Eau Claire’s Divine Encounter: A Powerful Night with God

by | Jul 29, 2024 | Courage Tour, Living Proof Tent Crusades | 77 comments

There has been a lot of anticipation over our coming to Wisconsin. And it started off powerfully. The Tent was filled to overflowing. Seats were set up outside to accommodate everyone who showed up.

Catherine and her team opened the night, and it was an anointed time singing praise to God and ushering in the presence of God. The altar area was packed with people praising God. There was anticipation building for what God was going to do this night. You could feel it as you walked into the Tent.

Mario took the stage and began with prayer. He then began by speaking about the opening ceremony to the Olympic games, and how Christianity is the only religion that is allowed to be made fun of.

Mario told of how he had been scheduled to be part of a debate where his opponent intentionally mocked Jesus by pretending to be Jesus. The man said his goal was to show the world the oppression of religion, but Mario challenged him to do it as Mohammed. He asked why he could mock Jesus but not Mohammed and claim to be against religion, but not be willing to do that. The man cancelled the debate.

Mario said people had reacted to the opening ceremonies and a blasphemous recreation of the Last Supper. Mario said he looked deeper and saw people who were miserable. As if some force was making them do this terrible thing. He said the drag queens in that evil display were being driven by some force to humiliate themselves.

He then read the story of the woman at the well in John chapter 4, and then asked the audience in the Tent, “Is there a curse on you? A curse you don’t know about that gets you to do things you do not want to do?”

“For the curse of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23 NKJV).

He described how the woman at the well was not mad at Jesus, but mad at herself because she wasn’t going to the well for water but to meet men. She was asking herself, “What am I doing back here?” Mario went on to say that there are people everywhere who can’t reconcile the life they’re living and the life they want to live, because of evil at work.

“For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice” (Romans 7:19 NKJV).

He told the people they are going places they don’t want to go, and practicing habits they don’t want to practice. They are destroying themselves, and don’t even know why they do it. Then he reminded them that when the first man sinned, he was separated from God. He said the consummate cry of the human race is:

“O wretched man that I am, who will deliver me from this body of death” (Romans 7:24 NKJV).

Mario said we in America have chosen a philosophical approach instead of choosing Jesus Christ. When sin takes over a person’s mind, the first thing that leaves is common sense. If we want to get the misery out, we’ve got to bring God back into our schools, back into our government, our morals, our family, and our way of life.

Mario said there is no protection against Satan in any religion except Christianity. He said there is a miraculous cure for what’s wrong with America – and it’s not too late. It should be shouted from the rooftops. We need to quit preaching things that don’t matter and start preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

“Who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them” (Romans 1:32 NKJV).

Mario said the number one disaster of the American soul is that we keep going when we know the results are going to be bad. It destroys both our health and our sanity.

He talked about how diseases have mutated to the point of no longer being affected by antibiotics. And said, likewise, our emotions. We have damaged our spirits so much that our depression can’t go away. He said the proof you don’t have the answer is that you need a chemical or an outside influence to get through a day.

Mario then said the most important thing is not being preached. Christianity is not a self-help program. Christianity is deliverance from the devil.

“He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8 NKJV).

Mario then told the people, “The moment of decision has arrived. The moment to allow God to break the power of evil off of your life and tell the devil you don’t want him anymore. To tell the Devil, “You are not going to make me suicidal, a cheat, a liar, or an addict anymore.” But that you are going to be a Spirit-filled child of God with a new destiny, a new reality.

He then asked those who wanted this freedom from pain and sin, to have a new life, to have power and be free of the devil, to raise their hands. He then had them stand and come forward.

This was one of the largest responses I believe I have ever seen. The crowd stretched all the way to either side of the Tent, far beyond the width of the stage. And they were lined up and down the aisles because there was no room for them up front. Hundreds responded to the call to be free of the hurt and despair they get from the devil and to have the life, and joy, and peace, that Christ has promised. It was such an amazing sight to see.

He then had them go outside to be ministered to by our amazing team of workers. There were so many that they overwhelmed our workers. We needed at least twice as many. They were waiting in the aisles for an opportunity to be ministered to. It was awesome seeing all these new souls set free.

Catherine and her team then sang, “Look What the Lord has Done.” The place was jumping and rejoicing as they sang with her. It was such a wonderful time to celebrate what God had just done in the Tent. So powerful!

As the people began to return to their seats there was a marked shift in the atmosphere as Mario began to teach the people. He was explaining that when God moves and heals in the Tent, it is all God and that Mario himself has no power at all to heal.

Then he began to call out some people. A man with diabetes and heart disease. Someone with cancer. A pastor with a terrible report about his heart and lungs. And reminded them that these healings would be only by the power of Jesus Christ.

Mario taught the people about the proper way to pray in the Spirit, that it is right and proper to do so in a corporate environment. He told the people when their body is sick, the greatest lesson is to begin to pray in the Holy Spirit.

He then pointed to one side of the Tent and said that knees were being healed. He told them to stand and four or five people began to stand and move their legs. He asked a woman to begin walking and two women stepped out, started to walk, and then ran out of the Tent at full speed! At least four other people began to move and walk around as their knees were made whole.

Then Mario called out a woman with an ulcerated stomach, telling her that the burning was gone and asked her to stand up. He had her come toward the front and revealed there was an open wound in her abdomen that was being healed. She was also being healed in her eyes, ears, back, feet, hips, and hands. The power of God was all over her, it was evident that God was doing a true work in her body and her spirit.

He then pointed out three entire sections down one side of the Tent. And revealed that in those sections there were fifteen people with diabetes, stating that five of them also had heart disease. In the same section, there were seven people with migraine headaches. All fifteen raised their hands and it was a sign that increased the faith of the people.

Then Mario pointed out a man, and said this was the completion of a miracle that had begun earlier and was now being finished. He had the man next to him put his hands on the man’s spine and chest, and Mario said his heart, lungs, and spine were being healed. And that there was something in his arteries that was opening up. Also knee pain and insomnia were being healed.

Next Mario had the woman next to the man stand also, stating that she had been suffering for many years. But her suffering was ending. Her bones, muscles, and joints which had been deteriorating were being healed. Then Mario had them come out to the front and dance. Being very obviously healed, they began to jump and dance, as their bodies became more and more limber and the pain left them.

Then he called out someone in the back with Multiple Sclerosis. A woman who was hunched over and struggled to stand stepped out slowly and cautiously, but as she moved down the aisle she began to raise up more and walk straighter. She raised her hands and walked all the way to the front of the Tent.

Mario next had people who were battling cancer to stand and asked the people around them to lay hands on them as he pronounced healing and cursed cancer. Then he had the people give God a loud shout of praise for their healing.

Finally Mario had everyone who was in need of a miracle to raise their hands. Then everyone around them laid their hands on and began to pray for those nearest. People all over the Tent raised their hands and people around them began to lay hands on and pray for one another. I always love this moment when the people move from being spectators to being vessels of the power of God.

The night closed out with Lance Wallnau speaking to the people briefly, and then closing the meeting with prayer.

It was an amazing, powerful night. Mario declared that the next few nights will be filled with even more power. If it is at all possible, I would highly recommend you come and be in the Tent. It is powerful watching online, but there is nothing like being in the room when the presence of God shows up.

There are three nights yet to come: Monday, July 29 through Wednesday, July 31, beginning at 6:30 PM. If you can come early, you should, because the Tent is full well before the start time, and we often begin the service as soon as it is full.

Don’t miss it:
Oasis Church
3445 Gateway Dr.
Eau Claire, Wisconsin



  1. Deborah Burton

    Woohoo Jesus

  2. David Smith

    Praise God for the healings!

  3. Andrea Duncan

    Thank God for the obedience of Mario Murillo Ministries, Katherine and singers and staff abd crew. All volunteers to God be the glory!
    My daughter Michelle Moose needs supernatural healing disc’s in neck back and in spine be healed now in Jesus mighty name. Please pray for her to be healed now completely numbs go out of her arm and be healed by the Blood of Jesus. Thank you Jesus by your stripes Michelle takes her healing now!!! Thank you God bless you all!!!❤️🙏🇺🇸✝️🇮🇱👪⛪️😇

  4. Ila

    Glory To The King Of
    KINGS AND Lord
    Of Heaven And IN

  5. Linda Sue

    Thank you Father God for using your anointed vessels and showing up with your supernatural power of healing and delivering your people. All glory goes to you Father God, Jesus our savior and Holy Spirit that leads!

  6. Nora Wojick

    I watched as always the Powerful move of GOD in your tent. We as well had a powerful move of GOD at Awaken City Church in Knoxville TN. last night. Our guest speaker was Julian Richards from Wales. He is doing a mighty work for GOD, going throughout Wales in a healing revival! His message was to GO. Training us just how to do it. We all participated as vessels just like your tent crusade did last night. Powerful! GOD IS Stirring US OUTSIDE. HALLELUJAH . Bless you Mario and your team for raising up a standard! All the glory to our GOD. PRAISE JESUS. 🙏👑🕊️💖

  7. Kim

    Watched live on YouTube… wish I could have been there in person- but it was so Powerful and Anointed !!! Thank you so much for broadcasting live !!! I live in the Pacific Northwest and am praying you come our way soon Mario !!! God Richly Bless you all!!! I also pray for Unity in the Church !!! Great Message !!!

  8. Christina Langton

    I am always so very blessed by Mario’s page. God is beyond comprehension.

    I Have to ask if there are any prayer clothes sent out, as my son, who is a believer, living in UK, can not get to one of your rallies.

  9. Jan Larsen

    May the magnificent power and glory of Almighty God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son and the blessed Holy Spirit fill and anoint every moment of each gathering ~ to the glory of God in Christ Jesus that the Father be glorified in the Son. May the power of the living Word of God penetrate each heart, transforming hearts and lives, healing bodies, souls and spirits as a testimony of praise to Jesus our Savior! May God’s spirit and anointingempower Mario and all workers participating in each gathering and may the fruit of every healed and changed heart and life continue to grow on to increasing maturity, multiplying the effects of the gospel to thousands of others! Glory to God! God is goodness, faithfulness, compassion, power and perfect love!!♡♡!!

  10. Patti -Jo Smith

    What a MIGHTY GOD we serve!!! Thank you JESUS!

  11. Carol

    May God cover Wisconsin! Power through the people from God! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
    Thank you from Michigan! Oh Father!! Thank you for the Marillo team! Fill them to overflowing!! May they flow over on your needy people! Thank you God! Thank you God! In the name of Jesus I pray and thank you. Amen

  12. Lisa wright

    Praise God Almighty !!!

  13. Regan Beauchamp

    So glad you & your team and Lance are in Eau Claire. We started out in ministry 45 years ago not far from there. We are praying for you and rejoicing at the results from the first night…to God be the glory!

  14. Ernestine Flowers

    This is great and the Truth, we the church need to stand up and get back to basics and do what the Lord instructed us to do, Heal the sick, cast out demons, save the lost. This world has turned upside 👇 down 😔

  15. Ron Rupp

    Now this is evangelism…as Philip did

  16. Diannah

    To God be all the glory, that His name be a banner over nation, tribe, and tongue. Keep looking up into the face of our sovereign
    God humbled by His blessed gift of grace and mercy. What an awesome God we serve. Amen.
    Mario and to all your prayer warriors; mat the Holy Spirit over flow like rivers of living water

  17. Patricia Dove

    Thank you Jesus! Praying for Jesus to fill it again!

  18. Bill Bennett

    Oh how very beautiful and encouraging … keep going Mario and Lance — chase the devil out of Wisconsin 😇

  19. Liz

    Does Mario have any dates to come to Fl or close by states?

  20. Brenda Diehl

    Thank you Brother Mario, family & ministry team for obediently following GOD!!!

  21. Jeffrey Meyer

    I watched a powerful time in the Spirit last night!

  22. Brenda

    Thank you so much for being obedient to the calling of God on your life
    It is so clear HE is so happy that you obey
    Many others too
    Bless u and your dear family and team

  23. Janet Figy

    Enjoyed the evening aways love listening to Mario on You Tube but is enjoyable listening and seeing him in person.

  24. Kary Reinerio

    PRAISE THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!!! Those who out Everything In GOD’S HANDS Will See GOD’S HANDS In EVERYTHING!!!! AMEN!!!!!

  25. Gloria Martin

    I will continue to ask… please come to Elkhart, Indiana. We have the land ready for your tent! A packet of information was given to your people in Colorado. Praying and believing. Gloria Martin

  26. Lorraine Murphy

    Thank you Mario for all you do. I saw the ending since i was watching Flashpoint. It was so uplifting and I prayed too. Great ending with Lance. Thank you Lord for these men of God..

  27. Eddie Gutfeld

    The Gospel preached
    Destroying the works of the devil!
    People coming to Jesus.
    Baptism of the Spirit
    To God Be The Glory

  28. denise Cross

    Oh praising God with you for these wonderful reports of God’s power. Please come to Illinois. Our state needs a move of God to be delivered from the curse of sin that evil people have brought. I am praying God will lead you to Illinois.

  29. Elaine

    Praise God! Lord you are so worthy to be praised. Miracles, signs and wonders! Hallelujah! Your mercy endures forever and ever! You are supernatural God and not certainly was seeing during this tent meeting. I thank you for your goodness and your faithfulness reaches the third heavens b’shem Yeshua! Amen! Now Abba, bless and protect your son Mario and those that serve with him from any and all evil as I speak the name of Yeshua over them and I plead the blood of Yeshua over them their families their possessions and wherever they go. I thank you they are sure the victory because Lord Yeshua you already paid for it by the holy pure precious blood and by your body. Thank you Lord for your sacrifice. Yes, Adonai you are worthy to be praised! None compares thee!

  30. Susan Kochi

    Hallelujah! My heart is overflowing with praise t God. Continue to open the heavens Lord , pour out your Spirit, and touch, renew, heal, save and deliver your people. Let the revelation of Jesus Christ penetrate the darkness. Your will be done wonderful Father.

  31. Joan Hoffmann

    I cannot come is there a way for me to get prayer for generational curses Anda total healing for my body

    • Debra Kullberg

      Amazing time of worship and. divine encounters with the Holy Spirit!

  32. Leyla Schrunk

    Praise to You Great Powerful, Merciful Loving and only God! I ask in Jesus’s Name for the curses to be broken in my family so we may give Him all Glory.

  33. Joan Hoffmann

    Please that I can be included in this miracle tent meeting just by watching

  34. Joan Hoffmann

    Awesome how can I watch this live tonight

  35. Carl Etheridge

    How do we watch on line?

  36. Steve pierce

    The Lord, He is God, and Blessed be his wonderful name..

  37. Denise Moore

    Praise the Lord. This is what this world needs to hear,see, witness, the awesome mighty power of God. Non of who attended this tent service can walk away without knowing they have been in the presence of God loving mighty power. Hallelujah! We need this in southern Califonia so much. Come to Riverside area.

  38. Diana Gomez

    It’s wonderful to see the power of our God delivering and healing people. It’s a testimony of his love toward mankind. May these people spread that testimony in the power of the holy spirit throughout their communities. Glory to God

  39. Edward William Larson

    Praise the Lord Jesus

  40. Chris rinard

    Wow. God is so wonderful!!!

  41. Chuck Booth

    This is DOING the gospel and continuing Isaiah 61 which was repeated by Jesus as His mission. This is the fire and boldness missing from many if not most pulpits today. This is the call to action all born again believers are called to not be bystanders of it.
    Thank you Mario for your perseverance and obedience.
    Daily Question:
    What has Jesus done for you today that you just can’t wait to tell someone?

  42. Gretchen Anne Carter

    Praise Jesus!

  43. Theresa Brooks

    All praise, glory, and honor to The only wise King. I love you Mario. Keep stomping the devils head, setting the captives free. By the dunamis power of The Blood of Jesus full of the Holy Ghost! HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH

  44. Sam

    Thank you Mario for allowing Almighty Living and Eternal God to use you for His glory!!
    I lost my job a few days ago… I will continue to praise the Lord Jesus for a new job, where He can use the talents and skills He has given me for His glory

  45. Sam

    Thank you Mario for allowing Almighty Living and Eternal God to use you for His glory!!
    I lost my job a few days ago… I will continue to praise the Lord Jesus for a new job, where He can use the talents and skills He has given me for His glory. Psalm 33 & 34 !!

  46. Maureen Iverson

    This is beautiful to read!! Bless God in His love and mighty power to save heal and restore.

  47. Tony

    May GOD Bless you always and forever Brother Mario!

  48. Kazuko Managhan

    I felt the Holy Spirit-power through watching online as if I were in the tent! God is a personal good God that such favor placing me in the presence of God among those people who attended there together!
    Thank you brother Mario, you are certainly the vessel God sent in this darkest hour we are in! God bless you and your team more and more in Jesus’s Name!!Amen 🙏㊗️

  49. Cheri Brunner

    Praise our Living God show showing people is real! and is ready to help people. So grateful for all people coming and hearing the Truth and coming to Christ. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

  50. Terry Haight

    We had the pleasure of watching this on youtube last night. It was amazing to see.

  51. Mary

    Mario,please tell me when and where you will be in Cleveland,Tn?

    • Mario Murillo

      We need the pastors there to get together.

  52. Robert B Goode

    What an amazing God we serve! Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus! Blessings Mario, good and faithful servant! Blessings and Shalom

    • Maria Hernandez

      Our God the same yesterday today and tomorrow it is glorious to know that he is our Abba

  53. J Pollard

    <3 <3 <3

    To God be the Glory!
    This is wonderful!

  54. Gloria Starkgraf

    Praising our awesome God with you.
    Greatly desire to effectively finish doing what the Lord has planned & purposed for our lives. We are 76 (husband) and 83 yrs old with many limitations. May His glorious Name be magnified thru us and our (currently) unbelieving family. He is faithful, good, and Almighty. Nothing is too hard for Him.
    Blessings on you & Mario Murillo Ministries. We love you forever. 💕🙏💕🙌

  55. Emiko S Esquibel

    Most of the people of God today were born in slavery. Just like the children of Israel in Egypt, we were born into a world where we were struggling trying to make it, doing this and doing that just to make ends meet. We had a shortage and slave mentality. But now you & I are born again, and we are in a new family. We’re a part of a royal family. All of a sudden, we’re a new race of kings. Part of fellowshipping with God is to renew our minds to who we really are. I know listen to the Holy Ghost, who is my new mentor and teacher. He is present to help me reach my destiny.

  56. Rhonda McCray

    I need prayer for my 7 year old grandson. His limp notes are in his neck are not normal. We need healing for him . His name is Andrew.

  57. Joyce T Decormier

    I went to the NY Tent Revival, that I was waiting for over a year! I live in CT, it took a full day to drive to, and between gas, hotel fees and food, and the first night I gave a tithe, was $1000 , and that was a lot for me!! the first night is when I gave my ck. the second night , I could see Mario was VERY disturbed, and said something about not receiving any $ from this tent revival. and said he would tell us the problem tomorrow, I am an empath, and was crying through the entire night, and he did cancel the 4th night. I unfortunately did NOT receive any healing, and I went for two, very important issues! I have been suffering for quite a while, and hope I get healed some day, and delivered.

  58. Dan Philips

    My brothers and sisters, keep in mind that this is taking place in WISCONSIN. This ain’t exactly the Bible Belt. Look how many people are there, and how many are responding and how God is moving! How GLORIOUS!!

  59. Catherine Doctor

    Mario, thank you for moving forward as you listen to Gods marching orders. Blessings

  60. Kathryn Williams

    Thank you for sharing this as this encouraging me so much in my faith

  61. Miki Jackson

    I am constantly amazed when reading the healing reports of individuals who receive the our God is still in the healing business. He is alive and quite well!! All we need to do is believe and we will receive. When will you ever be in Virginia? I would love to be a part of the service.

  62. Rita

    When will you be in Michigan?

  63. Doreen Last

    All I can say is WOW! GOD. Awesome testimonies, awesome God. Words can’t express how great our GOD is

  64. Enid L Hamby

    Good work Mario! Keep it up.

  65. Sandra

    Yes we need our pastors to wake up and speak up! Let’s not forget we all will be judged. Could we have prayed more, visited more(ops am I stepping on toes? Good!). Praying all will repent and none will go to an eternal lake of fire! Prayers

  66. Moreen Williams

    I tried very hard to find flights out of New Jersey even connections to this conference but could not. I even called Mario’s Ministry but no one could help. I am a partner of this ministry. Praise the Lord for what He is doing.

  67. Jo Pergola

    I would love to come to the Tent and feel God’s presence. Will you ever be in Akron, Ohio, or Cleveland, Ohio? God bless you, Mario!

  68. Fiona Fuhrman

    My 18yo grandson still has epilepsy, multiple daily seizures, despite 3 brain surgeries. I so wanted to bring him to EauClare but could not. Please Lord Jesus would you heal him this week?

  69. Jack Gilmore

    Mario, my wife has been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. We have prayed that God would heal her body in faith believing that it will be done. May it be for His purpose, and bring Glory to His name. Please lift my wife, Debbie, up to the Lord, and believe with us for her healing. If you are going to be in Myrtle Beach, SC, we would love to attend.

  70. Jeff Stouffer

    What an amazing night Monday Night was!

    I sure miss Catherine Mullins and the praise & worship though. It adds so much of the work of the Holy Spirit in the meetings. Great music, too.

    Did you cancel the Salem, OR Meeting in September?

    Jeff Stouffer
    Brookings, OR

    • Mario Murillo

      We did not have enough Pastors in Oregon to support a crusade.

  71. Bryan Smithers

    God bless you MM ministries it’s a shame healing only happens in a tent and private homes, because the “Church” 99% of the buildings in the USA need to change their sign to “Cowards for Christ” because they say nothing do nothing there should have been marching in the streets went they said they are going to allow Illegals to vote, well get prepared to have another election rigged and stolen, but God bless Mario and 3 other man for having the Courage that 300 million should have for Jesus. Satan has already defeated the USA Church it’s up to Jesus now


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