Wisconsin’s Final Night of Fire: Unleashing the Church on America

by | Aug 1, 2024 | Living Proof Tent Crusades | 22 comments

The final night in Eau Claire was no less powerful than the first three. God has been moving mightily and He shows no sign of slowing down.

Tonight I arrived at the Tent after the meeting had already begun. And the place was full. Cars were parked all the way around the Tent.

Walking in, I could hear Catherine Mullins and her band once again leading another night of power and anointing. They are all so talented, anointed, and so in unity with one another. And the people clearly feel the presence of God as they fill the front altar area to worship together with them. Each night the crowd grew as the power grew.

Mario took the stage and prayed over the meeting. Thanking God for all the healings and the salvations. And thanking God the encounters people had this week under the tent were going with them through the remainder of their life. He then asked God to humiliate the devil and to let revival break out in churches across the nation.

Mario asked the people how many of them knew someone they want to be born again, someone who we might consider a hopeless case. Then he said there may be some here at the meeting that people have been praying would find the Lord, for many years. Then he told them that it was no accident: both where each person was seated and or that they were even there at all.

He then talked about C. S. Lewis, who while at Oxford, was an avowed atheist. The idea of serving God was the furthest thought from his mind. He said C. S. Lewis, like possibly some here tonight, had made a commitment not to serve God and believe they are safe from the power of God to convert them.

Mario then talked about his early years of ministry on the campus of U.C. Berkeley, preaching to Marxist intellectuals. And God told him to operate in the supernatural because nothing else would reach them.

He asked, how do you go from not wanting God, to suddenly wanting God more than anything in the world? Argument, logic, and intellect won’t change the person’s thinking about God.

Mario then quoted 1 Corinthians 2:1 where Paul wrote: “when I came to you, I did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of God.”

Paul was one of the superior intellects of his day, and he also never even considered becoming a Christian.

Demon power is what keeps people from God, and the power of miracles will break the power of demons. Suddenly people will have a renewed mind and their thinking will change.

Mario then began to tell the story of how Jesus was walking and there was an individual sitting behind a table. Jesus saw him and headed toward him. The disciples and the townspeople knew this man, he was a tax collector, taking money from his own people and giving to the Romans. The man was named Matthew.

“As Jesus passed on from there, He saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax office. And He said to him, “Follow Me.” So he arose and followed Him” (Matthew 9:9 NKJV).

Mario said, “You can’t imagine never using drugs again, or never being an alcoholic. You may never imagine yourself believing in Christ and making Him Lord of your life. You may think you’re outside of the range of the influence of the Spirit of God.” Then he said, “You have no idea how wrong you are and how close you are to God touching you.”

He asked, how do I know you can be saved tonight? Because you’re here. The devil did not want you here, but here you are. Just being here under the Tent, you are already broken out of jail.

Mario then told about a time when he was invited to speak at an intellectual gathering of religious leaders called the Holy Man Jam. Every major world religion was given an opportunity to defend their religion. Mario was invited to defend Christianity.

He found himself positioned between Transcendental Meditation and Scientology. And he came with no idea what he would say, even up to the moment of stepping up to the mic for his five minute window of time.

As he opened his mouth, God gave him the words to say. He had noticed how every other person had told the people “how to.” How their religion would make them better, richer, more powerful. But none of them talked about the devil even once. It doesn’t matter if you are better in your life, there is an invisible evil in the world. And no one, not Mohammed, Buddha, not Confucius, no one but Jesus defeated Satan on the Cross.

Mario then said no one is safe. The devil doesn’t care how powerful you are, how much money you have, how much influence you have, you are not safe from Satan, except in Jesus Christ.

He then said to all these religious representatives, there is one thing the human heart desires, but cannot be achieved by the stuff they all were offering, the ability to be successful, to meditate, to do all these things. But the one thing none of them can give, Paul explained in this verse from the New Testament:

“we instructed you how to live in order to please God” (1 Thessalonians 4:1). 

These other religious leaders, regardless of their wealth, power, or influence, cannot make God smile. Mario said, “When I met Christ, my heart was changed and I finally realized the Person with the most power in the universe loved me, more than any other person loved me. When the Person with the most power loves you the most, that is the ultimate liberation.

He returned to the story of Matthew and asked, “What is Jesus going to say to Matthew?” Jesus was walking toward him, and every step he took toward Matthew caused Matthew to begin to change. Everything that made Matthew what and who he was, began to break down in the presence of Jesus.

Once Jesus reached him all that was left for Jesus to say was, “Follow me.” And Matthew immediately got up and followed Him. There was no debate, no rebuttal, just obedience.

Mario had the people close their eyes and then compelled those to respond who have begun to realize they need hope, those who wish there was someone to take care of them, those who don’t know what their future is, and who now feel Jesus is speaking to them, saying, “Follow Me”. He asked them to raise their hands, then to stand, and finally to come forward.

Once more we had a wonderful response as many people came to the front, weeping and surrendering their lives to God. It was as beautiful as every other time we see this happen. Each night is as incredible as the last, when people are restored to life.

Mario prayed over them, then had them go out to be ministered to by our volunteers. And Catherine and her band led us once again in, “Look What the Lord Has Done.” It is the perfect song every time, because those are the words on each of our lips as we watch the response – ‘look what the Lord has done!’

Mario began the next portion of the night by having the people say, “I believe that tonight is my night to be healed by the power of God. Tonight is my night to be completely healed, in Jesus name.”

“I’m about to say the most controversial thing I’ve ever said.” A leading pastor told Mario, “America is in God’s hands.” But Mario told him he was wrong. He said, “America is not in God’s hands. God has placed America in the church’s hands.”

To say America is in God’s hands has become the number one cop-out of the American church. Many Christians didn’t vote, or wasted their vote, because they believed it was ‘all in God’s hands.’ Pastors remained silent in the face of glaring evil.

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11 NKJV).

The Jews at the time Jeremiah spoke those words did not yet have peace, a future, or a hope. God had to give it to them. Mario said his hope is that America will turn around, that the church will wake up, and that the power of God will prevail in this very evil time.

“Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart”  (Jeremiah 29:12-13 NKJV).

Mario then quoted 2 Chronicles 7:14: “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 

God spoke through Jeremiah, saying that His intention is to give the people of Israel a future and a hope. They didn’t have it yet, but He wanted to give it to them. The same thing applies to America. If we are stupid enough to make the mistake of ‘four more years’, that will be God judging us. But we have the power to stop it.

Mario said when God told him to begin doing tent crusades they were in advance of America being destroyed. He said we will see cancers healed, wheelchairs emptied, and creative miracles like never before. Because we have got to get millions of Americans born again.

If we get them born again they will vote right, and they will keep their unborn child. All the things we are trying to do politically will be accomplished by revival.

Saying it is in God’s hands has kept pastors from getting in their pulpit and preparing their people to take this nation back. It’s not enough to be a tongue- talking psychologist, or a late night talk show host, or to just give messages that make them ‘feel valuable.’

Evil is coming! It is the job of every shepherd to get in their pulpit and tell the people we are preparing for spiritual warfare – preparing to take our nation back and leading the people in crying out to God to spare and save America.

Mario said that the passage in 2 Chronicles says, “if my people” do those things, He will heal their land. But what if they don’t?

When the prophet told Hezekiah that evil was coming, he said at least it’s not going to happen in my lifetime. But the right response was spoken by Thomas Paine, “If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace; and this single reflection, well applied, is sufficient to awaken every man to duty.”

Mario said, “If any parent or grandparent requires to be argued with in order to speak out against what’s going on in Washington, how much do you really love your child or grandchild?” Then he said, “I do not want a devil in the White House”

God is saying to the Church, when will you wake up and realize that I’m giving you the authority to stop this thing?

Mario said, if you are in your backyard grilling and someone hops the fence and comes after your wife, you are not going to say, “Well it’s in God’s hands.” You will stop them any way you can, and we must stop the insanity that’s going on in the United States.

Mario said, “We did not jump into the leftist camp, they jumped into the Church and shut down our worship services.” He added that what’s happening is not just politically wrong, it is Satanically wrong.

“Then Jonathan said to the young man who bore his armor, “Come, let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised; it may be that the Lord will work for us. For nothing restrains the Lord from saving by many or by few”” (1 Samuel 14:6 NKJV).

Mario told the people, “Quit feeling sorry for yourself and begin to see yourself as a Lion of God. We are the remnant who are enough to save the United States of America.”

He had the people make a confession: “I am not on the Earth to be blessed. I am on the Earth to be armed and dangerous to the devil. On the Earth as a God appointed warrior in a dark time, to get rid of devils, to heal the sick, and to win the lost. We are ready for an awakening in America!”

Mario then shared what he said was the most important thing he’d said all week. He said we don’t understand the anointing. He said it’s interesting that the Church wants to drain the swamp in Washington, but someone needs to drain the swamp in the Church. Talking about immorality, powerlessness, lack of soul winning, and the inability to repent in the face of evil.

He said, “We cannot wait for the lukewarm to decide to save this nation. It is up to us to go on without them. But thank God we are more than enough to get the job done!

After a little more teaching, the atmosphere shifted and Mario suddenly turned toward one side of the Tent. He pointed out someone on the aisle and had her stand. He revealed she was being healed, but that the miracle had already been occurring, and now God was going to use her to pray over three other women.

The first woman had heart disease. The second had pain in the spine and chronic headaches. And finally, the third woman had diabetes. He had them all stand and pray for each other, one at a time. And they were all healed.

Next he had a woman in the middle section of the Tent stand up. As he began to speak to her the power of God hit her and she fell back into her chair, unable to stand again. God’s power was clearly all over this woman.

Then over to the far side, Mario had three people stand who were all battling arthritis. And then he identified a man further behind them and told him that he had several diseases, including tumors, that were leaving his body. He was overcome with emotion at the word of knowledge, and we later learned he had just had tests done that morning and they found many tumors in his body. Can’t wait to hear the full report later.

Then on the other side, a woman was called out. Mario had her stand up and put her hand on her stomach. He said they are going to do a new set of x-rays and they will discover that the tumors are gone. Then he had the woman next to her stand and put her hand on the first woman’s lower back. He revealed there was a growth, and her joints were damaged, but they were now being healed.

She was unable to move quickly. Even walking required shuffling her feet. So Mario had them both step out in the aisle and told them to begin moving her arms and legs, then told the woman with arthritis to begin walking. But instead they both took off running and sprinted full speed around the Tent! The place erupted with shouts of joy at what God had done.

Next Mario pointed to a woman in the back section and had her say, “I am a child of God. I operate in the Spirit.” Then he had her lay her hands on the woman next to her. They stood and embraced as Mario revealed God was healing her muscles, her nerves, and her stomach.

He then turned to the other side of the Tent and called out someone who had not slept in weeks. He didn’t wait for her to respond, but called her out specifically and said the healing was for the man next to her.

They both stood and the man was visibly emotional at the revelation. God revealed the man was a hero and had placed his life in danger to protect others. He was healed in his blood, heart, knees, feet, neck, back, ears, and eyes. Again there was a roar as people cheered as God worked this miracle in the man’s body. He was so overcome he could barely respond, but wept openly.

Then a young woman on the aisle, was called on to lay hands on the young woman next to her. They stood, and the first girl placed her hand on the other girls spine and forehead. She was being healed of insomnia, neck, and back pain.

Mario finished by telling the people who were still waiting on their healing. He said that after we had left the Tent last night, a man who had been in every meeting all week and was in such pain he was on multiple pain and nerve medications, including multiple doses of morphine daily, and it barely touched the pain.

After the meeting was over on the third night, and most of the people had left, this man took the word of God to heart. He rose up, picked up his special chair that he used to help mitigate the pain, and he began to walk. Now without pain, and without struggle. This was all God!

Mario reminded the people of this story, adding that some of the healings that were to happen were not to happen in the Tent, but would happen spontaneously while they were sleeping, or at work. They would suddenly be free of their pain, able to stand, and to walk. And that it will be a supernatural, miraculous, and anointed circumstance.

He told about a time we had a tent in California. And people were being instantly delivered of drug addiction. After the Tent left, for over a month, addicts would go to the site where the Tent had been, and were instantly set free of their addictions.

It was an incredible night, and an incredible conclusion to this week of power in Wisconsin. If you missed it I would recommend you go watch the replay of the live streams. And come to our next events.

You can find out more about these events on mariomurillo.org. Sign up to volunteer. We always need more volunteers. We are looking forward to the night of miracles in Milwaukee on September 27th.

Imagine what God can do when we surrender our time and energy to accomplish the work He is calling us to.



  1. Sandy M

    Will you ever be coming to the Philadelphia area?

    • Sharon B

      Sandy, If you would like for the tent meeting to come to Philadelphia ask the Lord.
      James 5 – “The earnest heartfelt prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” “Availeth much” means that your prayer goes right up to God’s throne. He is your daddy and He loves to hear from you.



  3. Judy Wilkie

    So wonderful! Every aspect. Thank you for challenging people to wake up and be the church God called us to be, the citizens of both heaven and earth! Really insightful and helpful examples, and wonderful to see God use people in healing others. Praise God!

  4. Glenda Johny

    Wow! Praise God! This is such great news ! So indoor read this!

  5. Patricia Jeter

    All I can say is Wow! Look at what the Lord has done. Wish you could talk to our pastor. We are but a small church and he loves the lord but is not “political”. God is leading me though to be a part of the return of our nation back to God. What ever He says I can do.

    • Florence Rivas

      . need healing for my diabetes and high blood pressure,and swelling of my ankles, please pray for me,and I give all the glory to God

  6. Brenda

    Praying for our shepherds
    That God keep you all clean from lustful thoughts of fame ,power , ungodly love of others
    And God keep Catherine and her team pure and Godly .
    The enemy goes after worshipers and leaders
    God bless you and (your wife and family

  7. Lillian C Conti

    I have been praying for your tent meetings Mario! I have been blessed by reading about this recent meeting! Our God is so wonderful – I love Him so! Continued prayers for you Mario!

  8. Larry Lavallee

    So happy to hear how “MANY” Churches came together to support this Tent Crusade ⛺️
    What a difference for me to witness, having traveled to Batavia NY 3 times from Port Charlotte FL. “AS-ONE” is Key to fighting for America 🇺🇸 Wake Up Church !!

  9. Beverly Belle

    Look what the Lord has done!!!!!!

  10. Betty Skerbitz

    Praise God!! Thank you for sharing what God is doing. It is awesome and encouraging..”Look what the Lord is doing!!” God Bless you all!!

  11. Jose A. Bustos, Jr.

    Billings MT needs God’s tent. Please come to Billings. I will be one of your volunteers. There is much crime here. There is salvation that must come to this town. Please hurry!!!

  12. Jose A. Bustos, Jr.

    Ask Catherine Mullins if she will look at New unpublished music. God has written music thru me. Our Lord would like His music to be heard. Free for God’s people.

  13. T W Rampey

    What a blessing for 4 days Mario!

    Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen


    Mario check out the young children that is attending your services and really involved in what’s going on. Its the move of the Holy Spirit that is drawing them. This is the next generation! Thank you for your obedience to go forth with the tent crusades!

  15. Marie

    Best tent meeting ever! Was healed of all pain in my leg! So very excited about Milwaukee. Let’s over flow that building!

  16. Kate

    I watched all three episodes of Eau Claire last night 7-31-24. At around 7:30PM I started to make dinner as I listened. All of a sudden my whole body began shaking and I could not stop it. This went on for about ten minutes and then abruptly stopped. I did not know what was happening at that time. I continued watching the episodes until about 1AM as the last night of Eau Claire just got posted to the website around 11PM or so and I wanted to see it. Usually around 11PM I start having terrible back and leg pain and the Restless Leg Syndrome kicks in. But, last night it did not happen. I went to bed pain free and that is something that NEVER happens to me. I slept through the night and only woke once with the sensation of electric shocks going on in my legs which is the symptom of Restless Leg Syndrome I have had for a long time, but my back was pain free. I may have received a partial healing and maybe the rest will come in the days or hours to come. But I do believe that I was healed of the horrible back pain last night while listening and watching the episodes of Eau Claire and I am way down in Florida. So, I believe miracles can happen even while watching the replays. Thank you so much for posting all of the videos. All praise and glory to The LORD God Almighty!

  17. Gail Segars Rainey


  18. Jayne

    Praise GOD from whom ALL BLESSINGS FLOW!!!🙌✝️🔥

  19. Douglas Krause

    Mario, thank you, and your team for coming to Wisconsin, and as you say, to God be the glory, He blesses all at these gatherings. I love watching God heal people, His presence brings me to tears, as we witness His creative miracles. God’s goodness is undeniable.

  20. Christine LaRee Carmichiel

    Awesome miracle services/ We are heading into revival here in western New York. Thank you for standing up for Aerica. We will continue to pray until God hears from heaven and heals our land. Thank you for caring! You are not alone. The church is arising because of you. thank you so much!




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