“Hear me, O Lord, hear me, that this people may know that You are the Lord God, and that You have turned their hearts back to You again.” (1 Kings 18:37)

God proved that he had the power to make America pray, even when they say they don’t believe in prayer. It became about God, and the nation couldn’t explain why.
He went on to talk about two people who have influenced his life, Kathryn Kuhlman and David Wilkerson, and how that ‘DNA’ is why he doesn’t need the trinkets and accolades of ministry. He said someone told him he should “claim big things from God.” He responded by saying, “I will claim prostitutes to be saved, and gangs to turn to God. I will claim wheelchairs to be emptied, drug abuse to be solved, and the miracles of God to hit the lost!”
Mario said this night’s message would simultaneously target two specific groups of people. One is the frustrated Christian— the one who no longer wants to be entertained or placated, but who wants God. Those who are sick of the world’s systems invading the Church. Those who remember when it was about the Word of God, the Presence of God, and the Miracles of God. The other group is the lost souls.
He brought the two groups together with the story of King David at Ziklag. When he and his men had returned from battle to find their city burned and their wives and children taken, in a moment of despair and frustration, when even his own men were turning on him, the Bible says David “encouraged himself in the Lord”
David asked the Lord if he should pursue, and the Lord said, ‘Yes.’ And without knowing where to go, he gathered his men and headed out. And on the way, he came upon someone who ultimately helped him.
The man they found was an Egyptian slave who had been abandoned, and left to die, by the Amalekites because he was sick. David took the time to restore the man back to health and in exchange that man led David and his men to the Amalekite camp where they rescued their families and their possessions.
David was the “frustrated Christian,” and the Egyptian slave was the lost soul. David was tired of being placated and settling for whatever situation he found himself in; and the slave was lost, alone, uncared for and left to die.
David showed compassion and love for the man, and in return, the man led him to God’s restoration. The last person David ever thought could help him, not only knew how to help but, took him there.
David’s faithfulness to follow God’s vision was rewarded with a slave who at first seemed to make David’s situation worse, but in reality, brought David closer to his true destination. The vision he had from God was realized in a way he never would have expected or could have explained. And in like fashion, the Church needs to get out of its funk and pursue the vision God has placed in its heart. We must be willing to accept whatever solution God brings along the way.
He then told the story of when Jacob wrestled with God in the night. And how he took hold of God and refused to let go until God blessed him. Jacob realized this was his moment, it was now or never, and he refused to let it pass him by. He was going to grab hold of God and say, “God, change me. Make me something I’ve never been before. Make my life of value.”
Mario asked the question, “How is it that God couldn’t break Jacob’s hold? How is it that He had the power to break his hip, but not break his grip?” He said, “Because the one thing God cannot resist is the cry of one of His children.”
He then called for those who wanted to be set free to raise their hands, and then had them come forward, and we witnessed another amazing, great response. Hundreds flooded forward and filled the front of the Tent from one side to the other.

After the people went out to be ministered to, the atmosphere in the Tent shifted, and God began to pour out his anointing. Then miracles began to happen.
Mario identified a couple on one side of the Tent and had them stand. Focusing on the wife, he told her of the many things going on in her body. And after confirming that what Mario was saying was true, she began to receive her healing and relief from her pain. She began moving her arms and legs, waving them around. Then Mario had her come to the front where she walked with ease back and forth across the front of the Tent.

After she returned to her seat a few moments later, there was a shout followed by many voices shouting out, as she began to dance freely, weeping before God. I learned later that this couple enjoyed going on mission trips, but because of the many issues in her body, she could no longer travel. Her husband said he had stopped going because she could not go with him. Now at the end of the evening, they were rejoicing because they can once again go on these trips together.
After this, there was a rapid succession of people being identified and called out. Not many particulars were given, but people were responding with shouts and tears of joy as pain left their bodies.

One woman Mario identified, and while detailing the various things God was touching, he mentioned there was a growth of some sort in her throat. He had her touch the spot again, and she confirmed that it was no longer there. She could no longer feel it.
I tried to keep track of all the bodies that were touched in one way or another. They were coming in so fast that there were too many to track them all! Migraines, and spine issues, and many others. It was a beautiful time as God’s fire moved through the Tent.
Mario concluded by having everyone who had some need of a miracle raise to their hand. He then had them repeat a prayer after him, to receive their miracle from God.
To close out the night, Mario had the worship team return to the platform and sing the wonderful old song, “What Can Wash Away My Sin?” After singing, Frank prayed a wonderful closing prayer and the worship team resumed singing.

While most left the Tent, a remnant of about 60 or so people stayed around the front singing and praising God. It was an amazing end to an amazing night.
If you weren’t able to attend, it’s still not too late. The crusade will continue for two more nights and we fully expect God to do mighty things! We hope to see you there!
Praise God! So good!
My wife Kathryn watch your wonderful tent services and all the programs we can find I have been to Oral Roberts University when the hospital was being built and brought my young daughter with me June 18, 1978. The Lord God healed me of nicotine addiction that date.
I pray daily for you and your ministry and the people who minister with you.
My additional prayer is that you would bring your tent to the northeast, New Hampshire specifficaly. Please pray for my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. A few are saved I claimed them all for Jesus the day they were born.
Praise God.
Praise God for the wonderful testimonies of salvation and healing.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow! So thrilled to read of God’s Holly Fire’s presence meeting needs of a people created in His image
Thank you for reporting what’s going on there. Knowing what God is doing there gives me hope and faith that He can do it here, too.
When I read, … someone told him he should “claim big things from God”. He responded by saying, “claim prostitues to be saved, claim gangs to turn to God, claim wheelchairs to be empty, claim drug abuse to be solved, and the miracle of God to hit the lost!”, it gripped my heart and all I could do was go, Amen Lord, Yes Lord.. and please show up in my living room when my gangsta lost sheep come here to watch football..
I remember the ‘Revolution for Jesus’ well, when I started to first follow Jesus …
Praise God for His faithfulness!
what a blessing. keep these blogs coming. Our Jesus is so good to us. my prayers are with you all the time.
Thank you for this wildfire Holy Spirit encouragement!
What an amazing night, seeing the lost saved was the greatest miracle of all, I can’t wait to see what will happens Tuesday !!! Thank you Jesus!!!
Is there live stream or recordings?
At 6:30 PM West coast time tonight go to https://www.facebook.com/mariomurilloministry
Thank you Father for Mario and his wonderful team, thanks and praise to You Our Precious Lord and Savior. Thank you for the healings and most of all souls in Your Kingdom. PTL
PRAISE THE LORD!!! GREAT THINGS HE HAS DONE!! And will continue to do. I am watching from Texas and the Presense of the Lord is here. Thank you Mario for loving California enough to fight for her people who need God.
Thank you for sharing this, i would love to be in the meetings but still enjoy and get excited hearing about what the God is doing there.
are you going to bring the revival services to Georgia in the east?
I am receiving my miracle just by reading this amazing testimonies of God’s power trough His Holy Spirit !! 🙏 thank you Jesus for your blood 🩸
I thank God for what he is doing through you, Mario, and for your ministry. I am praying for you to continue to minister and lead souls to Christ. I thank God for your godly mother and that her prayers for you, her unborn child was answered. May God spread the fire he has built in you and may we rejoice with all the new sisters and brothers in Christ. Sending love and prayers.
What a wonderful way to start my day, reading these updates from Mario’s tent crusades. What an amazing time to be alive. Praise The Lord. Amen
Praise the Lord! God is moving in mighty way! 2 Chronicles 7:14
These testimonies are such a blessing. Our God is moving in a mighty way. Thank you for sharing. Blessings MMM. ❤️🙏
I was telling someone that I want to go to a tent meeting like the ones I used to go to when Oral Robert’s was around. That person asked me why tent meetings when they could just use an auditorium and not worry about it being rained out. I did not have an answer. I guess I just want some of that old time religion and the smell of the sawdust .
There is nothing like the atmosphere of a tent. -Mario
Deborah, I prayed for your ‘lost sheep.’ May the power of the Lord, descend on your home!