by | Dec 16, 2022 | Christianity Today, Mario Murillo Ministries | 27 comments

“We are not creating vessels of God that matter.” That is what I said when they asked what I thought was the greatest crisis in the Church.

When vessels operate outside the power of God, nothing they do matters. Drawing a crowd does not matter. Having a large social media platform is irrelevant. Emotionally moving an audience is meaningless. Why? Because those vessels are firing blanks.

Arthur Matthew said this over 50 years ago, “My burden relates to the flood of evil that the devil is pouring into the world and, at the same time, the passivity of many of God’s saints as they view this state of affairs and their ignorance of the part God expects them to play in His warfare against Satan.”


Imagine what he would say about the Church today?

Is there a system at work in the Church that prevents God from creating effective vessels? Is it possible that Satan helped to set this system in place? What if the world system is actually operating in some churches?

Might that explain why some preachers are silent about the world system? Are they soft-peddling the Truth because they are empowered or even funded by the global agenda?

But Satan does not stop here. The devil wants false vessels. He wants voices that claim to be from God to speak lies in order to distract the Army of God from even forming. These false vessels have caused many to fixate on predictions that never come to pass—yet, when they do not, the false prophets merely move on, unrepentant, to the next false prediction.

Some of them dare us to prove their silly descriptions of heaven are false. When in fact, the burden is on them to tell us why banal elements of American pop-culture will be in heaven, when the Bible clearly says this:

“The Day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up” (2 Peter 3:10, underlining, mine).

You may ask, “Is there still hope? Can we do anything about all of this? Can we yet create powerful weapons of God?”

The answer is a resounding, YES! But this is where those who have no heart for Truth will turn away.

If you truly want the power that the devil dreads—if you would be willing to cast off every excuse and renounce even the hidden works of darkness—then you will find your place among those who are the dread of demons. You will find what the Christmas carol calls: ‘a voice as big as the sea.’ And your voice will be that which inflicts devastating damage on the works of the enemy.

Here then are the ways of true vessels of God:

Vessels of God are filled with the Holy Spirit.

It all begins with a mighty baptism of the Holy Spirit. No purpose, plan or message will prevail against Satan, without the infusion of the Holy Spirit resting upon those who would be vessels of God.

Jesus gave the Holy Spirit the power to administer the work of God in the Earth. He would not let the disciples leave Jerusalem without being first filled with the Holy Spirit:

“You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

Jesus said in Luke 4:18-19, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me to preach the Gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”

Vessels of God are created for a specific crisis.

The operative word here is:Because!’ Jesus said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me because…” Vessels of God are mighty—not just because the Holy Spirit is upon them—but because they know why He is upon them.

Because they are raised up to handle a specific threat, they are—at first—strange to the Church. Even Billy Graham baffled church leaders when he began preaching. Without Barnabas, the Jerusalem church would not have known that Saul of Tarsus was truly converted, and called by the Lord to be Paul the Apostle.

The constant challenge of a true vessel of God will be to protect their focus and their identity. They must resist the pull of church culture, politics, and compromise—while at the same time, they must remain teachable and accountable to righteous leadership.

Vessels of God are soul winners.

Any preacher without a deliberate plan to reach lost souls is in disobedience. Any minister who never calls sinners to Christ in their meetings may not even know Jesus. Paul the Apostle said to Timothy, “But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry” (2 Timothy 4:5).

Mario at Mabee Altar Call

Vessels of God will call out false ministers and false doctrine. They will even name names.

There is a mistaken notion in the Church that we are not to correct false doctrine. This lie has done serious harm and has left the people of God vulnerable to the enemy. Consider the fact that if you were to remove the parts of the New Testament that handled false teaching, you would be taking out nearly 60% of Paul’s letters.

Can you imagine, if Paul were around right now, what kind of letter we would be getting!

And yes, in the early Church, they did call people out by name, in order to warn the sheep who the wolves were.

And yes, in the early Church, they did call people out by name, in order to warn the sheep who the wolves were:

-“Demas has forsaken me, having loved this present world, and has departed for Thessalonica; Crescens for Galatia; and Titus for Dalmatia” (2 Timothy 4:10).

-2 Timothy 4: 14-15, “Alexander the coppersmith did me much harm. May the Lord repay him according to his works. You also must beware of him, for he has greatly resisted our words.”

-3 John 9-10, “I wrote to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to have the preeminence among them, does not receive us. Therefore, if I come, I will call to mind his deeds which he does, prating against us with malicious words. And not content with that, he himself does not receive the brethren, and forbids those who wish to, putting them out of the church.”

Vessels of God operate in the true supernatural Gifts of the Spirit.

David Wilkerson said, “If Paul had preached and taught without signs and wonders following, his message would not have had its full impact. It would not have been the Gospel fully preached! He said to the Corinthians, “Truly the signs of an apostle were accomplished among you with all perseverance, in signs and wonders and mighty deeds” (2 Corinthians 12:12).

But the true vessels of God move with brokenness and reverence—always turning the attention away from themselves and toward Christ.

Sadly, yes, there have been gross abuses of the Gifts of the Spirit, but that does not mean we should shy away from seeking the true Gifts. Again, David Wilkerson said:

“Note Paul’s words in this verse: signs, wonders, mighty deeds. Most Christians today cringe when they hear these words! Why? Because these words have been made an abomination by unscrupulous, power-hungry preachers and teachers! The great tragedy is that such perversions have caused many God-fearing pastors, evangelists and laypeople to turn away from the truth of a fully preached Gospel. Beloved, God is still God—and He is mighty in working miracles and wonders! He is still our healer and He wants to show Himself strong on behalf of those who trust in Him!”

If God has birthed a passion in you to be a true vessel of God, take heart! He would not have awakened that passion in you unless He was going to fulfill it.

Finally, if God has birthed a passion in you to be a true vessel of God, take heart! He would not have awakened that passion in you unless He was going to fulfill it. Here is a great promise for you:

2 Timothy 2:20-21, “In a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honor and some for dishonor. Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work.”




  1. Janice Schoen

    💕🙏🙏🙏💕 To God Be The Glory

    • Karla J Morris

      Thank you precious brother…Mario Murillo for pointing out unpopular truths. I agree with Arthur Mathew about the widespread passivity in Christians, and what our part is to play in God’s war on evil in our society. Let’s get s plan to unravel the decades of planning by wicked people lead by Satan to destroy our beautiful , rich beyond imagination America. Let’s say NO!
      And each of us find our individual passion for which evil you will shut down, and let’s get with it. I’m still talking to pastors in any way that I can approach them, and pleading for them to shout from their pulpits the disgrace of mutilating our kids in the public schools with pro transgender counselors, and even here in Oklahoma have stopped Biology class until Christmas break to teach kids about pronouns and transgender acceptance. The public school is not a suitable environment for adults much less our kids. Pastors shout it from your pulpits! Kids are being perverted, mutilated, brain washed and sterilized. Some parents still care and have Godly character
      Warn them before their child is lost to Satan and his destruction of them.
      Your Sister in Christ. A part of the body of Christ at large. One of the saints. The household of faith.
      Karla J Morris Murphy
      Widowed by Ronnie Murphy

    • Charlotte dean


    • Molly Jennings


  2. Carl Krames

    Loved this Word! It reaffirmed that Luke 4:18-19 is for now! John 4:35 too. I was just thinking that scripture is what God is saying to so many Nations and I will bring it to the Central American people as the doors open THIS YEAR! Praying for your visit to the World Equestrian Center 🙏🔥. My wife & I live only 25 miles away and have been praying for True awakening in North Central Florida for 30 years! It’s not a mistake you’re coming here!
    Revelation 3:7-8 🙏🇺🇸🙌

    • Sherri Storie

      As I just got back from Ft Myers, I can’t wait to see how God provides my way to Ocala. I can’t wait to see if it planes, trains or automobiles. I can’t wait to see my new volunteer friends again but this time in Ocala. I am giddy at the thought of God providing me the money, the lodging and the food to get there. It is going to be epic! I can’t wait!

    • Paulette Bryant

      Good morning to all. I so enjoy all that Mario shares. I too, am looking forward to the Ocala Fire and Glory event. Lord willing I will make it this time. The state of our churches and those ministering, the false teaching being spread is all a true burden on my heart. Praying for the continued Holy Spirit outpouring, strength and protection for all involved with MMM.

    • Carlos

      Bring your message of Holy Spirit revival to Hawaii. We urgently need it!

  3. Janice Bartholomew

    i have known and have set under his ministry in Sacramento, ca in the early 70’s…his fire and telling the truth of God’s word has doubled over many times ,,,if you are hearing him now you will want to believe in what he is preaching about before it is to late..god bless and open up our ears and give us a new heart of flesh…help all LORD JESUS CHRIST OUR GOD AND SAVIOR/EVEN SO COME LORD JESUS.

  4. Mary Aversa

    Amen! And God bless you!

  5. Bridgette

    Amen Brother! I agree!!

  6. Michael A. Druckenmiller Sr

    I wish it were not so. But, truly the Salt has lost its savor. Are we seeing the End Times great falling away, the true Laodicean Church age come upon us. Impassioned and intense people are not welcome in today’s churches.

  7. Mona

    Thank you Mario for your ministry! Continue to make a bold stand for the truth!

  8. brenda

    As always, thank you for standing up for truth! You are a great leader by your example.

  9. Judy Drury

    You called it like it is. That takes love.

  10. David Mastel

    You continue to define and draw the line, but as this time passes the line is becoming a crater and soon the crater will become a chasem for those that do nothing when they hear reproof can easily become scoffers. May we have ears to hear and hearts to obey in such a time as this and turn from our wickedness personally and praying for this nation with broken hearts as Daniel prayed for his Israelite countrymen knowing we must petition God with brokenness that He might hear from heaven and heal our land! Keep truth and a buckler and the sword of the Spirit breathing the fire of revival sir!
    All blessings in and from Him,

  11. Debra L Campbell

    I have been hungry for the Awakening of the Church all my life! I want to be a vessel of honor!


    My brother Mario … A true “cutting edge” word as always! God Bless you today.

  13. PatandWindy

    YES! AGAIN I say this is a blessing to read the CHALLENGES going forth, to wake and shake the false prophets and cultic throngs who follow like adolescent Lemmings and blindly build their sand-castles! Amen to your statement: “Vessels of God will call out false ministers and false doctrine. They will even name names.” For decades, people go from one goose-bump circus to the next, fawning after the ones perpetuating the NARcissism and false kundalini spirit, false translation, false teachings, false prophecies and the sozo spirit-guides and Destiny cards, with NO cross, and NO repentance! The hypnotized masses giving obeisance to the golden-calf of the ME-culture!

  14. RL Perrin

    Great and wonderful true words.

  15. Timothy Pomp

    Thx Mario, I’m an Itenerate pastor in Minnesota 30 some years ago I invited you too Youthquake in Denver and was privileged to sit and pray with you before you/Jesus rocked 800+ kids with a similar fire message- 🙂I dealt with more demons that weekend than you can imagine, they were nervous! I think I burned for years, and still love your message- it’s not so complicated , His word Divides joints and marrow, soul and spirit, thots and intents! Keep charging General! Tim Pomp Bemidji, MN

  16. ReneH

    This is awesome. This should be mailed to every church in the US. People are hungry for signs and wonders again..and they are also afraid of them.

  17. Barbara Shuster

    Thank you so much for your words of wisdom and truth. Thank you father God for truth and your righteousness.

  18. Kristin Salzman

    Thank you Father, for Mario Murillo’s powerful admonitions to the body of Christ that is hungering to be those vessels of honor and fire, who’ve been purified by the Holy Spirit’s convicting and cleansing power and glory as we are baptized in His glory to serve as humble servants of the Lord in
    such a time as this. Thank you for the two books you’ve written these past years. They were powerful blessings used of the Lord in my life. I live in Illinois and pray some day you will come to our very needy state with it’s corrupt government from Chicago to Springfield. God is moving here and changes are coming! Blessings now in this Holy season and in the New Year to come!

  19. gege4god

    Yes, AMEN!!!!!

  20. Dwayne Desmarais

    I would constantly cry out “we need to raise the saints for the purpose of ministry and send them out” but speaking your heart beyond the time limit of the service, would always be met by the rattling of car keys… sadly, the words they all were waiting for…”the service has ended, go…(the building would be empty before you would hear) “in peace”…

    Those who hungered for more sat silent in their seats, wondering where the fire was! If there was one, the people certainly put it out! Thank you Mario for telling the truth. I believe that there is always chaos before a mighty move of God. It has obviously not reached it’s fullness within local churches. God is separating the wheat from the chaff, the vile from the precious, the righteous from the pretender.

    His glory will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea *** (Hab. 2:14) God is not looking for wimps waiting to be rescued, but fire breathing world changers…may the Church as a whole awaken to the mind of Christ and fulfill her mandate in the coming storm…be blessed…..><(("<

  21. Annaliesa

    Thank you Mario Murillo for this note! I am bold for God. I’ve been a bit quite and not sure why? The enemy is trying to attack me, but I have no shame in my love for God, and I’ll keep smashing the enemies head under my feet. It get tough , BUT GOD! Thank you for words that totally confirmed what I know I am supposed to be doing. People think I’m a little out there , and yes Iam for God and the word of God. Always a blessing to read your work. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻



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