I arrived at the Tent grounds a couple hours early and, again, many of the seats were already occupied. Almost an hour before we were scheduled to start, the place was overflowing with people.
Catherine Mullins and the Radiant Church worship band again brought down heaven. They were joined by several hundred youth who were absolutely on fire. The presence of God was intense and powerful as they led us into a great time of worship.
Mario took the stage and spoke for nearly an hour, his topic being: Modern Preaching. In particular, he uncovered the lies of the false ‘gospel’ coming from the pulpits of many churches today
He described how vaccines work in order to make a point, but not the one people expected. He talked about how a vaccine is a powerless version of a disease, made up of dead viruses. The body responds to the vaccine as if it were the real thing, training itself to destroy the real version. Then he showed how Satan has introduced a dead ‘gospel’ into the church that mimics the real Gospel. It is designed to inoculate us against the real thing when we encounter it.
“Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition” (2 Thessalonians 2:3).
Mario went on to quote the first part of John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son…” He described it as the scariest passage in all of Scripture, because you cannot know how bad hell is until you see the depth of what God was willing to pay to keep you out of it.
He also talked about the woman at the well and contrasted the temporal relief of the natural water with the eternal relief of the spiritual water. Then he made an appeal to those desiring salvation.
And once again, people came from everywhere. It is always a thrill to see souls find their way home. They filled the area in front of the platform and the aisles. And for the fourth night in a row, I followed them out of the Tent as they received personal ministry. The line of people must have reached over 75% of the way around the Tent.
After this there was a very discernible shift in the atmosphere. Although God had been there the whole time, it was as though He somehow entered for a second time. In the first half, leading up to the time of salvation, He was there as a loving Father and Shepherd, drawing his children back home. But the atmosphere shifted, and He came in like a Lion! He roared into the Tent with an intensity I’m not sure I’ve ever felt before!
There were so many healings! A woman had her bones, feet, neck, back, and hands healed. She was previously unable to walk without pain, yet now she was running the aisles.
There were five women with intestinal issues. All were healed. Some of them had additional issues in the neck, shoulders, eyes, dizziness, and racing heart that were also healed!
Two different women had similar pain, both coming from accidents. Healed!
A woman with 12 different afflictions, including trouble walking and stabbing pain in the back was healed, and took off running for joy!
Mario called out another woman, and the Lord showed him that she, herself, was someone who lays hands on the sick. She had a growth that had become a tumor. It was gone! Additionally, she was healed in her heart, feet, and spine.
Mario suddenly began to move with the same intensity as God’s presence in that place. He came down from the platform and began interacting with the crowd. He approached a man, and he was healed of heart disease. A woman with a bad jaw, eyes, hip, knee and back was healed!
There were more healings: severe pain in the body, and many diseases: heart, blood, brain and lung. One person was healed of mysterious throat and stomach pain.
Mario called out multiple people in various sections of the tent. One section had healings of heart and lung disease; in another section, cancers in the stomach and esophagus were healed.
So many others: jaw pain, headaches, tumors, pernicious anemia, sickle cell anemia, neuropathy, dizziness and diabetes. All healed!
The Holy Spirit showed Mario one man suffering from hemophilia, and he was healed!
He then called out a woman who was sitting toward the right side of the Tent. He said she was being healed of liver and kidney disease. As she was being healed, the Holy Spirit came upon her. Mario told her, there is a new tongue in you, and told her to begin to speak it out. She began praying in the most beautiful prayer language.
Mario then asked if anyone else in the Tent had not been baptized in the Holy Spirit and had never spoken in tongues. He said, “Raise your hands and receive it!” Soon, the Tent erupted with the sound of people speaking in tongues, many for the very first time. Mario then added that they were not asking for tongues, but asking for more of Jesus!
Mario declared, “The days of Pentecost are coming back to America!”
“Your people shall be volunteers in the Day of Your power; in the beauties of holiness, from the womb of the morning, you have the dew of youth.” Psalm 110:3
If you weren’t able to attend these meetings you missed an incredible move of God. I would encourage you to watch the videos on Mario’s Facebook page, and witness God doing many mighty works!
And if you want to be part of what God is doing, sign up to volunteer at the Sacramento Tent in November. More information will be available very soon on mariomurillo.org
“Mount Sinai was covered with smoke, because the LORD descended on it in fire. The smoke billowed up from it like smoke from a furnace, and the whole mountain trembled violently.” Exodus 19:18
“And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the new wine will burst the skins; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, new wine must be poured into new wineskins. And no one after drinking old wine wants the new, for they say, ‘The old is better.’ ””
Luke 5:37-39 NIV
Jesus is the new wine skin The Holy Spirit is the new wine. Christians individually and as a body should not operate in ANY other way. Otherwise the new wine will simply spill out on the ground. Otherwise the church will at least be tempted to go with the old wine.
I believe that you have been hacked on Facebook on messenger they’re asking to be your friend and then they ask you for your passcode and all that stuff to your account saying that they’re gonna hook you up onto a prayer page and a counseling page.
That is their way of getting rid of you! They did that to me! I want no part of evil (facebook)!
Please come to sc
Thank you for the nightly recap and pictures. As I said we could only attend the first night. We felt it all along it would grow into an inferno of Gods love and power. Colorado is so blessed to have had MMM and we are super excited to see the new warriors for Christ on the move as He directs.
I watched it three nights in a row! It was amazing! (On my Phone) Here in Sacramento, California
How do you watch it? I would love to see it – but I thought I had to wait for the videos to show up on Mario’s website…
Thank you thank you God for Mario and thank you Mario for your great teaching.
WOW WOW WOWWWWW Amazing, powerful account of the way our mighty God was present in such an intense way!’ THANKS!!!
We can’t WAIT for Sacramento! We are in the Bay Area but are looking for ways to stay and help! Hallelujah we have been sincerely praying for California and for revival. We have GOT to come! God is clearly on the move! God bless Mario, his wife, and His team!
It was a very powerful event, we drove nearly 1900 miles from Southwest Florida to Colorado Springs and every day we could feel the presence of God and the Fire of the Holy Spirit… Praise Him for all the miracles and souls saved… To God be the Glory…
Oh hallelujah!!!
Wow, Beautiful!!
Praise God!! HALLELUJAH!!
All glory to You Lord Jesus Christ! Have Your way in all of our hearts…Love You Lord! ❤️
Holy Spirit move. 🙏🏽
PRAISE GOD!!! Thats all I can say. Thank you Lord and thank you Mario for being a obedient vessl.
To me the most amazing thing is how this isn’t about a man, it’s all about God! I’ve never seen an evangelist like this that is so determined to never detract from the glory of God. We all need to let God use our bodies as His instrument so His will and purpose will be manifested. Let the harvest increase as the church allows God to manifest His glory.
Praise the Lord!
Thank you Holy Spirit for your presence in this place. Thank you Father for your signs and wonders and your healings.
PTL we were there 4 nights
Holy God, show us your Glory! Take away our iniquity and put us through the refiners fire!
I am from Cincinnati Ohio and was privileged to attend the first 3 nights. It was so refreshing to sit under the Evangelist anointing I haven’t experienced in years. It was a thrill to see so many new family receive Jesus and truly commit their lives to His Lordship! Praise God for the amazing healings also!
Thank you Jesus!
Hallelujah! Glory be to God!!!
Awesome services every night! My wife and I were revived and refreshed. May God continue his outpouring all over America.
I love this! All the healings. Hemophilia caught my attention since my brother had the same disease. And the point he made from John 3:16. Wonderful.
Reading the message brought tears to my eyes. God is SOOO awesome! Bless you Mario and all of your team! I pray for you daily.
Praise God for the way He is using Mario. I live in South Africa. Is there anyway that we can watch any of these tent meetings mentioned? I am not on Facebook
Watched online and the power of the Holy Ghost was incredible!! I pray that someday the MMM will come to Missouri!!
The Lion of Judah showed up in the meetings and in the clouds outside. On tic tock you can see
The double rainbow and then the Lion shows up in the clouds just above the tent!
I was privileged to be at the Sunday meeting, morning and evening. To see so many find there way to Jesus and then to know as many or more were brought to salvation was ecstatic, electrifying. My heart swelled and my eyes flowed with tears for the joy that I know will fill the hearts of these people. There is no other joy so mighty and loving. God is the only God who can provide this immense love. Thank you Mario for following God’s call. I hope and pray one day we can bring your tent to Grand Junction Co to release the power and authority of our God.
Most excellent. Reminds me of the early days of Benny Hinn’s and Billy Graham’s ministry, but more powerful!
Looking for a church that preaches the whole truth near me 80108.
My son was there, and he has the gift of interpretation of tongues. The woman in the photo who was healed and began to speak in tongues was saying something like, “I don’t have to be afraid again! I don’t have to be in pain!” When Mario briefly spoke in tongues, he was saying, “We’re not afraid of reprisal!” (from the enemy). Another woman who was healed said, “I’ve been afraid to share the Gospel, but now I’m not! I’m healed, and I’m going to tell everyone I know about Jesus!”
AWESOME! Mario! I’m praying for GOD to bring a crusade to Pennsylvania in HIS time! I’ll be a volunteer/helper!!! PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALLLLLL BLESSINGS FLOW!!! AMEN
Amen! A revival in PA and the rest of eastern USA is long over due! Mario’s anointing could be the answer to our prayers!
Amen! We so need it here on the East Coast!
Glory to God! Brother Mario, as I read this tongues of fire fell upon me, Glory, Glory!🕊🔥Greater words that u shall do, this is walking in the Greater. Lord, u no our hearts and to walk in you More deeper and to do Greater works and a Boldness lie a roaring Lion! Thank u for sharing and Going Out Mario. Always Praying for u and family and team. Amen 🙏🏻 📖🛐❤️🕊🔥Father, your word says in the last days you Will pour your Spirit out upon all men. Come Holy Spirit Have Your way!🕊🇺🇸🔥🇮🇱 The King Is Coming‼️🗡🛡✝️🛐 Love, Blessing to All 💕
Tears of “Joy” as Jesus ministers to His children.
Amen I love the move of the spirit nothing like Gods Presence
Do you have a date for the Sacramento this fall yet? I live 32 miles from Hanford, California
Placer County Fairgrounds, Roseville CA
Sunday- Wednesday November 13-16 at 6:30PM
I would love to know when or if there is ever a meeting in Arizona near Mesa! I am excited to hear of this outpouring of God’s power!
My wife Marilyn and I went all four nights. My 85 year old body wanted to stay home, but we went and walked long distances, some across bumpy grass terrain. Boy, am I glad we went. I have many stories over the years since I attended that Billy Graham crusade in 1965 when I invited Jesus into my life. So many stories over the years, mostly in Colorado, but also Florida and 2.5 years with ELLEL MINISTRIES at their base 26 km northwest of Budapest, Hungary. Our experience this week tops all our stories elsewhere!
WOW!!!!!!!!!!! The tent lookes awesome and what went on inside and outside appears to be EVEN MORE AWESOME!!!!!! thank you Mario and all the volunteers in Colorado Praise God for HIS mighty display of Healings and Holy Spirt infilling. I am going to volunteer for the Sacramento Tent meeting, super excited! Press on Mario love and prayers for you and your wife and family
Recently, God has shown us that even a widely used vaccine can be weak and ineffective. Let’s make sure the dead gospel counterfeit will not be able to stand up to the power of the true Gospel of God’s love and salvation!
Thank you so very much for sharing what has been going under the tent as well as it’s surroundings. For the Roar of the Lion to be present is such an awesome thing. I was in tears reading about the youth being there and seeing the picture of them. Bless the Lord for healing all those people!!! Amen and Amen!
It has been 30 years since we have talked and your probably do not remember me either there was so many in the class you were having in the Bay area for nearly a year at a hotel which I do not remember the name of it either. But some of the things you had said, about God Jesus & the Holy Ghost was this, They are so wonderful to be with and You lead Bobby Dillion to the Lord and you would throw chairs at God before you would minister.
My name is Monte Gluck Sr now I am 72 , use to be Ron Haus at Channel 42 for 6 years and now live in Sequim, Washington State
Since I went thru your class I had got my calling thru the Holy Ghost from three different ministries.
Did a half way house for a few years in Fresno and up here at Clallam Bay State Corrections Center (Max Prison) for a while.
There is reason I am writing to you
1) I grew up in Littleton and Aurora Colorado I am glad you were in Colorado
2) Since I have lived for 22 years here I have really not seen the Fire Of God fall like I was used to in Ca. at your ministry
also when I would go around with Full Gospel Business (FGBMFI) nor have rarely seen bothers or sisters that really do have anointing.
3) So I need a Fresh touch from the Holy Ghost, I keep going back to your book Fresh Fire (that I purchased 1 night in your class) once in awhile and read about Wigglesworth and Amie & Kathryn and of course God’s word.
I live in an area that is called Olympic Peninsula about 2 1/2 hours from Seattle
My email if you want is riverrat116@hughes.net (river rat is because I was in the Navy at Mare Island on River Patrol Boats and In Vietnam too.
I can only wish Mario would come to Nevada.
But then again, no one comes to Las Vegas.
We are in Las Vegas also! Last year I took my grandson to Modesto, Calif tent revival in April 2021. He gave his heart to Jesus that night at 10 years old. He then came home and asked to be baptized. So, my husband baptized him in our pool since we didn’t have a church at that time. He got filled with the Holy Ghost shortly after. Las Vegas is in great need of this type of revival for sure! Stay encouraged and let’s keep it in prayer.
I pray you would come to Houston TX. I’m disabled with numerous health issues. God gave me Jer 30:17. I am waiting for the manifestation of that promise.
I adore the works of the hands of God! Yahweh, Yeshua, Holy Spirit, working with His servants!
“He also talked about the woman at the well and contrasted the temporal relief of the natural water with the eternal relief of the spiritual water. Then he made an appeal to those desiring salvation.
And once again, people came from everywhere. It is always a thrill to see souls find their way home. They filled the area in front of the platform and the aisles. And for the fourth night in a row, I followed them out of the Tent as they received personal ministry. The line of people must have reached over 75% of the way around the Tent.” (The very heart of a real revival, may God use this to spread true revival all across America) Jesus, the way!
“I’ve got chills….they’re multiplying!” Change that—they are EXPLODING!!!!! Our Great Lover is doing MIGHTY things and it is so exciting seeing Him moving so dramatically to step in and keep His covenant with us!
WE desperately need you to come to Canada Mario. Love you.
WOW! \°/ Lord make a way and open an effectual door for me to participate in this great and awesome move of Your Holy Spirit!!! More Lord!! \°/
All I know is this… prayers are being answered and Jesus (Who IS the Word) keeps His word!
Oh thank God, thank God, thank God. The voice of one crying in the wilderness PREPARE YE THE WAY OF THE LORD is being heard loud and clear. Things will never be the same again as the Lion of Judah and the Lamb of God move upon the multitudes in love, compassion, conviction and power. Thank you Jesus, Thank you Father God and Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Mario for being willing to be selfless and sold out to Jesus and speaking out the Word of God and not taking any of the glory. You are priceless to the Father and we love you. Pastors Mike and Debbie
What will it take to get one of your tent events here in South Central Missouri? We have a location in Licking, Missouri which is prepared for the set up with easy access off of U.S. 63 Highway, plenty of parking, lighting, electric service , etc. …. Bob Green.
How I long to experience such a move of God in North Devon. UK where there is so much sickness and disease. We need a Mario Murillo to stir the Body of Christ and raise our faith levels.
Hallelujah!!! Thank You LORD for Your move and I’m grateful for Your servant Mario! Continue to use him beyond measure in Jesus name.🙏🩸🔥❤️🙌
Amen thank you for coming to Colorado.
Glory to the Lord our God!!
I remember in Reno about three years ago with Perry Stone you prophesied revival awakening an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and praise the Lord I see it now thank you God for answered prayers☝️🙏👍❤️
HE Is Going To Rock And Roll
Rumble And Roar
Thunder From Heaven
And Utter His Voice
All glory and honor belong to you God!
Love GODS Roar Lion of Judah.We are praying for America and Lady Liberty.As many others are in Revival mode.Holy Spirit is moving worldwide.Praise God for youth the next generation.Loved the photo of tent with Rainbow over it.Rainbow Glory Glory Days are here
I actually could feel the anointing as I read this! I cried because I’ve been praying that God would manifest Himself in this season. May the Lord continue to give Mario wisdom and protect him and his family wherever they go. Thank you Jesus!!
I believe so truly in the power of healing. I live in Houston, Texas and believe that I will be healed by our Lord. Can’t attend your California meetings but I pray for our God to continue blessing you as you bring God’s children home. Hallelujah!
Praise the Lord praise the Lord! Glory to God amazing thank you for this blog so grateful to know the truth and to hear what God is doing I can’t wait till Mario comes to the east because I want to go to the meeting! Praise the Lord all glory to God in the highest thank you thank you!
Dear Mario, Please pray for my wife to be healed of Liver cancer. She has a tumor in the bile duct, Her pain is very bad and she is too weak to travel to your meetings. The Doctor basicly gave up on her, But I know God will never give up. Thank you in advance sir. God Bless you as well
It is always a blessing to see how God is moving and I pray for revival to come in Ok.
All I can say is HALLELUJAH!!! Praise you mighty King Jesus!!! THANKYOU, Lord!!! YOU ARE SO GREAT!!! Great God of Love and Glory!!! I bow before you with so much thanksgiving!!! All Honor and Glory to YOU!!!
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Amen 💕 SHALOM Y’ALL 💕🥰💕🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
O Lord, Send the revival to Texas!
Wow! We got there on Monday night & stayed thru Wed night. Ushers found a spot to put my friends disabled granddaughter on mon. I told them if they could find chair for her grandma that I would be fine. I knelt down beside granddaughter so I wouldn’t block view from folks behind me. Little did I know what just kneeling under the tent would do. A gush of wind in the natural came through as Mario began to speak, but a mighty rushing wind in the Spirit hit me & I began weeping uncontrollably & praying in the Spirit I believed for granddaughter!
Please Lord come to Roanoke, Virginia, we dearly need a Tent Meeting !!
I live on the east coast so i did not attends. What I did instead is read Mario’s latest book ” Do not leave Quietly” It should be a must read for every Christian as Mario had help from the Holy Spirit to write on what is wrong in the world today and what is needed to heal a nation that has forgotten the root of “Jesus” message to His followers. It is a reminder of what goes around comes around when people substitute truth for artificial compromise of morality
Praise the Lord!
Please pray for my Sister Sira she is the lady that Mario prayed and give the world of knowledge in Tulasa Oklahoma, when he said that the God was healing her of cancer in the stomach because that’s were started and that has me·tas·ta·size in other organs, the enemy is trying to steel her healing, she was sent home to hospice, but we know that everything that Mario said that day came to passed everything!!! Even things that the Dr didn’t know at that moment.she is at the hospital at this moment felling weak.
Would you pray about coming to the liberal area of northern
Wi ? no one comes this north. Right next to Lake Superior….Blessings to you and your team.