Breaking news! The pilot for our new show is on right now!
I asked God a simple question. That’s how it all started.
Why are the tent meetings so effective? What started this explosive combination of fire, deliverance, miracles, and mass conversions?
Millions now know what happens inside our Tent, but only God gets the glory! No man could have done this. God is the only reason this is happening.
We feel compassion for those who think you just buy a tent and put it up. We have tried to warn any who would listen. There is way, way more to it than that.
But when leaders press me for an explanation, my answer is always the same. I asked God a simple question. That’s how it all started. I asked God, ‘What will it take to save America?’
Anyone can ask that question. But very few want to know the answer. And those who seek insincerely, will only get dead silence. James 1:6-7, “But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord…”
The Holy Spirit knows if you are going to obey. He will not frustrate the unwilling with answers.
So, the answer came. And I was not disobedient. It required an inner revolution—a revolution that is still ongoing. Here is the answer that came, step by step:
Pray and obey.
Under strict orders, we were told never to go out except by the direct command of God. His voice would command us where, when, and how we go. We are powerless until He speaks.
Highway 99 in California was our first assignment. Because we went where we were told—heaven stood behind our efforts. We invaded hellholes of despair in the authority of the Name of Jesus. No force of Satan could withstand our efforts because they were born from prayer and obedience.
We never seek the best opportunity. We only want the mind of God.
Today, that assignment is Colorado Springs. Today begins our march toward the greatest tent crusade in our history. Remember that I told you this: Colorado Springs will be the greatest harvest and flood of souls yet.
Build a volunteer army.
The fieriest meeting you will ever attend—the most exiting gathering you will ever experience—is the Saturday night when I preach to our volunteer army. They are the best people in the world.
Why are they so excited? First of all, it is because the anointing does not just remain on the stage or even in the Tent. When these warriors go out they see unsaved people healed, then saved, on the streets and in the neighborhoods.
Those who volunteer have testimonies that will burn within them for the rest of their lives. They also find a tribe of lifelong friends. And after a crusade they bring fire back to their churches.
Do not disobey the voice of the Holy Spirit if He is calling you to join us in Colorado Springs! Use this link to volunteer right now. The link will also answer your questions:
Go and get the lost and bring them to the Tent.
We always want as many lost souls as possible to attend our meetings. We go out and get them. We are certain that Americans are hungry for Christ.
We eschew all of the lies and false images that the media constantly broadcasts about Americans. We believe what Jesus said, “Do you think the work of harvesting will not begin until the summer ends four months from now? Look around you! Vast fields of human souls are ripening all around us and are ready now for reaping” (John 4:35).
That vast harvest is always confirmed in our Tent. It is the reason we always need more volunteers.
Bring pastors and leaders together for a brunch.
This is one of our most effective weapons. Bringing leaders and pastors together who love their city increases the power.
We do not come as outsiders boasting of some solution. We recognize and honor those who labor and sacrifice for a city. We come to fit in with the ongoing work of God in their community. The fire of God always falls during these brunches.
Our brunch in Colorado Springs will be on Saturday morning May 20th at 11 A.M. It will be hosted at Church For All Nations, 6540 Templeton Gap Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80923.
My special guest is Lance Wallnau It is free but you must register. Use this link to register right now.
Rightly divide the Word of Truth for Signs and Wonders.
The last thing on my mind when I stand up to preach in the Tent is eloquence. The first thing is always the Word of God. The Holy Spirit has made it painfully clear to me that no miracles come unless the truth is spoken in love.
Human wisdom, wordsmithing, and trying to be cute with a modern audience is a terrible waste of time. No one will be saved or delivered. The devil does not respect glittering verbiage. But he flees from the Sword of the Spirit!
Always build a sermon by the wisdom and infusion of the Holy Spirit. What may seem ineffective to you will be the words that break chains, instill faith, and bring conviction to the modern mind.
In Colorado Springs I will preach four new messages. The crusade will be four nights, July 16-19th at 6:30 P.M. on the campus of Church For All Nations, 6540 Templeton Gap Rd., Colorado Springs, CO 80923.
It all begins next Sunday April 16 at Radiant Church. I will be preaching at 9AM/11AM and a miracle service at 6:30PM.
What will it take to save America? A deep and wide repentance in the Church. We must repent of human-driven efforts. We must lay it all down at the foot of the Cross. Our urgent need is to start doing everything God’s way.
“How great is the harvest? It is so great that we have been forced to buy a new tent every 18 months. And each new tent is twice the size of the one before. In the Colorado Springs Crusade, we will be using our new Big Top Tent that seats 5,200 people. It will literally tower over Colorado Springs.”
If you come to Colorado Springs, you can be sure that, as we are all obedient, we will see the greatest manifestation of God’s power that we have ever seen!
I have been following you since I started watching Flashpoint. I spoke with you in Fort Worth when I took a picture with you and the others. I am from Louisiana. We talked about me being from Louisiana. I was hoping you would come here. I have been praying and believing for a miracle in my body. I believe it’s in God’s time.
When in your meeting, please pray for my wife, Pam. She has tinnitus so bad at times she says she can no longer hear the “still small voice”… He’s being drowned out by the high pitched squealing noise. We’re believing for a miracle as she says this is driving her mad! Please pray God would deliver her from this torment! Thank you all!
I will pray for Pam. I also began suffering from the same thing since having covid. I understand. I’m believing God for deliverance from this for us both in Jesus name.
Praise the Lord for Who He Is and All He is doing! HalleluYah! His Resurrection Power is here! Mario, I’m sure there are millions of believers all around the world who would love to be trained up in the way you train your voluntary army, but who never get the opportunity because the ‘good shepherds’ are so few. Would you please consider making the training meetings available online to the global hungry remnant who would love to be part of this “Soon Army” of the Lord and to go out on the streets of their local cities and regions to minister to the lost and hurting, but have no training and thus aren’t sure what to do? Thanks.
This is the second time this week I have heard you don’t make a move unless God tells you to. I love confirming words.
We would consider ourselves blessed if God told us He wanted us to sign up to help at the Colorado Springs tent meeting. We would also be honored if God allowed us to carry Revival back to Toledo, Ohio and all the surrounding area when we returned.
Thank you Mario for being obedient to the LORD❣️ This comment includes a prayer request that our house and our lives be cleansed of the demonic, witchcraft assignments put upon us here on Kipp Rd., Parish, NY We are tithers, and children of God ‼️ We do not believe that it is a coincidence that the enemy is using “Parish” as his playground ‼️ Please help‼️ Desperate & Faith-filled in New York❣️
what will it take to save America? That is correct.
Pray Listen Obey
Lord use me
Come to NC!
I’m working on gathering volunteers ahead of time.
Please keep me in the loop for all NC dates.
Amen and amen, do be the lord !
Praise God! This is so exciting!
Many here in the Dayton OH area have been tilling the soil for souls.
The past 2 years we have had a 24 hr. Tent Prayer Revival praying for the Fire of God to spread through this area as well as our entire state.
We have been working with Revive OH to equip the Church to share the Gospel.
God is doing some Amazing things in our state.
If you would ever consider coming here, we could round up many volunteers to help.
This state desperately needs Jesus! Drugs run rampant here.
Thank you Mario for all you do & for taking our Great State into consideration!
Bless you,
My husband & I are praying about volunteering in one of your upcoming Revivals possibly Colorado.
I can help you with my prayers and finances. I would love to be there in person. But doesn’t seem visible as of now.
Don’t understand why Apr. 16 teaching is so far away from the July crusade. Seems like alot of unnecessary travel during 2 month period.
Actually there will be 3 trips. The reason is that this will be our largest and deepest outreach yet. It is going to take a lot of groundwork. Thank you for praying for us.
I pray for Mario and this ministry! I see his heart through his voice! 🙏🏻✝️
I watched Mario Murillo every time when he ministered with the Flashpoint leaders at the rallies. I thought I’d mention that the word Mario received from
the Lord [pray and obey] is the same revelation that Dr. Cho from Korea
heard when he was building the church in Korea. He died recently and
in 2008, Young Hoon Lee became senior pastor. In 2020, the Church had 480,000 people in Seoul. Maybe “pray and obey” is sound doctrine for
drawing attendees. The Bible also states “obedience is better than sacrifice”.
For Christian leaders that implies being led by the Spirit
Glory be to GOD!!!!!!
How do get signed up to volunteer helping with tent crusade evangelism outreaches
Dan, use this link:
I wish you would come to Westcliffe, CO, about 2 hours south & west of Colorado Springs. It is a small mountain town, sistered next to Silver Cliff. I have been praying for these towns and believe that the Lord would work wondrously here to save souls and set people free.
I was looking forward to the NC crusade but no longer see it in the event schedule. Has it been canceled?
It’s on the schedule! October 22-25 Winston-Salem Fairgrounds.
Fire Power was AMAZING tonight! Bring it on!!!
Thankyou and God bless you for being obedient to the Holy Spirit .🙏🏼from Australia 🕊️
I have a daughter who has been gone for over a year. And left not in a good way. I know she’s in Denver her name is Brandie. Please pray she comes to your meeting. I’m praying for this to happen. She needs deliverance and I know if she gets there she will get set free. Praying for your ministry. That the power of God continues to save , deliver, heal all who are oppressed by the devil. May The Lord bless Mario Murillo
I am agreeing with you for Brandie’s salvation. May Yahovah draw her to the message of Peace and Reconciliation and Forgiveness in Yeshua. Wherever she is. If this meeting then Amen 🙏🏽❤️
HE is risen and HE is coming back!
I saw Mario preach at my church at the time, First Assembly of Rockford, Illinois, somewhere early in 1992. I saw a man who operated in the gifts of the Spirit as he spoke the unadulterated Word of God, preaching a message of REPENTANCE (this has largely been abandoned in much of the American church). I saw words of knowledge, healings, salvations. Mario is in fact called by The Almighty, YHVH and His Son, Yeshua Ha’Meschiach, for such a time as this.
Really like the firestorm idea Also come to the twin cities of minnesota…
God bless you and your ministry.
I ministered with my friend Tom Griner in a tent in Calif and Nevada back in 1988.
Bob V.
Thank you Mario for all you do. Glory be to God.
Wow Mario, thank you for your obedience. It says in Matt-9-37&38 ,harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest,therefore, to send out workers into YESHUA harvest field. Not Mario’s or the church’s field. Yeshua harvest field. Amen & Amen to the Colorado Springs crusade.
Dunamis.The full force of a mighty army. The force of a hurricane (blows things out of the way),earthquake (shakes things up) tornado (tears things up)That is what God has given to bring in the harvest. Blessings MMM
Mario I sent a text to volunteer in California but received a message to volunteers in Florida. I would like info on when I need to be there too schedule my flight. I’m praying for you and everyone ministering with you for live to be changed and should to be David.
Mary, use this link to volunteer for Colorado Springs:
I tried to register to volunteer but the system would not allow me to change my email address , I use Gmail and the account showing on the form is a Google account …
Jeff, please call us at 1 800-980-3424 and we will help you.
Praise the Lord.
God bless you Mario and Lance.
We will keep you in prayer
MARIO, I seem to be weeping a lot for weeks now. I am so moved by everything happening in America, and all around me. Christian TV is growing weaker and weaker, a and I cannot help but feel the move of so many ministries to “ENTERTAIN” their viewers….So much “Showmanship”—-so much “personality turn-ons……
MARIO, You are always filled with humility…..You are always the same…There is no Show in You—–it is ALL THE HOLY SPIRIT
Praying for hearts to soften and accept Jesus as Lord of their lives. Praying the harvest of souls is the greatest ever! All in the Name of Jesus!
Will we be able to see the meetings online? I’m not able to travel at this time, I will be lifting you up to bring in the Harvest and I am praying for hearts 💕 to be changed by the Holy Spirit. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️✝️ in the name of Mighty Jesus our Lord. ✝️✝️🎉🎉🎉🌹🌹🌹💕💕
Live streaming is usually decided a few days before the event. So far we have chosen to live stream all of them.
My husband and I are supporters of your ministry, and we really enjoyed the conference in Ocala. My question and concern is how do you feel about Trump having 500 gays at Mar-a-Lago, and telling them he is fighting hard for them and their rights? Is this a guy we should be voting for? I voted for him twice, but now feel he is betraying us Christians, as he knows how we feel about marriage. I would love to know your opinion.
I am 88 years young and accidently tuned in to you and Lance. Followed you ever since! I love your boldness . You are fearless.
I watched Flashpoint until I realized they were connected with KCM.
No more. I believe he and his ministry are false teachers.
Please correct me if I am wrong!
I’ve seen 2 dates for the Colorado Springs crusade July 10th through the 13th and July 16th through the 19th Which one is it?
The correct date is July 16-19 6:30 PM
Pray for my son Patrick.
Mario I have searched for your comments on Kat karr and Robin bullock!!!! Where can I obtain a copy please?
Scroll down all the blogs. There are 4 blogs posted on the subject.
I am from Mssissauga Canada. Your messages inspire me to love God more and to love Holy Spirit. Please pray that I get baptized in the Holy Ghost and feel Him in my belly and overflow out and let me experience supernatural living on earth. Amen
Thank You, Abba Father, that Your will is being done in these tent assemblies and thank You, Lord, that Evangelists Mario Murillo and Lance Wallnau are obedient to Your call! In Jesus’ Name, Amen and amen.
God has raised up Mario for such a time on this earth ,who is not afraid to preach the gospel in these last days. May God strengthen you, and reach more of the lost .please remember me and my husband for a total healing of many thing in og bodies.
I have been blessed by your ministry. Praise God for the souls that have come to the kingdom!
I am believing for a healing. In January of 2000 I had my aortic valve replaced, since I was only 34 the doctor cut my av node thinking it was a muscle, the next day I had to have a pacemaker. Over the years an ascending aortic aneurysm has formed. They said it was caused from the surgery. Thank the Lord it has barely grown. Lately I have been dealing with blood pressure issues, my blood pressure goes up and down. I passed out on April 5th. I had to go to the hospital to make sure I didn’t bleed in my brain, thank the Lord it was ok. My legs are weak and I walk with a cane or Walker. Please pray for me, I need a supernatural touch from the Lord!