A daughter secretly married a young man and brought him home to dinner. Everyone at the table tried to act jovial and accepting—but no one could miss the scowl on her father’s face.
He turned to the young man, now his stealth-son-in-law, and asked him, “What is your favorite meal?” The young man described a juicy steak with a baked potato. The father then said, “So, imagine someone makes this fabulous steak and a sumptuous baked potato and brings it to you. Your favorite meal. A meal you are so looking forward to. Only they don’t bring it out on a plate. They bring to you on a dirty garbage can lid.”
The father goes on, he says, “You see, ever since my daughter was born, her mother and I have looked forward to her wedding. We wanted to bless the young man she chose. We wanted to celebrate. But you brought us one of our most treasured events on a dirty garbage can lid.”
“But you brought us one of our most treasured events on a dirty garbage can lid.”
The breaking news today is that the monstrous curse of Roe versus Wade is set to be overturned. It is something that the righteous have been treasuring. The Pro-Life movement has fought long, hard and valiantly to rid the nation of this cancer. But we got the news in a terrible way. It was leaked to the press.
There is no more sacred duty for an officer of the Supreme Court than to keep the secret of what is being deliberated behind closed doors. Samuel Alito’s notes show, most certainly, reveal that Roe v. Wade will soon be overturned.
But someone on a new level of evil and in a desperate attempt to destroy the court’s decision deliberately leaked Alito’s notes.
So instead of a glorious declaration by the highest court. The media delivered the best news we have heard in years on a dirty garbage can lid.
The media delivered the best news we have heard in years on a dirty garbage can lid.
My outrage knows no bounds. This an abhorrent, abominable, atrocious, flagrant, hateful, hideous, and horrendous act. But it is business as usual for leftist Democrats. They are burning down the court in order to get their way. Whatever it takes to win. No matter who or what they destroy in the process.
Like good communists, they will lie, cheat and terrorize when it looks like their side is going to lose. What is truly hilarious is that here we have an actual case of insurrection. It did not take place on January 6th – it took place today! And Democrats and leftists will hail this venomous traitor as a hero.
There are three reasons that this is a crime of the highest order.
-They did it to intimidate the Justices into changing their votes. The Left, instead of graciously accepting defeat, sabotaged the system. They do not care what happens to the legal system. They must get their way. But I believe this will backfire. If anything, it will cause the Justices to double-down on their convictions.
-Leftists leaked these notes in to give the leftist thugs advance notice to plan and incite riots across America. They had a mole on the Court. A one-person sleeper cell who detonated his bomb on cue. Once again, they will use it to create their go-to tactic of burning buildings, looting and blocking roads. They are hoping for another summer of rage. Already the mobs are gathering in front of the Supreme Court.
If anything, it will cause the Justices to double-down on their convictions.
-They did it to stir up rage votes for the midterm elections. Their base is sleepy from lack of oxygen because of the masks they insist on wearing. They will use this to wake them up. They mean to distract left leaning voters from the colossal failures of Biden and the misery that they heaped on us all. They are hoping for another summer of rage. Already the mobs are gathering in front of the Supreme Court.
We have prayed too fervently and we have worked too hard to let up now. Tonight, we will have faith and bombard heaven. We will declare that the decision will stand. We will finally overturn the vilest law which has ever seen the light of day. Join me now in calling on the Name of the Lord!
Lord God we look to You and cry out to you. We need Your help. Send us help from Your heavenlies. We cleave to You draw close and lean on You. You and You only lies our help, therefore hear our prayer oh Lord and come quickly. Come to the aid of these Your innocent unborn. We look to You Lord In Jesus name we pray through the power of Your shed Blood
The truth always stands victorious.
On Twiiter the Libs are already on the “revolution” track about this. Christians if you don’t vote and vote the heart of God you are lukewarm. PRAY NOW AND KEEP ON PRAYING.
AMEN Mario. The demons have been unleashed. Full blown panic. We can not back down. More then ever we must not cave to despair or discouragement But pray without ceasing. Get your armour on and Pray. We’ve come to far.
Amen and amen!
Lord we repent for this nations atrocity toward sacred life. Forgive us Father forgive us..
I pray for you to release warring angels to break these ungodly covenants and we declare and decree life over this nation send your supernatural intervention and conviction in Jesus name and Mercy mercy mercy in Jesus mighty name.
There will be victory… God will have His way… Prayer is the key that will unlock the door to Heaven. “Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven” Father God. We stand upon Your Word and know with assurity that You will answer. 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” WE stand on that Holy Word today Father . Your people have been praying and continue to pray that Your will shall be accomplished on this earth.. In Jesus Lovely Name.. Amen
Yes in the name of Jesus save these unborn &born babies. In agreement with you!
Praise YOU LORD….Thank YOU LORD with an ever grateful and thankful heart in hearing our prayers and answering✝️💕💕Oh how we need YOU. Amen🙏🏻💕💕
I know an answer that would end most abortions. If most unmarried women would quit committing fornication with their boyfriends and getting pregnant. It used to be a shame and hidden for unmarried girls to get pregnant but today it is very well acceptented. Hollywood started this “Free Love” movement we have now. (Boyfriends are saved from years of child support by abortions). These women want to keep having sex and abortions if they become pregnant.
Amen! We must double down in prayers and intercessions and stand our ground against this evil, corrupt plan of satan to further divide and incite violence in our great nation! Thank you Brother for the TRUTH you stand for!!!
We must stand with our heavenly authority as daughters of God and as a family Intercession is there Aamen
Father God please save and protect the unborn and change the heart of women everywhere to choose life and not death in Jesus name I pray
Praying with you all and calling on the Name of the Lord this morning for justice for all the wee ones.
Come Holy Spirit, please place a hedge of protection around our Supreme Court justices who stand for the preservation of our Constitution and protection of our innocent. If any skullduggery has occurred among them, let it be known and dealt with quickly. We stand against the evil that threatens our nation and our children and pray that you will send armies of your heavenly hosts to expose and eradicate any plan that is not in alignment with your will. Let your glory reign!
One thing that we are forgetting to address in this issue is that it is a spiritual battle and WE have been given the authority, even the command, to BIND ON EARTH WHAT IS BOUND IN HEAVEN! Read Ephesians 6.
If ALL who read Mario’s newsletter will agree together to bind this demonic force this nonsense will stop!
Amen and I say amen!!
Prayer: Like Jesus diffused a mob mentality by bending down and writing in the sand, wherever mobs are trying to build, may the hand of Christ bring actions to diffuse the growing rage.
Yes Lord Jesus we stand with you for the children from the womb to the college classroom! Isaiah 49:24-25
Here in Oregon our skies were filled with rainbow after rainbow, double rainbows and ones that sort of looked like they splashed across the ski. It felt like Sin was lifted off our land. We continue to pray, yes we will!
Praise the Lord.
“Let us then approach God’s throne of Grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”
Hebrews 4:16. May it be done according to your Word in Jesus name! God’s Word does not return void, so let us be in agreement in prayer! Hallelujah and Amen
Praying GOD’s will be done and no demonic attack can deter HIS supreme Justice! We pray justice be done not just for the unborn but for ALL mankind, save O Lord all that will call upon your name! Save our cities, counties, states and nations! Send warring angels to help on behalf of mankind for justice and may all deceivers be silenced in JESUS name! Amen and Amen!
Stay the course !!!!!
They cannot fight the LORD God Almighty and win. The LORD is sick of them killing His babies and is here to STOP IT.
In the name of Jesus we declare victory. This will stand!
Dear sir, I pray this news even though it was given in an unseemly manner will cause Christians to wake up. I live in a County with less than 150,000 residents and we have an abortion business.it’s been in our midstforf the last 10 years. I believe there are less than 20 of us who have faithfully been out in front of that place praying for the end of abortion in our county and in our country. There is another dozen work tirelessly in our local Pregnancy resource center. Then there are the few hundred give monies generously in our efforts. I pray that this leaked information will generate Christians to be more involved physically in front of the abortion business, and become more generous in donations for the local Pregnancy center and maternity home.
The prayers and the work must not stop. I live in Washington State where there will not be any change because of the Supreme Court ruling. Abortion is a state constitutional right here in Washington State. And as darkness continues to reign here this is an opportunity for Christians to shine brighter.
Your sister in Christ, Cindy
I live in Seattle, there is a planned parenthood in near by Aroara Ave, I never see anybody go there to pray, and I don’t know who will go with me? I wish I can do that.
I live in Seattle, there is a planned parenthood not too far from here, I have never seen any body go there to pray for them, I wish I can find some body to go with me.
Thank you Mario!!!
Hallelujah, Jesus is Lord! I heard a news creature say this was all about money and I screamed in my room….”NO,IT’S ABOUT KILLING BABIES YOU FOOLS!!!!!” I couldn’t believe someone leaked this from the Supreme Court! I pray the church will rise up and counter this evil, and pray pray pray amen!
Praying and standing in agreement with Mario Murillo for this! God is greater than all of the left’s evil plans!! We stand in unity on the Word of God.
Thank you again Mario for STANDING STRONG AGAINST WRONG. Boomerang on the way !
I have a sense that The Lord is in charge of this “leak!” My sense is He’s showing the powers of darkness that even when “leaks” happen it’s because He orders the rock to be struck so that life giving water will flow out to His children, born & unborn! His water always satisfies and no one will ever thirst again after drinking it. Glory to the Most High!…. This was copied from another Christian lady.
I will pray .I will pray.and get others to pray. God wins. We win
Mario, keep up the great work GOD has called you to. We come against this evil in JESUS name.
The one possibility that no one is addressing is whether or not the computers of SCOTUS have been hacked. Remember, this is a widely used tactic of the Left. I agree that this will be used as a diversion. The fact is that the Opinion defends the Constitution rather than destroys it as Chuck Schumer stated, AND it doesn’t eradicate abortion, but puts the responsibility back on state legislators where it belongs according to the Constitution.
We stand with you, Mario, in this fight against such indescribable evil. Yes we will bombard the gates of heaven with prayers and declarations of God’s word. “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God to the pulling down of strongholds . . .”
In the name of Jesus I declare that Roe v. Wade WILL be overturned and that Truth, Righteousness, Justice, and Freedom, will again reign in the United States of America!
We love you Mario. Thank you for all you are doing.
Amen Brother Mario we love you agree but we have a security weapon. The LORD god almighty.
It also makes me wonder if they needed a huge diversion to turn heads away from truth coming out in D’nesh D’Sousa’s movie 2000 Mules. It will all backfire on the left!! Thank you, Mario for your resounding truth going forth in this land!
Thanks, Brother Mario!
I Declare and Decree in the Name of Jesus that Roe vs. Wade will be overturned and swift justice will be served to all who riot and destroy property.
God is saving America and nothing the devil does will stop Him. NOTHING!!!!!
I also declare and decree justice will be served on the evil doer who leaked this.
God will prevail! We pray this in Jesus’s Name. AMEN!
Not suprised!! But also not giving up…….
We are praying in agreement with you. We have had enough of this evil.
Dear people of God , fear nothing about the tantrums of the devil !! Our victories are sure!!! The defeat of the devil is no question at all , and we know it!!! Remember always before we cast him out of the lives of the oppressed and tormented he throws his fits , but to no avail ! !! He knows that he no way but out of the lives of the children of God!!!! Praise the Lord and rejoice we shall prevailed… And all the evil plans shall boomerang upon the wicked….
I was saying the same thing. It’s a distraction from Biden’s failures. This will wake them up. I resist saying this, but it must be said. If someone is a Democrat and proclaiming Christ, there may be a problem there. I know, judge not least you be judged. But how can anyone accept what the (D’s) bring to the table?
Just listened to a short teaching from Jesse DupPantis called Draw the Bloodline.
I apply the blood of Jesus to the door posts and lentles of the Supreme Court and the document that was leaked. I call out the angels of God to help identify the person who sold his soul to the devil and call for justice to be served in Jesus mighty Name. Amen.
I understand your point, but in my perspective I thought it great because I fealt we’re getting all this over with sooner instead of having to wait the extra time, the dominoes are falling quicker.
God’s will will prevail, regardless, brother Mario. Rejoice! The sheep and goat states will then be most clearly defined, and God’s justice will rule and reign in restoration and recovery of our country with no more torturous cloud of Roe v Wade drifting over our heads. Hallelujah!
I declare that the decision WILL stand. In the name of Jesus.
This is the leftists January 6th. Actually its worse.
Praying for divine intervention in Jesus’ Name!!! Satan will not succeed!!!!
We call on Jesus to have His way in our land in the Supreme Court.
I declare and decree that the evil monstrosity of abortion will be stopped in this land.
We stand united for the sanctity of life.
We stand on the promises of Yaweh , knowing He will bring justice to pass .
We are still one nation , under G-d , indivisible with Liberty and justice for all .
Lord your will be done protect the children and your people continue to convict the hearts of the justice that are ruling in the Supreme Court
I am incensed by this too Mario. Its pure evil and I pray that whoever did this will be brought to justice. Trouble is, lawlessness abounds in the USA and no one is being held to account for so much wrongdoing. I pray for justice and the rule of law to return to your country. To God be the Glory.
Still standing on EVERYTHING Apostle Peter wrote in his second epistle!!!
*****2:12 Message translation says it well-
“Their evil will boomerang on them..”
I agree it was evil, but I know the devil has overplayed his hand in this maneuver. It’s the linch pin that will cause everything hidding what he’s been covering to fall and be exposed. Keep praying, watch and see the salvation of the Lord.
Amen Sir. This is their tactic. They do not care about the country, just to inflict their horrific non beliefs on all
I am praying that no weapon formed against the Justices shall prosper. Jesus is Lord, and His will will be done on earth as it is in heaven. This is finished and covered by the Blood of the Lamb. Praise God from Whom All Blessings flow. Amen.
Most of these protesters probably don’t know what this means and how it actually works. They just do what their overlords tell them.
we need to pray for the Supreme Court. The Chief Justice coward down on the election because of rioters. The Left will use intimidation as they are already planning. This si the battle cry for the left murdering the unborn. Demonic.
We will stand! We will pray! And we will believe for the final blow to be delivered for the destruction of this vile practice!
“So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. Then the king’s wrath subsided.” – Esther 7:10
Mario is right. This is as vile as it gets. The proponents of abortion are deceived at best and at worst, they steal, kill & destroy, like their master.
The National day of Prayer is in two days. Let the people of the not wait!! Let us storm heaven and stand shoulder to shoulder with the Justices who ate taking a stand for righteousness!!!
Something we tend to either forget or simply don’t know is that this is a spiritual battle and WE as Christ Followers have been given the authority and have been commissioned to bind on earth as they are bound in heaven and cast them out. But the person needs to have The Love of God and Truth come in to fill the vacated space so that no more demons can come back and bring more with them, as Jesus spoke about.
If we belivers would collectively agree to speak these commands out in the name of Jesus, they would be gone and the people would be able to see and hear with their spirit eyes and ears.
Truth WILL prevail!
Luke 10:19
19Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Roe v Wade marked the decline of morality in the United States. Our country has been in decline ever since this travesty! Reverse this hideous ruling and maybe God will show his favor on our nation once again.
Praying the fear of the Lord on the Supreme Court judges and that even the left leaning will join them in Jesus name 🙏🔥🩸
Amen, Mario. I pray that all their evil schemes backfire in a way only our God could devise. I pray that cities and good police will be prepared to move against the hired rioting thugs and I ask God to forgive us and to thank Him; the overturning of that abomination is part of God healing our nation.
It is not surprising what happened. And now we lift up the court and their families and pray that no weapon formed against them shall prosper. No evil shall befall them nor any plague shall come nigh their dwellings. Fear not for I have overcome the world, in Jesus’ precious name. Thank you Mario for all you do. God bless.
oh, praise God, this is truly the day that the Lord has made, a long time coming, but truly one of the greatest events in history, Forgive us Lord for killing generation after generation, the battle for 2024 has truly just begun,
let your will be done Lord God. we stand strong in agreement, righteousness shall reign and prevail. thank you Lord for a second chance to get America right on the road to recovery. AMEN
Amen Angelic.host to surround and protect the Justices and their families from All harm..
ASSUME NOTHING. An angry court could just send it back to lower courts. Then what? Nothing changes…
Declaring Isaiah 28:18 – covenant with death will be annulled ….Hallelujah to the Lord of Hosts!
If my people who are called by my name …
and heal their land.
God listens to the heart not the tongue. Yes out of the heart the mouth speaks. David addressed Goliath’s impudence to the Lord. Then he acted! So what will we do after our words?
Become active in anti-abortion groups.. Attend every public protest event. Give to their cause. Fast and pray. Declare and decree God:s heart from His word. Expect.victory. celebrate it loudly my in every media Avenue.
Canadian. Loyalist believers are with you, US my of .
Thank you, Mario! I have had my hopes dashed so many times on this issue and last night I just decided to take my eyes off the court and fix them on Jesus. We must overcome this tragedy together as one body because of our communion.
I don’t care if anyone likes this comment or not… it must be said.
Abortion is an indescribable evil which has haunted our land (and most of the rest of the world) for 60 years… let that sink in… SIXTY YEARS!! And WE, the good old U.S.A., started this world wide bloodbath of butchering unborn babies and even SELLING their parts! No, this country has the blood of untold hundreds of millions on its hands and God isn’t just going to let us off the hook because now, for whatever reason, our SCOTUS decides, “oh… kings x… the right to kill a baby isn’t in the Constitution after all!”. Really?? IT NEVER WAS!!
So, where does this leave us? What did God do to ancient Israel when they went into idolatry and sacrificed babies to Moloch (Satan)?? He left a remnant but DESTROYED the majority of the people by using their enemies. Guess what… history repeats itself as God WILL NOT BE MOCKED and will not forget what’s been done to His innocent ones! Yes, it’s time for national repentance and “sackcloth and ashes” and perhaps, just perhaps, God will have mercy and LESSEN our punishment. Anything less than this and we’ll receive the full blow of His divine wrath… knowing Americans as I do my money is on His full fury as we’re what’s called in the Old Testament a “stiff necked people”. Get right with God while the door of grace is still open! Harsh words for harsh times I know, but it’s not the time to sugarcoat the message.
I feel like NY is now gonna become the Disney World for abortion.
Ive lived here for 57 years. We stayed because the Medicaid is good for our developmentally disabled child.
But now I want out.
God, if its your will please point us to a new direction. If not then give us peace. Your will be done.
It’s amazing to even think that the rioters would be willing to kill or maim people, in order to continue to kill unborn babies. May the Lord open the eyes and ears and hearts of the people that they will see precisely what they are doing. May they all have an encounter with Holy Spirit, with Yeshua as Paul did on the road to Damascus. In His Precious Name I pray.
So true, once again the devil seeks to sabotage the move of God. But this will only increase the sweetness of our victory!!!
I can feel the tide rising up in this nation. I know the voices of God’s people are shouting in thanksgiving and also in warfare/intercession to make this a sure win for righteousness. The enemy is mad; Did you ever step on the head of a snake? Let this be the day that we cut the head off this snake for good and bury it deep! God has brought us this far and we have to pray through but there is something glorious on the other side that we can’t yet see clearly. Could this be what leads us to another level in this revival?
AMERICA WILL BE SAVED!!! Mr. Schiff said it’s a violation of women’s medical rights – um excuse me? no one has a right to kill a baby! You need Jesus, sir. I have a difficult time believing you can be a Christian and support abortion. How is that even possible for a born again believer?
It is amazing – Judgement is coming for the wicked. The great Awakening has already begun. God’s people are being freed from sin slavery. We are approaching the exodus moment!
My Lord and my God. Have mercy upon the unborn, and the innocent ones born Such sorrow. Such pain. Deliver us from all evil. Amen
The devil intended the leak to destroy, but God, we thank You that You will turn it around for good. Please protect the Supreme Court justices, in Jesus’ name.
Oh LORD, let this Decision STAND…..As we cry out to YOU. We most humbly bring our prayer request to YOU. We bring it before the COURTS OF HEAVEN. May this Decision STAND. In the precious and holy name of JESUS CHRIST. Amen
I believe this leak happened purposely at this time in order to cause a chaotic distraction from Biden and Hunter and all their evils and the mess that the Left has made in this country. Already, so-called “celebs” are saying they will be glad if Conservative Justices’ lives are threatened. The democrat side of the country has gone to the dark side. Whether these people can be saved, only Almighty God knows. The blood lust they have for abortion makes a person’s head spin. They want abortion now in some states up to 28 days after the baby is born! What is the difference in 28 days and five years, or ten, or whatever? If they decide the child is a nuisance and inconvenient for their future plans, if they can murder it at 28 days, what’s to stop them from increasing that with more evil legislation? A Life is a Life. A child is a child. Already, the numbers we hear on the news of parents murdering their little children, or teenagers murdering their parents, are horrifying. The Left has so cheapened Life itself, the news reports are becoming worse and worse. Heavenly Father, please save the babies, the toddlers, the little ones. Please save the Family in America. Please stop these evil people from destroying Life and destroying America. Please make America Yours again.
Prayinginok, Marsha Carol Watson Gandy, kingskid48, totally agree, your prayers and insights have always supported MMM, & encouraged the commenters. (Where are AnIslandinNewHampshire, and
Upcoming Mothers’ Day is all the more poignant: many women are grateful for their children, sensitive to those who regret their choices, and comforting to others who lost children thru miscarriage, disease, tragic situations.
The demonic outrage of those who seem to hate life are the children of women who chose life. What happened?
What true “child of God” believes he/she has the right to end the life of another child of God?
Oh, Heavenly Father, absolute good God, we look to You to convict/convince/convert the souls of those who have been influenced by that murderous spirit of Herod, & those who follow a mob spirit of violence. Deliver these women from the enemies of their very own souls. Gift them with “clarity of mind” that they comprehend the error of their thoughts and ways. Grant them true repentance, leading to salvation in Jesus’ Name.
Thank You for this and for Your protection for all who choose life & blessing.
Blessings to all the Mothers and Mommas! Thank you for the gift of life.
It’s ok how the news came out. I’m happy enough that it is going to be overturned. It shows God’s hand working… Thank You, Lord.
It’s a distraction from what they are really doing. Pray all evil is exposed. Pray Godly people are elected and vote according to the Holy Bible. God’s Word. keep warring in the heavenlies. We will win We have the Champion on our side Jesus Christ.Been praying binding division hatred , loose love peace unity of AMericans.
Mario, thank you for all you do. My husband and I are agreeing in prayer that this will only make the Supreme Court determined to stand their ground. To rid the country of this curse on our land. God Bless America!
REJOICE IN CHRISTS VICTORY!! We are in the trenches with our” whole armor of GOD” on as we fight for every precious life that will finally be born and LIVE!! Praise GOD !! 🙏🙏🙏🤗🤗🤗❤️❤️❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸!!…THANK YOU MARIO FOR THIS BLOG!!❤️❤️
So true – everything you said, Mario. We must pray that this backfires on the Left and in no way hurts our cause.
Bro Mario, my husband and I enjoyed immensely listening to your sermons, watching your healing crusades and heeding to your words of encouragement.
All on YouTube …. we were wondering why there is so much distraction while we’re watching you on YouTube. There seems to always be a person either on the right or left of the screen while we’re watching you. They appear to be speaking, although, we can’t hear them. Right now, as we’re watching, we watch as on the whole screen, there appears a person that is pictured like Satan and it just looks evil.
Is this supposed to be on there. Elizabeth
Hi Elizabeth, Mario is such a servant of our God, isn’t he?! We are blessed.
Regarding your experience on the “tube”, you have seen what is called a pirated video. (I think they actually make money if we click onto those videos.)
It might be best to go to Mario’s website directly: MarioMurilloMinistries.org
Surely hope this helps you. I’m not so tech-savvy. I hope someone here can help you.
Additionally, if you subscribe, MMM will send the latest message to you!
And don’t forget to “share” the videos to anyone you can. Even send them to your local news stations!
Blessings to you and your family
All things will work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. It is time!
May the pit diggers fall into the pit they laid for the righteous.
May children be issued life certificates instead of death certificates.
We bring forth those who have eye yet are blind and those who have ears yet are deaf.
May a great awakening come now. The sound of life overtaking the darkness and death.
Almighty God, creator of all things. Move the Justices to strike down this evil practice. May state after state follow.
God said be fruitful and multiply. Amen
I was getting ready to add my own prayer of repentance to another; at that moment I was shown a picture of two lovely young girls no older than eleven; maybe twelve who had their breast removed. The only thing left were two ugly scars in the place where two mounds of beautiful flesh had been. The picture took my breath away. I couldn’t speak. I would have screamed, but couldn’t. Oh, LORD, where have we come to? We seek your forgiveness for what we have allowed to happen to our country. Yes, as Mario said, we have had one of the most joyful announcements we could expect brought to us not with joy, but with malice. LORD, please forgive us for we have allowed to happen to your children. In the Precious Name of Jesus. Amen.