The second and final night of Fire & Glory in Fort Meyers was an amazing time in the presence of God. Great worship, a great word from Mario Murillo, amazing response to the salvation call, and an amazing demonstration of the power of God.
Once again, the tent filled up early. The inside of the Tent was virtually full, 60 minutes before the announced starting time, so worship began almost an hour early.

It was a great time of worship and toward the end of it, there was a powerful presence of God in the Tent. Lance came on the stage and encouraged the people to pray in the Spirit. To sing their own new song to God.

A short time later, Mario took the stage. He began by setting a spiritual ground-rule, declaring that the diagnoses many had received from their doctor would soon no longer be true and that the powers of darkness in this region would be broken by the power of God.

He then made declarations, binding cancer and diabetes in the name of Jesus. Binding the works of the devil in your body in sickness, in Jesus’ name.
He had the people raise their hands and pray in tongues. The atmosphere was primed for great miracles to break out as the people invited the Holy Spirit in and gave Him room to work. Mario then had the people shout to God one more time before having them take their seats.
He began preaching a salvation message. He said it is time for God to overtake the programs of the church. For us to stop believing that our churches grow because of our great intelligence. It is God Himself Who has decided to reach America.
He shared how the Bible tells us that the root cause of addiction is despair and pain. He then talked about the woes and cares of the world, both what we have suffered and what we are told is coming.
The Bible says the season we are living in would be like Charles Dickens Tale of Two Cities, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”
He shared that God will provide a shelter for His people.
“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27
Mario told about the story of the woman at the well. How at first, she was on edge, and offended by Jesus talking to her. Instead of rebuking her He said,
“If you knew the gift of God, and Who it is Who says to you, ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water” (John 4:10).
He shared a story about being tricked into going to Taco Bell when promised true Mexican food. And how he told his friends that there is nothing anywhere near remotely touching the genuine article here in this place.
He next said that the same analogy applies to Christianity. Just because you’ve gone to a dead church, that’s not Christianity. If you’ve seen a hypocrite, that’s not Christianity. If you knew the gift and what Christ really felt like. If you knew and understood, you would drop your atheism and your hatred and you’d say I need Christ right now and I can’t believe I’ve waited this long for Him to change my life.
Mario continued to speak a while longer and then made an appeal for those who wanted to surrender their lives. Once again hundreds came forward. The front of the Tent was filled with souls surrendering their lives to Christ, receiving the water that quenches thirst eternally.

After these new members of the family of Christ were ministered to, they returned and soon, the atmosphere in the Tent changed as God’s power began to fill it in a palpable and powerful way.

In the midst of his teaching Mario began to call out the miracles that God was doing.
A man had heart disease, diabetes and neuropathy of the feet. Then a woman who had fallen down a flight of stairs, damaging her back and right side of her body.
He talked about how there was a battle going on in the spirit, trying to keep people from getting their healing. And that he cannot do anything to heal or make them well, but can war alongside them to remove the barriers between them and their miracle.
He had the people repeat the words, “I am going to get my miracle tonight.”
“I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).
Mario said that if you rely on your power to believe for your healing you are going to stay sick. But that if you surrender to the Holy Spirit and allow the faith of Jesus to be imparted to you, then you’ll be healed
When a woman’s lungs were healed, it was revealed that she had been suffering for over 12 years. Before, she had been on oxygen, and struggling to breathe, but now, she said, she able to fully breathe.
Another woman was called out for nearly every part of her body. Neck, shoulders, stomach, back, hips, knees, feet, fingers, numbness in the leg, lungs, dizziness, and one of her ears. Mario had her move her arms and legs and she began to walk across the front of the tent. On her return trip, she began to run.
The best part was, she said she hadn’t even come for her own healing. She came to receive an anointing to take back to hurting people in her own community.
Next Mario asked every person battling cancer to stand on their feet. he declared their healing, praying for their tumors and cancers to vanish.
He then paused to give a little more teaching. He said that we’ve failed by taking human belief and mistaking it for miracle faith. And asked, “What do you do when you need a miracle?” You seek Christ and say “give me, by the Holy Spirit, the faith that I need so I will obey God.”
He said it’s hard to cooperate with God when He says to get up out of your wheelchair or push on your tumor until you feel it disappear. Our natural mind is in our way, and it is hard to obey God until miracle faith arrives. It changes your entire mindset.
He said some believe God gives us faith and we can operate in it whenever we want, but that’s not so. The one thing we can operate in, anytime, is obedience. What God wants is not people who act entitled to His gifts, but those who are surrendered and broken before God. Those who are looking for mercy, not entitlement.
Mario then turned to one side of the Tent and called out three people who were suffering with heart disease. One of those also had diabetes.
A woman who had endured the pain in her jaw from grinding her teeth, who had painful migraine headaches, insomnia, and pain in her spine was healed.
Mario explained that the Holy Spirit was flowing all over the Tent. Healings were happening everywhere.
Someone called out with Hepatitis C. Five were called out who were battling diabetes. A man was healed in his brain, restoring his speech and his ability to walk freely.
A woman was told that, to get her healing, she needed to lay hands on the person next to her. That man was healed in his heart, lungs, back, knees and head. The power of God came over the man, it was clear he was being touched by God.
Then the Lord identified a woman who had been in pain for 20 years. Pain in eight parts of the body, which affected how she slept. Shoulder, back, knees, neck, feet, fingers and ribs. She broke down crying as God ministered to her and healed her body. She stood and began moving her arms and legs. Free of pain!
Finally, when Mario had everyone who needed a healing to raise their hand, nearly every person in the Tent put their hand up. He had them place their hand on the shoulder of the person next to them and asked them, as the army of God, the body of Christ, to pray for one another.

There were so many healings taking place that Mario could never have called them all out, but the body of Christ was taking their rightful place, doing signs and wonders. He reminded them that it is only Jesus Who does the healing anyway, not Mario.
It was an amazing, powerful night of the fire and glory of God in Fort Meyers, Florida. If you couldn’t make it, you missed a mighty time in the presence of God.
But you can rewatch the livestreams on Mario Murillo’s Facebook page. Or even better you can plan to be at the next event which will take place March 19th – 21st at the World Equestrian Center. More information will be available soon at both Mario’s website and the Fire and Glory Tour websites:
Thank you God! Your mercies are new every morning!
I was blessed to be able to watch from home.
🙏🏼 Praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ ❤️
Mario speaks directly to the people. His presentation was powerful.
I wish he comes to New Mexico.
Powerful annointing and healing! Mario encouraged the believers in the room and ministered healing. Lance had the power of God for the word and prophetic declaration ! Awesome services. Thank-You Lord! Thank-you for Your move!
I am overcome with gratitude for the move of God in your midst. Praying God keeps you healthy and gives wisdom and blessing in the days ahead. Marlene Nichols
I received healing from chronic leg and back pain that I have had since 1999 due to a horrific car wreck. Glory be to GOD
I attended all three days and it was best decision I have made in years. The people who attended were amazing and you could feel outpouring of love in the atmosphere. I cherished every minute.
glory to God! pray the fire will continue to spread the whole nation!
It was awesomeness. Praising God our Father and Jesus Christ His Son.
I thank God for your ministry,
Revelation knowledge!
Awesome an amazing report thank you God for your faithfulness
Haleluiah. Praise the Lord.Jesus Christ.the king of kings and Lord of Lords.
It was an incredibly blessing to see folks released from debilitating pain, cancers, diabetes, heart disease
etc.. Man could NOT heal them, but JESUS DID!
Prayed it would be powerful and for GOD to bless your ministry! So many need healing and we (I ) need to take it to the sick! On the phone is not the same! The man with the healing in the brain, speech and walk is what my sister in christ needs! Pray I can get out some and go pray for the sick. When we prayed as her mother (93) was the contact for her, the mothers hip went back into socket and she can walk fine now.
I watched and it brought me to tears, The woman Teresa, said she came to be able to take the power back home for others to be healed. She wasn’t there to ask for her healing. She received it mightily!!! Hallelujah!
I was blessed to volunteer as a caregiver to the bathrooms. What an exciting time with Jamie, Magi and others. We danced and Praise God under the fire of His glory in the sunlit skies and evening sunset. Thank you Mario and Lance. The beautiful tent and the gathering of so many truly blessed with God’s grace Fort Myers as far North, South, East and West to spread the teaching and exposure we received without compromise. Silence NO MORE.
What a beautiful testimony! Thank you so much for these updates. They bring such joy to see the kingdom expanding.
I was here and it was awesome! Many miracles
and several hundred salvations! Word if knowledge in great detail was given. The presence of God was very strong!
Thank you to everyone who came together and put on this amazing gathering. So, Blessed to have been able to attend. Glory to God!! The Kingdom was advanced!!
we Praise God for the Miracles.Anointing of those in the tent.Let this Mighty tusnami of Gods Love fill all of America.
It was indeed a huge blessing to be present for these times of refreshment and healings. God at work mightily!! . Thank you Maurio and Lance for being sensetive to God’s leading, coming to FL.
.. One question I have is Why does the music have to be SO LOUD?? I know this is common in many churches, but God is not deaf, but some of us are losing hearing, and I really don’t want to loose more.
Can we not walk away from the way the world does things?.. I did appreciate the moments of quietness without the pounding and ear shattering noise, while standing in His Holy Presence.
The services where so on fire. You could feel the presence of God so strong way before the services ever started and the Miracles God did was awsome.
received healing for stage 4 cancer..lady behind me said she saw it leave my body..stopped taking meds which were unbearable …felt fog and fatigue from meds leave after your prayer..God had called us to do a work now that our kids are grown..I was in ministry back in Jesus people days..then we were hit with covid, cellulitis of the eyes..almost died.. took 6 month recovery from covid..then outta nowhere cancer stage 4..yet we know we are not near done..but just getting started..we came to fire and glory mostly because of the like minded Spirit..the cancer prayer we welcomed with joyful tears..ty 4 obedience and working together.. see you at Ocala…much love n prayers..TY Jesus!!!