What I mean by Fire and glory

by | Sep 6, 2022 | Mario Murillo Ministries | 9 comments

I want to give you some good news. Something is about to happen in the Church. The Church has been through so much these past few years. The last thing we need is false hope.
I assure you. This is not another case of wishful thinking about some future event.
Yes, evil is being exalted in America. Yes, it looks bad for the Church. Indeed, those who control the Teleprompters have a clear message for us: “Christians have no place in the America we are building. You are not wanted—and soon you will be discarded.”

Yes, evil is being exalted in America. Yes, it looks bad for the Church.

It was in a moment like this that Jesus totally went against the grain. John 4:35, “Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!”

Jesus is telling anyone who would listen that the harvest is now. Do not look at the frightening pictures. Look with spiritual eyes to the fields. Do not think that a lot more has to happen before we harvest souls. The frightening images of hatred, and rejection do not tell the real story. You can see something wonderful, if you look beyond the stage props.
The angry Left does not know they are building a massive backlash. I believe they are setting the stage to bring the greatest number of souls to Christianity in American history.
The Fire and the Glory that will fall in the Hertz Arena is not just going to be awesome. I believe it will be the greatest display of supernatural power I have ever witnessed. Why? Because we need it! But there is another massive reason.
Monday night October 24th at 7 PM Lance will present an explosive message that rips the mask off of what is happening in our nation. He will declare a manifesto of awakening that will shake the very foundations of corruption and deception in our government and culture.
His presentation will end in a Mount Carmel moment. The fire of God will fall on the audience—an audience that will be transformed into an army. Be there when the fire of God falls and changes us all forever.
On the second night, Tuesday October 25th people are bringing the sick from everywhere to be healed. I already know that the Holy Spirit is going to demonstrate greater and deeper miracles than I have ever experienced in my ministry.


I believe it will be the greatest display of supernatural power I have ever witnessed.

It is time. And when God says it is time, victory is a foregone conclusion. This factor is not greater, simply because it can outdo the other factors — it is greater because it carries an assurance from the highest authority — that the miracle is coming!
Throughout history, this one factor has drained the life out of Satan more than any other. Look at him. He builds his most elaborate and intricate plots, only to have them go up in smoke—simply because God says it is time for them to go up in smoke. When God says it’s over…it is over.
If only I could show you in person, and explain more clearly what I am so desperate to say. We are needlessly powerless. We are ineffective for no good reason. We insist on defending ‘business as usual’ when we could be seeing results, literally, overnight. I want that for you, so badly! More than anything in the world!


I want that for you so badly! More than anything in the world!

Despite all the times that the church has failed, I know in my heart that this time, it is going to be different. It will be different because of what I see God doing.  He is creating people who can turn the tide of wickedness.  He doesn’t care about your age or your education.  He searches for someone who is travailing over the evil present in America now. He is looking for people who cannot live without power and purpose.  They want to be in the fight—and they want to be in the thick of it.
Do not take what I say lightly. If you are a pastor, you need to come and be imbued with fire and glory. If you or someone you love is sick, bring them. There will be miracles! There comes a time when distance and inconvenience are no longer relevant.
Lance’s voice has been raised and is gaining massive influence. We are watching the most expansive harvest of souls and healings in the Tent. God teamed us up, even though we were both mightily blessed on our own. The Hertz Arena will be the first time that we have fully ministered together.
I promise you that it will be worth whatever effort you need to make to be there, and bring someone who needs to be born again or healed in their body.
These nights are free, but you must register! I am praying that you will come and bring those you love. It is going to be the beginning of fire and glory over America!
 Already nearly 4,000 people have registered. You do not need to register to get in. By registering you are helping us immensely. We can be ready for you!
Register right now!
 Register now to join Mario Murillo and Lance Wallnau at the Hertz Arena in Estero Florida, October 24th and 25th. It is called ‘Fire and Glory.’ One night for the fire of God to fall and settle the greatest question of our time. A second night for the Glory of God to demonstrate the miracles of Jesus today.






  1. Collin R Williams

    God continue to bless you and Lance. He is truly working through you both.

  2. Lisa wright

    I’ve waited long time for you to come here to south fla . It says my password needs 12 characters…I only have 10…dont understand this. It won’t take it…I added two to make 12 for you but it won’t take either one. I want to bring others with me but dont know how many are coming with me for seats. I am so disappointed because it looks like I won’t get to come because it won’t take information. This doesn’t make sense to me. I thought this is free but I can’t get registered. I do hope I get to see this on video some where. Too bad computers have taken over. Thank you for doing this anyway.

    • Mario Murillo

      Lisa, You and your party will be fine. Call us at 1 800-980-3424 ask for Alexis. She can walk you through it.

  3. Kathleen M

    Ask the immigrants why them came to the United States of America. Was it because they wanted more of what they left behind? If not, then it’s time to turn to the only Savior – Redeemer, Jesus, The Christ The Son of the Living God.

  4. Jerry Givan

    Mario, can we get the link to see this on-line? Praying that nothing will stop this, the local pastors will not speak against this and keep their members from volunteering!

  5. Wendy

    Will I be able to view Fire and Glory tour online?

  6. June V Alexander

    Think about streaming. This is going to be so aggravating to the planning devils and witches. I think God is going to give you a suffocating net over all the plans of the enemy that you ask for. Whatever you ask He will give you. God Bless and Thank you.
    June Alexander

  7. Jayne Farrell

    I am one who wants to have Power and Purpose!!!! I have never seen such misery among the people of my land. Only JESUS can change that!!! Bring it Lord Jesus!!!! Here am I Lord, Send me.
    Thank you Mario!!

  8. Sandra Barrie

    El Shaddai Almighty God Ephesians 1 3.14 As a plan for the fullness of time’to unite all things in Messiah.which are in heaven and on earth.May Holy spirit pour blessing over you both in Fire and Glory




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