by | May 31, 2024 | Mario Murillo Ministries | 110 comments


Evil came out of the closet yesterday. America has never seen evil like this before. Your government that is supposed to be of the people, by the people, and for the people abused their power. They tried to interfere with an election, and they attempted to destroy a political enemy. Let that sink in.

All the courtroom was a stage. And the judge, jury and witnesses merely players. They read their lines and rendered the pre-determined verdict.

All the courtroom was a stage. And the judge, jury and witnesses merely players.

No legal expert—not even on the Left—believed that New York had a valid case.

I was shocked. And then I was shocked that I was shocked. Hasn’t this been what they have been doing all along? They have lied, stolen, and killed. (Think of Afghanistan).

Did you see any cities burned after the verdict?

Yes, and they also foment riots and violence. Did you see any cities burned after the verdict? Our side doesn’t act that way. That is what the other side pays people to do.

They are financing the death of America. They and their minions actually believe killing America is for the greater good. This sham trial was simply the next thing on their ‘To Do’ list.

Let’s rehearse the list:

Destroy churches with lockdowns. Check.

Fire people from their jobs for their faith—and for not getting the jab. Check.

Ruin the economy. Check.

Turn inner cities into killing fields. Check.

Remove male and female and cause gender confusion. Check.

Groom children for perversion. Check.

Invade America with millions of illegals to commit crimes and create chaos. Check.

Start wars. Check.

Flood the nation with drugs. Check.

Control elections. Check.

Weaponize the justice system. Check

Massively increase homelessness. Check.

Push racial hatred. Check.

What you and I are watching are the last stages of their agenda to erase America.

They have thrown us into a death spiral. What you and I are watching are the last stages of their agenda to erase America.

We know this. But knowing this is not enough. We need an indescribable miracle. And that miracle can’t wait for lukewarm Christians or cowardly ministers.

The death spiral is advancing like a juggernaut. But the remnant of God must not lose heart because He says this is our moment. This is when God builds giants of faith and heroes of revival.

This evil day will be more than answered by God. I understand the feeling of disappointment that pervades the land, but deep within me there is a loud and defiant voice that says, “DEVIL YOU CANNOT HAVE AMERICA.!!”

This is when God builds giants of faith and heroes of revival.

For months we have been planning this huge announcement for June 1st. It is the biggest announcement in our history. The devil tried to use the verdict against Trump to get me to change my plans.

I chose June 1st for a reason. It is the first day of Pride Month. An entire month dedicated to assaulting our children and our families. Pride Month—a month named after one of the seven deadly sins. A month that is a symbol of our demise.

Pride Month is a curse. That makes tomorrow the perfect day to announce a plan to break that curse. Tomorrow I will make my announcement.

Wait till you hear what it is!!




  1. Millie

    Praise God!! God hasbeen for 2 years raising up HIS ARMY,it’s time to quit being passive and content,raise us up Lord !!

    • Juan Rangel


  2. Deborah Rackliff

    Praise the Lord the spirit of God is rising up within us we’re not discouraged we’re just getting stronger. Thank you for all that you do

  3. Lona

    Thank you Mario Murillo for standing against this evil! I know that God has a covenant with America based on our founding fathers Biblical values installed in our Constitution. They have indeed awoke a sleeping giant. Look out because here we come! We have the power of Jesus in us and nothing can stop that!

    • Juan Rangel

      Amen ! The full Armor of GOD and ready !

  4. David Holloway

    I agree with you Mario and add
    Murder of unborn babies
    Facilitating murder of tens of thousands of children

  5. Jean

    Something wonderful something good. We definitely need a miracle.
    2 Chronicles if my ppl….
    Someone wrote yesterday that they weren’t going to vote. That’s what the dems want. They won’t defeat me!!

  6. Raymond Frizzelle


  7. Dawn Meier

    I can’t wait to hear about your plans. I’m going with you in spirt. Praying and fasting 🙏

  8. Sue Tracy

    I’ll be tuning in. Thank you

  9. Leanne Taylor

    Hello from Australia, I will be setting my alarm for Sunday 3am. Waiting with abated breath, opened eyes, ears and heart.

  10. Wayne Barber

    Thank you Mario for your wonderful optimistic faith. Yesterday was such a discouraging experience. I can’t wait to hear your message tomorrow!!

  11. denise Cross

    Oh Mario!!!I’ve what you do and pray for you!! Can’t wait to hear!!

  12. John Segars

    God bless you!!!

  13. Gary L Franson

    All of this is, sadly, so true. We have no choice, but to take a stand against these demonic forces that are destroying not only America, but the entire world. The good must unite to defeat the evil.

  14. Opal

    Thank you Mario for all that you do. I stand strong in my faith believing that The Lord is about to do the miraculous. He will shatter the evil doers/nations and rise up with righteous judgements. No fear here, just praising The Lord that His timing is perfect and His divine plans and purposes shall be accomplished. We all need to speak out Gods’ Word, no doubting!

  15. Odilia Yzagaguirre

    Prayers lifted for you and your mission. Standing with you. God bless America.

  16. Brenda Diehl

    Dear Brother Mario,
    I can’t wait to hear your June 1st announcement. Do whatsoever GOD commands you to do. I’m with you all the way. You all are in my prayers regularly.
    Praise GOD!

  17. Sharon Soldo

    I can’t wait! We need God’s help like never before! I’m not sure the Christian community gets what’s going on even now!!!!

  18. Phil Beatty


  19. Curtis Cabezut

    God Bless America

  20. Faith Audrey Foley

    Thank God for Spirit filled men and women of God that shall stand for the truth. I have been enjoying watching your tent meetings….and seeing the miracles. It is what I was raised in the 50’s and 60’s when my Dad had the big canvas tent. Love it. God’s continued blessings. Mario, Lance & Team

  21. Carol Leuthold

    Stand strong, Christians! Fire of Almighty God fall on us! Burn the dross out of America!
    So grateful to have been saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. The enemy will not prevail over the Church that was built upon the Rock. The gates of hell will NOT prevail!

  22. Nina

    Thank you for whatever it is you have planned on June 1st. We wait with great anticipation. We truly need a miracle. All the things we do in the “natural” have seemed to be to no avail.

    They told us to vote. We voted.
    They told us to get involved. We got involved.
    They told us to “recall Newsom.” We toiled tirelessly to rid California of this miserable tyrant.

    Can you understand why we seem a bit discouraged?

    Yet we know we cannot give up. We are with you, Brother Murillo. We’re staying in this fight.

    “Devil, you cannot have America”!!!!!

  23. Leslie Villarreal

    Holy fire 🔥 that was awesome

  24. Carol

    I can’t wait until tomorrow to hear your plan to reach millions with the gospel!!
    You’re my hero!!

  25. Margaret Siciliano

    Thank you Mario! Prayers are with you, your family and team..
    Thank God for His Mercy on our nation which we don’t deserve! But desperately need to survive.
    Look forward to your announcement tomorrow.
    God Bless Peggy



  27. Cindy

    I’m with you and I believe that God will use ordinary people who believe in Him and know Him and trust He is always taking care of us , even when we get scared and do our best to be strong and Corragous !

  28. Brenda

    Stand up stand up for Jesus ye soldiers of the cross.
    Fantastic song I don’t hear anyone singing anymore.
    Great hymn.

  29. MaryJo Coleman

    Ty Mario, you are a hero!

  30. Denise G Bunty

    I watch you all the time . You have given me encouragement to go to our school board meetings. And I pray for everyone. We are blessed to get voted in Christian school members last year. The people who come are against them. They do not want any of the public to pray. There is one other guy who prays. They bring up about church and state. Really? I will not give up. Our members want to do what is right for the students and parents. They checked out some of the books the school library had and found a book with sex in a book. They jumped all over the board members and said the students can read what they want. Satan has these people blinded I can’t believe what I am hearing. I think you for standing up for the Bible and the truth.

  31. Angela

    Mario for Vise President ?🙌🙌
    Keep up the God work! I was in WI at your miracle night!
    Will volunteer there again end of July! Jesus is King!

  32. Charlene Frazer

    God is still in control. He has a covenant with our forefathers. I believe He’s about to play His Trump card, no pun intended. It’s TIME to take back our country. 2 Chronicles 7:14.

  33. Adele Hertzog

    I am a Christian from South Africa. The verdict reached by that demon possessed jury and judges left me speechless with fury. I see the same travesty of justice in South Africa with our crooked government being financed by Iran and turning against Israel. Jesus is truly at the door! May we, as His children be given this last chance to hit back hard at the devil before we leave., 🙏

  34. Melvin McPhail

    Thank you Mario, for being a Godly coice in this tumultuous time. God wins and will restore America! Repentance now.

  35. Joan

    I am praying for America 🙏🙏🙏

  36. Mary Williams

    Praise God, It’s so hard not to become discouraged, but we must remain strong and know that God is on the throne. God have mercy on us.

    • Giselda Velasquez

      Brother Mario, your announcement deserves an ALELUYA and A PRAISE THE LORD!! I’m so exited and grateful to you by not becoming silent and taking back what the devil has stolen from us, the Church. Thank you Lord for your obedience. I’m praying that millions of believers join with you to help you fulfill the assigment The Lord has placed in your heart. Count on me to help you in any way possible to acomplish this vision and the desires of your heart
      The Bible says ” He who Wins Souls is Wise!! I’m praying for you and your team that we become wise as well . Please People of God, LET US PRAY FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP ,AND HIS FAMILY. The.devil is really attacking him with every tool he can use. But JESUS THE LYON OF THE . TRIBE OF JUDAH HAS ALREADY OVERCOME satan NOT TO HARM PRES. TRUMP, TheBody of CHRIST, AND ISRAEL, HIS NATION. Im praing for you and your family; for victory and succes on your Vision . MAY THE SHALOM PEACE OF GOD GUARD YOUR HEART AND MIND

  37. Barbara Sonin-Robbins

    I can’t wait!! I am so eager to hear what God is about to do❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  38. Marion

    Praise the Lord Mario.
    I am with you!

  39. Scott Bergquist

    I’m in…!!!

  40. Shanda Donahue

    I’m all in for this fight to save our Nation. Stand strong Mario

  41. Lorraine

    Praise God.!!! I k now My God will move mountains. I am so excited!!! Ps 27:14
    Wait for the Lord, be strong and take heart Wait for the Lord. It is time to speak truth and stand on the Word of God…..Amen. praying.🙏🙏

  42. Chuck & Diana Harmon

    God is going to pull a Trump Runner vs. Wiley Pelosi on the left like they’ve never seen. Bring on the ACME Dynamite Kit.

  43. Terry Engelmann

    Amen. Waiting to hear

  44. Debbie Sturgis

    Am proud to say I am your friend God Bless you!

  45. Jack

    I am glad to see someone stand up for what the truth is Bless you Sir

  46. Mary Sheppard

    Mario thank you for always speaking truth. Bringing us to a reality check, of where we are at. Opening our eyes and ears to see and hear the truth. Angel armies of God around you, this ministry and family. ❤️🙏

  47. Pomarole James

    Trump is going to jail they got the verdict they wanted

  48. Brenda Shelstad

    WE WILL TRIUMPH WITH G-D ON OUR SIDE! Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world!!

  49. Darlene W

    Can’t wait to hear the announcement. I know it’s going to be really good.

  50. Victoria Bailey

    This is ONE OF BEST written detail explanation of where we are.
    Evil will not WIN. GOD has this Amen.

  51. Carol Ann Rylski

    I thank God for men like you, Mario Murillo God Bess you for speaking the truth so encouraging a light shining the darkness pointing us all to the Lord Jesus and God’s Holy word I pray that what the enemy means for evil God will use for good in Jesus holy name amen. Amen.

  52. Mina M Cooper

    I stand with you and want to hear your announcement. God bless you and God bless America

  53. Teresa Thomas

    I will be praying for a miracle from God. I’m standing with you, America and the whole world. I have the joy of my salvation and hope for our future.

  54. Dennis

    I’m a minister pastor you have preached for me about 8 years ago Mario, my dream come true. Yes Campbell Ca. I’m no longer there but continue to pray for you. After 52 years of ministry what an honor to know you.i encourage all to support Mario with everything within you.God bless this true man of God.

  55. Dennis Conner

    I have followed Mario since 1971 when I first heard him in Redding, California. My dream came true when he spoke for me at the church I pastored in Campbell Ca approximately eight years ago. I encourage everyone to support Mario Murillo with your prayers and financing. What an honor to call him a brother in the Lord.

    • Patricia Swinney

      You have said everything that I feel Mario you are a mighty man of God that speaks the truth All of us as Americans need to stand together in prayer to fight this massive evil force I’m on a mission to stand in Faith Our Father has the last word

  56. Dennis Conner

    I have followed Mario since 1971 when I first heard him in Redding, California. My dream came true when he spoke for me at the church I pastored in Campbell Ca approximately eight years ago. I encourage everyone to support Mario Murillo with your prayers and financing. What an honor to call him a brother in the Lord. He truly is gifted with signs and wonders and healings. We saw over 150 receive Christ in the meetings he held for us. Wonderful wife and staff.

  57. Dennis Conner

    I have followed Mario since 1971 I encourage everyone to support Mario Murillo with your prayers and financing. What an honor to call him a brother in the Lord. He truly is gifted with signs and wonders and healings. We saw over 150 receive Christ in the meetings he held for us. Wonderful wife and staff.

  58. Moreen

    Speak Lord; move in our midst Lord!! Let our enemies be scattered in the Mighty name of Jesus.

  59. Kathleen

    Fight on! We will follow God into revival and subsequent restoration! The victory is won!

  60. Etha Taylor

    God be with you Mario.

  61. Diana

    Actually, we should send a thank you note to Obama and Biden because every time they deliver another blow to Trump they add another nail to their political coffins. Even if they manage to imprison Trump there will be no one left to vote for any democrat. They won’t find anyone they can pay to stuff ballot boxes. The more they attack the more support they get for Trump. Our real president will be back soon.

  62. Rhonda Vanlandingham

    I cannot wait!!

  63. Amy, Mike and Evan Stonehill

    Cannot wait to hear! The Stonehill family, southern Oregon


    Thank you for your work and ministry. Only hope is the gospel. Truly the uncompromised word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit.

  65. Coral Rose Shipley

    Thank You.

  66. RoseMary Andrus-Mitchell

    I’m looking forward to your announcement! Pride Month is on the Google calendar and I’ve tried to delete. God bless America! I’ll be waiting for your announcement, Mario.

  67. Gunnar Michalsen

    Dear Brother Mario. Why will God save America. If we are in the end times. The Revelation chap.9,15 tells us that Gods angels will wipe out 1/3 of mankind. So the only tings that matters is saving souls. NAR, Word Faith and politics are all obsolete, only praying and preaching for souls is relevant.
    God Bless you my brother.

  68. Alice Barton

    You “hit the nail on the head”,so to speak! I couldn’t have said it better!AMEN!!

  69. Robbie Patterson

    Thank you for your ministry. 🙂
    My wife Crystal and I will be in service with you the 3rd.

    🇺🇸Challenge to the American Church🇺🇸

    Full Message Links‼️
    Undersheriff Robbie Patterson was asked to give a Chaplain’s Challenge to the American Church at the National Day of Prayer gathering in Columbia County.

    YouTube ▶️ Link

    Podcast 🔊Link


  70. Linda

    There Plan: Distract, Deceive, and Destroy. But our God has a different plan. He is Bigger than all of them. I Declare that this nation will be soon be under Godly leadership. God is putting His people in the right places and the right positions and nothing will stop His will to be done. In the mighty name of Jesus!

  71. Esther

    Thanks Mario for taking a bold stand when so many other “leaders” are shrinking back from speaking the truth regarding the issues you noted. Courage is contagious. Looking forward to your announcement!

  72. sandra

    Thank you!!!!!

  73. Paula Henson

    I pray for our Country many times every day. Only God can save this Country. I am listening for him.

  74. Kelly Oehrle

    I can’t wait to hear it!

  75. Renae

    I just love your holy boldness and conviction it is paramount in the time we are living in, thank you for Roaring across this land and encouraging others to Roar as well!
    As always you are spot on with the truth and description of the state of the United States … the world is watching……..

    Interesting and exciting times in which we live!

    Come quickly Lord Jesus , Come quickly!!!!!

    God bless you!!

  76. R. David Manarey

    I live in Canada, I watch what is happening to the once greatest nation on Gods earth, it’s not without its faults but still if my people who are called by my Name, would humble themselves and pray! The USA was founded on Judeo Christian principles and lo and behold the further we as a nation turn our backs on Gods ways, we reap what we sow, what a dilemma! Canada is no better, we have a failing church who believes we have to follow an absolutely corrupt government who have foisted on its citizens an agenda that is beyond evil!
    I need more of Christ in me the Hope of Glory, Jesus is More!

  77. Margaret Shepherd


  78. Melvin Cooper

    And for months I have been waiting for this day. Really looking forward to your announcement.

  79. Lindy Combs

    Fear of man has to go. Yesterday I saw a video we’re in Bill Johnson of bethel Church spoke on the fear of man and how subtle and ruling it is. It was a major wake-up call and I hope I stay away

  80. Norman

    Thank you, Mario, for your consistency of teaching God’s Word and sharing His plans for America. You are a mighty warrior of and for God, who stands for righteousness. The US is blessed. It is truly hard to stay focused on what is right, just, and fair when all around us that is being defiled. Blessings to you, your family, your staff, and your purpose.

  81. Thomas Oaxaca

    It does surprise me that the foundational principles have been and are under attack by the enemy.
    When the foundation is destroyed, the house follows and comes down.
    Then take into consideration the war that Israel is currently involved in with its inherent enemies.
    The United States has always been the chief advocate for the existence of the Israeli state. Above all, America has always been its military protector.
    President No. 45 is a strong supporter of Israel. He has never been reluctant to show his loyalty and support for the Jewish state.
    His decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and his accomplishment with the Abraham Accords clearly demonstrate his love and concern for Israel.
    Conversely, President No. 46 has revealed his apathy towards the apple of God’s eye. He has withheld military supplies and intelligence solely for his own benefit, to please Israel’s enemies and gain their support in the upcoming election.
    Much like Judas who sold out the Son of God for thirty pieces of silver, No. 46 has sold out the children of God for thirty thousand votes.
    It is not surprising that both Israel and America are simultaneously under attack.
    Without the protection of America, Israel would be left to fend for itself.
    When a compound is attacked, the enemy first assaults the guards, leaving those inside vulnerable and open to attack.
    Removing President No. 46 and having the current president for another four years would give the enemy that much more time to destroy our country.
    America would become only a memory making Israel the central focus for assault.
    History has never seen such open betrayal by a leader for his country. His abandonment of laws and principles have never been witnessed in our history.
    As Christians, we are called to fight against the enemy of our souls. We have been told the identity of our enemy and have been equipped with the necessary weapons to defeat him.
    But where are the soldiers? Where’s the fight? Why is the battleground silent?
    As a Christian pastor, I am saddened by current events but I am angered by the lack of spiritual apathy. We need to engage the enemy. Our leader is calling us to attention.
    It is time to engage!

  82. Dave Brenneman

    We are anxiously awaiting the announcement!! Waiting, as if God, is ready to speak! We are more than ABLE!! It is more than time to reach lost souls and step on satan’s neck and take our country back! Jesus is Lord! Thanks be to God!!

  83. Crissy Phelps

    Thank God for your obedience! Looking forward to hearing what you will said!

  84. Doreen Tucker

    Thank you Mario for speaking out. I am 78 years old and love our nation. My heart is broken over the death spiral we find ourselves in. You give me hope to press in and believe God has not broken his covenant with America even though we have as a nation

  85. Gale Livelsberger

    So right on. Rev 22: 11 And they overcàme him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto death.

  86. Becky

    As President Trump says, they are not after him, but after us, he is just in the way, those who wish to destroy America are not really after this nation but the message, that Jesus is Lord, Jesus saves! The role of America in the eternal plan is to bring Christianity to the world. What we have mainly brought to the world can’t be stated by a Christian woman! Your comment above about the last stages of the attempt to erase America is correct as this is in line with the last stages of everything, of time as we have known it! Things are moving quickly now, and America has not fulfilled the mission she was given, to be a light to the world, to bring the light of Jesus Christ to the nations! May God be glorified and help us in this hour to complete the assignment, nationally and personally!

  87. Pearl Dalton

    I am anxiously waiting to hear from you tomorrow

  88. Deeda Coffey

    Oh I look forward to hearing what the Lord has put on your heart! I’m all in with whatever it is because I know it will help build HIS KINGDOM on earth! Every blessing to you and your amazing team!!

  89. Karen

    Oh Lord, tell us what to do! Help us to save our country! We say “NO” to you devil! No way can you have our country devil! Help our children, grandchildren in Jesus’s Name! Amen!
    Can’t wait to hear Mario, what God has told you!

  90. neil

    Jesus is Lord, to the glory of God…and He is moving

  91. Judy Kern

    Preach on, Brother, and may we as the remnant rise up and stand first for Jesus and then for a truly free America!

  92. Cathy Beck

    In expectation!

  93. Harold Butler

    I love hearing from You Evangelist Murillo. You have been a blessing to the world. I am grateful for your ministry. One day I hope You can come to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We need Your help here.

  94. Charles Pinkston

    Thank you so much for your stand Mario.

  95. Ron Rupp

    The antichrist hates Christians and America and the puppet in the whitehouse doesn’t care or have a clue, he just wanted to be the leader and be crooked, Bible calls this a fool…THE JUDGE HAS SAT DOWN AND IS SHOWING HIS WAY..ironing out who are wheat and goat nations…

  96. NickT

    Amen about America, I still believe our country can and will saved.
    Waiting for your announcement June 1st, also.

  97. Patricia Dove

    Praying for you Mario They think they win but our God is still in His people and we will overcome and win the lost!

  98. Joey Parks

    Mario my wife and I are part of the flashpoint army and I work for Richard Roberts Ministries we will definitely be listening to your announcement. We have 3 precious grandchildren we are trying to protect also in this time we are living in I remember when you came to our church Victory in Tulsa the anointing that was present during your service. Gods blessings to you and your family.

  99. Tony Perone

    Amen to the God of Justice and to your Truthful assessment of the warfare we are experiencing. Though we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against those spiritual enemies of God and believers, we have the Captain of Heaven’s Host as our Champion. He has won the victory over Sin and Death and we can proclaim to these opposed to our King Jesus—Where is your sting? Where is your victory?
    We will stand with you Mario and the revived Church with the full armor of God!

  100. Bill Durr

    Very well said. Uncompromising truthfulness Mario! Thank you for all that you have been accomplishing for the Kingdom of God and with the Lord’s help will continue the good fight of faith for Jesus Christ!

  101. Julie

    I am crying out to God and literally crying 😭 you speak so much truth. But we do not lose hope. Because our hope is in the one who gave His life for us all.

  102. Vergene

    Dear Brother Mario, At 79 I saw this coming! I homeschooled my kids, grandchildren and worked on my great grandchildren to know Jesus His sacrifice because of His love for us and the victory He has for us who love and serve Him! The enemy has come to steal, kill, and destroy Jesus gave us America to spread His good news!!!!!! Well Satan, guess what we have the armor of God and the victory, thank you Jesus! Thank you allowing the Lord to use you to encourage us in His Word. Love and prayers to all who speak up and to those who surrender to the Lord’s call and match in His name👏🙏🏻❤️👍🥳❤️❤️❤️ Praise the Lord🙏🏻🙏🏻

  103. Barbara Markiel

    Praise God, Mario, I stand with you 100% last night. I was awake and the Holy Spirit prompted me to read Jude. Wow that’s where we’re at. God has woken up his remnant, and we’re standing. We will not be moved away from the truth.

  104. Terri Alvarado

    I stand with you, Mario, believing God to save our country from all this evil/wickedness, demonic behavior. One can’t help but to look around and see all the destruction that is being forced on us. After all it’s in our face 24/7! Fear wants to grip the heart with feelings of despair but then there’s that seed of God’s Word that is hidden in my heart…Psalm 27:13-14.

  105. Aurora Arcilla

    Im believing with you God will save our country. Thank you for alerting pastors, leaders, believers to stand against evil. We praise God for your courage to speak the truth. We do not have many courageous preachers anymore.

  106. Joseph Shriver

    As much as I want Trump to be the next president Its the Lord who picks our leaders. God wanted Biden in the White House
    I know that God is in control. Maybe he’s allowing it because of all the bad we’ve done and how we become a lukewarm Church
    Romans 13:1-7 New King James Version (NKJV)
    For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God



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