by | Jul 14, 2024 | Trump Assassination Attempt | 187 comments


There are five reasons you should be angry about what happened to Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania. Never waste anger or give into the wrong kind of anger. I have prayerfully examined the assassination attempt on Trump. These are the 5 reasons to be angry and what to do about it.

1. Law enforcement sniper staring at a man with a rifle on a roof.

Trump is speaking. People are yelling at law enforcement for 3 or 4 minutes about a man on a roof with a rifle. A law enforcement sniper—possibly Secret Service— is staring at the man through his scope.

Erik Prince said, “The fact that U.S.S.S. allowed a rifle-armed shooter within 150 yds to a preplanned event is either malice or massive incompetence. Clearly there was adequate uncontrolled dead space for a shooter to move into position and take multiple aimed shots. Watching the newsreel one can hear how proximate the shooter is by the very short time lapse between the cracks of arriving bullet (supersonic) to the boom of muzzle blast (sonic). The law enforcement sniper (unclear if U.S.S.S.) in newsreels was clearly overwhelmed as his face came off his rifle instead of doing his job to kill the shooter. Clearly they were watching the shooter, but apparently have a no “first shot” policy.”

2. Democrats claiming both sides are to blame.

We do not all bear blame. This is one side acting out in fatal violence just as they did through 2020 and just as they did after Trump was elected in 2016. Don’t forget the registered Democrat voter who shot up a baseball field of Republicans who were having a friendly game back in 2017, hitting a Congressman and others, because, as he said, he hated Donald Trump.

In a widely reported call to hundreds of donors last week, Biden boasted, “I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I’m absolutely certain I’m the best person to be able to do that. So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”

Victor David Hansen listed the ways notable leftists wanted to get Trump: By slugging his face (Robert De Niro); by decapitation (Kathy Griffin; Marilyn Manson); by stabbing (Shakespeare in the Park); by clubbing (Mickey Rourke); by shooting ( Snoop Dogg); by poisoning (Anthony Bourdain); by bounty killing (George Lopez); by “carrion (sic) eating his corpse” (Pearl Jam); by suffocating (Larry Whilmore); by blowing him up (Madonna; Moby); by throwing him over a cliff (Rosie O’Donnell); just by generic “killing” him (Johnny Depp; Big Sean); or by martyring him (Reid Hoffman: “Yeah; I wish I had made him an actual martyr.”).

3. Three months ago Democrats tried to strip Trump of Secret Service protection.

Democrat Bennie Thompson, the ranking member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, introduced the ‘Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable (DISGRACED) Former Protectees Act’ (HR 8081) on April 19: Democrat Reps. Yvette D. Clarke, Troy A. Carter Sr., Frederica Wilson, Bonnie Watson Coleman, Jasmine Crockett, Joyce Beatty, Barbara Lee, and Steve Cohen co-sponsored the bill.

4. News outlets downplaying an assassination attempt.

Refusing to even acknowledge it was a valid assassination attempt, leftist news outlets referred to the incident as only: interruptions, and loud noises, or an incident. Even after showing video that clearly showed Trump with a bloody ear being whisked away by Secret Service agents, the news continued to call it a “possible” assassination attempt.

Kamden Mulder from the Federalist said: “Social media is exploding with outrage over the corrupt media’s downplaying of the event. USA Today claimed the former president was “removed from stage by Secret Service after loud noises startle[d] former president.” Rather than accurately reporting what happened, headlines masked gunshots as “popping noises.” According to the leftist media, Trump was merely “startled” by said “popping noises.’”

Total outrage. There was time for the crowd to photograph the shooter before Secret Service reacted.

CNN published an article after the news broke, claiming the former president’s campaign speech was “interrupted by Secret Service.”

The Washington Post published the headline “Trump taken away after loud noises at rally,” with the featured photo on the article showing blood rushing down Trump’s face, underscoring the media’s hypocrisy in covering the tragic event.

They refused to call it an assassination attempt. The recent cover of Time Magazine included the instantly iconic picture of Trump pumping his fist in the air with the American flag flying behind him. The headline reads, “Attack on Trump” with no mention of an attempted assassination.

Below the headline, it says, “Former president survives shooting with nation on edge.”

5. Democrats are not done trying to get Trump.

Everything points to one fact: Their hatred for Trump knows no bounds. The Democrats will do anything to prevent Trump from being president.

They gaslighted us about Biden’s true cognitive condition. They allowed a global danger that is beyond words. Keeping a man with dementia within reach of the nuclear launch codes.

It is a case of towering irony. They scream that the world will end if Trump is elected. But they would rather destroy the world than let him be elected.

This is no political party. It is a death cult—totally devoid of morals, decency or regard for anything but their hold on power. Every American should be angry—angry enough to vote them all out.

But we must do more than vote. The vicious Trump haters will try to cheat again. We need action on a local level. Especially in battleground states. We must get volunteers into polling places. We must put eyes and ears around the mail in ballots. Let’s catch them in the act.

And most of all, we must thank God Trump was spared. It was an act of mercy on America. Indescribable mercy,


  1. Kathy H

    Trump will destroy the United States, and you will support him. And speaking of cults…

    • Mario Murillo

      Well bless your heart Kath. Trump was president for 4 years. Did he destroy the United States? No, We became prosperous. No wars. And we were energy independent. Destruction of America? That is what is in progress right now under Obama and his hand puppet Biden.

      • Jim Pearson

        Please, from now on refer to them all as ” the demonrats
        ” party

      • Laurie

        Many people do not like Trump, his tweets, his personality. We should never vote in personalities, look at the party platforms! Some issues have been watered down but the fact remains, the parties differ on American ideals which are more Biblical in nature. We cannot forget that this is a spiritual war, God versus the devil. Psalm 35 – the Lord the Avenger of His People. Yes, make it TOO BIG TO RIG! As God’s army pray what our position is to be, prayer warrior, poll worker, walk precincts for candidates with more of a Biblical world view and encourage others in all the information we have, share! And lastly, if your church is silent on the state of our nation, write, call let them know you are looking to them to be true shepherds.

      • Bonnie

        Amen, praise God President Trump was not seriously injured or worse yet murdered. Praying over this man who truly loves America, may we as Christians continue to pray over him and his family. We as a nation need to repent and seek God daily for forgiveness and mercy.

      • Richard Rosier

        I’m continually amazed at the blind stupidity of the democrats . They obviously have don’t done their home work, but through ignorance and fake news propaganda most believe on the left believe Trump is a Hitler all the while ignoring our present political and economic climate. Who if not Marxist try to illuminate jail prosecute their competition all the while ruining this republics protection and we all fare. Had it not been for the intervention of Gods hand protecting Trump this country would be done. But God has great plans for this country He’s not finished with us yet. But before and after Trump gets in there will be many demonic attacks, very important to be prepared and listening to the Holy Soirit moment by moment.

        • Mario Braico

          Mario, I believed that if there were Angels protecting , this would never happened. Are there Angels protecting US everyday!

        • Aurora Gilson

          AMEN! God be with you all my brothers and sisters in Christ!! Let’s all bring strongholds from satan, down!! And give Jesus the Glory, for He has already WON!!!!
          Aurora. MAGA!!

          • Debra


        • Joan E. Hayward

          I voted for President Trump the 1st time and 2nd and will again this time. He’s a ruthless businessman who entered into politics if you want to political correct speech then keep biting but if you want a man that’s fighting for this country for this America and for the people of America that love America as a free Nation under one God Jesus Christ. It amazes me how people feel the way that they do and talk the way that they talk but then again president Trump has called people horse face made fun of their clothing brags about things and that isn’t Christian like either and even though he’s a baby Christian and needs to grow a little bit more I’m hoping that even through this assassination attempt that he won’t boast about it talk ruthlessly about it and belittle people because it only belittles themself I’ll vote for him because I know what he can do and he’s a no-nonsense guy when he needs to be no nonsense with other leaders but to make fun of Americans in this country and be that way and talk that way it’s just not presidential and that’s where a lot of people have a problem with him is the way that he talks and makes fun of people and belittles them we’re all God’s creatures regardless whether you’re for him or against him and we are not supposed to act that way as Christians and that’s the only problem I have with him but I will vote for him always will.

      • Candyce

        Mario , I have nothing of my own except what I believe God is allowing me to see. I looked for spiritual intent of Saturday when I felt I needed to know what Trump ‘s last words were before the shooting. “Take a look at what happened.” and so I did. The next audio, was the shooting. Trump’s next statement was “ Let me get my shoes.” God’s immediate assurance that he is in charge. Hannah’s prayer, I Samuel 2:9, “He will keep the feet of his Saints.” with a further admonition, “…for by strength shall no man prevail.” And then, “fight, fight, fight.” Again not by our strength, but 2:9 goes on in 2:10, “The adversaries of the Lord shall be broken in pieces; out of Heaven shall he thunder upon them…; and he shall give strength unto his king and exalt the horn of his anointed.” Now to the visual: The message is upon Trump’s face. Blood upon his ear, blood traversing his face in a “V” shape crossing over the mouth. The hearing (faith) and the word must be under the blood of Christ. Victory for America is assured in grace. Trump is not the messenger but the message.

        • Pamela McCarty


      • Kathy Clanton

        You’re So right Mario! This is righteous anger and it’s time we all pray fervently for our nation to return to the Lord God!

      • John Powelson

        To them truth is lies, death is life, success of our country is failure, evil is good and good is evil. If it isn’t the end times we are very close to it. Thank You Jesus for suffering and dying for US all. Now it’s up to US to make sure everyone has the chance to repent and come to our Lord and Savior Jesus!!!!!!!!!

      • Elizabeth Williston


      • Jing

        Dear Mario,

        Thank you for your unwavering stand with the truth! After the deep state’s failed attempt of assassination of President Trump, so many people gave God the glory for spending President Trump. Yet quite a few Christian leaders voiced their anger that Trump brought this on himself and as a result another man died. They totally failed to realize the elite above all hate Trump’s agenda, and hate the fact Trump has such an appeal to common folks. But so many Christians want Trump to be their version of “born again Christian “Trump, namely, saying typical evangelical doctrines or words, but being very fickle about their support for Trump. Let Trump be Trump, and let God deal with Trump in His own way. But the church should move and uphold righteousness and defeat evil.

    • Donna

      Well it’s good to see democrats are also following you Mario. Hopefully your wise words will open the blind eyes to see the truth. God bless president Trump for running again after the hell they have put him through that’s pretty amazing.

    • Sharon

      Open your ears yo Truth.
      Open your eyes to the moral decline in our unsecured Nation.
      Ask God to save your soul.
      You are being deceived by the Left.

    • Larry Bozeman

      Kathy please! Get your head out of the Left Wing sand or where ever it happens to be. Before exposing your ignorance as you have you really should make an effort to educate yourself on the reality of what has been happening for the last 8 or 9 years regarding Pres. Trump and our country. And since you brought it up, Left Wing ideologies and organizations represent cults; including Marxism, BLM, Antifa, Climate Change (formerly “Global Warming”), LGBTQPERVERT, etc. Unless you make Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior, you will one day be called out by your creator to give an account for bearing false witness againt Mario Murillo as being a cult.

    • Chris E

      If by destroying the United States you mean making it more difficult for women to kill their own babies, then yes – Trump will do that. But then again, God’s Kingdom is also like that. But perhaps you are not interested in that kind of Kingdom, and perhaps you might also get that wish…

    • Douglas Krause

      Your words are smacking your destiny, slave. Repent, and let Jesus remove this thorn from your flesh.

    • Brenda

      Trump will destroy evil ways. The fact that you hate him means you have need of repentance to God Most High.
      I can confirm Hell is real. And with that, Heaven, God’s paradise, is real as well.
      only You can choose, The Lord, The Lord God King of and Creator of the Universe, or,
      Eternal torment forever and ever and ever.
      Heaven has Walls and Gates, Hell has NO EXITS.
      Choose wisely!

      • Donald A Loucks

        Nothing fights and screams against good than does evil.

      • Ulf Schager

        As an outsider living in Sweden, watching this great nation, The United States of America, being destroyed by the hands of the progressive, leftist, marxist is beyond sad.
        In every area, they had destroyed your society.

        We, in Sweden, has experienced what the socialist agenda is about. Yes, we also have the “deep state” working behind the scen. We, as a small nation with aprox. 10 million inhabitants have recived over 2 milion immigrants, mostly muslims…The list goes on and on….

        Well, we know (as Christians) what Gods word says about the End times. Let’s pray God will pour out his mercy and spirit once more in the West…before the Tribulation will start.

        God Bless America🇺🇲🇸🇪

      • Elizabeth Williston


    • Diana M Salerno

      Kathy H: You follow Mario because, hopefully, you are a Christian. How in the world can you be so out of touch with reality? Please pray for discernment. We are fighting evil here. I pray you and others with your MSM mindset get on the right side of this fight. Question who is gaslighting you with lies.

      • Larry S

        Diana, Kathy is no Christian. She is a social media troll who is likely getting paid to come to websites like Mario’s and stir up trouble. Don’t waste your time or effort ‘casting pearl before swine”. She is not looking to get saved, she loves the death cult she belongs to and it is high time actual Christians are honest enough about who and what these folks are in order to identify them and defend against them. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing hoping to infiltrate the flock and cause mayhem.

      • Elizabeth Williston


    • Carla Willson

      Kathy, you need to wake up and open your eyes to the lies around you that claim that D. Trump wants to destroy America. He loves America. He is not perfect, but he is anointed and speaks the truth. We had success in all areas while he was president for 4 years. Look at your gas prices, look at the open borders, thousands flooding in to destroy us, not knowing and checking any of their backgrounds for safety from health to political. I pray that God opens your heart and your eyes.

      • Elizabeth Williston


    • kathleen

      What do you think is happening to our Country now. Read History starting early 1930s when the Nazi Party used techniques to control Germany, commit genocide on a Nation; take people’s rights and money away; using propaganda and cohortion led the Country into a great War (WWII). If you compare that history with what is happening in our Government now, you might think we are Repeating History! By allowing corrupt politicians to weaponize Justice Systems our borders to be invaded causing more lawlessness such as Human trafficking and the availability of illegal drugs. You just might reconsider what/who is destroying our country!!

    • Pamela M Bach

      Trump derangement syndrome anyone?

    • Elena Sanchez

      You are without knowledge! The best of Times were under the Trump Administration, when boarders were closed, Our cities were not overrun by the violent Antefa & BLM .. When gas and food was affordable .. The Nations were at peace and we weren’t printing trillions of dollars .. You need to peddle your propaganda to the communist left not us !!

    • Barbara James

      This whole senerio reminds me of the religious leaders back in Jesus’s time. Remember what Saul/Paul did to Stephen when Stephen called them out? Saul/Paul didn’t have a rifle but he had rocks and they stoned Stephen and then went after the Christians. If the Church doesn’t wake up and stop being “seeker friendly”, making everyone happy, they are going to be the next on the list for stoning by the evil that is trying to take over our nation and world 😔

    • Michael Langford

      America saw how God’s grace & mercy works. We must pray for Donald Trump’s protection. Lord Jesus send the Holy Spirit to America and bring revival.

    • Sharon

      Thank you for showing who you are…a godless pitiful person
      Please give your heart to Jesus before it’s too late for you.

    • Randy Minnick

      Let’s see….Trump is “America First”. The Dems are “America and Americans Last”. Trump is for pro-life. Dems are for the slaughtering of babies in their mother’s wombs. They are, in fact, a death cult. Trump is a businessman and knows how to run them. Dems are lawyers and politicians (most of whom have never had a real job) who want to control and regulate and tax us to death. They can’t run a brothel in Nevada (true story). Trump is pro-God. The Dems are ANTI-God and have proven it every way and every day. They have taken God out of the schools and everything that they can They are Anti-Christ and Anti-Constitutional and fight against everything that our Founding Fathers gave us. Dems are pro-perversion and support all evil in the name of “equality”. The Dems are Socialists who want to destroy our nation and start over with communism. Simple as that. If you would do your homework instead of just carrying your books to school, you would know that I’m 100% right.

    • Sherry

      You speak pure evil I will pray for you. Take a look around you to see what Biden and hies cronies have down to the country. High gas, open boarders, inflation. You need to take your blinders off.

    • Lorraine Jones

      Kathy H , God will deal with you!!!

    • phil beatty


    • Beverly O. Watson

      You are willfully ignorant to not realize Trump was a president who worked hard for America and its citizens. We prospered. We had good leadership. People who were not doing their jobs were replaced by a more responsible person. Just like in the workplace where I was employed. You got the boot if you didn’t do your job.

    • Christopher Westerman

      What is wrong with you? Under Trump the world was much more peaceful, our economy prospered, black unemployment was the lowest it has ever been, our enemies feared us, and on and on it went. Which of these things are you against? You should wake up. We were doing great until Joe Biden took over.

    • Mary


      So sorry you have been fed propaganda. During Trump’s 2016 presidency, interest rates were 1.8% compared to Biden’s 7.5% today, no wars under Trump, but two major ones with Biden, grocery prices up 30%, gas doubling and so much more. Tell me, is this Trump’s destruction or Biden’s?

    • Thomas Holohan


    • Diana Carlson

      Wake up your are delusional..
      pray to the Lord for forgiveness,

    • John


      It’s time to wake up and stop following the devil. Present Trump loves his country and will stand by us. He said that he will drain the swamp and I sure hope he can because this country is corrupted by our politicians. All the Democrats worship the devil With Nancy Pelosi being the head of it. It is time for all the Democrats to start following Jesus Christ and not the devil. God bless everybody that we can get President Trump reelected and the devil out of office.

    • Patricia Holley

      Lady, You are so delusional. Open your eyes and ears and see the truth. Ask for it!

    • Sam

      Obviously you have been brainwashed by the media! And allowing them to control you! This is still a free country where we can vote freely. However, the democrats saw fit to corrupt our election and destroy our free choice! I think you need to do some honest research and get your head on straight! Seek the truth on your own instead of believing the media’s lies!

    • Rose

      That’s a lie!!!!

  2. Judith

    100% spot on. Then the democrats would shoot Jesus.. wait they hung Him on a cross, didn’t they?

    • BJ Madden

      Agreed!!! Same
      Mentality!! Not comparing ANYONE to Jesus- but Jesus was a threat to those in power and their control of the people for their own selfish benefit!!!
      Now, Jesus went to the Cross- died and rose on third day to take the sins of the world and provide a path for Redemption!! But now those who have set up their own power contolled regime (Obama puppeteer using Biden) will do anything – including assignation- to maintain power over the people… all prices are higher than ever…international view of America is a joke… we are a joke… I haven’t been a fan of either candidate- but this changes the picture… if Trump had not turned his head in that microsecond… this would be a complete picture of 11/22/1963!!

    • Sharon

      Poor demon possessed soul. Give your heart to Jesus before it is too late

  3. Liz Reyes

    I totally agree with you Mario, you are 100% accurate! These Dems are misguided and influenced by demonic spirits, the truth is not in them. They are a death cult, as you stated. I believe God spared Trump, so the world would not end, and that he still has mercy on America, the great, who has helped so many nations and was founded on Godly principles. Thank you Mario for the truth you are boldly speaking. God Bless you.

    • Rick Mueller

      Just want to weigh in .Thank you Mario for sharing the full truth about our nation needing to return to Christ and the facts surrounding the assination attempt.

  4. Kendra

    There are many corrupt politicians and beauticians in both parties. Yet, the Democrat Party has indeed been the source of consistent evil for a very long time. Vote them out.

  5. Victoria Ferris

    Truly honest evaluation and must be acted upon for what it is : assassination attempt! And the protection of a true and reigning God protected Trump! Now we must demand they CALL it what is is and demand it NEVER happen again. People died!!

  6. Rev. Vincent Gulino

    Thank you Bro. Mario
    You are one hundred percent correct. A friend called me within a few minutes of the shooting and you could not find it on the net anywhere. It was not on any news service. I did finally find it on newsmax it’s was the only place you could get info for at least a half hour or more!!! Also still standing in the healing of my heart issue from when you spoke over me in the tent in Phoenix AZ
    Praise the Lord I am healed showed my Doctor the video of you speaking over me in the tent on Sunday night. She was in tears and is a believer. Thank you Jesus and Thank you Bro. Mario

    • Carol L Lyons

      Wonderful to hear of your healing !!
      God is so good!!

    • Linda Stevens

      Thank u Mario for your blog. Right on. Is there anyway U can contact Trump to get his own security? Or maybe he realizes it now. The SS work for Biden Obama etc and their hatred of Trump and democracy. They do not want him around.

  7. Erin Wright

    Amen Bro. Mario! They are trying so hard to get rid of him. From false accusations, witch hunts, Russia, Russia, Russia. Planting false evidence regarding Top Secret documents! But our Lotd and Savior has His hand on Trump. I decree and declare that no weapons formed against Trump shall prosper. In Jesus’ Name!

    • Carla Willson

      Mario, thank you for speaking the truth. You are absolutely right.

  8. Luz

    I believe that our president Trump is still with us because of divine intervention. How else can this man survive so much evil done by the democrats who have no moral compass and are doing satan work. People must wake up from the spell that the media, entertainment, and the government has cast upon us. Trump is not our savior. Jesus is ,but I believe that Trump is being used to expose all the evil that exists within our government. We must all pray for Trump and his family. We must also remember that at the end of all this madness,God is in control .

    • Mike Nelson

      Yes, we must see this as it is: a complete act of God! Also, we must continue to hold up the coming of our Lord and Savior as the only true King. This may be the unveiling of evil that precedes the last of the last days. Hold Fast The Faith!

  9. Vada alen

    True.. Boden should pack his bags and move on to the nurssong home
    hwhere he belongs.

  10. Etna Labuschagne

    God saved President Trump, we will have to plead the Blood of Jesus constantly and pray Ps. 91 over President Donald Trump.

    • Michelle

      Amen. I agree. Ps. 91 is very powerful. I have been praying it for years for many family members, friends and President Trump and his family. I have witnessed the impact of the results.
      Praise God for His almighty love.

    • Mary

      Keep praying for President Trump and America that God will open the eyes of the blind to the truth because the Democrats prove every day they do not have the people of this countries best interest at heart, only their own agenda.

    • Myra Moody

      Yes, God is mightily using President Trump, and everyone must ask Holy Spirit how to specifically go into our own world, preach the Gospel and stand against this evil.

      More signs and wonders!

      • Mary

        God has used imperfect, even immoral men to become great leaders. They followed God’s purpose & plan for their lives. Donald Trump has become such a man to lead us out of darkness. God Bless America!

    • Danielle Andrea Hughes

      As I prayed for President Trump the Lord brought Isaiah 54: 17 to mind.

      “No weapon formed against you will prevail”.
      It continues with and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me declares the Lord”
      The Lord saved our leader, and I join with the post above that quotes to plea the Blood of Jesus over President Trump.



  11. Gracie

    I live in the UK and people don’t realise once the US is finished, so is there still of the world. Our government only had 36% of votes but has 61% of the housecseats. Yes figure that one out. It is corrupt every where. We have to look at global politics if we want to see the full picture. Frances right wete way out in front. But look how all of a sudden it turned around. Trump represents us all! Our media is just as bad if not worse. We’ll keep praying for our deliverance and the global leaders who dare stand against the elites

    • Sandra

      If democrats get back in we will be raptured!! GOD says HE will take us out of before Anti-christ is known! But our Country is sold out already to satan! Praying that all that will (will be saved)! No one will want to be here because to go to heaven you will have to be beheaded, unless you can hide! But to receive the mark of the beast you are doomed to the lake of fire for all eternity! Evil is worse now than it has ever been!

    • Marsha Hill

      Romans 8:28
      Watch & see

    • Osa Graves III

      Well said !
      We trust in God Father, Jesus Christ first
      Corruption is everywhere
      It’s evil

      Together we have Truth & Victory
      Osa Sweden / USA

    • Pat

      file:///var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/63/03/AAB7E113-4BE2-4762-B96F-9DEE44DF2668/IMG_2347.heic1Chronicles 19
      I couldn’t help but think of Trumps words after he was attacked and escorted off stage, “Fight! fight!”
      We are called to a battle in this day of trouble. Let us take courage and fight our enemies as the Lord leads.

  12. Lynn Thompson

    Well said!

  13. Gregory Cuellar

    Amen! l totally agree with you Mario we need to vote them out.

    • Mary

      We voted them out last time we need to make it Too Big To Rig , that means…
      ALL “CHRISTIANS” need to vote and Vote the Bible , for the one who is fighting for America! Trump 2024

    • Mary

      Yes! Go in person and Vote!!

      • Elva Valdez

        Vote yes—But vote before the day your state votes—please don’t wait until voting day—that gives them a chance to cheat and reason to keep counting — if your state has mail in ballots don’t drop it in the Mail— take it to your county voting registration office let’s not give them a chance to cheat— check to see in your state if you’re allowed to do harvesting that’s one way we can beat them at there own game

  14. Geri McCaleb

    Thank you Mario, for this great analysis. After hearing the eye witness saying that he told police about the man crawling up the roof with a rifle, I wondered if the Secret Service sniper had to wait for permission to shoot. I have heard that In the withdrawal from Afghanistan, a sniper saw the suicide bomber approaching but never received permission to shoot and that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of people including 13 American soldiers.

    Thank God for sparing President Trumps life. The media and Washington politicians are a national disgrace.

    • LAUREN Pamela Laub

      Thank you Mario for cutting through all the rhetoric and getting to the heart of the matter. There is a battle going on in the heavenlies. The devil has his Cult of Death party, but we have Jesus Christ and His Church! Wake up people! We are winning, but not without persecution and failed assassination attempts. Thank God, He saved President Trump 🙏

  15. Norma Durr

    Yes. The facts you have pointed out should wake up not only the Believers in our Lord Jesus but the individuals sitting in the fence who haven’t had the cognitive ability to get off the fence and demand accountability and the subsequent justice to follow. The comments made by the terrorists on the left should not only cause us to become angry but demand that they be held accountable for aiding and abetting violence.

    • T J Owen

      You said it best Mario. 👌 Thank you for being obedient to the King of Kings! It’s time for the church to Stand United!! God Bless You and your family.

    • Dean Johnston

      James 1; 1 John 1; 1 Peter 1; DON’T fall for the deception. Jeremiah 17:5 and yes the “church” is emersed in this deception.

  16. Thelma Theresa T Hawthorne

    I have been amazed at the moronisity of the American for a long time. All of these people have sold their souls for power and greed.ignorance of the law is not recognized in the natural realm and neither is it in the spiritual realm.

  17. Louie C

    And yet there are “Christians” who will still vote for Democrats. They see all the ungodliness that Democrats stand for and still support them. Wow!

  18. Rod Tidd

    O Dear God help USA

    • Honor Graciano

      God save this country to his glory!

  19. Stephen Muzick

    Mario, You are absolutely correct. there are many videos talking of ways to get rid of Trump. When lawfare didn’t work then assassination was tried. But for God they would have succeeded. But, God wasn’t having it. God saved Trump. It was purely a miracle he survived. And then to get up and throw up his fist was awesome. He showed he is a fighter who isn’t going to be taken down easy. He knows what is going on in our country and who is trying to destroy it. But, more than that, God knows it more than Trump does. Only someone like Trump can actually change the course America is on. And it sure looks like God is helping him. God bless Trump and God bless America.

  20. Lynda Lawson

    This is a negligent or intentional assassination from within our current administration and is so fearful of Trump. I thank God for His protection which is greater than the plans of the enemy

    • Mary Goldsmith

      Yes and amen . Under his wings we find refuge .. and arrow may fly by day but no weapon formed against me shall prosper !

  21. Edith

    I am totally in agreement with the 5 points. We are praying for President Trump and the nation as well as this administration that is behaving like communist. There have been senior retirees of the secret service saying that this may have been an inside job. 1. Not enough security. 2 People informed the secret service with time that there was a person with a latter and rifle climbing up a building close to where President Trump was. 3. There were jo drones checking the area. 4 They took long to take action. 5. They took too long to take President Trump off the podium.

  22. Su Smith

    I see the fingerprints of the CIA or other deep state actors on this event: find some disposable human willing to do your dirty work then snuff him out to so he can’t turn you in and yet make it look like the Secret Service has done its job. How did the shooter know that building would be unsecured?

    • Mary

      Yes Secret service , FBI, CIA and many other agencies are in on it and they know Trump knows and will eradicate them once in office ! It’s a spiritual war against good and evil !
      God will win !!!

    • Patricia Stanton

      In 1963 when Democrats loved this Country! John F Kennedy saw the corruption in our Government. He started changes the Good Ol Boys didn’t like . I sat with my Grandmother watching the funeral procession. She cried telling Me this man stood for the people of America. I feel History is repeating itself . Reading articles 40 years later proving the Money greed of the Good Ol Boys was far more important than human life .
      Obama’s Father wrote a book how he wanted to destroy America!!! I’m wondering are the Obama’s going to make it look like their stepping in to save America 🇺🇸 with Michelle for the leftist’s While they want to look like Hero’s to destroy America for great wealth & control to communism. People will be fooled ! Keep Praying for God to remove Satan’s fog over America, History is repeating again ! Wake up America God !
      Plead the blood of Jesus over America, Israel , Trump and All of Us who love the Lord . Praying for wicked Men’s Soul’s to turn to God . I love Mario Murillo Ministries and everyone
      Volunteering to offer the gift of God’s eternal life to America. When l volunteer the Atmosphere of the Holy Spirit
      Under that tent brings a love you will never experience anywhere else except with Jesus.

    • Adelin Schauer

      You are so right. Many of us feel the same. Thank you God for saving
      President Trump.

  23. Ray Krammes

    Yes and Amen!!

  24. Erika Waldvogel


  25. Nancy

    I never dreamed I would see the hatred in people so rampant as I do now, it seems Anger has become the new norm from the top down, throughout all classes of people. I believe we should hate evil and love good, follow what is right and do it

  26. Cynthia

    The most accurate statement I’ve read. I am angry and frightened at the same time. We are fighting an epic evil that will not be contained. I pray to God that his plan will protect Trump and protect us.

    • Kathy

      Greater is he who is in us ,than he who is in this world

  27. Patricia Sullivan


  28. Lafe Murray

    God continue to bless all you do to honor Jesus.


    I’m angry! I don’t trust anyone in public office. They are all about power. Praying God’s mercy on our country!

  30. Deborah

    You are right on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is sickening and i feel in the pit of my stomach!!!!!!!!! I thank GOD for President Trumps life and every day I pray for his supernatural shelter and protection IN JESUS NAME!!!!!!!!!!! And i have since the 2020 election was stolen from him!!!!!!!!! God has him!!! He is annointed and appointed by GOD for the next 4 years and man can not take him out!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank YOU JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Sandra

      I agree 100%!

  31. Donna

    Elohim our creator who sees everything. Thank you for the protection of your anointed. I pray that the people will open their eyes and put on the Armor of God and pray for this Country. Evil will not succeed, in the name of Yeshua.

  32. Valerie McLeish

    Thank you Mario for telling us the whole truth. Thank you, thank you. God bless you. God bless and keep Donald Trump and his family. Valerie McLeish

  33. Scotty Mathis

    It is time for Us all to. ask the LORD what would You have Me to do FATHER, and be obedient to what HE tells Us to do. Our LORD so Graciously spared the Man willing to take on Mob of corruption that runs our country presently. You cannot stop The LORD from taking care of HIS children. HE is an Awesome GOD. Ask GOD what HE would have You to do and be obedient. Blessings

  34. Ben Rhodes

    Yes Vote them out! Pray they come to themselves ,by Gods mercy .Thanks be to God who gives us the victory though our Lord Jesse Christ. God see the ending WE WIN!

  35. Brenda

    Yes it is really sad that they voted against proper protection
    Roof secret service staff should have been in place
    And indeed if the public could watch this shooter ,why was he not removed then
    The death and injury of not just president DJT but others would not have happened
    Why the hesitation
    And yet Obama calls to say what. Ohhh. Praise God they all failed again

  36. Randy E Carmichael

    Amen Brother thanks for sharing. Prayers for Trump ,our nation , you and your ministries.

  37. Samuel Ventura

    The Democrats hate Trump, Israel, Christians and the true American people.
    My LORD JESUS CHRIST hates these 6 things and 7 are an abortination to him: A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that she’d innocent blood, A heart that devices wicked plans, Feet that that are swift to running to evil, A false witness who speaks lies, And one who speaks discord among brothren. This describes the demonic media and some of the demonic leaders in our government. Thank you Mario Marillo for telling the truth and wanting our eyes and ears opened. May our LORD JESUS continue to bless you with his wisdom, his knowledge, his instruction, his understanding and his ways. I honor you for that.

  38. Larry Geiser

    Amen Amen,


  39. Bethanne House

    Mario, back in 1980, my mom and I attended a revival you did at Kenny Foreman’s church, Faith Temple in San Jose. You and I were both young then. lol. My husband and I were at Bethel with Bill Johnson for several years and now we live in Cleveland Tennessee. You’ll be speaking at our conference in October with Perry Stone, so we’re looking forward to seeing you. I just wanted to comment on your message here. Yes, we’re very angry and troubled, but your last comment about ‘voting them out’ just doesn’t fit. “We the people” DID vote them out in 2020. We voted them out of the house, senate, and white house, yet evil prevailed. The people’s vote was stolen and stomped on and there is much proof showing that. God and the military will have to protect our elections since ‘just voting’ isn’t enough in these dark days. When the lights went out in the wee hours of the morning 2020, it was clear the senate and the white house were stolen and the ‘will’ of the people was spit on. We’re in an extreme spiritual war as you well know. Voting isn’t enough, but we must add to that, storming the kingdom of heaven and using authority against the enemy. We’re in the end of days and one day closer to Christ’s return. Thanks for being a warrior.
    Bethanne House

    • Sandra

      I couldn’t have said it better!!!! But GOD is laughing at them, thinking they have power to come against HIM, Almighty FATHER GOD our creator!!!!!!!

    • Dale Pennington

      Bethanne House, you are spot on depicting what happened to our 2020 election and discerning how we should be interceding now… the gates/ powers of hell shall not prevail as we follow King Jesus!

  40. Tim Maertens

    An excellent prayerful, thoughtful analysis, Mario.

  41. Wayne Barber

    I’m afraid the Democratic Party is so wicked that our Lord Jesus has given them over to their reprobate minds. It could be an example of what’s coming.

  42. Jean A Wyble

    Thank you for carefully finding out more facts than I knew! They seem to want to do more bad to someone than to do good …they spend more time manipulating us in the media than opening the word of God and learning what love is and does…they forgot there are consequences for their actions s regardless…God help us not to hate but to have righteous anger and also pray for them! Thank you for collecting all this information for us to know the rest of the story!

  43. Pamela West

    Absolutely spot on!

  44. Jean

    Thank you Mario. I looked for your take on it. Because of the raid on Mara Lago I became a Republican. I can’t wait to vote these nutjobs out in November. The dems will never stop because all they do is cheat, lie and destroy. Just like satan.

    • Suzanne

      Amen and Amen to what Mario wrote. God did protect Donald Trump for a reason…

  45. HolySpiritFilled

    I agree 💯,000%!!!
    The USSS, Pennsylvania “law” enforcement, Lamestream propaganda outlets, ALL demonRats calling for The Boss’ assassination ON TV and IN PRINT (posts on social media) need to ALL be help accountable!!!!

  46. Vicki Burke

    It’s all apart of “the plan” to keep him out of office so they can continue their evil plan of destroying our nation. This is just like all the other political assassinations of the past. Deeply covered up. I pray God will expose everyone involved

  47. Glinda Duke

    Thank you, Mario. It’s because of Man like you that we can have a future in the United States and across the world thank you for preaching the true world of God and standing up for what is right and godly.

  48. Larry Lavallee

    GET OUT & VOTE 🗳

  49. Gloria Turkin

    This country is so devided!!! I have never seen such atrocities as I see today. This man Donald Trump is a strong leader and is great for our country, but he is in the way of plans that will bring America down. I have never dreamed to hear people that I love say they hate a man so much to be happy if he is killed. This nation is in such darkness, but I know. God who is creator of all , and I know He will not allow these devils to destroy America. There are too many crying out in prayer against these so called leaders of this country that is selling us out . If people will vote these evil people out of office God’s hands will move. People are waiting in God to do something but He is waiting on us to take our stand against all this evil. Thank you Mario for taking a stand and bringing a word of strength to our weakened nation.

  50. Liz Brasher

    You are do on track. Give us direction an d a plan please. Im ready

    • Karol Larsen

      Pray! Volunteer to be an election judge. Watch over the counts in November. Register people to vote in your church and give them voting guides. Support your local candidates. Go door knocking for them. Research all candidates. Don’t listen to the ads!

  51. Doreen Tucker

    Amen to that!!
    Pray and vote and come in unity for good to defeat evil.

  52. Gilbert Garcia

    I totally agree and I lift up President Trump and his family that they continue to be protected by God’s Devine hands. Only God can cause Trump to move the direction to avoid a direct hit. I pray those involved including the (USSSS) be brought to justice. Someone with a rifles d scope, on a roof top, aiming towards the True President isn’t trying to get a better view. He shouldn’t have been able to get one shot off much less 8. Those two guys need to be relieved of duty and no longer trusted. If the USSSS is as corrupted like the FBI, we are all in trouble. Heavenly Father we ask that you protect Your David. We know how much you plan to use this man for your glory. We thank you and ask it all in Jesus’Name. Amen

  53. J H

    Mario, you have voiced the outrage many of us feel. If anything goes “nuclear” it should be your post today. Thank you.

  54. Elizabeth

    Absolutely brilliant. Thank you Mario. May God protect Donald Trump and give him the victory he deserves.

  55. Ron Rupp

    Justice always will reign, it seems slow, but will always reign…Ps 139:16 says HE has written in our book HIS plan…this did not surprise HIM saturday, is it a wakeup call to Americans where marxists government sits now…I remember the atmosphere after Reagan and Kennedy, of course and especially Kennedy…a mistrust arose from the people…no matter what was printed or telecasts, trust was not there…AMERICANS are wiser than the snake

  56. helen lavoie

    the video”what will they do to stop him” here in canada -because of gov regulations.I am not aloud to view itThis is so sad.I love everything that you are speaking about.–I am determined to find a way to see it.in the meantime I am praying for MMM.–very often.and praying for DJT and USA

  57. Janet

    I’m an 81 year old women, and in my life time when you threatened a president they did something about your threat. So what is going on here with all the threats on Trump. If that was Biden or any of the back presidents that person would be in jail
    without a trail!!

  58. Daniel Clubb

    Register to vote…Get your close frienfs to registrr…then VOTE!!

  59. L Scott Wentzloff

    Truth Spoken here. Thank you! it is critical that this is discussed, Explained… YES in the pulpits of America. No more stalling. We as Christians lay waste as bystanders on purpose in the pew, while the World keeps imploding around us. Timid Pastors either stand up for Righteousness of leading the people or step down please. Stop abdicating the “full” responsibility of Leading the People forward into Victory. Jericho must fall.

    • Sandra

      So glad to hear people stand against preachers that are afraid to stay for right and truth. I pray everyday for them to be a mouth piece for truth and for what is coming! No one would want me to preach because i would preach the lake of fire like bro. Norris did when I was young. He preached Revelations and when his son got cancer and he turned to the Bible he was kidded for it! Thank GOD he remembered his dad’s preaching and chose heaven over hell!

  60. Mary B.

    Thank you Mario, well written and truthful as always

  61. Sheila

    Excellent points..I will be using them..

  62. Patricia Jeter

    It’s so obvious. You are right.

  63. Beverly Belle

    Thank you Mario for making things clear for all those that keep covering up their eyes and ears to the truth of what is happening in our nation. I thank God for protecting President Trump and I pray a hedge of protection over him daily. Everyone will stand before God one day and will answer to Him for the decisions they have made.

  64. Elizabeth Southard

    How true this is. It amazes me to see how soon people can forget what has taken place in 2017,and how they believe what comes out of the white house.
    1 Samuel chapter’s 17, 18, 19.
    This is happening now.
    God is watching over Trump and his family.
    Thank You Father GOD 🙏

  65. Clarissa

    Anger and outrage should motivate all men and women to remove their local government from power and authority. We women and men are NOT going to vote these people out of power. The election system is an atrocity. The only route is to take action locally. Simply identifying illegitimate oaths of office. Very simple premise and very little investment of time.

    • Sandra

      I agree!! Our city leaders are trying to destroy our small city but for a few prayer warriors that meet weekly in the square to pray for our City and County and one that drives 45 minutes from Tallahassee to pray do we believe GOD will intervene. And when I told GOD I would pray for the Mayor to be saved HE told me to pray for the City to be saved!! We are living in the last hours not days anymore!! Evil is trying to Invade even the methodist Church, but we come against all abominations in the name of Jesus!!

  66. Linda Vassallo

    I agree Mario,
    I’m scared and I also don’t know how to speak to my adult child as she was brainwashed by her dead father’s side African Americans that hate Trump. She is civil and cordial to me as she just had a child. She has not reached out to me regarding this and I pray while she visits with them that they are not saying he deserves it. He does not ! No one deserves to be killed! They kill baby wouldn’t they kill a man they here do much. I pray God takes this chain off of him!!! The chain of Hatred from the left! Until then I have to live in fear for my family and possibly see them get hurt or they decide they don’t want me as they know I voted for him. I am scared Mario

    • Leonard Carroll

      Dear Linda,

      Try not to give in to fear. God knows your heart, and He will watch over you. I hope to see you one day in God’s glory.

  67. Ruth Ferree

    6. A traitor within the Secret Service and should the FBI REALLY be in charge of investigating this? I had an alert in my spirit watching the replays how one agent was holding the red MAGA hat right in front of Mr. Trump’s heart as they were helping him stand back up. So why not pin the red flag in front of the target and help them? Then last night I was listening to a couple prophets admit they also are sensing an implanted traitor within the agency helping facilitate the attempt. Why not, the CIA operated the JFK assassination in Dallas. This was purely another murder attempt as there have been at least 19 other assassination attempts on Mr. Trump. What is wrong with our military? Aren’t they protecting their Commander in Chief during war manuevers? Or the SCOTUS sitting on their overturn of the 2020 stolen election?

    I HAVE to proclaim the hand of God protecting Mr. Trump, HIS chosen leader by guiding that bullet exactly to the ear/side of a kill shot = bringing down the enemy of God- the evil behind these works. In their evil, they have released God to protect and act where humans are severely failing cowering behind an unqualified king Saul. Anyone ever read the story of Goliath and his brothers? God guided that bullet, too.

  68. Mary Vasser

    You are spot on about every detail Pastor Mario. President Trump cannot trust secret service, he must get his own protection. Media must no longer be allowed to spread false propaganda and no one should be able to say bullseye on someone, All should be held accountable moving forward. God Bless America🙏🇺🇸

  69. LAUREN Pamela Laub

    Such an eye opening,accurate assessment of the Death Cult! This is not what the Democrat Party used to be. They have been taken over by demonized Radical Marxists whose agenda is the total destruction of America! TRUMP and the Blood Bought Saints, the Church are the only things standing in their way!

  70. Sharon Jeanne Daigle

    I have been waiting for you comments Mario! You see things so clearly and point out the absolute truth. May God continue to bless you and keep you.

  71. JoAnna


  72. Shirley Steed

    Mario you are exactly correct on all 5 counts. God was protecting President Trump not the secret service! The
    women who heads it up should be fired. Thank You Mario for getting out the
    Truth. May God continue to bless you and President Trump!! God has Blessed the
    USA and I hope He continues.

  73. Maxine Rudison

    Diabolical. Don’t forget that they will not be able to succeed as long as we remain united in prayer and fasting for God’s protection. To God be all the glory for rescuing president Trump from the hands of the wicked.

  74. Betty Gasch

    This is spot on! I would add that the mentioned Democrats are being pushed, goaded, and led by demonic spirits…likely willingly but do not forget prayers against the forces that control these people!

  75. Deborah Miller

    Absolute truth!

  76. Charles

    As a trained former LEO sniper, I can tell you that the overall deployment of the CST appears to have been at least a couple of teams short.
    The team you are referring to could not see the sniper initially because he used the slope of the roof to shield himself from them until he went to make the shot. It appears that their attention was being drawn to the area, likely by the citizens yelling and pointing at what the team could not see.
    There is no policy against taking the 1st shop to protect the protectee.
    The issue is that those roofs and other likely threat areas should have been covered or secured and they were not.
    My prayers are also for a USSS that was set up to fail by leadership somewhere along the line. A sniper cannot hit what he cannot see. Someone failed in both security of the site and deployment of personnel. Let’s not blame that particular CST without further information. I suspect the true enemy is the demonic concept of DEI hiring.

  77. Linda Phelps

    This is what we shall not forget I believe in peace as much as is within us . However we are not to remain silent where evil abounds
    Our sword in one hand while we continue to build the kingdom of God. Thank you Mario for naming names it’s good to know & remember Gods enemies.

  78. Bradley Gudgeon


    It is obvious to me that this was a WEF, globalist controlled attempted assassination of Trump. Shades of the Kennedy assassination run through this theme, IMO.

    Today, the Sun squares Chiron, the Wounded Healer. Mars also conjuncts Uranus at 26 deg. Taurus conjunct the fixed Demon Star Algol. Watch for intense world wide events through at least the 22nd of July and a mini crash on Wall Street (not THE crash). Economic wars always beget shotting wars, so the BRICS nations may attempt to assert their power over the Anglo-American/NATO Alliance possibly by currency manipulations or selling of US bonds. The intensity increases around the 18th as the Sun in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus.

    There are many more ugly Gann/Wave/Astro cycles coming up through this weekend. This is a warning sign, a shot across the bow that the Globalists are trying to take us to Civil War and WW3, and a major market crash (the crash comes first).

    Trump will be elected, but the mess he (we) will inherit will make him weep in the White House. All Christians should weep with him for allowing this to happen to our once great country!


    Brad Gudgeon

  79. Brenda

    So sick as now after Biden says get hi in the bulls eye threats that today he is saying a different story
    Why because he knows he is part of this act
    Yes say be nice now ,but just days ago they Demi tried to pass a law of hate to take away President Trumps security
    My these Demi are so and Biden such liars. Haters and deception of CNN etc standing telling more lies.
    Please “oh “Lord end their reign

  80. Marilyn

    Last night, my pastor called his flock for an hour of prayer at 9 PM for peace and for Trump’s healing and protection. I was amazed and heartened that at least 75% who attended were Hispanic.

  81. Mark Benassi

    I have found myself thinking about the exodus. It as not enough to lead the Jews out of Egypt to the promised land. That was the easy part. It had to be done in a way that also led to the destruction of the Egyptian army and power. that was what happened at the crossing of the Red Sea. This is what is happening today. It is not enough for Trump and righteous people to take back the government. The power of the radical insane leftists and fascists who have been running the world has to also be destroyed at the same time and that means the end of the complicit education system, media, entertainment, financial systems, etc. It would be easy for Trump and his conservative supporters to win this election but it would not survive unless that other power was destroyed at the same time. This is what God is accomplishing that is so hard to see.

  82. Jonathan DuPar

    Donald Trump has been chosen by God for a time such as this, and the entire world has now seen that you cannot harm Gods chosen man!

  83. Laura A Lopez

    Thank you Mario. The first thing that came out of my mouth was “Thank You Jesus! You saved his life. The world just witnessed a miracle right before their eyes.” One thing I’ve learned from President Trump is how to be strong and stand in my faith. I’m not saying he is perfect in anyway, none of us are, but he has shown me what God’s Word truly means. I am a very bold person for Christ. I understand how Trump is. We must never. bow to the enemy. We are to stand up like David did to Goliath. I trust God to keep me protected and get me through all my trials with Victory! He has never disappointed me. I see the positive out of the negative. I was taught by a very humble pastor to always turn it around. In 2015, God spoke to me about Trump. Like many of you, He told me he was the donkey. God never lies or goes back on His Word. I’ve been through it all and I’m still standing in Christ Jesus. Thank you again Mario. I pray for your protection and May our Lord continue to open doors that lead many to Him. Amen 🙏🏼

  84. Glen Kippel

    Mario, what a great analysis. Why weren’t there Secret Service officers on that rooftop as well as the other one? We may never know.

    But, I want to see you on Flashpoint soon! Please!

    P.S. I first saw you speak at Jesus `76 in that field outside Orlando, Florida and have always admired your ministry. Keep it up!

  85. Emiko Sugita Esquibel

    There was another shot that hit his bulletproof vest – same side as his right ear. This is a shame for the Secret Service to allow this to happen. What happen to the days when all the roof tops were guarded by Secret Service? Thank God we can always count on the Lord and his Angels. There was a professy given approx month ago if this type of situation happened Pres Trump would be prompted to move his head to safety – which he did. Thank you Mario for telling the people to “stand up” its time for us to take charge its our country! God will help us take back our country!!!

  86. Tony

    Thank YOU KING JESUS For Protecting President Trump. All Glory To GOD ALMIGHTY! Praised Be YOU KING JESUS… HALLELUJAH!!! We as Followers of KING JESUS are all under attack. Armor Up! Spiritual Warfare greater than ever before. Armor Up!

  87. Pamela Chapman

    Thank you, Mario! A man of God filled with His boldness.

    I am so tired of Christians telling me I need to quell my emotions.

    Be angry but sin not. I love God and I love America. I have been engaged. Yes. I’m angry and encourage Christians to be just as and VOTE THEM OUT. Overwhelm the system. Collect ballots. It’s legal in many states.

    Sitting home praying won’t cut it. Pray and then take action! Be involved! Do not fear. Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might.

    Help Make America a God-fearing Nation again.

  88. Robert

    The left has been lusting for blood and has done everything in its power to extract it from President Trump from the get-go. Had the sniper succeeded the left would be celebrating behind closed doors while pretending that they were horrified and grief-stricken in front of the cameras. Evil is the endless destruction of everything that is true, which just happens to be the modus operandi of the left. It’s no surprise that this failed attempt to assassinate President Trump has the left spinning the narrative the way they are, these are bloodthirsty people.
    Proverbs 29:10 Bloodthirsty men hate a man of integrity and seek to kill the upright

  89. Trish Wenzl

    Thanks to Mario for his outstanding well spoken words of the factors (truth) Its Spiritual Warfare we been hearing for sometime ARMOR UP

    What I felt in the Spirit, as I looked at photo of the snipers on the roof, make a
    appeared, so all can see, Stand Down, do nothing, let the shooter act then take him
    out so he can not talk. its a clean act of a plan that has now backfire, God showed
    his Glory We all need to look deeper and deeper what is going on All Sunday I prayed with several groups for DJT and family, been praying for DJT for several years now, there is more to come kid yourself not Church Wake up and Pray , Fast, and Pray Pray NO NOT FEAR we been told the shaking is coming its now HERE

  90. W. Guy

    I am a retired law enforcement firearms instructor and Range Master. I must say this: law enforcement officers are trained to eliminate the threat. A person pointing a gun at you or another person is a threat. We are trained to shoot to eliminate the threat thereby preventing the bad guy from getting off a shot and injuring or killing someone. The threat is the bad guy shooting and must be prevented from doing so.

  91. M J Joyce

    When I first saw the video of Trump with blood streaming down his face surrounded by the Secret Service, I cried. You know, the Democrats have put him through hell on this earth. Now this happens. Satan hates brave men like Trump. Trump is very dangerous to Satan, and that is why Satan comes against him so much. You people better watch out what you let Satan put in your thoughts and mind. I heard Biden say recently that he knows right from wrong. He is totally evil and his life and mind are totally controlled by the enemy. If you are a supposed Christian, and you can’t see that, then you are really pitiful. You will be held accountable some day before God. Mario, as always, you hit the nail right on the head. Thank you for your much needed comments!

  92. Marleen

    Thank you, Brother Mario. The most straight forward “analysis “ I’ve read yet.
    Holy Spirit, fill Your people anew with power and wisdom.
    Unite true believers. Give us strength to persevere in prayer and to realize the times we are living in.

  93. Charlene

    I’ve been arguing with dumb democrats with their head in the sand since Saturday.
    No matter what you say to some people, they just will not “see”. It’s called cognitive dissonance; the state of affairs which occurs as when one is presented with an objective fact that appears to undercut one’s cherished belief. It’s hard to overcome.
    Thank God my adult children appear to have “awoken from their stupor”. You just have to tell people the same thing over and over again until they either get it or they won’t.

  94. Christopher Westerman

    What is wrong with you? Under Trump the world was much more peaceful, our economy prospered, black unemployment was the lowest it has ever been, our enemies feared us, and on and on it went. Which of these things are you against? You should wake up. We were doing great until Joe Biden took over.

  95. Denise

    Kathy you need the salvation of JESUS so you will know truth

  96. John Rackliffe

    It’s not only Democrats that hate President Trump there are many Republicans as well. Face it we are a one party system. Government and politicians will not save America. It is only through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, that is real and sacrificial faith, in all of our churches and pulpits we will turn our country around. We began turning our backs on God in the 1960’s and the pace at which we continue in the 21st century is increasing. Donald Trump is a firebrand and has done more to wake up the church than most pastors (Mario excluded). Wake up brothers and sisters! Repent the Kingdom of God is at hand.

  97. Leonard Carroll

    I am an Australian who believes everything a brave Mario Murillo stated. We need America to be strong in the LORD again. All of America’s allies need a strong America. The fact that God spared Trump is a sign that God is not finished with America and its allies just yet. However, don’t become complacent and slip again. That is the message from God. Stay strong in the name of God and His Son, Jesus. Get rid of abortion and pornography in your country. Mario has said that America needs four years of Trump. America’s former love of God must return, and that is what Mario is seeking. There is so much that needs to be done in your schools and your communities. Every one of you signees must be prepared to pitch in and help. You must not leave it to one man because so much needs to be done. God bless America! God bless its allies!

  98. Rosalie Gilliland

    Had President Trump remained facing his audience when the bullets started flying, he would most certainly be dead now. But by Divine Providence, he turned his head slightly in the direction of a chart he referenced, and was only grazed by a bullet. If someone can’t see God’s hand upon this man, he/she is not being honest, or simply doesn’t know God and His ways. The dishonest rhetoric has reached insane levels. Clearly, the hatred of Trump is a demonic manifestation. Those who hate Trump and claim to love Jesus are deceived. I’m not advocating worship of a man, just recognizing that God’s ways are higher than ours, and He will use whomever He chooses to accomplish His will in the earth. After all Trump’s been through, he would not have survived if God’s blessing were not upon him. Open your eyes.

  99. Cheryl Ricker

    Compelling post. Thanks, Mario!

    So much injustice. Oh, Lord, heal our land!


  1. Day 1349 July 15 2024 – Transformation Michigan – Uniting Michigan in Prayer 83 Counties 24/7 – 365 Days a Year - […] FIVE REASONS FOR RIGHTEOUS ANGER   […]
  2. URL - ... [Trackback] [...] Read More Infos here: mariomurillo.org/2024/07/14/5-reasons-you-should-be-angry/ [...]



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