, but only so much time…. Pray for God to have mercy on the United States …. Thanks, John

    • Bertha Ortega

      Well said John! One day every one of us will give account of ourselves to God, let us stand faithful in the things we do now. Let us not violate the Principles of God.
      Thank you!


  8. Paul

    We, as His Children, must put aside all vitriol and pray with sincerity that she finds Jesus. No matter how lost, as we all once were, there is always hope in our Lord. Pray she finds Jesus, pray he puts Believer’s in her path, pray against the demonic forces which encircle her and her team and pray for Him to receive all the Glory for all things. Pray that the leaders of every place of worship on earth will pour the power of the Holy Spirit over His Church so they will know Us by our Love and see Him in our works of the Spirit! It is a narrow road to His Kingdom and the fields are ripe. He wants His dining table to be filled, go, and by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of your testimony share how He has saved you that all will hear of His love for us all. We are the light in this dark world. Be filled with His love and Holy Spirit fire! Every knee will bow, and His children will judge angels, give Him the Glory with your obedience to His Word and He will lift you up. All for His Glory!
    Blessings, in Him, always

  9. Marcus Wheeler, MD

    We must repent as a Nation and turn back to Almighty God with all of our hearts. God’s judgment will come to the Nation that does not repent and turn away from its idolatry and rebellion. 2 Chronicles 7:14 is the Answer we must heed and embrace.

  10. Brenda Diehl

    Awesome, Revealing prophetic blog Brother Mario! Every word of it is factual and consistent with GOD’s WORD. Thank You for delivering this word from The Lord this early morning. Great way to begin the day.
    Praise His Holy Name!

  11. Larry Lavallee

    We Pray against that mind binding spirt that has deceived the weak Christians who can’t discern the truth from the lies. LORD HELP THE CHURCH WAKE UP AND FIGHT ⚖️🔥

    • Susan S

      I agree with what you have written. Thank you. What should we do?
      Confess and Repent-Yes
      Fast and Pray-Yes
      Read the Word-Yes
      Praise and Worship the Lord. Yes
      Despite this, what if Harris wins? I live in a very conservative state and I am retired. Should I move to another country? Most countries are leftist. Argentina looks good right now but what if they elect a leftist president. I am not getting any guidance from the Lord.

      • Diana Emlet

        The Lord has promised to lead His own. Trust. “My sheep know my voice.” If you believe He isn’t guiding you, that unbelief will get in your way to know your path. God Bless you for clarity!

      • Paul

        My Sister Susan. When the Babylonians took the best and brightest from Israel the Lord God told them to go and multiply. To bloom where we are planted. We do not run from darkness, we overcome it by the Holy Spirit living in us. We are Thee Light in the Darkness! Never run from the enemy, run to Jesus and the Holy Spirit and they will use you to change lives and hearts for His Kingdom. Make their lives miserable by loving them with your whole being and His love which lives in you! He will be victorious by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of our Testimony, Amen!
        Blessings, in Him, always,
        Your Brother in Christ,

  12. Michael A Druckenmiller Sr

    Mario, I have been dreading this day. I have felt it deep inside. The Patriot in Me melts at this. But, what are we to do?

    This is my Facebook & “X” post with your link.

    People have mocked me for my insistence on Revival being the only hope for America.

    Facebook has placed my posts at the bottom of the feed some of them lost forever.

    “Daughter of Lies.” “There is no coming back from this.”

    If you think “The Rapture” is going to be your escape hatch, you neglected “The Beginning of Sorrows”, “Judgement must begin at the house of God” and “A Father disciplines those He loves”. And, finally a “great falling away” because most of you don’t have Oil in your Lamps..

    Nor the strength to persevere through persecution which while it won’t be The Tribulation, you’ll think it is.

    • Mario Murillo

      I feel His promise in this Isaiah 3:10 “Say to the righteous that it shall be well with them,
      For they shall eat the fruit of their doings.
      11 Woe to the wicked! It shall be ill with him,
      For the reward of his hands shall be given him.

      • Laura

        Amen, Mario. When the Lord began to speak solemnly of things to come, I asked if He would not make a distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve Him and those who do not.
        Indeed, Separations are decreed. But He also warns against rejoicing over calamity, that such as do will not go unpunished. Nor will the generation that ushers in this evil escape it by passing it on to the children. No, in this day each will pay for his own wickedness.
        I am waiting for prayer instructions that He is shortly to send to those are waiting on Him and looking at Him as our only source. He will make it clear what we are to do.

      • Gerald McKenzie

        Thank you for this. I believe as a servant of God we are not given to the wrath of God. However we can be overcome by the wrath of man. When are you coming to Las Vegas brother?

    • Marcus Maddox

      Brother, Where do we get the oil to last past midnight?
      It is sold by those who stand silently beside a fast food restaurant in obvious need

      It is traded to us in exchange for a bottle of cold water on a hot day

      It is put into our storage when we decide we can only wear one coat at a time on a cold day, in busy city with many homeless people in undeniable need of oir help

      ” Go to those who sell…. “

  13. William Kelly

    God bless you!

  14. Pamela Weber

    I pray the people open their eyes before we lose our country. The news media is keeping the truth from the people. We need to Pray and hope we are heard.

  15. Colleen MacPherson

    Amen, Mario!!! Very well said. His word is absolute truth and does not come back to Him void. If “Christians” vote for her and she were to win … as went the Israelites, so would we go, to our utter destruction. God has given us free will. I pray that we “will” to elect godly leaders.


    WriteNow2024.org (to encourage Christians to register and vote to tip the scales for biblical values.)

    • Mario Murillo

      I agree Robin! WriteNow2024.org is an urgent weapon right now.

      • Karen

        Already signed up. Heard about it last night on Flashpoint and immediately did it. Miss you on there Mario….🙏

  17. Jean

    I am voting for President Trump had they not stolen the election from him, we would be much better off. We know what will happen based on these last 3 1/2 years. Only a fool would promote Kamala Harris she needs to be FIRED!!

  18. Linnie

    But what about those of us who have been calling out to our merciful Savior? Will God not hear our cries? We know the devil and his evil horde of fools will stop at nothing, but our God gave us this opportunity to come back to Him — will He not find at least 10 of us??

    • Mario Murillo

      Prayer is our greatest weapon now.

  19. Lillian Conti

    Amen! Thank you Mario for providing the prophetic message!
    It is scary – I pray it will not happen that we will wake up in time & vote Trump as President!

  20. Rainy Galloso

    What a beautiful message of grace. THE FATHER IS so diligent and steadfast in His love for us.

  21. Jean

    Luke 19:27 KJVS
    But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.

  22. Ellie Deshane

    Wow strong words of warning, but straight from the throne room .

    Share this with others for the lives of our children , grands and great grands alike .

    What inheritance are you will to leave your family?

  23. Ben Rhodes

    No true child of God will vote for Harris. pray for her and all the others that follow her.Its not not Gods will any should perish. As we pray God because of His mercy and His mercy alone will save this nation!

  24. susan boniberger

    How can a Christisn vote Democratic ?

    It’s no longer about where the money gets spent. Christians
    need to ask themselves am I for abortion? Or
    Transgenderism, Do I want that ideology being suggested to my children? Am pro Hamas? Am I ok ,with illegal border crossings? People are coming in illegally?

    The Democrats in 2012 took God out of their charter, at the convention. Even removing words like God-given. Is that ok with you ?

    Are you for gender reassignment surgeries? Is it okay for Drs to mutilate children? Do you think it’s okay, for boys/men to play in women’s sports?

    We are salt and light , we can not vote for these things
    Is anything I just stated things a Christian should agree with stand and vote for?

    God forbid.

  25. Jeffrey Meyer

    Praise the Lord for protecting Trump again!

    • Gerald McKenzie

      Amen and amen. Lord triple Trumps protective angels in Jesus name

  26. Ron Rupp

    Patterns in the first book as an example for us ,it says in the 2nd book….but who reads and studies the Bible, many will say, that’s why we hired this hierling…one lives what one eats…such an insult to HIM that many think is a church…Shalom Shalom

  27. Dale E Stevens

    I, along with many countless other God fearing people are praying and acting to save America. We will prevail! I appreciate your warning to other believers, and hopefully they will wake up, but God has His remnant . Donald John Trump will be reinstated as the legitimate President. It will be a major struggle, but the Righteous will prevail!
    America shall be saved 🙏😁.

  28. Sheri

    Mario- I was led to read Isaiah 45 about God choosing Cyrus to rebuild Jerusalem. “Woe to the one who says to a father, “What have you begotten?” I wonder if there was Cyrus Derangement Syndrome in ISREAL. Here, God uses a man who doesn’t even acknowledge HIM and strengthens him for a huge task. Come on church- the potter has created a man to rebuild.

  29. Sharelle Mendenhall

    Praying. Interceding and declaring the people of God WILL arise in this election and vote Kingdom all the way down the ticket!!

  30. Mary Jane Baxter

    Thank you for your words. My question is how to turn the hearts of people like my niece and nurse friends who are die hard Trump haters. Not that they like Harris. They can’t see, they are blind to the truth. They have no ears to hear that the Bible is even true. Now so-called Christians are also against trump. We can only pray and cry out for mercy. We all have children grandchildren and great grandchildren we are leaving this mess to.

  31. Gail

    How do I/we bring this message to those who are so blinded by their hatred of one individual; as well as, their disbelief that God exists. My attempts to even just plant a seed of concern for our future or even mention God, has brought distain, verbal abuse and ridicule. I pray for God to lift the Veil of blindness and give all nonbelievers with a glimpse of what can be. In Jesus name Amen

  32. E L Hamby

    A very clear prophetic warning. Those believers who choose not vote will share some guilt also. Thanks Mario

  33. John

    i read this right before i opened my Email from you.
    Jeremiah 5:30-31
    An astonishing and horrible thing has been committed in the land:
    the prophets prophesy falsely, And the priests rule by their own power: and my people love to have it so. But what will you do in the End?
    believers need to vote, for what is right.
    Years ago Leonard Ravenhill cried out, don’t ask where is the God of Elijah,
    America, where are the Elijah’s of God. (possible paraphrase)
    Mario, I agree with many, you are a general in this army. you have always been careful not to just throw a the “LORD says,” out there and I have always respected you for that. but i agree with you on this. the Word I keep hearing is REPENT. and it starts with me. thanks for being obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

  34. Lynn Woodel

    Thank you for speaking truth, Brother Mario. We are praying that your words and what the Holy Spirit are saying are heeded.

    The Lord Himself is our only hope.

  35. Sheila Hester

    Oh, thank you God for loving America enough to warn us all through this prophetic message! Father God, please bless Brother Mario for his courage to share it with us…..and put a hedge of protection around him. In Jesus name, amen,

  36. Patricia Jeter

    Amen! So true!

  37. Bob norris

    For sure the USA has turned its back on God and when Israel kept doing that they were almost destroyed because of the wrath of God. What makes the so called Christian leaders of this nation who support Komrade Kamala that His wrath won’t be repeated on us?

  38. Bob Norris

    I believe that if Harris is elected we will start tribulation

    • Richard Pawley

      Hard times are coming regardless of whomever is president. It is just that it will be so much worse under the pro-Marxist Democrats than under President Trump – IF we pray for Trump to be guided by God. Our outrageous debt all but guarantees that. Not the almost 36 trillion of the national debt but the 101 or 102 trillion of the total debt but even that doesn’t include the 215 trillion of the unfunded liabilities that includes Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and much more I don’t even know about. If we are fortunate our food will not do more than double in price in the next four years but since we import so much of it my advice (besides praying for all our house and senate and all politicians) would be to plant a garden but not in a state that has volcanos as they have been becoming increasingly active for years now and will continue to do so. Pray about everything and not just the big important things.

  39. Doug Krause

    Mario your message today was an amazing download from God, and it should be the headline of the day, for all to see, but until we let go, and let God’s will dwell in us, we are not free. History is the story of God, and His creation, and If we don’t learn from it, we become collateral damage, and can only blame ourselves. Our freewill is a test in this wilderness, and it is also a double edged sword. The Alpha and Omega nature of God, and His love and compassion, dwell in the Spirit of His will. Although He is slow to anger, the LORD’s scales of Justice in heaven have a tipping point, and History records His wrath, such as in the days of Noah. God’s word is our reference manual to eternal life, and when Jesus was sent to us, it was undeniable proof of how much He was WILLING to sacrifice, in order to redeem us, and provide a way to free us from the limits of our mortal fears. When we listen to His creative Fatherly advice, and some parenting guidance, our spirit, and soul are no longer lost to outside, worldly influences, that wish to separate us from Him. Our Spirit is our greatest link to our Father’s heart for us. When we trust in our living God, He will free our souls, with righteous morality, to conquer temporary mortality.

  40. Mary Johnson

    I hear you and it frightens me to the core that Kamala Harris will get in the White House whether by crook or by vote. Democrats do not play fair. Many people see what needs to happen and Christians are praying constantly. There are still 40 or so million registered Christian voters that don’t vote and there are around 15 million Christian citizens that aren’t even registered. With the added 20 million illegals that have been promised the moon and the cheese, how can we stop Harris from taking office? Why must God’s children suffer the same plight as the voters and cheaters that push Harris in office?

  41. Patricia Sullivan

    What does God say to the Christian that does not vote for Harris but she wins the election?

    • Mario Murillo

      Isaiah 3:10 “Say to the righteous that it shall be well with them,
      For they shall eat the fruit of their doings.
      11 Woe to the wicked! It shall be ill with him,
      For the reward of his hands shall be given him.

  42. Shanda Donahue

    That’s is so true. I pray God will open blinded eyes and people will see how evil she is.

  43. Sam

    I do not think it is possible for any born-again person to vote for any Democrat for national office. Is it truly possible for a genuine Christian to be so deceived that they would vote for Harris?

  44. Greengrass Laura

    This is so true..I feel it in my soul. Thank you for putting into words what we know with this warning. Prayers for your ministry and the saving of our country and so many souls.

  45. sheila taylor

    What a dire message. I pray Lord that you will wake up your people. If Christians are so foolish to vote for this wickedness and wickedness becomes our ruler, what happens to the Christians who are opposed and stood for truth and righteousness? Are we devoured because of the blindness of others? Oh Lord have Mercy on us.

  46. Vyvette Moldrich

    Dear Mario,
    Man of God, may you be blessed with the power to save the USA, with this message. Preach it every day. When you save souls, show them how with their vote, they can save America, its good people, children and unborn babies. Explain how the evil Kamala, kills max amount of babies to be born with her extreme radical abortion policy. Explain in simple terms how she supports the mutilation of children’s body parts. Tell your saved souls how she supports corrupting the little children with pornography, show them her speaking on videos – supporting illegal immigration, who traffics children and drugs into America. I have seen her speaking openly, supporting all these criminal issues. Kamala is evil – the pictures suit her to a T. Please continue to pray for President Trump. Our prayers saved him from death – for the second time. Democrats will eventually go to hell – but God can use Trump to stop the rot and start the reversal of America. God bless you and your Ministry. Vyvette.

  47. Cheryl Vincent

    2 Chron 7:14
    If my people will humble themselves and pray and and seek my face and turn ftom their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgivel their sin and heal their land.

  48. Cheryl Vincent

    2 Chron 7:14
    If my people will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn ftom their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgivel their sin and heal their land.

  49. Gail Foster

    Dear Brother Mario,
    This is very sobering, yet we know what the dilly is and we are repenting, praying,& fasting, and telling everyone we know what is about to happen if they get into office.
    We implore Almighty God to move again on our behalf. What else can we do? These mindless idiots will follow the next glittery object off a cliff if you put it in front of their faces! The Word of God is SO TRUE, even a simpleton can understand, but His Word says He gave them over to debased minds to follow their own lusts. That is exactly what they are doing because they have no self worth, no self identity, no self respect or anything else that would clarify them as a true individual. They are puppets and for a like they jump on the newest bandwagon coming through town. Pitiful to think that some of them quite a few actually call themselves a Christian. What we have done to The Holy Trinity makes me shutter that I was once in their shoes chasing the glittery object, BUT GOD. Thank You Almighty God for having such mercy on me. Please have mercy on this Nation that You birthed and gave to Your Son Jesus to rule.
    Amen, Amen, Amen

  50. Jeanie A Haymes

    I totally agree with this.
    God says to have no part/alliance with His enemies. You are right on Mario. We side with abortion if we vote for Kamala. That’s one of the reasons God will destroy this country…for the shedding of innocent blood.

  51. CHERYL


  52. Ralph Melucci

    Wake up, those who sleep. Wake from your slumber. You’ve gotten fat and lazy because of the prosperity you have enjoyed that was purchased by pervious generations, paid for by their blood, sweat and tears. If we take our rightful place in this nation and stand against evil in the highest places of government we can turn our nation back to God and he will restore us back to the moral foundation of our nation. If not, it will all be stripped away and we will only have ourselves to blame. What kind of world do you want to live in Christian?

  53. Delia Fernandes

    I live in Edmonton Canada but I love America when I was a child my uncles sent my family many good things from there clothes and other stuff

  54. Marleen

    Oh, God forgive us! Forgive me! Help us!
    Empower us to persevere in intercession. Give us boldness to share the Gospel of Jesus and to stand for Truth.
    Baptize us with the Holy Spirit and give the gifts of the Spirit to your remnant Church to take down lies, demonic strategies, and to destroy the works of the devil according to
    1 John 3:8.
    We praise You, Lord, because You are faithful and true… You will never leave us nor forsake us.

  55. Marlene Gallemore

    Yes, This is confirmation to me. The Lord told me to read I and II Samual several months ago, I know this word is ACCURATE. Thank you for bringing it forth.

  56. Laura

    It seems as if all of the biblical books of prophecy are replaying all at once. I believe the prior outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Power will also be revisited on this generation all at once. All of the former rains plus the latter rains.
    What a time to be alive on planet earth.
    I contend in prayer that the Church would passionately obey God now and pray, with humility and absolute surrender, for the leaders of nations, especially those who hate us and pursue us with intent to destroy. What victories the Lord would then bring, I think there would not be books, broadcasts or podcasts enough in the world to tell it.

  57. Mary

    Mario, am so thankful for your ministry and am so blessed to hear the word of the Lord. God’s sheep hear his voice and follows. No Christian should vote for Harris but we have goats in the church..God bless you.

  58. Gary

    Alarming to think that any reading your blog don’t already know the truth of this and will not vote accordingly! “Preaching to the choir” is the first thing that came to mind…however, many times the choir (I have known recently of a hired choir who had many singing every Sunday and many were unbelievers or very cold hearted)…is exactly who needs to hear!
    I pray that many would heed the warning and seek the Lord while he may be found and call on Him while He’s near…and vote with a Holy Spirit directed conscience!

  59. Adelin Schauer

    You are so right,Mario. Praying people listen!

  60. Sue Hunt

    Thank you for this. I want to post it to my facebook page. My father and mother-in-law are going to one for her because they hate Trump and said they wanted the bulet to kill him. Their sons tried talking to the about her but they don’t listen!

  61. Steve

    Sounds like we as a nation are no longer. People only care about themselves and their money. The love of money can create many distractions from worshipping the true God. I see it in Christian friends of mine. They are blind to it.

  62. Patricia Anthony

    Boom! Thank you so much I’m so thankful GOD brought you an your ministry to me!

  63. Toniann

    Bottom line saints, us remnants gotta cry out mercy for American, and victory for trump!!!

  64. Sarah

    How true, Lord please open the eyes of those being deceived by the lies of the media,

  65. G. Audrey Hinton

    I am a believer and follower of the Lord Jesus Christ and I will never vote for wicked Kamala Harris nor Tim Walsh. They stand for everything wicked. Trump 2024. Blessings.

    • Paul

      It’s Walz and yes very wicked.

  66. Joanna Haynes

    I woke up this morning and opened the Bible to this EXACT SCRIPTURE PASSAGE. Before that, I heard the Lord say “check your phone.” I didn’t see any texts, so I went back to the Word. I then finished with the scripture He had led me to and went to check my phone again, where I checked my emails and found the email of this blog that was written today! It was the EXACT SAME SCRIPTURE PASSAGE the Lord had taken me to this morning. I believe that serves as confirmation. God is speaking and warning! We must pray! And continue to intercede on behalf of the American people. God will have His way in this nation, but we as the Church must repent and turn from our wicked ways of wanting to please man/unsaved family/religion/tradition (fear of man) and truly fix our eyes on Jesus, growing in intimacy so we can truly hear and know God’s heart and teach others to do the same. Massive revival will come to our nation when we’re desperate enough for HIM.

  67. Richard Pawley

    Hard times are coming. It will be difficult under President Trump, but it will be worse under the current administration. The National Debt is almost 36 trillion, but the total debt is over 101 trillion and that doesn’t include the unfunded liabilities such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and more I don’t even know about that is over 215 trillion which is many times more dollars than exist on the planet. Wall Street is predicting a recession, but my guess is a Greater Depression which God first revealed in 1989 to His servant, Morris Cerullo and even Rev. David Wilkerson had a vision of some of this (see his one page “An Urgent Message” on the Internet). Pray about everything!

  68. Mary

    Preach it, This is The Truth!!

  69. Pamela Harris

    So true! The Lord began warning me of this in 2006 and EVERYTHING he showed me has come to pass. Praying for our grandchildren, President Trump, and America.

  70. Maxine

    I pray that God will remove the scales from their eyes and anoint their eyes with eye salve to enable them to see clearly, even if but for a moment.

    May God bless you richly Mario.

  71. Randall Griffith

    Powerful and sobering words from the Lord, delivered through a powerhouse man of God, Mr. Murillo. Significant that the Lord called Kamala “Daughter Of Lies” because she is following and doing the will of the “father of lies” the devil, as Jesus called him.

  72. Trish Wenzl

    This Message is soooo Chilling I sense such deep concern of the Father God he is warning the People with deep compassion, I feel such evil at the Door of this Nations

    There has been a Call ( praying at 12 Noon everyday) from Amanda Grace Ark of Grace Ministry , Fasting and Praying October 2,3, 4 for the Nation, Trump and Family, the Church, No one is perfect No one,

    Ask the questions Christians are Voting for Gods Will for the Nation or what the Social News Media and how your family , friends pressure you to, are you voting because you want to be in the In group, Step aside go too a quick place, repeat, confess and seek the Lord and His Will for the Nation not what others are telling you, These WORDS as MM said there is No coming from this, SO CHILLING in my Spirit to think Father God would not hear to respond of Our Heart CRY …. OMG it breaks my heart People ALL Christians Vote the Heart of Father God

  73. Diane Flaherty

    Thank you Mario for your rock solid stance never compromising the word of Christ!
    A wise friend said, how is it loving your neighbor when by your vote or not voting you allow innocent babies to be murdered in the womb, you support homosexual marriage and sexual immorality that destroys families and puts people in bondage. How is it loving your neighbor when you are allowing and supporting open borders where no one is vetted, thereby allowing criminals, gangs, terrorists, drugs, sex and labor traffickers which brings crime and misery into our cities and towns. No oil production in our nation, we are purchasing oil from Iran and Venezuela. How is that loving your neighbor by using our taxpayer dollars to enrich nations that hate Christians, Jews and America? The list goes on. We will be held accountable to God for our vote or lack thereof. To not vote is to vote. Let us not be self-righteous by not voting for President Trump because you think he’s divisive. I hope your righteousness has made you feel better the last 3 1/2 years. Repent and seek the Lord and truth so that our country will be spared from judgment. 2 Chronicles 7:14

  74. ArnoldF

    This is a time of breathlessly waiting, hoping, seeking after Him and striving to push back evil with truth on every level. To push back while we still can. However, at the same time, I believe we are in a place where we need to be praying for Isaiah 26:9 to be poured on America:
    [9] For when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness.
    [10] If favor is shown to the wicked, he does not learn righteousness;
    in the land of uprightness he deals perversely and does not see the majesty of the LORD.

    The nation desperately needs to feel the consequences of offending God. The fear of God is gone from our leaders who are running in the paths of total rebellion and total recklessness. And even most Christians have no real connection to the judgment of God being real since most pastors dont read the Old Testament—this reality needs to be reawakened in church of America.

    The way of His righteous judgments falling on the nation must occur to bring us back. And if we God forbid, we loose in November, this must be our full-time prayer: “God send your judgments so that we can repent, but if there is no repentance, then severely discipline the evil nation.” Christians need to now prepare for evil times and direct persecution.

  75. David Reed

    Brother Mario, back in 2007 the Holy Spirit gave me a message. I was told that with the 2008 election evil would enter the mainstream and that corruption would grow like a cancer. America would be plunged into darkness for a period. At a time when evil bore it’s fruit God was going to clean house. He was going to expose the darkness engulfing the leader responsible and they would be exposed. God would make them an example to the world. America would go down that path but at the end she would once again be that bright and shining beacon and she would become a refuge for all His people and the remnants of Israel. America would be great again and be a sanctuary during the tribulation for Israel. Please get this word out.

  76. Gail Segars Rainey

    Brother Mario, there is no way I will be discouraged enough to stop praying. I will use this message to share. I was shocked yesterday to walk by a couple’s home in my hometown in GA and couldn’t believe that a vote for Harris sign was displayed in their yard. People that in your heart could not be deceived unfortunately are deceived!

  77. Alan S. Kenyon

    Brother Mario,

    Hello, this is ASK the prophet.

    Thank you for your service to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
    Thank you for your crusades and your work to encourage and exhort the Body of Christ to do what is right in the sight of our Lord Jesus.

    I am originally from the Jesus movement in CA, I accepted Jesus in 1970, one year after I came back from Vietnam. Jesus had me lead a Jesus movement on the campus of Canada College, Redwood City, CA. It was exciting times. Jesus had me preach Jesus at a large anti-war rally among many other things.

    I appreciate your current blog. And am a witness in the Holy Spirit that the word is from God.

    I have been preaching no early out since the 1970’s.

    Brother, the Holy Spirit bears witness that many things are going to take place in the coming years. Too many to discuss here.

    This is not a pitch to sell my book. The Holy Spirit moved me to write LATTER DAY MANNA, THE GIFTS AND POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT FOR THE END TIMES.
    This book is an aid for all Christians to make it through the coming end times by the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Times will become very difficult for Christians and those who know the gifts and workings of the Holy Spirit will see miracles and the power of God for such times.
    I was very sad when I read Rev:7:9 and 7:13-14.
    Those are our brothers and sisters in Christ.

    I have been attempting to prepare the Body of Christ for the end times for decades.
    I am in total agreement, we are were are today in the US because the pastors and leadership in the overall Church have been cowards.
    It started in 1954 when the Johnson Amendment was passed. The majority of pastors have been in fear ever since.

    We pray for you, your ministry and well being.

    In the love of Jesus Christ.

    ASK the prophet (numbers 12:6)
    Alan S. Kenyon

  78. Brett

    The greater glory is coming. The game changer isn’t politics. The game changer is God. Trump does not manifest love. The great deception is upon you.

  79. James Hall

    Truly, you are evil and using the Lord for your own selfish purposes. God will not be mocked or blasphemed; be prepared when you meet him face to face. Matthew 7:21-23.

    • Mario Murillo

      James, I hope you are somewhere nearby so you can hear Him tell me “well done thou good and faithful servant.”



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