by | Jul 28, 2024 | Kamala Harris | 125 comments

Christians for Kamala. Queers for Palestine. Same logic.

Millions of “Christians” are going to vote for Kamala Harris. It is such a bizarre act that even leftists find it  amusing and befuddling. They wonder: ‘How did these ‘believers’ wander into our camp?’. Leftists shake their heads and say, “Don’t they know our camp is anything but Christian?” The sad truth is that there are two things they don’t know: They do not know what Christianity is, and they do not know who Kamala Harris is. This ignorance has thrown them into a self-loathing mind-freeze of total contradiction.

There is another group that is in the same condition: Gays for Gaza, aka Queers for Palestine.

Do they have any idea what Gaza thinks of the LGBTQ+ community?  Palestinians have thrown them off buildings. Benjamin Netanyahu referring to these people told Congress that we might as well have “Chickens for KFC”. This same logic applies to Christians for Kamala.

I grew up in San Francisco. That allowed me to see the dawn of Kamala’s career. She began her climb by having an affair with Willie Brown—a married political power broker who was twice her age. He was but one of her conquests on her way to the top.

As a prosecutor she kept an innocent man on death row even though she had the evidence that proved his innocence, she refused to present it. Not until the courts forced her to do so, did she free this innocent man.

Her record of imprisoning minorities for minor offenses is astonishing. She also kept minorities in prison even after their sentence was served. This was so California would have cheap labor. Yet, this shows you only one layer of this woman.

I have told you that Donald Trump is not running against Kamala. He is running against a machine. The hideous inner workings of this machine are well hidden. It raised up Biden and then discarded him. To replace him this mechanism of tyranny had to cast aside democracy and crown Kamala Harris.

She qualified for the next step because she is a moral blank canvas. They can literally get her to do and say anything. The other aspect is that if you oppose her, they will label you racist and sexist, because she is black and a woman.

But if you vote for her only because of her color and gender then you are racist and sexist.

The most important thing to know is what the machine is trying to do. It wants America to be weakened by invasion, addiction, and hatred. The goal is to spank America into global submission.

When you vote for Kamala, you are voting to trash your children’s future. She will continue the agenda of Biden and Woke. How can you forget how far we have fallen in four short years?

You are also voting for the most radical form of abortion. You remember well the statement, “we will keep the baby warm on a table until the mother decides to keep it alive.”

There are endless examples of how she is the perfect blend of incompetence and evil. Kamala is the one condition America cannot come back from.

She will weaken our military and strengthen our enemies.

But none of this is the real argument. The real argument is Christianity. How can anyone claim to be Christian and vote for her? They can do it because Christianity has been cheapened in America. It has been diluted and stripped of its identity.

Saying you are Christian has become a catchall term—a credit card for wicked politicians and weak-willed people. It is an empty label.

Yes, you can call yourself Christian, but by supporting Kamala you are warring against the Bible. Christianity uncoupled from the Bible is fashionable today. But it is also lethal. There can be no Christianity without the Bible.

Kamala is not what she says she is. And anyone who can call themselves a “Christian” and then vote for her is not what they say they are, either.





  1. Sandra

    No true Christian would vote for Kamala

    • Patty Freeman

      Very true.

      • Joe

        Jezebel is in the house! Adorned in her purple suit with pearl necklace.
        Revelations 17:4 4And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: 5And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.

      • Teri


        • Cindy

          We have to pray y’all. If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray!!! Please pray and declare the will of God is for God to work through trump to make America great again!!!! We gotta get prayer groups together and start to pray!!!

    • Beverly

      I couldn’t have said it better. Say NO THANK YOU Kamala we don’t want your rhetoric and lies anymore.

      • darryl redwood

        Amen 🙏, I will not be voting for her. I will be voting for President Trump

        • Liz Reyes

          Your spot on Mario, and God has given you true wisdom and discernment. Kamala is far more to the left than Biden, and has no morality, no loyalty to America, and is not an intelligent woman. We must pray, she does not become our next President.

        • T W

          Its hard to believe real born again christians can vote for the leftist agenda, and because she calls herself a black woman and is a woman. Can they not see the evil unfoldolding before their eyes. But what they mean for evil God brings Good out of it!!! And they keep shoting themselves in the foot. Praying shields of angels all around Trump and his family and staff. His protection is on TRUMP and them all!

      • Jacque Brown

        Can someone please tell me when Kamala made this statement, “we will keep the baby warm on a table until the mother decides to keep it alive.”
        I have liberal grands I’m praying for. I need to back up with proof things I tell them.
        Thank you so much for your help. Date, place, & content would be so helpful.

      • Stephanie Porter

        I will not vote for her

    • Diane Coon

      I believe that is the truth! No body with a personal relationship with the Father would vote for her.

      • Cindy

        We have to pray y’all. If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray!!! Please pray and declare the will of God is for God to work through trump to make America great again!!!! We gotta get prayer groups together and pray!!!

    • Kathy Matthews

      That’s it! There are only two things going on. The Kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness. There is no in between.

      • Freddie Redd

        Going to Church & sitting on a pew each Sunday does not make you a Christian, no more than sitting in your garage makes you a car‼️ voting in favor of killing babies 👶🏻 will leave blood 🩸 on yours also,❗️

      • Kris

        A Bible reading, praying Christian has wisdom and discernment. If you don’t read the word than you fall for everything that is not of God. Kamala is very evil and she is dumb, I don’t know how can anybody on their right mind vote for her.

    • Esther Ross

      Could it be that all this stir up about Christians voting for Kamala is a lie and that the Media is promoting these lies and Americans are fallen for it? I believe that the Lord is hearing His children cry in praying for America and He will prevail. The fake news wants you to believe their lies, and the more they tell these lies the more people will start believing them. But we as Christians should know better!

      Do you believe God’s Word is true?

      If He says that whatever things you ask in prayer, “BELIEVING”, you will receive. We cannot lose heart? We need to continue to pray without ceasing and not be distracted about what the fake news is telling us. God will work everything for good to those who are called according to His purpose.

      Brothers and sisters encourage each other according to His word and focus on what God’s purpose is! He will prevail!!


      • Freddie Redd

        Amen, Praise the Lord & Hallelujah 🎶
        You cannot be a true born again believer in Jesus Christ AND VOTE 🗳️ TO KILL BABIES …
        Prayers 🙏 Be not deceived! ✝️✡️💟

      • Teresa Thomas


      • Noni Knapp

        Yes! Thank you!!

    • Michelle

      True so true! It boggles my mind that anyone who supports abortion could even ever claim to be a Christian.

    • Carol

      Mario, you call Kamala a woman, How do we know she’s a woman? The leftist liberals cannot even define what make a person a woman. What Kamala does best is cackle, so the “chickens for KFC” would fit her very well!!

      • Linda Duncan

        Kamala Harris will NOT get my vote!!!

    • Steve Jackson

      Praying and worship certainly are powerful things for Christians but neither are what Jesus told us to do just before he ascended to heaven. He left us a Mandate… a Commission to do. We call it the Great Commission. Every gospel has a version of it. It was not a suggestion but a Commission, a Commandment that Christians were to go out and tell everyone everywhere about the Good News of Jesus coming to save us and bring us into the Kingdom of God. But we have left that up to the Preachers, the Pastors, and the Evangelists thinking that Jesus never meant US to do that We should not be the Silent Majority (even though the true believers are probably a minority) but the Vocal Witnesses for Jesus Christ.

      Today’s churches are silent on the streets and market places where the people are. We think going to church is a witness. It is NOT. Jesus and the 12 apostles, the 70 disciples did their ministry in the Market Place and streets where they witnessed of the Messiah, the Christ. Are we doing that? For the most part, we are not. We absolved ourselves from doing it… and leaving it up to the “clergy”! Unfortunately we do the same politically. We hide from the real world into our prayer closets or churches where we are not a witness of Jesus. We need to let our lights shine out side of our churches that people may see our good works and glorify our God – both spiritually and politically.

    • Becky

      You mean “Kamal”. !!!!!.tra n n y????

    • Blanche

      I agree with you. A Christian is going to vote biblical values.

    • phil beatty

      amen!! TRUMP vANCE 2024! MAGA! USA!! in Jesus name!!!!!

    • Tim Sutton

      Once again you tell it like it is Mario

    • Willie Anna Jeffersob

      Every word is true and you are spot on in every word you said! God forever bless you and keep you and continue to be the voice of truth that you are! 🥰🥰🙏

    • T W

      Its hard to believe real born again christians can vote for the leftist agenda, and because she calls herself a black woman and is a woman. Can they not see the evil unfoldolding before their eyes. But what they mean for evil God brings Good out of it!!! And they keep shoting themselves in the foot. Praying shields of angels all around Trump and his family and staff. His protection is on TRUMP and them all!

  2. Donna Lumpkin

    Father, help the people to open their eyes and see the truth. The church is still being tested. Lord, you are in control of raising one up and sitting one down. As a believer in your word, I am crying out to you Lord! Help us! In the Name of Jesus Christ.

    • Mahamba Wa-ibera Evariste

      May the will of the Lord Jesus Christ be done in USA. Praying for USA as I am serving the Lord in the Democratic Republic of Congo

      • Freddie Redd

        Amen 🙏

    • Michael A. Nelson


  3. Larry Lavallee

    The Holy Spirit Leads us in ALL TRUTH 🔥 America wake up!!

  4. Scott Murison


    • Sandra

      Yes you are so right! I know christians and so called preachers that will vote for her because they don’t like Trump!! It is not about liking or disliking anyone! It is about what they are standing for and whom GOD tells you to vote for. It is sad when christians want to vote for the left ( or the puppets). But be sure we all will stand accountable before almighty GOD one day! So proud of your stand for right!! Praying for tour ministry!

  5. Karen C. Bode

    Bravo, glory to God!

  6. David Smith

    Being “Black” has always been associated with African Americans, Kamala is not Black. She is biracial being half Indian and half Jamaican. She uses the race card when it suits her purpose.

    • Robert

      Jamaicans are not a race. Most of them are black. The black race is not native to the Americas. They were brought to Jamaica during the same slave trading that brought black slaves to America, the Caribbean, and other Latin American countries.

      Indian people are also not a separate race. They are classified as Caucasian.

  7. Christine Gallagan

    So tue Mario,’ anyone who says they are a Christian and votes for this laughing hienna is not a Christian. Ignorance is not bliss it’s fatal. Thank you Mario for shooting straight,

  8. Vyvette Moldrich

    Wonderful message Mario – thank you so much.
    Jesus saved Trump from assassination – He will expose Kamala and her evil ways – if we pray to Him. Trump is fighting an evil machine – built by Satan. Only God and His Angels can protect Trump.. If we all pray – everyday – Jesus will hear us. Its the only way. Trump Campaign must hire additional security – independent security – not run by the Biden – Kamala Admin. God will protect Trump but Trump must do whatever he can – to protect himself also. Can you please advise him. So important – it will save his life and the lives of Christians in the USA and the USA itself. I’m from Australia. I love President Trump and pray from him every day. I fear for his safety.
    God bless you Mario for doing God’s work.

    • Sandra

      Thank you so much for praying for him, may God bless you and pray for his enemies! And watch what happens! Love you!

  9. Ethyanne Andres

    Thank you Mario, you have been a strong voice in these peril times.
    God bless you and yours.
    I agree with you.
    I hope and pray we may repent in this country soon and see God step in and heal our country.

    • Heather


  10. Mike Lupo

    Mario been with you in my heart since Resurection City when i got saved at Oakland auditorion 1076

  11. Dorothy


  12. Deb

    This is definitely not about an election but a spiritual battle for the soul of a nation. Those who are genuine Christians can see through the facade of this woman. It does not take much discernment. But we live in a time as is described in 2 Timothy 3:2-5. People are deceived and have abandoned truth. Only God can get us out of this fine mess we are in.

  13. Stephen Muzick

    God didn’t spare Trump’s life without a purpose. God alone must save this country from itself. Mario, you failed to mention her anti-Israel stance. That alone should be a red flag to a real Christian. I will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel. God is very clear about that. Trump is NOT my God. Jesus Christ is my God. But, God uses people to fulfill his purpose. Is it time for America to turn back to God? Yes. But, will God allow that to happen or will further persecution continue? We must vote. And hopefully our votes will count this time.

  14. Alex

    Prophets say Kamala won’t last long.
    There is someone ready to take her place when time is right.

  15. Leyla Schrunk

    Amen ! Thank you Mario! We hear God’s voice when you speak! Thank you for being what terrifies Satan! Leyla Schrunk

  16. CJ

    Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”
    1 Corinthians 15:33

  17. Ron Rupp

    Could this be ” first, the falling away, and then the antichrist will appear “

    • Sandra

      Possible! I do not think it will be long! Evil is escalating in my small country town!

  18. Lafe Murray

    God bless you Mario.
    Praying for God’s best for you in grace and wisdom.

  19. Jane Lewis

    100% correct! The church today has been infiltrated with greed, desire for fame and entertainment. Jezzabel is in the house! The church needs a radical change through repentance. We are praying for that change.

    • John

      Counting the numbers filling the seats and the dollars in the collection plate a.nd the pledges for the big new shiny buildings.
      This is not the Gospel!

  20. Wally Wood

    Will these words come to haunt us?
    ISAIAH 3:12 — (Contemporary English Version)
    “Though you are God’s people, you are ruled and abused by women and children. You are confused by leaders who guide you down the wrong path.”
    (New King James Version)
    “As for My people, children are their oppressors, And women rule over them. O My people! Those who lead you cause you to err, And destroy the way of your paths.”

    • Jim Ballinger

      That’s a great word, Wally!!!

    • Aurora Ryan

      Yes John and Wally. Credential men and leaders hide behind the pulpit, afraid of offending their thithers, because they’re crowd pleasers! Head count, a nice building and personified Christians is a crowd pleaser!

  21. Marcus Wheeler, MD

    That’s right, Mario!! You cannot be a Christian and vote for evil!! Lukewarm Christianity and tolerance of Jezebel will get one spit out of the Lord’s mouth!! Let us choose this Day to serve the Lord and Him Only!!! God bless you, brother!!

  22. Joanna


  23. Neva Yeager

    100% ! Bless you my brother! Thank you for your uncompromising voice in this day!

  24. Samuel Burns

    Amen and Amen Mario, everything you state is true. Only God can save America from its destruction.

  25. Valerie Gottschalk

    Amen, Brother!

  26. Ted Miller

    As usual you hit the nails squarely on the head. Kamala is a zero, like most of her friends.
    She is not qualified to be anything good. She will not be good.

  27. Jean

    I pray to God that I won’t be deceived if I’m still alive when the Antichrist is in power. But I don’t understand how anyone can be deceived by Ka Ka Kamala. Just weeks ago she was the worst Vice President EVER and now the media and dem party are touting her the best thing since sliced bread. There’s too much at stake to throw your vote away on her and throw away America as we know it.

  28. David

    Mario, this is your best blog yet. It is the sad reality of where we are today in America.
    The “authentic” people of God must pray, like never before. The Church must mobilize, before it is too late. God help us. He is our only hope.

  29. Ken hyatt

    Thank you so much Mario for your blogs they filled was such great wisdom. We need your ministry thank you again.

  30. Linda

    Mario, these people call themselves “Christians” because they go to
    church on Sundays and Easter and Christmas but don;t know what
    Christianity really is.
    Their views are “in” this world and they play nice because they think
    that;s what Christianity is all about. They are deceived and that’s exactly
    where Satan whants them to be, It’s sad. How my heart goes out to

  31. Virginia Drastata

    Pray pray pray , our hope is i the Lord and if anyone will stop just a second and realize God has a plan and a purpose nothing will stop it . God will give us what we want, Oh people wake up and draw near to the Lord our God who holds it all in His hands. May we join our hearts and lives to our Creator and be strong in the power of His might for He will fight our battles, He said only be strong, for I am your strength and song , I will fight your battles, only be strong . The battle is not ours but the Lords . Let us draw near to our LOrd and fight the good fight of faith. Have no fear, He is our Lord and all powerful, all loving and forgiving. Pray and draw nearer to the Lord, He will equip His children for every battle. Faith to stand.!!!!!!!

  32. Sara


  33. Debra Ortiz

    You nailed it. So many quotable truth’s that need to be on billboards. I only wish my church would ever talk about these things. Thank you Mario.

  34. Pat Blackwell

    Thank you for this post. The comfortable, complacent church is showing us the end times Jesus warned about when he said, “See that no one deceives you.” The remnant is praying, digging in, and surrendering to God. God help America!

  35. Pearl Dalton

    Amen Mario!!!!

  36. Kathleen

    Praying that all these back room conspires and eve plans would be exposed, brought to light and appear where they can be dismantled and thwarted.!Let God arise and His enemies be scattered. Open the eyes of the blinded!

  37. Wayne

    K. Harris is demon possessed… of that certainty there is no doubt. Her frequent outbursts of laughter at very inappropriate times is evidence of what is called a “laughing spirit” (the same spirit evident at some so-called “revivals” of the past). Her overall behavior and demeanor is of one controlled by outside influence.

    God will hold those accountable that call themselves Christian and vote for her or any other representative of the Party of Demons. The Republicans also have their share of wolves in sheep’s clothing. We must pray, research and use discernment when voting for candidates.

  38. Phil Wages

    I agree 100% Mario! A large part of those, so called, “christians” have taken that infamous “highway” of Matthew 7:13 that our Lord spoke of in His famous sermon on the mount . Just another ” sign” that we’re in the
    “Last Days” and
    1 Thess. 4:16 is imminent! Keep sounding the alarm brother, we’re with you, fighting the good fight!

  39. Robert LaDue

    Thank you Mario. All of us know lot’s of potential “Christians” for Kamala. I believe that GOD is calling true believers in Jesus to pray for these “Christians” to have a real salvation experience in their heart not their heads as we ask God to remove the scales from their eyes unstop their ears and fill them with His Holy Spirit.

  40. Charlene

    I do my best to wake people up. I got banned from Twitter, I recently got “punished” by IG.
    More than once I’ve been in FB jail. But we have to keep telling people the truth. Time is short!

  41. Pamela Chapman

    Amen! It is all befuddling as you say Mario, yet, so clear. I look at those around me, friends and family, who call themselves Christians seeing the bar for Christianity has become very low. Yes, Jesus hung out with sinners but he did not sin. He, instead, drew them to the Father. I find myself asking, Father, am I becoming “religious” or “self-righteous?” We know what his word says about self-righteousness. It is as filthy rags and he isn’t talking about a dust cloth.

    I am a black woman. Kamala isn’t black and regardless of her color, she is evil and godless. Identity politics is the trick of satan. To my white brothers and sisters, when they tell you she’s black and you’re a racist please reply, “She isn’t black and you’re actually the racist.”

    Thank you, for all you bring, brother Mario. Thank you for toiling in Colorado. Thank you for being a strong man, a man of God! We continue to work until He comes. And when we’ve done all to stand, we stand!

  42. Edwin Gaster

    I agree 100% with what Mario has stated in this email. Now the job of most of the media will be to hide many of these facts about Kamala so that useful idiots will vote for her in November 2024. They will do all they can to make her look Presidential and believable as such. They will think it is a shame that Mario said these things, but they will try to hide them and play them down by ignoring them so as to get this Progressive Communist into power. These truths about this woman need to be shouted from the housetops so that voters may vet her by finding out if these facts are true or not before they vote, rather than being made to see her as Wonder Woman.

  43. denise Cross

    Mario you always speak truth! It astounds me the level of deception within the body of Christ. Praying for eyes to see and ears to hear HIS truth above all.others. thank you SO very much for being a voice that echos the Fathers!

  44. Gary Backstrom

    Right on!!!

  45. Laurie

    Thank you, Mario for telling the truth please never stop. Let us know when you are in Bakersfield, California so we can go and support you.

  46. Gayla

    This sword of the word hits the mark!

  47. Jenifer

    I’m thankful this was addressed. I was thinking surely those who say they are Christian supporting & voting for the most anti-christ policies in our land, don’t read the Bible. That can be my only conclusion. I also shudder at the thought. Surely judgment begins in the house of the Lord.

  48. Jamie

    Amen Mario, thank you for always speaking the truth no matter what! Praying for you brother!

  49. Jim Brubaker

    Amen! For years, I’ve asked how can a Christian vote democrat based on their atheistic platform? They stand for every perverted thing we as believers should hate.

  50. Karen

    It’s amazing to hear but so true. She is pure evil but unless you worked with her or lived in the state you are unaware of the facts of her career. She is everything you said and more but it has never made the news. She is responsible for destroying this state along with Newsom, Brown & Pelosi to name a few. Its a well oiled machine.

  51. Colleen MacPherson

    AMEN!!!! Well said Mario 👏

  52. Karen

    Amen. Amen

  53. Rochelle

    Thank you Mario for being a truth-teller.
    I have lived in California long enough to remember the days she appeared at public events with Willie Brown.
    I also remember her prosecuting David Daleiden for his undercover journalism exposing the sale of baby body parts by Planned Parenthood.

  54. Sandra Douglas

    Thank you Mario for sounding a wake up call!

  55. Diane Jackson

    Thank you, Mario, for addressing this. I pray eyes will be opened during this election time, hearts will be touched, that people will know Truth, Jesus, and Truth will set them free from deception, and witchcraft. We must vote biblical principals this election, or we perish as a nation. Be aware, be concerned and informed, register, and vote!

    • Dalen Fuller

      Ever since i became christian i always thought everyone voted conservative I don’t believe anyone who votes demon crap is christian period full stop

  56. Tony

    If I/we have not yet been Raptured, and if there is an election, I will vote for Trump. It is my Hope that I/we will not be here, and the 7 Years Tribulation will be underway. See you in 7 Years when I/we shall Return with KING JESUS to Begin His Glorious 1,000 Year reign… HALLELUJAH!!!

    • Becky

      I am in agreement with you, Tony, that I long for the Rapture! I long for the government to be on Jesus’ shoulders and not relying on any man, even President Trump (though I am voting for him)! I believe that this election and people proving what they really are standing for will be a pivotal time for God’s timetable. That is why only God the Father knows the exact second of the change, in the twinkling of an eye. God will be glorified! These earthly institutions need to be utilized in a way which moves God’s agenda forward, not the enemy nor any human.

      Mario, another great post which is right on the truth!

      • Tony

        Amen Sister Becky!

  57. Jen

    Sadly, many Christians are CINO (Christian in name only). Those will vote for Kamala Harris.

  58. Marleen

    Yes, amen. God forgive us. God help us. This is like a David and Goliath moment.
    We are not to fear man (or woman), but only the Lord Almighty. Keep praying and standing in faith.

  59. Kevan

    Mario, you make me deliriously happy to call you my brother.
    Thank you for your fierce bravery.

  60. LauraJ

    Peter Schweizer covers even more detail in his book PROFILES IN CORRUPTION: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite, about her rise to power and her deplorable refusal to allow prosecution of the cases by a huge number of plaintiffs claiming sexual abuses by priests while apparently accepting very large donations to her campaign by wealthy members of that Diocese. I wonder if those people ever received justice.
    His book should be read immediately by anyone registered to vote.

  61. Mickey Holiday


    (Verse 1)
    When politicians cheat and politicians lie,
    They get the country in a mess and then they wonder why,
    There is a way to conquer this, the only way to go,
    Just listen to my song and then you’ll know.

    (Chorus 1)
    Tell the truth, tell the truth,
    Let’s hear it from the old and from the youth,
    If you want to be a part of the solution my friend,
    Then, all you gotta do is tell the truth.

    (Verse 2)
    The preacher doesn’t preach and the teacher doesn’t teach,
    Foolish hearts are darkened and the light is out of reach,
    Everyone is doin’ what is right in their own mind,
    Following the leaders of the blind.

    (Chorus 2)
    Spread the Word, spread the Word,
    They can’t believe in what they haven’t heard,
    If you want to see the end of the confusion my friend,
    Then, all you gotta do is spead the Word.

    (Verse 3)
    We mumble and we moan, we grumble and we groan,
    Is it any wonder all the trouble that we’ve known,
    Words of doubt and unbelief will always bring defeat,
    I’ve figured out the way we can compete.

    (Chorus 3)
    Praise the Lord, praise the Lord,
    You’ll be amazed to learn of it’s reward,
    If you want to be a winner not a loser my friend,
    Then, all you gotta do is praise the Lord.

    (Verse 4)
    By our words we win and by our words we lose,
    We should very carefully consider (all the) words we use,
    Words of God are powerful and full of victory,
    When we say the same that’s what’ll be.

    (Chorus 4)
    Say the same, say the same,
    The promises of God are ours to claim,
    If you want to tell the truth then look and see what God says,
    Then, all you gotta do is say the same.

    (Chorus 1)
    Tell the truth, tell the truth,
    Let’s hear it from the old and from the youth,
    If you want to be a part of the solution my friend,
    Then, all you gotta do is tell the truth.

  62. David

    Yes, and amen!!! We need more Christian leaders, and especially pastors across America echoing this same message!!!!!!!!! Not just on one Sunday, but every Sunday leading up to the election in November!!!

  63. Joe. Manuel Leite

    Lets look at 2 corinthians 4-4

  64. Margaret

    I have always said for some years now those who tell me they are Christians and vote for the anti-God Democrat Party are Not Christians and are fooling themselves. There is absolutely no correlation between anti-God DemocratParty and Christianity.

  65. Judy Page

    Very concerned regarding the coming presidential election. I don’t often remember my dreams but I had a horrific dream a few nights ago. Trump had won and the current tenants of the Whitehouse refused to accept their loss and move out. There was fighting and conflicts all around the Whitehouse when suddenly it burst into flames and burned down. The current residents decided to sacrifice it rather than turn it over. We need prayer over the elections and transitions that need to happen after.

  66. Lora Dollarhide

    I refuse to vote for this evil woman I cannot imagine any Christian voting for her because if you were a true Christian and you love the Lord, you will not vote for this evil person

    Come quickly, Lord Jesus, we need you❤️

  67. Beverly Belle

    Thank you Mario. Christians need to wake up! This is a serious matter and they need to stop treating Christianity like a checker board. God is coming back and He will have the final say over our destiny.

  68. Albert Gonzales

    Simply put, Kamala Harris will be the official evil turning point to darkness if allowed to win in November 2024. The evidence is clear that the evil one has his eye on this election. That said, our Father God has a bigger Eye and He is Intervening. Our Father God is in the process to Save America AND allow the USA to call on Him for the last time. The last days are coming to a close and the official end will come BUT God’s Grace and Mercy is being shown to His people. Now is the time call on Christ to Save you. John 3:16 is the Path to Him.

  69. Raymond Neal

    Amen brother Mario! I agree 100 %. So many who claim to be Christian are blinded and confused about who they are voting for. So, you don’t like Trumps remarks and hateful tweets and think he is racist and you don’t agree with some of his latest comments on abortion?? Let’s be clear, Trump is not our Savior, only Jesus Christ can save this nation. Right now it appears we have two options to vote for, Kamala or Trump. It is our decision and we have a free will. However, as a true Christian we should strongly look at what each person stands for from a biblical view. We are not electing a pastor nor a personality. Trump’s policies are far more aligned with God’s purposes and values. I cannot understand why “so called” Christians could vote for Kamala. Her views are so far removed from a biblical view that you are blinded if you can’t see that. We will stand before God for every decision and VOTE. To God Be the glory!!

  70. Sharon Palmer

    I could not be bribed or threatened enough to ever vote for kamala harris. I will vote the Bible and praise the Lord.

  71. Jeffrey Meyer

    I totally agree with you Mario! You are telling the truth.

  72. M J Joyce

    I will be voting for Trump. Kamala Harris is an evil woman led by Satan. I would not be surprised if she is a practicing witch. The thing that really concerns me is Trump. I don’t think he will win the election if he does not learn to keep his mouth shut and think before he makes a comment. He has said when he debates Harris, he is not going to be nice. He needs to be cordial and stick to facts and conduct himself as he did in his debate with Biden. He actually behaved himself, but he knew the microphones were turned off so he couldn’t interrupt. People who have access to him need to tell him to act like a President should and stop acting like a school yard bully full of himself. If he does not heed that message, people will get aggravated with him and vote for Kamala. I heard a lot of people already on TV that voted for Trump the first time, but they say not again because of the way he acts. A lot of Christians are fed up with him and his antics. This is very concerning.

    • Michael Cottom

      Agree One Hundred Percent! Happening in 2020 when his opponent spent his time in a basement!

  73. Lisa wright

    I agree totally Mario.

  74. Laura

    Let’s hope Dana Coverstone’s dream is right about her crying tears the size of quarters…..which means begging for mercy. He gave that dream in November 2020. We all thought it was that November, but it more than likely is November 2024. Either way though, we know things are going to get worse in America and the world. If Trump wins, the riots will come. God isn’t happy about America and its churches

  75. Kathryn Williams

    I stand for President Donald Trump and no one else right next to Jesus Christ!

  76. Cindy

    We have to pray y’all. If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray!!! Please pray and declare the will of God is for God to work through trump to make America great again!!!!

  77. NickT

    Not only is Kamala evil she is really stupid.

  78. Mark and Susan Dubois

    Yes, you are right brother Mario!
    Anyone who votes demoncrat is not
    living for Jesus & our heavenly Father!!

  79. Gail Segars Rainey

    I recently purchased John MacArthur’s book, TRUTH TRIUMPHS, a hardbook book of his Landmark Sermons (14 of them) from 55 years of Pulpit Ministry 1969-2024. I will share excerpts verbatim from his sermon, “Living in a Perverse World” based on Romans 1 and written May 20, 2022, which goes along with this blog: “We are experiencing the judgment of God on our nation. . . . . We’re in the middle of this judgment. . . . .Now the wrath of God comes in many forms. There is eternal wrath; that’s hell. There’s eschatological wrath; that would be all of the expressions of wrath in the book of Revelation, all the judgments that fall on the earth in the time of the Tribulation (also see Matthew 24 and 25). . . . . There’s a kind of cataclysmic wrath–destructive earthquakes and floods. . . . There is sowing and reaping wrath: Whatever you sow, you reap.. . . . . But there’s another kind of wrath, and that’s what Paul describes in Romans 1. The is the wrath of abandonment. In Acts 14, the Bible says God allowed all the nations to go their own way. . . . and experience the wrath of divine abandonment. . . . . (See Romans 1:18-20; 21-23). . . . Then verse 24 of Chapter 1 is the key–what happens when a nation abandons God?
    “Therefor God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them.” , , , And because it is a divine judgment on them, God doesn’t interrupt the course of their thinking down this path of sexual revolution, homosexual revolution, to the kind of insanity that we see with transgenderism. . . . And out of that depraved mind what are you going to get? you’re going to get verses 29-31. So how are Christians to live in a perverse world? John MacArthur ended with this beautiful prayer :

    We draw such strength and encouragement, Father, from Your Word. It’s so exhilarating to know the truth, to be the people of the truth, not by any merit of our own or any will of our own. We were born again, not of the will of man but from Your sovereign will (John 1:13). May we live in joy. May we live in contentment. May we live with love. May the church of Jesus Christ be so marked by love and so marked by joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control–all the fruit of the Spirit–that there is no human explanation for us. And may the church–in its joy, its tranquility, its love, its peace, and its truth–be that shining light on the hill, lifting up Jesus Christ, Who will draw all men to Himself (John 12:32). That’s our prayer; for Your glory, we ask it. Amen.

  80. jerry woytus

    Why it is NOT apparent that a christian should not vote for Kamala is possibly because we have fallen prey to calling good evil and calling evil good. And why hasnt Willie Brown risen up and endorsed her publicly?


  1. CHRISTIANS FOR KAMALA. QUEERS FOR PALESTINE. SAME LOGIC – Lighthouse Church, Inc - […] by Mario Murillo | Jul 28, 2024 | Kamala Harris | 105 comments […]



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