Rising Up to a New Level of Power in Eau Claire

by | Jul 31, 2024 | Living Proof Tent Crusades | 36 comments

Night three went to yet another level. It is incredible to experience what God is doing in Wisconsin! These have been some of the best meetings I have ever been in.

Catherine and her band once again started the night off perfectly. I often tell people that Catherine is the right fit for these meetings because she has the same heart as Mario. Her desire to see people saved, healed, and set free matches the desire I watch in Mario. And the whole band is incredibly talented, God has prepared them for this precise moment in history.

Mario took the stage. He wasted no time, immediately declared that this was a miracle service! He said that is what makes us different from any other religion or organization in the world—that we are the only movement in the history of the world where the Founder attends every meeting, adding: “He is here! And because of that all things are possible.”

Mario began by talking about pronouns. He read from Acts 16:

“Now when they had gone through Phrygia and the region of Galatia, they were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the word in Asia. After they had come to Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit did not permit them. So passing by Mysia, they came down to Troas. And a vision appeared to Paul in the night. A man of Macedonia stood and pleaded with him, saying, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” Now after he had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go to Macedonia, concluding that the Lord had called us to preach the gospel to them. Therefore, sailing from Troas, we ran a straight course to Samothrace, and the next day we came to Neapolis” (Acts 16:6-11 NKJV).

Mario pointed out how the pronouns referenced throughout these verses were “they” and “them”. He said if you put the question to deeply divided Christian leaders, “Who is the problem? They will never say the problem is they themselves, it is always “they” and “them” who are the problem. 

In this passage, Paul did not know which direction to go, but when he got a vision of where to go he wrote, “immediately we“. The terms ‘they’ and ‘them’ were instantly replaced with ‘we’.

What turns a city of churches from ‘they’ and ‘them’, into ‘we’, is the most powerful thing there is. He pointed out the final verse where it says Paul arrived in Neapolis in one day. That trip normally takes two days of sailing. Just like when the wind of the Spirit of God fills our sails, a vision causes a unity that turns the ‘they’ and the ‘them’ into ‘we’, and whatever that common group decides to do together will sail before the wind of the Spirit.

Mario then told about a time he got a phone call from a radio station that wanted him to answer a ‘gotcha’ kind of question. There had been a hurricane in Florida and the host began by asking, “If God is love, why did Christians lose their homes along with sinners?” He intended to trap Mario, who started by asking God what he should say. God told him to say, “the foolish man built his house on the sand.” And Mario told God he didn’t want to say that, it would sound unloving. But God refused to give him more to say, until he said those very words.

So when Mario said, “the foolish man built his house on the sand” it immediately made the radio show host angry. Then God told Mario what to say next: “the wise man built his house on the rock.” Again Mario struggled with saying that, but God said the rest would only come if he said those words. So Mario said those two statements again, and again the host was not happy with the answer. Then God revealed the rest to Mario: Jesus said that storms are coming.

Mario said he did not become a Christian because it would mean the end of storms in his life. He became a Christian because storms are coming whether he was a Christian or not. And the way to make it through a storm is with Jesus, not without Him!

The passage says, the wise man built his house on the rock AND the storm came. The man’s wisdom did not prevent the storm. Some think the right politician will save America from destruction, but he cannot. He can only buy time for the Church to wake up, for the pastor’s to quit being divided, for all the entertainment to get out of the Church, and for revival to get in the Church. For us to quit being divided, quit being full of doubt, and get back in the Word of God and be refilled with the fire of Jesus.

Mario talked about how the largest empire on planet Earth was in place at the time of Jesus’ birth. At that time, the Roman Empire had the most power and control. Caesar Augustus sat at the top and he conducted a census, making the entire world return to their place of birth, just so he could tax them.

He said it’s easy to look at the powers of the world today and as the people of God, to feel insignificant and unable to make a difference. But Augustus Caesar made that decree to fulfill a prophecy from 500 years earlier in the Book of Micah, saying that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. So, the reason the whole world was taxed was to get Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem.

Armies, weapons, even atomic weapons will not have the final say. The King of kings and Lord of lords will decide the fate of nations.

Mario looked at the people and told them their body is a building, that they are building something and only they know if it’s being built on sand or on rock.

Mario said Christianity is defined only by the Word of God, not by a change of attitude. You do not use Christ as positive thinking, you use Christ as death to self and being raised into new life.

Mario repeated the verse again, “Whoever hears the sayings of Christ and does not do them, is like a man who built his house on the sand. And the storm came.” He said again that the storm is coming. And you will not just go down alone, you will take people with you.

Mario spoke about hell and said the best proof that hell is real is found in John 3:16:

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son” (John 3:16a NKJV).

And he added that this verse is the best proof of the horrors of hell, because what reveals how bad something is the measures someone will go to keep you from that consequence. For God to give up His Son reveals how horrible hell is: that the Father had to send Jesus to die to save us from the horror of hell.

Then came the time when Mario had everyone close their eyes and compelled those who wanted to build on the rock in order to withstand the storm that is coming, to raise their hands, then to stand, and finally to come forward.

It was another great response. Hundreds came forward, many with tears pouring down their face as they walked to the altar to surrender their life.

Mario prayed with them and then released them to be ministered to by our great team of volunteers. I always enjoy walking out of the Tent and seeing the joy in the face of our volunteers as they wait for these new members of the family of God to walk out to them.

While they were being ministered to, we celebrated these new births with what has become the theme song, “Look What the Lord Has Done,” led by Catherine and her band.

Mario then told a story that had been told to him one day by Luis Palau. Luis told how one day the onslaught of criticism against Oral Roberts had become too much to bear, and Oral was in a depression, and he locked himself in his room and refused to speak with anyone. When Oral’s wife Evelyn learned that Billy Graham happened to be in the same town where Oral was, she asked him to speak with Oral.

When Billy met with Oral, he asked Oral to share his heart. Oral began by saying that everything people and the media were saying about Billy was positive, but everything they were saying about Oral was negative. He shared how discouraging it was to receive so much criticism and negativity, and to see Billy receive so much praise and encouragement.

Billy began to share with Oral how once when he was in a crusade in Africa and after the meeting, a mother ran up to Billy with her crippled child, thinking Billy was Oral. And Billy said it was devastating to feel unable to do anything to help her. Billy was aware that Oral was blessed to feel the power of God in his right hand, and Billy said that he would trade all the praise and accolades if he could feel the power of God move through his hand just once.

Mario then shared that there is a price to be paid for moving in the Spirit. And many ministers don’t do it simply because of the price. He shared that the ministers who move in true supernatural power are very frustrated because they always want more. To see more and to watch God do more.

He told the people to quit watching these online ministers who have never suffered personal sacrifice, nor have they died to self. He said they are arrogant entertainers and we need to quit following them.

Mario said God gave him a gift that answered the longing of his heart to one day see a meeting where every person is miraculously healed.

He said God pulled back the veil and he was allowed to see the mystery revealed. The Lord showed Mario the story in John that was the only time that, instead of someone being brought to Him, Jesus instead sought out the person to be healed. He read from John 6, the story of the man at the Pool of Bethesda.

“When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time, He said to him, “Do you want to be made well?”” (John 5:6 NKJV).

Mario then emphasized the part of the story that says Jesus knew that the man had already been in that condition a long time.” Adding, “God already knows how long you have been suffering. He knows how long you have been sick, in pain, and in need.”

Then he talked about how the man’s response was all the reasons why he has not been able to be healed. Either the water isn’t troubled, or the water is troubled and no one can lower him in time. And said this is what we’ve done to healing today. We made it complicated, horrible, unreachable, and contradictory.

The problem was the man himself. His heart and attitude. The thing that could be preventing your healing is your heart and attitude. This man was no longer living, he was simply existing and waiting for his healing.

Jesus asked the man if he really wanted to be healed. The man gave his religious excuses why it has not happened. He was resigned to the fact this was his life, and had developed a theology around why it was the case.

But Jesus broke his theology with the next statement, “Rise, take up your bed, and walk.”

Then the atmosphere in the Tent suddenly shifted and Mario turned toward one section of the Tent and called out a woman. He told her this was the end of a lifetime of sickness. That she had been suffering since was a child. He told her she was being healed of so much he could not even recount it all. Her organs, her back, neck, feet, legs, stomach, and eyes. That there were 15 different conditions.

Next he pointed to another person in the middle section. The power of God was so strong on this person they could barely stand as they convulsed under the power and glory of what God was doing. Jumping and dancing and shouting to God. Heart, lungs, and pancreas all were being healed and restored.

Mario told the people he wanted to see how deep they wanted to go into the things of God and had them begin to pray in the Spirit. And as they did, Mario related that people were being healed and baptized in the Holy Spirit.

He then came back to the story of the man at the Pool of Bethesda. He said before Jesus could heal the man of his sickness, he had to heal him of the power the pool had over him. This was a moment where the Old Testament was ending and the New Testament was beginning. Instead of an angel that troubled the water occasionally, it was now the river prophesied by Ezekiel that would flow.

Jesus essentially asked the man if he wanted a miracle or a method? Did he want to go through the process or be healed? God is too great to be bound by a formula.

He then shifted again and pointed to a woman near the back, and had her stand. A growth was vanishing, joints moving back into place, restored balance and breathing, healing for her ears, eyes, and heart.

Once again Mario returned to the scripture and said there were three things Jesus told the man to do: rise, take up his bed, and walk. He had the people repeat these three things.

He said, “Have you ever been in a plane during a storm, and when you finally break through the clouds it is shocking how quickly everything turns peaceful. And this is what Jesus was saying. Rise, come up to my level. Come out of your world and into my world.”

Suddenly Mario stopped and called out a man who was being touched and revealed that the man was being healed because God is going to use him. His spine was straightened and pain left his body.

The second part of the scripture is to take up his bed. In his paralysis, before he had been healed, Jesus commanded the man to do something that was truly impossible. To get out of what has become comfortable, to roll it up. And then to walk.

Mario pointed toward the back of the Tent and revealed that someone was being healed of heart disease. Then he had the people raise their hands and begin praying in the Spirit once again.

He pointed out two women with arthritis, both being healed. The one he had turn and begin to pray for another woman. This third woman was healed through her spinal cord and her ability to move was restored. The power of God went through her stomach and something was being burned out from her abdomen.

Next he had everyone who was battling diabetes and cancer to stand up, and people stood up all over the Tent. Then he had those near them lay hands on them and pray for them.

Next anyone suffering in their spine, legs, neck, or shoulder was told to stand. And they were healed as people laid hands on and prayed for them.

Then the woman who had been prayed for a few moments earlier began to make her way to the front. Practically running, jumping, and dancing. She was barely able to move before and now was dancing with great joy. She was moving her fingers, her arms, and her legs with no pain and no difficulty.

Then another woman in the middle, toward the back, was being restored in her body. Mario told her that she was an athlete who had a sports talent that had been attacked, but that talent was now restored as her ligaments and joints were being healed.

Then Mario had her lay hands on the chest of the man next to her, and he was healed of heart disease.

It was such a night of incredible power and revelation. I can’t even imagine how God will finish this crusade tomorrow, on the final night. If you can be there, I would highly recommend it, if not then you should really watch the service online. You don’t want to miss it!

If you can come early, you should, because the Tent is full well before the start time, and we often begin the service as soon as it is full.

Oasis Church, 3445 Gateway Dr., Eau Claire, Wisconsin

or watch online either at Mario’s FB or Youtube Channel:


  1. Evelyn Akins

    Greetings in the lovely name of Jesus. As I read this blog , was to relive this miracle service all over again . Look what the Lord has done is to see what the Lord has done. It was truly remarkable and life changing we are truly in the day He is pouring out His Spirit on all flesh. All praise belongs to Jesus. Thank you to Mario and everyone involved in the ministry, thank you to every volunteer for their sacrifice as well To God be the Glory. I eagerly await the final service tonight of this campaign. I can only imagine what the next meetings will be like. In His love, Evelyn

  2. Sister Sybil Gordon


  3. Howard

    Praise to the Lord Jesus, Mario is being used as some of the powerful tent revivals in past years. God Bless and will continue to pray for you. It’s all by the power of The Holy Spirit.

  4. Becky

    To God be the Glory!!!

  5. Bob Chang


  6. Bob Chang


  7. Dawn Zarzour

    Mario, I was crying and laughing with joy of the Lord as I read this email. Praise God!!

  8. Bonnie Busby

    I forwarded this to everyone!! Explains everything!

  9. Don Krause

    We will be there. We thank God for your ministry and the revelation knowledge He is sharing through you to us.
    I pray that you stay strong and courageous.

  10. Betty Beekman

    your coming to Milwaukee I would like to volunteer

  11. Vyvette

    Dear Mario, Glory be to God, you are a blessed Man of God, thank you for saving souls. Please pray for President Trump. God saved him from assassination. Ask God to keep him safe from satanic people, who want to kill him. Will God give you a message of advice, that you can send to President Trump. Thank you very much.
    Kind regards, to you and your family and all who work in your ministry.
    May God bless you always.
    Vyvette Moldrich.

    • Sandra

      You want to see his enemies get theirs? Then pray for his enemies, I have tried with all the emails I get from his people but do not think it has happened yet. So I started praying for his enemies! It gives them over to GOD and believe me, they will be paid back!!! Worse than you would ever want to see. GOD loves us more than we could ever know.

    • Bev

      All praise and honour to you our almighty God and Father. Thank you for your blessing over Mario and I honour his obedience to You.
      Please come to South Africa in the same way.

  12. Adell Gillman

    Praising the Lord for such wonderful and beautiful power displayed! What a loving God we serve! Thanks for helping us to believe for more lives restored.

  13. Nancylea Winters

    Wow wow wow!
    Praise the Lord!
    How amazing and exciting for all that the Lord has healed and all of those around her!
    Thank you Mario for bringing Jesus and miracles to Eau Claire.

  14. Pati l

    Praising the LORD for His mighty works from seas to mighty sea –

  15. Laura A Lopez

    Thank you Mario. 🙏🏼
    Thank You Jesus 🙌🏼

  16. Bernie Piazza

    Our God is AWESOME.
    I pray the miracles, The miraculous manifestations, are overwhelming and overflowing, even to those like me who will watch online, or read about it tomorrow in the next post.
    I rise above to where Jesusis seated. I take up my bed and walk. I will not rely on processes and formulae of natural things. Receiving what Jesus already bought and paid for with His stripes. I am with in spirit. Thank you, Jesus.

  17. Larry Lavallee

    Praise The Lord 🔥
    We serve an “AWESOME GOD”
    Let The Army of GOD rise “AS ONE” and Pray That America Shall Be Saved, their are Millions of Souls needing to meet JESUS 🙏 🤺

  18. Agnes Webb

    Praise God‼️

  19. Dianne Brazell

    I wept through this entire blog! Such power, praise and HOPE in the true words of just how GOOD our Great God Jesus is!! 🙌🏻 God bless you Mario! Oh that we could ALL rise up to His level and leave the world under our feet🙏🙏 Help me Lord God to embrace what You have for me and walk according to Your will 🙏🙌🏻

  20. J Pollard

    Feeling the presence just reading this.

  21. Jane

    Oh! This is such GLORIOUS news!!!
    Holy Spirit, we need You.
    Shine, Jesus, shine!
    Father, I give You PRAISE!

  22. Joan Hoffmann

    It would be wonderful if you could stay an extra night or two. So many people are getting help

  23. Rita Walker

    I was there the first 2 nights as a volunteer, and watched on FB last night! Praise God how He is moving in Wisconsin!!!!
    The young people Mario encouraged to answer the salvation call last night was a wonderful sight to see! A thrill to watch as we pray for their hearts to be changed, for mentors to encourage and to continue to pray for their journey

    Sunday night as the people streamed out for prayer, I prayed for a young man who received Christ as Savior, then 2 women, one at a time , both being set free from fear. The 2nd woman, as soon as I layed hands on her the Spirit fell so strong, she began to rock about, I looked around for help, and no one! So I continued to pray, braced myself as she fell towards me and God did His work!

    Monday night I was privileged to pray with a 7 yr old boy! Later, in the tent I noticed him a few rows ahead, to my right, he waved and gave me the biggest smile several times… as a grandmother with my youngest grand the same age, I prayed his heart would be faithful all the days of his life.

    Thank you for allowing me the privilege to be a part. My hometown is nearby, so I felt it part of my heritage, maybe my legacy to be there.

    Greet Evah, the wonderful photographer who I met Sunday am, and we connected as she came looking for me as a salvation worker…. hugs and blessings dear one

    • Brenda

      Thank you for volunteering your time allowing God to use you so mightily.
      I love the story of the little 7 year old boy. This experience will shape his life tremendously.
      Keep serving Him and sharing your love for God with others 🙂

  24. Sam Dalin

    Thank God for miracles signs and wonders. God is using Mario, amen!To God be the Glory great things HE has done!

  25. Brenda King

    Praise to the God Almighty!!!!

  26. Lynda Cappello

    I totally believe in everything being done in these crusades. The Spirit of God must be given latitude and free reign to perform His miracles and so many churches quench His power. Blessedly I was begun in Spirit filled churches and I trust in His power still. I need healing in my eyes now and I am anticipating it!! Love your ministry.

  27. CJ Huff

    Praise God! I went to my first Mario crusade over 50 years ago. His message and gift of healing has never wavered. Jesus is Lord and King, and we are conduits of His power. Believe and be healed.

  28. Tony

    Heal me LORD, Heal me…. Thank YOU KING JESUS… HALLELUJAH!!!

  29. Jim Jackson

    If you ever get the chance to come to the NW it would be time well spent. The NW is under attack from the enemy The first nation relies on the sprit realm. Thank you for your time and keep up the awesome work that you are doing.

  30. Sally pollick

    I need a miracle in my back. So much pain for years. Now getting worse. ❤️ Jesus

    • lynda peck

      Standing on the Word of God with you Sally for your total healing. Mark 16:18. Praising the Lord for your healing!

  31. Ellen

    Holy AWESOMENESS!!! God be Praised!

  32. Bobby

    To God be the glory, great things He hath done!



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