by | Aug 11, 2024 | Mario Murillo Ministries | 217 comments

America’s Demonic Urge

This is the blog that will cost me friends and close doors to my ministry. If I was not writing this at the urging of the Lord, I would not dare. But write it I must. Because the cost of remaining silent would cost me the anointing. A price too dire for me to even imagine.

I begin with a question.

Can you reason with anyone who is planning on voting for Kamala Harris? No, you cannot. Because it has nothing to do with reason. Their “reasons” simply echo her word-salads.

They talk a lot. None of it is rational. They are in denial, both about her and America’s condition.

America is a dictatorship. The way they selected Kamala proves it.


They know this. But they will never vote for the one person who can end it. Why? For an insanely ironic reason: They think he will be a dictator!

For four years a totally incompetent man ran America into the ground. America is weak, divided, poor and miserable. And he did it intentionally and with malice.

Shall we elect the assistant to this debacle? She who is more incompetent, with even greater malice? Consider the damage Biden did in four years. She will do much worse.

Why can’t they see that she is a continuation and an acceleration of the disaster of the last four years?

But the most damning thing about her? She lied and covered up Biden’s dementia. She put all of us in mortal danger. It is a miracle our enemies did not attack us. Why would anyone trust her?

Small wonder that she uses A.I. to alter images of her crowds.

Apparently, we have eliminated logic and reason. So what are we left with? When men from the bottom of society flood society with evil—Satan is involved. We are watching people driven by a demonic urge.

This urge makes wrong right and right wrong. It beats its victims senseless and renders them incapable of changing course. Facts do not faze them. They are walking contradictions. This urge also influences the Church.

The Presiding Bishop J. Drew Sheard of the Church of God in Christ, one of the largest Pentecostal denominations globally, has publicly endorsed Kamala Harris for President.

How else can you explain him endorsing her? Radical abortion and transgender medical procedures on children are as anti-Christian and anti-Bible as you can get. How can he do it? That is my point.

Trump is certainly not Jesus. Nevertheless, the story of Barabbas fits here. Mark 15:11-15, 

“But the chief priests stirred up the crowd, so that he (Pilate) should rather release Barabbas to them. Pilate answered and said to them again, “What then do you want me to do with Him Whom you call the King of the Jews?” So they cried out again, “Crucify Him!” Then Pilate said to them, “Why, what evil has He done?” But they cried out all the more, “Crucify Him!” So Pilate, wanting to gratify the crowd, released Barabbas to them; and he delivered Jesus, after he had scourged Him, to be crucified.”

Is it possible that just days before this, those same people who cried, “Hosanna” are now saying, “Crucify him!?”

It is even possible that some who were healed by Jesus are now in that mob.  What flipped a mob so quickly and so totally? A demonic urge—a soul-sucking metamorphosis. One that can even make Kamala look presidential.

America is being drenched with that same mind-altering demonic power. This is Satan’s greatest bid to destroy America. So who am I trying to reach through this essay?

I am not trying to convince lukewarm pastors or believers. I am assuming they will not listen. No, I am talking to the remnant of God. They must hear what I am about to say.

Yes, things are bad. Dire in fact. This election carries the fate of America. But we can find hope and direction from what God did when something like this happened before.

It was in the book of Esther. It is the account of one man, Haman who poisoned a king’s mind and the soul of a kingdom. The urge to kill all the Jews came upon the masses.

Esther 1:4 says, “When Mordecai learned all that had happened, he tore his clothes and put on sackcloth and ashes, and went out into the midst of the city. He cried out with a loud and bitter cry.”

Then he got word to Esther in the palace about the impending holocaust. She sent word back to explain why she was helpless to do anything. This is how Mordecai exhorted her:

Esther 4:13-14, And Mordecai told them to answer Esther: “Do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king’s palace any more than all the other Jews. For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

Dear remnant. You have come to the Kingdom for such a time as this. We may seem like few.

But we are more than we think. And we are more than enough!

1 Samuel 14:6, Then Jonathan said to the young man who bore his armor, “Come, let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised; it may be that the Lord will work for us. For nothing restrains the Lord from saving by many or by few.”

How then shall we break this demonic urge?

Two things happened next in the account of Esther. First, she determined to confront the king. And she ordered as many Jews as possible to fast and pray.

Let the holy remnant of God who read this take heart! Speak up. Confront pastors, in love, of course. Let your voice be raised in every situation where this demonic urge is attacking Christians.

You have power! Revelations 12:11, And they overcame him (the devil) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. 

Now notice what Esther told the Jews to do:

Esther 4:15-16, Then Esther told them to reply to Mordecai: “Go, gather all the Jews who are present in Shushan, and fast for me; neither eat nor drink for three days, night or day. My maids and I will fast likewise. And so I will go to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish!”

Never in my life have I wished so strongly that I could influence the American church to action. We need to rediscover true intercession. Not the sad version that is so popular. We need the version that is potent, fervent, and availing.

James 5:16 says, “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”

I know with all of my heart that we need to fast and pray fervently. I know that if we do, this demonic urge will be obliterated. Do not wait for others. Never think your effort is in vain. Divine help is on the way!

Watch the latest episode of Firepower discussing America’s Demonic Urge.


  1. David Mackenzie

    If Kamala Harris is elected to be the next president of the USA, she will open up America to military attacks from America’s enemies.

    • Joan Hoffmann

      Would never vote for her or any Democrat. Trump is GODS man

      • C D Gentty

        Amen! Without question! Why else would God intervene & thwart the assassination attempt???

        • Donna Cooper

          Thank you for telling the truth! I am praying with all of you who believe that satan is alive and well and working hard to destroy our Country!

        • Angie C


          You can count me in! For my family’s sake, I will begin fasting and praying for this nation. Will send this to prayer warriors I know who will do the same. God bless you!

      • Drusilla

        Amen pastor, thank you for the word of truth. Its time that the church arises and seeks the face of God for our nation and for President Donald J Trump

        • Cindy D

          We are called for such a time as this. Pray church pray. Thank you for speaking out.

      • Jerome Noyce

        We are at the point that it is us and them…….I will pray, asking God to call me to his army, give me courage and a steady hand……..I will fight, I will not compromise, my neighbors that are in The Them camp I pray that they will see the light📯🌅🎺

        • Shirlea Durston

          I am not an American but my heart is breaking that any Christ-centred person would even consider this woman or the Democrats. Thank you Mario. It takes courage to stand when you know there will be hatred spewed at you for standing for God’s righteousness. Many agree with snd stand with you in your country and elsewhere.

      • Patty

        God has had us in training for Intercessory prayer for several years now at our church in Cape Coral FL. Our Group is small and some have left that are not serious and several have joined that have been called by God to join. I refer to us as God’s “Gideon Army”.

        Our body of believers take it outside the four walls.. We are in the highways and by ways. And Prayer is the “foundation” where we receive our marching orders.

        We are standing and praying for God’s men and women for such a time as this. And we are getting people signed up to vote and not sit on the side lines.

        There is much to be done and everyone is assigned a position in the Army if God.

        Thank you for following the Holy Spirit’s leading.


        • Georgios tsivikas

          Yes my brother we will give the fight to the end God bless your ministry

      • Greta Rucker

        I thank God for your boldness, we as the body of Chirst must rise up and take our rightful place. God has given us power, authority and dominion, it’s time for us to use it! Praying for you and your family Pastor Murillo.

    • Faith

      Brother Mario I agree with your entire post. I shared on my Facebook page and it is possible that I could lose friends too but how can we stay silent. I know some nice, but disillusioned people, voting Democrat cause their husband does or family always has….we are responsible for OUR vote.
      Even Israel needs Jesus. He is the only way.

    • Linda Pontnack

      As a fervent prayer Warrior, I am SO VERY THANKFUL FOR YOU MARIO MAY GOD KEEP YOU AND BLESS YOU. I AM 1,000% IN AGREEMENT WITH YOU BRO. MARILLO. Unlike most Christians I don’t judge President Trump on his personality but on his DEEDS and what he has done for this country! Plus many are ignorant to the fact that Trump is a born again believer in Jesus. I was led by Jesus through his Holy Spirit to support Trump in 2015.

    • Debra

      They sure will. Putin will have no more Patience and the clowns in Washington have no IQ to fight this war .

    • PN

      Will your ministry be declaring a three-day fast on specific days? Would you like us, the remnant, to specifically be praying and fasting in unison with your ministry? I personally would desire a few more specifics on what exact action to take. I feel those reading this post want to be “powerful, fervant and EFFECTIVE.” Thank you for your guidance. God help us and God bless our nation!

    • Dave Berry

      They already know it. That’s why Russia, Iran, and china are getting so brazen. Trump even slowed down the missiles N Korea was testing, now they are shooting them again. The evil empire are posed for WW3.

    • Diane

      All evil starts with a lie. I venture a guess that the vast majority of people who don’t “get it” never hear the truth. They watch and listen to those who, whether in their own ignorance or in on the leftist agenda, pass on lies consistently. They argue from a place of only what they’ve heard, and by all means, don’t confuse them with the facts! And some don’t want to know the truth.

    • Nancy Weaver

      Thank you for stating where we are so clearly. I am praying for eyes to be opened and that I will do my part “in such a time as this,”

      • Jeffrey Meyer

        Continue speaking the Truth Mario. I fully support what you are saying

        • Georgios tsivikas

          Yes my brother we will give the fight to the end God bless your ministry

        • Luis Guevara JR.

          Awesome comments!* I Too realize from the Holy Spirit to pray more when I wake like at midnight, 3am. Or by 5 or 6am. For God to move the Christian ✝️ remnant & All who need to pray 🙏 1. For their hometown 2. Region 3. Their State 4 Nation and 5. All Nations On Earth 🌎 to see more Souls Won to Jesus by The Anointed Blest Laborers laboring in Today’s Harvest for it’s Ripe & Ready for Jesus!* Amen & Thank U MMM.

      • Sandra

        Love this word ! Praying and fasting for a war President with good sense and one who prays(not to satan) and bot led by a woman like Nancy Pelosi! Mafia raised and mafia acting! They plan to steal the election again and dumb enough to post it!! We are at war in these ununited states! Praying got souls to be saved!!! Do not know anyone that I would want to go to the lake of fire forever and forever!!!! And do not think that would be a sight I would want to see!! But regular humans might need to!

    • Gary & Linda Sweetman

      Amen bro!

    • phil beatty


    • madeline linville

      It’s time to PRAY church!

    • Mary & Ken

      Thank you Pastor for standing against evil and for righteousness. We agree with everything you are saying and we stand along with you. We will vote for righteousness – yes Donald John Trump.
      There are many calls to stand up and pray these are ones we know and participate with:
      Dutch Sheets Ministries – Give Him 15 is powerful prayers Monday – Friday at;
      The Briefing ( is praying for 90 days up until election day at 4:14 am or 4:14 pm answering the Esther call;
      The Joshia Company Prayer Call Monday through Friday with powerful hosts leading us in effectual prayers (

    • Bernard Lyons

      Amen Brother I agree with everything you said and believe we as brothers and sisters in Christ need to be steadfast and persevere in prayer together seeking God’s power to save and restore this nation I will share this message of your to all my family and friends I can thank you for sharing and having a steadfast heart for God his children and this nation.

    • Michael Senger

      Mario, I have been teaching this very message for the past three years in my Sunday School class. The class is growing, not because of me, but because God is placing a hunger in true believers for Biblical answers. We pray for your ministry, please pray for our class to be bold and effective.

  2. Jacqueline Parent

    I have been putting out in Facebook, that the democrats/liberals, are demonically controlled if not actually possessed. The same goes about why the jews are inexplicably hated.

    • Marya Harris

      It is unfathomable that Christians and let alone Pastors could vote democrat. Only prayer and fasting can remove the deception or as you call it’a demonic urge’. I believe we also must not stay silent and make the most of ‘teachable moments’ …..speaking in love, of course.

  3. Angela Beggs

    God bless you Mario 🙏🏼🕊️

    • Sherryl Robertson

      Amen, Brother Mario!!!! Pastor Jentezen Franklin preached a wonderful message this morning, challenging Christians and pastors to stand up for Biblical truth!

      • Roy Salander

        Brother Mario, you say it like it is, I never thought that I would see this day. I am 84 years old, I served in the Air Force,I had a lot of good-things happen during that time, I never thought that things would get so bad in my life time. I pray for our country everyday. Watch all of the revivals that you do across the country and appearances that you make at invite of churches and others web sites. I spread the word when opportunity arises. keep up the good word of Jesus Christ

    • Huffy

      The name Shread speaks volumes. lol
      God will not be mocked Pastor (in name only) Shread.

    • Anthony

      Thank you Mario for your boldness. This time in our nation has Germany written all over it. Unfortunately, we not only have cowards in our pulpit but in our pews. There has got to be people on the left voting their moral consciences because the elite of this nation is only using them and tickling their ears. Once they done with us they will come for them. You vote policies not feelings and if Christians don’t go to the poles then we deserve everthing we get. It will be too late to turn back and the persecution will start for all God’s people. Spiritual warfare is alive and thriving in our nation and our children will bare the brunt of our decisions long after we are gone. Wake up and don’t stop praying.

      • Verlane Townsend

        Amen!! It’s amazing to me how many pastors won’t even address this!! To me that’s like endorsing what’s happening. They say vote biblical values but so many in the church have a distorted perception of what that is. My husband and I have been praying. We’re going on a fast tomorrow.

    • pj

      i encourage all christians who’s church leaders are silent OR support the evil democrats to so them:
      1) why?
      2) have you or the church ever received any $ from the democrats or any affiliate?
      because that is how the enemy is silencing the church – paying them $ to be quiet or support them

  4. Linnie

    I woke up having the same urgency — Thankyou for warning the masses. We, the people MUST do as you’ve said, as you truly hear from God. My friends and I have been praying but I fear it has not been fervent enough. Fasting & praying is a step — as Esther, we have no choice lest we all perish. Dear Jesus!

    • Michael

      Dear saints of the Lord,
      The Lord wants us to add the weapon of anointed praise,
      AKA “songs of deliverance” to prayer and fasting. And prayer
      and singing in the Holy Ghost as well. Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn says praise is a battle weapon. I am reminded that God told
      Jehosophat to send the praisers first into battle against the enemy. When he and the people obeyed, GOD FOUGHT THEIR BATTLE and the enemy attacked themselves in their confusion.

      I had a dream three nights ago. In it I was in the Oval Office, with DJT and a tiny bit of blood in the background. A commander was handing me a saddle and requesting me to put it on a brown horse there As I requested help to lift it, I noticed that its’ seat was yellow (holy) with the word “PRAISE” on it. As the commander lifted the saddle in place for me, he said, “When you get to the top, sing PRAISE (Brandon Lake & Elevation); At that I began to sing this song in the spirit throughout the rest of the night while asleep. The words include. “Praise is a shout that brings Jericho down. Praise the Lord O my soul.” A sacrifice of praise, like Paul and Silas did in prison, that opened the gates of captivity. Let’s go to spiritual war my friends :o)

    • Jeanie

      My heart is burdened for America and if we do not pray and seek God I believe this country will be in a fate that there is no return. We will quickly enter the great tribulation. The wolves are at the door and we must pour ourself out before the Lord for Him to hear our cries and heal our land. We are in a critical period and we must call upon God for help. This is not a time to be unaware and not seeking God and letting our voice be heard.

  5. Roma Stallard

    Thank you for standing for truth. Without the anointing we are an empty vessel.

  6. Candy robinson

    WOW..thank you for your ever present straight shooting and courage. KEEP SPEAKING. Awaken, oh, His Church! Stand, oh remnant! Glorify ONLY HIS NAME!

    • Lisa Lupica Hill

      Thank you Mr Mario! Truth! I pray for our United States, that these demonic spirits are crushed and for the Church to stand against these evil forces. God bless you Mr Mario and the United States of America!
      Glory to our LORD!

  7. IRENE

    They are demonic and they have witches in Whitehouse I have been through 4 deliverance now am born again 🙏 stay away from quija board witches cards etc you will open yourself to horrible experience. 🙌🙏🙏🙏

  8. Anna Payne

    Thank you for this provoking word to deep intercession for our Nation. Holy Spirit help us to pray the kind of prayers that birth new life and destroy the plans of the enemy!!!

  9. Toniann

    Confirmation!!! I woke up one morning very discouraged, and concern at Kamala winning the election again, so I do what I know best when I’m concern. I pray and as I was praying I kept telling God to have mercy on us, and that there’s a remnant out there that hasn’t bowed to Baal. The next couple of days I kept repeating the same thing. I kept interceding and telling God to hear us the remnants, and for them to come together and pray against this evil that what’s to take place through Kamala!

  10. Betty Scribner

    Oh, Lord, help us to really understand the plight of America. Help us to reach You, Lord, in our repentance and prayer. You are so Good!

  11. Michael A Druckenmiller Sr

    Mario, I have couched your positive blogs and published your warnings.

    Like you, as much as a nobody can do so, I have warned, cajoled and begged for revival.

    I have called today’s American Church a Narcissistic Laodicean Church sitting comfortably on padded pews in air-conditioned bunker they call sanctuaries.

    And, the cost is great, not like I had that great of a personality to begin with :), I have no church home. The only one who will pastor me is a BFF on Guam pastoring a tiny Ministry to the Military Fellowship.

    So, yeah I know the cost. I see ‘The Beginning of Sorrows’ coming and with it God’s Discipline on the church while the church preaches that everything’s alright and we should not offend and the placid good talks we get from today’s sermons are what God wants., as they wait expectantly for The Rapture.

    But, when they are disciplined by a loving God they will thing The Rapture was a lie and then will Our God find faith on the earth on His return.

  12. Irene

    From very early on in President Trump’s campaign in 2016, the Lord revealed to me He was using this flawed man for a purpose.
    Even my husband did not want to vote for him. After we talked, he prayed about it and changed his mind.
    I have to say, there are times that I have to turn the President off, because of the braggidosio element. But I have not wavered in my support and prayer for this man, precisely because he was born “for such a time as this.”
    God sets up leaders and He removes them.
    Thank you. You confirmed the leading of the Lord.
    May the Lord continue His hand on your life and ministry.
    I will join in this endeavor. In Christ’s love.

    • Trish Wenzl

      Hear with your saying, Irene, Looking at Saul and David and how God used David a very flawed man of many faults, Lord has been showing me for very long time to look at the heart as he see the heart and pray, Also Support and Pray for DJT that He will yield to the voice of the Lord and bend his EAR to him, and that his Tongue with come under the bridling of the Lord, and he will have deep discernment of those around him, Spiritually Advisor who may what to bring him down with harm, one comes to mind that I pray (she) is removed for I get a Check in my Spirit (its called or hear her name, Checkmate) every time her name comes to me, They have their own agenda Not everyone close to Him DJT is for him Also joining in this endeavor In Love of Jesus Have a Blessed Day



    • Mary Hinkle


  13. Judy Page

    Thank you Mario for continuing to sound the alarm!! You are right on target. I had a dream that Trump won but the left refused to accept and refused to leave the Whitehouse. There was Rioting and fights on the lawn then suddenly it went up in flames and burned down. They will sacrifice anyone and everything out of hatred. We must pray. Father open the eyes of those that call themselves your children. America is yours and we stand up to fight for it and protect it!!

  14. Nancy Gerath


  15. Nancy Gerath

    Truth. I agree.

  16. jason F schweitzer

    thanks for the great word!

  17. Paul Paterson

    Mario, thank you for obeying the urging of our Lord!

  18. Vyvette Moldrich

    Dear Mario,
    Thank you so much. Indeed Satan is playing all his cards. Men of God like yourself, are trying to reach the masses – with the true Word of Christ. Keep trying, keep praying, the more souls you save, the better chance America has of saving her children. Fake Catholic Biden – who at least had some children, Satan turned him into an evil radical puppet. He is replaced by someone so much worse than him, who has never known God and never had a child, who champions the murder of the unborn. If you can’t love God or a child, why would you ever care for a country? Satan is a clever selector. His greatest conquest is the American main stream media – together with Satanic – Demonic leaders, they lie without shame, spread hatred, without concern, punish and imprison opponents and kill innocents, with a smile! I am in Australia and I pray for America, every night – begging our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to save His people of USA and Israel, save the children and the babies – from Satan.
    Fight the Good Fight – Fight – Fight – Fight – Pray – Pray – Pray.
    Dear God Almighty – have mercy on your people and save them from the demonic forces of Satan – operating in the USA.
    Fear Not – God will help – but his people must do their part. Vote Vote Vote. Our prayers for you and your ministry. Vyvette.

  19. Lynne Baker

    People who have lived under socialism and suffered its demonic control need to speak louder as well.

  20. Richar

    Dear Brother,

    Thank God for someone who speaks the truth. We are at a cross roads and God will soon separate the chaff from the wheat. There are many Christians in name only that are not willing to sacrifice what they have in this world to receive a true anointing. Many of us have been shamed and fear to raise our voices.

    I know there are many that say they are willing, I am one, but I don’t know what to do other than Pray. I ask for guidance in prayer on what to do.

    I pray for your blessings and protection in Jesus name.

  21. Elaine Kosri

    I am a Jewish believer in Yeshua. Recently I heard President Donald J Trump say, “Any Jewish person who votes for Kamala Harris needs to have their head examined!” He is absolutely correct. I can not thank you enough for your written words. I asked the Lord yesterday, Lord, “Do you want me to speak to my Jewish family AGAIN truths about the fake “Biden Administration” who are murders, thieves, liars and are traitors?” My answer was given through your blog! Abba, I thank you that you answer us while we are speaking and before we call. Abba, I trust you to open the eyes of the blind beginning with the house of the Lord and I trust you open the eyes of all those in the seven mountains of influence. These are the days of Haman! I thank you for raising up those who have the spirit of Mordecai and the spirit of Esher for such a time as this!! The Hamans of this world and their sons refuse to repent though time and time again you sent your prophets warning them that judgment the door and to repent of their wicked ways. They REFUSED though it is your heart’s desire that none should perish. We are guaranteed the victory through the sacrifice of your Son. Abba, I thank for many inbody of Messiah have woken up in unity and will take back everything the enemy has stolen in your power my Lord and in your authority given to the sons of men. Abba, thank you that through the death and resurrection of your Only Begotten Son, we are guaranteed the victory in the mighty name above all names Yeshua haMashiach! Amen! Hallelujah!

  22. Leyla Schrunk

    Abba, help us travail for Your Mercy like Mario proclaims! Hear Your people and Heal us and our land we plead for Your Mercy. We love You Lord!

  23. Scott Murison

    Well said Mario! I agree, it is just so obvious from where I live, Australia. I pray for God’s man to take office this November, Donald Trump. May the Lord deal blessing to him and bring him to his knees like He does to all of us who are willing to yield to His voice. Bless you Mario.

  24. Debra M Mackall

    If I perish, I perish… Jesus gave His life for us. He shed that Precious Blood so that we could live with Him for eternity. We are instructed to put on the whole armor of God. Be prepared.
    Thank you Lord for Mario and his team who are on the front lines. Place a hedge of protection around them, the volunteers, the worship team and the lost sheep that find their way to the tent. Let scales fall from blinded eyes. Let plugs fall from unhearing ears. Let a heart of stone turn to an open door.
    We ask all this in the Precious Name and the Precious Blood of Jesus. Amen

  25. Joyce miller

    Yes AMEN!! Prayer and fasting is the answer!! Thank you for sharing these truths!! 👏👏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  26. Melissa Sugden

    Thanks for being obedient to share this word. I will continue to speak up and intercede.

  27. Phyllis Forest

    Oh Mario, You have hit the nail on the head. Oh that my people would humble themselves and repent and turn from their wicked ways and seek my face and pray. Then will I hear from on high and heal their land. I don’t believe we can avoid what’s ahead in the way of God’s correction for America at this point. He is going to awaken His church one way or another but I do believe that it will be better fir us as a nation if President Trump is reelected. I will fast & pray to that end.

  28. Thomas Oaxaca

    Use me, O Lord, I am here awaiting for Your instruction.

    Brother Mario has been used by the Lord to answer my prayer. I have cried out to God asking Him why does He have me all alone. What does He want of me?
    A dear friend of 28 years stopped talking to me simply because I asked her why she voted for Biden in 2020. I tried to explain to her that his policies were against God’s Word. She explained that she hated Trump and that the Holy Spirit led her to vote for Biden. Unless the Holy Spirit changed parties, I knew she was deceived by the enemy. Hatred and unforgiveness towards Trump had opened a door for the enemy to come in and deceive her. The truly sad part was she was my prayer partner for all those years.
    I understand what Pastor Murillo is saying. The Church has come strategic attack and faces destruction if Harris is elected.
    But God is always victorious and while it may seem that we face destruction, we will never experience the jaws of defeat. Our God is a mighty God and as we fast and pray, we will be that much closer to experiencing victory in our nation.
    Send me God, here I am.
    God bless all of you!


      There are a lot of Christians who have voted Democrat 100% every election and will not change no matter what. My mother lost close prayer warrior friends over Trump. These ladies were more socialist than my mom even imagined.

  29. Ellis young

    Thank you Mario. We pray God turns this nation around and bring a billion souls in to His kingdom. Which is also tied to this attack on our sovereignty.

  30. Kitty Russo

    Thank you Mario for speaking the truth and for keeping us informed on how to pray and fast .
    It’s a privilege to serve with you not only in tent revival but each day regardless of our distance apart, for we are all “ as one”.

  31. Sam


  32. Janice Andreyka

    Please, Please set a date and time for at least one day of fasting. I would like to fast along with other believers, the remnant of true prayer warriors. If you want to pick Aug. 23 a Friday will be good as Jews won’t fast on a Sabbath and Christians won’t want to fast on a Sunday. Older adults can fast for one day… younger folks can fast for 2 or 3 days. I am in my later years, 70’s, but fasting won’t hurt anyone… and the results are powerful ! Another date: Sept. 20th a Friday. I pray daily for Mario Murillo ministries. Look Up !! God will save His people.

    • Heather H.

      Great idea!!!! I’m in for those dates! God Bless you!

      • Janice Andreyka

        God bless you Heather ! I hope many people will pick a day to fast and stay with it. We can pray for God to forgive our sins and heal our land ! amen !

  33. Carole Elder

    I’m beginning to think these Pastors and others are being paid to endorse the radical left. I can’t imagine confessing to be a Christian yet voting democrat.

    • Mario Murillo

      Many are.

  34. Howard

    Mario good article, we need prayer for the country and election. We need preachers to preach the Word and instruct the people as the necessity of their vote to brIng this country back on track. I can’t understand a Pastor endorsing Kamala as everything she promotes goes against God’s Word. Keep up your message. By thevway there is no s in Revelation.

  35. Kathy Kirk

    Mario thank you for speaking up! I will join you in fasting and praying!

    • Kathy

      Thank you Mario for the Truth of God shared today. God’s prophets received Word that God WILL Save America and we are to jump on the Trump train. He is God’s man to lead America! Christians need to register to vote and all Christians need to VOTE FOR TRUMP BY NOV.5, 2024!!! God will lead us all in whatever we need to do in preparing for the most important election ever. We Christians need to encourage pastors to Stand Up for God in pulpits across America and vote for God’s people. Thank you Mario Murillo for being obedient as one of God’s Messengers!

  36. Brenda Diehl

    Awesome truth, Brother Mario! May all who read take heed!
    Thank you for bravely trusting and obeying GOD in the writing of this piece!

  37. Bobbie Baker

    Thank you for standing up and making it so clear. Yes I will join in fasting and prayer for our beautiful America

  38. Howard

    A Bishop or anyone else for that matter that endorses Kamala needs to get their heart right with God and read the Word of God. Let alone siding with running mate who lies about his military service as well as other issues he supports.

  39. Gail

    This confirms what I have been sensing in my spirit! God brought to mind that same passage about Barabbas, in fact so much of what I read in the Bible seems seems to be exactly what is going on right now!! Thank you for being that strong voice of encouragement in this time, I needed that.

  40. Veronica Williams

    Yes. We. Need to humble ourselves and pray. Dear Lord. Please heal our land In Jesus name. a

  41. Tanya Kutyin

    So true! We need the fresh warfare of intercession to arise among the people of God!!!

  42. Stephen Muzick

    Mario, I agree totally and you aren’t going to lose people over this post. The one thing people forget is God still is in control. God saved Trump’s life. No doubt about that. Why did God save Trump’s life? So Kamala could win the election? I think not! Why would God allow Trump to endure all the darts the left has thrown at him if he wasn’t called for a purpose? God is about to humble America for the wickedness in this country but God is also about to unleash a great revival as well. For without faith it IS impossible to please God. Be ready. A great harvest is about to come forth. God, by his hand, formed this country and now God is about to save her once again.

    • Curtis Cabezut

      One Nation under God Elsahaddi .When the enemy comes in like a flood The SPIRT OF THE LORD WILL RAISE UP A STANDARD AGAIST HIM .

    • Laura

      I am fully confident it was the Lord who saved Trump’s life, but not necessarily so he can be president. God saved Trump in answer to the prayers of His people to deliver Trump. Many intercessors and prophets knew there would be an attempt on his life, and were praying in accordance with God’s will against the hit job. Our prayers prevailed. They will prevail again.

      But I am greatly troubled. I don’t know who will be president. I only know what the Lord has forewarned will occur in the upcoming season. Regardless of outward politics, our mission remains the same. I do hope Trump wins, but I feel a pain in my soul for him at all the troubles he will face if he does.

  43. Janelle Reyes

    Yes….yes….yes. We NEED to fast and pray for our country. I have MANY in my sphere of influence who have basically “drunk the kool aide” believing Trump will be a dictator if he gets elected. They are blinded by the “enemies’” lies sadly. So. They won’t listen to the Truth. They can’t “see” it. I will FAST & PRAY…. “God, help me to do that!” 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻👍👍😊

  44. Tim Fecht

    I absolutely agree with Mario always have always will! Nonsense must end indeed in our government and our hearts filled with Holy Spirit and righteous which is why Mario is saying this!

  45. Ray

    Amen& amen!!


    May the church rise up in this time. This is the hour to shine. We are a city on a hill, we shine the light in darkness. This is our time not later but now.

  47. Mary J.

    AMEN! I agree completely! I stand in prayer with you and others like minded!!

  48. Louie C


  49. Robert Westover

    The good Lord provides. I have found the closer to Jesus I hold it truly repels Evil. Just as it has for hundreds of years. I thank the Churches for being the hands and feet of Jesus.

  50. Jim Rowin

    We need to pray like it’s 1776

  51. Jorge G. Finlay

    Amen, brother Mario. You’ve answered the Lord’s call to action. And we the church must heed his warning. Pastors, get off your blessed assurances and awaken your congregations to God’s truth. Let the Holy Spirit guide your steps, and remember Elijah who thought he was alone and the Lord introduced him to 7,000 who had not bent the knee to Baal.
    Brother, we will support you as the Lord leads.


  52. Janis Lowry

    Mario, I am certain that nothing would stop you from doing what the Lord has told you to do, no matter what the cost. I thank you for that. I remember you from the Christian Center in Isla Vista through Mike Reed’s ministry many years ago. You have remained faithful and have always pointed people to the Lord. Thank you for this very sobering word. God bless you and your ministry.

  53. Debbie

    I also relate America to Abraham asking God to spare Sodom if he could find 10 men. America has a remanent of more than 10 people.
    The enemy is instilling fear. We are to not be afraid. But we really need the wisdom and guidance if Holy Spirit.
    My experience with pastors are they are
    Set in their ways and won’t listen. To the point of not allowing people to grow in their gifts. I have had to walk away from church. I can’t find one. Praying for a group of on fire remanent to be part of in these days.
    Thank you for championing the remanent.

    • Hugh

      Debbie, start a home fellowship with like-minded believers

  54. Kelli

    Amen. Fasting and praying will breeak the bondag over America

  55. Sheila Stone

    AMEN Pastor, my husband and I are continually interceding for America and the harvest of souls our Lord has planned before the rapture!

  56. Carolyn Sumner

    Mario Murillo man of God thank you for warning the people of God. I will fast and do intercession for 3 days. I know my God reigns.

  57. Sandy Esslie

    Thank you for speaking the truth! So many pastors are afraid to speak about the demonic influences. Satan has blinded the eyes and closed the ears of the people. Prayer and fasting is the answer!

  58. Amos


  59. Charles Bryson

    Thank You for speaking plainly and clearly to the Church at this time in our history.

  60. Audrey Burk

    All I can say is AMEN!!!

  61. Jennifer

    Brother Mario, We Need to HEAR this! Thank you for speaking out for truth!

    Ecclesia, Wake up! Intercessions, Wake Up! In the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Wake Up!

  62. Steve Gamble

    God lead prophets to confront Evil and “Godly” Kings to their face, and some lost their lives because of it. Ester asked for God’s people to fast and pray, and then she confronted the King, in his court, which was against the law. Who and where do you confront?

  63. Rose Vetter

    The Catholic church through the Loop and Catholic vote is stepping up to educate their people. They are being bold about who to vote for. I am not Catholic. I have been baptised by Jesus with the gift of the Holy Spirit. Discernment is my gift. This is not even a fear that Trump will be a dictator, but a satanic hatred of Trump. There is no rational reasoning by these people. My husband and I live in a senior community. We are amazed that the majority of older people here that should have some common sense passionately hate Trump. Only one couple can articulate the reason for voting for Harris. They are socialists. I know our country will be lost if she wins. I put my trust in God. He turns tragedy into triumph and always accomplishes His purposes, just as He did in Esther’s day. I am praying to always be on His side.

  64. Angela Williams

    Spot on Mario! You hit the nail on the head with this article. My household will fast and pray. Count us in!

  65. Darren and Jackie Lemoine

    Amen and we are in full agreement! We will share this!

  66. Virginia Drastata

    Thank you Mario, I’m doing my part, God forbid that we let the enemy take our nation. I pray as we each have been given gifts and callings, that we would use them for our Lord. Lord give your people courage to take back everything the enemy has stolen. Fast and pray for discernment . Break that spirit of poverity off yourselves and rise up in the spirit of the most High God and do what he calls you to do. Gather together pray , break the spirit of poverity off (the ignorance of God’s power and love).

    god has called us ,his people to take the land, yes the enemy are like giants but who do we trust!!!!! Trump is not our savior , but whom God calls he equips. Rise up and do what God has called you to do. We are all called to serve if we belong to Jesus Christ. Amen

  67. Grace Czapla

    I agree with you 100! How does anyone vote democrat and call themselves a Christian, I have nothing to do with them!

  68. Tammy McIntosh

    Very Good! We stand like minded and will do our part. Thank you for your Word of Truth!

  69. Maxine

    Mario, I truly thank God for your leadership. It does not go unnoticed by the remnant, of which I am a part. Know that I stand with you in praying for revival in both America and Israel. God will deliver us with His might hand as we continue to fast, pray, and disciple new believers. One of my prayer is that God would diminish the voices of the wicked, unbelieving preachers and bishops and raise up remnant preachers and teachers who are filled with the Holy Spirit and fire; those who do not care about their reputations. Hang in there my remnant brothers and sisters, help us on the way. God has heard our cries.

  70. Jean

    I’m a native Californian and I’m disgusted by Ka Ka (Kamela)!! Grabbin Newscum as well my whole family fled California for Trump land Florida. The blind fools who voted for Biden (he cheated) brought on this misery. We won’t have a country if they cheat again. Vote Trump too big to rig!!!! Trump will mop the floor with her at the debate. Yes, pray for Trump and our country. They already went to the next level and tried to kill him and suddenly his airplane has problems when it had been at the same airports where THEY WERE!!!

  71. Larry Lavallee

    Standing and Praying for the church to “wake up” and intercede AS ONE to defeat and disarm this evil spirit. WE SHALL OVER COME 🤺🎼🔥

  72. Jeanne Weddle

    Thank you Mario for your right on Word from the Lord for such a time as this.

  73. Carol Ann

    I believe and agree we are fasting and praying for this evil to end for people to turn from darkness to light from the power of satan to the LORD I believe that we were born for such a time as this we are praying in Jesus, holy name amen and amen

  74. George Elijah Jacobs

    Mario, great and right on. God will call all those who vote for evil. They will have to answer for there vote. Mario I am the music minister for the music Moutan. I am a Christian song writer with over 140 Christian videos up on YouTube. I was called for such a time as this. I am 75 years young, and write amazing songs. I am being shadow banned on Youtube. But it’s OK for people are being saved and healed. My Music Ministry is like your street ministry. people are getting. saved and healed.
    Check out some of my music.
    Too Big To Rig

    TDS. ( Trump Derangement Syndrome)

    Make America Great again

    The Third song was written in July of 2016. I was the first one who wrote a song Make America great again. It applies for today….

    YouTube Channel….

    Stand By Me…..
Fire and Glory….
Heaven Sent….

    Free The Children….

I Cry Out To You…..

  75. Sharon Gornic

    Thank you!

  76. Valerie Gottschalk

    There is a remnant who have not succumbed to the delusion.. I hope we all PRAY for the truth to be so apparent there is no place left for the lie!

  77. Grey Memory

    Absolutely wonderful message . Thank you . God had a plan for you – continue to preach and teach ! You will not be destroyed!!
    Love in Christ

  78. Ron Rupp

    This separates the tares from the wheat and the wheat from the chaf, FATHER wants to anoint HIS HIS Jonathan’s to step out, it will hold you, with a power not used before and not just anybody could hold it…Brother, we need more on the forefront that have a Paul boldness…keep it up, you’re doing what FATHER wants you to do….Shalom Shalom

  79. Deb

    I stand with you, Brother Mario! As for me & my house, we will & do serve The LORD!!!!

  80. Linda Drewello

    Amen!!! and Thank You!!!

  81. Terry Bardeen

    I thank God for you. Mario you speak the truth. We may be a remnant, but that is all God wants.
    He will work through us. He did it in a day through the Red Sea and he will do it again.

  82. Diana

    Thank you, Mario, for pointing out this important issue! I have been thinking for quite some time now that we need to fast in addition to prayjng earnestly to save America from this evil!

    As Jesus says in Mark 9:29 this type of demon can only be cast out by “prayer and fasting”. This was in response to his disciples questioning why they were unable to cast the demons out of the lunatic boy that was brought before them.

    Jesus then rebuked the dumb and deaf spirit (Mark 9:25) that was within this boy and cast them out.

    These are the same demonic spirits that have America in its clutches right now…a deaf and dumb spirit that renders a large portion of the citizenry deaf to the truth and dumb to speak out against pure evil!

    So let us all seek to earnestly pray, and to make our prayer more powerful by fasting as well, in order to cast out the deaf and dumb demons that seek to destroy our nation!

  83. Margaret Zimmer

    Mario you’re a great man for God. Your courage and faithfulness is inspiring. Yes, this is what God’s warriors need to do. Cry out in repentance, fasting and praing to our Lord.. 2 Chronicles, “If my people who are called by my Name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land.”

  84. Carol Majors

    God help up be diligent in prayer for people to wake up and pray for eyes and ears and hearts to open up and see the lies that are so rampant. Fighting these things in the spiritual realm and bringing down lying strongholds in Jesus name.

  85. Judith Murphy

    My husband and I are behind you 100%. Thank you for being bold and following the leading of the Holy Spirit. God Bless you and your ministry.

  86. Jeane Whiteside

    Praying for honest elections. A move of God that will bring people into vote regardless of how president Trump lamblasts his opponents. That his mouth is bound to the heart of God for kingdom purpose and he is loosed from Satan and his wiles. That he will remember his call is more important than being vindictive; and that he’s called to a higher purpose. That as he was forgiven so are others. That he realizes his next term is to restore family values to USA. They will replace Planned Parenthood
    as the program for family. He can stick to the subject like glue of all he is planning to do. That he will have wise counsel around him and listen to them. He is losing people because of bashing. We call a halt to Satans influence and bind Trump❤️to the heart of God.

  87. Nancy

    Can you do a tent event in Federal Way Washington?

    • Mario Murillo

      Get as many Pastors or leaders you can to work with us toward that!

  88. Dave Brown

    I pray to my Lord Jesus Christ to save my homeland from the evil that governs it. I pray for Donald Trump to be the next President. I pray that God forgives us. I pray for my family and friends. I pray for this Nation. It’s time to STAND! It’s time to FIGHT! In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray for us all! God Save Your People!

  89. Theresa Brooks

    Thank you for this update. Their lips and their hearts need to meet and have a real knock down drag out fight for truth. Seeing they don’t see, and hearing they don’t hear. They have become blind guides. Pharissees. There is nothing new under the son. Father God judge them in the courts of heaven to cease and desist, in Jesus name for your namesake.

  90. Tammy Johnson

    Thank you Mario for giving strength to me and all you reach! I am so thankful that Lance shared this! This gives clarity and hope to me!

  91. Rose Richmond

    Thank you Mario.
    You are truly a man of God. I have tremendous respect for the truth you speak and write. Gods remnants must rise up.
    I hope to meet u at the “Awaken America” conference in Cleveland TN.
    I will be taking a road trip from Maine – so excited for this prophetic conference.
    Blessings and prayers.
    We were born for such a time.

  92. Joseph Liberadzki

    You are on target. This wolf in sheep’s clothing is from the evil one.

  93. Scott Bergquist

    Evening of Hope & Healing was great Mario. We came from Columbus, Ohio to be there. The music was So worshiping, the Message was So for our time & needed to be heard, We love how God uses you for the Healings & of Lives. We have the Holy Spirit in us as Believers & must access the power to Be the people we need to be, especially in these last days.

  94. Douglas Krause

    America is more than a place, it is what is in the heart, and soul, of the majority of it’s people. What is dictating the governance of the District of Chaos now, is not Christian, or Patriotic, it is a worldly, global demonic attempt to play God, and separate us from our creative Father God’s will for His family of righteous believers. In 2020 that majority of “we the people” won, but was silenced by thief, manipulation, and fear of death, and sickness. All the sphere’s of influence had become our idols, and all the ancient gods had been allowed to return over time, thanks to apathy, and lack of leadership in church. Read Jonathan Cahn’s the Return of the God’s, and his latest Josiah’s Manifesto is a great example of what needs to happen in America to turn things around. It is up to us to vote, and influence through discipleship, our neighbors, and the rest of the world. God’s will instructed us what to do,in His Word’s instruction manual, for love, peace in one accord, and eternal life, beyond this temporary wilderness we are in. In spite of all the propaganda, I believe “we the people” are still in the majority of what is left of common sense, in America, and that fasting, and praying in one accord to our Father God, will reawaken our covanent with Him, and our Constitution will once again prevail. and bring Victory, and God’s light to this void, we are in. Thanks Mario for your inspiring reminders of God’s will.

  95. Marilyn Kirkwold

    Dear Mario, You are so right. But, there is a praying remnant, and God does miraculous work with a remnant. It’s crazy that a Pentacostal bishop would endorse Kamala! Seems this guy is a pretender so far as being a Chtistisn is concerned! How can anyone who professes to know Jesus vote for the devil?

  96. Jan

    I literally do not know one person who is voting for Kamala.


      You probably don’t know any hardcore leftists, or extremely deluded ‘Christians’.

  97. Eddie Scott

    I’m with you 100% brother, we need to penetrate heaven , God has not abandoned America. Intercede brothers and sisters.

  98. Cynthia Estes

    Thank you! All Christians must speak up and stand up against this evilness! It’s not a time to be taking this and sitting back doing nothing … it’s a time for righteous action! I weary hearing Christian’s say, “ just pray about it!” I reply back to them, faith without action is dead! Get off your comfortable chairs and be a God warrior in righteousness against these devil minions!

  99. Joan M Olbrich

    This is an awesome post. I am listening. I will continue to fast and pray with great focus on standing with the remnant of God. Let’s go

    • Toniann

      Yesssss!!! Let’s go indeed!!!! Yay for the remnants!!!!

  100. Ginger Branum

    Please continue to speak up. We, as Gods army, need the encouragement! God help us if Kamala were to win. We need to band together in prayer and fasting to make sure this doesn’t happen. It’s up to us to do our part and not let the enemy win. We are fighting demonic forces! God will fight for us to bring about truth if we will get in to do our part.

    • Tom Chereck Jr, Evangelist Oregon, 18yrs

      I have been pondering all that has happened in just the last 48 hrs. The Pakistani who visited Iran for a week and who came to the USA very recently who was on the terror watch list and who was given a full pardon to enter the USA for specific purpose to take and extinguish 48 leaders lives including Trump with Biden s approval? So Trump poured gas on the fire by his fiery message to the Biden co-hort at Bozeman Montana. Declaring war to all our enemies foreign and domestic. Without a Divine intervention like Sodom & Gomorrah World wide Civil War (WW8, WW1 was in the garden) will proceed shortly.

  101. Steve Trent

    I thank our LORD for your ministry and the sensitivity you have to The Holy Spirit. Every member of the body of Christ needs to read the blog you so eloquently published.
    May Our Heavenly Father continue to bless you, your family and your ministry.
    Also, thank you for your stand in calling out false prophets within the body of Christ.

  102. Curtis Cabezut

    Praise God Thank you Lord for Mario speaking the Truth I will Fast and Pray for America

  103. Sherry Brown

    Do you have an idea of how long we should fast ?

    • Mario Murillo

      The Holy Spirit will direct you as to the length. Use wisdom stay hydrated.


        Thank You Mario, Man of GOD! Not only for your fervent passion of evangelizing, but also for your team at MMM for praying for me and my family the past few months I appreciate Joesy and these prayers have availed much! I will continue to fast and pray for our Nation in agreement with you and our beloved brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, Our King! Praying for you always!

  104. Becky

    Mario, Yes, we are more than enough, because our God is more than enough! Yes, Divine Help is on the way! The Divine Helper is already here!!! The image above was difficult to view, passed by it quickly (of Jezebel). Does Biden begin to realize, or at least Jill, that he/they have just been fools/actors for others to achieve their own agendas?!

    The Lord gave me this —

    Don’t be Satan’s fool, be God’s tool! Mario, feel free to use that anytime (lol)!

    For such a time as this! We are there, let’s press on to Heaven’s gate!

  105. Richard Johnston

    You are correct Mario will do my part to spread the word, fast,and pray

  106. Patricia

    I can’t understand why you’d lose followers or friends over this post. What kind of genuine Christ-followers would actually think that Kamala would be a good president? She has a Jezebel spirit and is far left.

    • Susan Seifert

      There is a group of Christians who are followers of Left-wing Christian journalists and leaders out there, who believe Trump is the most corrupt man who ever lived and they believe that Kamala will be good for Christian leaders. This is very sad, but much of the church has bought into this lie. Do a search on David French or Russell Moore who seem to have a great influence on many Christians. They have a lot of followers and unfortunately, they are dividing up the body of Christ with their poison.

  107. Tricia Sims

    I stand for the truth and believe God has me in this time of history to fast and prayer against this evil agenda. Thank you, Mario, for always taking a righteous stand against this evil. I stand with you believing we have the power and authority in Jesus Christ to see breakthrough in this fight against evil. God’s blessings on you and your ministry Mario.

  108. Daniel

    Thank you for listening to God and being obedient Mario. Thank you for realizing it’s not YOUR ministry. This was past due. Keep going. Do not atop until you see the victory! Amen

  109. Bob Brennan

    So many believers are complacent. They do not seem to realize the fate of this country will be determined in the next few months. Apathy is a destroyer.

  110. Mike Davis

    Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron… 1 Timothy 4. Paul was telling Timothy this will be the state of the church in our day. Sadly this is where the church is. Thank you for pointing to the way through.

  111. Patti A Bangle

    Participating in Lou Engle’s 90 days of prayer. Phone alarm is set for 4:14pm everyday to stop and pray for US and Israel. Have been modified fasting since July 1st. Dedicated small prayer groups have been breaking out in our community. Doing an Esther event Oct 12th at our local hotel event center. The fervent remnant is growing and praying here in Orofino. We are listening. Thank you for fearing only the Lord!

  112. Janlyn

    Thank you, Mario, for your boldness and your leadership. This is a strong and powerful post that I will share and speak about to others. I will also continue in prayer and fasting.

  113. JP Timmons

    The Lord told me in 1991 that there are more people in America need of deliverance than there are in need of healing. It’s even worse today and this is a manifestation. Unfortunately a lot of black Americans will vote for her because they think she’s black.

  114. Margaret

    Mario, I have been praying for years for the Church wake up before it’s too late. Your words in this publication are exact in that they are nearly my prayers for this nation and most of all for the Church. For the life of me I have not understood why some Christians and in particular the Jews would vote for an anti-God party. Thank you and keep it up!

  115. Dan D

    Thank God that voices like yours and Jentzen Franklin are speaking forcefully the TRUTH unashamedly. You Mario, and Jentzen, are being used by God to wake up not only church leaders but also the church at-large.

    Evil and wickedness is pervasive and Psalm 12 tells us that “Wickedness struts about when what is vile is honored by men”.

  116. JP Timmons

    We need to pray this Proverb for today, 11:5, “the wicked will fall by his own wickedness” over this matter.

  117. Danny M. Hammond

    One word sums up reading this blog & watching the video, Mario and Todd. Wow! We’re in the last days before the Return of Yeshua/Jesus. The true Remnant should be stunned, as me and my wife are at clear delusion coming out of the Harris-Walz camp. What America needs now is for all church leaders, and the true Remnant to pray 2 Chronicles 7:14. America’s at a crossroad in history. Yahweh through Yeshua is our Only hope for survival and a future here for our children and grandchildren.

  118. ch0911

    Let me urge you brothers and sisters do not believe the polls. I don’t even believe the one pollster who seems to be the most honest. The demoncrats know for a FACT they could never win on issues. They *must* cheat. Pray against deception and pray against election fraud. Every election is the most important one. If conservatives do not turn out in force and vote against this demonic agenda we can kiss what we knew as America goodbye.


      I believe that only a few conservatives even answer the poll phone calls, so yes those polls are extremely skewed. They try to deny that though.

  119. Norman

    Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto stated after attacking Pearl Harbor, “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve”.
    That sleeping giant is God’s church today. You may strike a giant who is dozing, but when that giant awakens and realizes what is happening around us and begins to fast and pray and repent asking Him for His mighty power through the Holy Spirit look out! WAKE UP Church!
    Continue to pray for Mario and his family that God will continue to protect,
    lead and guide him. To God Be The Gory!

    • Judy

      Norman did you know after WW2 General Yamamoto became a born again Christian. He also became an evangelist and as a child I was privileged to hear him speak at my church.

  120. Gracie

    When you wife and sister in laws hire three lesbian celebrities to produce your bio film we already knew they came out of hiding. They’re part of the deep state to turn the church agenda to accepting the agenda. COGICs lead bishop is intelligent. It’s all part of the game plan.

  121. Claudia MacPhee

    This is spot on, Brother! We must not step back or look at what we see with our eyes! God is able but He also calls and works through us! He will have His way, but as you said from Esther – those who refuse to follow His leading will also have their reward.

  122. Patricia jeter

    My pastors wife said this morning she read this on Facebook but then her Facebook page just disappeared. Satan wants the church silent and too many are obliging him. That Pentecostal pastor is voting skin color not his Bible.

  123. Allen

    Do you really think that these two idiots are running anything? No they are not, it is the DEEP STATE of burecrates that are their from administration to administration. This is why nothing changes no matter who we place in office. Donald was able to fight it to some extent but can we say Anthony Fauci. These burocrates that you and I did not vote for these people yet they are the ones running the show and these people want to reduce population and cause our country to fail and become one of the one world order.

    The other thing are these corporation executives and lawyers that come into positions under an administration and then back to their cushy job when the “OTHER” side is elected. So the agenda keeps being pushed in the direction they want and they put on a show that makes us think that they are not one unaparty.

    Why do you think both parties are against the Donald. Yes, there are some good moral ones but as a whole our government is listening to demons if not physically certainly from that invisible creature whispering in their ears.

    I’m not saying that we do not vote, we are commanded to stand. Voting is one of those ways. We need to be wise as serpants, that means having our eyes open, taking in everything and not being deceived.

    Jesus is coming sooner then most of us realize. Not hard for us that see the signs to understand.

    Keep the faith my brothers and sisters

  124. Laura

    Mario, be encouraged you are not alone in this, and no matter how many turn against us, the Lord is for us and ever with us. This warring we feel is the spirit of Elijah rising up once more. God is about to deal with Jezebel. But before she was thrown out, she first had to climb up.

    I am full of dread over what the Lord is about to do, and not only in America but especially in all those who call themselves Christians. Nevertheless, I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth.

  125. Leslie Philp

    I used to pay to read Mad Magazine. Not anymore, it is being played out live and in living colour for free. Alfred E Newman for president!!!
    Jasper, Ontario, Canada

  126. Debra

    This is how I see it. Some may claim to vote for Kamala. And that would be God exposing them so I don’t fear their work of unrighteousness. God wants us to know , they will be marked . Second , do many more than them will vote according to Gods will and it will be done in secret . God, did not save Trump from that bullet for nothing. He had a plan and God will win . And those who betrayed him snd the church will fade away .

  127. James

    You are correct Mario! God Bless You for saying this!

  128. Lisa Dunnam

    Thank you Brother Mario! I’ll join you in losing friends and possibly a few family members too but staying silent is exactly what got so many Jews murdered in the Holocaust. I accept your challenge by posting this on Facebook and will commit to fast and pray harder! I will also share with my pastor. God will hear our prayers and our enemies will fall on their own gallows!

  129. Lisa Lupica Hill

    Thank you Mr Mario! Truth! I pray for our United States, that these demonic spirits are crushed and for the Church to stand against these evil forces. God bless you Mr Mario and the United States of America!
    Glory to our LORD!

  130. Janet drawhorn

    That pastor that endorsed her is not a true man of God. And he will be accountable to God. Enough said.
    Gross darkness is covering the earth but the glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the seas. Guaranteed promise.

  131. Margaret Gail Segars Rainey

    I believe all Believers who are in tune to your ministry, Brother Mario, are so on fire that each one of us, through how God uses each of us in our communities, are waking up complacent Christians, speaking out, writing articles published in local newspapers, sharing with our church congregations, sharing with our friends and family, that IT WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE FOR YESHUA TO LOSE AMERICA, BECAUSE THERE ARE WAY MORE CHRISTIANS PRAYING FOR REPENTANCE THAN PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT AND THERE ARE MILLIONS AROUND THE WORLD WHO ARE FASTING AND PRAYING AND PRAYING AND PRAYING FOR OUR COUNTRY, FOR ISRAEL, FOR ALL LEADERS AND TO BE SURE CHRISTIAN LEADERS ARE VOTED IN THIS YEAR’S ELECTION! Let’s do it!!! Run the race with perseverence and courage!

  132. Tucker Yates

    I agree with all you’ve said. My wife and I pray daily for a spiritual awakening in this country (and the world) for that is the only thing that will truly change our nation. Also, God always has a remnant, and He will respond to our cry.
    Having said that, I must ask everyone to pray that Mr. Trump will act in a civil manner, act presidential. His first impulse is to lambast anyone who does not agree with him, and this is why so many can’t bring themselves to vote for him. He is catering only to the MAGAs, apparently not understanding that he must have more Independents if he is to win.
    His comments lambasting Gov Kemp of GA ( A Republican and a very decent man, very popular) was simply stupid. Trump cos t us the Senate majority earlier when he urged Reps not to vote in GA, sending two Dems to the Senate. Unfortunately , he is his own worst enemy.
    So, please pray for him, that his people will be able to persuade him to calm down, dwelling on the issues. Goodness knows, he has all the ammo in the world based on the Biden/Harris presidency.I recall how presidential he was in giving a State of the Union address one year. He can do it!
    He is our candidate and he must be elected.I really believe the election is his to lose, so please pray for his civility. Surely because the Lord saved him for the bullet, He will put him back in the White House.
    Dear Lord, hear and answer our plea, our prayer. Amen

  133. Darlene W

    This is confirmation for me. I just started reading Born For Battle by R Arthur Mathew’s again. Blessings 🙏

    • Judy

      What you have said is so true and I have been praying that the demonic powers will be run out of Washington DC. It is so sad that christians are falling for the lies of satan. Even sadder is that a person gets shut down trying to reason with them. I will continue to pray and start fasting for this country to turn back to God.

  134. Inslee Rude

    The Bishop’s name is Sheard – not Shread. Nevertheless, this is more Demonic Control than Demonic Urge. 1 john 5:19 says, “We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.

    • Mario Murillo

      Thank you for pointing that out. We corrected his name.

  135. jeff miller

    I never thought I would live long enough to see this level of stupidity. A complete disregard form common sense and the obvious. You highlight the only answer for this. So many have given their minds and wills over to the demonic! I wish they could be impacted logical conversations. Our hope is in appealing to Heaven to expose all the corruption and evil going on behind the Curtin as well as Holy Spirit revealing the truth. Thank you, Mario!

  136. Susan Seifert

    I had been wondering, actually since Trump got into office in 2016, why there is a large amount of young Christians who became ‘never Trumpers’ and some even turned from Republican to Democrat. Not only do these young people dislike Trump (and believe all the lies about him), but they are also for open Borders and are fighting for racial social justice.
    Who has bewitched you, I wanted to ask. I think I found my answer to this question.
    There is a book out by Megan Basham called ‘Shepherds for Sale’, exposing some of the Christian pastors and leaders out there who are woke or are attached to social justice issues. Someone I know was upset about this book because it exposes men like David French and Russell Moore. Both men are anti Trump and I know Moore is for open borders. French cannot understand why so many Christians would be supporting Trump. He thinks Trump is the most corrupt man who is running for the presidency.
    Men like French and Moore have a lot of followers. They are a strong influence in Christian circles. And that is one of the big reasons why many Christians are seemingly Left-wing in their understanding of politics and why some of them have turned Democrat.
    There are a number of these Christian pastors, journalists, teachers, etc. who have a great influence on the church. Not only are they anti Trump, but they seem to have fallen for the lies of the mainstream media and value whatever they are told concerning the candidates and the current issues, from a Left-wing perspective.

    • Terence Walsh

      Mario thank God for men like you ! Wouldn’t it be awesome if demon’s such as French and Moore would stand on a stage and face Mario ? Haha what fun it would be to see the great warrior pound some sense into them ! Of course, that won’t happen because cowards will not stand to defend nonsense. I am a Catholic and they tell me 50% of Catholic’s will vote D but I’m very involved in the church community and I can’t find a one! Weird! Who/where are these “weirdo’s?”
      Pastor Mario please hold an event in Reno soon!!!

    • Wayne Brillhart

      The Illuminati (Satan worshipers) have purposed to infiltrate all religious denominations and promote their evil plans from within the church establishment. Christians who are in close relationship with the Lord will recognize they are evil by the Holy Spirit. Luke-warm Christians may be led away by the lies of the evil ones and the subliminal messages being sent over the Main Stream Media and some internet sites. In an interview long ago a KGB agent said they would brainwash the people to the point that they could show them a concentration camp and they still wouldn’t believe it). The enemy has succeeded in doing this to many. (i.e. Never-Trumpers.) Stay close to the Lord and heed what Mario said. Victory will be ours as we follow the Lord’s voice.

  137. Nick T

    The remnant has to get this right we must pray and fast like never before the God will save our nation. It won’t be with evil spirt lead Kamala / Waltz. President Trump is not our savior but he is much better then the ungodly democrats platform of Kammy.

  138. Marleen

    I need to pray more fervently and spend more time in the Word and God’s Presence.

  139. Cindy

    Thank you Mario for speaking Truth!!

  140. Danny Hammond

    I watched America’s Demonic Urge video again. God Bless you Mario and Todd for exposing the truth and all the facts about Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. The true Remnant must read, memorize and obey Hebrews 16:11 when they hear messages from a church they attend*. The delusion we’re seeing in politics today is demonic in nature. The true Remnant must seek God in prayer, discerning truth from lies!

  141. Ray Mills

    Thank you Mario for speaking truth and not whitewashing or compromising. I am a pastor and I too boldly proclaim these things.I’m not interested in popularity;just pleasing my Lord and presenting facts. I use the scripture in Genesis 11:7 and by the power of the Holy Spirit,I speak confusion into the camp of Kamala Harris and Barak Hussein Obama.Confuse and confound their schemes by the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.Matthew 18:18-20 is powerful if we would just believe it and use it.Whatever we bind here on earth and we bind their evil plans and schemes and Heaven backs us.If believers will come into agreement concerning these things it will be done by our Father in Heaven.

  142. Steve Ross

    I’ve absolutely no doubt that our American crisis is fully known to God and is being allowed to play out for His purpose. “Why”, is my only question, and though I have no answer, I do have this thought:. Is it possible that a country so selfish, self-centered, so complacent, so morally, ethically, socially and politically compromised needs a vastly painful wake-up call? I don’t believe God has given up on America, but I have to think He’s pretty disgusted with ‘We The People’. I think He knows there are enough good people who love this nation enough to turn it around; that the historic tools created by our founding generation are available and will work IF used. I think He intends that His people shall become angry enough and motivated enough that they will grasp and use those tools and techniques to destroy or severely cripple those wrecking this country. I’d like to hear Mario’s thoughts on that, and the thoughts of any others posting here who also wonder about God’s plan and purpose in this time of crisis. Thanks.

  143. Daimon King

    A large portion of black Americans have drank the cult juice for their new religion, “Blackism!” Christians & non-believers are subscribing to this damning cult/religion by the thousands. This tell me that those who say they are Christian, are not. I am a Christian, a Husband & Father, an American, a Pastor, a Constitutional Republican, and a Patriot. I abide in Jesus Christ, I stand on and trust the Word & the Holy Spirit to guide me, and therefore I vote for Donald J Trump! I just spoke recently in a rally on his behalf in Atlanta, GA with the “Black Patriots for Trump/America” team. I am praying for hearts to be turned and changed.

  144. Shari Folske

    BLM got popular when the group hit Minneapolis in May of 2020… It was a revolt that unified young college aged kids whom were powered up to enable a big change. For that is what they were calling for. Now we can see the democrats agenda wants to target even younger children by influencing their psychological futures. It is democratic talking points that are what cause people to rally and unify… It’s groupthink.. Why does the democratic party not stand up against evil??? Answer: because they get more done unified.. So politics is their religion. I will pray for Donald Trump and JD Vance because they have common sense values and that is what people need. I know prayer works because that is what happened in 2016. Fervent prayer.

  145. Thomas Holohan


  146. Joy F Sloan

    Dear Mario,

    I asked God for a word tonight and I picked up a small prayer book and randomly opened it. The title on the page was to “Trust” Jesus. Let us put our trust in HIM! God can move mountains. Be Blessed and keep up the good work.

    “God has Donald J. Trump covered. From ashes comes life.”

  147. Kelli Baughn

    Thank you Mario for standing for what is right and never being afraid to speak God’s truth. Myself and so many other American’s stand with you. We must pray and seek the mercy of Christ.

  148. Melissa

    Thank you for sharing & for standing strong, we feel the same way!!
    Praying the Lords will and we take praise and worship seriously and praise Jesus for bringing us Trump!!

  149. Noah Burk

    You know what’s funny? When political Christian’s are focused on a physical enemy that they start using gnostic terminology

    Demonic Urge…… Demiurge

    I mean come on Christian’s; We can do better!

    • Mario Murillo

      Noah that is such an illogical leap. You have zero evidence that a demonic urge is anything close to Demiurge.

  150. mrs Bernie Henrich

    I trust God! He has a plan. Never doubt Him!!!


  151. Leonard Carroll

    I live in Australia and am right behind Mario and all of you who are genuine Christians.

  152. Lisa L Beal

    Even as in the time of the Prophet Elisha, told his servant to not be afraid, we must remember that the Lord is not only on our side, but that there are more that are with us than with them!! We must continue to look to and trust the plan of God through continued fasting and prayer and not to believe the lies of the enemy when he says, “it’s a lost cause, or we’ll be defeated”, has God not told us to look into Him! There are times when I feel in my mind, not in my heart, that we are not doing enough, but I realize that it’s a tactic of the enemy to stop trusting God and to keep me from praying. Thank you Bro Mario for keeping us informed of all that God is saying and doing in the midst of all of this, I can say my desire is to not focus on the impossible but on God who is the God of all possibilities!! This scripture is so profound, Lord open his eyes that he may see and when opened he saw chariots of fire surrounding them. There are more with us than with them, so why should we fear or be afraid, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies is on our side and He has given us the Spirit of victory to fight in prayer and on our knees!! Thank you for allowing me to share my heart.

  153. Cecilia West

    As I read your blog Mario, I felt to share the Esther Call coming to the Mall.
    From Lou Engle’s website, “A million Esthers gather on the dc mall, to cry out for the children for death has climbed through our windows. There we take a stand for truth and mercy. There we lift up the blood of Jesus declaring the victory of the cross over the powers. Gather the mothers and the daughters and the Mordecais and sons on the day of atonement. A day that must not be missed! When there is no hope for a nation, where there is no remedy, God still has a holy prescription, “Blow the trumpet in Zion, consecrate a Solemn Assembly, call a fast, gather the peoples”.Let the Esthers, the children, and the Mordecais gather and call on the Lord on the Day of Atonement, a Day that must not be missed. Who knows if you have come into the Kingdom for such a time as this!
    When there is no hope for a nation, where there is no remedy, God still has a holy prescription, “Blow the trumpet in Zion, consecrate a Solemn Assembly, call a fast, gather the peoples”.Let the Esthers, the children, and the Mordecais gather and call on the Lord on the Day of Atonement, a Day that must not be missed. Who knows if you have come into the Kingdom for such a time as this!”


  1. Day 1377 Aug 12 2024 – Transformation Michigan – Uniting Michigan in Prayer 83 Counties 24/7 – 365 Days a Year - […] AMERICAS DEMONIC URGE  […]
  2. Election 2024: America’s Demonic Urge - Charisma News - Christianity House - […] article first appeared at and was republished on; republished here with permission. See the Western Journal […]



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