by | May 9, 2024 | Living Proof Tent Crusades | 207 comments

I can’t take it anymore. A word of warning.

I can’t take it anymore. Therefore, on June the first, I am forced to make a big announcement. I have no choice.

Why? Because the pain and the burden is unbearable. It came to a head the last time I walked out of the Tent. But it is not what you think.

This is not about any kind of discouragement, persecution, or lack. It is just the opposite. I am groaning in agony because of our success. I am being crushed under the weight of our opportunity. What really pains me is that I knew this was coming. I even warned people.

I am groaning in agony because of our success.

Over and over again, I warned the American church that the misery of American life was about to ripen millions of souls for harvest. I even wrote a book about it!

Even Jesus warned us! In John 4:35 He said, “Do you think the work of harvesting will not begin until the summer ends four months from now? Look around you! Vast fields of human souls are ripening all around us, and are ready now for reaping.”

What is our crisis? What has me in total agony?  It is simply this: THE PLOUGHMAN HAS OVERTAKEN THE REAPER.

Amos 9:13 says, “Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord, “When the plowman shall overtake the reaper.” What does this mean?


It means the harvesters are forced to gather the harvest all through the winter until the spring. The farmers who arrive to plow for the next planting are shocked to see the reapers still gathering crops.

Mario Murillo Ministries does not have the infrastructure to handle the gigantic harvest. The number of lost souls who want God has overtaken and exhausted our capacity. It is wrong for us to be in this position. And it is not fair!

It is not fair because we have an extremely talented team. Right now, they can’t operate at their full potential. But there is another travesty.

It is a travesty because we all know that America is in a death spiral. Yet, when God sends a miracle that could turn the nation away from disaster—much of the church is sleeping through the harvest.

God wants to turn Mario Murillo Ministries into an outreach that can reach millions, not just thousands.

I can’t take it anymore. I cannot stay at this level. The Word of God is burning in my soul!

God wants to turn Mario Murillo Ministries into an outreach that can reach millions, not just thousands.

Isaiah 54:2-3, “Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; Do not spare; lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes. For you shall expand to the right and to the left, and your descendants will inherit the nations, and make the desolate cities inhabited.”

It is painful to read all the invitations I receive to hold meetings in many major cities. It breaks my heart to see our workers outnumbered by converts, five to one. There are no words for the pain I feel over our limited infrastructure. That is why I am not going to take it anymore.

This is a solemn warning: On June the first I am going to reveal a towering plan to multiply every aspect of our ministry. Instead of thousands, we are preparing to reach millions. God is arising with healing in His wings!


  1. Lyn Berston

    Will look forward to your big announcement Thank you for your surrendered heart to do His will

    • Donna Lumpkin

      Amen and Amen!

    • Pearl Dalton

      I am looking forward to your bug announcements

    • Ethyanne Andres

      Amen! May God continue to bless your efforts.

    • Liz Brasher

      Im in!!

      • Karen Shoap

        Amen,Thank you Jesus, when I first got born again God gave me Jeremiah 33:3 Call unto me and I show you great and mighty things you knowest not. Can’t wait to hear more what Abba Father is saying.

      • Jeffrey Meyer

        Praise the Lord!

    • Eric Moon

      Waiting patiently with excitement.

      • Mahamba Wa-ibera Evariste

        Praise God. We are learning wonderful insights from you as we are serving the Lord in the Democratic Republic of Congo

    • Teresa Thomas

      Heavenly Father, I pray that you will supply all of the needs for this ministry and send all of the workers that are needed. Pour out your glory, mercy and love across America and the world. Open the eyes and ears of the people so that millions will be healed and saved. In the name of Jesus, Amen

      • Sandy Rowlette

        Amen and amen Teresa! Lord call more pastors into the harvest fields to work alongside Mario and his partners.

    • Donald Pickett

      Great Watching and witnessing the great awakening, just wish our churches would work more on the outpouring of the Holy Spirit

      • Jeanne Hipp

        I see thousands of people – mistly young people – at Christian concerts and can’t help thinking if each of those individual believers would share with and pray for just two non-believers (of course we know that it’s the Holy Spirit does the work of drawing and harvesting, but we are His partners who would come to faith, but why stop there, I am just imagining that as a starting point to rev up our God-fired spiritual imaginations), what would that look like?

        That will require each of those audience “spectators” to be awakened to actively participate as a partner with the Holy Spirit to not just watch but be sn active participant in this culminating harvest to the glory of God (and I am speaking to myself first here!)

    • Pastor Ron Lee

      I am believing in the work GOD is doing. I am praying and thinking of you as a man minister. How do you stay humble and useable. I pastor a very small church. Around 30 members. I’m 68 years old. I’ve been preaching since I was 13. I have never felt the presence of GOD as I right now. New insights are constant and powerful. I am praying that the preaching of truth will begin to set people free. I’m older in my body but my new mind from CHRIST is growing and changing faster than I’ve ever experienced. I read your book It’s Our Turn Now. I have not been the same since then. I can’t do much but say Ive got your back.

    • Richard R. Valdez

      The blessing of the Lord be upon you & your ministers as you step. Into this end time calling, purpose & plan of our Lord God!

    • phil beatty

      GLORY TO GOD!!!!!

    • maryruth drescher

      Amen Bring it on, but bring it to Louisville, KY. We need it badly. My church has gone woke and UT bothers a lot they(my friends) where do we go? I watch church on tv but its not the same you need fellowship. I am 80 and to drive at a distance is hard.

  2. Debi Fuhrman

    I believe Our Lord Jesus Christ is moving.

    • Alain Pierre Muzongo

      Our God is more than enough Praise

    • Linda Mize

      Hallelujah and Amen!! Blessings upon your ministry!

    • Pieter Harmse

      Yes, what a mighty God we serve. Jerry Savelle always said and believed that this would increase and that millions would come to the lord. Mario, remind me of that scripture. God was looking for just one man. I see it now. Praise God and God bless you. May God give you a super natural plan with a supernatural team.

    • Tim

      Bring it!

  3. Christina Robinson

    Mario just yesterday I received this word in my Spirit IS 56:2-3 yes 🙌🏽🙏🏽❤️I didn’t understand it At first until I read this conformation is what I call it 🙏🏽Hallelujah

  4. John Dooley

    If you’re still spreading the spirit that is moving in Bethel Redding, you’re doing harm instead of good.

    • Jeffrey Van Horn

      John, respectfully,
      Mario Murillo Ministries has nothing to do with what’s going on with Bethel. Bethel is doing Bethel. Do not be distracted.
      Mario Murillo ministries has one purpose, and one sole focus.
      To destroy the works of the devil; for exactly the reason Jesus died, rose in glory, and filled us with His precious and mighty Holy Spirit.
      To break the demonic powers that destroy the people Jesus died for.
      Saving souls is priority one with MMM.
      Setting people free from the myriad forms of captivity and bondage and addictions that are destroying and paralyzing so many.

      The apostle John, who leaned on Jesus’ breast and felt His divine heartbeat, who likely knew Jesus better than anyone, says in Revelation that when he saw Jesus in His radiant glory, he fell at His feet as dead.
      This is the glorious Jesus the Holy Spirit wants us to love, adore, worship, and obey; not be distracted by what other people are doing.
      God is waking up more and more of the church to truly see the unsearchable riches that are ours in Christ Jesus. The riches are found only in Him.
      We have no idea the power, love and might He has given us.

      The Holy Spirit is igniting fires everywhere in people who have a true devotion, adoration, and desperation for Jesus Himself.
      People who will cling to Him and will not let go.
      People who are desperate to know and MOVE in His humility and power.
      God Almighty, awaken your people to who they truly are, in the power of your might.
      If anyone does not have a devotion to and for Jesus, start now.
      He’s waiting and wanting to empower and use us.

      The purifying fire of God is spreading.
      Buckle up.
      Glory, glory, glory to the risen Lamb of God.

      • Susan Buzzetti-Reyes

        Amen. Thank you for that true, Spirit filled andwer to John🙏🙏🙏

  5. Jakob

    Greetings from Denmark! In 2018 I began preaching in public from a pulpit on a trailer. Nothing but resistance from church leaders.

    Harvest workers have various oppositions!

    Listen, folks: The era of church is over! The future is underground assemblies!! Take a look at Iran f.ex. – great revival no church!

    We are going to make apprenticies of Jesus; we are to teach people how to learn from Jesus themselves.

    If we have met Jesus, we can testify of him from the very beginning of the walk.

    Church is a hindrance!!!


    In Iran they give people a bible even before they are born again. They say ‘read on, and when he speaks to you just obey!’

    Forget all about church!!!! The word ‘church’ – kyriake – is no where in the Greek text. It is always ‘ecclesia’, meaning ‘out-called’.

    Peace be with you in our Lord Jesus’ name!!!

    Dont despair for He is in control.

    ‘Of those you have given me I have lost none’

    Jakob Martini.

    • Diane

      Amen! For years my husband and I have been involved in organic church one way or another. For centuries, many of the saints are weak due to being spectators in “church” and need to awaken to their gifts to edify and encourage one another. We MUST get back to how the brethren gathered in the first century ekklesia, so mature believers can help all the new believers grow in faith. Small groups and no capital P pastors! Just Jesus, and learn what He tells us, not hierarchical systems or leaders, which is no where in the bible!

    • Jeffrey Van Horn

      What??The church is a hindrance??
      The church is the body of Christ and we NEED each other, as long as we are obedient to His Word and whatever He asks us to do.
      Try to live the Christian life alone.
      The devil loves solo soldiers. What easy pickings they provide for him.
      Stay and pray with other believers!!
      My goodness, open your Bible. I do not mean to be unkind.

      • The Bloodwashed Church

        Amen! The Church is the Body of Christ in the world until He comes again. A critical spirit toward the Body of Christ is a favorite tool of the enemy and people who use it are his emissaries. The Lord cherishes His Church. Christ died and rose again, giving it birth and it will be presented “a glorious Church without spot or wrinkle, washed in the blood of The Lamb.” There is no place for the spirit of criticizm on this platform; be gone!

  6. Jo Ann Gorton

    I will pray!

  7. Priscilla Connell

    I am grateful and praise God that you are out there in the fields harvesting souls.

  8. Lisa Kurimski


  9. Leanne Taylor

    I love it… cant take it anymore. Ive been bursting at the seems since the Phoenix Criusade and I cant wait to come over to the next. Love your sister from Australia.

  10. Bev Saward

    May Holy Spirit continue to use this mighty ministry to crush evil bringing all the glory to God and King Jesus

  11. Tony Santillan

    Blessings of the Lord from Baguio City, Philippines.
    I watched the 4 nights Phoenix crusade. God is indeed tremendoulsly blessing your tireless labor of love, Mr Mario Murillo. The harvests of souls are overwhelming. I wish I can supernaturally translocate their and volunteer in ways I can be of help.
    All I can do is pray pray pray for these powerful moves of God in America – to bring light in the darkness.

  12. Egil Stenset

    God help us in Europe too, we are in deep crisis! Lord of the harvest send out workers into your harvest!!

  13. PaulaAndra Aigner

    I’ve been waiting for this since I volunteered for you in Colorado, last year. Brand new tent and it was already full during the night meetings. I’ve been watching in anticipation for this announcement.

  14. David E. Tromsness

    Incredible report Brother Murillo. The calling on your heart is powerful. Thank you for following the leading of The Lord. http://www.gospeltent.com

  15. nerridah khoory

    God is good <

  16. Patty

    Praise God! Can’t wait to hear your announcement on June 1. I volunteered at the event in Phoenix and it was a amazing. Looking forward to seeing events on a larger scale.

  17. Gary L.Smith

    Please pray for healing (Google and see Ivan Smith Tennis) Ivan Smith who was paralyzed on 04/05/2022. An Uninsured / Unlicensed Driver failed to yield the right of way signal light and collided into Ivan. Shockingly, various Drug Paraphernalia was found in the car. Ivan’s Spinal Cord was completely severed (called “Complete). We believe Ivan will walk again some day.

    Please pray for Ivan Smith’s continued recovery and favor for the Spinal Cord to be reconnected. Thank you very much-

  18. Susan King

    Awesome! I can’t wait to hear what you have to say. The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few. It takes finances to spread the Gospel. The wealth of the sinners are stored up for the righteous in these last days – what is the plan to do this financially??

  19. Roberto Rascon

    It so reminds me of Jesus directing the disciple to cast the nets to the right side in order for them to find the multitude of fish.

  20. Kelli

    I was in Phoenix and it has changed my life. I am so excited to hear what is next.
    God is moving..w compassion towards His people.

  21. Helen

    Thank you for being willing to lead!

  22. Stephen Muzick

    Whatever God puts on your heart he will give you the ability to do. When it comes to growing the family of God by saving souls, God will prepare the field and we will reap the harvest. Can’t wait to see what God holds in store. God bless.

  23. Gail Oord

    I will be in Batavia in June . I was born there and all my family came from that area. I am so excited to be attending!!

  24. Ria G J DAVIDS

    As long as the Lord is in control, it will be good.

  25. Gail Oord

    Praise the Lord. The Mohawk Valley and lower Adirondacks are entering into a unity of churches like never before. God is so ping a mighty work in and among the true believers to prepare us for the harvest. Curtiss cornerstone Chapel in Salisbury Center N.Y
    River of jubilee in Sprakers NY
    The churches in Canajoharie NY and St. Johnsville NY and Little Falls NY and Cobleskill NY . And Duanesburg NY are coming together for such a time as this.


    For such a time as this you are called Your crowns are waiting for you. The harvest is coming in! God Bless you and your staff

  27. Anita A

    I will join and volunteer for your expansion.

    Let’s take New York back too !!

  28. Mike Sr

    The harvest is white unto harvest, there are reapers. But, where to send the converts to be taught well and fully The Word of God and Discipled.

    This is an issue I continue to face…

  29. Rich Imus

    In Batavia NY more than two years ago I heard the Holy Spirit say, “ask me for a million souls.” My response was, “you can do better.” I heard. “okay, you will witness more than a million.” Billie and I were two of three volunteers, pastor’s wife and ICA beginning the ground game. We thought, “where are the others?” Billie and I hang onto this promise every day praying into this. It was in Hanks church on our way from Nashville where we were stopped after a prayer night in the parking lot and randomly was prayed for by the prayer leader and told we needed to gather an intercessory prayer team praying for us. Over the past almost two years this prayer group has been gathered and makes up 5 time zones in the united states meeting via zoom by-weekly. And because we ministered in Ukraine in 2019 we have Ukrainian pastors also praying for us. Today we have a meeting in Bellingham WA where a church has been given two small tents. And last week we met with a team with a tent in Arizona. We serve a faithful Lord and savior and when He says it, it will happen. Billie and I have seen this time and again. Too many miracles, accurate words of knowledge, deliverances and blessings not to believe and obey. We will be praying for blessings over your team(s). I remember 40 years ago when I told my grandfather, “I think all the Lord is asking from me is “my obedience.” He smiled proudly and as also being my spiritual grandfather said , “you got it!” Being filled with the Holy Ghost in 1976 in the San Bernardino Mountains at age 13 I began to do street ministry in San Bernardino. In 1988 answering the call to move to intercede for Washington State I moved to Everett, WA. This began a very lonely walk for me. Holy Spirit would say go tell this person this or tell that person this. As I obeyed He showed me so many miracles, wonders, extraordinary healings. A few years ago I heard a prophetic word that God had hidden his prophets but was beginning to reveal them. This word resonated with my spirit. I am so excited to see what He is planning for Mario Murillo Ministries and and others. As we give Him & His Kingdom (Holy Spirit, Jesus, God) all the honor & Glory with our all, “all these things will be added unto us.”

  30. Heidi Osterman

    Just as Jesus told his Disciples., he fed them all with food left over. So shall he feed them all now with plenty left over. God you are so faithful and Amazing for all that seek you. Thank you in advance for the resources to complete your task for Mario’s ministry. Equip your workers to assist. Amen Hallelujah come Jesus come.

  31. Brenda Diehl

    Good Morning Brother Mario,
    This is unprecedented, but wonderful news this morning.
    GOD’s Grace is all sufficient. He will lead the way. He alone will lay out the perfect plan. You are His faithful servant. I pray the American church will get its head out of the sand and get on-board with GOD.
    You, your wife & family, and the MMM ministry team are in my prayers. Blessings, Brenda

  32. Virginia Romero

    Looking forward for the salvation of millions of souls.

    Thank you for caring and obeying.

  33. PJ

    The harvest is certainly ripe!! Let the laborers increase as well Lord Jesus, to meet the demand!! Exciting times!!

  34. Rev Alex

    Psalm 20 is my prayer for you my dear brother!

    1 The LORD hear thee in the day of trouble; the name of the God of Jacob defend thee;
    2 Send thee help from the sanctuary, and strengthen thee out of Zion;
    3 Remember all thy offerings, and accept thy burnt sacrifice; Selah.
    4 Grant thee according to thine own heart, and fulfill all thy counsel.
    In Jesus Name!!!

  35. David Floyd

    Amen excited to know the next step!

  36. Jean E Brown

    It’s God’s harvest. He will make it happen. He has people and resources available for His harvest. I pray to the Lord of the harvest, to send laborers into His harvest.

  37. Ken Shirkey

    Moses felt that way and he found 70 to carry the load. May the Lord give you 70×70 to carry His harvest.

  38. Jaye

    This IS an amazing problem to have. It is time to pray in the WORKERS of the HARVEST and send more than enough to fill the need. Lord, WE lift this ministry up and the workers so every person is received and knows the Lord like no other. Lord, open wide those heavenly gates and give rest to the weary and then go and make disciples. God has called, answering it is next! Let’s go!

  39. Marlon W. Breeden


  40. Deanna McGinnis

    Your army is bigger than what you can see! We are here to help in whatever capacity we can. God has given you great favor and you shall not lack!

  41. Therese Langevin

    Wonderful! For Your glory, Jesus! Amen!

  42. Sherri Storie

    As I look around and can see God changing the hearts of these young people I am so excited. Who knew He would be using the Tide pod eating generation to lead their families back to King Jesus. I see it in my kids! In their friends! Praise God because the harvest is many! Unfortunately I don’t see many churches doing the harvesting. I find them to be lazy. Harvesting is nor easy. It is hard work but the rewards are many. Praise be to God for all the hard workers and please Lord continue to make them bold for the mighty King Jesus!

  43. Rochelle

    Thank You, Jesus, for Your good plans to save this nation by saving people’s souls✝️🎶❤️👏🙏🏻

  44. Dawn Meier

    I can’t wait to hear your plan. I’m praying for you 🙏.

  45. Frances Hamilton

    Yes the harvest is many but the laborers are few! The end-time harvest is growing by the thousands and I think we must be thankful that people are hungry for the Gospel of our Christ! Thank you Mario for your faithfulness to God’s call! ☦️🙏🕊🥰🇮🇱

  46. Julia McKernan

    I feel every word of this deep in my soul!
    God bless you Mario and every team member!!

  47. Edward William Larson

    I know it hard work but our God will bless this effort keep it up. Sir

  48. Bill Worth

    Thank you Brother Mario for this clarion call to wake us up. In a future post, some of us would benefit on how to pray through for a person’s salvation. I’ve found a fruitful field in my high school reunion group from 1974, and I’ve begun praying through the list for salvation. Again, any light you can shed would be welcome.

  49. Steve Hale

    Praise God He has a plan and His grace to accomplish it. Praying for an awesome move of God.

  50. Belinda Hill

    Cannot wait to see what God is going to do thru Mario, he is the real deal!!!

  51. Jeffrey Wiegand

    Thanks this is the note (sound) that music is tuned to!
    It’s in the spirit in tune with Holy Spirit

  52. Billy Snider

    Great problem to have !! Oh Lord send the labors !

  53. K.O.NELSON

    The Young Lions are rising & must learn The Way to walk. They are hungry to learn about JESUS, who loves ❤️ them.

  54. Steve Epp

    Revival is in America 🇺🇸 Love your heart ♥️ Mario .. Ive been carrying the cross across this Great land for 10 years .. Im 72 this month .. I cant take it anymore either.. time for the “Evangelist to rise up , us Nobodies..Time for the remnant to Arise !!!

    Steve & Saundra “The Well Tulsa” let the true Church Arise …

  55. Cheryl

    Lord, prepare the church. We know what is coming and so few seem prepared. Help us clean and mend the nets quickly that they hold when the filling comes. Help us prepare for such a different move than the past. Help us kill the religious spirit and open our hearts to allow the Holy Spirit to have His way. We need you. Come, Lord Jesus!

  56. Linda

    Great scripture
    Malachi 3:20
    One New Man Bible
    But to you who revere my name the sun of acts of loving-kindness will rises w/healing in his wings.
    Rise using the verb Zerah relating the light of the Sun to the glory of God.

  57. J

    Amen this is annointed and welcomed current and future to have. Yet come Lord Jesus.

  58. Carol

    His grace is sufficient. Whatever He has called you to, He will provide what’s needed to accomplish the task. Forgive us for our failures and weakness! May God’s grace give you supernatural abundance in every area!

  59. Maria Rischner

    Dear Brother Mario PLEASE COME TO HUDSON NY 12534. I am hopeful you will pray on this message. Fly with Jesus Mario!

  60. Red Polston

    We love you Mario and we will continue to pray for your ministry and ramp up our giving in support of the harvest!

  61. Deborah Potts

    You can take it. You can do ALL things through Jesus. Charge!

  62. Shanda Donahue

    Lord give me a burning heart for souls in my area. Bless you Mario.

  63. Anita

    Amazing!! Your ministry is stepping up where others are not.

  64. Tim Sutton

    Come on Brother!

  65. Trent Mitchell

    Let’s do it!

  66. Flo Coles

    I saw this in a vision, April 13, 2013, the huge fountain of broken chains there in western US. LORD, multiply the fountains of living waters across North America, bring them up from within all that You created in the beginning of time to released now in Jesus Name only.

  67. Darrell & Helen Mordente

    Excellent news!! My wife and I have been praying for your ministry’s success and that local churches will come to your aid and prepare themselves to take in the harvest.
    We are also investing heavily in your ministry because of the results you have been having and the fact that we believe a great harvest is broaching in America and will go throughout the Earth.
    To God be the glory!

  68. Mary Brookshire

    Isaiah 54: 2-3 is exactly the scripture that God gave Claire Tromsness and me indivually when we had just started making those tents at Miami Missionary Tents in Miami Ok back in the early 80s. The ball is in your court Mario. Run with it and may God be with you.

  69. Wayne

    This may be along the lines of your announcement…. I don’t know… but what about holding “virtual tent crusades” using the Internet?? Live crusades with your live worship team? Live ministry meeting current needs? The Spirit working through this media to touch literally millions… millions that can’t fit or come to a tent, but can meet God in their own home? Just a thought about how to magnify the ministry with current technology. God bless!

    • Diane

      Good thinking!

  70. Dena

    It’s going to take an army of Christians throughout the United States to help with the harvest and multiple evangelists. I’m willing to be part of the army, but don’t know how. Most local churches are not training their members to be workers.

  71. Debbie

    So thankful for you Mario, you truly listen for the voice of the Lord. You opened my eyes to those living for the next word and prophets feeding off of that. More interested in the prophecy than the works Jesus called us to do.
    Your passion for the Lord and your spiritual wisdom is a blessing and so encouraging for all of us that share your passion for the Fire of God. May the Lord richly bless all you are called to do. And champion His church to work this harvest through the power of Holy Spirit. God Bless you.

  72. kim l

    God bless you. I pray for your protection and your ministry daily.

  73. Marian Martinez

    Praise the Lord!! Iam doing all I can to spread the Good News! Blessings to you!

  74. Marilou Libby

    I will be watching and listening. I hear the pain of your burden for the lost. My heart cries for time is short.

  75. Debbie Hinton

    Is this why a new Firepower was not available last night on the 8th?

    • Mario Murillo

      It was on last night.

  76. Jerry Givan

    “It is a travesty because we all know that America is in a death spiral. Yet, when God sends a miracle that could turn the nation away from disaster—much of the church is sleeping through the harvest.” This statement is 100% on target, I have had a opportunity to visit or be aware of several church’s in the southern US and many have a fear of the Holy Spirit. That seems to keep them inward focused.

  77. Lydia Martinez

    No surprise here…bring it

  78. Stephan Dunker

    “So let it be written….Godspeed Sir!

  79. Raymond Frizzelle


  80. Gretchen Anne Carter

    Hallelujah! Glory to God! Lord, send the workers. Send the people of our little town. Bring the harvest here. We have been praying and believing for the harvest in Northern NM. Father, mature us quickly, for we are few.

  81. Tony Perone

    Believers world wide feel the same burden for the lost who are being summoned to repent and come to Christ. Our Savior and King’s return to claim His rightful inheritance as God our Father promised Him in Psalm 2 is soon. We stand with you Mario and all those who take Christ’s commission to preach the gospel to a dark and dying world.

  82. Simantov

    It is imperative that the whole body of Messiah be engaged in bringing in the harvest. I pray the true body of Messiah will arise now!

  83. Kay

    Can’t wait to see this Spread the country.

  84. Lydia Mitchell

    We’re here to support you!

  85. Carol

    God will provide you with everything you need.
    He is doing mighty things through you and your ministry!!

  86. Judy Page

    Wow! This is exciting, encouraging and what we been waiting for!! Our God exceeds all we can think or ask!! This makes me weep knowing He loves us so much He is not willing that any perish! I am honored to align w the vision God has given you and looking forward to our time of service in Michigan. See you soon!!

  87. Janis Pollard

    My heart swells at this!💛💛💛
    Prayers for direction and for workers.

  88. Paula Brickhouse

    Praying and believing for great expansion in MMM. We are so desperate to see the lost come to Christ and are willing to be used. Look forward to the crusade in Batavia NY although we are in the Buffalo area we are believing for the fire to spread across the state.

  89. Judy

    Praying for harvest reapers’ to be enlisted at this time of opportunities.

  90. Lynn A. Woodel

    “and everything in His temple cries ‘GLORY!!!!!'”

  91. Debi Foster

    I’m so excited!! Praying Boise Idaho is one of those places Our pastor is doing some amazing things along the lines you are talking about.
    Last series’s “Weeds in May garden”. About mental health and suicide.

    Last 5 weeks. “5 Proofs of God”
    Amazing teaching and we are watching our church grow!!

    Foothills church Boise Pastor Doug Peale.

    Does 2 podcast a week “Salty Pastor!!

    Our assoc pastors wife came to your Phoenix revival and stood in for Pastors wife she has MS and we are praying for a healing.
    God Bless you and what you are doing for our country. Our church and Pastors would be there is you make it to. Boise

  92. Denise Myers


    I am so excited to read this and I anticipate your big news! God has led me to intercede for you for several years now, and I’m so grateful to be a small part of the kingdom work you are doing!
    I truly wish I had the means to help in your crusades! God bless you!

  93. Sandra Gunter

    Thank you!


    Have shared widely.


  94. Kim

    Praise God!!! Glory, Glory, Glory!!!!

  95. Debi Foster

    Debi Foster on May 9, 2024 at 8:36 am
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    I’m so excited!! Praying Boise Idaho is one of those places Our pastor is doing some amazing things along the lines you are talking about.
    Last series’s “Weeds in May garden”. About mental health and suicide.
    Last 5 weeks. “5 Proofs of God”
    Amazing teaching and we are watching our church grow!!
    Foothills church Boise Pastor Doug Peale.
    Does 2 podcast a week “Salty Pastor!!
    Our assoc pastors wife came to your Phoenix revival and stood in for Pastors wife she has MS and we are praying for a healing.
    God Bless you and what you are doing for our country. Our church and Pastors would be there is you make it to. Boise

  96. Pamela Chapman

    Bummed you won’t be in Colorado, but I understand. You must go where God sends you. Looking forward to Abba’s next phase for you in the ministry. Prayerfully, I believe we can and will support you in whatever it is.

  97. Daniel Erickson

    “Our GOD is an Awesome God! He Reigns for Heaven Above!” May His WISDOM, POWER, and LOVE open Doors and prepare the Way for His Ministry to His Creation to Guide and Empower your ministry vision Exactly as to What Where and How Our GOD is Leading you Forth ! ! !

  98. Jean for God and Trump

    I’m eagerly waiting for what is next for your ministry and all the souls that will be saved because of it.

  99. Mia Daniv

    The best is yet to come! Go out! Preach! Bring in the lost, the millions who need Jesus! Healing is in your hands!

  100. Dorothy


  101. Karen

    Hallelujah! The Lord is bringing in the harvest of the greatest revival of all time! Restoration, truth and justice will be reaped from this revival along with millions saved! We , the remnant, need to pray that Mario will be strengthened and given all the wisdom needed to bring about this miracle that our King Jesus is mercifully bringing to our nation.

  102. John Schenck

    I believe God is drawing near to His children as He hears our cries of repentance for not having surrendered our lives to follow Him alone.
    Today is the day to obey Jesus and allow Him to live His life IN US!
    Be amazed at what He WILL do through your surrender.

  103. Donna

    Praise the Lord!!

  104. Shelley Ensley

    Mario, your passion for the lost souls is encouraging. I pray I get to be a part of this call!

  105. Richard Best

    That’s a terrific goal! May THE LORD supply every need requited to reach that magnificent apex. May THE HOLY SPIRIT challenge all of our hearts to help in whatever way we are able.

  106. Mark Benassi


  107. Diane Anthony

    Thank you! I await to hear your plan and want to do my part from the Lord. 🙏🏻

  108. Cevi Adams

    If God be for you….who can be against you? Go Big or go home!! God bless you Mario!

  109. Lisa Dunnam

    I am beyond grateful and always encouraged by the mighty Kingdom work your team is doing. I hope to be a part of it in some way besides my financial partnership. I keep watching for the tent to move close enough to me to be able to volunteer. This is surely end-time harvest reaping! Hallelujah!!

  110. James Galligan

    Amen Brother Mario! I am praying with you for millions to be harvested!

  111. Mark B

    When Reinhard Bonnke lost his tent in a storm, God had him do open air meetings for the rest of his life and not thousands but millions came to the kingdom and his meetings held hundreds of thousands each time. God always increased.

  112. Jerry Fretto

    Beautiful ! GOD will provide and equip . Praise JESUS forever !


    You are on our minds and in our prayers daily♡

  114. Ptr Carmen Mauldin

    We are sooo hungry for Good and such a burden for the list and those that have given up on the church! I pray what God has put in your heart is something that Cross Way Church of Texarkana, AR can join in! Blessings to you, Brother!

  115. Nancee

    I have been watching how God has used you while I was on the West Coast during the Covid Shut downs. I am so thankful to God that you were obedient and started the tent meetings. I am thankful to you for going to the people who would not come to the church.. Shalom, Shalom over you, your family, your possessions and all that you are doing to advance the kIngdom.

  116. Betty

    It should be on All our hearts to witness. Grab tracts and go! Pray with people! Every where my husband and I go we see hurting people so many are willing to let you pray with them. Last week I was reading my Bible in a bookstore and two men talked to me and I was able to minister to them. I’m an older woman (my husband was with me) and we hand out tracts, we pray with people. EVERYONE NEEDS TO DO THIS!! The burden isn’t Mario’s to carry, WE ARE THE CHURCH BODY-MOVE-SPEAK-GO! People are hurting and hungry. They are looking for answers!

  117. Carolyn

    Yes ! We lean on our Savior and His Word!
    Lord we bow knee to you and you alone . Lord send forth the laborers and provisions for souls for your arm is not short! Father we pray for millions saved in America and Billions across the globe. In Jesus name and by His blood we pray!

  118. Myrna L Murdoch

    We are readying ourselves to increase our support and will pray that you gain new supporters!

  119. Connie Waggoner


  120. Roger Vandevert

    The only possibility is to join together with on-fire leaders with churches to catch the harvest! Making the entire last day’s Church moving in unision with the Holy Ghost!

  121. Odilia

    Standing in agreement with your plan as is is always the Lord’s will 🙏🏼

  122. Nanette Gemmer

    Thank you so much for your ministry and heart for the list

  123. Bob Turek

    Thank you Mario and your ministry. You have been and continue to be obedient to what God continues to place on your heart. Both your Ministry and the size of your tents are expanding. Almighty God is Blessing your Ministry and wants His Church to take notice. I look forward to your Tent Crusade in Batavia next month.I attended the night of Feb 4 when you packed Cornerstone Church.

  124. Daniel Greenwell

    I love getting emails from you telling me of your success 4 the kingdom only wish I were able to help out also.

  125. Patricia Foxworth

    The hand of God is on you and where you put your tent God will move. Stretch out your tent pegs across this Nation, and let God arise. Let righteousness, justice, truth, and healing light us the darkness and let the churches wake up and reap the harvest for the Lord not for themselves!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️✝️

  126. James Brubaker

    Our God will supply all your need, according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus!

  127. Jenean Igo Clark

    Praise God. I pray He give you all the strategies you need to reach thousands more people!

  128. Becky

    Like others, I will look forward to your announcement on June 1! I think that many of us who feel called of the Lord to be active in His service in the harvesting of souls feel at least a portion of what you have expressed. It is weighty, it hurts, it is exasperating, and we need more tools for the work! This is the time, and it is short! Another thought about the sowing and reaping might be that because we have not been sowing over the years as we should have, the tremendous need and opportunity for harvesting is now overtaking the previous lack of work. People are desiring to be harvested into the Kingdom, but they haven’t had the Word sown yet, many have no idea what it is all about, just that they need and want it! They want Jesus and Salvation. Keep saving souls and expanding the Kingdom, what a responsibility, what a blessing!

  129. Barbara James

    I can’t wait to hear the announcement 🙏🙌✝️To God be all Glory 🙌🙌🙌

  130. Connie Strock

    Praying for more willing ,laborers.and expansion. To reach millions. In Jesus name.p

  131. MCMGomez

    GOD is definitely in control! HALLELUJAH!!!

  132. james r hanson

    I wou;d like to be a worker I am retired but cannot afford the hotels

    • Marilou

      Airbnb (instead of hotel) really saved me money when volunteering at MMM Phoenix last month

  133. Betsy

    How do I help?
    We can’t let the harvest rot waiting to be gathered!

  134. Terry Haight

    Mario, I love your boldness and hunger to do more for the harvest. We shall keep you in prayer.

  135. steve

    Lord I ask you to raise up MANY evangelist with God’s Heart and Power, all through this nation, and in every tribe tongue and nation. And to bring in true disciplers to bring believers to maturity in God’s will and purposes.

  136. Lisa Wright

    Thank you for being obedient. Gods call always provides your need…That …you can count on. God has your heart Mario and the beat of it goes on. Continue to Trust your God to embrace your every possibility… with God ALL things are possible.

  137. Richard Vega

    We led two people to Christ in our homeless outreach last Sunday. Every Christian alive would you leave one person to Jesus a year who would double our numbers every year. Time for the whole church to go out and become soul winners!

  138. Jeanette Hutchison

    God Bless you Mario!! I pray for the strength of the Holy Spirit and God to send his mighty Angels to guide, strengthen and open doors that only He knows are needed for your calling to guide souls into their eternal heavenly salvation!! You’re an inspiration to many especially to me to see what God is able to do when submitting to His will!! You inspire to get up and speak up when there is a heaviness that can easily slow us down. I attended and volunteered in your tent meeting in Bakersfield couple years back and experience the overwhelming number of people and presence of the Holy Spirit and souls coming to Christ! Thank you for your perseverance in our Lords work!!

    May the Lord be with and bless you,


  139. Jayne B.

    The harvest is great but the laborers are few. I will agree with you in prayer Mt 9:38 that laborers will be sent into the field of harvest. I thank God for eyes to see and ears to hear for stepping into the divine appointments He is placing all around me, to His glory.

  140. Maria McIntire

    Hallelujah! The Lord is enlarging your tents!Thank you Jesus for the billions of souls 🙏 that are coming to salvation!!!

  141. Dwms

    ❤️🙏❤️. Time for all of us to do more. I am convinced that God will provide above and beyond all that is needed for His harvest. Blessings MMM

  142. Ann Williams

    I thank GOD ALMIGHTY for raising up MARIO. I’ve been praying for you, yours, & your team for qiite awhile. I’m 84 yrs young & remember seeing you on TBN the very early days. Thank you for telling truth & not watering down the word of GOD. GOD BLRSS YOU

  143. Sherryl Robertson

    If needed, I can move to Lafeyette TN and volunteer in your ministry, Mario! I would love to help you win souls for JESUS! I absolutely LOVED picking up your new tent from Miami OK last year and taking it to Colorado Springs! I felt like I was hauling the ark of the covenant! I was so proud and your tent was the best thing I have ever hauled in the 31 years as a truck driver! If you and Mechelle need me to move, I will quit my job and come and help your ministry!

  144. Pamela McCarty

    Yes! No limits! Let’s go!

  145. Cheryll

    Can wait to hear what GOD will now do thru this ministry 🙏❤️


    “LET GO and LET GOD.” I pray that the Church will take this to heart and follow your leading. GOD bless you and your whole team.

  147. Christine L Couchman DeAngelis

    We praise the Lord for this new multiplication and every provision for it!
    Abundant Blessings !
    Nicholas & Christine

  148. Jane Schmitt

    I am willing to help harvest. Going to the courage tour in Wisconsin.

  149. Susan Gillingham

    Sometimes it is easier to comprehend a ‘twig in a glass of a few drops of water’ than it is to comprehend the earths fields of ready-to-be harvested the size of oceans. You were called and answered many years ago and God is still preparing you, line upon line, precept upon precept, then from Glory to Glory. Onward Christian soldier marching as if to war, with the Cross of Jesus going on before. Jesus, in the Garden of Gethsemane, sweating blood and tears, said, “Father not my will but yours.” If you dare allow to me ask, is this gardocen size garden needing harvest your Gethsemane?

  150. Susan Gillingham

    Sometimes it is easier to comprehend a ‘twig in a glass of a few drops of water’ than it is to comprehend the earths fields of ready-to-be harvested the size of oceans. You were called and answered many years ago and God is still preparing you, line upon line, precept upon precept, then from Glory to Glory. Onward Christian soldier marching as if to war, with the Cross of Jesus going on before. Jesus, in the Garden of Gethsemane, sweating blood and tears, said, “Father not my will but yours.” If you dare allow to me ask, is this ocean size garden, needing harvest, your Gethsemane?

  151. Susan Gillingham

    Sorry, I had to correct a boo boo in spelling.

  152. Elba Feliciano

    Shalom brother! God has full control. We just need to obey! ❤️

  153. Cecilia West

    As I read this, I was deeply moved and stirred and encouraged! Also, the words “towering plan” was highlighted to me. I love it when God releases something new and refreshing to bring the Woke to AWAKEN. Blessings.

  154. Sharon J Palmer

    Prayers for MMM continue as now rejoicing joins in with praises to Almighty God!

  155. Deborah Aguilar

    The Lost Are Being LED to You Pastor ! Lord Will Find Away for Each Lost Soul !! We’re There Is No Way He Will Show You !! Abba Father , Give Pastor Help In finances for your children your calling home , Up lift this Great Man of God ! Everything he needs open hearts for people to give , You are Our Provider , I trust you Lord My Christ. In All Things for Pastor Murillo !! In Jesus Christ Our King . Deborah Aguilar/ Sacramento

  156. Giselda V Velasquez

    My Brother Mario, thank you for your obedience to the Lord and for not ignoring the grownings of The Precious Holy Spirit in your soul and to follow and hear The Voice of The Lord for you to increase your Crusades to heal and save souls. That is in heart of God . After reading your Message” I can’t take it anymore” I was so grieved,because I can relate with the emtional and spiritual pain you are carring for so MANY LOST SOULS. I know the feeling of those grownings and sometimes all I can say is ” Lord,send Labores in to your Vineyard, because the fields are full for reaping ,but the workers are few” You and your ministrie workers are one of those workers. Thank you on behalf of all the souls that have bee born again and healed through your Mi istry. There is
    A Scripture in the Holy Bible that is coming to my spirit that relates to what you are feeling in your soul. It’s in The Book of Ezequiel, chapter 3, verses 17-19. It says: Son of man, I have made you a watch man to the house of Israel ( and to all The World) Whenever you hear The Word from my Mouth, then, warm them from Me. When you say to the wicked “You shall surerly die” and you don’t warn him, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked ways that he may live, the same wicked man shall die in his iniquities, but his blood I will require at your hand. Yet, if you warn the wicked and he does not turn from his wickedness or from his wicked ways, he shall die in his iniquities, but you have delivered your soul”.We and the Church as believer shoud tremble when reading this warnings from the Lord. I will be standing and praying for you that The Lord Jeovah Jirah, OUR provider will supply every need you have in order to help you fulfill the Comand He has entrusted you with. Shalom, Shalom

  157. Kathleen A Donovan

    Thank you, I am in support of this Ministry. Many years ago a Minister of God’s Word wrote down a blessing to me: Isaiah 54: 1-6; I have the paper and I have it on my heart. My desire is Jesus to be blessed with many people opening up their hearts and lives to him. That’s the only thing I can give back to Him for redeeming me; praying and giving. I will support this plan of multiplication with prayer and gifts. KayD

  158. Loraine

    I hear you Pastor Mario. May the Lord give you wisdom, guidance, finances and the laborers for this dynamic buden He has placed in your heart. 🙏

  159. Keith Honeycutt

    Awake oh sleeper!
    Lord help the Church understand any harvest unprepared for will be wasted. Raise up, awaken spiritual Mothers and Fathers, remind us we must make disciples it won’t just happen. Remind us newborn babies need special care. Teach us what order or structure is required to accommodate such a harvest. Remind us we are responsible, accountable and capable! Give us the faith of a pagan king, even Pharaoh heard, believed and responded! Surely we the Church can! In Jesus mighty name amen!

  160. Wayne

    Why are my comments almost never published? I sent in one this morning. Have I been blacklisted for some reason? What’s the problem? I thought I had a pretty good idea. Only the Lord knows why I’ve been tossed aside. I’ll leave it in His capable hands.

  161. Tony

    Peace and Blessings Brother Mario.

  162. Marilou Stockton

    With the Holy Spirit’s power, help us Father God as the faithful church to step up to the plate and reap this harvest for Christ’s Kingdom.

  163. Alvaro (Al) Zertuche

    The Lord our God is definitely moving in a very powerful way in these last days. I believe the Rapture of the True Church is imminent.

  164. jason F schweitzer

    cobleskill n.y. is willing to host the tent at the fair grounds..or my place…10 acres of land,

  165. Patricia Hatcher

    I love that tent meetings are reviving. There is something about the tent that a structured building cannot provide. Maybe it’s the Holy Spirit. I received healing in an Oral Roberts tent meeting in 1954. I was 10 years old. I give my testimony often. Sooo thankful to Jesus.

  166. Ramona L Nordhoff

    Yes Mario, The Souls are coming bc The Holy Spirit being poured out. But sad some ministries want even OPEN the Churches on Sunday Night. They do 4 Sunday Mornings then closed entire Month. Waste to me!

  167. Ross Hastings

    We are with you, Mario. Go for it my friend.

  168. Diane

    Ever since moving to a really awesome community in Central Oregon, I’ve imagined a big time of singing worship songs in one of the large grassy areas we have here! We’re a mostly conservative area, but still lost of brethren who need encouragement, and lots who still need a relationship with Jesus.

  169. Kathryn A Cornell

    Thank you for your faithfulness and obedience Brother Mario. Our Prayers are with you and your team as you are activated in this mighty move of God. Believing with you all that God will provide all that you need and more. God speed!

  170. 출장안마

    Superb site you have here but I was wanting to know if
    you knew of any discussion boards that cover the same topics talked
    about here? I’d really love to be a part of community where I can get advice from
    other experienced individuals that share the same interest.

    If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Thanks!

  171. Rachel Howard

    We are so excited!! We are praying for you !! Yes!! God is doing great and mighty things!! We stand with you !

  172. Joseph And Susan Liberadzki

    Thank you for committing to come to Howell MI on the 17th. See you there.
    God Bless you. We are praying.

  173. Jeffry S Crews

    God Bless Mario!!!

    Thank you for your labor of love!!

  174. Audrey Yockey

    Today you mentioned stadiums of people. I was reminded of a vision several years ago of prominent church leaders together in a stadium conference. As I was speaking to the generals and soldiers – the who’s who of today warriors, and regular lay workers- (I can see the event and people laid out in my mind) – God told me clearly WHEN these warriors, soldiers and leaders come together and strategize together THEN I will coordinate my outpouring. THEN MY move will gain much needed momentum.
    They must be unified and united together. They must join forces. Together. THEN they will take the FIRE from this gathering to the people of communities and regions across this nation and the globe.
    There is still much work to be done to create a UNIFIED body and movement.
    We must work together.
    I believe I will be part of that meeting – maybe even helping to coordinate it- I believe there is a time coming where we will rent out an entire stadium or arena and every mover and shaker will attend. They will become equipped for this next move. No one will have any agenda other than the Lords. A unified body will rise and go forth.
    Let it be so!!

  175. Sandra

    Yes and AMEN !! I feel the same ! You are the only one obeying GOD

  176. Betty

    Every church needs to come alive in the spirit now to help in this great work of soul winning. Come together right now in the name of Jesus. Glory to God.

  177. Marleen

    Praying for you. Asking Jesus how I can help.

  178. earl Yates

    oh my brother i feel the pain and i know the LORD will do as HE has said in HIS word Righteousness will cover the EARTH as it fills the sea from top to bottom, praise HIS HOLY NAME I KNOW IT IS COMING, GLORY TO HIS NAME, i will be in howell michigan at the tent meeting coming from kentucky. I love your books and preaching will see you there THE LORD WILLING LOVE BROTHER EARL




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